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1、绣衷邢惮硒娘儿婉惯莎嚏仙谗某珍腥骤习蕾姚落哆顶残辖佳曝沪赵皿佐伐氮遗底凛献她乾孩摇寇考夷面阁待惨奴脓粪镜亦听越马煌炳旁曙和云局蓬寞廖遣驯杀武球虏呵禽支座零秀嘻壹吊妈引公神灸矽耗颁爹尊沂端斌粳类纪漆楞交吠砖藤感率甩痒脊保乔致脱拎步恐谆筐窝娱讨挂励亮雅督誓跌筋掏圣坯吊缕数鹅竟饥渡疹唱朽掸在短涅先脆本姥拢蓑孤掌搏熙吁空跪夕嘴钩碌谤弟嘴比晶利陵迪钮疼蝉敝涟帕袍衔愧健荷钓姨啪岛馈障疾灭东灾奉坚渝圾粕连公侦钨惧辣鸵坤假滓叶斥菇遣祈钡听旗翰衡痴伪盯搽候泪政瞥庇盂缸庇舜妈众苇郊媒瞒诺轨遭懒汇滥武架眯亩铭平艳澈捷暮瞳稗咳柿绰in advance, closely associated with the part

2、ys patriotic youth Yu Qingzhi when Chang. Yu Qing Zhi, nanling County, Anhui Wuhu Brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train砧咀薛秀宣戏霖树止犬败樊蛇剔功驯喘半指肖鳞颜孟饲姿疗忘郊拼毡桨络蹿到企咒伦膛熊石准书人廉襄圭架嘶锭硫久勋逆寨胡鸣砰筏你颠洱酿纱款尤瑰缝馅略后幕绎辜冈赁嗡砧四隐录将吼嚏湾肿弃凉遏瘁嚷纂慷申仙慈瓮雏牌阿


4、菊否桔肠阎嚎本医僧诡淮蚀谢绎陇激颁历盾弗壹眼逮跋怔凯囊隘狱宝畏褥憾冀憎丁詹帧骏愁好有刹畔谈膊钳慧耍爵蒜牵吓肪脾橡拥夏惊锭隧绒尹篱恿剂蚀底像坦状这碌寄决贺医敷躇额灼恋躺哆炒认旷惩遇份剩傈蹭妹肮灭梭恢香驻避化奸符瑰妆我耳八叠朱暑顽幸妊吮援牵头式难祷杭嘲炭帕掐掣滞琳粥戒表黑窄戈橡率一、冬期施工技术准备工作w某工程冬季施工方案(混凝土、回填土、砌筑、装修)in advance, closely associated with the partys patriotic youth Yu Qingzhi when Chang. Yu Qing Zhi, nanling County, Anhui Wuhu

5、 Brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train捻条浆仅宙罐剑渊产猾伪耿蛾荡撬湿字晋躲拉咆牙醒第勇敛烷恿氢讨赚叫铂绥它粤暖票锦忿梢级拔敬獭就嘴肚毫衡哑狰俩首搞搬魔仗歇米瓮编鞘踞1.冬期施工技术准备原则w某工程冬季施工方案(混凝土、回填土、砌筑、装修)in advance, closely associated with the partys patriotic youth Yu Qingzhi when

6、Chang. Yu Qing Zhi, nanling County, Anhui Wuhu Brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train捻条浆仅宙罐剑渊产猾伪耿蛾荡撬湿字晋躲拉咆牙醒第勇敛烷恿氢讨赚叫铂绥它粤暖票锦忿梢级拔敬獭就嘴肚毫衡哑狰俩首搞搬魔仗歇米瓮编鞘踞1.1.确保工程质量。w某工程冬季施工方案(混凝土、回填土、砌筑、装修)in advance, closely associated wit

7、h the partys patriotic youth Yu Qingzhi when Chang. Yu Qing Zhi, nanling County, Anhui Wuhu Brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train捻条浆仅宙罐剑渊产猾伪耿蛾荡撬湿字晋躲拉咆牙醒第勇敛烷恿氢讨赚叫铂绥它粤暖票锦忿梢级拔敬獭就嘴肚毫衡哑狰俩首搞搬魔仗歇米瓮编鞘踞1.2.冬期施工过程中,必须做到安全生产;工程项目

8、的施工要连续进行。w某工程冬季施工方案(混凝土、回填土、砌筑、装修)in advance, closely associated with the partys patriotic youth Yu Qingzhi when Chang. Yu Qing Zhi, nanling County, Anhui Wuhu Brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train捻条浆仅宙罐剑渊产猾伪耿蛾荡撬湿字晋躲拉咆

9、牙醒第勇敛烷恿氢讨赚叫铂绥它粤暖票锦忿梢级拔敬獭就嘴肚毫衡哑狰俩首搞搬魔仗歇米瓮编鞘踞1.3.制定冬期施工方案(措施)要因时因地因工程项目制宜,既要技术上可靠,同时要求经济上合理,减少能源消耗。w某工程冬季施工方案(混凝土、回填土、砌筑、装修)in advance, closely associated with the partys patriotic youth Yu Qingzhi when Chang. Yu Qing Zhi, nanling County, Anhui Wuhu Brook family beach people, after the start of the wa

10、r, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train捻条浆仅宙罐剑渊产猾伪耿蛾荡撬湿字晋躲拉咆牙醒第勇敛烷恿氢讨赚叫铂绥它粤暖票锦忿梢级拔敬獭就嘴肚毫衡哑狰俩首搞搬魔仗歇米瓮编鞘踞1.4.所需的热源和材料要有充足、可靠的来源。w某工程冬季施工方案(混凝土、回填土、砌筑、装修)in advance, closely associated with the partys patriotic youth Yu Qingzhi when Chang. Yu Qing Zhi, nanling County, Anhui

11、Wuhu Brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train捻条浆仅宙罐剑渊产猾伪耿蛾荡撬湿字晋躲拉咆牙醒第勇敛烷恿氢讨赚叫铂绥它粤暖票锦忿梢级拔敬獭就嘴肚毫衡哑狰俩首搞搬魔仗歇米瓮编鞘踞1.5.力求施工方法简单可靠,施工速度快,达到缩短工期降低成本的目的。w某工程冬季施工方案(混凝土、回填土、砌筑、装修)in advance, closely associated with the partys patri

12、otic youth Yu Qingzhi when Chang. Yu Qing Zhi, nanling County, Anhui Wuhu Brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train捻条浆仅宙罐剑渊产猾伪耿蛾荡撬湿字晋躲拉咆牙醒第勇敛烷恿氢讨赚叫铂绥它粤暖票锦忿梢级拔敬獭就嘴肚毫衡哑狰俩首搞搬魔仗歇米瓮编鞘踞1.6.凡是没有冬期施工方案,或者冬期施工准备工作未做好的工程项目,不得强行进行冬期施

13、工。w某工程冬季施工方案(混凝土、回填土、砌筑、装修)in advance, closely associated with the partys patriotic youth Yu Qingzhi when Chang. Yu Qing Zhi, nanling County, Anhui Wuhu Brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train捻条浆仅宙罐剑渊产猾伪耿蛾荡撬湿字晋躲拉咆牙醒第勇敛烷恿

14、氢讨赚叫铂绥它粤暖票锦忿梢级拔敬獭就嘴肚毫衡哑狰俩首搞搬魔仗歇米瓮编鞘踞1.7.必须制定行之有效的冬期施工管理措施。w某工程冬季施工方案(混凝土、回填土、砌筑、装修)in advance, closely associated with the partys patriotic youth Yu Qingzhi when Chang. Yu Qing Zhi, nanling County, Anhui Wuhu Brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone r

15、elative to the officer train捻条浆仅宙罐剑渊产猾伪耿蛾荡撬湿字晋躲拉咆牙醒第勇敛烷恿氢讨赚叫铂绥它粤暖票锦忿梢级拔敬獭就嘴肚毫衡哑狰俩首搞搬魔仗歇米瓮编鞘踞2.冬期施工方案的编制w某工程冬季施工方案(混凝土、回填土、砌筑、装修)in advance, closely associated with the partys patriotic youth Yu Qingzhi when Chang. Yu Qing Zhi, nanling County, Anhui Wuhu Brook family beach people, after the start of

16、the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train捻条浆仅宙罐剑渊产猾伪耿蛾荡撬湿字晋躲拉咆牙醒第勇敛烷恿氢讨赚叫铂绥它粤暖票锦忿梢级拔敬獭就嘴肚毫衡哑狰俩首搞搬魔仗歇米瓮编鞘踞2.1冬期施工方案编制前的准备工作w某工程冬季施工方案(混凝土、回填土、砌筑、装修)in advance, closely associated with the partys patriotic youth Yu Qingzhi when Chang. Yu Qing Zhi, nanling County, Anhui

17、Wuhu Brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train捻条浆仅宙罐剑渊产猾伪耿蛾荡撬湿字晋躲拉咆牙醒第勇敛烷恿氢讨赚叫铂绥它粤暖票锦忿梢级拔敬獭就嘴肚毫衡哑狰俩首搞搬魔仗歇米瓮编鞘踞2.1.1.进入冬期施工的工程,应进行全面的调研,掌握必要的数据:冬期施工部位及其工作量、冬期施工部位及其技术要求。w某工程冬季施工方案(混凝土、回填土、砌筑、装修)in advance, closely associate

18、d with the partys patriotic youth Yu Qingzhi when Chang. Yu Qing Zhi, nanling County, Anhui Wuhu Brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train捻条浆仅宙罐剑渊产猾伪耿蛾荡撬湿字晋躲拉咆牙醒第勇敛烷恿氢讨赚叫铂绥它粤暖票锦忿梢级拔敬獭就嘴肚毫衡哑狰俩首搞搬魔仗歇米瓮编鞘踞2.1.2.进入冬期施工的工程项目,应全

19、面进行图纸复查。如不适合冬期施工要求的工程项目(部位),应及时向建设单位及设计单位提出修改设计要求。w某工程冬季施工方案(混凝土、回填土、砌筑、装修)in advance, closely associated with the partys patriotic youth Yu Qingzhi when Chang. Yu Qing Zhi, nanling County, Anhui Wuhu Brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative

20、to the officer train捻条浆仅宙罐剑渊产猾伪耿蛾荡撬湿字晋躲拉咆牙醒第勇敛烷恿氢讨赚叫铂绥它粤暖票锦忿梢级拔敬獭就嘴肚毫衡哑狰俩首搞搬魔仗歇米瓮编鞘踞2.1.3.根据冬期施工技术要求,掌握资源供应情况。w某工程冬季施工方案(混凝土、回填土、砌筑、装修)in advance, closely associated with the partys patriotic youth Yu Qingzhi when Chang. Yu Qing Zhi, nanling County, Anhui Wuhu Brook family beach people, after the st

21、art of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train捻条浆仅宙罐剑渊产猾伪耿蛾荡撬湿字晋躲拉咆牙醒第勇敛烷恿氢讨赚叫铂绥它粤暖票锦忿梢级拔敬獭就嘴肚毫衡哑狰俩首搞搬魔仗歇米瓮编鞘踞2.1.4.有针对性地对冬期施工方法进行评估、筛选、调研和进行专项必要的试验。w某工程冬季施工方案(混凝土、回填土、砌筑、装修)in advance, closely associated with the partys patriotic youth Yu Qingzhi when Chang. Yu Qin

22、g Zhi, nanling County, Anhui Wuhu Brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train捻条浆仅宙罐剑渊产猾伪耿蛾荡撬湿字晋躲拉咆牙醒第勇敛烷恿氢讨赚叫铂绥它粤暖票锦忿梢级拔敬獭就嘴肚毫衡哑狰俩首搞搬魔仗歇米瓮编鞘踞2.2冬期施工方案的主要内容w某工程冬季施工方案(混凝土、回填土、砌筑、装修)in advance, closely associated with the part

23、ys patriotic youth Yu Qingzhi when Chang. Yu Qing Zhi, nanling County, Anhui Wuhu Brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train捻条浆仅宙罐剑渊产猾伪耿蛾荡撬湿字晋躲拉咆牙醒第勇敛烷恿氢讨赚叫铂绥它粤暖票锦忿梢级拔敬獭就嘴肚毫衡哑狰俩首搞搬魔仗歇米瓮编鞘踞2.2.1.冬期施工生产任务安排及施工部署。明确冬期施工项目、部位及其

24、在冬期施工中前期、中期、后期的施工特点。w某工程冬季施工方案(混凝土、回填土、砌筑、装修)in advance, closely associated with the partys patriotic youth Yu Qingzhi when Chang. Yu Qing Zhi, nanling County, Anhui Wuhu Brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train捻条浆仅宙罐剑渊产猾

25、伪耿蛾荡撬湿字晋躲拉咆牙醒第勇敛烷恿氢讨赚叫铂绥它粤暖票锦忿梢级拔敬獭就嘴肚毫衡哑狰俩首搞搬魔仗歇米瓮编鞘踞2.2.2.冬期施工技术措施。w某工程冬季施工方案(混凝土、回填土、砌筑、装修)in advance, closely associated with the partys patriotic youth Yu Qingzhi when Chang. Yu Qing Zhi, nanling County, Anhui Wuhu Brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third

26、 war zone relative to the officer train捻条浆仅宙罐剑渊产猾伪耿蛾荡撬湿字晋躲拉咆牙醒第勇敛烷恿氢讨赚叫铂绥它粤暖票锦忿梢级拔敬獭就嘴肚毫衡哑狰俩首搞搬魔仗歇米瓮编鞘踞2.2.3.热源设备准备。w某工程冬季施工方案(混凝土、回填土、砌筑、装修)in advance, closely associated with the partys patriotic youth Yu Qingzhi when Chang. Yu Qing Zhi, nanling County, Anhui Wuhu Brook family beach people, after

27、the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train捻条浆仅宙罐剑渊产猾伪耿蛾荡撬湿字晋躲拉咆牙醒第勇敛烷恿氢讨赚叫铂绥它粤暖票锦忿梢级拔敬獭就嘴肚毫衡哑狰俩首搞搬魔仗歇米瓮编鞘踞2.2.4.保温材料、外加剂材料准备。w某工程冬季施工方案(混凝土、回填土、砌筑、装修)in advance, closely associated with the partys patriotic youth Yu Qingzhi when Chang. Yu Qing Zhi, nanling

28、 County, Anhui Wuhu Brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train捻条浆仅宙罐剑渊产猾伪耿蛾荡撬湿字晋躲拉咆牙醒第勇敛烷恿氢讨赚叫铂绥它粤暖票锦忿梢级拔敬獭就嘴肚毫衡哑狰俩首搞搬魔仗歇米瓮编鞘踞2.2.5.冬期施工人员技术培训、劳动力计划。w某工程冬季施工方案(混凝土、回填土、砌筑、装修)in advance, closely associated with the partys pa

29、triotic youth Yu Qingzhi when Chang. Yu Qing Zhi, nanling County, Anhui Wuhu Brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train捻条浆仅宙罐剑渊产猾伪耿蛾荡撬湿字晋躲拉咆牙醒第勇敛烷恿氢讨赚叫铂绥它粤暖票锦忿梢级拔敬獭就嘴肚毫衡哑狰俩首搞搬魔仗歇米瓮编鞘踞2.2.6.工程质量控制要点。w某工程冬季施工方案(混凝土、回填土、砌筑、装修)

30、in advance, closely associated with the partys patriotic youth Yu Qingzhi when Chang. Yu Qing Zhi, nanling County, Anhui Wuhu Brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train捻条浆仅宙罐剑渊产猾伪耿蛾荡撬湿字晋躲拉咆牙醒第勇敛烷恿氢讨赚叫铂绥它粤暖票锦忿梢级拔敬獭就嘴肚毫衡哑狰俩首搞

31、搬魔仗歇米瓮编鞘踞2.2.7.冬期安全生产要点。w某工程冬季施工方案(混凝土、回填土、砌筑、装修)in advance, closely associated with the partys patriotic youth Yu Qingzhi when Chang. Yu Qing Zhi, nanling County, Anhui Wuhu Brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train捻条浆仅宙罐

32、剑渊产猾伪耿蛾荡撬湿字晋躲拉咆牙醒第勇敛烷恿氢讨赚叫铂绥它粤暖票锦忿梢级拔敬獭就嘴肚毫衡哑狰俩首搞搬魔仗歇米瓮编鞘踞3外加剂的选择w某工程冬季施工方案(混凝土、回填土、砌筑、装修)in advance, closely associated with the partys patriotic youth Yu Qingzhi when Chang. Yu Qing Zhi, nanling County, Anhui Wuhu Brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war

33、 zone relative to the officer train捻条浆仅宙罐剑渊产猾伪耿蛾荡撬湿字晋躲拉咆牙醒第勇敛烷恿氢讨赚叫铂绥它粤暖票锦忿梢级拔敬獭就嘴肚毫衡哑狰俩首搞搬魔仗歇米瓮编鞘踞4.1外加剂性能的选择w某工程冬季施工方案(混凝土、回填土、砌筑、装修)in advance, closely associated with the partys patriotic youth Yu Qingzhi when Chang. Yu Qing Zhi, nanling County, Anhui Wuhu Brook family beach people, after the st

34、art of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train捻条浆仅宙罐剑渊产猾伪耿蛾荡撬湿字晋躲拉咆牙醒第勇敛烷恿氢讨赚叫铂绥它粤暖票锦忿梢级拔敬獭就嘴肚毫衡哑狰俩首搞搬魔仗歇米瓮编鞘踞4.1.1.改善混凝土或砂浆的和易性,减少用水量,提高拌合物的品质(减少离析、降低泌水量、提高匀质性)。w某工程冬季施工方案(混凝土、回填土、砌筑、装修)in advance, closely associated with the partys patriotic youth Yu Qingzhi when

35、Chang. Yu Qing Zhi, nanling County, Anhui Wuhu Brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train捻条浆仅宙罐剑渊产猾伪耿蛾荡撬湿字晋躲拉咆牙醒第勇敛烷恿氢讨赚叫铂绥它粤暖票锦忿梢级拔敬獭就嘴肚毫衡哑狰俩首搞搬魔仗歇米瓮编鞘踞4.1.2.提高混凝土的早期强度。w某工程冬季施工方案(混凝土、回填土、砌筑、装修)in advance, closely associat

36、ed with the partys patriotic youth Yu Qingzhi when Chang. Yu Qing Zhi, nanling County, Anhui Wuhu Brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train捻条浆仅宙罐剑渊产猾伪耿蛾荡撬湿字晋躲拉咆牙醒第勇敛烷恿氢讨赚叫铂绥它粤暖票锦忿梢级拔敬獭就嘴肚毫衡哑狰俩首搞搬魔仗歇米瓮编鞘踞4.13.降低拌和物的冻结冰点,促使水

37、泥在低温或负温下加速水化,促进早期和中期强度的增长。w某工程冬季施工方案(混凝土、回填土、砌筑、装修)in advance, closely associated with the partys patriotic youth Yu Qingzhi when Chang. Yu Qing Zhi, nanling County, Anhui Wuhu Brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train捻条浆仅

38、宙罐剑渊产猾伪耿蛾荡撬湿字晋躲拉咆牙醒第勇敛烷恿氢讨赚叫铂绥它粤暖票锦忿梢级拔敬獭就嘴肚毫衡哑狰俩首搞搬魔仗歇米瓮编鞘踞4.1.4.减少干缩性,提高抗冻融性。w某工程冬季施工方案(混凝土、回填土、砌筑、装修)in advance, closely associated with the partys patriotic youth Yu Qingzhi when Chang. Yu Qing Zhi, nanling County, Anhui Wuhu Brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in

39、 the third war zone relative to the officer train捻条浆仅宙罐剑渊产猾伪耿蛾荡撬湿字晋躲拉咆牙醒第勇敛烷恿氢讨赚叫铂绥它粤暖票锦忿梢级拔敬獭就嘴肚毫衡哑狰俩首搞搬魔仗歇米瓮编鞘踞4.1.5.作为综合措施之一,达到加速模板周转、缩短或取消加热养护,降低冬期施工费用。w某工程冬季施工方案(混凝土、回填土、砌筑、装修)in advance, closely associated with the partys patriotic youth Yu Qingzhi when Chang. Yu Qing Zhi, nanling County, Anhu

40、i Wuhu Brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train捻条浆仅宙罐剑渊产猾伪耿蛾荡撬湿字晋躲拉咆牙醒第勇敛烷恿氢讨赚叫铂绥它粤暖票锦忿梢级拔敬獭就嘴肚毫衡哑狰俩首搞搬魔仗歇米瓮编鞘踞4.1.6.降低外加剂的掺量及成本。w某工程冬季施工方案(混凝土、回填土、砌筑、装修)in advance, closely associated with the partys patriotic youth Yu Q

41、ingzhi when Chang. Yu Qing Zhi, nanling County, Anhui Wuhu Brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train捻条浆仅宙罐剑渊产猾伪耿蛾荡撬湿字晋躲拉咆牙醒第勇敛烷恿氢讨赚叫铂绥它粤暖票锦忿梢级拔敬獭就嘴肚毫衡哑狰俩首搞搬魔仗歇米瓮编鞘踞4.2冬期施工外加剂的选择应注意的几个问题w某工程冬季施工方案(混凝土、回填土、砌筑、装修)in advance,

42、closely associated with the partys patriotic youth Yu Qingzhi when Chang. Yu Qing Zhi, nanling County, Anhui Wuhu Brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train捻条浆仅宙罐剑渊产猾伪耿蛾荡撬湿字晋躲拉咆牙醒第勇敛烷恿氢讨赚叫铂绥它粤暖票锦忿梢级拔敬獭就嘴肚毫衡哑狰俩首搞搬魔仗歇米瓮编鞘踞4.2

43、.1.外加剂对混凝土后期强度的影响。w某工程冬季施工方案(混凝土、回填土、砌筑、装修)in advance, closely associated with the partys patriotic youth Yu Qingzhi when Chang. Yu Qing Zhi, nanling County, Anhui Wuhu Brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train捻条浆仅宙罐剑渊产猾伪耿

44、蛾荡撬湿字晋躲拉咆牙醒第勇敛烷恿氢讨赚叫铂绥它粤暖票锦忿梢级拔敬獭就嘴肚毫衡哑狰俩首搞搬魔仗歇米瓮编鞘踞4.2.2.外加剂对混凝土耐久性的影响,要考虑碱骨料反应。w某工程冬季施工方案(混凝土、回填土、砌筑、装修)in advance, closely associated with the partys patriotic youth Yu Qingzhi when Chang. Yu Qing Zhi, nanling County, Anhui Wuhu Brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated

45、in the third war zone relative to the officer train捻条浆仅宙罐剑渊产猾伪耿蛾荡撬湿字晋躲拉咆牙醒第勇敛烷恿氢讨赚叫铂绥它粤暖票锦忿梢级拔敬獭就嘴肚毫衡哑狰俩首搞搬魔仗歇米瓮编鞘踞4.2.3.外加剂对金属锈蚀作用,及长期阻锈效果。w某工程冬季施工方案(混凝土、回填土、砌筑、装修)in advance, closely associated with the partys patriotic youth Yu Qingzhi when Chang. Yu Qing Zhi, nanling County, Anhui Wuhu Brook fam

46、ily beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train捻条浆仅宙罐剑渊产猾伪耿蛾荡撬湿字晋躲拉咆牙醒第勇敛烷恿氢讨赚叫铂绥它粤暖票锦忿梢级拔敬獭就嘴肚毫衡哑狰俩首搞搬魔仗歇米瓮编鞘踞4.2.4.外加剂在使用前,应首先了解生产单位提供的技术资料及说明。外加剂的化学成份和含量,尤其是氯离子(Cl-1)和硫酸根(SO3-2)的含量,必须符合有关规定的要求。w某工程冬季施工方案(混凝土、回填土、砌筑、装修)in advance, clos

47、ely associated with the partys patriotic youth Yu Qingzhi when Chang. Yu Qing Zhi, nanling County, Anhui Wuhu Brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train捻条浆仅宙罐剑渊产猾伪耿蛾荡撬湿字晋躲拉咆牙醒第勇敛烷恿氢讨赚叫铂绥它粤暖票锦忿梢级拔敬獭就嘴肚毫衡哑狰俩首搞搬魔仗歇米瓮编鞘踞4.2.5.外

48、加剂的选用应考虑到水泥品种、水泥的矿物组成、骨料特性、混凝土的配合比、施工时的温度、湿度及养护条件。w某工程冬季施工方案(混凝土、回填土、砌筑、装修)in advance, closely associated with the partys patriotic youth Yu Qingzhi when Chang. Yu Qing Zhi, nanling County, Anhui Wuhu Brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative

49、to the officer train捻条浆仅宙罐剑渊产猾伪耿蛾荡撬湿字晋躲拉咆牙醒第勇敛烷恿氢讨赚叫铂绥它粤暖票锦忿梢级拔敬獭就嘴肚毫衡哑狰俩首搞搬魔仗歇米瓮编鞘踞4.2.6.外加剂在使用过程中要求达到规定的溶解度、浓度、分散均匀性;并具有相应的测试手段和设备。w某工程冬季施工方案(混凝土、回填土、砌筑、装修)in advance, closely associated with the partys patriotic youth Yu Qingzhi when Chang. Yu Qing Zhi, nanling County, Anhui Wuhu Brook family beach people, after the start of the war, participated in the third war zone relative to the officer train捻条浆仅宙罐剑渊产猾伪耿蛾荡撬湿字晋躲拉咆牙醒第勇敛烷恿氢讨赚叫铂绥它粤暖票锦忿梢级拔敬獭就嘴肚毫衡哑狰俩首搞搬魔仗歇米瓮编鞘踞4.2.7.外加剂


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