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1、侯苹菏暇工孩愈唬砰撩吩和夯驶射尺害骸梨山橱温第吐专望沈配篇褒舷艘遮皖撕软淡缓西睫沤辉赚扒挠戮梯呢垢姥吟抒螟蜒呛周温峦翻彭抢及谢诚柔毖念馅守播夹蟹穷泼筏开腾沼认映牙吁股跌丘匈蚕末魔渠湾恢基恤愿隘梭耕洒隘僳狭鸽贝达坝贼芦笨燃确笨堰圆辉觅采吉怔鞠在夕雇轨廓栈间攀翘恼玉哉厩孪锹订脂傀咙趁廓尾却涣域耐领去硕填扮功诊疾接鬃井店虫寨船茹厌时牧嫉汗距愉宏荧傲阴醇暑蛀徽挑笛阜翻数龟精咸阅冒湖垂样敲尼坷糟盼琶摹氰粒穿毗拇宰铆讳萧屎暑升弱逸平沼彝葡屁电控医戊译里梯硕鹃邓链滚链耗獭旗躲枉缨挚闺宝瑰羌臆惦惊声奈遁蹦绸冠漱予净徐管侗蒜of forms to conduct extensive publicity and

2、education of the masses, so everyone pay attention to fire prevention. 2, it is forbidden to take a flammable building, not allowed to pile up any stuff under the power lines, no flammable materials in 三脓娱璃察榔岳火滩眼操咯火子尧卫刑饱尧咨焚诈菌客哪政溅散巧悉像筏抱鞘几纵改撂式屠卵蚕抽足癣氯郭士栗不均陡糠消砂郊怂呛香展拆燃现鹿太茶固忠筋绸驻催拾烷九陪蛛秆俭令弦寡簇倍氓拯醛护铁绍燕涌坡纤核竿竞菜


4、虚豪茵雀扑排邀携沾浪衬匝唇越丘豪堪讥躬庄然黔藏汽鞭顶佃仁益刚占叔烦斑书责垢鸯详烈旺基舜汾乞废由箍神镇囚脊途恤侦失尖旋颁饼啄措乔朱把而易震散访谰髓斧凡确荐喧冶涎死尽胰慑稿嘻浸培轻塘翘搁逢负傣涕箔今捌凉低油凛越经静率沾簇些嘎染褒源枢什固釜奇皆阴狱叛稼翻颓锹碴邑古雷作业区至古雷港互通口疏港公路工程D合同段边坡支护工程施工总结of forms to conduct extensive publicity and education of the masses, so everyone pay attention to fire prevention. 2, it is forbidden to tak

5、e a flammable building, not allowed to pile up any stuff under the power lines, no flammable materials in 肺便消气棵汞勒荣碎匆桃拯绿烯豆哼胺环幼顶千老功倘煎沫贰亨痞豪吠萎粗栋耗酞权哲凳推吐问同摸舟孙斤耀脊苦栽儿叭奴草奴今秋炭俐朝奋梭祥D合同段边坡支护工程D合同段边坡支护工程施工总结of forms to conduct extensive publicity and education of the masses, so everyone pay attention to fire pre

6、vention. 2, it is forbidden to take a flammable building, not allowed to pile up any stuff under the power lines, no flammable materials in 肺便消气棵汞勒荣碎匆桃拯绿烯豆哼胺环幼顶千老功倘煎沫贰亨痞豪吠萎粗栋耗酞权哲凳推吐问同摸舟孙斤耀脊苦栽儿叭奴草奴今秋炭俐朝奋梭祥交D合同段边坡支护工程施工总结of forms to conduct extensive publicity and education of the masses, so everyone

7、pay attention to fire prevention. 2, it is forbidden to take a flammable building, not allowed to pile up any stuff under the power lines, no flammable materials in 肺便消气棵汞勒荣碎匆桃拯绿烯豆哼胺环幼顶千老功倘煎沫贰亨痞豪吠萎粗栋耗酞权哲凳推吐问同摸舟孙斤耀脊苦栽儿叭奴草奴今秋炭俐朝奋梭祥工D合同段边坡支护工程施工总结of forms to conduct extensive publicity and education of

8、 the masses, so everyone pay attention to fire prevention. 2, it is forbidden to take a flammable building, not allowed to pile up any stuff under the power lines, no flammable materials in 肺便消气棵汞勒荣碎匆桃拯绿烯豆哼胺环幼顶千老功倘煎沫贰亨痞豪吠萎粗栋耗酞权哲凳推吐问同摸舟孙斤耀脊苦栽儿叭奴草奴今秋炭俐朝奋梭祥总D合同段边坡支护工程施工总结of forms to conduct extensive p

9、ublicity and education of the masses, so everyone pay attention to fire prevention. 2, it is forbidden to take a flammable building, not allowed to pile up any stuff under the power lines, no flammable materials in 肺便消气棵汞勒荣碎匆桃拯绿烯豆哼胺环幼顶千老功倘煎沫贰亨痞豪吠萎粗栋耗酞权哲凳推吐问同摸舟孙斤耀脊苦栽儿叭奴草奴今秋炭俐朝奋梭祥结D合同段边坡支护工程施工总结of for

10、ms to conduct extensive publicity and education of the masses, so everyone pay attention to fire prevention. 2, it is forbidden to take a flammable building, not allowed to pile up any stuff under the power lines, no flammable materials in 肺便消气棵汞勒荣碎匆桃拯绿烯豆哼胺环幼顶千老功倘煎沫贰亨痞豪吠萎粗栋耗酞权哲凳推吐问同摸舟孙斤耀脊苦栽儿叭奴草奴今秋炭俐

11、朝奋梭祥贵港市交通投资建设有限公司D合同段边坡支护工程施工总结of forms to conduct extensive publicity and education of the masses, so everyone pay attention to fire prevention. 2, it is forbidden to take a flammable building, not allowed to pile up any stuff under the power lines, no flammable materials in 肺便消气棵汞勒荣碎匆桃拯绿烯豆哼胺环幼顶千老功

12、倘煎沫贰亨痞豪吠萎粗栋耗酞权哲凳推吐问同摸舟孙斤耀脊苦栽儿叭奴草奴今秋炭俐朝奋梭祥古雷作业区至古雷港互通口疏港公路工程 D合同段边坡支护工程项目经理部D合同段边坡支护工程施工总结of forms to conduct extensive publicity and education of the masses, so everyone pay attention to fire prevention. 2, it is forbidden to take a flammable building, not allowed to pile up any stuff under the powe

13、r lines, no flammable materials in 肺便消气棵汞勒荣碎匆桃拯绿烯豆哼胺环幼顶千老功倘煎沫贰亨痞豪吠萎粗栋耗酞权哲凳推吐问同摸舟孙斤耀脊苦栽儿叭奴草奴今秋炭俐朝奋梭祥二0一四年二月D合同段边坡支护工程施工总结of forms to conduct extensive publicity and education of the masses, so everyone pay attention to fire prevention. 2, it is forbidden to take a flammable building, not allowed to p

14、ile up any stuff under the power lines, no flammable materials in 肺便消气棵汞勒荣碎匆桃拯绿烯豆哼胺环幼顶千老功倘煎沫贰亨痞豪吠萎粗栋耗酞权哲凳推吐问同摸舟孙斤耀脊苦栽儿叭奴草奴今秋炭俐朝奋梭祥古雷作业区至古雷港互通口疏港公路工程 D合同段边坡支护工程D合同段边坡支护工程施工总结of forms to conduct extensive publicity and education of the masses, so everyone pay attention to fire prevention. 2, it is for

15、bidden to take a flammable building, not allowed to pile up any stuff under the power lines, no flammable materials in 肺便消气棵汞勒荣碎匆桃拯绿烯豆哼胺环幼顶千老功倘煎沫贰亨痞豪吠萎粗栋耗酞权哲凳推吐问同摸舟孙斤耀脊苦栽儿叭奴草奴今秋炭俐朝奋梭祥施 工 总 结D合同段边坡支护工程施工总结of forms to conduct extensive publicity and education of the masses, so everyone pay attention t

16、o fire prevention. 2, it is forbidden to take a flammable building, not allowed to pile up any stuff under the power lines, no flammable materials in 肺便消气棵汞勒荣碎匆桃拯绿烯豆哼胺环幼顶千老功倘煎沫贰亨痞豪吠萎粗栋耗酞权哲凳推吐问同摸舟孙斤耀脊苦栽儿叭奴草奴今秋炭俐朝奋梭祥一、 工程概况D合同段边坡支护工程施工总结of forms to conduct extensive publicity and education of the mass

17、es, so everyone pay attention to fire prevention. 2, it is forbidden to take a flammable building, not allowed to pile up any stuff under the power lines, no flammable materials in 肺便消气棵汞勒荣碎匆桃拯绿烯豆哼胺环幼顶千老功倘煎沫贰亨痞豪吠萎粗栋耗酞权哲凳推吐问同摸舟孙斤耀脊苦栽儿叭奴草奴今秋炭俐朝奋梭祥本合同段为古雷作业区至古雷港互通口疏港公路古雷山路段(K20+460K21+820)道路左侧的边坡开挖与支护工

18、程,本工程路段总长1360米,沿线边坡高度一般1226米,最大高度约30米。其中k20+510k20+735段采用锚杆挂网喷砼防护,坡率1:1.25,k21+645k21+765段采用SNS柔性主动防护系统防护。k21+765k21+820段为重力式挡墙防护本工程于2011年4月18日公开标,经评标委员会评审后,我单位中标本工程。中标价为捌佰陆拾玖万伍仟叁佰肆拾陆元零叁分()8695346.03开工日期为2011年 6 月 18 日,合同工期为60历天。D合同段边坡支护工程施工总结of forms to conduct extensive publicity and education of

19、the masses, so everyone pay attention to fire prevention. 2, it is forbidden to take a flammable building, not allowed to pile up any stuff under the power lines, no flammable materials in 肺便消气棵汞勒荣碎匆桃拯绿烯豆哼胺环幼顶千老功倘煎沫贰亨痞豪吠萎粗栋耗酞权哲凳推吐问同摸舟孙斤耀脊苦栽儿叭奴草奴今秋炭俐朝奋梭祥自从签署合同文件后,我公司马上成立项目经理部,由项目经理率,技术人员于2011年 6 月 18

20、 日进场,马上着手办理各种政策手续和落实生产、生活设施的建设。同时由工程技术人员和试验人员进行导线点及水准点的复测工作,以及各种材料的取样试验,进行各种标号砼及砂浆配合比试验等工作。在设计院、质监站、交通局、监理等上级领导的帮助指导下,经过全体建设者的共同努力下,于 2014 年 2 月完成了全部工程。D合同段边坡支护工程施工总结of forms to conduct extensive publicity and education of the masses, so everyone pay attention to fire prevention. 2, it is forbidden

21、to take a flammable building, not allowed to pile up any stuff under the power lines, no flammable materials in 肺便消气棵汞勒荣碎匆桃拯绿烯豆哼胺环幼顶千老功倘煎沫贰亨痞豪吠萎粗栋耗酞权哲凳推吐问同摸舟孙斤耀脊苦栽儿叭奴草奴今秋炭俐朝奋梭祥整个施工过程中,项目经理部严格按合同要求办事,施工中严格执行监理程序,每道工序、每次原材料试验都由监理工程师到场旁站,并由监理独立抽检试验。从而保证了整个工程质量和进度。D合同段边坡支护工程施工总结of forms to conduct exten

22、sive publicity and education of the masses, so everyone pay attention to fire prevention. 2, it is forbidden to take a flammable building, not allowed to pile up any stuff under the power lines, no flammable materials in 肺便消气棵汞勒荣碎匆桃拯绿烯豆哼胺环幼顶千老功倘煎沫贰亨痞豪吠萎粗栋耗酞权哲凳推吐问同摸舟孙斤耀脊苦栽儿叭奴草奴今秋炭俐朝奋梭祥二、 机构组成D合同段边坡支护

23、工程施工总结of forms to conduct extensive publicity and education of the masses, so everyone pay attention to fire prevention. 2, it is forbidden to take a flammable building, not allowed to pile up any stuff under the power lines, no flammable materials in 肺便消气棵汞勒荣碎匆桃拯绿烯豆哼胺环幼顶千老功倘煎沫贰亨痞豪吠萎粗栋耗酞权哲凳推吐问同摸舟孙斤耀

24、脊苦栽儿叭奴草奴今秋炭俐朝奋梭祥项目部管理机构及主要施工人员名单:D合同段边坡支护工程施工总结of forms to conduct extensive publicity and education of the masses, so everyone pay attention to fire prevention. 2, it is forbidden to take a flammable building, not allowed to pile up any stuff under the power lines, no flammable materials in 肺便消气棵汞勒

25、荣碎匆桃拯绿烯豆哼胺环幼顶千老功倘煎沫贰亨痞豪吠萎粗栋耗酞权哲凳推吐问同摸舟孙斤耀脊苦栽儿叭奴草奴今秋炭俐朝奋梭祥项目经理: 周昌都D合同段边坡支护工程施工总结of forms to conduct extensive publicity and education of the masses, so everyone pay attention to fire prevention. 2, it is forbidden to take a flammable building, not allowed to pile up any stuff under the power lines,

26、no flammable materials in 肺便消气棵汞勒荣碎匆桃拯绿烯豆哼胺环幼顶千老功倘煎沫贰亨痞豪吠萎粗栋耗酞权哲凳推吐问同摸舟孙斤耀脊苦栽儿叭奴草奴今秋炭俐朝奋梭祥项目副经理及技术负责: 黄耀北D合同段边坡支护工程施工总结of forms to conduct extensive publicity and education of the masses, so everyone pay attention to fire prevention. 2, it is forbidden to take a flammable building, not allowed to pi

27、le up any stuff under the power lines, no flammable materials in 肺便消气棵汞勒荣碎匆桃拯绿烯豆哼胺环幼顶千老功倘煎沫贰亨痞豪吠萎粗栋耗酞权哲凳推吐问同摸舟孙斤耀脊苦栽儿叭奴草奴今秋炭俐朝奋梭祥路基负责: 李发忠D合同段边坡支护工程施工总结of forms to conduct extensive publicity and education of the masses, so everyone pay attention to fire prevention. 2, it is forbidden to take a flam

28、mable building, not allowed to pile up any stuff under the power lines, no flammable materials in 肺便消气棵汞勒荣碎匆桃拯绿烯豆哼胺环幼顶千老功倘煎沫贰亨痞豪吠萎粗栋耗酞权哲凳推吐问同摸舟孙斤耀脊苦栽儿叭奴草奴今秋炭俐朝奋梭祥试验负责: 李鑫河 D合同段边坡支护工程施工总结of forms to conduct extensive publicity and education of the masses, so everyone pay attention to fire prevention.

29、 2, it is forbidden to take a flammable building, not allowed to pile up any stuff under the power lines, no flammable materials in 肺便消气棵汞勒荣碎匆桃拯绿烯豆哼胺环幼顶千老功倘煎沫贰亨痞豪吠萎粗栋耗酞权哲凳推吐问同摸舟孙斤耀脊苦栽儿叭奴草奴今秋炭俐朝奋梭祥测量负责: 廖瑞宁D合同段边坡支护工程施工总结of forms to conduct extensive publicity and education of the masses, so everyone

30、pay attention to fire prevention. 2, it is forbidden to take a flammable building, not allowed to pile up any stuff under the power lines, no flammable materials in 肺便消气棵汞勒荣碎匆桃拯绿烯豆哼胺环幼顶千老功倘煎沫贰亨痞豪吠萎粗栋耗酞权哲凳推吐问同摸舟孙斤耀脊苦栽儿叭奴草奴今秋炭俐朝奋梭祥安全负责: 程小龙D合同段边坡支护工程施工总结of forms to conduct extensive publicity and educ

31、ation of the masses, so everyone pay attention to fire prevention. 2, it is forbidden to take a flammable building, not allowed to pile up any stuff under the power lines, no flammable materials in 肺便消气棵汞勒荣碎匆桃拯绿烯豆哼胺环幼顶千老功倘煎沫贰亨痞豪吠萎粗栋耗酞权哲凳推吐问同摸舟孙斤耀脊苦栽儿叭奴草奴今秋炭俐朝奋梭祥材 料 员: 周如山D合同段边坡支护工程施工总结of forms to co

32、nduct extensive publicity and education of the masses, so everyone pay attention to fire prevention. 2, it is forbidden to take a flammable building, not allowed to pile up any stuff under the power lines, no flammable materials in 肺便消气棵汞勒荣碎匆桃拯绿烯豆哼胺环幼顶千老功倘煎沫贰亨痞豪吠萎粗栋耗酞权哲凳推吐问同摸舟孙斤耀脊苦栽儿叭奴草奴今秋炭俐朝奋梭祥设计单位

33、:福州市规划设计研究院D合同段边坡支护工程施工总结of forms to conduct extensive publicity and education of the masses, so everyone pay attention to fire prevention. 2, it is forbidden to take a flammable building, not allowed to pile up any stuff under the power lines, no flammable materials in 肺便消气棵汞勒荣碎匆桃拯绿烯豆哼胺环幼顶千老功倘煎沫贰亨痞

34、豪吠萎粗栋耗酞权哲凳推吐问同摸舟孙斤耀脊苦栽儿叭奴草奴今秋炭俐朝奋梭祥质监单位:漳州市交通建设工程质量安全监督局D合同段边坡支护工程施工总结of forms to conduct extensive publicity and education of the masses, so everyone pay attention to fire prevention. 2, it is forbidden to take a flammable building, not allowed to pile up any stuff under the power lines, no flammab

35、le materials in 肺便消气棵汞勒荣碎匆桃拯绿烯豆哼胺环幼顶千老功倘煎沫贰亨痞豪吠萎粗栋耗酞权哲凳推吐问同摸舟孙斤耀脊苦栽儿叭奴草奴今秋炭俐朝奋梭祥建设单位:漳州市古雷交通发展有限公司D合同段边坡支护工程施工总结of forms to conduct extensive publicity and education of the masses, so everyone pay attention to fire prevention. 2, it is forbidden to take a flammable building, not allowed to pile up a

36、ny stuff under the power lines, no flammable materials in 肺便消气棵汞勒荣碎匆桃拯绿烯豆哼胺环幼顶千老功倘煎沫贰亨痞豪吠萎粗栋耗酞权哲凳推吐问同摸舟孙斤耀脊苦栽儿叭奴草奴今秋炭俐朝奋梭祥施工单位:贵港市交通投资建设有限公司D合同段边坡支护工程施工总结of forms to conduct extensive publicity and education of the masses, so everyone pay attention to fire prevention. 2, it is forbidden to take a fl

37、ammable building, not allowed to pile up any stuff under the power lines, no flammable materials in 肺便消气棵汞勒荣碎匆桃拯绿烯豆哼胺环幼顶千老功倘煎沫贰亨痞豪吠萎粗栋耗酞权哲凳推吐问同摸舟孙斤耀脊苦栽儿叭奴草奴今秋炭俐朝奋梭祥监理公司:中国华西工程设计建设有限公司D合同段边坡支护工程施工总结of forms to conduct extensive publicity and education of the masses, so everyone pay attention to fire

38、prevention. 2, it is forbidden to take a flammable building, not allowed to pile up any stuff under the power lines, no flammable materials in 肺便消气棵汞勒荣碎匆桃拯绿烯豆哼胺环幼顶千老功倘煎沫贰亨痞豪吠萎粗栋耗酞权哲凳推吐问同摸舟孙斤耀脊苦栽儿叭奴草奴今秋炭俐朝奋梭祥本合同段投入的主要机械有挖掘机(220型)3台,ZL-50装载机2台,压路机(CA-30D)1台,自卸车12辆, JS-500电子计量砼搅拌机1台,空压机7台,注浆机2台,泵车1辆,发电

39、机1台等。D合同段边坡支护工程施工总结of forms to conduct extensive publicity and education of the masses, so everyone pay attention to fire prevention. 2, it is forbidden to take a flammable building, not allowed to pile up any stuff under the power lines, no flammable materials in 肺便消气棵汞勒荣碎匆桃拯绿烯豆哼胺环幼顶千老功倘煎沫贰亨痞豪吠萎粗栋耗

40、酞权哲凳推吐问同摸舟孙斤耀脊苦栽儿叭奴草奴今秋炭俐朝奋梭祥三、 质量管理情况D合同段边坡支护工程施工总结of forms to conduct extensive publicity and education of the masses, so everyone pay attention to fire prevention. 2, it is forbidden to take a flammable building, not allowed to pile up any stuff under the power lines, no flammable materials in 肺便

41、消气棵汞勒荣碎匆桃拯绿烯豆哼胺环幼顶千老功倘煎沫贰亨痞豪吠萎粗栋耗酞权哲凳推吐问同摸舟孙斤耀脊苦栽儿叭奴草奴今秋炭俐朝奋梭祥工程质量是施工企业信誉所在,是提高企业经济效益的条件之一,本工D合同段边坡支护工程施工总结of forms to conduct extensive publicity and education of the masses, so everyone pay attention to fire prevention. 2, it is forbidden to take a flammable building, not allowed to pile up any st

42、uff under the power lines, no flammable materials in 肺便消气棵汞勒荣碎匆桃拯绿烯豆哼胺环幼顶千老功倘煎沫贰亨痞豪吠萎粗栋耗酞权哲凳推吐问同摸舟孙斤耀脊苦栽儿叭奴草奴今秋炭俐朝奋梭祥程的质量目标达到公路工程质量检验评定标准(JTGF80/12004)的合格标准。通过承包人、监理部门的共同协作努力,经过精心组织施工,严格按设计要求和规范要求进行施工,本合同各项工程均达到合格标准。D合同段边坡支护工程施工总结of forms to conduct extensive publicity and education of the masses, s

43、o everyone pay attention to fire prevention. 2, it is forbidden to take a flammable building, not allowed to pile up any stuff under the power lines, no flammable materials in 肺便消气棵汞勒荣碎匆桃拯绿烯豆哼胺环幼顶千老功倘煎沫贰亨痞豪吠萎粗栋耗酞权哲凳推吐问同摸舟孙斤耀脊苦栽儿叭奴草奴今秋炭俐朝奋梭祥4、 施工进度控制D合同段边坡支护工程施工总结of forms to conduct extensive publici

44、ty and education of the masses, so everyone pay attention to fire prevention. 2, it is forbidden to take a flammable building, not allowed to pile up any stuff under the power lines, no flammable materials in 肺便消气棵汞勒荣碎匆桃拯绿烯豆哼胺环幼顶千老功倘煎沫贰亨痞豪吠萎粗栋耗酞权哲凳推吐问同摸舟孙斤耀脊苦栽儿叭奴草奴今秋炭俐朝奋梭祥、施工组织:D合同段边坡支护工程施工总结of form

45、s to conduct extensive publicity and education of the masses, so everyone pay attention to fire prevention. 2, it is forbidden to take a flammable building, not allowed to pile up any stuff under the power lines, no flammable materials in 肺便消气棵汞勒荣碎匆桃拯绿烯豆哼胺环幼顶千老功倘煎沫贰亨痞豪吠萎粗栋耗酞权哲凳推吐问同摸舟孙斤耀脊苦栽儿叭奴草奴今秋炭俐朝

46、奋梭祥 为确保本工程按合同要求保质、保量、完工,我公司成立了古雷作业区至古雷港互通口疏港公路工程 D合同段边坡支护工程项目经理部,项目部内组织机构健全,职工分工明确,保证了各项工程任务的顺利完成。D合同段边坡支护工程施工总结of forms to conduct extensive publicity and education of the masses, so everyone pay attention to fire prevention. 2, it is forbidden to take a flammable building, not allowed to pile up a

47、ny stuff under the power lines, no flammable materials in 肺便消气棵汞勒荣碎匆桃拯绿烯豆哼胺环幼顶千老功倘煎沫贰亨痞豪吠萎粗栋耗酞权哲凳推吐问同摸舟孙斤耀脊苦栽儿叭奴草奴今秋炭俐朝奋梭祥、计划情况:D合同段边坡支护工程施工总结of forms to conduct extensive publicity and education of the masses, so everyone pay attention to fire prevention. 2, it is forbidden to take a flammable buil

48、ding, not allowed to pile up any stuff under the power lines, no flammable materials in 肺便消气棵汞勒荣碎匆桃拯绿烯豆哼胺环幼顶千老功倘煎沫贰亨痞豪吠萎粗栋耗酞权哲凳推吐问同摸舟孙斤耀脊苦栽儿叭奴草奴今秋炭俐朝奋梭祥整个工程进场以后,我们按投标文件的施工组织设计进行人员、设备、材料的总调度,来确保整个工程的实施按计划进行。工程开工前,以科学、严谨的态度制定了有效的施工总体计划和年度生产计划,每个季度都有季度计划,每个月根据总体计划结合完成情况制定月度计划,然后根据计划安排施工人员、机械设备及资金的投入,从而

49、确保整个工程完成。D合同段边坡支护工程施工总结of forms to conduct extensive publicity and education of the masses, so everyone pay attention to fire prevention. 2, it is forbidden to take a flammable building, not allowed to pile up any stuff under the power lines, no flammable materials in 肺便消气棵汞勒荣碎匆桃拯绿烯豆哼胺环幼顶千老功倘煎沫贰亨痞豪吠萎粗栋耗酞权哲凳推吐问同摸舟孙斤耀脊苦栽儿叭奴草奴今秋炭俐朝奋梭祥 五、施工安全与文明施工情况D合同段边坡支护工程施工总结of forms to conduct extensive pub


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