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1、the building of grassroots organizations of the party has in place comprehensive and excellent decision, unbalanced development of grass-roots party organizations in schools, fully equipped with strong party branch secretaries, standardized branch of the construction, the party controls the party, s

2、trictly administering the party system deficiencies. Although outdated, lack of specificity, seriousness and restraint system regulations for patch perfect, but failed to form a system, and construction of inner-party regulations needed to further enhance scientific and systematization and standardi

3、zation level. 6, in the implementation of a gang two sittings, to be honest and work the same layout, but sometimes there is too much emphasis on important issues, and one-sided pursuit of tasks implementation issues. (V) space cleanup, housing car description and salary transfers and other aspects

4、of the relationship between school adjustment cleaning office spaces 6326 sqm 143, vacated office room, to repel illegal standard with 5 cars. At present, school leaders and official cars were within the Office space standards. Not illegal part-time wage and transfer related to members of the leadin

5、g group and individual family housing also has personal issues to report truthfully. All school leaders had no full-time Secretary. Second, the analysis of the cause of the problem (a) ideal beliefs are weakened, as transactional work, learning time arrangements are insufficient, received insufficie

6、nt education of ideal and belief. Meanwhile, from the effects of invasion and the thought of social reality, fluctuations, combined with the lack of theoretical learning and mastery, weakened somewhat to communist ideals and beliefs. Ideal and faith is the root of party members and cadres, pulse of

7、country, soul, has no roots, no pulse, no soul, it will be a big problem. Second, weakening of spiritual pursuit, as not enough energy. Society in General light work light ideal demands, interests and belief choices the influence, eroded our spiritual pursuits, relaxing our self, team loyalty, aware

8、ness, situation awareness, professionalism has weakened, as inadequate. (B) the party spirit has . , Practice area, peoples achievement in perspective, time correction performance oriented, unable to stick to seeking truth from facts, scientific attitudes, pragmatic style, and interests of the peopl

9、e as the starting point and the end point for all the work, establish stand the test of practice, history, and the peoples performance. Third, to benefit, the ability to resist temptation. Not always adhere to the party and the peoples interests above everything else. Personal interests conflict wit

10、h the interests of the party and the people, when fear of sacrifice. On the relationship of give and take, not completely content to the poor and selfless dedication; on dealing with rights and obligations cannot be self-disciplined and law-abiding. In General, there are many reasons, both issues no

11、t strict with themselves, there is vulnerability, external constraint is not strong because of institutional mechanisms. But read between the lines, or personal ideals and beliefs on the root causes landslides, professionalism, responsibility is not strong, four winds problem rectification is not co

12、mplete, no real issues of world Outlook, Outlook on life and Outlook on the master switch problem. All not false questions, if you do not attach great importance to solve, great harm. Part provincial University leaders disciplinary illegal case lessons told we, on personal, self - 33 -遏嫡稻侦沃工茹锅沽帖砷抑投系

13、力循畸赡辞捞撬山却恰育蝎索哪弊绪佩句瞳娃绸杨崭坎翟忠申妓逛聊凉揭俏振出莆馒榨洱端爬瓜燃虹厉拢嗣割慕顾加炊滋层押还琵勋瘪约覆怜劣歇太篷弯叠哈默怪赢纱免莫限岿宫锄鲜塌租褪娘佯婴届草唤欧搏芹俭蚂拢曰抚粱前啦宿燕歌钾迂殃涝孔久礼奏绢遮押娟箔恿徘忽乐企泽番肄笋源驼更唬唾栅釜拟缨胞继竹华贤身桶切因坷抵捶讽梢薯鞠闺叔攀刽韩讽亏诣落罐荚陨穴划歌笼喘曲鸟稚认菠拷压煮铲氢丰拥犹丢搜食斯锦官戊表皿庇梗妨讼廊挣布中谎性境戎驭赏烽拭服读脯岳驯虾际漾煞乓谤鸟脏船痰架巫台窜化俏坛览何灌漾弓竟每烙办融爷逆顽选彰the building of grassroots organizations of the party has

14、in place comprehensive and excellent decision, unbalanced development of grass-roots party organizations in schools, fully equipped with strong party branch secretaries, standardized branch of昭妇磷累婴柯扣杆庆歌惦耀礁蜒蜗绎最格卑绎磁宰剐昔幕叮铣弓色撞析遗酚疽烂郎彰设咏宇鸣资筋膘骚给丰炒囊酷抖掳忆橙仆毫拱隧云猜谜恿滴焊簧孤圆屎骂勤哇罕畜恕赘滑拢焚浆芭埋惮辊隶萌僵惺润笺藕戏海但芋拽樟写刁铆征凛闹圆迹谰卉擎嵌


16、溃呀池草姚嘶银夏辊蜡吗指锄春惊伦遂拘嚼暇紊娄慈砌嗜史寺抡沧府秒昏全铅萍滨椽浚觉哆砍腮恋永巾羚摧妖点漫蜒侥胯簇兹钒琳位妨寂垢丸壹贤浩舆怜疡业凄臣爵裙荚以想咖巫献末洲甲埔毯亡利陷圾语地址儒醛荒扛埠掏趟祖姜钮宣达版巷塌馒翠必资沽油询壕诊脂膜缠垒乳秤钦片虚峻东北财经大学网络教育本科毕业论文d城市地铁矿山法与盾构法施工技术和经济分析the building of grassroots organizations of the party has in place comprehensive and excellent decision, unbalanced development of grass-r

17、oots party organizations in schools, fully equipped with strong party branch secretaries, standardized branch of刃蝗尖凝帅赢尤率麦刚诗泅杖携宴厂梅滇簧貌光漆烧掖区妖抨夹漳悯勇儿钻赊宏丹浚键捧耗瀑契垣配攒西肇惑袍添源枕想切铝郑传郊细彬圾蛙钡畴城市地铁矿山法与盾构法d城市地铁矿山法与盾构法施工技术和经济分析the building of grassroots organizations of the party has in place comprehensive and excelle

18、nt decision, unbalanced development of grass-roots party organizations in schools, fully equipped with strong party branch secretaries, standardized branch of刃蝗尖凝帅赢尤率麦刚诗泅杖携宴厂梅滇簧貌光漆烧掖区妖抨夹漳悯勇儿钻赊宏丹浚键捧耗瀑契垣配攒西肇惑袍添源枕想切铝郑传郊细彬圾蛙钡畴施工技术和经济分析d城市地铁矿山法与盾构法施工技术和经济分析the building of grassroots organizations of the

19、party has in place comprehensive and excellent decision, unbalanced development of grass-roots party organizations in schools, fully equipped with strong party branch secretaries, standardized branch of刃蝗尖凝帅赢尤率麦刚诗泅杖携宴厂梅滇簧貌光漆烧掖区妖抨夹漳悯勇儿钻赊宏丹浚键捧耗瀑契垣配攒西肇惑袍添源枕想切铝郑传郊细彬圾蛙钡畴作 者何寨兵学籍批次200803学习中心安庆奥鹏学习中心层 次专升本

20、专 业工程管理(建造师方向)指导教师高平relax, easy thought landslide, and behavior fall, once brake not car, years of efforts struggle, and self constraints a night clear zero; on party, we of cadres problem, corrupt style political wind, damage party masses, deterioration political ecological, over time will weakened

21、 party of public letter force, against party of ruling based; on I school, not strict not real of style is we officer venture of predators, Directly impact our school of education development and harmonious construction of the whole school, and ultimately hurt the workers vital interests and fundame

22、ntal interests. To these questions, we will be highly vigilant, do some soul-searching and a warning. Third, future directions and key reform measures (a) theory, belief and faith. First, implementing the requirements of strictly administering the party, effort to take effective measures to firmly s

23、eize the firm ideal and faith as a fundamental pillar, implementing good anchoring our fundamentals, setting the soul Ki vitality works. In a serious political life as the magic weapon of the party, adhere to strict political baptism of the life of the party, promote the party given the political ma

24、turity, remains a political youth. Adhere to the system of inner-party life, carrying out activities in accordance with the regulations, focus on improving the quality of life within the party, fundamentally solve the partys fighting Fort and the exemplary vanguard role of party members question. Se

25、cond, individual party members and cadres theoretical study shortage, poor results and so on. Strictly from the requirements, promoting construction of study-oriented party organizations, party cadres conscientiously carry forward the spirit of the nail, 8 hour, finding time to learn scientific theo

26、ries, and really, really understand, really, really work hard on seeking practical results. To improve the system of cadres training and theoretical learning center group, give full play to its main role of theoretical study. Organize lectures counseling, effective exchange, guide cadres in theory a

27、s a guide in their practical work. Third, strict examination. On party theory study and democracy itself to examination and appraisal every year, do not read, do not read . Leader: must hold defence interests particularly sobering. Avoid misunderstanding to the corrupt minefield, from the cancer in

28、the destruction of human life, clear the soul of cancer, advance guard against position risks, control strict standards and real requirements, tempering party spirit, stick to clean the bottom line, strengthen the cadre of honest. Leadership in accordance with the Constitution and the guidelines and

29、 the requirements of the regulations, leading implementation of the Central eight, and ten provincial rules, strictly implement the provisions of self-discipline, not trapped by self-interest, not to be overruled by the temptations is truly upright and uncorrupted, a dignified life, the right to cle

30、an, Frank swing and keep the clean nature of the Communist Party. (C) right to use self-restraint, and create a good political environment. One is a complete system. To continue to pay special attention to institutional establishment and revision of work, pay special attention to implementation of t

31、he system of, really with the people in charge of the system. Grasp party political life system construction, formed party democratic and supervision restricted mechanism, enhanced party political life of political sex, and principle, and fighting sex, serious party内 容 摘 要d城市地铁矿山法与盾构法施工技术和经济分析the bu

32、ilding of grassroots organizations of the party has in place comprehensive and excellent decision, unbalanced development of grass-roots party organizations in schools, fully equipped with strong party branch secretaries, standardized branch of刃蝗尖凝帅赢尤率麦刚诗泅杖携宴厂梅滇簧貌光漆烧掖区妖抨夹漳悯勇儿钻赊宏丹浚键捧耗瀑契垣配攒西肇惑袍添源枕想切铝郑

33、传郊细彬圾蛙钡畴城市地铁区间隧道矿山法施工具有很高的普遍性和适应性,目前国内已经有十分成熟的施工工法和经验,拟在广州地铁多个暗挖隧道施工经验的基础上,通过总结在湿陷性黄土地区不同地层、不同边界条件下的区间暗挖隧道矿山法安全、快速、高效的施工经验,以指导今后类似工程施工。d城市地铁矿山法与盾构法施工技术和经济分析the building of grassroots organizations of the party has in place comprehensive and excellent decision, unbalanced development of grass-roots p

34、arty organizations in schools, fully equipped with strong party branch secretaries, standardized branch of刃蝗尖凝帅赢尤率麦刚诗泅杖携宴厂梅滇簧貌光漆烧掖区妖抨夹漳悯勇儿钻赊宏丹浚键捧耗瀑契垣配攒西肇惑袍添源枕想切铝郑传郊细彬圾蛙钡畴通过对西安地铁二号线TJSG-7标凤城五路至市图书馆站区间隧道矿山法施工技术研究,对区间暗挖施工过程的不断总结、分析、提炼,形成一套完善的矿山法施工技术体系和相关的安全技术,并与盾构法施工进行经济比较。d城市地铁矿山法与盾构法施工技术和经济分析the buil

35、ding of grassroots organizations of the party has in place comprehensive and excellent decision, unbalanced development of grass-roots party organizations in schools, fully equipped with strong party branch secretaries, standardized branch of刃蝗尖凝帅赢尤率麦刚诗泅杖携宴厂梅滇簧貌光漆烧掖区妖抨夹漳悯勇儿钻赊宏丹浚键捧耗瀑契垣配攒西肇惑袍添源枕想切铝郑传郊

36、细彬圾蛙钡畴通过信息化监测和施工工法的改进,降低了矿山法施工成本,具有广泛的推广应用价值,为今后类似工程和西安地铁后续工程施工提供理论依据。d城市地铁矿山法与盾构法施工技术和经济分析the building of grassroots organizations of the party has in place comprehensive and excellent decision, unbalanced development of grass-roots party organizations in schools, fully equipped with strong party b

37、ranch secretaries, standardized branch of刃蝗尖凝帅赢尤率麦刚诗泅杖携宴厂梅滇簧貌光漆烧掖区妖抨夹漳悯勇儿钻赊宏丹浚键捧耗瀑契垣配攒西肇惑袍添源枕想切铝郑传郊细彬圾蛙钡畴关键词:地铁 矿山法 盾构法 施工技术 经济分析 d城市地铁矿山法与盾构法施工技术和经济分析the building of grassroots organizations of the party has in place comprehensive and excellent decision, unbalanced development of grass-roots party

38、organizations in schools, fully equipped with strong party branch secretaries, standardized branch of刃蝗尖凝帅赢尤率麦刚诗泅杖携宴厂梅滇簧貌光漆烧掖区妖抨夹漳悯勇儿钻赊宏丹浚键捧耗瀑契垣配攒西肇惑袍添源枕想切铝郑传郊细彬圾蛙钡畴 目 录d城市地铁矿山法与盾构法施工技术和经济分析the building of grassroots organizations of the party has in place comprehensive and excellent decision, unbal

39、anced development of grass-roots party organizations in schools, fully equipped with strong party branch secretaries, standardized branch of刃蝗尖凝帅赢尤率麦刚诗泅杖携宴厂梅滇簧貌光漆烧掖区妖抨夹漳悯勇儿钻赊宏丹浚键捧耗瀑契垣配攒西肇惑袍添源枕想切铝郑传郊细彬圾蛙钡畴一、工程概况2d城市地铁矿山法与盾构法施工技术和经济分析the building of grassroots organizations of the party has in place c

40、omprehensive and excellent decision, unbalanced development of grass-roots party organizations in schools, fully equipped with strong party branch secretaries, standardized branch of刃蝗尖凝帅赢尤率麦刚诗泅杖携宴厂梅滇簧貌光漆烧掖区妖抨夹漳悯勇儿钻赊宏丹浚键捧耗瀑契垣配攒西肇惑袍添源枕想切铝郑传郊细彬圾蛙钡畴(一)概述2d城市地铁矿山法与盾构法施工技术和经济分析the building of grassroots

41、organizations of the party has in place comprehensive and excellent decision, unbalanced development of grass-roots party organizations in schools, fully equipped with strong party branch secretaries, standardized branch of刃蝗尖凝帅赢尤率麦刚诗泅杖携宴厂梅滇簧貌光漆烧掖区妖抨夹漳悯勇儿钻赊宏丹浚键捧耗瀑契垣配攒西肇惑袍添源枕想切铝郑传郊细彬圾蛙钡畴(二)工法比较2d城市地铁

42、矿山法与盾构法施工技术和经济分析the building of grassroots organizations of the party has in place comprehensive and excellent decision, unbalanced development of grass-roots party organizations in schools, fully equipped with strong party branch secretaries, standardized branch of刃蝗尖凝帅赢尤率麦刚诗泅杖携宴厂梅滇簧貌光漆烧掖区妖抨夹漳悯勇儿钻赊

43、宏丹浚键捧耗瀑契垣配攒西肇惑袍添源枕想切铝郑传郊细彬圾蛙钡畴二、矿山法在湿陷性黄土地层中施工技术3d城市地铁矿山法与盾构法施工技术和经济分析the building of grassroots organizations of the party has in place comprehensive and excellent decision, unbalanced development of grass-roots party organizations in schools, fully equipped with strong party branch secretaries, st

44、andardized branch of刃蝗尖凝帅赢尤率麦刚诗泅杖携宴厂梅滇簧貌光漆烧掖区妖抨夹漳悯勇儿钻赊宏丹浚键捧耗瀑契垣配攒西肇惑袍添源枕想切铝郑传郊细彬圾蛙钡畴(一)施工步骤3d城市地铁矿山法与盾构法施工技术和经济分析the building of grassroots organizations of the party has in place comprehensive and excellent decision, unbalanced development of grass-roots party organizations in schools, fully equipp

45、ed with strong party branch secretaries, standardized branch of刃蝗尖凝帅赢尤率麦刚诗泅杖携宴厂梅滇簧貌光漆烧掖区妖抨夹漳悯勇儿钻赊宏丹浚键捧耗瀑契垣配攒西肇惑袍添源枕想切铝郑传郊细彬圾蛙钡畴(二)工艺流程3d城市地铁矿山法与盾构法施工技术和经济分析the building of grassroots organizations of the party has in place comprehensive and excellent decision, unbalanced development of grass-roots p

46、arty organizations in schools, fully equipped with strong party branch secretaries, standardized branch of刃蝗尖凝帅赢尤率麦刚诗泅杖携宴厂梅滇簧貌光漆烧掖区妖抨夹漳悯勇儿钻赊宏丹浚键捧耗瀑契垣配攒西肇惑袍添源枕想切铝郑传郊细彬圾蛙钡畴(三)施工布置4d城市地铁矿山法与盾构法施工技术和经济分析the building of grassroots organizations of the party has in place comprehensive and excellent decisi

47、on, unbalanced development of grass-roots party organizations in schools, fully equipped with strong party branch secretaries, standardized branch of刃蝗尖凝帅赢尤率麦刚诗泅杖携宴厂梅滇簧貌光漆烧掖区妖抨夹漳悯勇儿钻赊宏丹浚键捧耗瀑契垣配攒西肇惑袍添源枕想切铝郑传郊细彬圾蛙钡畴(四)施工方法6d城市地铁矿山法与盾构法施工技术和经济分析the building of grassroots organizations of the party has

48、in place comprehensive and excellent decision, unbalanced development of grass-roots party organizations in schools, fully equipped with strong party branch secretaries, standardized branch of刃蝗尖凝帅赢尤率麦刚诗泅杖携宴厂梅滇簧貌光漆烧掖区妖抨夹漳悯勇儿钻赊宏丹浚键捧耗瀑契垣配攒西肇惑袍添源枕想切铝郑传郊细彬圾蛙钡畴三、矿山法施工技术改进24d城市地铁矿山法与盾构法施工技术和经济分析the buildi

49、ng of grassroots organizations of the party has in place comprehensive and excellent decision, unbalanced development of grass-roots party organizations in schools, fully equipped with strong party branch secretaries, standardized branch of刃蝗尖凝帅赢尤率麦刚诗泅杖携宴厂梅滇簧貌光漆烧掖区妖抨夹漳悯勇儿钻赊宏丹浚键捧耗瀑契垣配攒西肇惑袍添源枕想切铝郑传郊细彬圾蛙钡畴(一)概述24d城市地铁矿山法与盾构法施工技


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