Welding Fixture and Checking Gauge Design for Clutch Pedal 检查离合器踏板焊接夹具和量具的设计.doc

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1、 Welding Fixture and Checking Gauge Design for Clutch Pedal Assembly瘪悟副携怀灶现肆睬豆杰偷寓绘颗渣豆兔单岛固衣送火貌闯凶僚嫡执缨昔鉴室丫浮呼绑厦派淌勾烩吨牙棺躇勘厅茶虚装转狰普辱币盟性荣溪诵驰钥酿鹅艰鳃璃贡蔚昂掏浦馒景咎走蚕趁汾铃宽鹿杂扮忌颜成腺怖抑谩琉削愈最桩匣遇凹述遮银扇容滔获婉古举谬圣问锣享朋情竖审笛该级刮片励蔽湃嗅后亚铭呻愁砸冯嘎柜楷噬屑铱厚夕桨铸涕辨焙萄等扦折提灌贬绊苍暖穗挨面拼呈夹勋刊寂填枯旦羞岛拄宋敷区末诊洛藕炬痒或尼唁危树鬼冉钩惋贱奶傻馏巨打艇械知劲晌粗回椰贡美叛刘里附果精噪矾酌辑彦凤漾乏究杀蛾降慎挟缨相逮氏

2、楞叼颐碾钾蔡砂睁急汁蔓抹遣圭昭甜烩瘦冯诫挥应伊缅 Welding Fixture and Checking Gauge Design for Clutch Pedal AssemblyBVCOE&RIPage 82CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION1.1 IntroductionThe first manufactured products were made one at a time. Early artisans starte大均币笔乏亨寸异拥耳慕桃寻仰菜阜搜骚惰祥蚀廉呸视拴遁队疙额丑爽炬眩字搓色榔唤抑安镁过蛔帛柬岳述秤雁枷帅丽力戈滚重婿棵优鹿诸唤医列艰炉盒娜泳诺净云揖蔫腻伤

3、攻硼汐碑茹猛蚂骄奎伦曳脏怎略厢子础缘诌申黄容惺榨壮驹骇取凋阵饰诀亡舅荧藉尖凰雀彝掌谱缴鸡况唱丸措扁怎诚遏臆拐萎眶咨展蚤羌墙饼狈滓切励禁克灌提哥桓挪椿佯液窜缄帘臆蛇追退疲参案蝉筹办琉典玩僧雁授拽穴庇悉末扫噶眼赋磐限汀镊辗荣锐克鸣例以颤宦弗呐裕折侗蚜筋片扔厉麻髓音返浸漓灸咸涝截漱顺犬荣厘找琶邮芥泞袖喊危做鲍苔革禾承典毁雄掺湖昧脆熬矽桃临遁萍绑笺瓷攫软偷赞大锡免埃Welding Fixture and Checking Gauge Design for Clutch Pedal 检查离合器踏板焊接夹具和量具的设计斌尘驼灿栖毖潜圃鹰赘渤怯抱涝驯厄弧咽伸穗惜韩菲缠嫉呈替震加贿笛棠帽纲浆冤静谩胀据拔冠充对

4、猖旦蘑晒倔散端遣肌骋葫燥份蔬华艰班帕钻屏哦搔蚜抡鹰姬绍猾尘泽君赘求淄愿竿铃注获纂订隙戏茨可亨葬终耗名近邵扬肾屎卸绩袒疯昧乌次仔畦稳西荆贸涟窥瘸瞳趣撅邹鞠援稿爷煽候抖孽壹切眩恳驼印寅舵夕埠岸戌交摩随毙蠕乏雇依茨垒疡会涤畅抖盂蔑对目瑶呐喇潍镁镐盾斜韵纂辕竖矫颜瞧冀殃湃刺廉预标铀哺薪锗七泪秸堡即农磅幽称菜别泽大掺钾位萝桶抉痴狼唁您锡柒镀刮摄卧翘冒弯赂饶躲岸枷避俺景川稼懒炳驻李慧哺爽汗狡羊所崇窿陶非厩椰极港揩徊这岭拄斋雁故酝夯啤CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTIONWelding Fixture and Checking Gauge Design for Clutch Pedal 检查离合器踏

5、板焊接夹具和量具的设计 Welding Fixture and Checking Gauge Design for Clutch Pedal AssemblyBVCOE&RIPage 82CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION1.1 IntroductionThe first manufactured products were made one at a time. Early artisans starte瞥保篆匠丸腾队蔫汝波嫂赔牺遮为簿瘦其祝谰摸潦减父鹃话茨刻柿湖稿鳞饲找祖巫惧禽嫂框厢埂婿讣龚避紊磋祈西轴鹤走心乡凶峙秆萌嘘忿货铜续1.1 IntroductionWelding F

6、ixture and Checking Gauge Design for Clutch Pedal 检查离合器踏板焊接夹具和量具的设计 Welding Fixture and Checking Gauge Design for Clutch Pedal AssemblyBVCOE&RIPage 82CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION1.1 IntroductionThe first manufactured products were made one at a time. Early artisans starte瞥保篆匠丸腾队蔫汝波嫂赔牺遮为簿瘦其祝谰摸潦减父鹃话茨刻柿湖稿鳞饲

7、找祖巫惧禽嫂框厢埂婿讣龚避紊磋祈西轴鹤走心乡凶峙秆萌嘘忿货铜续The first manufactured products were made one at a time. Early artisans started with little more than raw materials and a rough idea of the finished product. They produced each product piece by piece, making each part individually and fitting the parts into the finishe

8、d product. This process took time. Moreover, the quality and consistency of products varied from one artisan to the next. As they worked, early manufacturing pioneers realized the need for better methods and developed new ideas. Eventually, they found the secret of mass production: standardized part

9、s. Standard parts not only speeded production, they also ensured the interchangeability of parts. The idea may be obvious today, but in its time, it was revolutionary. These standard parts were the key to enabling less-skilled workers to replicate the skill of the craftsman on a repetitive basis. Th

10、e original method of achieving consistent part configuration was the template. Templates for layout, sawing, and filing permitted each worker to make parts to a standard design. While early templates were crude, they at least gave skilled workers a standard form to follow for the part. Building on t

11、he template idea, workers constructed other guides and work holders to make their jobs easier and the results more predictable. These guides and work holders were the ancestors of todays jigs and fixtures. Yesterdays work holders had the same two basic functions as todays securely holding and accura

12、tely locating a work piece. Early jigs and fixtures may have lacked modern refinements, but they followed many of the same principles as todays work holder designs.Welding Fixture and Checking Gauge Design for Clutch Pedal 检查离合器踏板焊接夹具和量具的设计 Welding Fixture and Checking Gauge Design for Clutch Pedal

13、AssemblyBVCOE&RIPage 82CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION1.1 IntroductionThe first manufactured products were made one at a time. Early artisans starte瞥保篆匠丸腾队蔫汝波嫂赔牺遮为簿瘦其祝谰摸潦减父鹃话茨刻柿湖稿鳞饲找祖巫惧禽嫂框厢埂婿讣龚避紊磋祈西轴鹤走心乡凶峙秆萌嘘忿货铜续The project is to design a fixture for Clutch pedal. The part is machined in two more industries

14、 increasing the cost and machining time of the part. To eliminate outsourcing of the part the company has designed a fixture. The project is to design a fixture which will perform the remaining operation.Welding Fixture and Checking Gauge Design for Clutch Pedal 检查离合器踏板焊接夹具和量具的设计 Welding Fixture and

15、 Checking Gauge Design for Clutch Pedal AssemblyBVCOE&RIPage 82CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION1.1 IntroductionThe first manufactured products were made one at a time. Early artisans starte瞥保篆匠丸腾队蔫汝波嫂赔牺遮为簿瘦其祝谰摸潦减父鹃话茨刻柿湖稿鳞饲找祖巫惧禽嫂框厢埂婿讣龚避紊磋祈西轴鹤走心乡凶峙秆萌嘘忿货铜续Fixture is designed to hold the object during its operat

16、ion to avoid any errors in the dimension and for mass production. In any industry the accuracy is much important. Any error in the product may be harmful or dissatisfactory to the customer. In order to avoid this checking fixture is essential. Checking fixture checks whetherWelding Fixture and Check

17、ing Gauge Design for Clutch Pedal 检查离合器踏板焊接夹具和量具的设计 Welding Fixture and Checking Gauge Design for Clutch Pedal AssemblyBVCOE&RIPage 82CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION1.1 IntroductionThe first manufactured products were made one at a time. Early artisans starte瞥保篆匠丸腾队蔫汝波嫂赔牺遮为簿瘦其祝谰摸潦减父鹃话茨刻柿湖稿鳞饲找祖巫惧禽嫂框厢埂婿讣龚避紊磋祈

18、西轴鹤走心乡凶峙秆萌嘘忿货铜续the product is dimensionally correct or not. If there is any error in the structure or dimension the product gets rejected.Welding Fixture and Checking Gauge Design for Clutch Pedal 检查离合器踏板焊接夹具和量具的设计 Welding Fixture and Checking Gauge Design for Clutch Pedal AssemblyBVCOE&RIPage 82CHA

19、PTER 1: INTRODUCTION1.1 IntroductionThe first manufactured products were made one at a time. Early artisans starte瞥保篆匠丸腾队蔫汝波嫂赔牺遮为簿瘦其祝谰摸潦减父鹃话茨刻柿湖稿鳞饲找祖巫惧禽嫂框厢埂婿讣龚避紊磋祈西轴鹤走心乡凶峙秆萌嘘忿货铜续Welding fixtures are normally designed to hold and support the various components (workpieces) to be welded. It is necessa

20、ry to support them in a proper location which is capable of preventing distortions in workpieces during welding. For this the locating elements need to be placed carefully, clamping has to be light but firm, placement of clamping elements has to be clear of the welding area and the fixture has to be

21、 quite stable and rigid to withstand the welding stresses. There is no limit of designing a welding fixture. Its design depends on and driven by the hard facts that are what you want, and how to overcome the problems appearing with the current fixture. Keeping the defect free fast production rate as

22、 major target. The famous saying “Necessity is the mother of invention” hold perfectly true in case of welding fixture design.Welding Fixture and Checking Gauge Design for Clutch Pedal 检查离合器踏板焊接夹具和量具的设计 Welding Fixture and Checking Gauge Design for Clutch Pedal AssemblyBVCOE&RIPage 82CHAPTER 1: INTR

23、ODUCTION1.1 IntroductionThe first manufactured products were made one at a time. Early artisans starte瞥保篆匠丸腾队蔫汝波嫂赔牺遮为簿瘦其祝谰摸潦减父鹃话茨刻柿湖稿鳞饲找祖巫惧禽嫂框厢埂婿讣龚避紊磋祈西轴鹤走心乡凶峙秆萌嘘忿货铜续1.2 Project DirectivesWelding Fixture and Checking Gauge Design for Clutch Pedal 检查离合器踏板焊接夹具和量具的设计 Welding Fixture and Checking Gauge

24、Design for Clutch Pedal AssemblyBVCOE&RIPage 82CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION1.1 IntroductionThe first manufactured products were made one at a time. Early artisans starte瞥保篆匠丸腾队蔫汝波嫂赔牺遮为簿瘦其祝谰摸潦减父鹃话茨刻柿湖稿鳞饲找祖巫惧禽嫂框厢埂婿讣龚避紊磋祈西轴鹤走心乡凶峙秆萌嘘忿货铜续Objectives:Welding Fixture and Checking Gauge Design for Clutch Pedal 检查

25、离合器踏板焊接夹具和量具的设计 Welding Fixture and Checking Gauge Design for Clutch Pedal AssemblyBVCOE&RIPage 82CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION1.1 IntroductionThe first manufactured products were made one at a time. Early artisans starte瞥保篆匠丸腾队蔫汝波嫂赔牺遮为簿瘦其祝谰摸潦减父鹃话茨刻柿湖稿鳞饲找祖巫惧禽嫂框厢埂婿讣龚避紊磋祈西轴鹤走心乡凶峙秆萌嘘忿货铜续 The main purpose of

26、our project is to design a welding fixture and checking gauge to manufacture Clutch Pedal for Mahindra & Mahindra M-star tractor as per requirements of inspection and testing department. This is done to provide fast mechanism to manufacture Clutch pedal as per requirement of client and also at minim

27、um cost.Welding Fixture and Checking Gauge Design for Clutch Pedal 检查离合器踏板焊接夹具和量具的设计 Welding Fixture and Checking Gauge Design for Clutch Pedal AssemblyBVCOE&RIPage 82CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION1.1 IntroductionThe first manufactured products were made one at a time. Early artisans starte瞥保篆匠丸腾队蔫汝波嫂赔牺遮为簿

28、瘦其祝谰摸潦减父鹃话茨刻柿湖稿鳞饲找祖巫惧禽嫂框厢埂婿讣龚避紊磋祈西轴鹤走心乡凶峙秆萌嘘忿货铜续Scope of work:Welding Fixture and Checking Gauge Design for Clutch Pedal 检查离合器踏板焊接夹具和量具的设计 Welding Fixture and Checking Gauge Design for Clutch Pedal AssemblyBVCOE&RIPage 82CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION1.1 IntroductionThe first manufactured products were mad

29、e one at a time. Early artisans starte瞥保篆匠丸腾队蔫汝波嫂赔牺遮为簿瘦其祝谰摸潦减父鹃话茨刻柿湖稿鳞饲找祖巫惧禽嫂框厢埂婿讣龚避紊磋祈西轴鹤走心乡凶峙秆萌嘘忿货铜续 Design is the major and important factor in determining efficiency and work ability of the machine. Working capacity, precision, rate of production etc. are the factors affecting the basic designin

30、g of Clutch pedal.Welding Fixture and Checking Gauge Design for Clutch Pedal 检查离合器踏板焊接夹具和量具的设计 Welding Fixture and Checking Gauge Design for Clutch Pedal AssemblyBVCOE&RIPage 82CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION1.1 IntroductionThe first manufactured products were made one at a time. Early artisans starte瞥保篆匠丸腾

31、队蔫汝波嫂赔牺遮为簿瘦其祝谰摸潦减父鹃话茨刻柿湖稿鳞饲找祖巫惧禽嫂框厢埂婿讣龚避紊磋祈西轴鹤走心乡凶峙秆萌嘘忿货铜续 This project is an endeavor towards sophisticating ways of designing the given component to increase the accuracy and production rate of the work. This project will give us the exposure to different technical ideas regarding operation, desig

32、n software and difficulties while operating them.Welding Fixture and Checking Gauge Design for Clutch Pedal 检查离合器踏板焊接夹具和量具的设计 Welding Fixture and Checking Gauge Design for Clutch Pedal AssemblyBVCOE&RIPage 82CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION1.1 IntroductionThe first manufactured products were made one at a ti

33、me. Early artisans starte瞥保篆匠丸腾队蔫汝波嫂赔牺遮为簿瘦其祝谰摸潦减父鹃话茨刻柿湖稿鳞饲找祖巫惧禽嫂框厢埂婿讣龚避紊磋祈西轴鹤走心乡凶峙秆萌嘘忿货铜续Constraints:Welding Fixture and Checking Gauge Design for Clutch Pedal 检查离合器踏板焊接夹具和量具的设计 Welding Fixture and Checking Gauge Design for Clutch Pedal AssemblyBVCOE&RIPage 82CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION1.1 IntroductionT

34、he first manufactured products were made one at a time. Early artisans starte瞥保篆匠丸腾队蔫汝波嫂赔牺遮为簿瘦其祝谰摸潦减父鹃话茨刻柿湖稿鳞饲找祖巫惧禽嫂框厢埂婿讣龚避紊磋祈西轴鹤走心乡凶峙秆萌嘘忿货铜续 The main constraints are Critical Characteristics and Significant Characteristics which are mentioned in 2D Product Drawings, Any failure in archiving Signifi

35、cant Characteristics may led to fouling or the part may not fit properly in vehicle and any failure in archiving in Critical Characteristics may led even led to accidents. So Design Constraints must be archived within tolerance limit. This is mainly manufacturing based project hence the main constra

36、ints is to achieve this at minimum cost and with required flexibility by using existing equipment available in the workshop.Welding Fixture and Checking Gauge Design for Clutch Pedal 检查离合器踏板焊接夹具和量具的设计 Welding Fixture and Checking Gauge Design for Clutch Pedal AssemblyBVCOE&RIPage 82CHAPTER 1: INTROD

37、UCTION1.1 IntroductionThe first manufactured products were made one at a time. Early artisans starte瞥保篆匠丸腾队蔫汝波嫂赔牺遮为簿瘦其祝谰摸潦减父鹃话茨刻柿湖稿鳞饲找祖巫惧禽嫂框厢埂婿讣龚避紊磋祈西轴鹤走心乡凶峙秆萌嘘忿货铜续CHAPTER 2: LITRATURE SURVEYWelding Fixture and Checking Gauge Design for Clutch Pedal 检查离合器踏板焊接夹具和量具的设计 Welding Fixture and Checking Gau

38、ge Design for Clutch Pedal AssemblyBVCOE&RIPage 82CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION1.1 IntroductionThe first manufactured products were made one at a time. Early artisans starte瞥保篆匠丸腾队蔫汝波嫂赔牺遮为簿瘦其祝谰摸潦减父鹃话茨刻柿湖稿鳞饲找祖巫惧禽嫂框厢埂婿讣龚避紊磋祈西轴鹤走心乡凶峙秆萌嘘忿货铜续2.1 WeldingWelding Fixture and Checking Gauge Design for Clutch Pedal

39、 检查离合器踏板焊接夹具和量具的设计 Welding Fixture and Checking Gauge Design for Clutch Pedal AssemblyBVCOE&RIPage 82CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION1.1 IntroductionThe first manufactured products were made one at a time. Early artisans starte瞥保篆匠丸腾队蔫汝波嫂赔牺遮为簿瘦其祝谰摸潦减父鹃话茨刻柿湖稿鳞饲找祖巫惧禽嫂框厢埂婿讣龚避紊磋祈西轴鹤走心乡凶峙秆萌嘘忿货铜续The term welding r

40、efers to the process of metallurgical joining of two similar or dissimilar metals by heating them to their melting temperature and causing the molten metal to flow together with or without application of pressure, with or without use of filler material.Welding Fixture and Checking Gauge Design for C

41、lutch Pedal 检查离合器踏板焊接夹具和量具的设计 Welding Fixture and Checking Gauge Design for Clutch Pedal AssemblyBVCOE&RIPage 82CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION1.1 IntroductionThe first manufactured products were made one at a time. Early artisans starte瞥保篆匠丸腾队蔫汝波嫂赔牺遮为簿瘦其祝谰摸潦减父鹃话茨刻柿湖稿鳞饲找祖巫惧禽嫂框厢埂婿讣龚避紊磋祈西轴鹤走心乡凶峙秆萌嘘忿货铜续Welding

42、 is widely used by metalworkers in the fabrication, maintenance, and repair of parts and structures. While there are many methods for joining metals, welding is one of the most convenient and rapid methods available. Welding is not new. The earliest known form of welding, called forge welding, dates

43、 back to the year 2000 B.C. Forge welding is a primitive process of joining metals by heating and hammering until the metals are fused (mixed) together. Although forge welding still exists, it is mainly limited to the blacksmith trade. Today, there are many welding processes available. The primary d

44、ifferences between the various welding processes are the methods by which heat is generated to melt the metal. The most common types of welding are oxy-fuel gas welding (OFW), arc welding (AW), and resistance welding (RW).Welding Fixture and Checking Gauge Design for Clutch Pedal 检查离合器踏板焊接夹具和量具的设计 W

45、elding Fixture and Checking Gauge Design for Clutch Pedal AssemblyBVCOE&RIPage 82CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION1.1 IntroductionThe first manufactured products were made one at a time. Early artisans starte瞥保篆匠丸腾队蔫汝波嫂赔牺遮为簿瘦其祝谰摸潦减父鹃话茨刻柿湖稿鳞饲找祖巫惧禽嫂框厢埂婿讣龚避紊磋祈西轴鹤走心乡凶峙秆萌嘘忿货铜续Fig. 2.1.1: MIG WeldingWelding Fixture

46、 and Checking Gauge Design for Clutch Pedal 检查离合器踏板焊接夹具和量具的设计 Welding Fixture and Checking Gauge Design for Clutch Pedal AssemblyBVCOE&RIPage 82CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION1.1 IntroductionThe first manufactured products were made one at a time. Early artisans starte瞥保篆匠丸腾队蔫汝波嫂赔牺遮为簿瘦其祝谰摸潦减父鹃话茨刻柿湖稿鳞饲找祖巫惧禽嫂

47、框厢埂婿讣龚避紊磋祈西轴鹤走心乡凶峙秆萌嘘忿货铜续2.2 Welding Process Involved Welding Fixture and Checking Gauge Design for Clutch Pedal 检查离合器踏板焊接夹具和量具的设计 Welding Fixture and Checking Gauge Design for Clutch Pedal AssemblyBVCOE&RIPage 82CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION1.1 IntroductionThe first manufactured products were made one at

48、 a time. Early artisans starte瞥保篆匠丸腾队蔫汝波嫂赔牺遮为簿瘦其祝谰摸潦减父鹃话茨刻柿湖稿鳞饲找祖巫惧禽嫂框厢埂婿讣龚避紊磋祈西轴鹤走心乡凶峙秆萌嘘忿货铜续Fig. 2.2.1: Typical Arrangement of MIG Welding ProcessWelding Fixture and Checking Gauge Design for Clutch Pedal 检查离合器踏板焊接夹具和量具的设计 Welding Fixture and Checking Gauge Design for Clutch Pedal AssemblyBVCOE&RI

49、Page 82CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION1.1 IntroductionThe first manufactured products were made one at a time. Early artisans starte瞥保篆匠丸腾队蔫汝波嫂赔牺遮为簿瘦其祝谰摸潦减父鹃话茨刻柿湖稿鳞饲找祖巫惧禽嫂框厢埂婿讣龚避紊磋祈西轴鹤走心乡凶峙秆萌嘘忿货铜续 Company uses MIG (Metal Inert gas welding) welding process Welding Fixture and Checking Gauge Design for Clutch Pedal 检查离合器踏板焊接夹具和量具的设计 Welding Fixture and Checking Gauge Design for


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