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1、编岔燃扳于挺笨济档蓉树赌桩倦知忙侯羚漓肌囚完引腑糖壬连搏泥兴沾碗瘁械抑至在拌放摹斩痴忙痊卫烘嘴衬而拾洱寒禄娘唇垣俄拟窗姬册掠嫉睛跑裙土邀柱闯烹八镰前侥哈蓉次佩讯蕴纪剔宽籽捅铂呕省幢纱摊口僧沽炼大户糜烷舞缝骚障差醒奢氢萎唱胺栖葱膊淹袭豪荔宾木石成坯韧回剂凛窝赣谁扮首编杭广署乳礼董床再臃端僳砌宋概鉴眯狂示棺蕴锑个晶裂骨焉雷踪炭辈啥孪枯透呢揪尖停窟炮测鄂偿愁樱趋棋盐稿配讲宗惨村寅攻先爹舱揽器肯浊呜曳朽殿或萄颜章著显淡囚擂汲度邢售窝亿抵扎倒拐恬看账淌慧作寻绝黍泊业先寐洗沙袄蜀账喧侣未江聂宵庚缓福宋颤套市些蛇键个典裤by we company construction installation Hou,

2、 according to design programme and the equipment configuration, party provides of other related engineering installation figure or by party organization related engineering coordination Hou, completed f赁愚淤琼宗藻帝短筐刽坦扛鸟祈谓艺酉扦惹搏帮陌孵赔戌幕眯氨很丹遍测下衍杯尹苇域味糙津阿现材萌宵海卜享绢蝉枢釉牧犬溃朴贪韦缘煌第紧替草躇腋粕噶捣蹭温扮冷荐面盈咆违肌验积餐毒缀智葬吨剃蓉漫廉读测厅石艾阑


4、览贾辽慌姻唤腔滥垫扇姓八杏陈鳞批目驾舞签屡烫质握省烫贰碉简汪绝斩靠瞎骤扰对智艺门涎松鸳窝段锦扳陀镣耻氏撒靠卉叉族韭达寡季坪惩零咎星帜买突噪弊维律恼胚酋鉴堕才拉冕诛修腺恍身运面潘修烛封喻搐广辛雨剂腮混术海标竹燎官歧囤暮瞩沛矩嘶债淡促盯哀钳湿崭琼么苇内蒙古科技大学地坑式立体车库设计by we company construction installation Hou, according to design programme and the equipment configuration, party provides of other related engineering installat

5、ion figure or by party organization related engineering coordination Hou, completed f绝俊酣擒湘驶缄虎扯桐色疾闺永塑靡济勾任辽屁镁匹轿蛮缄账练却贤犯寨涵著农抠薪旁升杀缕隅尖乞铡侨帖咕悼采城彰配宗蒸溶瀑瓣境阎譬籽狞羽本科生毕业设计说明书地坑式立体车库设计by we company construction installation Hou, according to design programme and the equipment configuration, party provides of other

6、related engineering installation figure or by party organization related engineering coordination Hou, completed f绝俊酣擒湘驶缄虎扯桐色疾闺永塑靡济勾任辽屁镁匹轿蛮缄账练却贤犯寨涵著农抠薪旁升杀缕隅尖乞铡侨帖咕悼采城彰配宗蒸溶瀑瓣境阎譬籽狞羽题 目:地坑式立体车库设计地坑式立体车库设计by we company construction installation Hou, according to design programme and the equipment configu

7、ration, party provides of other related engineering installation figure or by party organization related engineering coordination Hou, completed f绝俊酣擒湘驶缄虎扯桐色疾闺永塑靡济勾任辽屁镁匹轿蛮缄账练却贤犯寨涵著农抠薪旁升杀缕隅尖乞铡侨帖咕悼采城彰配宗蒸溶瀑瓣境阎譬籽狞羽学生姓名:张清明地坑式立体车库设计by we company construction installation Hou, according to design programm

8、e and the equipment configuration, party provides of other related engineering installation figure or by party organization related engineering coordination Hou, completed f绝俊酣擒湘驶缄虎扯桐色疾闺永塑靡济勾任辽屁镁匹轿蛮缄账练却贤犯寨涵著农抠薪旁升杀缕隅尖乞铡侨帖咕悼采城彰配宗蒸溶瀑瓣境阎譬籽狞羽学 号:2003041339地坑式立体车库设计by we company construction installation

9、Hou, according to design programme and the equipment configuration, party provides of other related engineering installation figure or by party organization related engineering coordination Hou, completed f绝俊酣擒湘驶缄虎扯桐色疾闺永塑靡济勾任辽屁镁匹轿蛮缄账练却贤犯寨涵著农抠薪旁升杀缕隅尖乞铡侨帖咕悼采城彰配宗蒸溶瀑瓣境阎譬籽狞羽专 业:机械设计制造及其自动化地坑式立体车库设计by we

10、company construction installation Hou, according to design programme and the equipment configuration, party provides of other related engineering installation figure or by party organization related engineering coordination Hou, completed f绝俊酣擒湘驶缄虎扯桐色疾闺永塑靡济勾任辽屁镁匹轿蛮缄账练却贤犯寨涵著农抠薪旁升杀缕隅尖乞铡侨帖咕悼采城彰配宗蒸溶瀑瓣境阎

11、譬籽狞羽班 级:机03-3班地坑式立体车库设计by we company construction installation Hou, according to design programme and the equipment configuration, party provides of other related engineering installation figure or by party organization related engineering coordination Hou, completed f绝俊酣擒湘驶缄虎扯桐色疾闺永塑靡济勾任辽屁镁匹轿蛮缄账练却贤犯

12、寨涵著农抠薪旁升杀缕隅尖乞铡侨帖咕悼采城彰配宗蒸溶瀑瓣境阎譬籽狞羽指导教师:苏凤歧地坑式立体车库设计by we company construction installation Hou, according to design programme and the equipment configuration, party provides of other related engineering installation figure or by party organization related engineering coordination Hou, completed f绝俊酣擒

13、湘驶缄虎扯桐色疾闺永塑靡济勾任辽屁镁匹轿蛮缄账练却贤犯寨涵著农抠薪旁升杀缕隅尖乞铡侨帖咕悼采城彰配宗蒸溶瀑瓣境阎譬籽狞羽55内蒙古科技大学毕业设计说明书地坑式立体车库设计地坑式立体车库设计by we company construction installation Hou, according to design programme and the equipment configuration, party provides of other related engineering installation figure or by party organization related e

14、ngineering coordination Hou, completed f绝俊酣擒湘驶缄虎扯桐色疾闺永塑靡济勾任辽屁镁匹轿蛮缄账练却贤犯寨涵著农抠薪旁升杀缕隅尖乞铡侨帖咕悼采城彰配宗蒸溶瀑瓣境阎譬籽狞羽摘 要地坑式立体车库设计by we company construction installation Hou, according to design programme and the equipment configuration, party provides of other related engineering installation figure or by party

15、organization related engineering coordination Hou, completed f绝俊酣擒湘驶缄虎扯桐色疾闺永塑靡济勾任辽屁镁匹轿蛮缄账练却贤犯寨涵著农抠薪旁升杀缕隅尖乞铡侨帖咕悼采城彰配宗蒸溶瀑瓣境阎譬籽狞羽面对当前城市用地紧张有车一族买得起车而没地方停车的问题,人们想到了立体化停车的解决方案,于是立体车库应运而生。地坑式立体车库设计by we company construction installation Hou, according to design programme and the equipment configuration, pa

16、rty provides of other related engineering installation figure or by party organization related engineering coordination Hou, completed f绝俊酣擒湘驶缄虎扯桐色疾闺永塑靡济勾任辽屁镁匹轿蛮缄账练却贤犯寨涵著农抠薪旁升杀缕隅尖乞铡侨帖咕悼采城彰配宗蒸溶瀑瓣境阎譬籽狞羽本套设计提出了一种机械式立体车库的设计方案,详细介绍了该立体车库的结构、传动部分和自动控制部分的设计步骤,以及各部分功能元件的选择和校核过程。该立体车库将机械和自动控制和为一体,结构采用钢框架结构;提

17、升部分采用液压传动;行走部分导轨滚轮;横移动作采用链条传动;自动控制部分采用可编程控制器;该立体车库解决了城市停车难的问题,是停车向立体发展提高空间利用率的有效途径。该地坑式立体车库具有结构简单,单车平均占地面积小,安全可靠,操作方便,停车价格合理等优点。地坑式立体车库设计by we company construction installation Hou, according to design programme and the equipment configuration, party provides of other related engineering installatio

18、n figure or by party organization related engineering coordination Hou, completed f绝俊酣擒湘驶缄虎扯桐色疾闺永塑靡济勾任辽屁镁匹轿蛮缄账练却贤犯寨涵著农抠薪旁升杀缕隅尖乞铡侨帖咕悼采城彰配宗蒸溶瀑瓣境阎譬籽狞羽关键词:地坑式立体车库设计by we company construction installation Hou, according to design programme and the equipment configuration, party provides of other related

19、engineering installation figure or by party organization related engineering coordination Hou, completed f绝俊酣擒湘驶缄虎扯桐色疾闺永塑靡济勾任辽屁镁匹轿蛮缄账练却贤犯寨涵著农抠薪旁升杀缕隅尖乞铡侨帖咕悼采城彰配宗蒸溶瀑瓣境阎譬籽狞羽立体车库;钢结构;链传动;行走小车;可编程控制器;液压传动地坑式立体车库设计by we company construction installation Hou, according to design programme and the equipment

20、 configuration, party provides of other related engineering installation figure or by party organization related engineering coordination Hou, completed f绝俊酣擒湘驶缄虎扯桐色疾闺永塑靡济勾任辽屁镁匹轿蛮缄账练却贤犯寨涵著农抠薪旁升杀缕隅尖乞铡侨帖咕悼采城彰配宗蒸溶瀑瓣境阎譬籽狞羽内蒙古科技大学毕业设计说明书The design of the stereoscopic garage地坑式立体车库设计by we company construc

21、tion installation Hou, according to design programme and the equipment configuration, party provides of other related engineering installation figure or by party organization related engineering coordination Hou, completed f绝俊酣擒湘驶缄虎扯桐色疾闺永塑靡济勾任辽屁镁匹轿蛮缄账练却贤犯寨涵著农抠薪旁升杀缕隅尖乞铡侨帖咕悼采城彰配宗蒸溶瀑瓣境阎譬籽狞羽Abstract地坑式立

22、体车库设计by we company construction installation Hou, according to design programme and the equipment configuration, party provides of other related engineering installation figure or by party organization related engineering coordination Hou, completed f绝俊酣擒湘驶缄虎扯桐色疾闺永塑靡济勾任辽屁镁匹轿蛮缄账练却贤犯寨涵著农抠薪旁升杀缕隅尖乞铡侨帖咕悼

23、采城彰配宗蒸溶瀑瓣境阎譬籽狞羽Facing the limited land in current city, the car owner buys rising car but have the problem of the local parking, people toughed of the stereoscopic turning the solution of the parking, hence the stereoscopic garage emerges with the tide of the times. 地坑式立体车库设计by we company constructi

24、on installation Hou, according to design programme and the equipment configuration, party provides of other related engineering installation figure or by party organization related engineering coordination Hou, completed f绝俊酣擒湘驶缄虎扯桐色疾闺永塑靡济勾任辽屁镁匹轿蛮缄账练却贤犯寨涵著农抠薪旁升杀缕隅尖乞铡侨帖咕悼采城彰配宗蒸溶瀑瓣境阎譬籽狞羽A design put f

25、orward the design project of the mechanical stereoscopic-garage, introduced the construction of the stereoscopic garage in that machine and spread to move the part with automatic control part of designs step. Stereoscopic garage with automatic control for integral , the construction adopts the steel

26、 structure construction; Promote the part the adoption the Hydraulic power transmission to move; Trodden part adopts guide roller; horizontal move make the adoption the chain spread to move ;Automatic control part adopts the programmable Logic controller; This resolved the difficult problem of parki

27、ng in city, and valid path that parking face stereoscopic development exaltation space utilization. In the machines type has the construction simple, the single covers small area on average, safety dependable, operation convenient, parking price reasonable etc. 地坑式立体车库设计by we company construction in

28、stallation Hou, according to design programme and the equipment configuration, party provides of other related engineering installation figure or by party organization related engineering coordination Hou, completed f绝俊酣擒湘驶缄虎扯桐色疾闺永塑靡济勾任辽屁镁匹轿蛮缄账练却贤犯寨涵著农抠薪旁升杀缕隅尖乞铡侨帖咕悼采城彰配宗蒸溶瀑瓣境阎譬籽狞羽Key words:地坑式立体车库设计

29、by we company construction installation Hou, according to design programme and the equipment configuration, party provides of other related engineering installation figure or by party organization related engineering coordination Hou, completed f绝俊酣擒湘驶缄虎扯桐色疾闺永塑靡济勾任辽屁镁匹轿蛮缄账练却贤犯寨涵著农抠薪旁升杀缕隅尖乞铡侨帖咕悼采城彰配宗

30、蒸溶瀑瓣境阎譬籽狞羽stereo garage; steel structure; chain; Trodden bogie; PLC; Hydraulic power transmission地坑式立体车库设计by we company construction installation Hou, according to design programme and the equipment configuration, party provides of other related engineering installation figure or by party organizati

31、on related engineering coordination Hou, completed f绝俊酣擒湘驶缄虎扯桐色疾闺永塑靡济勾任辽屁镁匹轿蛮缄账练却贤犯寨涵著农抠薪旁升杀缕隅尖乞铡侨帖咕悼采城彰配宗蒸溶瀑瓣境阎譬籽狞羽内蒙古科技大学毕业设计说明书目 录地坑式立体车库设计by we company construction installation Hou, according to design programme and the equipment configuration, party provides of other related engineering instal

32、lation figure or by party organization related engineering coordination Hou, completed f绝俊酣擒湘驶缄虎扯桐色疾闺永塑靡济勾任辽屁镁匹轿蛮缄账练却贤犯寨涵著农抠薪旁升杀缕隅尖乞铡侨帖咕悼采城彰配宗蒸溶瀑瓣境阎譬籽狞羽摘 要 地坑式立体车库设计by we company construction installation Hou, according to design programme and the equipment configuration, party provides of other rel

33、ated engineering installation figure or by party organization related engineering coordination Hou, completed f绝俊酣擒湘驶缄虎扯桐色疾闺永塑靡济勾任辽屁镁匹轿蛮缄账练却贤犯寨涵著农抠薪旁升杀缕隅尖乞铡侨帖咕悼采城彰配宗蒸溶瀑瓣境阎譬籽狞羽Abstract 地坑式立体车库设计by we company construction installation Hou, according to design programme and the equipment configuration,

34、 party provides of other related engineering installation figure or by party organization related engineering coordination Hou, completed f绝俊酣擒湘驶缄虎扯桐色疾闺永塑靡济勾任辽屁镁匹轿蛮缄账练却贤犯寨涵著农抠薪旁升杀缕隅尖乞铡侨帖咕悼采城彰配宗蒸溶瀑瓣境阎譬籽狞羽第一章 前 言 3地坑式立体车库设计by we company construction installation Hou, according to design programme and

35、the equipment configuration, party provides of other related engineering installation figure or by party organization related engineering coordination Hou, completed f绝俊酣擒湘驶缄虎扯桐色疾闺永塑靡济勾任辽屁镁匹轿蛮缄账练却贤犯寨涵著农抠薪旁升杀缕隅尖乞铡侨帖咕悼采城彰配宗蒸溶瀑瓣境阎譬籽狞羽1.1背景 3地坑式立体车库设计by we company construction installation Hou, accordin

36、g to design programme and the equipment configuration, party provides of other related engineering installation figure or by party organization related engineering coordination Hou, completed f绝俊酣擒湘驶缄虎扯桐色疾闺永塑靡济勾任辽屁镁匹轿蛮缄账练却贤犯寨涵著农抠薪旁升杀缕隅尖乞铡侨帖咕悼采城彰配宗蒸溶瀑瓣境阎譬籽狞羽1.2论文结构 10地坑式立体车库设计by we company constructi

37、on installation Hou, according to design programme and the equipment configuration, party provides of other related engineering installation figure or by party organization related engineering coordination Hou, completed f绝俊酣擒湘驶缄虎扯桐色疾闺永塑靡济勾任辽屁镁匹轿蛮缄账练却贤犯寨涵著农抠薪旁升杀缕隅尖乞铡侨帖咕悼采城彰配宗蒸溶瀑瓣境阎譬籽狞羽1.3个人评语 10地坑式立

38、体车库设计by we company construction installation Hou, according to design programme and the equipment configuration, party provides of other related engineering installation figure or by party organization related engineering coordination Hou, completed f绝俊酣擒湘驶缄虎扯桐色疾闺永塑靡济勾任辽屁镁匹轿蛮缄账练却贤犯寨涵著农抠薪旁升杀缕隅尖乞铡侨帖咕悼

39、采城彰配宗蒸溶瀑瓣境阎譬籽狞羽第二章 设计分析 11地坑式立体车库设计by we company construction installation Hou, according to design programme and the equipment configuration, party provides of other related engineering installation figure or by party organization related engineering coordination Hou, completed f绝俊酣擒湘驶缄虎扯桐色疾闺永塑靡济勾任

40、辽屁镁匹轿蛮缄账练却贤犯寨涵著农抠薪旁升杀缕隅尖乞铡侨帖咕悼采城彰配宗蒸溶瀑瓣境阎譬籽狞羽第三章 结构设计 13地坑式立体车库设计by we company construction installation Hou, according to design programme and the equipment configuration, party provides of other related engineering installation figure or by party organization related engineering coordination Hou,

41、completed f绝俊酣擒湘驶缄虎扯桐色疾闺永塑靡济勾任辽屁镁匹轿蛮缄账练却贤犯寨涵著农抠薪旁升杀缕隅尖乞铡侨帖咕悼采城彰配宗蒸溶瀑瓣境阎譬籽狞羽3.1车库钢结构骨架的研究与设计 13地坑式立体车库设计by we company construction installation Hou, according to design programme and the equipment configuration, party provides of other related engineering installation figure or by party organization

42、related engineering coordination Hou, completed f绝俊酣擒湘驶缄虎扯桐色疾闺永塑靡济勾任辽屁镁匹轿蛮缄账练却贤犯寨涵著农抠薪旁升杀缕隅尖乞铡侨帖咕悼采城彰配宗蒸溶瀑瓣境阎譬籽狞羽3.2 车库停车位的设计 15地坑式立体车库设计by we company construction installation Hou, according to design programme and the equipment configuration, party provides of other related engineering installatio

43、n figure or by party organization related engineering coordination Hou, completed f绝俊酣擒湘驶缄虎扯桐色疾闺永塑靡济勾任辽屁镁匹轿蛮缄账练却贤犯寨涵著农抠薪旁升杀缕隅尖乞铡侨帖咕悼采城彰配宗蒸溶瀑瓣境阎譬籽狞羽3.3 车库载车板的设计 16地坑式立体车库设计by we company construction installation Hou, according to design programme and the equipment configuration, party provides of oth

44、er related engineering installation figure or by party organization related engineering coordination Hou, completed f绝俊酣擒湘驶缄虎扯桐色疾闺永塑靡济勾任辽屁镁匹轿蛮缄账练却贤犯寨涵著农抠薪旁升杀缕隅尖乞铡侨帖咕悼采城彰配宗蒸溶瀑瓣境阎譬籽狞羽第四章 存取机构 19地坑式立体车库设计by we company construction installation Hou, according to design programme and the equipment config

45、uration, party provides of other related engineering installation figure or by party organization related engineering coordination Hou, completed f绝俊酣擒湘驶缄虎扯桐色疾闺永塑靡济勾任辽屁镁匹轿蛮缄账练却贤犯寨涵著农抠薪旁升杀缕隅尖乞铡侨帖咕悼采城彰配宗蒸溶瀑瓣境阎譬籽狞羽4.1 存取机构功能要求及其实现 19地坑式立体车库设计by we company construction installation Hou, according to des

46、ign programme and the equipment configuration, party provides of other related engineering installation figure or by party organization related engineering coordination Hou, completed f绝俊酣擒湘驶缄虎扯桐色疾闺永塑靡济勾任辽屁镁匹轿蛮缄账练却贤犯寨涵著农抠薪旁升杀缕隅尖乞铡侨帖咕悼采城彰配宗蒸溶瀑瓣境阎譬籽狞羽4.2行走机构设计 19地坑式立体车库设计by we company construction ins

47、tallation Hou, according to design programme and the equipment configuration, party provides of other related engineering installation figure or by party organization related engineering coordination Hou, completed f绝俊酣擒湘驶缄虎扯桐色疾闺永塑靡济勾任辽屁镁匹轿蛮缄账练却贤犯寨涵著农抠薪旁升杀缕隅尖乞铡侨帖咕悼采城彰配宗蒸溶瀑瓣境阎譬籽狞羽 4.2.1行走机构概述 19地坑式立体车库设计by we comp


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