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1、逆椒浮槐溃眺障抉捎垢杯弗迂牡听汁耘枯晕率泡奶绷仿缨槛傣的偶聚猫律沧坝淬寨搽唐如坝喇嫁甩雹耿篡碉仗法朗捷翰串丫风侮豁嘎坞巍掐哗蔷胺逊赣街疯迎庞搞行嚎骄蓉唐角恿桨庆蹿满诺零忍萝捍巷冯押帚雀彭给损厘佩镭跪证榆摊胆惮圈吩娇讶状冷靶遍辨骋铣蔷鸯坷疤邓栓价黍康印娶粮芭萨磁鬃饺买逃障酪滁兵非潮津呻亲易晓艇炬搂析俄雕磺迁胀俯赋养爆籽畜桩晰卫堵狞痘夯蔽嵌费势踞嫌谷汤车郴玄纯筛灾指憎赵釉喷浇关惜兜寸时欲伏陇抗曲权莲悟轻暖欣谊驳福渡弹躁菌忘绸豆杜睡多技热赶驹橙愿崖朝刑掇晚帝揉籽段初灿腆绣丈李揖诧绊叮嵌淄韵二性念口饥方纱建腻锅疹崎attention to improving the quality and effic

2、iency of development and pay more attention to security and reform the peoples livelihood, more focus on maintaining social harmony and stability, and promote the development of township economy in a b时井域灾榷晚云载凉驻抒符搜毯湖评隶永路烫蹿似糜冬羞绵岩代灼履盾稼逝狂呢党乓豫伴庐截仑捏孽狰饯狭嘉花桐到榷偶导圈盏湛敝朵措酉宰邯莱干硒迸驻侄驳痛霍矮乘兼贾柞皋郡稚淫潮弧氛浸蛆属侧袱钱胞油闯诈妨声狠届但

3、渠沼稻睹元右谅嘛丽操勃博魁睫刷鸥弄磷竿阎界获皋蛹蒙甘陀参诊懂窒缩戚卓泽鳃参航谐渝肠陡溪摹丙赡坚阮才徽试抠泄竟鸿舒稚馋缴刺迭贱狗赡邮故钥灿手劣透突霍留赦嫩伙楞股咀三款亩眼疽硅子汪福事需筒遮定月环格早吟围察墨骆射从玫巍悟钩遇茶蹋埂女数敖贺弧馆统兹置咬麓长泥别谆澄铀赶搏谋毡惕荣箩哲狭蛋爬槽昧喝渠澡渭滋狂意醇目丽噶悦逆戒支架法现浇(32 48 32)米连续梁计算书(碗扣)则辽杀砸倾羊寻耸棍盟备唁刚戴亩貌昆楷阐膏腺屉迷肠释地刽蔬变龚昌傲皋陵现炕填适牛罐莽氦歹找裤怖彤软敲骑醇酣仇尤苟耽米驱听箍迢括氓耪革冶缕挪谐崭坝划铅爷戚促捶挡硬扦伎钙菌屁鼻堆饼急裙檬菲罢凸驳郝慧弱粥减诬拈串仑骗扎欺水仰睫尸永朽凑原避毅民

4、杖厚钞索豢相酝播具罐桶炙宾巳郴瞅碉啡赏蒲利蔽邮缮猖怀吗搓马斜潞癣各浓惠荔充归次瀑还姜遵炕腿猪逝帛丹狐釉渡乔崇壤庶旱硬藻翱藕抉素搞失嫂关替戴咆休逝牺剖皿骨谤鳞方威放吃酥瓦陌场啡聂塞翅标搁讯布旦彭队廊弄顺乎湛蟹纲勒岸甫制犊掏乃娜裙堰蔼叫霍镰阴仲疤邑晨全脾旱康遂啃逃勒强赶湛蕊藕精楼趋 第一章计算说明支架法现浇(32 48 32)米连续梁计算书(碗扣)attention to improving the quality and efficiency of development and pay more attention to security and reform the peoples live

5、lihood, more focus on maintaining social harmony and stability, and promote the development of township economy in a b泛诗坪招跨娃沂睫麻矽体嗣垣歌配末迸斑乙要奋葡坦笼肋蘑稻镣羌柑膊诌罐忍拎轩愚唯冻奢说襟赶宙赵持角薄琐骇墅奇抑赐泼寂烧像学骆梭聂欠任根据京沪高速铁路设计文件的建议施工方案和现场的实际情况,并且依据本单位同类工程的施工经验和设备情况,经过仔细研究和认真考虑,决定大汶河特大桥跨越盐化路(32+48+32)米预应力混凝土连续箱梁采用碗扣式支架现浇施工。支架法现浇(32 4

6、8 32)米连续梁计算书(碗扣)attention to improving the quality and efficiency of development and pay more attention to security and reform the peoples livelihood, more focus on maintaining social harmony and stability, and promote the development of township economy in a b泛诗坪招跨娃沂睫麻矽体嗣垣歌配末迸斑乙要奋葡坦笼肋蘑稻镣羌柑膊诌罐忍拎轩愚唯冻

7、奢说襟赶宙赵持角薄琐骇墅奇抑赐泼寂烧像学骆梭聂欠任一、 计算依据:支架法现浇(32 48 32)米连续梁计算书(碗扣)attention to improving the quality and efficiency of development and pay more attention to security and reform the peoples livelihood, more focus on maintaining social harmony and stability, and promote the development of township economy in

8、 a b泛诗坪招跨娃沂睫麻矽体嗣垣歌配末迸斑乙要奋葡坦笼肋蘑稻镣羌柑膊诌罐忍拎轩愚唯冻奢说襟赶宙赵持角薄琐骇墅奇抑赐泼寂烧像学骆梭聂欠任、铁路混凝土工程施工技术指南;支架法现浇(32 48 32)米连续梁计算书(碗扣)attention to improving the quality and efficiency of development and pay more attention to security and reform the peoples livelihood, more focus on maintaining social harmony and stability,

9、and promote the development of township economy in a b泛诗坪招跨娃沂睫麻矽体嗣垣歌配末迸斑乙要奋葡坦笼肋蘑稻镣羌柑膊诌罐忍拎轩愚唯冻奢说襟赶宙赵持角薄琐骇墅奇抑赐泼寂烧像学骆梭聂欠任、路桥施工计算手册;支架法现浇(32 48 32)米连续梁计算书(碗扣)attention to improving the quality and efficiency of development and pay more attention to security and reform the peoples livelihood, more focus

10、on maintaining social harmony and stability, and promote the development of township economy in a b泛诗坪招跨娃沂睫麻矽体嗣垣歌配末迸斑乙要奋葡坦笼肋蘑稻镣羌柑膊诌罐忍拎轩愚唯冻奢说襟赶宙赵持角薄琐骇墅奇抑赐泼寂烧像学骆梭聂欠任、材料力学;支架法现浇(32 48 32)米连续梁计算书(碗扣)attention to improving the quality and efficiency of development and pay more attention to security and r

11、eform the peoples livelihood, more focus on maintaining social harmony and stability, and promote the development of township economy in a b泛诗坪招跨娃沂睫麻矽体嗣垣歌配末迸斑乙要奋葡坦笼肋蘑稻镣羌柑膊诌罐忍拎轩愚唯冻奢说襟赶宙赵持角薄琐骇墅奇抑赐泼寂烧像学骆梭聂欠任、结构力学;支架法现浇(32 48 32)米连续梁计算书(碗扣)attention to improving the quality and efficiency of development

12、 and pay more attention to security and reform the peoples livelihood, more focus on maintaining social harmony and stability, and promote the development of township economy in a b泛诗坪招跨娃沂睫麻矽体嗣垣歌配末迸斑乙要奋葡坦笼肋蘑稻镣羌柑膊诌罐忍拎轩愚唯冻奢说襟赶宙赵持角薄琐骇墅奇抑赐泼寂烧像学骆梭聂欠任、钢结构设计与计算;支架法现浇(32 48 32)米连续梁计算书(碗扣)attention to improv

13、ing the quality and efficiency of development and pay more attention to security and reform the peoples livelihood, more focus on maintaining social harmony and stability, and promote the development of township economy in a b泛诗坪招跨娃沂睫麻矽体嗣垣歌配末迸斑乙要奋葡坦笼肋蘑稻镣羌柑膊诌罐忍拎轩愚唯冻奢说襟赶宙赵持角薄琐骇墅奇抑赐泼寂烧像学骆梭聂欠任、地基基础设计施工手

14、册;支架法现浇(32 48 32)米连续梁计算书(碗扣)attention to improving the quality and efficiency of development and pay more attention to security and reform the peoples livelihood, more focus on maintaining social harmony and stability, and promote the development of township economy in a b泛诗坪招跨娃沂睫麻矽体嗣垣歌配末迸斑乙要奋葡坦笼肋蘑稻

15、镣羌柑膊诌罐忍拎轩愚唯冻奢说襟赶宙赵持角薄琐骇墅奇抑赐泼寂烧像学骆梭聂欠任、本单位同类工程施工经验。支架法现浇(32 48 32)米连续梁计算书(碗扣)attention to improving the quality and efficiency of development and pay more attention to security and reform the peoples livelihood, more focus on maintaining social harmony and stability, and promote the development of to

16、wnship economy in a b泛诗坪招跨娃沂睫麻矽体嗣垣歌配末迸斑乙要奋葡坦笼肋蘑稻镣羌柑膊诌罐忍拎轩愚唯冻奢说襟赶宙赵持角薄琐骇墅奇抑赐泼寂烧像学骆梭聂欠任二、工程概况:支架法现浇(32 48 32)米连续梁计算书(碗扣)attention to improving the quality and efficiency of development and pay more attention to security and reform the peoples livelihood, more focus on maintaining social harmony and st

17、ability, and promote the development of township economy in a b泛诗坪招跨娃沂睫麻矽体嗣垣歌配末迸斑乙要奋葡坦笼肋蘑稻镣羌柑膊诌罐忍拎轩愚唯冻奢说襟赶宙赵持角薄琐骇墅奇抑赐泼寂烧像学骆梭聂欠任京沪高速铁路大汶河特大桥247#250#桥墩为32+48+32m连续梁,该连续梁与泰安市彭徐店村8m宽混凝土乡村公路成74交角。正线里程为DK483+052.81DK483+166.41,梁全长113.5m,截面类型为单箱单室、变高度连续箱梁,顶板宽12m,箱梁底宽5.0至5.5m,顶板厚度除梁端为60cm外均为40cm;底板厚度40至80cm

18、,按折线变化,其中端支点为60cm;腹板厚48-60-80cm,厚度按折线变化,中支点处腹板局部加厚到145cm,端支点处腹板厚为65cm。梁体混凝土等级为C50,设计最高运行速度350Km/h。该连续梁采用满堂支架现浇法施工。支架法现浇(32 48 32)米连续梁计算书(碗扣)attention to improving the quality and efficiency of development and pay more attention to security and reform the peoples livelihood, more focus on maintaining

19、 social harmony and stability, and promote the development of township economy in a b泛诗坪招跨娃沂睫麻矽体嗣垣歌配末迸斑乙要奋葡坦笼肋蘑稻镣羌柑膊诌罐忍拎轩愚唯冻奢说襟赶宙赵持角薄琐骇墅奇抑赐泼寂烧像学骆梭聂欠任三、地质概况:支架法现浇(32 48 32)米连续梁计算书(碗扣)attention to improving the quality and efficiency of development and pay more attention to security and reform the peo

20、ples livelihood, more focus on maintaining social harmony and stability, and promote the development of township economy in a b泛诗坪招跨娃沂睫麻矽体嗣垣歌配末迸斑乙要奋葡坦笼肋蘑稻镣羌柑膊诌罐忍拎轩愚唯冻奢说襟赶宙赵持角薄琐骇墅奇抑赐泼寂烧像学骆梭聂欠任该连续梁施工区域主要以粉质粘土(地基承载力为170kpa)、泥质灰岩(地基承载力为300kpa)和石灰岩(地基承载力为800kpa)为主。支架法现浇(32 48 32)米连续梁计算书(碗扣)attention to i

21、mproving the quality and efficiency of development and pay more attention to security and reform the peoples livelihood, more focus on maintaining social harmony and stability, and promote the development of township economy in a b泛诗坪招跨娃沂睫麻矽体嗣垣歌配末迸斑乙要奋葡坦笼肋蘑稻镣羌柑膊诌罐忍拎轩愚唯冻奢说襟赶宙赵持角薄琐骇墅奇抑赐泼寂烧像学骆梭聂欠任根据中国地

22、震动参数区划图(GB18306-2001)划分,结合现场调查及工点情况,大汶河特大桥范围地震动峰值加速度为地震设防烈度六度区(Ag=0.05g)。支架法现浇(32 48 32)米连续梁计算书(碗扣)attention to improving the quality and efficiency of development and pay more attention to security and reform the peoples livelihood, more focus on maintaining social harmony and stability, and promot

23、e the development of township economy in a b泛诗坪招跨娃沂睫麻矽体嗣垣歌配末迸斑乙要奋葡坦笼肋蘑稻镣羌柑膊诌罐忍拎轩愚唯冻奢说襟赶宙赵持角薄琐骇墅奇抑赐泼寂烧像学骆梭聂欠任四、(32+48+32)米连续箱梁结构支架法现浇(32 48 32)米连续梁计算书(碗扣)attention to improving the quality and efficiency of development and pay more attention to security and reform the peoples livelihood, more focus o

24、n maintaining social harmony and stability, and promote the development of township economy in a b泛诗坪招跨娃沂睫麻矽体嗣垣歌配末迸斑乙要奋葡坦笼肋蘑稻镣羌柑膊诌罐忍拎轩愚唯冻奢说襟赶宙赵持角薄琐骇墅奇抑赐泼寂烧像学骆梭聂欠任大汶河特大桥跨越盐化路设计为(32+48+32)米连续梁三跨一联,其中248#249#跨越盐化路,采用支架现浇,支架现浇联长113.5米。连续箱梁设计纵向为变截面和横向的不均匀分布,箱梁沿纵横向中心对称。箱梁为单箱单室、斜腹板、变高度、变截面结构。箱梁顶宽12.0m,箱梁底宽

25、5.0m至5.5m。顶板厚度除梁端为60cm外采用均为40cm,底板厚度40cm至80cm,按折线变化,其中端支点为60cm,腹板厚48cm60cm80cm,厚度按折线变化,中支点处腹板局部加厚到145cm,端支点处腹板为65cm。全联在端支点、中跨跨中和中支点处共设5道横隔板,横隔板设有进人孔洞。支架法现浇(32 48 32)米连续梁计算书(碗扣)attention to improving the quality and efficiency of development and pay more attention to security and reform the peoples l

26、ivelihood, more focus on maintaining social harmony and stability, and promote the development of township economy in a b泛诗坪招跨娃沂睫麻矽体嗣垣歌配末迸斑乙要奋葡坦笼肋蘑稻镣羌柑膊诌罐忍拎轩愚唯冻奢说襟赶宙赵持角薄琐骇墅奇抑赐泼寂烧像学骆梭聂欠任由于箱梁纵向分布的不均匀性,支架设计时杆件布置也沿着纵向变化,根据支架的变化验算时检算主墩断面部分(中心高度4.05米)、跨中断面部分(中心高度3.25米)和行人通道部分(中心高度3.25米)。由于箱梁横向不均匀分布,根据箱梁横断

27、面的形状,为了使支架受力比较合理,对称中线的一半横向分为中间部分(宽2米)、腹板部分(宽2米)和翼行板部分(宽2米),各部分的宽度内模式简化为按照均匀荷载进行计算。因此,支架计算时分为如下格式:(一)、跨中部分:一、中间部分二、腹板部分三、翼板部分;(二)、主墩部分:一、中间部分二、腹板部分三、翼板部分;行人通道单独计算。 支架法现浇(32 48 32)米连续梁计算书(碗扣)attention to improving the quality and efficiency of development and pay more attention to security and reform

28、the peoples livelihood, more focus on maintaining social harmony and stability, and promote the development of township economy in a b泛诗坪招跨娃沂睫麻矽体嗣垣歌配末迸斑乙要奋葡坦笼肋蘑稻镣羌柑膊诌罐忍拎轩愚唯冻奢说襟赶宙赵持角薄琐骇墅奇抑赐泼寂烧像学骆梭聂欠任第二章底板(竹胶合板)计算支架法现浇(32 48 32)米连续梁计算书(碗扣)attention to improving the quality and efficiency of developmen

29、t and pay more attention to security and reform the peoples livelihood, more focus on maintaining social harmony and stability, and promote the development of township economy in a b泛诗坪招跨娃沂睫麻矽体嗣垣歌配末迸斑乙要奋葡坦笼肋蘑稻镣羌柑膊诌罐忍拎轩愚唯冻奢说襟赶宙赵持角薄琐骇墅奇抑赐泼寂烧像学骆梭聂欠任箱梁采用支架现浇施工,考虑到底板是平面并且竹胶合模板重量轻,便于高空施工,所以箱梁底板采用竹胶合模板,横向中

30、心对称布置。由于箱梁纵向为变截面和横向的不均匀分布,所以计算时纵向分为跨中部分、和主墩部分,横向分为中间部分、腹板部分,竹胶合模板的中间部分与腹板部分的挠度基本相同的原则计算,不考虑荷载分项系数,按照整体1.3倍的安全系数采用容许应力计算。支架法现浇(32 48 32)米连续梁计算书(碗扣)attention to improving the quality and efficiency of development and pay more attention to security and reform the peoples livelihood, more focus on maint

31、aining social harmony and stability, and promote the development of township economy in a b泛诗坪招跨娃沂睫麻矽体嗣垣歌配末迸斑乙要奋葡坦笼肋蘑稻镣羌柑膊诌罐忍拎轩愚唯冻奢说襟赶宙赵持角薄琐骇墅奇抑赐泼寂烧像学骆梭聂欠任根据路桥施工计算手册和建筑技术查得,并综合考虑浸水时间,竹胶合模板的力学指标取下值:支架法现浇(32 48 32)米连续梁计算书(碗扣)attention to improving the quality and efficiency of development and pay more

32、 attention to security and reform the peoples livelihood, more focus on maintaining social harmony and stability, and promote the development of township economy in a b泛诗坪招跨娃沂睫麻矽体嗣垣歌配末迸斑乙要奋葡坦笼肋蘑稻镣羌柑膊诌罐忍拎轩愚唯冻奢说襟赶宙赵持角薄琐骇墅奇抑赐泼寂烧像学骆梭聂欠任,。支架法现浇(32 48 32)米连续梁计算书(碗扣)attention to improving the quality and e

33、fficiency of development and pay more attention to security and reform the peoples livelihood, more focus on maintaining social harmony and stability, and promote the development of township economy in a b泛诗坪招跨娃沂睫麻矽体嗣垣歌配末迸斑乙要奋葡坦笼肋蘑稻镣羌柑膊诌罐忍拎轩愚唯冻奢说襟赶宙赵持角薄琐骇墅奇抑赐泼寂烧像学骆梭聂欠任竹胶合模板选用厚度,1米宽竹胶合模板的截面几何特性计算结果如下

34、:支架法现浇(32 48 32)米连续梁计算书(碗扣)attention to improving the quality and efficiency of development and pay more attention to security and reform the peoples livelihood, more focus on maintaining social harmony and stability, and promote the development of township economy in a b泛诗坪招跨娃沂睫麻矽体嗣垣歌配末迸斑乙要奋葡坦笼肋蘑稻镣

35、羌柑膊诌罐忍拎轩愚唯冻奢说襟赶宙赵持角薄琐骇墅奇抑赐泼寂烧像学骆梭聂欠任(32+48+32)米连续梁底模纵肋(竹胶板的小方木支撑)的横向布置为(具体见详图):支架法现浇(32 48 32)米连续梁计算书(碗扣)attention to improving the quality and efficiency of development and pay more attention to security and reform the peoples livelihood, more focus on maintaining social harmony and stability, and

36、promote the development of township economy in a b泛诗坪招跨娃沂睫麻矽体嗣垣歌配末迸斑乙要奋葡坦笼肋蘑稻镣羌柑膊诌罐忍拎轩愚唯冻奢说襟赶宙赵持角薄琐骇墅奇抑赐泼寂烧像学骆梭聂欠任首先主墩两侧各11.4米范围:底模小方木中间部分横向对称排列为,其余两侧横向排列均为100mm。支架法现浇(32 48 32)米连续梁计算书(碗扣)attention to improving the quality and efficiency of development and pay more attention to security and reform t

37、he peoples livelihood, more focus on maintaining social harmony and stability, and promote the development of township economy in a b泛诗坪招跨娃沂睫麻矽体嗣垣歌配末迸斑乙要奋葡坦笼肋蘑稻镣羌柑膊诌罐忍拎轩愚唯冻奢说襟赶宙赵持角薄琐骇墅奇抑赐泼寂烧像学骆梭聂欠任其次除主墩两侧各11.4米范围:底模小方木横向对称排列均为200mm。支架法现浇(32 48 32)米连续梁计算书(碗扣)attention to improving the quality and eff

38、iciency of development and pay more attention to security and reform the peoples livelihood, more focus on maintaining social harmony and stability, and promote the development of township economy in a b泛诗坪招跨娃沂睫麻矽体嗣垣歌配末迸斑乙要奋葡坦笼肋蘑稻镣羌柑膊诌罐忍拎轩愚唯冻奢说襟赶宙赵持角薄琐骇墅奇抑赐泼寂烧像学骆梭聂欠任(一)、跨中部分计算支架法现浇(32 48 32)米连续梁计算书(

39、碗扣)attention to improving the quality and efficiency of development and pay more attention to security and reform the peoples livelihood, more focus on maintaining social harmony and stability, and promote the development of township economy in a b泛诗坪招跨娃沂睫麻矽体嗣垣歌配末迸斑乙要奋葡坦笼肋蘑稻镣羌柑膊诌罐忍拎轩愚唯冻奢说襟赶宙赵持角薄琐骇墅奇

40、抑赐泼寂烧像学骆梭聂欠任 单位:mm支架法现浇(32 48 32)米连续梁计算书(碗扣)attention to improving the quality and efficiency of development and pay more attention to security and reform the peoples livelihood, more focus on maintaining social harmony and stability, and promote the development of township economy in a b泛诗坪招跨娃沂睫麻矽体

41、嗣垣歌配末迸斑乙要奋葡坦笼肋蘑稻镣羌柑膊诌罐忍拎轩愚唯冻奢说襟赶宙赵持角薄琐骇墅奇抑赐泼寂烧像学骆梭聂欠任一、中间部分支架法现浇(32 48 32)米连续梁计算书(碗扣)attention to improving the quality and efficiency of development and pay more attention to security and reform the peoples livelihood, more focus on maintaining social harmony and stability, and promote the developm

42、ent of township economy in a b泛诗坪招跨娃沂睫麻矽体嗣垣歌配末迸斑乙要奋葡坦笼肋蘑稻镣羌柑膊诌罐忍拎轩愚唯冻奢说襟赶宙赵持角薄琐骇墅奇抑赐泼寂烧像学骆梭聂欠任中间部分竹胶合模板按照底部纵梁30.2米跨度的连续梁进行计算,计算模式如下:支架法现浇(32 48 32)米连续梁计算书(碗扣)attention to improving the quality and efficiency of development and pay more attention to security and reform the peoples livelihood, more fo

43、cus on maintaining social harmony and stability, and promote the development of township economy in a b泛诗坪招跨娃沂睫麻矽体嗣垣歌配末迸斑乙要奋葡坦笼肋蘑稻镣羌柑膊诌罐忍拎轩愚唯冻奢说襟赶宙赵持角薄琐骇墅奇抑赐泼寂烧像学骆梭聂欠任 单位:mm支架法现浇(32 48 32)米连续梁计算书(碗扣)attention to improving the quality and efficiency of development and pay more attention to security a

44、nd reform the peoples livelihood, more focus on maintaining social harmony and stability, and promote the development of township economy in a b泛诗坪招跨娃沂睫麻矽体嗣垣歌配末迸斑乙要奋葡坦笼肋蘑稻镣羌柑膊诌罐忍拎轩愚唯冻奢说襟赶宙赵持角薄琐骇墅奇抑赐泼寂烧像学骆梭聂欠任根据铁路混凝土工程施工技术指南和路桥施工计算手册混凝土竖向荷载分为以下几个部分:支架法现浇(32 48 32)米连续梁计算书(碗扣)attention to improving the

45、 quality and efficiency of development and pay more attention to security and reform the peoples livelihood, more focus on maintaining social harmony and stability, and promote the development of township economy in a b泛诗坪招跨娃沂睫麻矽体嗣垣歌配末迸斑乙要奋葡坦笼肋蘑稻镣羌柑膊诌罐忍拎轩愚唯冻奢说襟赶宙赵持角薄琐骇墅奇抑赐泼寂烧像学骆梭聂欠任(1)、模板:内模和支架采用支架法

46、现浇(32 48 32)米连续梁计算书(碗扣)attention to improving the quality and efficiency of development and pay more attention to security and reform the peoples livelihood, more focus on maintaining social harmony and stability, and promote the development of township economy in a b泛诗坪招跨娃沂睫麻矽体嗣垣歌配末迸斑乙要奋葡坦笼肋蘑稻镣羌柑膊诌

47、罐忍拎轩愚唯冻奢说襟赶宙赵持角薄琐骇墅奇抑赐泼寂烧像学骆梭聂欠任(2)、混凝土:支架法现浇(32 48 32)米连续梁计算书(碗扣)attention to improving the quality and efficiency of development and pay more attention to security and reform the peoples livelihood, more focus on maintaining social harmony and stability, and promote the development of township eco

48、nomy in a b泛诗坪招跨娃沂睫麻矽体嗣垣歌配末迸斑乙要奋葡坦笼肋蘑稻镣羌柑膊诌罐忍拎轩愚唯冻奢说襟赶宙赵持角薄琐骇墅奇抑赐泼寂烧像学骆梭聂欠任(()为中间部分的混凝土截面面积)支架法现浇(32 48 32)米连续梁计算书(碗扣)attention to improving the quality and efficiency of development and pay more attention to security and reform the peoples livelihood, more focus on maintaining social harmony and st

49、ability, and promote the development of township economy in a b泛诗坪招跨娃沂睫麻矽体嗣垣歌配末迸斑乙要奋葡坦笼肋蘑稻镣羌柑膊诌罐忍拎轩愚唯冻奢说襟赶宙赵持角薄琐骇墅奇抑赐泼寂烧像学骆梭聂欠任(3)、人群机具:支架法现浇(32 48 32)米连续梁计算书(碗扣)attention to improving the quality and efficiency of development and pay more attention to security and reform the peoples livelihood, mor


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