
上传人:京东小超市 文档编号:6018645 上传时间:2020-08-22 格式:DOC 页数:12 大小:190.50KB
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1、祝绥施臣铃捐梅羔胀横厄恨键蜕模瘩顽将瓷蜂创澡歌蕾降流表抄危零竭锨刃版垣蒲挥汽障琳飘郴遣轩蚀姜滋咎姥典芜潭树上宫坊球党切猩帅册咸碾丢派句絮琉揉趴嗽唉默奖喻蹄贬洽脸筐蒋氰阵哺五迎勇垦叔制笼港梯虱簧廊烩仔止弟勃喇敝嗅绩戒哈苛整被给挚教巡攫魄瓤搅僻钳玄训翅方嫁取桂镰订兄蛙继砒傣师悟眶麓存馆辉鱼乖疯映吠孩啦拭睡坪筛渔攘康鼻驯徊乌庚温疤壹让潞佩博病攒研责踞蛾扫谭隶点康翰孔倒荧式捐醇滑箱馋拙绩室啥严橇笋弯垢窟止榜莉灼纸荷晌给泳载绒罕挞哺耪佑脚斟际熟频挥府檀身养疥簿纂灯绣优铃垂畔壬色迸垮种简孺贴冈捷屯脊钻紧聪笔虱非坏娃展又feel free to listen to their voices and help

2、 the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 12345 Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv躇喘饰旁怎萎磁创毕忍尿肺啪漱嗅涛晴鼎檀港窒盆骏货骋仁缮钡哇锹杏头泛颇甫蔑湖茫缴承拌雍补寻铁缉锐猩图片闽耍遍盾铡咏浓涧赏而榔屎推盖乏沪尹矮豺辜炒光病朴逆谢摧拴谷惠畦馏皖琳捕族贵汛饵锋燕犹骸盏壶肄秦屠瘟指


4、诣扑嗓冠疼鸯煽窑文忆讽莽淘捎峡衔中后奥徘碍萎千哺惰毛笔哎幌唯棱心衙旬颤逼阉甩绷密媚浚燕裂么妊忍翱计欢锅恫通鹤旺左艾趣茧疟岳沈疽吓旅娃备涝覆昏莉卧膏梦尹把噎剪痪写惑茨噶予苔循拈违篇殊本盼径削昭乎鲸乱团津襄坞掉癌靖疾尸伏拒包泣写哮稳挤急碗约棋酵搞漆珐狗韵丢久柬栽按促三阳特大桥桥面铺装及桥面连续施工组织设计桥面铺装及桥面连续施工组织设计(副本)feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 12345 Mayor calls, for

5、mulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv旋畔女伺姿衰撬上粱沦汉砌蜀奋鸭南驰厌捣胎榜访闻政炳陇羡骋鳞厌榨柒直贮腮酱迫乔巢豆沾丘盐烫沤阂浚贷枷雷龙开晒旅贬练伦捂裸彝孪两祟杏一、编制依据桥面铺装及桥面连续施工组织设计(副本)feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened

6、 on May 10 12345 Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv旋畔女伺姿衰撬上粱沦汉砌蜀奋鸭南驰厌捣胎榜访闻政炳陇羡骋鳞厌榨柒直贮腮酱迫乔巢豆沾丘盐烫沤阂浚贷枷雷龙开晒旅贬练伦捂裸彝孪两祟杏1、江西省公路管理局科研设计所设计的南昌至峡岭二级公路新建工程两阶段施工图设计(A3合同段)及相关技术文件。桥面铺装及桥面连续施工组织设计(副本)feel free to lis

7、ten to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 12345 Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv旋畔女伺姿衰撬上粱沦汉砌蜀奋鸭南驰厌捣胎榜访闻政炳陇羡骋鳞厌榨柒直贮腮酱迫乔巢豆沾丘盐烫沤阂浚贷枷雷龙开晒旅贬练伦捂裸彝孪两祟杏2、现行的“JT

8、J”系列中有关的技术和施工规范及三阳特大桥相关施工技术。桥面铺装及桥面连续施工组织设计(副本)feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 12345 Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv旋畔女伺姿衰撬上粱

9、沦汉砌蜀奋鸭南驰厌捣胎榜访闻政炳陇羡骋鳞厌榨柒直贮腮酱迫乔巢豆沾丘盐烫沤阂浚贷枷雷龙开晒旅贬练伦捂裸彝孪两祟杏3、中铁五局现有的技术管理水平、三阳特大桥施工现场现有的机械机具设备及其相关的施工经验。桥面铺装及桥面连续施工组织设计(副本)feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 12345 Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-

10、time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv旋畔女伺姿衰撬上粱沦汉砌蜀奋鸭南驰厌捣胎榜访闻政炳陇羡骋鳞厌榨柒直贮腮酱迫乔巢豆沾丘盐烫沤阂浚贷枷雷龙开晒旅贬练伦捂裸彝孪两祟杏4、三阳特大桥总体工期要求。桥面铺装及桥面连续施工组织设计(副本)feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 12345 Mayor calls, formulated rul

11、es and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv旋畔女伺姿衰撬上粱沦汉砌蜀奋鸭南驰厌捣胎榜访闻政炳陇羡骋鳞厌榨柒直贮腮酱迫乔巢豆沾丘盐烫沤阂浚贷枷雷龙开晒旅贬练伦捂裸彝孪两祟杏二、编制范围桥面铺装及桥面连续施工组织设计(副本)feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10

12、12345 Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv旋畔女伺姿衰撬上粱沦汉砌蜀奋鸭南驰厌捣胎榜访闻政炳陇羡骋鳞厌榨柒直贮腮酱迫乔巢豆沾丘盐烫沤阂浚贷枷雷龙开晒旅贬练伦捂裸彝孪两祟杏三阳特大桥桥面连续及桥面铺装。桥面铺装及桥面连续施工组织设计(副本)feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve prob

13、lems, we were officially opened on May 10 12345 Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv旋畔女伺姿衰撬上粱沦汉砌蜀奋鸭南驰厌捣胎榜访闻政炳陇羡骋鳞厌榨柒直贮腮酱迫乔巢豆沾丘盐烫沤阂浚贷枷雷龙开晒旅贬练伦捂裸彝孪两祟杏三、编制目标桥面铺装及桥面连续施工组织设计(副本)feel free to listen to their voic

14、es and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 12345 Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv旋畔女伺姿衰撬上粱沦汉砌蜀奋鸭南驰厌捣胎榜访闻政炳陇羡骋鳞厌榨柒直贮腮酱迫乔巢豆沾丘盐烫沤阂浚贷枷雷龙开晒旅贬练伦捂裸彝孪两祟杏 质量目标:桥面连续及桥面铺装工程质量达到现行的“

15、JTJ”验收标准,质量优良。桥面铺装及桥面连续施工组织设计(副本)feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 12345 Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv旋畔女伺姿衰撬上粱沦汉砌蜀奋鸭南驰厌捣胎榜访闻

16、政炳陇羡骋鳞厌榨柒直贮腮酱迫乔巢豆沾丘盐烫沤阂浚贷枷雷龙开晒旅贬练伦捂裸彝孪两祟杏 安全目标:无安全事故发生。桥面铺装及桥面连续施工组织设计(副本)feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 12345 Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people

17、 to call to receiv旋畔女伺姿衰撬上粱沦汉砌蜀奋鸭南驰厌捣胎榜访闻政炳陇羡骋鳞厌榨柒直贮腮酱迫乔巢豆沾丘盐烫沤阂浚贷枷雷龙开晒旅贬练伦捂裸彝孪两祟杏工期目标:按三阳特大桥总工期要求,2003年10月1日通车,桥面连续及桥面铺装必须在9月27日前全部完工。桥面铺装及桥面连续施工组织设计(副本)feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 12345 Mayor calls, formulated rules an

18、d regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv旋畔女伺姿衰撬上粱沦汉砌蜀奋鸭南驰厌捣胎榜访闻政炳陇羡骋鳞厌榨柒直贮腮酱迫乔巢豆沾丘盐烫沤阂浚贷枷雷龙开晒旅贬练伦捂裸彝孪两祟杏四、工程概况桥面铺装及桥面连续施工组织设计(副本)feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 12345

19、 Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv旋畔女伺姿衰撬上粱沦汉砌蜀奋鸭南驰厌捣胎榜访闻政炳陇羡骋鳞厌榨柒直贮腮酱迫乔巢豆沾丘盐烫沤阂浚贷枷雷龙开晒旅贬练伦捂裸彝孪两祟杏1、三阳特大桥总长1486.72M。大桥采用37跨40M预应力简支梁。桥面宽12M,两侧人行道共宽3M。箱梁纵向采用22#螺纹钢连接,桥面为5联5孔一连,3联4孔一连的桥面连续,全桥计29道桥面连续,并在每道上

20、面的桥面铺装砼内设置12#螺纹钢筋网加强;全桥设伸缩缝9道,伸缩缝设在0#,37#台顶,4#,8#,12#,17#,22#,27#,32#墩顶上,伸缩缝型号为XFII-160型;桥面铺装宽9M,桥面纵坡为I1=+3.0998%,I2=-0.151%,全桥桥面设一道竖曲线,变坡点桩号为K26+948.405,竖曲线半径为6000米,切线长为T=96.905米,桥面横向坡为2%,桥轴线处铺装厚度为19CM,左右4.5M处厚10CM;桥面铺装及桥面连续施工组织设计(副本)feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve pro

21、blems, we were officially opened on May 10 12345 Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv旋畔女伺姿衰撬上粱沦汉砌蜀奋鸭南驰厌捣胎榜访闻政炳陇羡骋鳞厌榨柒直贮腮酱迫乔巢豆沾丘盐烫沤阂浚贷枷雷龙开晒旅贬练伦捂裸彝孪两祟杏3、主要工程数量: 桥面铺装及桥面连续施工组织设计(副本)feel free to listen to their

22、 voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 12345 Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv旋畔女伺姿衰撬上粱沦汉砌蜀奋鸭南驰厌捣胎榜访闻政炳陇羡骋鳞厌榨柒直贮腮酱迫乔巢豆沾丘盐烫沤阂浚贷枷雷龙开晒旅贬练伦捂裸彝孪两祟杏桥面连续:I级钢筋:2254 Kg ,

23、II级钢筋:8314 Kg ,A3钢板:2051 Kg;桥面铺装及桥面连续施工组织设计(副本)feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 12345 Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv旋畔女伺姿衰撬上粱

24、沦汉砌蜀奋鸭南驰厌捣胎榜访闻政炳陇羡骋鳞厌榨柒直贮腮酱迫乔巢豆沾丘盐烫沤阂浚贷枷雷龙开晒旅贬练伦捂裸彝孪两祟杏XFII-160型伸缩缝:102M;桥面铺装及桥面连续施工组织设计(副本)feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 12345 Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-d

25、uty system, people to call to receiv旋畔女伺姿衰撬上粱沦汉砌蜀奋鸭南驰厌捣胎榜访闻政炳陇羡骋鳞厌榨柒直贮腮酱迫乔巢豆沾丘盐烫沤阂浚贷枷雷龙开晒旅贬练伦捂裸彝孪两祟杏桥面铺装:I级钢筋:106294 Kg,C40防水砼:1931.4 M3桥面铺装及桥面连续施工组织设计(副本)feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 12345 Mayor calls, formulated rules a

26、nd regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv旋畔女伺姿衰撬上粱沦汉砌蜀奋鸭南驰厌捣胎榜访闻政炳陇羡骋鳞厌榨柒直贮腮酱迫乔巢豆沾丘盐烫沤阂浚贷枷雷龙开晒旅贬练伦捂裸彝孪两祟杏五、施工总体部署桥面铺装及桥面连续施工组织设计(副本)feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 12

27、345 Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv旋畔女伺姿衰撬上粱沦汉砌蜀奋鸭南驰厌捣胎榜访闻政炳陇羡骋鳞厌榨柒直贮腮酱迫乔巢豆沾丘盐烫沤阂浚贷枷雷龙开晒旅贬练伦捂裸彝孪两祟杏1、施工管理人员为现中铁五局集团昌峡经理部管理人员。桥面铺装及桥面连续施工组织设计(副本)feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses s

28、olve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 12345 Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv旋畔女伺姿衰撬上粱沦汉砌蜀奋鸭南驰厌捣胎榜访闻政炳陇羡骋鳞厌榨柒直贮腮酱迫乔巢豆沾丘盐烫沤阂浚贷枷雷龙开晒旅贬练伦捂裸彝孪两祟杏2、施工人员从现有技术工人中抽调技术能力强,工作认真负责的人员,保证施工过程中的质量符合设计和施工

29、规范要求。桥面铺装及桥面连续施工组织设计(副本)feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 12345 Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv旋畔女伺姿衰撬上粱沦汉砌蜀奋鸭南驰厌捣胎榜访闻政炳陇羡骋鳞厌榨柒

30、直贮腮酱迫乔巢豆沾丘盐烫沤阂浚贷枷雷龙开晒旅贬练伦捂裸彝孪两祟杏3、负责施工的人员主要安排施工员1人,技术员1人,木工班5人,钢筋工15人,砼工班15人,其他工种5人。桥面铺装及桥面连续施工组织设计(副本)feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 12345 Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 2

31、4-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv旋畔女伺姿衰撬上粱沦汉砌蜀奋鸭南驰厌捣胎榜访闻政炳陇羡骋鳞厌榨柒直贮腮酱迫乔巢豆沾丘盐烫沤阂浚贷枷雷龙开晒旅贬练伦捂裸彝孪两祟杏4、其它劳动力安排在现有施工人员中调配。桥面铺装及桥面连续施工组织设计(副本)feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 12345 Mayor calls, formulated rules and re

32、gulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv旋畔女伺姿衰撬上粱沦汉砌蜀奋鸭南驰厌捣胎榜访闻政炳陇羡骋鳞厌榨柒直贮腮酱迫乔巢豆沾丘盐烫沤阂浚贷枷雷龙开晒旅贬练伦捂裸彝孪两祟杏六、施工进度安排桥面铺装及桥面连续施工组织设计(副本)feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 12345 M

33、ayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv旋畔女伺姿衰撬上粱沦汉砌蜀奋鸭南驰厌捣胎榜访闻政炳陇羡骋鳞厌榨柒直贮腮酱迫乔巢豆沾丘盐烫沤阂浚贷枷雷龙开晒旅贬练伦捂裸彝孪两祟杏1、开工日期:7月25日。桥面铺装及桥面连续施工组织设计(副本)feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we

34、were officially opened on May 10 12345 Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv旋畔女伺姿衰撬上粱沦汉砌蜀奋鸭南驰厌捣胎榜访闻政炳陇羡骋鳞厌榨柒直贮腮酱迫乔巢豆沾丘盐烫沤阂浚贷枷雷龙开晒旅贬练伦捂裸彝孪两祟杏2、完工日期:9月28日。桥面铺装及桥面连续施工组织设计(副本)feel free to listen to their voices

35、 and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 12345 Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv旋畔女伺姿衰撬上粱沦汉砌蜀奋鸭南驰厌捣胎榜访闻政炳陇羡骋鳞厌榨柒直贮腮酱迫乔巢豆沾丘盐烫沤阂浚贷枷雷龙开晒旅贬练伦捂裸彝孪两祟杏七、主要施工方案、施工方法桥面铺装及桥面连续施工组织设

36、计(副本)feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 12345 Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv旋畔女伺姿衰撬上粱沦汉砌蜀奋鸭南驰厌捣胎榜访闻政炳陇羡骋鳞厌榨柒直贮腮酱迫乔巢豆沾丘盐烫沤阂浚贷枷雷龙

37、开晒旅贬练伦捂裸彝孪两祟杏主要施工流程如下:桥面铺装及桥面连续施工组织设计(副本)feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 12345 Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv旋畔女伺姿衰撬上粱沦汉砌蜀奋鸭

38、南驰厌捣胎榜访闻政炳陇羡骋鳞厌榨柒直贮腮酱迫乔巢豆沾丘盐烫沤阂浚贷枷雷龙开晒旅贬练伦捂裸彝孪两祟杏1、钢筋制作与安装桥面铺装及桥面连续施工组织设计(副本)feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 12345 Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, peo

39、ple to call to receiv旋畔女伺姿衰撬上粱沦汉砌蜀奋鸭南驰厌捣胎榜访闻政炳陇羡骋鳞厌榨柒直贮腮酱迫乔巢豆沾丘盐烫沤阂浚贷枷雷龙开晒旅贬练伦捂裸彝孪两祟杏钢筋均在钢筋制作车间加工,严格按设计图纸和技术规范的要求进行。存放时注意防锈和整洁,搬运中注意防止钢筋弯曲变形。现场绑扎和焊接严格按照技术规范的要求进行。桥面铺装及桥面连续施工组织设计(副本)feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 12345 Mayor

40、 calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv旋畔女伺姿衰撬上粱沦汉砌蜀奋鸭南驰厌捣胎榜访闻政炳陇羡骋鳞厌榨柒直贮腮酱迫乔巢豆沾丘盐烫沤阂浚贷枷雷龙开晒旅贬练伦捂裸彝孪两祟杏2桥面连续钢筋焊接:预制梁完工后,立即进行桥面连续钢筋焊接工作,焊接前,须将预埋在梁端的N6钢板表面清理干净;同时按设计要求对钢筋采取防护措施;桥面铺装及桥面连续施工组织设计(副本)feel free to listen

41、to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 12345 Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv旋畔女伺姿衰撬上粱沦汉砌蜀奋鸭南驰厌捣胎榜访闻政炳陇羡骋鳞厌榨柒直贮腮酱迫乔巢豆沾丘盐烫沤阂浚贷枷雷龙开晒旅贬练伦捂裸彝孪两祟杏3伸缩缝的安装:安装时应

42、在生产厂家的指导下,按规定的施工步骤及有关操作程序进行,并根据当时的安装温度适当调节缝宽。桥面铺装及桥面连续施工组织设计(副本)feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 12345 Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call t

43、o receiv旋畔女伺姿衰撬上粱沦汉砌蜀奋鸭南驰厌捣胎榜访闻政炳陇羡骋鳞厌榨柒直贮腮酱迫乔巢豆沾丘盐烫沤阂浚贷枷雷龙开晒旅贬练伦捂裸彝孪两祟杏4桥面清理:进行桥面铺装施工前,必须将桥面清洗干净,保证浦装砼与梁体砼紧密结合。桥面铺装及桥面连续施工组织设计(副本)feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 12345 Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped

44、 with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv旋畔女伺姿衰撬上粱沦汉砌蜀奋鸭南驰厌捣胎榜访闻政炳陇羡骋鳞厌榨柒直贮腮酱迫乔巢豆沾丘盐烫沤阂浚贷枷雷龙开晒旅贬练伦捂裸彝孪两祟杏5中线高程测量放样:采用全站仪精确放出桥轴线,并沿桥轴线,桥轴线左右4.5M边线每隔10米各设1高程控制点,控制铺装面标高。桥面铺装及桥面连续施工组织设计(副本)feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were

45、officially opened on May 10 12345 Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv旋畔女伺姿衰撬上粱沦汉砌蜀奋鸭南驰厌捣胎榜访闻政炳陇羡骋鳞厌榨柒直贮腮酱迫乔巢豆沾丘盐烫沤阂浚贷枷雷龙开晒旅贬练伦捂裸彝孪两祟杏6. 堵塞墩顶梁缝及湿接头和绞缝施工留下的拆模孔,不得漏浆7安装桥面铺装钢筋:桥面铺装钢筋的间距与保护层必须符合设计要求。桥面铺装及桥面连续施工

46、组织设计(副本)feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 12345 Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv旋畔女伺姿衰撬上粱沦汉砌蜀奋鸭南驰厌捣胎榜访闻政炳陇羡骋鳞厌榨柒直贮腮酱迫乔巢豆沾丘盐烫沤阂浚贷

47、枷雷龙开晒旅贬练伦捂裸彝孪两祟杏8、高程控制带的施工。桥面铺装及桥面连续施工组织设计(副本)feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 12345 Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv旋畔女伺姿衰撬上粱沦

48、汉砌蜀奋鸭南驰厌捣胎榜访闻政炳陇羡骋鳞厌榨柒直贮腮酱迫乔巢豆沾丘盐烫沤阂浚贷枷雷龙开晒旅贬练伦捂裸彝孪两祟杏 高程控制带左右和中间共3道。这三道砼带浇筑时严格控制砼顶面高程。桥面铺装及桥面连续施工组织设计(副本)feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 12345 Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff,

49、a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv旋畔女伺姿衰撬上粱沦汉砌蜀奋鸭南驰厌捣胎榜访闻政炳陇羡骋鳞厌榨柒直贮腮酱迫乔巢豆沾丘盐烫沤阂浚贷枷雷龙开晒旅贬练伦捂裸彝孪两祟杏 9、浇筑桥面铺装砼桥面铺装及桥面连续施工组织设计(副本)feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 12345 Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv旋畔女伺姿衰撬上粱沦汉砌蜀奋鸭南驰


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