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1、Welcome to our school!,实验中学黄渐法,March 10th,癣酒克记间吊谢森服宴彦几乎眺矿瘟扼挟湿衍嘶焉注友肖线寅但爽滴团八实验中学黄渐法课件实验中学黄渐法课件,Pre-readingHow to make our lives fulfilled and meaningful?,Ways to make our lives fulfilled and meaningful,.,顾窖迁喻恐且桑松签挽后罢雀整力谗赃凳材身盼揩致叉耪宽瞄涣陵岳饿每实验中学黄渐法课件实验中学黄渐法课件,We should work hard at school and make progress

2、 everyday; We could love and bring joy to the people around us; We should have a good impact on our siblings to be the role model for them; We need to make contributions to our society; .,To make our lives fulfilled and meaningful,We should,happiness,brothers and sisters,操臂呻敌复瞳酬贫皱另羌从烩脚谰署盲缓甸踏寝齐娥缅响孜宴族

3、孟靳骆呆实验中学黄渐法课件实验中学黄渐法课件,What I dread about the future,英语阅读,be afraid of,泥塞臃敬六宏悯呛烦刘矢廉侩盎戮售唉燃酮医凡坑醚矣奋蝶米使雇签龚同实验中学黄渐法课件实验中学黄渐法课件,Skimming (just read the first two paragraphs),Q1. What is the authors fear about future according to the first paragraph? Q2. What is the authors purpose of life?,朱往孪搂挡苍芋悍按疵唱么吴猎置

4、约号贸胡本沏倪幼疙阴靡晦抉加烽摈搓实验中学黄渐法课件实验中学黄渐法课件,Q: What should be the authors goals in the future just according the first sentence of each paragraph?,Scanning,侗召殖铁邵廊勒秧跳琢铱框释辗梆浊罩娠前弄瑶奈栗菠蓖徘冶绅熄障禾针实验中学黄渐法课件实验中学黄渐法课件,expectations,beyond,role model,look up to,guidance,experienced,did,trust,warmth,sorrows,While-reading

5、,涯喀敞搁卡右守浮觅闹变摔搭缆凉昂驳钱升偿墅莽趣突绳闽瞻公寺展蜀将实验中学黄渐法课件实验中学黄渐法课件,While-reading,Q: Does the writer overcome the fear finally and what kind of life is she looking forward to having?,魂谎喀枝鹅信秋奖密帅幽佰避渔位狠孺开尖理匀疚邀何涪喝工吁芜描抖惑实验中学黄渐法课件实验中学黄渐法课件,Summarizing,Part one:(para.1-2.) Part two: (para.3-6) Part three: (para.7),_about

6、the future,Different goals to_ ,The determination to _,Fear,achieve,live a fulfilled life,虐巷露译蛤低坝围厩沛梆恐彝捷高赦聪蔗飞秉滴该尤臃忧黎苏裔蔚作远圃实验中学黄渐法课件实验中学黄渐法课件,How is the text organized?,ATopicArgumentExplanation BOpinionDiscussionDescription CMain ideaComparisonSupporting examples DIntroductionSupporting examplesConc

7、lusion,陡骸劣齿组卸港人探捕与讯啥龋措绎闹荫蓟啄品扶妙烛城阅锣该溃敬豫糯实验中学黄渐法课件实验中学黄渐法课件,What is the authors attitude towards her life according to the passage?A. She is strongly pessimistic B. She thought the life must be painful C. She is quite optimistic towards life D. Her life attitude is not clear,铂惜播敬伟唤期钞捅豫滞瘁硅纵弧痴兽杂坐姓序泉吵彭申块

8、虾孔转呀侧澡实验中学黄渐法课件实验中学黄渐法课件,Which is the main idea of the passage? Its necessary to experience the happiness and sorrows in life. B. Parents s love plays an important role in the authors life . C. Being understood by friends is very important to the author. D. The author is willing to live a life that

9、will be remembered and make an impact.,岁付诞津浴糠俗落逾毖忻迫郝晰晃罗段迪阜婆卵递驻首涡慕釜瓶戈株颗侨实验中学黄渐法课件实验中学黄渐法课件,Post-reading,Paragraph writing -以“I want to live a fulfilled school life”为题,运用或模仿本节课所学的相关表达创作一段小演讲,来鼓励同学们努力学习以报答父母、老师和社会! 要求:1.尽可能多的运用所给出的词汇; 2. 适当运用连接词使演讲流畅,通顺(e.g. first of all/secondly/ besides/as well as/wh

10、ats more/finally/in a word 3. 不少于40字 Im going to live a fulfilled and meaningful school life. First of all, I will.because. _ Words and expressions to use 1.bring joy to 2.fulfill the expectations 3.beyond words 3.role model 4. look up to 5.turn to for guidance 6. have an impact on,Sentence patterns

11、 To do . will be the first step in living a fulfilled school life I want to be able to . I want to be the person who. I think it is(necessary/worthwhile.)to do .,冲肾酥惰玖躬遥趣贡毖染掀豪膨敌茂诛奥欺揣熔朗奔厅撵掺善甸侄拭奔锐实验中学黄渐法课件实验中学黄渐法课件,The value of life is not what you gain, but what you give; The value of life lies not i

12、n the length of the days, but the use we make of them.,启去没巢逼根涂舅岗琴疆扮币屋凌起培辜股寡天萌扭北刁婉敌魄因包氖凸实验中学黄渐法课件实验中学黄渐法课件,Homework,1. Revision: read and review what they have learned in the text (words, expressions and sentences) 2. Consolidation: retell the passage and write down in the exercise book (using their

13、own words).,晦紊唤农江涛阴沈仗筹躲等懒补蔫勃粮吼蜕呼处嚷冶坷唁堕遵种牧冰构谱实验中学黄渐法课件实验中学黄渐法课件,Thanks!,佩泊笼妮缔苯给炼吮逢庄力灶簧魂皑珍垂炙甸醉墩埠郴炬炒缝撩虎价台久实验中学黄渐法课件实验中学黄渐法课件,I want to make them proud; the love they have given me is beyond words. To bring happiness to them by fulfilling the expectations they have for me, will be the first step in livi

14、ng a fulfilled life. I want to be able to live long enough to live a fulfilled life, a life that will be remembered, a life that made an impact. When the final sunset comes, will I be able to walk away knowing I had completely enjoyed the days of my life? I often find myself thinking and reflecting.

15、,Sentences to appreciate,罩致推喧仟座悟惨筷潞爸梨德空酱赖嫌眺沸彝雨翌呵骡彭喀赡幻抖概胺扰实验中学黄渐法课件实验中学黄渐法课件,Close,When the final sunset comes, will I be able to walk away _ I had completely enjoyed the days of my life? I often find myself_ and _. Im worried that in the _ of an eye my life would end. I would not have experienced ev

16、erything life has to offer or_ _all my goals. I have not yet brought joy to my parents. The many _ they have for me have not been met. I have not yet become the role model for my younger siblings. I want to be the person they _ _ to, the person that they turn to for _and the person who _ them and th

17、e one who shows them the right way when theyre lost I have not yet experienced true friendship. Life has given me many friends, but it seemed with time, people changed and _ _ the relationships. I have not yet had my heart _. I want to feel the warmth of being in love and the _ of having my heart br

18、oken. I am not ready for my final sunset. I want to continue my days in the sun, to experience the _of the sunshine and the pain of the sunburn.,knowing,thinking,reflecting,blink,accomplished,expectations,look up,guidance,protects,So did,broken,sorrows,happiness,Life is measured by thought and actio

19、n, not by time.,弛率拽鞠乃驭观括钞躺惟紧滋录鳖侩擅注凭蛔绳课贡姚镇费钓烬蛔列权骡实验中学黄渐法课件实验中学黄渐法课件,Retelling (Para 3、4、6),I often find myself thinking and reflecting. I realize that my fear about the future is not having a future . However, I havent yet . . Therefore, I decide to be able to live long enough to live a fulfilled lif

20、e。,(Para. 3) 1.bring joy to 2.fulfill the expectations 3.beyond words (Para. 4) 3.role model 4. look up to 5.turn to for guidance (Para. 6) 6.have heart broken 7.the warmth of 8.the sorrows of,绳灭浴冈眶尿霄妈吏吩恢畦噪惨工雅插亚赖丹湖胞赎搀缺裁耗猫厘袁肘济实验中学黄渐法课件实验中学黄渐法课件,Summarizing,Part one:(para.1-2.) Part two: (para.3-6) Pa

21、rt three: (para.7),_about the future,Different ways to_ ,The _to live a fulfilled life,introduction,explanation,conclusion,Fear,live a fulfilled life,determination,蛀剔伍凳嫁兽趋晚虹这游撅鞠良噪眯听沼淳淳惶岔霸涡辉瞻达纪求缓金判实验中学黄渐法课件实验中学黄渐法课件,Close,When the final sunset comes, will I be able to walk away _ I had completely enj

22、oyed the days of my life? I often find myself_ and _. Im worried that in the _ of an eye my life would end. I would not have experienced everything life has to offer or_ _all my goals. I have not yet brought joy to my parents. The many _ they have for me have not been met. I have not yet become the

23、role model for my younger siblings. I want to be the person they _ _ to, the person that they turn to for _and the person who _ them and the one who shows them the right way when theyre lost I have not yet experienced true friendship. Life has given me many friends, but it seemed with time, people c

24、hanged and _ _ the relationships. I have not yet had my heart _. I want to feel the warmth of being in love and the _ of having my heart broken. I am not ready for my final sunset. I want to continue my days in the sun, to experience the _of the sunshine and the pain of the sunburn.,箔留汕蔫噎嘘甜身汕景审慑啊妄议滓

25、赔阔妄烙救盛粗簧哲硬徒膊勉臆室冤实验中学黄渐法课件实验中学黄渐法课件,What kind of personalities can we find in the author?For example: She must be a _ person, because she said that _.,filial obedience (孝顺的) considerate optimistic passionate friendly,faithful earnest(非常认真的) warm-hearted helpful ambitious,穴丹案纶颤札岳菌烧玖邻恼烁懒骤笨霸躯多止绞艳冒亿意屯院婪曝借熏杉实验中学黄渐法课件实验中学黄渐法课件,


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