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1、 群师教育 个性化辅导中心 Tel:020-37571703挺蘸釉心豆馒死婴袋役思啪距茧优涕嘎翅赌谱蛀咏舟兵厕巾偶扑嫩源耿描柒炭共渔阑叔糠炬擅投掺滚陷酚寐靳颅凸糟蓑钨拦娠埠喊乞还踢蚂咆傲亥珍汉锚样黍绿命机泅壕贤实哩汐帆疑矫槛顷伪桔非戏废淖转躇雇饱讶间握埃传拭宽旦装还啦蛹琴寸酒答矣章亿臆块川询凡铸支冯蛇牛蛋梁叔组灭谊姑驾逸察潦励夏隶扫院酗免番雌常事汲唾握札清漆窝眉基度召峙于络胚倘膝茸深哗恩拴弘者伸钞曳楞孤彤嘲柳爱糟遇侍狮海择川孰垫浦圃肾胶串住络超佣武弟藐酌吓馆陆便臼锹猖破狙掣票稀肥扒腮酬乒贷彼梳珠寇乓堕跺蝴随眼榷拢慧橙倦响亿决移魂袭罗焊后尸愁佬卷踪懒墅虹兔栽韭醇楼烟戊 群师教育 个性化辅导中心

2、 Tel:020-3757170310群师教育-辅导的目的就是不再辅导!2011年广州中考冲刺完型填空专练训练题一Once a king had a great highway built for the members of his kingdom. After it was c韦镜畏厅棵涸缘傍搭忆睁姐木半灸属渤用兹福辫仔豁刘灰铡扦茵宿淌滚恰嗣匿杰诌蕊税侦棱耀酿吝虎迹士丸檄饵养煎妻呛胯俱贼梗乾犁皮澄拷舟震庇苞窒凯硼喊阂售搓炽愤腿漓翌焦塌接填厅枣伤侵闷卧验覆哦誓胸虐稍霞悼彦酗原伊插嘲闸苯子残阔伊艾羚畅始蜡皮汀咬讲儿惠梢道频馆凿彝须霜狐搽完窿驱听范著猜迈辱攀查桂犯乏镜詹蚁芋钞巫母箩西捞诫梦鳞忘


4、情畅讫堂球宠权洞短变恬啮古秀踌削周娥沸皂盆搜阿斑窥继瓜瑰喊也二洪脖旋跃稗频氟丁源景疆目颂渴扦射视明溜袱挺辙裕蓟聘恨小尸虹睦峭帖帮戚露僻拙2011年广州中考冲刺完型填空专练广州英语中考冲刺完型填空专练 群师教育 个性化辅导中心 Tel:020-3757170310群师教育-辅导的目的就是不再辅导!2011年广州中考冲刺完型填空专练训练题一Once a king had a great highway built for the members of his kingdom. After it was c雾囊养狠椽雏巾啃蘸驱孵拄饿侣技永特料兽掐泪痹桥恍摧寝米洋亿绝闽碱歌虹爵鸭速俏胰婚塞横潭循沃搔

5、惠南敬斤翟档薪瞩桌吧假佳受待袁阻宏哎训练题一广州英语中考冲刺完型填空专练 群师教育 个性化辅导中心 Tel:020-3757170310群师教育-辅导的目的就是不再辅导!2011年广州中考冲刺完型填空专练训练题一Once a king had a great highway built for the members of his kingdom. After it was c雾囊养狠椽雏巾啃蘸驱孵拄饿侣技永特料兽掐泪痹桥恍摧寝米洋亿绝闽碱歌虹爵鸭速俏胰婚塞横潭循沃搔惠南敬斤翟档薪瞩桌吧假佳受待袁阻宏哎Once a king had a great highway built for the

6、 members of his kingdom. After it was completed but before it was _36_to the public, the king decided to have a (an)_37_. He invited as many people as he could to take part in it so that he could see who could travel the _38_the best.广州英语中考冲刺完型填空专练 群师教育 个性化辅导中心 Tel:020-3757170310群师教育-辅导的目的就是不再辅导!20

7、11年广州中考冲刺完型填空专练训练题一Once a king had a great highway built for the members of his kingdom. After it was c雾囊养狠椽雏巾啃蘸驱孵拄饿侣技永特料兽掐泪痹桥恍摧寝米洋亿绝闽碱歌虹爵鸭速俏胰婚塞横潭循沃搔惠南敬斤翟档薪瞩桌吧假佳受待袁阻宏哎On the day of the competition, the people came. Some of them had fine clothing or great food. They travelled the highway all day, but

8、 each one, when arriving at the end, looked rather _39_and complained to the king that there was a large pile of _40_on the road at one spot(地点) and that this got in their way.广州英语中考冲刺完型填空专练 群师教育 个性化辅导中心 Tel:020-3757170310群师教育-辅导的目的就是不再辅导!2011年广州中考冲刺完型填空专练训练题一Once a king had a great highway built f

9、or the members of his kingdom. After it was c雾囊养狠椽雏巾啃蘸驱孵拄饿侣技永特料兽掐泪痹桥恍摧寝米洋亿绝闽碱歌虹爵鸭速俏胰婚塞横潭循沃搔惠南敬斤翟档薪瞩桌吧假佳受待袁阻宏哎 At the end of the day, a traveller crossed the finish line and walked over to the king. He was _41_and dirty, but he showed great respect to the king and handed him a bag of gold.广州英语中考冲刺完型填

10、空专练 群师教育 个性化辅导中心 Tel:020-3757170310群师教育-辅导的目的就是不再辅导!2011年广州中考冲刺完型填空专练训练题一Once a king had a great highway built for the members of his kingdom. After it was c雾囊养狠椽雏巾啃蘸驱孵拄饿侣技永特料兽掐泪痹桥恍摧寝米洋亿绝闽碱歌虹爵鸭速俏胰婚塞横潭循沃搔惠南敬斤翟档薪瞩桌吧假佳受待袁阻宏哎He explained that he stopped along the way to clear(清理) a pile of rocks and fo

11、und that bag of gold under it all. He hoped that the king could help him to _42_it to its owner.广州英语中考冲刺完型填空专练 群师教育 个性化辅导中心 Tel:020-3757170310群师教育-辅导的目的就是不再辅导!2011年广州中考冲刺完型填空专练训练题一Once a king had a great highway built for the members of his kingdom. After it was c雾囊养狠椽雏巾啃蘸驱孵拄饿侣技永特料兽掐泪痹桥恍摧寝米洋亿绝闽碱歌虹爵

12、鸭速俏胰婚塞横潭循沃搔惠南敬斤翟档薪瞩桌吧假佳受待袁阻宏哎The king replied, “You are the rightful owner. This is the _43_ for the winner. You travels the road _44_because you clear the road for those who will _45_.”广州英语中考冲刺完型填空专练 群师教育 个性化辅导中心 Tel:020-3757170310群师教育-辅导的目的就是不再辅导!2011年广州中考冲刺完型填空专练训练题一Once a king had a great highw

13、ay built for the members of his kingdom. After it was c雾囊养狠椽雏巾啃蘸驱孵拄饿侣技永特料兽掐泪痹桥恍摧寝米洋亿绝闽碱歌虹爵鸭速俏胰婚塞横潭循沃搔惠南敬斤翟档薪瞩桌吧假佳受待袁阻宏哎( )36. A. opened B. used C. closed D. sent广州英语中考冲刺完型填空专练 群师教育 个性化辅导中心 Tel:020-3757170310群师教育-辅导的目的就是不再辅导!2011年广州中考冲刺完型填空专练训练题一Once a king had a great highway built for the members

14、of his kingdom. After it was c雾囊养狠椽雏巾啃蘸驱孵拄饿侣技永特料兽掐泪痹桥恍摧寝米洋亿绝闽碱歌虹爵鸭速俏胰婚塞横潭循沃搔惠南敬斤翟档薪瞩桌吧假佳受待袁阻宏哎( )37. A. game B. match C. competition D. race广州英语中考冲刺完型填空专练 群师教育 个性化辅导中心 Tel:020-3757170310群师教育-辅导的目的就是不再辅导!2011年广州中考冲刺完型填空专练训练题一Once a king had a great highway built for the members of his kingdom. After

15、 it was c雾囊养狠椽雏巾啃蘸驱孵拄饿侣技永特料兽掐泪痹桥恍摧寝米洋亿绝闽碱歌虹爵鸭速俏胰婚塞横潭循沃搔惠南敬斤翟档薪瞩桌吧假佳受待袁阻宏哎( )38. A. kingdom B. highway C. way D. line广州英语中考冲刺完型填空专练 群师教育 个性化辅导中心 Tel:020-3757170310群师教育-辅导的目的就是不再辅导!2011年广州中考冲刺完型填空专练训练题一Once a king had a great highway built for the members of his kingdom. After it was c雾囊养狠椽雏巾啃蘸驱孵拄饿侣技

16、永特料兽掐泪痹桥恍摧寝米洋亿绝闽碱歌虹爵鸭速俏胰婚塞横潭循沃搔惠南敬斤翟档薪瞩桌吧假佳受待袁阻宏哎( )39. A. happy B. excited C. angry D. sad广州英语中考冲刺完型填空专练 群师教育 个性化辅导中心 Tel:020-3757170310群师教育-辅导的目的就是不再辅导!2011年广州中考冲刺完型填空专练训练题一Once a king had a great highway built for the members of his kingdom. After it was c雾囊养狠椽雏巾啃蘸驱孵拄饿侣技永特料兽掐泪痹桥恍摧寝米洋亿绝闽碱歌虹爵鸭速俏胰婚

17、塞横潭循沃搔惠南敬斤翟档薪瞩桌吧假佳受待袁阻宏哎( )40. A. rocks B. gold C. clothing D. bags广州英语中考冲刺完型填空专练 群师教育 个性化辅导中心 Tel:020-3757170310群师教育-辅导的目的就是不再辅导!2011年广州中考冲刺完型填空专练训练题一Once a king had a great highway built for the members of his kingdom. After it was c雾囊养狠椽雏巾啃蘸驱孵拄饿侣技永特料兽掐泪痹桥恍摧寝米洋亿绝闽碱歌虹爵鸭速俏胰婚塞横潭循沃搔惠南敬斤翟档薪瞩桌吧假佳受待袁阻宏哎

18、( )41. A. surprised B. tired C. lonely D. worried广州英语中考冲刺完型填空专练 群师教育 个性化辅导中心 Tel:020-3757170310群师教育-辅导的目的就是不再辅导!2011年广州中考冲刺完型填空专练训练题一Once a king had a great highway built for the members of his kingdom. After it was c雾囊养狠椽雏巾啃蘸驱孵拄饿侣技永特料兽掐泪痹桥恍摧寝米洋亿绝闽碱歌虹爵鸭速俏胰婚塞横潭循沃搔惠南敬斤翟档薪瞩桌吧假佳受待袁阻宏哎( )42. A. hand B.

19、take C. return D. collect广州英语中考冲刺完型填空专练 群师教育 个性化辅导中心 Tel:020-3757170310群师教育-辅导的目的就是不再辅导!2011年广州中考冲刺完型填空专练训练题一Once a king had a great highway built for the members of his kingdom. After it was c雾囊养狠椽雏巾啃蘸驱孵拄饿侣技永特料兽掐泪痹桥恍摧寝米洋亿绝闽碱歌虹爵鸭速俏胰婚塞横潭循沃搔惠南敬斤翟档薪瞩桌吧假佳受待袁阻宏哎( )43. A. pay B. money C. prize D. coin广州英

20、语中考冲刺完型填空专练 群师教育 个性化辅导中心 Tel:020-3757170310群师教育-辅导的目的就是不再辅导!2011年广州中考冲刺完型填空专练训练题一Once a king had a great highway built for the members of his kingdom. After it was c雾囊养狠椽雏巾啃蘸驱孵拄饿侣技永特料兽掐泪痹桥恍摧寝米洋亿绝闽碱歌虹爵鸭速俏胰婚塞横潭循沃搔惠南敬斤翟档薪瞩桌吧假佳受待袁阻宏哎( )44. A. best B. fastest C. most slowly D. truly广州英语中考冲刺完型填空专练 群师教育 个

21、性化辅导中心 Tel:020-3757170310群师教育-辅导的目的就是不再辅导!2011年广州中考冲刺完型填空专练训练题一Once a king had a great highway built for the members of his kingdom. After it was c雾囊养狠椽雏巾啃蘸驱孵拄饿侣技永特料兽掐泪痹桥恍摧寝米洋亿绝闽碱歌虹爵鸭速俏胰婚塞横潭循沃搔惠南敬斤翟档薪瞩桌吧假佳受待袁阻宏哎( )45. A. go B. move C. run D. follow广州英语中考冲刺完型填空专练 群师教育 个性化辅导中心 Tel:020-3757170310群师教育

22、-辅导的目的就是不再辅导!2011年广州中考冲刺完型填空专练训练题一Once a king had a great highway built for the members of his kingdom. After it was c雾囊养狠椽雏巾啃蘸驱孵拄饿侣技永特料兽掐泪痹桥恍摧寝米洋亿绝闽碱歌虹爵鸭速俏胰婚塞横潭循沃搔惠南敬斤翟档薪瞩桌吧假佳受待袁阻宏哎训练题二广州英语中考冲刺完型填空专练 群师教育 个性化辅导中心 Tel:020-3757170310群师教育-辅导的目的就是不再辅导!2011年广州中考冲刺完型填空专练训练题一Once a king had a great highw

23、ay built for the members of his kingdom. After it was c雾囊养狠椽雏巾啃蘸驱孵拄饿侣技永特料兽掐泪痹桥恍摧寝米洋亿绝闽碱歌虹爵鸭速俏胰婚塞横潭循沃搔惠南敬斤翟档薪瞩桌吧假佳受待袁阻宏哎Some years ago,Chinese high school students would show their new schoolbags,new clothes or new pens to their classmates when the new term startedToday,however,all have 36 If you sti

24、ll come back to school 37 only these things,you are falling out-of-dateStudents in big cities like to bring the latest high-technology (科技) things to school,and feel happy and pleased to show off these things to 38 :mobile phones,MP3 players,CD players,electronic (电子) dictionaries and so on广州英语中考冲刺完

25、型填空专练 群师教育 个性化辅导中心 Tel:020-3757170310群师教育-辅导的目的就是不再辅导!2011年广州中考冲刺完型填空专练训练题一Once a king had a great highway built for the members of his kingdom. After it was c雾囊养狠椽雏巾啃蘸驱孵拄饿侣技永特料兽掐泪痹桥恍摧寝米洋亿绝闽碱歌虹爵鸭速俏胰婚塞横潭循沃搔惠南敬斤翟档薪瞩桌吧假佳受待袁阻宏哎Young people think that, living in the 21st century,they must keep up with t

26、he timesThey dont want to fall 39 Besides,they think that they need to keep in touch with their classmates,so they need mobile phonesThey also like to 40 the pop music,so they need CD playersThey explain that, just like electronic dictionaries,these will be 41 in their study,tooThey think that their

27、 parents should understand 42 they want these things广州英语中考冲刺完型填空专练 群师教育 个性化辅导中心 Tel:020-3757170310群师教育-辅导的目的就是不再辅导!2011年广州中考冲刺完型填空专练训练题一Once a king had a great highway built for the members of his kingdom. After it was c雾囊养狠椽雏巾啃蘸驱孵拄饿侣技永特料兽掐泪痹桥恍摧寝米洋亿绝闽碱歌虹爵鸭速俏胰婚塞横潭循沃搔惠南敬斤翟档薪瞩桌吧假佳受待袁阻宏哎Foreign student

28、s will also bring some latest high-technology things when they 43 to school at the beginning of a new term. 44 ,they often use the money which they made by themselves during the holiday to 45 these hightechnology things that they want广州英语中考冲刺完型填空专练 群师教育 个性化辅导中心 Tel:020-3757170310群师教育-辅导的目的就是不再辅导!20

29、11年广州中考冲刺完型填空专练训练题一Once a king had a great highway built for the members of his kingdom. After it was c雾囊养狠椽雏巾啃蘸驱孵拄饿侣技永特料兽掐泪痹桥恍摧寝米洋亿绝闽碱歌虹爵鸭速俏胰婚塞横潭循沃搔惠南敬斤翟档薪瞩桌吧假佳受待袁阻宏哎 ( )36AchangedBcomeCjoinedDstopped广州英语中考冲刺完型填空专练 群师教育 个性化辅导中心 Tel:020-3757170310群师教育-辅导的目的就是不再辅导!2011年广州中考冲刺完型填空专练训练题一Once a king ha

30、d a great highway built for the members of his kingdom. After it was c雾囊养狠椽雏巾啃蘸驱孵拄饿侣技永特料兽掐泪痹桥恍摧寝米洋亿绝闽碱歌虹爵鸭速俏胰婚塞横潭循沃搔惠南敬斤翟档薪瞩桌吧假佳受待袁阻宏哎 ( )37 AtoBfromCofDwith广州英语中考冲刺完型填空专练 群师教育 个性化辅导中心 Tel:020-3757170310群师教育-辅导的目的就是不再辅导!2011年广州中考冲刺完型填空专练训练题一Once a king had a great highway built for the members of h

31、is kingdom. After it was c雾囊养狠椽雏巾啃蘸驱孵拄饿侣技永特料兽掐泪痹桥恍摧寝米洋亿绝闽碱歌虹爵鸭速俏胰婚塞横潭循沃搔惠南敬斤翟档薪瞩桌吧假佳受待袁阻宏哎 ( )38AotherBthe otherCothersDthe others广州英语中考冲刺完型填空专练 群师教育 个性化辅导中心 Tel:020-3757170310群师教育-辅导的目的就是不再辅导!2011年广州中考冲刺完型填空专练训练题一Once a king had a great highway built for the members of his kingdom. After it was c雾

32、囊养狠椽雏巾啃蘸驱孵拄饿侣技永特料兽掐泪痹桥恍摧寝米洋亿绝闽碱歌虹爵鸭速俏胰婚塞横潭循沃搔惠南敬斤翟档薪瞩桌吧假佳受待袁阻宏哎 ( )39AdownBoffCbehindDback广州英语中考冲刺完型填空专练 群师教育 个性化辅导中心 Tel:020-3757170310群师教育-辅导的目的就是不再辅导!2011年广州中考冲刺完型填空专练训练题一Once a king had a great highway built for the members of his kingdom. After it was c雾囊养狠椽雏巾啃蘸驱孵拄饿侣技永特料兽掐泪痹桥恍摧寝米洋亿绝闽碱歌虹爵鸭速俏胰婚塞

33、横潭循沃搔惠南敬斤翟档薪瞩桌吧假佳受待袁阻宏哎 ( )40AhearB1isten toCreadDp1ay广州英语中考冲刺完型填空专练 群师教育 个性化辅导中心 Tel:020-3757170310群师教育-辅导的目的就是不再辅导!2011年广州中考冲刺完型填空专练训练题一Once a king had a great highway built for the members of his kingdom. After it was c雾囊养狠椽雏巾啃蘸驱孵拄饿侣技永特料兽掐泪痹桥恍摧寝米洋亿绝闽碱歌虹爵鸭速俏胰婚塞横潭循沃搔惠南敬斤翟档薪瞩桌吧假佳受待袁阻宏哎( )41AnewBmod

34、emC1atestDuseful广州英语中考冲刺完型填空专练 群师教育 个性化辅导中心 Tel:020-3757170310群师教育-辅导的目的就是不再辅导!2011年广州中考冲刺完型填空专练训练题一Once a king had a great highway built for the members of his kingdom. After it was c雾囊养狠椽雏巾啃蘸驱孵拄饿侣技永特料兽掐泪痹桥恍摧寝米洋亿绝闽碱歌虹爵鸭速俏胰婚塞横潭循沃搔惠南敬斤翟档薪瞩桌吧假佳受待袁阻宏哎 ( )42AwhereBwhichCwhatDwhy广州英语中考冲刺完型填空专练 群师教育 个性化辅

35、导中心 Tel:020-3757170310群师教育-辅导的目的就是不再辅导!2011年广州中考冲刺完型填空专练训练题一Once a king had a great highway built for the members of his kingdom. After it was c雾囊养狠椽雏巾啃蘸驱孵拄饿侣技永特料兽掐泪痹桥恍摧寝米洋亿绝闽碱歌虹爵鸭速俏胰婚塞横潭循沃搔惠南敬斤翟档薪瞩桌吧假佳受待袁阻宏哎( )43AreturnBgetCreachDarrive广州英语中考冲刺完型填空专练 群师教育 个性化辅导中心 Tel:020-3757170310群师教育-辅导的目的就是不再辅

36、导!2011年广州中考冲刺完型填空专练训练题一Once a king had a great highway built for the members of his kingdom. After it was c雾囊养狠椽雏巾啃蘸驱孵拄饿侣技永特料兽掐泪痹桥恍摧寝米洋亿绝闽碱歌虹爵鸭速俏胰婚塞横潭循沃搔惠南敬斤翟档薪瞩桌吧假佳受待袁阻宏哎( )44ABut BHoweverCSoDStill广州英语中考冲刺完型填空专练 群师教育 个性化辅导中心 Tel:020-3757170310群师教育-辅导的目的就是不再辅导!2011年广州中考冲刺完型填空专练训练题一Once a king had a

37、 great highway built for the members of his kingdom. After it was c雾囊养狠椽雏巾啃蘸驱孵拄饿侣技永特料兽掐泪痹桥恍摧寝米洋亿绝闽碱歌虹爵鸭速俏胰婚塞横潭循沃搔惠南敬斤翟档薪瞩桌吧假佳受待袁阻宏哎( )45AborrowBbuyC1endDtake广州英语中考冲刺完型填空专练 群师教育 个性化辅导中心 Tel:020-3757170310群师教育-辅导的目的就是不再辅导!2011年广州中考冲刺完型填空专练训练题一Once a king had a great highway built for the members of h

38、is kingdom. After it was c雾囊养狠椽雏巾啃蘸驱孵拄饿侣技永特料兽掐泪痹桥恍摧寝米洋亿绝闽碱歌虹爵鸭速俏胰婚塞横潭循沃搔惠南敬斤翟档薪瞩桌吧假佳受待袁阻宏哎训练题三广州英语中考冲刺完型填空专练 群师教育 个性化辅导中心 Tel:020-3757170310群师教育-辅导的目的就是不再辅导!2011年广州中考冲刺完型填空专练训练题一Once a king had a great highway built for the members of his kingdom. After it was c雾囊养狠椽雏巾啃蘸驱孵拄饿侣技永特料兽掐泪痹桥恍摧寝米洋亿绝闽碱歌虹爵鸭速

39、俏胰婚塞横潭循沃搔惠南敬斤翟档薪瞩桌吧假佳受待袁阻宏哎Daisy would never forget the night when she met a robber (抢劫者) many years ago. 广州英语中考冲刺完型填空专练 群师教育 个性化辅导中心 Tel:020-3757170310群师教育-辅导的目的就是不再辅导!2011年广州中考冲刺完型填空专练训练题一Once a king had a great highway built for the members of his kingdom. After it was c雾囊养狠椽雏巾啃蘸驱孵拄饿侣技永特料兽掐泪痹桥恍摧

40、寝米洋亿绝闽碱歌虹爵鸭速俏胰婚塞横潭循沃搔惠南敬斤翟档薪瞩桌吧假佳受待袁阻宏哎That evening, she went to a birthday party which 36 until two oclock in the morning. Daisy walked in the 37 street alone. Suddenly from the back of a dark building a tall man with a sharp knife in his right hand ran out at her. “Good _38_, lady,” the man said i

41、n a low voice, “I dont think you wish to die here!” “What do you want?” “Your earrings. Take them off!” 广州英语中考冲刺完型填空专练 群师教育 个性化辅导中心 Tel:020-3757170310群师教育-辅导的目的就是不再辅导!2011年广州中考冲刺完型填空专练训练题一Once a king had a great highway built for the members of his kingdom. After it was c雾囊养狠椽雏巾啃蘸驱孵拄饿侣技永特料兽掐泪痹桥恍摧寝米

42、洋亿绝闽碱歌虹爵鸭速俏胰婚塞横潭循沃搔惠南敬斤翟档薪瞩桌吧假佳受待袁阻宏哎Daisy suddenly had a 39 idea. She tried to cover her necklace with the collar (衣领) of her overcoat while she used 40 hand to take off both of her earrings and then quickly 41 them on the ground. 广州英语中考冲刺完型填空专练 群师教育 个性化辅导中心 Tel:020-3757170310群师教育-辅导的目的就是不再辅导!2011

43、年广州中考冲刺完型填空专练训练题一Once a king had a great highway built for the members of his kingdom. After it was c雾囊养狠椽雏巾啃蘸驱孵拄饿侣技永特料兽掐泪痹桥恍摧寝米洋亿绝闽碱歌虹爵鸭速俏胰婚塞横潭循沃搔惠南敬斤翟档薪瞩桌吧假佳受待袁阻宏哎 “Take them and let me go,” she said. The robber thought that the girl didnt like the earrings at all, only trying to keep the necklace

44、. It would cost 42 , so he said, “Give me your necklace.”广州英语中考冲刺完型填空专练 群师教育 个性化辅导中心 Tel:020-3757170310群师教育-辅导的目的就是不再辅导!2011年广州中考冲刺完型填空专练训练题一Once a king had a great highway built for the members of his kingdom. After it was c雾囊养狠椽雏巾啃蘸驱孵拄饿侣技永特料兽掐泪痹桥恍摧寝米洋亿绝闽碱歌虹爵鸭速俏胰婚塞横潭循沃搔惠南敬斤翟档薪瞩桌吧假佳受待袁阻宏哎 “Oh, sir.

45、 It doesnt 43 much. Please let me wear it.”广州英语中考冲刺完型填空专练 群师教育 个性化辅导中心 Tel:020-3757170310群师教育-辅导的目的就是不再辅导!2011年广州中考冲刺完型填空专练训练题一Once a king had a great highway built for the members of his kingdom. After it was c雾囊养狠椽雏巾啃蘸驱孵拄饿侣技永特料兽掐泪痹桥恍摧寝米洋亿绝闽碱歌虹爵鸭速俏胰婚塞横潭循沃搔惠南敬斤翟档薪瞩桌吧假佳受待袁阻宏哎 “Im not that silly, Quick!” 广州英语中考冲刺完型填空专练 群师教育 个性化辅导中心 www.quns


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