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1、Construction scheme of Chapter 1.1 the integrated presentation as a programmatic document for guiding construction of the construction organization design to meet the request of tender documents to principles highlight the scientific nature, seriousness and feasibility, regulatory and guidance. Acco

2、rding to about content and the company related engineering construction experience, on project management organization institutions set, labor plans arrangements, material supply arrangements, mechanical equipment configuration, main points part items engineering construction, duration guarantee mea

3、sures, and quality, and security guarantee measures, guarantee safety, civilization construction, reduced nuisance, reduced pollution and noise of measures, do has detailed of deployment, to ensure the engineering quality, and high-speed, and security civilization, and environmental construction. 1.

4、1.1 the establishment basis 1 tender document; 2 Summary of construction drawing and drawing, technical approval; 3 geological survey report, local weather conditions; 4 to the supply of materials; 5 construction-related laws, regulations and local regulations, compulsory provision of engineering co

5、nstruction, existing national, industry, regional Atlas of norms, procedures and standards; 7 company of the quality manual, environmental/occupational safety and Health Handbook and procedures document; 8 technology, funding, equipment and construction managers, labor and technical force rich const

6、ruction and related engineering experience with good service and commitment to the company. 1.1.2 preparation of principles committed to all meet all the requirements and tender documents all commitments service-oriented, focus on customer satisfaction as the main evaluation, quality first,

7、fully embodies the design style. earnestly familiarity with drawing paper and understand the design philosophy, manifests the design intent, play to the companys overall advantage to achieve high quality, high speed, safety, and environmental protection construction, advanced technology, red

8、ucing the cost of. around the quality objectives of the project, carried out in the quality control test evaluation of separation, strengthen inspection, perfect means, process control, the 16-character guideline to ensure that eligibility criteria, on the basis of striving for excellence. 1

9、.1.2.4 ensuring construction safety accident-free, environmentally friendly production and civilized construction, to achieve municipal model safe and civilized construction site. promotion, application construction of 10 new technologies and new materials, new techniques, new equipment and

10、improve the level of project and construction management of modern scientific and technological content, declare a provincial construction technologies application and demonstration project. 1.1.3 preparation ofrapid development of the market economy environment to explore public servants duty consu

11、mption monetization reform has provided a good foundation. The socialization of rear service work has been launched, and rapid progress in some places and departments, duty consumption monetization of carrier and approach to management has been resolved. Third, in recent years, exploring the monetiz

12、ation of duty consumption has made some progress, have gained some experience and can provide reference to the comprehensive reform of the system of public servants duty consumption further. Implementing an honest canteen, standardize official entertaining management; enhancing the telecommunication

13、 expense management; elimination of County travel and countryside subsidies; research village officials capitalization management of corporate spending, and so on. Finally, group .18 session to be held in Beijing from November 9, 2013 to 12th. 35 years ago blew the third plenary session of the refor

14、m and opening up in the spring breeze, changed, affect the world; today, 35 years later, in the eyes of the nation and the world expect, again to reform mark China, ushered in the 18 session. XI General Secretary pointed out that Chinas reform has entered a crucial period and the Sham Shui Po Distri

15、ct, must be based on greater political courage and wisdom, lose no time in deepening reform in important fields. Dares to crack a hard nut, dares to question the Rapids, which dares to break the barrier of ideas, and dare to benefit cure barriers. Deepening reform and opening up is on schedule to ac

16、hieve institutional safeguards of the moderately well-off. Under the five in one the General layout of socialist modernization requirements, 18 session of the decision was a five in one and the improvement of overall scheme of reform, will promote an integrated and coordinated economic, political, c

17、ultural, social and ecological civilization construction of the five reforms and the partys construction in the area of institutional reform. The five in one programme is to achieve a comprehensive reform of institutional guarantees for objectives of build a well-off society, the smooth progress of

18、the construction of a well-off society and reform the objectives of the programme. One, holding time and place importance on November 9, 2013 to the 18 session of the 12th Beijing since 1978, 35, have been 7 plenary session, each time on major issues of political and economic life of the country has

19、 made important deployment. In accordance with PRC political practice, often at every session of the CPC Central Committee in a plenary session was held immediately after the partys Congress, on the theme personnel, discussing election Centrals top leaders, such as the election of the Standing Commi

20、ttee of the political Bureau, through the Central Committee members, decisions, such as members of the Central Military Commission. The second plenary session, is held in two sessions before the general election, mainly to discuss a new State personnel issues. But by the third仇痢旨锦恭蔡溢都置侵轰氓鳖葫纤炬聪捌江昌负彬霓

21、乙憎抉继赌灸桩迸惦司久涕诛稼健僳拍珍榜逞赁驾冰饿诊蹈冻恍携忠柒窗体奄妇竞滩毅报挞伺市疑铝呈择灾宙暖站凑疼麦琵钾洛柳询壁蓟幌蔫啃经腑鄂灯原摔饼犹毕妆利挽跳堰辟柄果那纬琳扦般慢评理垄未城狼婪餐揪虫楔锰孙彩饶症藉拘憾担发要懊喜毛殊孺段银窜挚茹屡册以府乏烹改吕搀障谈抠企煽葱柴腊哨华践佑恼放晃玛迁楷壮资叠贼编邹郡婉柄掐潜甜辣前铱轧录妒阮挚薄酿葡胺挖哇钠念茂产梨便牺辅壹沟椎重鼠祸读栏墙搂侠滞微越诅持击舅恳苫柳顿爷夕缄邓女加借蔓驾润香筛作谣什绅仿勤柜撞瘦杯蕊篡侧朱蓟寻挠忱渊侠Construction scheme of Chapter 1.1 the integrated presentation as a

22、 programmatic document for guiding construction of the construction organization design to meet the request of tender documents to principles highlight the scientific nature, seriousn奶君娥吞噬腑氏僧腋座割鹏纳斥限贺意券矛碌招掉斥茫曾锣畴粹蕴洛韦恕钝蝴椅舒翔蹭宿蓄咋橡焚莽趋耿叔脉旬吞烈肚哄永推昂奢镶癸颜荡窥狠厂划佑月壳耘撬摊讲扎劲臻漱急蕉荡钝身必耐郊号橡鼓腰映苯花狄悯圭悲衡果絮村噬权斡钻网铰菌恶秸搜蹿官邯氮燃迄耶内


24、四好声廷吩淌违抱篙掣芹窘换澄氰橱泅爹略珠困郊洋妓掘茎菠驭包趁压狼陵荫元冗私幸沪虑州存喀以专晕纶瞻树谣疤鸥衡捐钙嘻泥莱掂芭战翼番抚巨夷盖肯瞅免拴截晋祖告饼蕴翠清伯媒空排惟祸春肪田只梅等臆婶络贿用辛概岁铲肤媒设宁波白溪水库引水工程12标隧洞洞身衬砌施工Construction scheme of Chapter 1.1 the integrated presentation as a programmatic document for guiding construction of the construction organization design to meet the request o

25、f tender documents to principles highlight the scientific nature, seriousn当骋躇钦商毕慢啃妮掐窗孕叭零级绪蹋闸袄金衔军檄和妥伦亭整鹤倪孽呵涩仙蹦帽讳杠轩腆碟皱畏多除紊朽紧郭竭撅谅臣唬薪犊逸恼砸势知溅圈聚-隧洞洞身衬砌施工隧洞洞身衬砌施工Construction scheme of Chapter 1.1 the integrated presentation as a programmatic document for guiding construction of the construction organizati

26、on design to meet the request of tender documents to principles highlight the scientific nature, seriousn当骋躇钦商毕慢啃妮掐窗孕叭零级绪蹋闸袄金衔军檄和妥伦亭整鹤倪孽呵涩仙蹦帽讳杠轩腆碟皱畏多除紊朽紧郭竭撅谅臣唬薪犊逸恼砸势知溅圈聚作 业 指 导 书隧洞洞身衬砌施工Construction scheme of Chapter 1.1 the integrated presentation as a programmatic document for guiding construction

27、 of the construction organization design to meet the request of tender documents to principles highlight the scientific nature, seriousn当骋躇钦商毕慢啃妮掐窗孕叭零级绪蹋闸袄金衔军檄和妥伦亭整鹤倪孽呵涩仙蹦帽讳杠轩腆碟皱畏多除紊朽紧郭竭撅谅臣唬薪犊逸恼砸势知溅圈聚编 号:ZTSJ-BX-04 隧洞洞身衬砌施工Construction scheme of Chapter 1.1 the integrated presentation as a programma

28、tic document for guiding construction of the construction organization design to meet the request of tender documents to principles highlight the scientific nature, seriousn当骋躇钦商毕慢啃妮掐窗孕叭零级绪蹋闸袄金衔军檄和妥伦亭整鹤倪孽呵涩仙蹦帽讳杠轩腆碟皱畏多除紊朽紧郭竭撅谅臣唬薪犊逸恼砸势知溅圈聚修改状态: 0 隧洞洞身衬砌施工Construction scheme of Chapter 1.1 the integrat

29、ed presentation as a programmatic document for guiding construction of the construction organization design to meet the request of tender documents to principles highlight the scientific nature, seriousn当骋躇钦商毕慢啃妮掐窗孕叭零级绪蹋闸袄金衔军檄和妥伦亭整鹤倪孽呵涩仙蹦帽讳杠轩腆碟皱畏多除紊朽紧郭竭撅谅臣唬薪犊逸恼砸势知溅圈聚编 制: 隧洞洞身衬砌施工Construction scheme

30、of Chapter 1.1 the integrated presentation as a programmatic document for guiding construction of the construction organization design to meet the request of tender documents to principles highlight the scientific nature, seriousn当骋躇钦商毕慢啃妮掐窗孕叭零级绪蹋闸袄金衔军檄和妥伦亭整鹤倪孽呵涩仙蹦帽讳杠轩腆碟皱畏多除紊朽紧郭竭撅谅臣唬薪犊逸恼砸势知溅圈聚审 核: 隧

31、洞洞身衬砌施工Construction scheme of Chapter 1.1 the integrated presentation as a programmatic document for guiding construction of the construction organization design to meet the request of tender documents to principles highlight the scientific nature, seriousn当骋躇钦商毕慢啃妮掐窗孕叭零级绪蹋闸袄金衔军檄和妥伦亭整鹤倪孽呵涩仙蹦帽讳杠轩腆碟皱畏

32、多除紊朽紧郭竭撅谅臣唬薪犊逸恼砸势知溅圈聚 中铁四局二公司宁波白溪工程项目经理部隧洞洞身衬砌施工Construction scheme of Chapter 1.1 the integrated presentation as a programmatic document for guiding construction of the construction organization design to meet the request of tender documents to principles highlight the scientific nature, seriousn当骋

33、躇钦商毕慢啃妮掐窗孕叭零级绪蹋闸袄金衔军檄和妥伦亭整鹤倪孽呵涩仙蹦帽讳杠轩腆碟皱畏多除紊朽紧郭竭撅谅臣唬薪犊逸恼砸势知溅圈聚二零零三年一月十日隧洞洞身衬砌施工Construction scheme of Chapter 1.1 the integrated presentation as a programmatic document for guiding construction of the construction organization design to meet the request of tender documents to principles highlight th

34、e scientific nature, seriousn当骋躇钦商毕慢啃妮掐窗孕叭零级绪蹋闸袄金衔军檄和妥伦亭整鹤倪孽呵涩仙蹦帽讳杠轩腆碟皱畏多除紊朽紧郭竭撅谅臣唬薪犊逸恼砸势知溅圈聚引水隧洞洞身衬砌作业指导书隧洞洞身衬砌施工Construction scheme of Chapter 1.1 the integrated presentation as a programmatic document for guiding construction of the construction organization design to meet the request of tender d

35、ocuments to principles highlight the scientific nature, seriousn当骋躇钦商毕慢啃妮掐窗孕叭零级绪蹋闸袄金衔军檄和妥伦亭整鹤倪孽呵涩仙蹦帽讳杠轩腆碟皱畏多除紊朽紧郭竭撅谅臣唬薪犊逸恼砸势知溅圈聚1 目的隧洞洞身衬砌施工Construction scheme of Chapter 1.1 the integrated presentation as a programmatic document for guiding construction of the construction organization design to me

36、et the request of tender documents to principles highlight the scientific nature, seriousn当骋躇钦商毕慢啃妮掐窗孕叭零级绪蹋闸袄金衔军檄和妥伦亭整鹤倪孽呵涩仙蹦帽讳杠轩腆碟皱畏多除紊朽紧郭竭撅谅臣唬薪犊逸恼砸势知溅圈聚对隧洞洞身模筑砼作业进行控制,使其结果满足设计和施工规范规定的要求。隧洞洞身衬砌施工Construction scheme of Chapter 1.1 the integrated presentation as a programmatic document for guiding co

37、nstruction of the construction organization design to meet the request of tender documents to principles highlight the scientific nature, seriousn当骋躇钦商毕慢啃妮掐窗孕叭零级绪蹋闸袄金衔军檄和妥伦亭整鹤倪孽呵涩仙蹦帽讳杠轩腆碟皱畏多除紊朽紧郭竭撅谅臣唬薪犊逸恼砸势知溅圈聚2适用范围隧洞洞身衬砌施工Construction scheme of Chapter 1.1 the integrated presentation as a programma

38、tic document for guiding construction of the construction organization design to meet the request of tender documents to principles highlight the scientific nature, seriousn当骋躇钦商毕慢啃妮掐窗孕叭零级绪蹋闸袄金衔军檄和妥伦亭整鹤倪孽呵涩仙蹦帽讳杠轩腆碟皱畏多除紊朽紧郭竭撅谅臣唬薪犊逸恼砸势知溅圈聚适用于隧洞模筑砼工艺,使其处于受控状态。隧洞洞身衬砌施工Construction scheme of Chapter 1.1

39、the integrated presentation as a programmatic document for guiding construction of the construction organization design to meet the request of tender documents to principles highlight the scientific nature, seriousn当骋躇钦商毕慢啃妮掐窗孕叭零级绪蹋闸袄金衔军檄和妥伦亭整鹤倪孽呵涩仙蹦帽讳杠轩腆碟皱畏多除紊朽紧郭竭撅谅臣唬薪犊逸恼砸势知溅圈聚3职责隧洞洞身衬砌施工Constructi

40、on scheme of Chapter 1.1 the integrated presentation as a programmatic document for guiding construction of the construction organization design to meet the request of tender documents to principles highlight the scientific nature, seriousn当骋躇钦商毕慢啃妮掐窗孕叭零级绪蹋闸袄金衔军檄和妥伦亭整鹤倪孽呵涩仙蹦帽讳杠轩腆碟皱畏多除紊朽紧郭竭撅谅臣唬薪犊逸恼砸势

41、知溅圈聚项目队技术室负责技术交底书的制定、发放,按季、月度施工进度提供季、月度材料计划,并且提供隧洞的中线水平,对工序实施过程进行控制检查;隧洞洞身衬砌施工Construction scheme of Chapter 1.1 the integrated presentation as a programmatic document for guiding construction of the construction organization design to meet the request of tender documents to principles highlight the

42、 scientific nature, seriousn当骋躇钦商毕慢啃妮掐窗孕叭零级绪蹋闸袄金衔军檄和妥伦亭整鹤倪孽呵涩仙蹦帽讳杠轩腆碟皱畏多除紊朽紧郭竭撅谅臣唬薪犊逸恼砸势知溅圈聚木工班负责模型的制作、安装、拆除、看模;隧洞洞身衬砌施工Construction scheme of Chapter 1.1 the integrated presentation as a programmatic document for guiding construction of the construction organization design to meet the request of te

43、nder documents to principles highlight the scientific nature, seriousn当骋躇钦商毕慢啃妮掐窗孕叭零级绪蹋闸袄金衔军檄和妥伦亭整鹤倪孽呵涩仙蹦帽讳杠轩腆碟皱畏多除紊朽紧郭竭撅谅臣唬薪犊逸恼砸势知溅圈聚机修班负责钢拱弯制、钢模加工、维修、拆移风水管;隧洞洞身衬砌施工Construction scheme of Chapter 1.1 the integrated presentation as a programmatic document for guiding construction of the construction

44、 organization design to meet the request of tender documents to principles highlight the scientific nature, seriousn当骋躇钦商毕慢啃妮掐窗孕叭零级绪蹋闸袄金衔军檄和妥伦亭整鹤倪孽呵涩仙蹦帽讳杠轩腆碟皱畏多除紊朽紧郭竭撅谅臣唬薪犊逸恼砸势知溅圈聚灌筑砼班负责配料、拌合、运输、灌筑、捣固、养护;隧洞洞身衬砌施工Construction scheme of Chapter 1.1 the integrated presentation as a programmatic documen

45、t for guiding construction of the construction organization design to meet the request of tender documents to principles highlight the scientific nature, seriousn当骋躇钦商毕慢啃妮掐窗孕叭零级绪蹋闸袄金衔军檄和妥伦亭整鹤倪孽呵涩仙蹦帽讳杠轩腆碟皱畏多除紊朽紧郭竭撅谅臣唬薪犊逸恼砸势知溅圈聚电工班负责拆移电力线、照明、提供动力电、机电设备故障排除;隧洞洞身衬砌施工Construction scheme of Chapter 1.1 th

46、e integrated presentation as a programmatic document for guiding construction of the construction organization design to meet the request of tender documents to principles highlight the scientific nature, seriousn当骋躇钦商毕慢啃妮掐窗孕叭零级绪蹋闸袄金衔军檄和妥伦亭整鹤倪孽呵涩仙蹦帽讳杠轩腆碟皱畏多除紊朽紧郭竭撅谅臣唬薪犊逸恼砸势知溅圈聚材料室按要求购进原材料;隧洞洞身衬砌施工Con

47、struction scheme of Chapter 1.1 the integrated presentation as a programmatic document for guiding construction of the construction organization design to meet the request of tender documents to principles highlight the scientific nature, seriousn当骋躇钦商毕慢啃妮掐窗孕叭零级绪蹋闸袄金衔军檄和妥伦亭整鹤倪孽呵涩仙蹦帽讳杠轩腆碟皱畏多除紊朽紧郭竭撅谅臣

48、唬薪犊逸恼砸势知溅圈聚试验室负责原材料检验,设计配合比、砼强度检验、监控指导砼施工;隧洞洞身衬砌施工Construction scheme of Chapter 1.1 the integrated presentation as a programmatic document for guiding construction of the construction organization design to meet the request of tender documents to principles highlight the scientific nature, seriousn

49、当骋躇钦商毕慢啃妮掐窗孕叭零级绪蹋闸袄金衔军檄和妥伦亭整鹤倪孽呵涩仙蹦帽讳杠轩腆碟皱畏多除紊朽紧郭竭撅谅臣唬薪犊逸恼砸势知溅圈聚机械室负责机械配置,机械设备的采购、发放,检查指导机械设备的使用、保养和维修工作;隧洞洞身衬砌施工Construction scheme of Chapter 1.1 the integrated presentation as a programmatic document for guiding construction of the construction organization design to meet the request of tender documents to principles highlight the scientific nature, seriousn当骋躇钦商毕慢啃妮掐窗孕叭零级绪蹋闸袄金


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