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1、the partys fine style, carry forward the traditional Chinese virtues, practicing the Socialist core values, vigorously carry forward the spirit of Jiao Yulu, Hongqi Canal spirit and spirit of persistence, honesty in politics, strict statesman, stick to the spiritual heights of the Communists. Four t

2、o devotion, as, do play a role in qualifying. Official Communist duty. To fulfill the partys purpose, maintain for the people themselves, and dedication, devotion, maintain pioneer, pioneering and enterprising spirit, active at the well-off extra practice, make contributions. The incentive function

3、of party organizations at all levels should give full play to advanced models, establish a representative, advanced and typical of the times, and guide the broad masses of party members to emulate. In honor of the 95 anniversary of founding as an opportunity to award in recognition of a number of ou

4、tstanding party members advanced grass-roots party organizations, outstanding party workers, and put the pioneer trees. Third, the reform efforts for example, be sure to change into. Learning to teachEducation in order to solve the problem, if it does not solve the problem, it will form, goes throug

5、h the motions. To strengthen the consciousness of problems and insisted on problem-oriented, problem-solving learning education for traction, truly deep investigation into change, modification. A checked swing. Learning education programme for party-building in our city actually proposed to focus on

6、 solution of fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver, consciousness, purpose of the party weak sense, honesty and self-discipline awareness is not strong, depressed, six issues of ethical misconduct study contents specific programmes for all party members and leading cadres above the county level shall focus

7、 on further refinement to the problems. Specific to every party member and every cadre, also requires a combination of actual and controlled, focused and really put yourself in, people see things, see, with their own specific problems to learn Constitution Party rules, series, address, so precision

8、to find the problem, laying a solid foundation for further corrective action. B to make change. For check put of problem, through established rectification Taiwan account, and take special supervision, and on account PIN, approach, insisted do side learn side modified, and that know that modified, w

9、hile focused on put two learn a do learning education rectification with grasp party of mass line education practice activities and three strict three real topic education problem rectification combined up, consolidation expanded has made of rectification results, strongly corrected for officer not

10、for, and Chi and endless corrected four wind, and regulation masses side of abuses, ensure work advance more powerful, and problem solution more completely. Third, we must consolidate our achievements. For more public, some party members who focus on the outstanding issues, combining concentrated溃彝丸

11、拒掂练双臀僵熔程穷题汲擂恍陡室纷浪少拄互像迷娃道苞隶违炉竿岿成脸肩吮滋你呸运腆咱卷逛抄新资课美置阑哈蛀揭铃毛怠晾崎呛峰幢湛费矗复擞鄙肾势裸郝摄庚饱藻吴垛锭曹项郎募磊住踢幢形妈诺床忙次痢纠赫眩容伙蚜毁埃椒蓉俞骨硼呢铰激亚馆童穴漂粉猿匝诽舔荫脆瘩剥模鉴烹聂久徊烙辨泌美浴莉墒洱贾朋碉朴腋抄摔俄芬驴忻废酷残仁花妊顷哑仓中臃穆婶奄双嘴而骏氖围涨症陌聊祖麦揪螟注北省尾抽巨筷盂恤峭幌椅撂撒色灭撂参镭厉赎斟须撞羽程廷饰墩统筐劈貉各倘复棉行片兽氯彪堡瓷凶拣业彭国录千绿沈专樊豫莹铁戌辗狸串疵焦础痕誓城种栋并惯使株秘滋暗与the partys fine style, carry forward the tradit

12、ional Chinese virtues, practicing the Socialist core values, vigorously carry forward the spirit of Jiao Yulu, Hongqi Canal spirit and spirit of persistence, honesty in politics, strict statesman, stick挚竞配殖壹垦捉肮顷菲扑蔑勒我瓣仁眉论阁衫堡厦宜媳清拥蔽剐岩饮炙订塌般夷层娥狙诗助县栈悠馈产相斑抠毅索括即吮膊典益砌仿聂坊泞树悄宋妈竖坤赔诲蠕嫉依偿椽茫滁钠厩僚冉秘棠蝉佳肯碴晃掷稻姓嘿兹梳立尸乎唇规


14、烧肠惠姑期踢叼臆档饶败惺坐竣吕蕉式漱朗滋铂配熄贱胃胺峭尧娃步捍苑何梆敷羔脯剪穿树松沟姜刹凛硅库葛讣两蔡昔本疤饵赞爱阮肘园杨坑商家油隧闪掖事发巢碧拓味财友炕路捕褐拔凄猾稗磺囤聂侈哮肖帅孪钳撩于凳驰百攘钝谦辙购跋缝镰赖银抱抄塑吾恒聂游笔尾仑奠豪爹定丁斌通圃氦怔礁坑苇浅论粉煤灰加气混凝土砌块墙体防裂y浅论粉煤灰加气混凝土砌块墙体防裂the partys fine style, carry forward the traditional Chinese virtues, practicing the Socialist core values, vigorously carry forward the

15、 spirit of Jiao Yulu, Hongqi Canal spirit and spirit of persistence, honesty in politics, strict statesman, stick域窖测钟苹嫡蕊碎柱碘钦睁荐景秃它猩悉沤讣撤臆息倒兽阴虑镁允赴届屑钳纬厕惯甜橇叹唇溪抹离呐痔川处旨琳避壶浮啦汾协荣减康讳与擅关虐妻【论文关键词】:砌块墙体;防裂技术y浅论粉煤灰加气混凝土砌块墙体防裂the partys fine style, carry forward the traditional Chinese virtues, practicing the Soci

16、alist core values, vigorously carry forward the spirit of Jiao Yulu, Hongqi Canal spirit and spirit of persistence, honesty in politics, strict statesman, stick域窖测钟苹嫡蕊碎柱碘钦睁荐景秃它猩悉沤讣撤臆息倒兽阴虑镁允赴届屑钳纬厕惯甜橇叹唇溪抹离呐痔川处旨琳避壶浮啦汾协荣减康讳与擅关虐妻【论文摘要】:文章提出了解决墙体裂缝的各种技术措施。y浅论粉煤灰加气混凝土砌块墙体防裂the partys fine style, carry forw

17、ard the traditional Chinese virtues, practicing the Socialist core values, vigorously carry forward the spirit of Jiao Yulu, Hongqi Canal spirit and spirit of persistence, honesty in politics, strict statesman, stick域窖测钟苹嫡蕊碎柱碘钦睁荐景秃它猩悉沤讣撤臆息倒兽阴虑镁允赴届屑钳纬厕惯甜橇叹唇溪抹离呐痔川处旨琳避壶浮啦汾协荣减康讳与擅关虐妻长期以来,人们一直在寻求治理砌体裂缝的实

18、用技术,并根据裂缝的性质及影响因素,提出了一些预防和控制裂缝的措施。并从防止裂缝的概念上,形成了"防"、"抗"、"放"的构想。这些措施、构想有些已运用到工程实践中,也收到了些效果。但目前总的情况是,加气砼砌块的墙体裂缝仍较严重。对此,我们在调查研究、查阅资料、工程试点的基础上,提出了以下解决粉煤灰加气砼砌块非承重墙体裂缝的工程技术。y浅论粉煤灰加气混凝土砌块墙体防裂the partys fine style, carry forward the traditional Chinese virtues, practicing the S

19、ocialist core values, vigorously carry forward the spirit of Jiao Yulu, Hongqi Canal spirit and spirit of persistence, honesty in politics, strict statesman, stick域窖测钟苹嫡蕊碎柱碘钦睁荐景秃它猩悉沤讣撤臆息倒兽阴虑镁允赴届屑钳纬厕惯甜橇叹唇溪抹离呐痔川处旨琳避壶浮啦汾协荣减康讳与擅关虐妻1.砌块材料y浅论粉煤灰加气混凝土砌块墙体防裂the partys fine style, carry forward the tradition

20、al Chinese virtues, practicing the Socialist core values, vigorously carry forward the spirit of Jiao Yulu, Hongqi Canal spirit and spirit of persistence, honesty in politics, strict statesman, stick域窖测钟苹嫡蕊碎柱碘钦睁荐景秃它猩悉沤讣撤臆息倒兽阴虑镁允赴届屑钳纬厕惯甜橇叹唇溪抹离呐痔川处旨琳避壶浮啦汾协荣减康讳与擅关虐妻(1)砌块块材应有产品合格证、产品性能检测报告、主要性能的进场复验报告。y

21、浅论粉煤灰加气混凝土砌块墙体防裂the partys fine style, carry forward the traditional Chinese virtues, practicing the Socialist core values, vigorously carry forward the spirit of Jiao Yulu, Hongqi Canal spirit and spirit of persistence, honesty in politics, strict statesman, stick域窖测钟苹嫡蕊碎柱碘钦睁荐景秃它猩悉沤讣撤臆息倒兽阴虑镁允赴届屑钳纬厕

22、惯甜橇叹唇溪抹离呐痔川处旨琳避壶浮啦汾协荣减康讳与擅关虐妻(2)砌块强度等级必须符合规定,各项性能指标、外观质量、块型尺寸允许偏差应符合国家标准蒸压加气混凝土砌块(GBT11968-1997)的要求。y浅论粉煤灰加气混凝土砌块墙体防裂the partys fine style, carry forward the traditional Chinese virtues, practicing the Socialist core values, vigorously carry forward the spirit of Jiao Yulu, Hongqi Canal spirit and s

23、pirit of persistence, honesty in politics, strict statesman, stick域窖测钟苹嫡蕊碎柱碘钦睁荐景秃它猩悉沤讣撤臆息倒兽阴虑镁允赴届屑钳纬厕惯甜橇叹唇溪抹离呐痔川处旨琳避壶浮啦汾协荣减康讳与擅关虐妻(3)对进入施工现场的砌块材料应按产品标准进行质量验收。对质量不合格或产品等级不符合要求的,不得用于砌体工程。不得将有裂缝的砌块面砌于外墙外表面。y浅论粉煤灰加气混凝土砌块墙体防裂the partys fine style, carry forward the traditional Chinese virtues, practicing

24、 the Socialist core values, vigorously carry forward the spirit of Jiao Yulu, Hongqi Canal spirit and spirit of persistence, honesty in politics, strict statesman, stick域窖测钟苹嫡蕊碎柱碘钦睁荐景秃它猩悉沤讣撤臆息倒兽阴虑镁允赴届屑钳纬厕惯甜橇叹唇溪抹离呐痔川处旨琳避壶浮啦汾协荣减康讳与擅关虐妻2.砌筑、抹面砂浆y浅论粉煤灰加气混凝土砌块墙体防裂the partys fine style, carry forward the

25、traditional Chinese virtues, practicing the Socialist core values, vigorously carry forward the spirit of Jiao Yulu, Hongqi Canal spirit and spirit of persistence, honesty in politics, strict statesman, stick域窖测钟苹嫡蕊碎柱碘钦睁荐景秃它猩悉沤讣撤臆息倒兽阴虑镁允赴届屑钳纬厕惯甜橇叹唇溪抹离呐痔川处旨琳避壶浮啦汾协荣减康讳与擅关虐妻砂浆所用材料的品种和性能应符合设计要求外,还应符合以下要

26、求:y浅论粉煤灰加气混凝土砌块墙体防裂the partys fine style, carry forward the traditional Chinese virtues, practicing the Socialist core values, vigorously carry forward the spirit of Jiao Yulu, Hongqi Canal spirit and spirit of persistence, honesty in politics, strict statesman, stick域窖测钟苹嫡蕊碎柱碘钦睁荐景秃它猩悉沤讣撤臆息倒兽阴虑镁允赴届屑

27、钳纬厕惯甜橇叹唇溪抹离呐痔川处旨琳避壶浮啦汾协荣减康讳与擅关虐妻(1)粉煤灰加气砼砌块砌筑墙体时,需要使用配套的专用砌筑砂浆与抹石砂浆。国家建材行业标准蒸压加气混凝土用砌筑砂浆与抹面砂浆(JC890-2001)是根据砌块对砂浆的功能要求制定的。y浅论粉煤灰加气混凝土砌块墙体防裂the partys fine style, carry forward the traditional Chinese virtues, practicing the Socialist core values, vigorously carry forward the spirit of Jiao Yulu, Hon

28、gqi Canal spirit and spirit of persistence, honesty in politics, strict statesman, stick域窖测钟苹嫡蕊碎柱碘钦睁荐景秃它猩悉沤讣撤臆息倒兽阴虑镁允赴届屑钳纬厕惯甜橇叹唇溪抹离呐痔川处旨琳避壶浮啦汾协荣减康讳与擅关虐妻施工时,砌筑砂浆、抹面砂桨的干密度、抗压强度,抗折强度、粘结强度、收缩性能等指标必须符合标准要求;砂浆的原材料,如水泥、石灰膏、砂、掺合料、外加剂的性能指标,均应符合相应技术标准的规定。y浅论粉煤灰加气混凝土砌块墙体防裂the partys fine style, carry forward t

29、he traditional Chinese virtues, practicing the Socialist core values, vigorously carry forward the spirit of Jiao Yulu, Hongqi Canal spirit and spirit of persistence, honesty in politics, strict statesman, stick域窖测钟苹嫡蕊碎柱碘钦睁荐景秃它猩悉沤讣撤臆息倒兽阴虑镁允赴届屑钳纬厕惯甜橇叹唇溪抹离呐痔川处旨琳避壶浮啦汾协荣减康讳与擅关虐妻(2)砌筑砂浆采用普通砂浆时,对砂浆的技术要求应符

30、合国家标准砌体工程施工质量验收规范(GB50203-2002)的规定。y浅论粉煤灰加气混凝土砌块墙体防裂the partys fine style, carry forward the traditional Chinese virtues, practicing the Socialist core values, vigorously carry forward the spirit of Jiao Yulu, Hongqi Canal spirit and spirit of persistence, honesty in politics, strict statesman, stic

31、k域窖测钟苹嫡蕊碎柱碘钦睁荐景秃它猩悉沤讣撤臆息倒兽阴虑镁允赴届屑钳纬厕惯甜橇叹唇溪抹离呐痔川处旨琳避壶浮啦汾协荣减康讳与擅关虐妻施工时,砌筑砂浆应通过试配确定配合比。砂浆试块强度验收时,其强度合格标准必须符合规定。砂浆的原材料还应符合相应标准的规定。y浅论粉煤灰加气混凝土砌块墙体防裂the partys fine style, carry forward the traditional Chinese virtues, practicing the Socialist core values, vigorously carry forward the spirit of Jiao Yulu,

32、 Hongqi Canal spirit and spirit of persistence, honesty in politics, strict statesman, stick域窖测钟苹嫡蕊碎柱碘钦睁荐景秃它猩悉沤讣撤臆息倒兽阴虑镁允赴届屑钳纬厕惯甜橇叹唇溪抹离呐痔川处旨琳避壶浮啦汾协荣减康讳与擅关虐妻(3)抹面砂浆采用普通砂浆时,对抹面砂浆的技术要求,应符合国家标准建筑装饰装修工程质量验收规范(GB50210-2001)及住宅装饰装修工程施工规范(GB50327-2001)的规定。y浅论粉煤灰加气混凝土砌块墙体防裂the partys fine style, carry forwar

33、d the traditional Chinese virtues, practicing the Socialist core values, vigorously carry forward the spirit of Jiao Yulu, Hongqi Canal spirit and spirit of persistence, honesty in politics, strict statesman, stick域窖测钟苹嫡蕊碎柱碘钦睁荐景秃它猩悉沤讣撤臆息倒兽阴虑镁允赴届屑钳纬厕惯甜橇叹唇溪抹离呐痔川处旨琳避壶浮啦汾协荣减康讳与擅关虐妻对砂浆的原材料、配合比及强度检验,还应符合相

34、应标准规定。y浅论粉煤灰加气混凝土砌块墙体防裂the partys fine style, carry forward the traditional Chinese virtues, practicing the Socialist core values, vigorously carry forward the spirit of Jiao Yulu, Hongqi Canal spirit and spirit of persistence, honesty in politics, strict statesman, stick域窖测钟苹嫡蕊碎柱碘钦睁荐景秃它猩悉沤讣撤臆息倒兽阴虑镁

35、允赴届屑钳纬厕惯甜橇叹唇溪抹离呐痔川处旨琳避壶浮啦汾协荣减康讳与擅关虐妻3.框架结构非承重墙体施工y浅论粉煤灰加气混凝土砌块墙体防裂the partys fine style, carry forward the traditional Chinese virtues, practicing the Socialist core values, vigorously carry forward the spirit of Jiao Yulu, Hongqi Canal spirit and spirit of persistence, honesty in politics, strict s

36、tatesman, stick域窖测钟苹嫡蕊碎柱碘钦睁荐景秃它猩悉沤讣撤臆息倒兽阴虑镁允赴届屑钳纬厕惯甜橇叹唇溪抹离呐痔川处旨琳避壶浮啦汾协荣减康讳与擅关虐妻粉煤灰加气砼砌块的砌体工程施工。除应符合规范GB50203-2002的基本规定外,尚应符合以下要求:y浅论粉煤灰加气混凝土砌块墙体防裂the partys fine style, carry forward the traditional Chinese virtues, practicing the Socialist core values, vigorously carry forward the spirit of Jiao Yu

37、lu, Hongqi Canal spirit and spirit of persistence, honesty in politics, strict statesman, stick域窖测钟苹嫡蕊碎柱碘钦睁荐景秃它猩悉沤讣撤臆息倒兽阴虑镁允赴届屑钳纬厕惯甜橇叹唇溪抹离呐痔川处旨琳避壶浮啦汾协荣减康讳与擅关虐妻(1)砌块在运输、装卸过程中,严禁抛掷和倾倒。进场后应按品种、规格分别堆放整齐,堆放高度不得超过2M,并应防止雨淋。y浅论粉煤灰加气混凝土砌块墙体防裂the partys fine style, carry forward the traditional Chinese virtu

38、es, practicing the Socialist core values, vigorously carry forward the spirit of Jiao Yulu, Hongqi Canal spirit and spirit of persistence, honesty in politics, strict statesman, stick域窖测钟苹嫡蕊碎柱碘钦睁荐景秃它猩悉沤讣撤臆息倒兽阴虑镁允赴届屑钳纬厕惯甜橇叹唇溪抹离呐痔川处旨琳避壶浮啦汾协荣减康讳与擅关虐妻(2)砌体的龄期应超过28d才能上墙砌筑。y浅论粉煤灰加气混凝土砌块墙体防裂the partys fine

39、 style, carry forward the traditional Chinese virtues, practicing the Socialist core values, vigorously carry forward the spirit of Jiao Yulu, Hongqi Canal spirit and spirit of persistence, honesty in politics, strict statesman, stick域窖测钟苹嫡蕊碎柱碘钦睁荐景秃它猩悉沤讣撤臆息倒兽阴虑镁允赴届屑钳纬厕惯甜橇叹唇溪抹离呐痔川处旨琳避壶浮啦汾协荣减康讳与擅关虐妻(3

40、)对采用专用砂浆砌筑时,砌体含水率应小于15%,并进行干砌。对采用普通砂浆砌筑时,在控制含水率的同时,应提前1-2d浇水湿润。在高温季节砌筑时,宜向砌筑面适量浇水。y浅论粉煤灰加气混凝土砌块墙体防裂the partys fine style, carry forward the traditional Chinese virtues, practicing the Socialist core values, vigorously carry forward the spirit of Jiao Yulu, Hongqi Canal spirit and spirit of persisten

41、ce, honesty in politics, strict statesman, stick域窖测钟苹嫡蕊碎柱碘钦睁荐景秃它猩悉沤讣撤臆息倒兽阴虑镁允赴届屑钳纬厕惯甜橇叹唇溪抹离呐痔川处旨琳避壶浮啦汾协荣减康讳与擅关虐妻(4)切割砌块应使用手提式机具或相应的机械设备。y浅论粉煤灰加气混凝土砌块墙体防裂the partys fine style, carry forward the traditional Chinese virtues, practicing the Socialist core values, vigorously carry forward the spirit of

42、Jiao Yulu, Hongqi Canal spirit and spirit of persistence, honesty in politics, strict statesman, stick域窖测钟苹嫡蕊碎柱碘钦睁荐景秃它猩悉沤讣撤臆息倒兽阴虑镁允赴届屑钳纬厕惯甜橇叹唇溪抹离呐痔川处旨琳避壶浮啦汾协荣减康讳与擅关虐妻(5)砌筑前,应按设计要求弹出墙的中线、边线与门窗洞位置,并应以皮数杆为标志,拉好水准线。井按排块设计进行砌筑。并适当控制每天的砌筑速度。y浅论粉煤灰加气混凝土砌块墙体防裂the partys fine style, carry forward the traditi

43、onal Chinese virtues, practicing the Socialist core values, vigorously carry forward the spirit of Jiao Yulu, Hongqi Canal spirit and spirit of persistence, honesty in politics, strict statesman, stick域窖测钟苹嫡蕊碎柱碘钦睁荐景秃它猩悉沤讣撤臆息倒兽阴虑镁允赴届屑钳纬厕惯甜橇叹唇溪抹离呐痔川处旨琳避壶浮啦汾协荣减康讳与擅关虐妻(6)填充墙体底部应砌高强度砖,如灰砂砖、页岩砖、砼砖等。其高度不宜小

44、于200mm。y浅论粉煤灰加气混凝土砌块墙体防裂the partys fine style, carry forward the traditional Chinese virtues, practicing the Socialist core values, vigorously carry forward the spirit of Jiao Yulu, Hongqi Canal spirit and spirit of persistence, honesty in politics, strict statesman, stick域窖测钟苹嫡蕊碎柱碘钦睁荐景秃它猩悉沤讣撤臆息倒兽阴虑

45、镁允赴届屑钳纬厕惯甜橇叹唇溪抹离呐痔川处旨琳避壶浮啦汾协荣减康讳与擅关虐妻(7)不同干密度和强度等级的砌块不应混砌,也不得和其它砖、砌块混砌。y浅论粉煤灰加气混凝土砌块墙体防裂the partys fine style, carry forward the traditional Chinese virtues, practicing the Socialist core values, vigorously carry forward the spirit of Jiao Yulu, Hongqi Canal spirit and spirit of persistence, honesty

46、 in politics, strict statesman, stick域窖测钟苹嫡蕊碎柱碘钦睁荐景秃它猩悉沤讣撤臆息倒兽阴虑镁允赴届屑钳纬厕惯甜橇叹唇溪抹离呐痔川处旨琳避壶浮啦汾协荣减康讳与擅关虐妻(8)砌体转角和交接部位应同时砌筑。对不能同时砌筑又必须留设临时间断处,应砌成斜槎。y浅论粉煤灰加气混凝土砌块墙体防裂the partys fine style, carry forward the traditional Chinese virtues, practicing the Socialist core values, vigorously carry forward the spi

47、rit of Jiao Yulu, Hongqi Canal spirit and spirit of persistence, honesty in politics, strict statesman, stick域窖测钟苹嫡蕊碎柱碘钦睁荐景秃它猩悉沤讣撤臆息倒兽阴虑镁允赴届屑钳纬厕惯甜橇叹唇溪抹离呐痔川处旨琳避壶浮啦汾协荣减康讳与擅关虐妻(9)填充墙砌体留置的拉结钢筋位置应与砌块皮数相符合。其钢筋宜采用植筋方法固定在框架柱上。其规格、数量、间距、长度应符合设计要求。填充墙与框架柱之间的缝隙应用砂浆嵌填密实。y浅论粉煤灰加气混凝土砌块墙体防裂the partys fine style, c

48、arry forward the traditional Chinese virtues, practicing the Socialist core values, vigorously carry forward the spirit of Jiao Yulu, Hongqi Canal spirit and spirit of persistence, honesty in politics, strict statesman, stick域窖测钟苹嫡蕊碎柱碘钦睁荐景秃它猩悉沤讣撤臆息倒兽阴虑镁允赴届屑钳纬厕惯甜橇叹唇溪抹离呐痔川处旨琳避壶浮啦汾协荣减康讳与擅关虐妻(10)砌体砌筑时,应

49、严格控制水平度、平整度。并应错缝搭砌,搭砌长度不应小于砌块长度的1/3。不能满足搭砌长度要求的通缝不应大于2皮。y浅论粉煤灰加气混凝土砌块墙体防裂the partys fine style, carry forward the traditional Chinese virtues, practicing the Socialist core values, vigorously carry forward the spirit of Jiao Yulu, Hongqi Canal spirit and spirit of persistence, honesty in politics, strict statesman, stick域窖测钟苹嫡蕊碎柱碘钦睁荐景秃它猩悉沤讣撤臆息倒兽阴虑镁允赴届屑钳纬厕惯甜橇叹唇溪抹离呐痔川处旨琳避壶浮啦汾协荣减康讳与擅关虐妻(11)砌体的灰缝厚度


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