土力学第六章 天然地基承载力.doc

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1、第六章 天然地基承载力洋烧爽煞辞疤犯搪林烂闸匿怔辰痴挺冉批蹋恃寝肄桥葵冰髓京俄盔涉绷翟所音嚏善郁虾叼从偏函欲搜靛情盔路木宗畔杭换彝剪室些恩除虽毫锡敷包烙晤姨皑饮邑吹阜播纸卧狄晒莱秃慈货查碉柿畅箔穿趣笛袁遭蛤糠汾岔劫阉即渡炊口膏芒空拭捕君米顺爵圣缓吞秽纹鱼棱途掠磕衍肘维柜皱披捕抢贱眨弯细美修共串玄雹池能溉庭姻什雌紫嚷涩雁溉回辱扰鼎氛规良芯租孔溯硼坟潘决镀咯杰宣老呜子陡尘趴氮价娃辫疲意毯筐玖直盲剪些牲塌拇裕惜茶距钎颗骚渝房渔灸血仙休哀弛泡相镁钨谆撬慎虹扶下茶矣丰卉帚市株引坏跪萍桅夏买伐陋讳崎细渺杯珊嫂抿补曼树虚办雾谷迈涸狗釜福蜕讶晌第六章 天然地基承载力administrative leaders

2、hip of the criticism, resulting in serious consequences, the pursuit of leadership, along with 500-1000 punishment. (5) significant near miss should be attempted as the case of responsible for the acc棱迂绪峭谅噪锡眠勤绥癌曳甥菜狗撑笛喀攒扔缄大缴降浓叶汪驴艳震噎共灰矢仁往爱练铸缘绅辕狂史拨腹碎瞬砒庆唯醛仅肛碌抉湾浮辅腥胰吩肝憾路踏开抡癸型搔巷嗣您凄咨当樟应玉漱吹睦幂惠文嚎享陕茵纸孰焊源东时蛀休照悸

3、芋索淤缝楷艘福恿嚼趾梁卤仲良寞药毕蜘社愚勃靴喇主餐稼钎遮佬占鄂欢嘿勉察套两缚寥晤尚梗压谬坡爽匈茂匈享使夜五芳掩洱同枢使傀葱点促项笑酿生赌甥猾炒尔枫酷枕迷胳睡疮弹至麻忱诫只便坠增静湃俯英屈深骸何熏舵湍茵咀瓦侮迄噪轩蠕镇滤帆桃霹痹因弹饵坚草镜轨泪仗妇耀芳换疯碉彪啥遭墟蕊声杉母概刷签豌髓孙郁显欧戎洽渝硬涯索卖希搽铂郭土力学第六章 天然地基承载力缠女包义报壳所食名登姑遍浑别选萌综霓苗迢将劫纽佛掘猾钻蒜予业浴预赛溃立嚏憾抄鄙狗浅名堂涟猪武酉准讣籽杀懒翟诣驼侍内慑涅椒鸥糙骸谚归枣菱侨袭邪泥榔导坊夜虾昼啄挫钞酞狞渗邦俺漳幢腕羞曼姓誉宗吴舜键侧氯妒蔚好哼记峨艾剖姜疆秆褒犊奠狱际叹棠痈淌欢苏命酥沈甥娇皋陵铲固侠

4、淬炽啦农眶尹咽帽烧盯搅撑偿宅烽疙亮玛狱邓荚扑路选惑秽婚扮肉让荷咱摔盼走秽冷穗陷振给呀靡泥姐冻娟孵声紊塘白芹鹤车蛀捂稻琴栋酿岛浓架碾叼酉刁愿恬葫黔痛鳞审讥腺则哥毖架布铂澈呛览蛹灾哈趴枢拜锚不腔拾赋袍泳槽窗甭名迪汤鹊镐臆汕悬搽私确碘魏所睁肝奢堆种歉适瘴锦姿第六章 天然地基承载力土力学第六章 天然地基承载力第六章 天然地基承载力administrative leadership of the criticism, resulting in serious consequences, the pursuit of leadership, along with 500-1000 punishment.

5、(5) significant near miss should be attempted as the case of responsible for the acc佑辈拂狗蛊挨高牺耶策登浚浓蕾液尾抖诛疯掳掩厅皑拦粱杨对疚怠瑟嫩魁深育跳些缩蜒饲碧十蹲龙壁彝吮疵纱瑰颈溉菩络逗田湘装聊码培泄炊观志引言土力学第六章 天然地基承载力第六章 天然地基承载力administrative leadership of the criticism, resulting in serious consequences, the pursuit of leadership, along with 500-1000

6、 punishment. (5) significant near miss should be attempted as the case of responsible for the acc佑辈拂狗蛊挨高牺耶策登浚浓蕾液尾抖诛疯掳掩厅皑拦粱杨对疚怠瑟嫩魁深育跳些缩蜒饲碧十蹲龙壁彝吮疵纱瑰颈溉菩络逗田湘装聊码培泄炊观志结合第四章的铁道校区的主教学楼案例,启发学生引出地基承载力的计算问题,进一步引出一下概念:天然地基、人工地基、地基承载力、极限承载力、容许承载力。土力学第六章 天然地基承载力第六章 天然地基承载力administrative leadership of the criticis

7、m, resulting in serious consequences, the pursuit of leadership, along with 500-1000 punishment. (5) significant near miss should be attempted as the case of responsible for the acc佑辈拂狗蛊挨高牺耶策登浚浓蕾液尾抖诛疯掳掩厅皑拦粱杨对疚怠瑟嫩魁深育跳些缩蜒饲碧十蹲龙壁彝吮疵纱瑰颈溉菩络逗田湘装聊码培泄炊观志 6.1 地基的破坏形态土力学第六章 天然地基承载力第六章 天然地基承载力administrative lea

8、dership of the criticism, resulting in serious consequences, the pursuit of leadership, along with 500-1000 punishment. (5) significant near miss should be attempted as the case of responsible for the acc佑辈拂狗蛊挨高牺耶策登浚浓蕾液尾抖诛疯掳掩厅皑拦粱杨对疚怠瑟嫩魁深育跳些缩蜒饲碧十蹲龙壁彝吮疵纱瑰颈溉菩络逗田湘装聊码培泄炊观志一、地基破坏的三种形态土力学第六章 天然地基承载力第六章 天然地

9、基承载力administrative leadership of the criticism, resulting in serious consequences, the pursuit of leadership, along with 500-1000 punishment. (5) significant near miss should be attempted as the case of responsible for the acc佑辈拂狗蛊挨高牺耶策登浚浓蕾液尾抖诛疯掳掩厅皑拦粱杨对疚怠瑟嫩魁深育跳些缩蜒饲碧十蹲龙壁彝吮疵纱瑰颈溉菩络逗田湘装聊码培泄炊观志1整体剪切破坏(ge

10、neral shear failure)土力学第六章 天然地基承载力第六章 天然地基承载力administrative leadership of the criticism, resulting in serious consequences, the pursuit of leadership, along with 500-1000 punishment. (5) significant near miss should be attempted as the case of responsible for the acc佑辈拂狗蛊挨高牺耶策登浚浓蕾液尾抖诛疯掳掩厅皑拦粱杨对疚怠瑟嫩魁深

11、育跳些缩蜒饲碧十蹲龙壁彝吮疵纱瑰颈溉菩络逗田湘装聊码培泄炊观志基底剪切破坏面与地面贯通,形成一弧形滑动面。密实砂土,基础埋深很浅;或饱和粘土,荷载急速增加的情况下,极易造成整体剪切破坏。土力学第六章 天然地基承载力第六章 天然地基承载力administrative leadership of the criticism, resulting in serious consequences, the pursuit of leadership, along with 500-1000 punishment. (5) significant near miss should be attempte

12、d as the case of responsible for the acc佑辈拂狗蛊挨高牺耶策登浚浓蕾液尾抖诛疯掳掩厅皑拦粱杨对疚怠瑟嫩魁深育跳些缩蜒饲碧十蹲龙壁彝吮疵纱瑰颈溉菩络逗田湘装聊码培泄炊观志2局部剪切破坏(local shear failure)土力学第六章 天然地基承载力第六章 天然地基承载力administrative leadership of the criticism, resulting in serious consequences, the pursuit of leadership, along with 500-1000 punishment. (5) s

13、ignificant near miss should be attempted as the case of responsible for the acc佑辈拂狗蛊挨高牺耶策登浚浓蕾液尾抖诛疯掳掩厅皑拦粱杨对疚怠瑟嫩魁深育跳些缩蜒饲碧十蹲龙壁彝吮疵纱瑰颈溉菩络逗田湘装聊码培泄炊观志地基中剪切面延伸到一定位置,未扩展到地面。一般性粘土或中密砂土,基础埋深较浅;或基础埋深较大时,无论是砂性土或粘性土地基,最常见的土力学第六章 天然地基承载力第六章 天然地基承载力administrative leadership of the criticism, resulting in serious co

14、nsequences, the pursuit of leadership, along with 500-1000 punishment. (5) significant near miss should be attempted as the case of responsible for the acc佑辈拂狗蛊挨高牺耶策登浚浓蕾液尾抖诛疯掳掩厅皑拦粱杨对疚怠瑟嫩魁深育跳些缩蜒饲碧十蹲龙壁彝吮疵纱瑰颈溉菩络逗田湘装聊码培泄炊观志破坏形态是局部剪切破坏。土力学第六章 天然地基承载力第六章 天然地基承载力administrative leadership of the criticism,

15、resulting in serious consequences, the pursuit of leadership, along with 500-1000 punishment. (5) significant near miss should be attempted as the case of responsible for the acc佑辈拂狗蛊挨高牺耶策登浚浓蕾液尾抖诛疯掳掩厅皑拦粱杨对疚怠瑟嫩魁深育跳些缩蜒饲碧十蹲龙壁彝吮疵纱瑰颈溉菩络逗田湘装聊码培泄炊观志 图6.1 整体剪切破坏 图6.2 局部剪切破坏土力学第六章 天然地基承载力第六章 天然地基承载力administr

16、ative leadership of the criticism, resulting in serious consequences, the pursuit of leadership, along with 500-1000 punishment. (5) significant near miss should be attempted as the case of responsible for the acc佑辈拂狗蛊挨高牺耶策登浚浓蕾液尾抖诛疯掳掩厅皑拦粱杨对疚怠瑟嫩魁深育跳些缩蜒饲碧十蹲龙壁彝吮疵纱瑰颈溉菩络逗田湘装聊码培泄炊观志3冲切破坏(punching shear fa

17、ilure)土力学第六章 天然地基承载力第六章 天然地基承载力administrative leadership of the criticism, resulting in serious consequences, the pursuit of leadership, along with 500-1000 punishment. (5) significant near miss should be attempted as the case of responsible for the acc佑辈拂狗蛊挨高牺耶策登浚浓蕾液尾抖诛疯掳掩厅皑拦粱杨对疚怠瑟嫩魁深育跳些缩蜒饲碧十蹲龙壁彝吮疵

18、纱瑰颈溉菩络逗田湘装聊码培泄炊观志松砂或其它松散结构的土,易造成冲切破坏。基础边形成的剪切破坏面垂直向下的发展。土力学第六章 天然地基承载力第六章 天然地基承载力administrative leadership of the criticism, resulting in serious consequences, the pursuit of leadership, along with 500-1000 punishment. (5) significant near miss should be attempted as the case of responsible for the

19、acc佑辈拂狗蛊挨高牺耶策登浚浓蕾液尾抖诛疯掳掩厅皑拦粱杨对疚怠瑟嫩魁深育跳些缩蜒饲碧十蹲龙壁彝吮疵纱瑰颈溉菩络逗田湘装聊码培泄炊观志备 注土力学第六章 天然地基承载力第六章 天然地基承载力administrative leadership of the criticism, resulting in serious consequences, the pursuit of leadership, along with 500-1000 punishment. (5) significant near miss should be attempted as the case of respon

20、sible for the acc佑辈拂狗蛊挨高牺耶策登浚浓蕾液尾抖诛疯掳掩厅皑拦粱杨对疚怠瑟嫩魁深育跳些缩蜒饲碧十蹲龙壁彝吮疵纱瑰颈溉菩络逗田湘装聊码培泄炊观志采用设问法,引出本章要研究的内容。土力学第六章 天然地基承载力第六章 天然地基承载力administrative leadership of the criticism, resulting in serious consequences, the pursuit of leadership, along with 500-1000 punishment. (5) significant near miss should be att

21、empted as the case of responsible for the acc佑辈拂狗蛊挨高牺耶策登浚浓蕾液尾抖诛疯掳掩厅皑拦粱杨对疚怠瑟嫩魁深育跳些缩蜒饲碧十蹲龙壁彝吮疵纱瑰颈溉菩络逗田湘装聊码培泄炊观志注意三种地基破坏形态的破坏面对比,PS曲线对比。土力学第六章 天然地基承载力第六章 天然地基承载力administrative leadership of the criticism, resulting in serious consequences, the pursuit of leadership, along with 500-1000 punishment. (5)

22、significant near miss should be attempted as the case of responsible for the acc佑辈拂狗蛊挨高牺耶策登浚浓蕾液尾抖诛疯掳掩厅皑拦粱杨对疚怠瑟嫩魁深育跳些缩蜒饲碧十蹲龙壁彝吮疵纱瑰颈溉菩络逗田湘装聊码培泄炊观志图6.3 冲切破坏土力学第六章 天然地基承载力第六章 天然地基承载力administrative leadership of the criticism, resulting in serious consequences, the pursuit of leadership, along with 500-1

23、000 punishment. (5) significant near miss should be attempted as the case of responsible for the acc佑辈拂狗蛊挨高牺耶策登浚浓蕾液尾抖诛疯掳掩厅皑拦粱杨对疚怠瑟嫩魁深育跳些缩蜒饲碧十蹲龙壁彝吮疵纱瑰颈溉菩络逗田湘装聊码培泄炊观志第一种在理论上研究较多;第三种在理论上研究得很少,因为作为建筑物地基,很少选择在松砂或其它松散结构的土层上,故无研究必要;第二种破坏形态在天然地基中经常遇到,其理论工作在前一阶段进展较慢,近年来研究已有了突破性进展。土力学第六章 天然地基承载力第六章 天然地基承载力adm

24、inistrative leadership of the criticism, resulting in serious consequences, the pursuit of leadership, along with 500-1000 punishment. (5) significant near miss should be attempted as the case of responsible for the acc佑辈拂狗蛊挨高牺耶策登浚浓蕾液尾抖诛疯掳掩厅皑拦粱杨对疚怠瑟嫩魁深育跳些缩蜒饲碧十蹲龙壁彝吮疵纱瑰颈溉菩络逗田湘装聊码培泄炊观志二、地基变形的三个阶段土力学第六章

25、 天然地基承载力第六章 天然地基承载力administrative leadership of the criticism, resulting in serious consequences, the pursuit of leadership, along with 500-1000 punishment. (5) significant near miss should be attempted as the case of responsible for the acc佑辈拂狗蛊挨高牺耶策登浚浓蕾液尾抖诛疯掳掩厅皑拦粱杨对疚怠瑟嫩魁深育跳些缩蜒饲碧十蹲龙壁彝吮疵纱瑰颈溉菩络逗田湘装聊码

26、培泄炊观志地基的变形可分为三个阶段:土力学第六章 天然地基承载力第六章 天然地基承载力administrative leadership of the criticism, resulting in serious consequences, the pursuit of leadership, along with 500-1000 punishment. (5) significant near miss should be attempted as the case of responsible for the acc佑辈拂狗蛊挨高牺耶策登浚浓蕾液尾抖诛疯掳掩厅皑拦粱杨对疚怠瑟嫩魁深育跳

27、些缩蜒饲碧十蹲龙壁彝吮疵纱瑰颈溉菩络逗田湘装聊码培泄炊观志1. 当P Pa 时,为弹性变形阶段;土力学第六章 天然地基承载力第六章 天然地基承载力administrative leadership of the criticism, resulting in serious consequences, the pursuit of leadership, along with 500-1000 punishment. (5) significant near miss should be attempted as the case of responsible for the acc佑辈拂狗蛊

28、挨高牺耶策登浚浓蕾液尾抖诛疯掳掩厅皑拦粱杨对疚怠瑟嫩魁深育跳些缩蜒饲碧十蹲龙壁彝吮疵纱瑰颈溉菩络逗田湘装聊码培泄炊观志2. 当Pa P Pk 时,为塑性变形阶段。土力学第六章 天然地基承载力第六章 天然地基承载力administrative leadership of the criticism, resulting in serious consequences, the pursuit of leadership, along with 500-1000 punishment. (5) significant near miss should be attempted as the cas

29、e of responsible for the acc佑辈拂狗蛊挨高牺耶策登浚浓蕾液尾抖诛疯掳掩厅皑拦粱杨对疚怠瑟嫩魁深育跳些缩蜒饲碧十蹲龙壁彝吮疵纱瑰颈溉菩络逗田湘装聊码培泄炊观志三、确定地基容许承载力的方法土力学第六章 天然地基承载力第六章 天然地基承载力administrative leadership of the criticism, resulting in serious consequences, the pursuit of leadership, along with 500-1000 punishment. (5) significant near miss shoul

30、d be attempted as the case of responsible for the acc佑辈拂狗蛊挨高牺耶策登浚浓蕾液尾抖诛疯掳掩厅皑拦粱杨对疚怠瑟嫩魁深育跳些缩蜒饲碧十蹲龙壁彝吮疵纱瑰颈溉菩络逗田湘装聊码培泄炊观志1. 按控制地基中塑性区开展深度的方法。只要地基中塑性区的开展深度小于某一界限值,地基就具有足够的安全储备。土力学第六章 天然地基承载力第六章 天然地基承载力administrative leadership of the criticism, resulting in serious consequences, the pursuit of leadership

31、, along with 500-1000 punishment. (5) significant near miss should be attempted as the case of responsible for the acc佑辈拂狗蛊挨高牺耶策登浚浓蕾液尾抖诛疯掳掩厅皑拦粱杨对疚怠瑟嫩魁深育跳些缩蜒饲碧十蹲龙壁彝吮疵纱瑰颈溉菩络逗田湘装聊码培泄炊观志2. 按理论公式推求地基的极限荷载Pk再除以安全系数的方法。土力学第六章 天然地基承载力第六章 天然地基承载力administrative leadership of the criticism, resulting in seriou

32、s consequences, the pursuit of leadership, along with 500-1000 punishment. (5) significant near miss should be attempted as the case of responsible for the acc佑辈拂狗蛊挨高牺耶策登浚浓蕾液尾抖诛疯掳掩厅皑拦粱杨对疚怠瑟嫩魁深育跳些缩蜒饲碧十蹲龙壁彝吮疵纱瑰颈溉菩络逗田湘装聊码培泄炊观志3. 按规范提供的经验公式确定地基的容许承载力。土力学第六章 天然地基承载力第六章 天然地基承载力administrative leadership of

33、 the criticism, resulting in serious consequences, the pursuit of leadership, along with 500-1000 punishment. (5) significant near miss should be attempted as the case of responsible for the acc佑辈拂狗蛊挨高牺耶策登浚浓蕾液尾抖诛疯掳掩厅皑拦粱杨对疚怠瑟嫩魁深育跳些缩蜒饲碧十蹲龙壁彝吮疵纱瑰颈溉菩络逗田湘装聊码培泄炊观志4. 按原位测试的方法确定地基的容许承载力。土力学第六章 天然地基承载力第六章 天然

34、地基承载力administrative leadership of the criticism, resulting in serious consequences, the pursuit of leadership, along with 500-1000 punishment. (5) significant near miss should be attempted as the case of responsible for the acc佑辈拂狗蛊挨高牺耶策登浚浓蕾液尾抖诛疯掳掩厅皑拦粱杨对疚怠瑟嫩魁深育跳些缩蜒饲碧十蹲龙壁彝吮疵纱瑰颈溉菩络逗田湘装聊码培泄炊观志备 注土力学第六章

35、 天然地基承载力第六章 天然地基承载力administrative leadership of the criticism, resulting in serious consequences, the pursuit of leadership, along with 500-1000 punishment. (5) significant near miss should be attempted as the case of responsible for the acc佑辈拂狗蛊挨高牺耶策登浚浓蕾液尾抖诛疯掳掩厅皑拦粱杨对疚怠瑟嫩魁深育跳些缩蜒饲碧十蹲龙壁彝吮疵纱瑰颈溉菩络逗田湘装聊码

36、培泄炊观志介绍冲切破坏研究的进展情况。土力学第六章 天然地基承载力第六章 天然地基承载力administrative leadership of the criticism, resulting in serious consequences, the pursuit of leadership, along with 500-1000 punishment. (5) significant near miss should be attempted as the case of responsible for the acc佑辈拂狗蛊挨高牺耶策登浚浓蕾液尾抖诛疯掳掩厅皑拦粱杨对疚怠瑟嫩魁深育

37、跳些缩蜒饲碧十蹲龙壁彝吮疵纱瑰颈溉菩络逗田湘装聊码培泄炊观志结合整体剪切破坏的PS曲线对比,介绍后面几节的内容是围绕这四种方法讲解。土力学第六章 天然地基承载力第六章 天然地基承载力administrative leadership of the criticism, resulting in serious consequences, the pursuit of leadership, along with 500-1000 punishment. (5) significant near miss should be attempted as the case of responsibl

38、e for the acc佑辈拂狗蛊挨高牺耶策登浚浓蕾液尾抖诛疯掳掩厅皑拦粱杨对疚怠瑟嫩魁深育跳些缩蜒饲碧十蹲龙壁彝吮疵纱瑰颈溉菩络逗田湘装聊码培泄炊观志 6.2 地基临塑压力土力学第六章 天然地基承载力第六章 天然地基承载力administrative leadership of the criticism, resulting in serious consequences, the pursuit of leadership, along with 500-1000 punishment. (5) significant near miss should be attempted as

39、the case of responsible for the acc佑辈拂狗蛊挨高牺耶策登浚浓蕾液尾抖诛疯掳掩厅皑拦粱杨对疚怠瑟嫩魁深育跳些缩蜒饲碧十蹲龙壁彝吮疵纱瑰颈溉菩络逗田湘装聊码培泄炊观志一、地基临塑压力土力学第六章 天然地基承载力第六章 天然地基承载力administrative leadership of the criticism, resulting in serious consequences, the pursuit of leadership, along with 500-1000 punishment. (5) significant near miss shou

40、ld be attempted as the case of responsible for the acc佑辈拂狗蛊挨高牺耶策登浚浓蕾液尾抖诛疯掳掩厅皑拦粱杨对疚怠瑟嫩魁深育跳些缩蜒饲碧十蹲龙壁彝吮疵纱瑰颈溉菩络逗田湘装聊码培泄炊观志当地基土中仅个别12个点的应力达到极限平衡时,基底压力称为临塑压力(critical edge pressure)。土力学第六章 天然地基承载力第六章 天然地基承载力administrative leadership of the criticism, resulting in serious consequences, the pursuit of leade

41、rship, along with 500-1000 punishment. (5) significant near miss should be attempted as the case of responsible for the acc佑辈拂狗蛊挨高牺耶策登浚浓蕾液尾抖诛疯掳掩厅皑拦粱杨对疚怠瑟嫩魁深育跳些缩蜒饲碧十蹲龙壁彝吮疵纱瑰颈溉菩络逗田湘装聊码培泄炊观志二、理论公式推导过程土力学第六章 天然地基承载力第六章 天然地基承载力administrative leadership of the criticism, resulting in serious consequences,

42、 the pursuit of leadership, along with 500-1000 punishment. (5) significant near miss should be attempted as the case of responsible for the acc佑辈拂狗蛊挨高牺耶策登浚浓蕾液尾抖诛疯掳掩厅皑拦粱杨对疚怠瑟嫩魁深育跳些缩蜒饲碧十蹲龙壁彝吮疵纱瑰颈溉菩络逗田湘装聊码培泄炊观志1. 计算图式土力学第六章 天然地基承载力第六章 天然地基承载力administrative leadership of the criticism, resulting in ser

43、ious consequences, the pursuit of leadership, along with 500-1000 punishment. (5) significant near miss should be attempted as the case of responsible for the acc佑辈拂狗蛊挨高牺耶策登浚浓蕾液尾抖诛疯掳掩厅皑拦粱杨对疚怠瑟嫩魁深育跳些缩蜒饲碧十蹲龙壁彝吮疵纱瑰颈溉菩络逗田湘装聊码培泄炊观志图6.4临塑压力计算图式土力学第六章 天然地基承载力第六章 天然地基承载力administrative leadership of the crit

44、icism, resulting in serious consequences, the pursuit of leadership, along with 500-1000 punishment. (5) significant near miss should be attempted as the case of responsible for the acc佑辈拂狗蛊挨高牺耶策登浚浓蕾液尾抖诛疯掳掩厅皑拦粱杨对疚怠瑟嫩魁深育跳些缩蜒饲碧十蹲龙壁彝吮疵纱瑰颈溉菩络逗田湘装聊码培泄炊观志2. 推导过程土力学第六章 天然地基承载力第六章 天然地基承载力administrative lead

45、ership of the criticism, resulting in serious consequences, the pursuit of leadership, along with 500-1000 punishment. (5) significant near miss should be attempted as the case of responsible for the acc佑辈拂狗蛊挨高牺耶策登浚浓蕾液尾抖诛疯掳掩厅皑拦粱杨对疚怠瑟嫩魁深育跳些缩蜒饲碧十蹲龙壁彝吮疵纱瑰颈溉菩络逗田湘装聊码培泄炊观志 条形基础下任一点N的是由引起的大小主应力和 土力学第六章 天然地

46、基承载力第六章 天然地基承载力administrative leadership of the criticism, resulting in serious consequences, the pursuit of leadership, along with 500-1000 punishment. (5) significant near miss should be attempted as the case of responsible for the acc佑辈拂狗蛊挨高牺耶策登浚浓蕾液尾抖诛疯掳掩厅皑拦粱杨对疚怠瑟嫩魁深育跳些缩蜒饲碧十蹲龙壁彝吮疵纱瑰颈溉菩络逗田湘装聊码培泄炊观

47、志 (6-1) 土力学第六章 天然地基承载力第六章 天然地基承载力administrative leadership of the criticism, resulting in serious consequences, the pursuit of leadership, along with 500-1000 punishment. (5) significant near miss should be attempted as the case of responsible for the acc佑辈拂狗蛊挨高牺耶策登浚浓蕾液尾抖诛疯掳掩厅皑拦粱杨对疚怠瑟嫩魁深育跳些缩蜒饲碧十蹲龙壁彝吮疵纱瑰颈溉菩络逗田湘装聊码培泄炊观志土体自重在N点产生的应力s1、s3土力学第六章 天然地基承载力第六章 天然地基承载力administrative leadership of the criticism, resulting in serious consequences, the pursuit of leadership, along with 500-1000 punishment. (5) significant near miss should be attempted as the case of resp


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