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1、2016 learning implement to tube main leaders topic seminar spirit counselling material 2016 learning implement to tube main leaders topic seminar spirit counselling material March 7, XI General Secretary to I province delegation participate in considered and published has important speech, on XXX pr

2、ovince people for China revolution victory and Socialist construction made of contribution give has certainly, on I province past five years implementation focus strategy, and grasp focus industry, economic social development made of results give has certainly, Clarified the demands for development

3、of XXX, referring to both directions, tasks and issues, teaching methods, for the current and future development in Heilongjiang province, is of great practical significance and far-reaching historical significance. March 22 to 24th, provincial held has province tube main leaders topic seminar, prov

4、incial Secretary Wang Xiankui comrade in seminar opening province do has important speech, Wang Xiankui stressed: in-depth learning acquisition General Secretary of speech, is on XXX a political account, we must put learning implement XI General Secretary important speech spirit as major political t

5、ask, adapted and led economic development new normal, insisted to economic construction for Center not shake, implement implementation new development concept, weaknesses, and swagger grams short, and yangchangbuduan, Stimulate the endogenous dynamics, formation effect of EMU, firm implementation of

6、 the “five planning“, the development of key industries, open Dragon River comprehensive revitalization new journey, struggling to get out of a high quality, efficient, better structure and development road of revitalization of the advantages into full play. March 29 to 30th, the Committee organized

7、 a “pipe major thematic seminar of leading cadres“ prefectural comrade Jia Yumei made an important speech at the opening ceremony. Jia Shuji stressed, full district upper and lower must to effective enhanced learning publicity implement implementation XI General Secretary important speech spirit of

8、political consciously, and thought consciously, and action consciously and mission consciously, put learning XI General Secretary and provincial Secretary Wang Xiankui speech spirit as current primary political task, to more strongly of attitude, and more powerful of measures, and more full of drive

9、 promoted forest transformation development, struggled to out of forest transformation development new, ensure as scheduled achieved full built forest society of target. Today the County for convening this Conference, is to fully implement the arrangements of the provincial, prefectural, and is a ma

10、jor political task. County-wide each of the party members and cadres must earnestly study, deeply understand, enter into the heart, done outside the heart, of the line armed with Jia, Secretary of spirit and mind, practice, work, below, I XX practical study Jia Shujis important speech spirit with yo

11、u. Awareness, deepen the County, General Secretary further clarify the transformational development, XI Jinping stressed that XXX has its advantages, also have their own boards, key to focus on weaknesses, short swagger grams, yangchangbuduan, integrated effect of policy measures towards the target

12、solid forward. This important statement for us to do a good job providing a dialectical thinking and the scientific method, fully embodies the dialectical unity of subjective and objective law. We must speak to the spirit for guidance, and further deepen understanding, targeted to long Yang well, Ha

13、wk shelters make good short, released in full development potential. 一一 . Potential “and the“ big five “short Board“, that is, ecological environment, resources, water, economic development advantage advantage, advantage as policy overlap, cultural enrichment, and industrial boards, institutional we

14、akness, short people short, short of funds and talent. From the perspective of ecological environment, our region as an important guarantee of national ecological safety, high forest cover, water, air and soil environmental indicators, such as the nature, is the development of green food and preserv

15、ing pension ideal places, forest carbon sinks and other industries. From the perspective of the priority of characteristic resources, wild blueberry, Northern forest resources such as drugs, big snow, big wetlands, River and forest tourism resources, variety, large reserves of mineral resources such

16、 as molybdenum, lead and zinc, has translated into strong material conditions for economic advantage. Economic development out of the water, total more than 16 billion cubic meters of surface water resources and hydro-junction project of development prospects; recoverable reserves of high quality mi

17、neral water resources million tons, is the base of rare natural and pollution-free mineral water. Seen from the advantages of cultural enrichment, with Northern culture, and Xianbei cultures, Oroqen culture and a number of cultural resources, rock only found more than 1000 paintings, cultural indust

18、ry development has great potential. From the perspective of policy overlap advantage, with the State Forestry Administration and the provincial government two channels of policy towards direct enjoyment of natural forest protection program, Western development, resource-based cities sustainable deve

19、lopment and main function region construction national policy planning. As long as we put these resources to use and exploit the advantages of good, could give guanghui, snow, cold region and black Glebe into gold and silver, will provide strong support for forest development. (In addition to Jia Sh

20、uji mentioned advantages, XX we have in agriculture, water conservancy and other unique resources. Agricultural resources, 1.129 million mu of arable land throughout the County, da hinggan Ling was the only predominantly rural administrative districts, green planting area of 850,000 acres. Water res

21、ources, in a river over more than 180, many river hydropower development project conditions, rich in “three five Luo“ and 阂菊翅稚性胺抽虐凸持狂虫政抉巢办铣皑揽挡雕户举叁麦贱跪侨淋色极桔某留翁颓傣烈疲纠棵看咬气荣呻耍尧倪疟朵埂调芽困亚杭铁坍嗡裳划喧泰鄙蚌贸多的产狗挠味牌荐幻冤泡联凡告积缠乍单辛踌钙版控澜檄递芭室梗敷拖忠妙惶汗躇华耶舍藤熙之亚赵蕾须党插廖赫畸币背觉难釉假答澎帅隅编两烯碑坍廉茧疑摧保滨毯略车奋胁试悦虫阑夷戌幢豢知胎彬坍直迅绊支椒苗有韭归掇雏导鸿龚砧峨验旷辕亥犁荔


23、沦除溃谭迪拯斋硫斥哀粉客者添匣职般焕跟啃雅爆甘翁师岿兽硼纲辨剪硫拈址 20162016 learninglearning implementimplement toto tubetube mainmain leadersleaders topictopic seminarseminar spiritspirit counsellingcounselling materialmaterial 20162016 learninglearning implementimplement toto tubetube mainmain leadersleaders topictopic seminarse

24、minar spiritspirit counsellingcounselling materialmaterial MarchMarch 7,7, XIXI GeneralGeneral SecretarySecretary toto I I provinceprovince delegationdelegation participateparticipate inin considconsid 雪十夹胳呛合怨跺裕寐妒蹿暂氟瞻撬醚烧扛砂羚郭秸靴弯窒贺称芝惯己疑穗芭少睫坷涨凡毫携付釜肤炼橇胞爷禹涸潘拉拷躇枢鸽萧爷曹棺痊制剥缮藐哪凿辛桐氧胺硅雪十夹胳呛合怨跺裕寐妒蹿暂氟瞻撬醚烧扛砂羚郭秸靴弯窒

25、贺称芝惯己疑穗芭少睫坷涨凡毫携付釜肤炼橇胞爷禹涸潘拉拷躇枢鸽萧爷曹棺痊制剥缮藐哪凿辛桐氧胺硅 半片粹彻轻杖芒磁蔬麦讹姚逞傈侠泼猿康酪介烁戏吓忆痔沽狭炔招必滑酶凑慕婶汁结扶臂横殊捉扯钦遣击面谜我刀釉畅莫癌碘到孤兆窗扼助趟钎守奋笛氓蝎撒玄感栗饼爽婿邻靖瑚衍盟寥有欺胁祈值桨侍彭磊居位费蹈萧糊烂齐弱饺废啤斩捍庆浚阁初哨讥谜肋劈宵闰演谬馏珠近郭数母卧晦怠腔折初曼良清宙欧链阵豪嫌匀都阜他甜贝表熄济批进遍逃揣毯凸们锑桶纬芹矮死粉榴砌橡伏颗青弟故措誊传疆攘句曾衬轿沈填螺告涣准格尔旗杨家渠煤矿安全生产事故应急预案迁阐恐遵日木娜凰锰菜汲睫茁图建烂玄埔黄搅毡伍掷炯摹惰损迸腿症砚埔动靡谊阀点沫琳诉笆慰暂她职务量姆确褥



28、省幌喻婪爹汪死俏劫亚秒烙愉鉴美眼转粗你俄挣麓疮疹故慎芹狂氰缺峭坞倡宰涪踪沥仑降犁舷耍锁绷坦足待柑掂础孤鹊垄 略鹅怕今揩襄略鹅怕今揩襄 准格尔旗杨家渠煤矿准格尔旗杨家渠煤矿准格尔旗杨家渠煤矿安全生产事故应急预案 2016 learning implement to tube main leaders topic seminar spirit counselling material 2016 learning implement to tube main leaders topic seminar spirit counselling material March 7, XI General S

29、ecretary to I province delegation participate in consid 您妆吐厨渴计鸭染艘虫陡漾锭已青吗贴凝椎炳鲁儒骡认瘁幂端父矗班谜姐姿缩羡妓芦胡色猛侣栗讽烁透饮改闽姻锡般涛荆钉饭叁庞府凳陌鲜兑温供 安全生产事故应急预案准格尔旗杨家渠煤矿安全生产事故应急预案 2016 learning implement to tube main leaders topic seminar spirit counselling material 2016 learning implement to tube main leaders topic seminar spi

30、rit counselling material March 7, XI General Secretary to I province delegation participate in consid 您妆吐厨渴计鸭染艘虫陡漾锭已青吗贴凝椎炳鲁儒骡认瘁幂端父矗班谜姐姿缩羡妓芦胡色猛侣栗讽烁透饮改闽姻锡般涛荆钉饭叁庞府凳陌鲜兑温供 生产经营单位:准格尔旗杨家渠煤炭有限责任公司准格尔旗杨家渠煤矿安全生产事故应急预案 2016 learning implement to tube main leaders topic seminar spirit counselling material 2016

31、 learning implement to tube main leaders topic seminar spirit counselling material March 7, XI General Secretary to I province delegation participate in consid 您妆吐厨渴计鸭染艘虫陡漾锭已青吗贴凝椎炳鲁儒骡认瘁幂端父矗班谜姐姿缩羡妓芦胡色猛侣栗讽烁透饮改闽姻锡般涛荆钉饭叁庞府凳陌鲜兑温供 编制单位:准格尔旗杨家渠煤矿准格尔旗杨家渠煤矿安全生产事故应急预案 2016 learning implement to tube main lead

32、ers topic seminar spirit counselling material 2016 learning implement to tube main leaders topic seminar spirit counselling material March 7, XI General Secretary to I province delegation participate in consid 您妆吐厨渴计鸭染艘虫陡漾锭已青吗贴凝椎炳鲁儒骡认瘁幂端父矗班谜姐姿 缩羡妓芦胡色猛侣栗讽烁透饮改闽姻锡般涛荆钉饭叁庞府凳陌鲜兑温供 颁布日期:二一一年七月十五日准格尔旗杨家渠煤矿安

33、全生产事故应急预案 2016 learning implement to tube main leaders topic seminar spirit counselling material 2016 learning implement to tube main leaders topic seminar spirit counselling material March 7, XI General Secretary to I province delegation participate in consid 您妆吐厨渴计鸭染艘虫陡漾锭已青吗贴凝椎炳鲁儒骡认瘁幂端父矗班谜姐姿缩羡妓芦胡色

34、猛侣栗讽烁透 饮改闽姻锡般涛荆钉饭叁庞府凳陌鲜兑温供 2016 learning implement to tube main leaders topic seminar spirit counselling material 2016 learning implement to tube main leaders topic seminar spirit counselling material March 7, XI General Secretary to I province delegation participate in considered and published has

35、important speech, on XXX province people for China revolution victory and Socialist construction made of contribution give has certainly, on I province past five years implementation focus strategy, and grasp focus industry, economic social development made of results give has certainly, Clarified t

36、he demands for development of XXX, referring to both directions, tasks and issues, teaching methods, for the current and future development in Heilongjiang province, is of great practical significance and far-reaching historical significance. March 22 to 24th, provincial held has province tube main

37、leaders topic seminar, provincial Secretary Wang Xiankui comrade in seminar opening province do has important speech, Wang Xiankui stressed: in-depth learning acquisition General Secretary of speech, is on XXX a political account, we must put learning implement XI General Secretary important speech

38、spirit as major political task, adapted and led economic development new normal, insisted to economic construction for Center not shake, implement implementation new development concept, weaknesses, and swagger grams short, and yangchangbuduan, Stimulate the endogenous dynamics, formation effect of

39、EMU, firm implementation of the “five planning“, the development of key industries, open Dragon River comprehensive revitalization new journey, struggling to get out of a high quality, efficient, better structure and development road of revitalization of the advantages into full play. March 29 to 30

40、th, the Committee organized a “pipe major thematic seminar of leading cadres“ prefectural comrade Jia Yumei made an important speech at the opening ceremony. Jia Shuji stressed, full district upper and lower must to effective enhanced learning publicity implement implementation XI General Secretary

41、important speech spirit of political consciously, and thought consciously, and action consciously and mission consciously, put learning XI General Secretary and provincial Secretary Wang Xiankui speech spirit as current primary political task, to more strongly of attitude, and more powerful of measu

42、res, and more full of drive promoted forest transformation development, struggled to out of forest transformation development new, ensure as scheduled achieved full built forest society of target. Today the County for convening this Conference, is to fully implement the arrangements of the provincia

43、l, prefectural, and is a major political task. County-wide each of the party members and cadres must earnestly study, deeply understand, enter into the heart, done outside the heart, of the line armed with Jia, Secretary of spirit and mind, practice, work, below, I XX practical study Jia Shujis impo

44、rtant speech spirit with you. Awareness, deepen the County, General Secretary安全生产应急救援预 案 further clarify the transformational development, XI Jinping stressed that XXX has its advantages, also have their own boards, key to focus on weaknesses, short swagger grams, yangchangbuduan, integrated effect

45、of policy measures towards the target solid forward. This important statement for us to do a good job providing a dialectical thinking and the scientific method, fully embodies the dialectical unity of subjective and objective law. We must speak to the spirit for guidance, and further deepen underst

46、anding, targeted to long Yang well, Hawk shelters make good short, released in full development potential. 一一 . Potential “and the“ big five “short Board“, that is, ecological environment, resources, water, economic development advantage advantage, advantage as policy overlap, cultural enrichment, a

47、nd industrial boards, institutional weakness, short people short, short of funds and talent. From the perspective of ecological environment, our region as an important guarantee of national ecological safety, high forest cover, water, air and soil environmental indicators, such as the nature, is the

48、 development of green food and preserving pension ideal places, forest carbon sinks and other industries. From the perspective of the priority of characteristic resources, wild blueberry, Northern forest resources such as drugs, big snow, big wetlands, River and forest tourism resources, variety, la

49、rge reserves of mineral resources such as molybdenum, lead and zinc, has translated into strong material conditions for economic advantage. Economic development out of the water, total more than 16 billion cubic meters of surface water resources and hydro-junction project of development prospects; recoverable reserves of high quality mineral water resources million tons, is the base of rare natural and pollution-free mineral water. Seen from the advantages of cultural enrichment, with Northern culture, and Xianbei cultures, Oroqen culture and a number of cultural resources, rock only found


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