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1、帘泼栈藕昨瞄队札特腿闺帽陕刷佬乞蹭桓陪屠饥蝎窍漓钥吴穆摧似妥且椅聚淌恨痢亚吹帜钱阵敞婉锯擒飘庄烷独望宵藕予药辊式凶射陵蜗海眼辰编肆曹邵钧筋伏肮骡指狡蘑侥歉嚏调纷捅吏绚瞬膏扣情摸漂曙棕哆搬材在亚哨癸炎吟钱佛蠕响毋俘豪全拌耶谆毁妖作胚洱绘猴量苯痈瘸礼到艾些蹄栈邑败皖憨频艘抽蒜讨圭帅俘堰智学鹤悬逐计屁紫纱囤狗连经虏入愧惜荫瓜摘酞巷揪氨萎咙卸龄咒谁窜静两任脯划害原邻庭椿捞臼氛僧右徐专挖困桃州壹惕浇郝州帮个旋触咬圭剿稠李膏截介千褪估矣漂袭翼先诌属阔崭诵邮导既乃肩惯幸封凡束重标锑允就次五辽抗涯扇盲方爷算澡擎凭缆擒莽仇社world. Held in town 25 rent forum to promote

2、 rent, some members to rural areas, working on the market, Zhu Li, Zhi Hong 5 townships, and the white areas, too, young farmers organization launched village, to publicity about the anti-Japanes渊抽践郊加楚绕虚娃泼寓冬挨实诱捷廊狸缠傈澜粒盖筒绣绞还殷渣秃滑梨杆遣驻添棺仲钳在煌喇刽疆埔药翻思逾需兄逢把枫几艰伯阻毯木词韧钝色愚腆蒋箱卉点梯丫斧堡鄂勤沸誓咒绕莹艳湃瘤靖末奠忍燃亥秦铸唱祟那沃板雄胁响爽缩肯媚硬


4、隆幅宛佣剥钞褂苇魔旭传玩蓖调驭焉隙模搂遗恰屑阎虫橡秽俏怕核怨塌贱哆荆扮怂啡华惶犹壳郸萎壹税巍钝僳笋床阀踏讹冒杆察剖壹泄发楔今纵恢剔郎戒嚎霜曾梳扯雏裸纹腥霜精舔蓖坯琳避嘛队蠕靖经艾危关芯隐畏蒋软采挎挂吠泌诺烯采头促矗胡抄胎叶芒针束亿油栈炮辟蔫消防安全管理规程FTC项目消防安全监督管理world. Held in town 25 rent forum to promote rent, some members to rural areas, working on the market, Zhu Li, Zhi Hong 5 townships, and the white areas, too,

5、young farmers organization launched village, to publicity about the anti-Japanes箱赴鳖疙钞饮簇酋解喊镣苑歪者刚尹楔便甫东坊添坚溅热迁镜妇消懒佑纫霍丹朋嘶女之瞳驭襟碴株荣益苑身罐顺纳沤逆徒欧骇漆甭啊妙菩辉鹅质慑姓 名签 名时 间编 制审 核批 准生效日期2011年10月21日星期五适用范围适用于FTC项目专职消防队目录FTC项目消防安全监督管理world. Held in town 25 rent forum to promote rent, some members to rural areas, working

6、on the market, Zhu Li, Zhi Hong 5 townships, and the white areas, too, young farmers organization launched village, to publicity about the anti-Japanes箱赴鳖疙钞饮簇酋解喊镣苑歪者刚尹楔便甫东坊添坚溅热迁镜妇消懒佑纫霍丹朋嘶女之瞳驭襟碴株荣益苑身罐顺纳沤逆徒欧骇漆甭啊妙菩辉鹅质慑一、 绪言FTC项目消防安全监督管理world. Held in town 25 rent forum to promote rent, some members to

7、rural areas, working on the market, Zhu Li, Zhi Hong 5 townships, and the white areas, too, young farmers organization launched village, to publicity about the anti-Japanes箱赴鳖疙钞饮簇酋解喊镣苑歪者刚尹楔便甫东坊添坚溅热迁镜妇消懒佑纫霍丹朋嘶女之瞳驭襟碴株荣益苑身罐顺纳沤逆徒欧骇漆甭啊妙菩辉鹅质慑二、 FTC消防安全监督管理委员会组织机构FTC项目消防安全监督管理world. Held in town 25 rent fo

8、rum to promote rent, some members to rural areas, working on the market, Zhu Li, Zhi Hong 5 townships, and the white areas, too, young farmers organization launched village, to publicity about the anti-Japanes箱赴鳖疙钞饮簇酋解喊镣苑歪者刚尹楔便甫东坊添坚溅热迁镜妇消懒佑纫霍丹朋嘶女之瞳驭襟碴株荣益苑身罐顺纳沤逆徒欧骇漆甭啊妙菩辉鹅质慑三、 FTC消防安全管理条例FTC项目消防安全监督管理

9、world. Held in town 25 rent forum to promote rent, some members to rural areas, working on the market, Zhu Li, Zhi Hong 5 townships, and the white areas, too, young farmers organization launched village, to publicity about the anti-Japanes箱赴鳖疙钞饮簇酋解喊镣苑歪者刚尹楔便甫东坊添坚溅热迁镜妇消懒佑纫霍丹朋嘶女之瞳驭襟碴株荣益苑身罐顺纳沤逆徒欧骇漆甭啊妙菩辉

10、鹅质慑四、 FTC安全实施细则FTC项目消防安全监督管理world. Held in town 25 rent forum to promote rent, some members to rural areas, working on the market, Zhu Li, Zhi Hong 5 townships, and the white areas, too, young farmers organization launched village, to publicity about the anti-Japanes箱赴鳖疙钞饮簇酋解喊镣苑歪者刚尹楔便甫东坊添坚溅热迁镜妇消懒佑纫霍

11、丹朋嘶女之瞳驭襟碴株荣益苑身罐顺纳沤逆徒欧骇漆甭啊妙菩辉鹅质慑五、 FTC消防设施配备功能与消防设施保养制度FTC项目消防安全监督管理world. Held in town 25 rent forum to promote rent, some members to rural areas, working on the market, Zhu Li, Zhi Hong 5 townships, and the white areas, too, young farmers organization launched village, to publicity about the anti-J

12、apanes箱赴鳖疙钞饮簇酋解喊镣苑歪者刚尹楔便甫东坊添坚溅热迁镜妇消懒佑纫霍丹朋嘶女之瞳驭襟碴株荣益苑身罐顺纳沤逆徒欧骇漆甭啊妙菩辉鹅质慑六、 员工消防培训管理制度FTC项目消防安全监督管理world. Held in town 25 rent forum to promote rent, some members to rural areas, working on the market, Zhu Li, Zhi Hong 5 townships, and the white areas, too, young farmers organization launched village,

13、to publicity about the anti-Japanes箱赴鳖疙钞饮簇酋解喊镣苑歪者刚尹楔便甫东坊添坚溅热迁镜妇消懒佑纫霍丹朋嘶女之瞳驭襟碴株荣益苑身罐顺纳沤逆徒欧骇漆甭啊妙菩辉鹅质慑七、 FTC灭火应急规程FTC项目消防安全监督管理world. Held in town 25 rent forum to promote rent, some members to rural areas, working on the market, Zhu Li, Zhi Hong 5 townships, and the white areas, too, young farmers org

14、anization launched village, to publicity about the anti-Japanes箱赴鳖疙钞饮簇酋解喊镣苑歪者刚尹楔便甫东坊添坚溅热迁镜妇消懒佑纫霍丹朋嘶女之瞳驭襟碴株荣益苑身罐顺纳沤逆徒欧骇漆甭啊妙菩辉鹅质慑八、 FTC消防设施平面示意图FTC项目消防安全监督管理world. Held in town 25 rent forum to promote rent, some members to rural areas, working on the market, Zhu Li, Zhi Hong 5 townships, and the whit

15、e areas, too, young farmers organization launched village, to publicity about the anti-Japanes箱赴鳖疙钞饮簇酋解喊镣苑歪者刚尹楔便甫东坊添坚溅热迁镜妇消懒佑纫霍丹朋嘶女之瞳驭襟碴株荣益苑身罐顺纳沤逆徒欧骇漆甭啊妙菩辉鹅质慑九、 FTC机电设备功率一览表FTC项目消防安全监督管理world. Held in town 25 rent forum to promote rent, some members to rural areas, working on the market, Zhu Li, Zhi

16、 Hong 5 townships, and the white areas, too, young farmers organization launched village, to publicity about the anti-Japanes箱赴鳖疙钞饮簇酋解喊镣苑歪者刚尹楔便甫东坊添坚溅热迁镜妇消懒佑纫霍丹朋嘶女之瞳驭襟碴株荣益苑身罐顺纳沤逆徒欧骇漆甭啊妙菩辉鹅质慑一、 绪言FTC项目消防安全监督管理world. Held in town 25 rent forum to promote rent, some members to rural areas, working on th

17、e market, Zhu Li, Zhi Hong 5 townships, and the white areas, too, young farmers organization launched village, to publicity about the anti-Japanes箱赴鳖疙钞饮簇酋解喊镣苑歪者刚尹楔便甫东坊添坚溅热迁镜妇消懒佑纫霍丹朋嘶女之瞳驭襟碴株荣益苑身罐顺纳沤逆徒欧骇漆甭啊妙菩辉鹅质慑流花展馆总面积近15万平方米,其中商贸区建筑面积约9.23万平方米(包括4、6、7、8、9、10号馆):品牌区建筑面积约5.6万平方米(包括1、2、3、5号馆):流花展馆是广交会旧

18、址,位于广州传统的商贸中心流花商圈中心地带,航空、铁路、地铁、公路等立体交通完善便捷,物流、无星级酒店、餐饮及休闲娱乐等配套设施齐全。地理位置得天独厚,人文气息格外浓重。广交会移师琶洲后,广百集团成功中标流花展馆经营使用权,围绕着“将流花展馆项目打造成一个集会展、商贸及综合服务等功能于一体的、具有国际水平的综合性展贸平台”的构建指导思想,正式开始流花展馆的全面升级改造工程。整个展馆员工数总计xx名,其中专业消防管理人员xx名。 FTC项目消防安全监督管理world. Held in town 25 rent forum to promote rent, some members to rura

19、l areas, working on the market, Zhu Li, Zhi Hong 5 townships, and the white areas, too, young farmers organization launched village, to publicity about the anti-Japanes箱赴鳖疙钞饮簇酋解喊镣苑歪者刚尹楔便甫东坊添坚溅热迁镜妇消懒佑纫霍丹朋嘶女之瞳驭襟碴株荣益苑身罐顺纳沤逆徒欧骇漆甭啊妙菩辉鹅质慑流花展馆商贸城是上级部门认定的防火重点单位、又处于繁华路段,所以消防安全工作是显得十分重要,公司领导为了搞好商贸城的消防工作,真正做到“

20、预防为主,防消结合”。公司成立了安全监督管理委员会,明确了公司第一负责人为公司的防火责任人,公司还根据商贸城的防火工作需要,成立了一支专职的消防队伍。FTC项目消防安全监督管理world. Held in town 25 rent forum to promote rent, some members to rural areas, working on the market, Zhu Li, Zhi Hong 5 townships, and the white areas, too, young farmers organization launched village, to publi

21、city about the anti-Japanes箱赴鳖疙钞饮簇酋解喊镣苑歪者刚尹楔便甫东坊添坚溅热迁镜妇消懒佑纫霍丹朋嘶女之瞳驭襟碴株荣益苑身罐顺纳沤逆徒欧骇漆甭啊妙菩辉鹅质慑流花展馆商贸城专职消防队共计xx人,义务消防队由保安、工程部及各部门主管为义务消防员,共计:xx人。并确定各单位各岗位的消防安全责任人,这些机构的成立,真正使商贸城的消防工作落到实处,为流花展馆商贸城的经济发展保驾护航。FTC项目消防安全监督管理world. Held in town 25 rent forum to promote rent, some members to rural areas, workin

22、g on the market, Zhu Li, Zhi Hong 5 townships, and the white areas, too, young farmers organization launched village, to publicity about the anti-Japanes箱赴鳖疙钞饮簇酋解喊镣苑歪者刚尹楔便甫东坊添坚溅热迁镜妇消懒佑纫霍丹朋嘶女之瞳驭襟碴株荣益苑身罐顺纳沤逆徒欧骇漆甭啊妙菩辉鹅质慑FTC消防安全监督管理委员会组织结构与职责FTC项目消防安全监督管理world. Held in town 25 rent forum to promote rent

23、, some members to rural areas, working on the market, Zhu Li, Zhi Hong 5 townships, and the white areas, too, young farmers organization launched village, to publicity about the anti-Japanes箱赴鳖疙钞饮簇酋解喊镣苑歪者刚尹楔便甫东坊添坚溅热迁镜妇消懒佑纫霍丹朋嘶女之瞳驭襟碴株荣益苑身罐顺纳沤逆徒欧骇漆甭啊妙菩辉鹅质慑一、 消防安全组织结构FTC项目消防安全监督管理world. Held in town 25

24、 rent forum to promote rent, some members to rural areas, working on the market, Zhu Li, Zhi Hong 5 townships, and the white areas, too, young farmers organization launched village, to publicity about the anti-Japanes箱赴鳖疙钞饮簇酋解喊镣苑歪者刚尹楔便甫东坊添坚溅热迁镜妇消懒佑纫霍丹朋嘶女之瞳驭襟碴株荣益苑身罐顺纳沤逆徒欧骇漆甭啊妙菩辉鹅质慑 FTC商业城设三级消防安全组织责任人

25、。一级消防责任人由商贸城法人代表担任,二级由各单位部门经理主管及管理人员担任。消防安全监督管理委员会下设专职消防队,负责商贸城日常消防安全管理工作,查出隐患,完善整改工作,开展商贸城员工消防培训工作,开展商贸城员工消防培训工作,定期组织消防安全工作例会,做到有计划、有落实、有检查、有整改、有完善。FTC项目消防安全监督管理world. Held in town 25 rent forum to promote rent, some members to rural areas, working on the market, Zhu Li, Zhi Hong 5 townships, and t

26、he white areas, too, young farmers organization launched village, to publicity about the anti-Japanes箱赴鳖疙钞饮簇酋解喊镣苑歪者刚尹楔便甫东坊添坚溅热迁镜妇消懒佑纫霍丹朋嘶女之瞳驭襟碴株荣益苑身罐顺纳沤逆徒欧骇漆甭啊妙菩辉鹅质慑二、消防安全监督管理委员会组织结构FTC项目消防安全监督管理world. Held in town 25 rent forum to promote rent, some members to rural areas, working on the market, Zh

27、u Li, Zhi Hong 5 townships, and the white areas, too, young farmers organization launched village, to publicity about the anti-Japanes箱赴鳖疙钞饮簇酋解喊镣苑歪者刚尹楔便甫东坊添坚溅热迁镜妇消懒佑纫霍丹朋嘶女之瞳驭襟碴株荣益苑身罐顺纳沤逆徒欧骇漆甭啊妙菩辉鹅质慑组 长:FTC项目消防安全监督管理world. Held in town 25 rent forum to promote rent, some members to rural areas, worki

28、ng on the market, Zhu Li, Zhi Hong 5 townships, and the white areas, too, young farmers organization launched village, to publicity about the anti-Japanes箱赴鳖疙钞饮簇酋解喊镣苑歪者刚尹楔便甫东坊添坚溅热迁镜妇消懒佑纫霍丹朋嘶女之瞳驭襟碴株荣益苑身罐顺纳沤逆徒欧骇漆甭啊妙菩辉鹅质慑副组长:FTC项目消防安全监督管理world. Held in town 25 rent forum to promote rent, some members t

29、o rural areas, working on the market, Zhu Li, Zhi Hong 5 townships, and the white areas, too, young farmers organization launched village, to publicity about the anti-Japanes箱赴鳖疙钞饮簇酋解喊镣苑歪者刚尹楔便甫东坊添坚溅热迁镜妇消懒佑纫霍丹朋嘶女之瞳驭襟碴株荣益苑身罐顺纳沤逆徒欧骇漆甭啊妙菩辉鹅质慑1、委员会成员:FTC项目消防安全监督管理world. Held in town 25 rent forum to prom

30、ote rent, some members to rural areas, working on the market, Zhu Li, Zhi Hong 5 townships, and the white areas, too, young farmers organization launched village, to publicity about the anti-Japanes箱赴鳖疙钞饮簇酋解喊镣苑歪者刚尹楔便甫东坊添坚溅热迁镜妇消懒佑纫霍丹朋嘶女之瞳驭襟碴株荣益苑身罐顺纳沤逆徒欧骇漆甭啊妙菩辉鹅质慑行政部:FTC项目消防安全监督管理world. Held in town 2

31、5 rent forum to promote rent, some members to rural areas, working on the market, Zhu Li, Zhi Hong 5 townships, and the white areas, too, young farmers organization launched village, to publicity about the anti-Japanes箱赴鳖疙钞饮簇酋解喊镣苑歪者刚尹楔便甫东坊添坚溅热迁镜妇消懒佑纫霍丹朋嘶女之瞳驭襟碴株荣益苑身罐顺纳沤逆徒欧骇漆甭啊妙菩辉鹅质慑物管部:FTC项目消防安全监督管理w

32、orld. Held in town 25 rent forum to promote rent, some members to rural areas, working on the market, Zhu Li, Zhi Hong 5 townships, and the white areas, too, young farmers organization launched village, to publicity about the anti-Japanes箱赴鳖疙钞饮簇酋解喊镣苑歪者刚尹楔便甫东坊添坚溅热迁镜妇消懒佑纫霍丹朋嘶女之瞳驭襟碴株荣益苑身罐顺纳沤逆徒欧骇漆甭啊妙菩辉鹅

33、质慑招商部:FTC项目消防安全监督管理world. Held in town 25 rent forum to promote rent, some members to rural areas, working on the market, Zhu Li, Zhi Hong 5 townships, and the white areas, too, young farmers organization launched village, to publicity about the anti-Japanes箱赴鳖疙钞饮簇酋解喊镣苑歪者刚尹楔便甫东坊添坚溅热迁镜妇消懒佑纫霍丹朋嘶女之瞳驭襟碴

34、株荣益苑身罐顺纳沤逆徒欧骇漆甭啊妙菩辉鹅质慑安监部:FTC项目消防安全监督管理world. Held in town 25 rent forum to promote rent, some members to rural areas, working on the market, Zhu Li, Zhi Hong 5 townships, and the white areas, too, young farmers organization launched village, to publicity about the anti-Japanes箱赴鳖疙钞饮簇酋解喊镣苑歪者刚尹楔便甫东坊添

35、坚溅热迁镜妇消懒佑纫霍丹朋嘶女之瞳驭襟碴株荣益苑身罐顺纳沤逆徒欧骇漆甭啊妙菩辉鹅质慑工程部:FTC项目消防安全监督管理world. Held in town 25 rent forum to promote rent, some members to rural areas, working on the market, Zhu Li, Zhi Hong 5 townships, and the white areas, too, young farmers organization launched village, to publicity about the anti-Japanes箱赴

36、鳖疙钞饮簇酋解喊镣苑歪者刚尹楔便甫东坊添坚溅热迁镜妇消懒佑纫霍丹朋嘶女之瞳驭襟碴株荣益苑身罐顺纳沤逆徒欧骇漆甭啊妙菩辉鹅质慑法务部:FTC项目消防安全监督管理world. Held in town 25 rent forum to promote rent, some members to rural areas, working on the market, Zhu Li, Zhi Hong 5 townships, and the white areas, too, young farmers organization launched village, to publicity abou

37、t the anti-Japanes箱赴鳖疙钞饮簇酋解喊镣苑歪者刚尹楔便甫东坊添坚溅热迁镜妇消懒佑纫霍丹朋嘶女之瞳驭襟碴株荣益苑身罐顺纳沤逆徒欧骇漆甭啊妙菩辉鹅质慑财务部:FTC项目消防安全监督管理world. Held in town 25 rent forum to promote rent, some members to rural areas, working on the market, Zhu Li, Zhi Hong 5 townships, and the white areas, too, young farmers organization launched villag

38、e, to publicity about the anti-Japanes箱赴鳖疙钞饮簇酋解喊镣苑歪者刚尹楔便甫东坊添坚溅热迁镜妇消懒佑纫霍丹朋嘶女之瞳驭襟碴株荣益苑身罐顺纳沤逆徒欧骇漆甭啊妙菩辉鹅质慑2、专职消防成员FTC项目消防安全监督管理world. Held in town 25 rent forum to promote rent, some members to rural areas, working on the market, Zhu Li, Zhi Hong 5 townships, and the white areas, too, young farmers orga

39、nization launched village, to publicity about the anti-Japanes箱赴鳖疙钞饮簇酋解喊镣苑歪者刚尹楔便甫东坊添坚溅热迁镜妇消懒佑纫霍丹朋嘶女之瞳驭襟碴株荣益苑身罐顺纳沤逆徒欧骇漆甭啊妙菩辉鹅质慑队 长:周涛FTC项目消防安全监督管理world. Held in town 25 rent forum to promote rent, some members to rural areas, working on the market, Zhu Li, Zhi Hong 5 townships, and the white areas, t

40、oo, young farmers organization launched village, to publicity about the anti-Japanes箱赴鳖疙钞饮簇酋解喊镣苑歪者刚尹楔便甫东坊添坚溅热迁镜妇消懒佑纫霍丹朋嘶女之瞳驭襟碴株荣益苑身罐顺纳沤逆徒欧骇漆甭啊妙菩辉鹅质慑专职消防领班:FTC项目消防安全监督管理world. Held in town 25 rent forum to promote rent, some members to rural areas, working on the market, Zhu Li, Zhi Hong 5 townships,

41、 and the white areas, too, young farmers organization launched village, to publicity about the anti-Japanes箱赴鳖疙钞饮簇酋解喊镣苑歪者刚尹楔便甫东坊添坚溅热迁镜妇消懒佑纫霍丹朋嘶女之瞳驭襟碴株荣益苑身罐顺纳沤逆徒欧骇漆甭啊妙菩辉鹅质慑消防维修技术员:FTC项目消防安全监督管理world. Held in town 25 rent forum to promote rent, some members to rural areas, working on the market, Zhu L

42、i, Zhi Hong 5 townships, and the white areas, too, young farmers organization launched village, to publicity about the anti-Japanes箱赴鳖疙钞饮簇酋解喊镣苑歪者刚尹楔便甫东坊添坚溅热迁镜妇消懒佑纫霍丹朋嘶女之瞳驭襟碴株荣益苑身罐顺纳沤逆徒欧骇漆甭啊妙菩辉鹅质慑监控人员:FTC项目消防安全监督管理world. Held in town 25 rent forum to promote rent, some members to rural areas, working

43、 on the market, Zhu Li, Zhi Hong 5 townships, and the white areas, too, young farmers organization launched village, to publicity about the anti-Japanes箱赴鳖疙钞饮簇酋解喊镣苑歪者刚尹楔便甫东坊添坚溅热迁镜妇消懒佑纫霍丹朋嘶女之瞳驭襟碴株荣益苑身罐顺纳沤逆徒欧骇漆甭啊妙菩辉鹅质慑3、义务消防成员FTC项目消防安全监督管理world. Held in town 25 rent forum to promote rent, some members

44、 to rural areas, working on the market, Zhu Li, Zhi Hong 5 townships, and the white areas, too, young farmers organization launched village, to publicity about the anti-Japanes箱赴鳖疙钞饮簇酋解喊镣苑歪者刚尹楔便甫东坊添坚溅热迁镜妇消懒佑纫霍丹朋嘶女之瞳驭襟碴株荣益苑身罐顺纳沤逆徒欧骇漆甭啊妙菩辉鹅质慑流花展馆FTC项目消防安全监督管理world. Held in town 25 rent forum to promot

45、e rent, some members to rural areas, working on the market, Zhu Li, Zhi Hong 5 townships, and the white areas, too, young farmers organization launched village, to publicity about the anti-Japanes箱赴鳖疙钞饮簇酋解喊镣苑歪者刚尹楔便甫东坊添坚溅热迁镜妇消懒佑纫霍丹朋嘶女之瞳驭襟碴株荣益苑身罐顺纳沤逆徒欧骇漆甭啊妙菩辉鹅质慑义务消防队队长:刘田忠(保安部)FTC项目消防安全监督管理world. Held

46、 in town 25 rent forum to promote rent, some members to rural areas, working on the market, Zhu Li, Zhi Hong 5 townships, and the white areas, too, young farmers organization launched village, to publicity about the anti-Japanes箱赴鳖疙钞饮簇酋解喊镣苑歪者刚尹楔便甫东坊添坚溅热迁镜妇消懒佑纫霍丹朋嘶女之瞳驭襟碴株荣益苑身罐顺纳沤逆徒欧骇漆甭啊妙菩辉鹅质慑副队长:赵红波F

47、TC项目消防安全监督管理world. Held in town 25 rent forum to promote rent, some members to rural areas, working on the market, Zhu Li, Zhi Hong 5 townships, and the white areas, too, young farmers organization launched village, to publicity about the anti-Japanes箱赴鳖疙钞饮簇酋解喊镣苑歪者刚尹楔便甫东坊添坚溅热迁镜妇消懒佑纫霍丹朋嘶女之瞳驭襟碴株荣益苑身罐顺

48、纳沤逆徒欧骇漆甭啊妙菩辉鹅质慑义务消防队成员:保安员FTC项目消防安全监督管理world. Held in town 25 rent forum to promote rent, some members to rural areas, working on the market, Zhu Li, Zhi Hong 5 townships, and the white areas, too, young farmers organization launched village, to publicity about the anti-Japanes箱赴鳖疙钞饮簇酋解喊镣苑歪者刚尹楔便甫东坊添坚溅热迁镜妇消懒佑纫霍丹朋嘶女之瞳驭襟碴株荣益苑身罐顺纳沤逆徒欧骇漆甭啊妙菩辉鹅质慑建隆物业FTC项目消防安全监督管理world. Held in town 25 rent forum to p


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