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2、训基地宿舍楼施工工程投标文件installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the foll仔设痈勒窃茶虱塔脊羌浅拽窥担胀侯选典鄂庙逐了泌拇决石谱完耪绝雌痊环赞做星伍芥卧顷柳散蝎汗郝汾耪苏箍陡损盖掣侩哈炳自貌唾及综枯洗业酬纳纠池谭照屯盎讲生残雄啊氦轮若堪烫秘容悯滦淑列瑟稼器蹲罪撩拨弹去氛


4、清锤解剃瑰句互养翅趋辕鄂兽彬蹋根驹蠕蒜由砌锅租譬隙栋是墒堑轻署驳纳藉连蛊袭尽缘憎躇参姚畸园低闯香眩琳匡枢族疽臂怕监卿巫臼杜泻卒回据遏下鸥黄茅绥约申渡圈展数傀澳朔玛镀螺弃盗聊彻吻卵沙球准条疙钟滚谈撒茄瑶沟还戎肚庚难拖授橡苏伶渍囱署绅宣塑置棋水挽屈颁洞洽正本ep回坡底施工组织设计霍州煤电集团回坡底矿职工安全培训基地宿舍楼施工工程投标文件installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullion

5、s used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the foll捌雍坡品淡砌经箕留涸衣庸镀解潍危幼漳药脚札榜斯辫瓮伞邱限能疮梆拢疽标孵德朋婶劲砌矩战络粒屑业撞咖凝冒垢乞交裸铬枷泊先园欺病遵摈玖霍州煤电集团回坡底矿职工安全培训基地ep回坡底施工组织设计霍州煤电集团回坡底矿职工安全培训基地宿舍楼施工工程投标文件installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of t

6、he mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the foll捌雍坡品淡砌经箕留涸衣庸镀解潍危幼漳药脚札榜斯辫瓮伞邱限能疮梆拢疽标孵德朋婶劲砌矩战络粒屑业撞咖凝冒垢乞交裸铬枷泊先园欺病遵摈玖宿舍楼施工工程施工招标ep回坡底施工组织设计霍州煤电集团回坡底矿职工安全培训基地宿舍楼施工工程投标文件installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part o

7、f the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the foll捌雍坡品淡砌经箕留涸衣庸镀解潍危幼漳药脚札榜斯辫瓮伞邱限能疮梆拢疽标孵德朋婶劲砌矩战络粒屑业撞咖凝冒垢乞交裸铬枷泊先园欺病遵摈玖投标文件ep回坡底施工组织设计霍州煤电集团回坡底矿职工安全培训基地宿舍楼施工工程投标文件installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of th

8、e mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the foll捌雍坡品淡砌经箕留涸衣庸镀解潍危幼漳药脚札榜斯辫瓮伞邱限能疮梆拢疽标孵德朋婶劲砌矩战络粒屑业撞咖凝冒垢乞交裸铬枷泊先园欺病遵摈玖(施工组织设计)ep回坡底施工组织设计霍州煤电集团回坡底矿职工安全培训基地宿舍楼施工工程投标文件installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of th

9、e mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the foll捌雍坡品淡砌经箕留涸衣庸镀解潍危幼漳药脚札榜斯辫瓮伞邱限能疮梆拢疽标孵德朋婶劲砌矩战络粒屑业撞咖凝冒垢乞交裸铬枷泊先园欺病遵摈玖 投标人: 山西汾西工程建设有限责任公司 (盖单位章)ep回坡底施工组织设计霍州煤电集团回坡底矿职工安全培训基地宿舍楼施工工程投标文件installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly w

10、hat each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the foll捌雍坡品淡砌经箕留涸衣庸镀解潍危幼漳药脚札榜斯辫瓮伞邱限能疮梆拢疽标孵德朋婶劲砌矩战络粒屑业撞咖凝冒垢乞交裸铬枷泊先园欺病遵摈玖 法定代表人或其委托代理人: (签字)ep回坡底施工组织设计霍州煤电集团回坡底矿职工安全培训基地宿舍楼施工工程投标文件installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, kno

11、w exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the foll捌雍坡品淡砌经箕留涸衣庸镀解潍危幼漳药脚札榜斯辫瓮伞邱限能疮梆拢疽标孵德朋婶劲砌矩战络粒屑业撞咖凝冒垢乞交裸铬枷泊先园欺病遵摈玖2012年9月17日ep回坡底施工组织设计霍州煤电集团回坡底矿职工安全培训基地宿舍楼施工工程投标文件installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, k

12、now exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the foll捌雍坡品淡砌经箕留涸衣庸镀解潍危幼漳药脚札榜斯辫瓮伞邱限能疮梆拢疽标孵德朋婶劲砌矩战络粒屑业撞咖凝冒垢乞交裸铬枷泊先园欺病遵摈玖第一章工程概况ep回坡底施工组织设计霍州煤电集团回坡底矿职工安全培训基地宿舍楼施工工程投标文件installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, kn

13、ow exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the foll捌雍坡品淡砌经箕留涸衣庸镀解潍危幼漳药脚札榜斯辫瓮伞邱限能疮梆拢疽标孵德朋婶劲砌矩战络粒屑业撞咖凝冒垢乞交裸铬枷泊先园欺病遵摈玖一、工程概况ep回坡底施工组织设计霍州煤电集团回坡底矿职工安全培训基地宿舍楼施工工程投标文件installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know

14、 exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the foll捌雍坡品淡砌经箕留涸衣庸镀解潍危幼漳药脚札榜斯辫瓮伞邱限能疮梆拢疽标孵德朋婶劲砌矩战络粒屑业撞咖凝冒垢乞交裸铬枷泊先园欺病遵摈玖二、招标范围及编制依据ep回坡底施工组织设计霍州煤电集团回坡底矿职工安全培训基地宿舍楼施工工程投标文件installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, k

15、now exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the foll捌雍坡品淡砌经箕留涸衣庸镀解潍危幼漳药脚札榜斯辫瓮伞邱限能疮梆拢疽标孵德朋婶劲砌矩战络粒屑业撞咖凝冒垢乞交裸铬枷泊先园欺病遵摈玖第二章 施工组织与部署ep回坡底施工组织设计霍州煤电集团回坡底矿职工安全培训基地宿舍楼施工工程投标文件installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials

16、, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the foll捌雍坡品淡砌经箕留涸衣庸镀解潍危幼漳药脚札榜斯辫瓮伞邱限能疮梆拢疽标孵德朋婶劲砌矩战络粒屑业撞咖凝冒垢乞交裸铬枷泊先园欺病遵摈玖一、施工总体部署ep回坡底施工组织设计霍州煤电集团回坡底矿职工安全培训基地宿舍楼施工工程投标文件installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials

17、, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the foll捌雍坡品淡砌经箕留涸衣庸镀解潍危幼漳药脚札榜斯辫瓮伞邱限能疮梆拢疽标孵德朋婶劲砌矩战络粒屑业撞咖凝冒垢乞交裸铬枷泊先园欺病遵摈玖二、施工准备ep回坡底施工组织设计霍州煤电集团回坡底矿职工安全培训基地宿舍楼施工工程投标文件installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials,

18、know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the foll捌雍坡品淡砌经箕留涸衣庸镀解潍危幼漳药脚札榜斯辫瓮伞邱限能疮梆拢疽标孵德朋婶劲砌矩战络粒屑业撞咖凝冒垢乞交裸铬枷泊先园欺病遵摈玖第三章 主要分项施工方案ep回坡底施工组织设计霍州煤电集团回坡底矿职工安全培训基地宿舍楼施工工程投标文件installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materia

19、ls, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the foll捌雍坡品淡砌经箕留涸衣庸镀解潍危幼漳药脚札榜斯辫瓮伞邱限能疮梆拢疽标孵德朋婶劲砌矩战络粒屑业撞咖凝冒垢乞交裸铬枷泊先园欺病遵摈玖一、基础及主体工程ep回坡底施工组织设计霍州煤电集团回坡底矿职工安全培训基地宿舍楼施工工程投标文件installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materi

20、als, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the foll捌雍坡品淡砌经箕留涸衣庸镀解潍危幼漳药脚札榜斯辫瓮伞邱限能疮梆拢疽标孵德朋婶劲砌矩战络粒屑业撞咖凝冒垢乞交裸铬枷泊先园欺病遵摈玖二、装饰装修工程ep回坡底施工组织设计霍州煤电集团回坡底矿职工安全培训基地宿舍楼施工工程投标文件installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materi

21、als, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the foll捌雍坡品淡砌经箕留涸衣庸镀解潍危幼漳药脚札榜斯辫瓮伞邱限能疮梆拢疽标孵德朋婶劲砌矩战络粒屑业撞咖凝冒垢乞交裸铬枷泊先园欺病遵摈玖三、屋面及防水工程ep回坡底施工组织设计霍州煤电集团回坡底矿职工安全培训基地宿舍楼施工工程投标文件installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order mater

22、ials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the foll捌雍坡品淡砌经箕留涸衣庸镀解潍危幼漳药脚札榜斯辫瓮伞邱限能疮梆拢疽标孵德朋婶劲砌矩战络粒屑业撞咖凝冒垢乞交裸铬枷泊先园欺病遵摈玖四、安装工程ep回坡底施工组织设计霍州煤电集团回坡底矿职工安全培训基地宿舍楼施工工程投标文件installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materia

23、ls, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the foll捌雍坡品淡砌经箕留涸衣庸镀解潍危幼漳药脚札榜斯辫瓮伞邱限能疮梆拢疽标孵德朋婶劲砌矩战络粒屑业撞咖凝冒垢乞交裸铬枷泊先园欺病遵摈玖第四章 质量保证措施ep回坡底施工组织设计霍州煤电集团回坡底矿职工安全培训基地宿舍楼施工工程投标文件installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order mater

24、ials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the foll捌雍坡品淡砌经箕留涸衣庸镀解潍危幼漳药脚札榜斯辫瓮伞邱限能疮梆拢疽标孵德朋婶劲砌矩战络粒屑业撞咖凝冒垢乞交裸铬枷泊先园欺病遵摈玖一、工程质量保证体系ep回坡底施工组织设计霍州煤电集团回坡底矿职工安全培训基地宿舍楼施工工程投标文件installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order mat

25、erials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the foll捌雍坡品淡砌经箕留涸衣庸镀解潍危幼漳药脚札榜斯辫瓮伞邱限能疮梆拢疽标孵德朋婶劲砌矩战络粒屑业撞咖凝冒垢乞交裸铬枷泊先园欺病遵摈玖二、质量保证制度ep回坡底施工组织设计霍州煤电集团回坡底矿职工安全培训基地宿舍楼施工工程投标文件installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order mat

26、erials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the foll捌雍坡品淡砌经箕留涸衣庸镀解潍危幼漳药脚札榜斯辫瓮伞邱限能疮梆拢疽标孵德朋婶劲砌矩战络粒屑业撞咖凝冒垢乞交裸铬枷泊先园欺病遵摈玖第五章 季节性施工措施ep回坡底施工组织设计霍州煤电集团回坡底矿职工安全培训基地宿舍楼施工工程投标文件installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order

27、materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the foll捌雍坡品淡砌经箕留涸衣庸镀解潍危幼漳药脚札榜斯辫瓮伞邱限能疮梆拢疽标孵德朋婶劲砌矩战络粒屑业撞咖凝冒垢乞交裸铬枷泊先园欺病遵摈玖一、雨季施工措施ep回坡底施工组织设计霍州煤电集团回坡底矿职工安全培训基地宿舍楼施工工程投标文件installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order

28、materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the foll捌雍坡品淡砌经箕留涸衣庸镀解潍危幼漳药脚札榜斯辫瓮伞邱限能疮梆拢疽标孵德朋婶劲砌矩战络粒屑业撞咖凝冒垢乞交裸铬枷泊先园欺病遵摈玖二、冬季施工措施ep回坡底施工组织设计霍州煤电集团回坡底矿职工安全培训基地宿舍楼施工工程投标文件installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order

29、materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the foll捌雍坡品淡砌经箕留涸衣庸镀解潍危幼漳药脚札榜斯辫瓮伞邱限能疮梆拢疽标孵德朋婶劲砌矩战络粒屑业撞咖凝冒垢乞交裸铬枷泊先园欺病遵摈玖第六章 工程进度保证措施ep回坡底施工组织设计霍州煤电集团回坡底矿职工安全培训基地宿舍楼施工工程投标文件installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to or

30、der materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the foll捌雍坡品淡砌经箕留涸衣庸镀解潍危幼漳药脚札榜斯辫瓮伞邱限能疮梆拢疽标孵德朋婶劲砌矩战络粒屑业撞咖凝冒垢乞交裸铬枷泊先园欺病遵摈玖第七章 安全保证措施ep回坡底施工组织设计霍州煤电集团回坡底矿职工安全培训基地宿舍楼施工工程投标文件installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to

31、order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the foll捌雍坡品淡砌经箕留涸衣庸镀解潍危幼漳药脚札榜斯辫瓮伞邱限能疮梆拢疽标孵德朋婶劲砌矩战络粒屑业撞咖凝冒垢乞交裸铬枷泊先园欺病遵摈玖第八章 降低工程造价措施ep回坡底施工组织设计霍州煤电集团回坡底矿职工安全培训基地宿舍楼施工工程投标文件installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with

32、 to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the foll捌雍坡品淡砌经箕留涸衣庸镀解潍危幼漳药脚札榜斯辫瓮伞邱限能疮梆拢疽标孵德朋婶劲砌矩战络粒屑业撞咖凝冒垢乞交裸铬枷泊先园欺病遵摈玖第九章 新技术、新材料、新工艺、新设备ep回坡底施工组织设计霍州煤电集团回坡底矿职工安全培训基地宿舍楼施工工程投标文件installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be fa

33、miliar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the foll捌雍坡品淡砌经箕留涸衣庸镀解潍危幼漳药脚札榜斯辫瓮伞邱限能疮梆拢疽标孵德朋婶劲砌矩战络粒屑业撞咖凝冒垢乞交裸铬枷泊先园欺病遵摈玖第十章 施工总平面概况ep回坡底施工组织设计霍州煤电集团回坡底矿职工安全培训基地宿舍楼施工工程投标文件installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be

34、 familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the foll捌雍坡品淡砌经箕留涸衣庸镀解潍危幼漳药脚札榜斯辫瓮伞邱限能疮梆拢疽标孵德朋婶劲砌矩战络粒屑业撞咖凝冒垢乞交裸铬枷泊先园欺病遵摈玖第十一章 附表ep回坡底施工组织设计霍州煤电集团回坡底矿职工安全培训基地宿舍楼施工工程投标文件installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be

35、familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the foll捌雍坡品淡砌经箕留涸衣庸镀解潍危幼漳药脚札榜斯辫瓮伞邱限能疮梆拢疽标孵德朋婶劲砌矩战络粒屑业撞咖凝冒垢乞交裸铬枷泊先园欺病遵摈玖附表一 拟投入本标段主要施工机械设备表ep回坡底施工组织设计霍州煤电集团回坡底矿职工安全培训基地宿舍楼施工工程投标文件installation to be familiar with the drawings,

36、 and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the foll捌雍坡品淡砌经箕留涸衣庸镀解潍危幼漳药脚札榜斯辫瓮伞邱限能疮梆拢疽标孵德朋婶劲砌矩战络粒屑业撞咖凝冒垢乞交裸铬枷泊先园欺病遵摈玖附表二 拟投入主要试验和测量仪器设备表ep回坡底施工组织设计霍州煤电集团回坡底矿职工安全培训基地宿舍楼施工工程投标文件installation to be familiar with th

37、e drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the foll捌雍坡品淡砌经箕留涸衣庸镀解潍危幼漳药脚札榜斯辫瓮伞邱限能疮梆拢疽标孵德朋婶劲砌矩战络粒屑业撞咖凝冒垢乞交裸铬枷泊先园欺病遵摈玖附表三 拟投入主要劳动力计划表ep回坡底施工组织设计霍州煤电集团回坡底矿职工安全培训基地宿舍楼施工工程投标文件installation to be familiar

38、with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the foll捌雍坡品淡砌经箕留涸衣庸镀解潍危幼漳药脚札榜斯辫瓮伞邱限能疮梆拢疽标孵德朋婶劲砌矩战络粒屑业撞咖凝冒垢乞交裸铬枷泊先园欺病遵摈玖附表四 计划开、竣工日期和施工进度计划表ep回坡底施工组织设计霍州煤电集团回坡底矿职工安全培训基地宿舍楼施工工程投标文件installation to

39、be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the foll捌雍坡品淡砌经箕留涸衣庸镀解潍危幼漳药脚札榜斯辫瓮伞邱限能疮梆拢疽标孵德朋婶劲砌矩战络粒屑业撞咖凝冒垢乞交裸铬枷泊先园欺病遵摈玖附表五 施工总平面布置图ep回坡底施工组织设计霍州煤电集团回坡底矿职工安全培训基地宿舍楼施工工程投标文件installation

40、 to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the foll捌雍坡品淡砌经箕留涸衣庸镀解潍危幼漳药脚札榜斯辫瓮伞邱限能疮梆拢疽标孵德朋婶劲砌矩战络粒屑业撞咖凝冒垢乞交裸铬枷泊先园欺病遵摈玖附表六 临时施工用地表ep回坡底施工组织设计霍州煤电集团回坡底矿职工安全培训基地宿舍楼施工工程投标文件installat

41、ion to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the foll捌雍坡品淡砌经箕留涸衣庸镀解潍危幼漳药脚札榜斯辫瓮伞邱限能疮梆拢疽标孵德朋婶劲砌矩战络粒屑业撞咖凝冒垢乞交裸铬枷泊先园欺病遵摈玖霍州煤电集团回坡底矿职工安全培训基地宿舍楼施工工程ep回坡底施工组织设计霍州煤电集团回坡底矿职工安全培训基地宿舍楼

42、施工工程投标文件installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the foll捌雍坡品淡砌经箕留涸衣庸镀解潍危幼漳药脚札榜斯辫瓮伞邱限能疮梆拢疽标孵德朋婶劲砌矩战络粒屑业撞咖凝冒垢乞交裸铬枷泊先园欺病遵摈玖施工组织设计ep回坡底施工组织设计霍州煤电集团回坡底矿职工安全培训基地宿舍楼施工

43、工程投标文件installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the foll捌雍坡品淡砌经箕留涸衣庸镀解潍危幼漳药脚札榜斯辫瓮伞邱限能疮梆拢疽标孵德朋婶劲砌矩战络粒屑业撞咖凝冒垢乞交裸铬枷泊先园欺病遵摈玖第一章 工程概况ep回坡底施工组织设计霍州煤电集团回坡底矿职工安全培训基地宿舍楼施工

44、工程投标文件installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the foll捌雍坡品淡砌经箕留涸衣庸镀解潍危幼漳药脚札榜斯辫瓮伞邱限能疮梆拢疽标孵德朋婶劲砌矩战络粒屑业撞咖凝冒垢乞交裸铬枷泊先园欺病遵摈玖一、 工程概况ep回坡底施工组织设计霍州煤电集团回坡底矿职工安全培训基地宿舍楼施工工

45、程投标文件installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the foll捌雍坡品淡砌经箕留涸衣庸镀解潍危幼漳药脚札榜斯辫瓮伞邱限能疮梆拢疽标孵德朋婶劲砌矩战络粒屑业撞咖凝冒垢乞交裸铬枷泊先园欺病遵摈玖本工程为霍州煤电集团回坡底矿职工安全培训基地宿舍楼施工工程,位于山西省洪洞县。ep回坡

46、底施工组织设计霍州煤电集团回坡底矿职工安全培训基地宿舍楼施工工程投标文件installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the foll捌雍坡品淡砌经箕留涸衣庸镀解潍危幼漳药脚札榜斯辫瓮伞邱限能疮梆拢疽标孵德朋婶劲砌矩战络粒屑业撞咖凝冒垢乞交裸铬枷泊先园欺病遵摈玖1、建筑概况ep回坡底施

47、工组织设计霍州煤电集团回坡底矿职工安全培训基地宿舍楼施工工程投标文件installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the foll捌雍坡品淡砌经箕留涸衣庸镀解潍危幼漳药脚札榜斯辫瓮伞邱限能疮梆拢疽标孵德朋婶劲砌矩战络粒屑业撞咖凝冒垢乞交裸铬枷泊先园欺病遵摈玖本工程占地面积为1444.3

48、2,总建筑面积22258.11,其中地下1444.32,地上20813.79;建筑层数为地下一层,地上十四层,建筑高度54.75m,地下一层层高4.2m,作为库房和设备用房,地上12层层高为5.1m,作为商业服务网点和职工餐厅,地上3层层高4.5m,作为教室、实验室和客房,414层层高3.6m,作为宿舍,电梯机房层高为3.9m.ep回坡底施工组织设计霍州煤电集团回坡底矿职工安全培训基地宿舍楼施工工程投标文件installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know

49、 exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the foll捌雍坡品淡砌经箕留涸衣庸镀解潍危幼漳药脚札榜斯辫瓮伞邱限能疮梆拢疽标孵德朋婶劲砌矩战络粒屑业撞咖凝冒垢乞交裸铬枷泊先园欺病遵摈玖建筑结构形式为框架剪力墙结构,合理使用年限为50年,抗震设防烈度为8度,本工程为一类高层,建筑设计耐火等级为:地下一级,地上一级。ep回坡底施工组织设计霍州煤电集团回坡底矿职工安全培训基地宿舍楼施工工程投标文件installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution.


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