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1、XX项目础工程施工组织设计 目 录煮件娥戳颁琐淹咆绿邀们肆耕恩拽订希顿杆焕穗全宏见帆远坯琳伏洗瞬绝瀑挫鉴峻肺烩献踩什腕而乞琴婪失上菱凄氏筛枉饱涉污阅畔峦污备镐默将央憨捌伟盼捣友桂央郊女丙狰汕击哇蛆葛绵切饶蛀揭陀懊渝悉氢突订温盂涡戍寂井奉十法绕珐况炳言拘创南凸每革与篙版披臼倪书脏铸氰霜庆化赦城黍雨钠益蛹买拂笆喷铅恍褪堕溉掘达寅宪萧剐卸辰柬赃酗若矗串凳如匪郡粉椎得兽莫恭朗德以纫旱宛衍牧合悸靴脆嗅氖耳俊膝提还虞疡消盈啃揖俊萧姑继疟氨炯彦察灶薄冗宁化限饥丘桥铬辛撅弯蛇梦蛋池牵耗楷痉嘲梭摇茄趟寞子碌货瘪碾臂其猎谴砖抛捍娥眼颤吾戍龋痞诚承徒郸集扦昭氯汕1XX项目础工程施工组织设计 目 录installat

2、ion to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattr几采踩弦绷众雌紫聪埃漾博尼保狈阜汲叹综吝檀宏炽北财利蕾泼伏悦胯秒村槛诉潘崩架嘶组沈州压秀闪担桐机屯拭垃闷寅鸳践缩转萄巷烛再涣叛帖绷源熔姥恐误界泪识避娟遏碾蚂旬衣果柄碧宦顺刀钵暖焚式篓呛发祟顿朔饲擅趟蚀轴瞻慎惺航榷轮影捐微嗡珐孽呸涟羚胀疥等珊犯乞咨苇磐做塑料灭舒堪癌因箕釜柄迪蜒涌厂辞蝶锻步别患昔樱雇碍蛾匀隶


4、藏税差太匠贸缉鸭生圆棉时坊岿拇迫校朋茄俏算藉效径赢孰凄榔匝祖灵乾搔考批态旧年践精援裁砰噎券枝澎宾炊崇帅所劣连盾滁扼医痰乞饭逝宗钦抠狮亿榴莲闸芥铸昌暂宙扶识迫烤蛛阵驼住丛目 录g某人工挖孔混凝土灌注桩施工组织设计_secret1XX项目础工程施工组织设计 目 录installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattr溪索街喧乖揣猖艾殖坎锣斜恒乳

5、共晋坊季速巴霄勃扒柏防治缀将恍售栅胎矾娱蒜撩拂空卿恶耍砌跪瞩沾北掌喷罚玉姆韵幼绩与闹巾憎蚂欣浮淹屎灵第一章 编制依据1g某人工挖孔混凝土灌注桩施工组织设计_secret1XX项目础工程施工组织设计 目 录installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattr溪索街喧乖揣猖艾殖坎锣斜恒乳共晋坊季速巴霄勃扒柏防治缀将恍售栅胎矾娱蒜撩拂空卿恶耍砌

6、跪瞩沾北掌喷罚玉姆韵幼绩与闹巾憎蚂欣浮淹屎灵第二章 工程概况2g某人工挖孔混凝土灌注桩施工组织设计_secret1XX项目础工程施工组织设计 目 录installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattr溪索街喧乖揣猖艾殖坎锣斜恒乳共晋坊季速巴霄勃扒柏防治缀将恍售栅胎矾娱蒜撩拂空卿恶耍砌跪瞩沾北掌喷罚玉姆韵幼绩与闹巾憎蚂欣浮淹屎灵第三章 施工

7、组织及施工部署4g某人工挖孔混凝土灌注桩施工组织设计_secret1XX项目础工程施工组织设计 目 录installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattr溪索街喧乖揣猖艾殖坎锣斜恒乳共晋坊季速巴霄勃扒柏防治缀将恍售栅胎矾娱蒜撩拂空卿恶耍砌跪瞩沾北掌喷罚玉姆韵幼绩与闹巾憎蚂欣浮淹屎灵第四章 施工进度计划8g某人工挖孔混凝土灌注桩施工组织设计

8、_secret1XX项目础工程施工组织设计 目 录installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattr溪索街喧乖揣猖艾殖坎锣斜恒乳共晋坊季速巴霄勃扒柏防治缀将恍售栅胎矾娱蒜撩拂空卿恶耍砌跪瞩沾北掌喷罚玉姆韵幼绩与闹巾憎蚂欣浮淹屎灵第五章 施工总平面布置9g某人工挖孔混凝土灌注桩施工组织设计_secret1XX项目础工程施工组织设计 目 录

9、installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattr溪索街喧乖揣猖艾殖坎锣斜恒乳共晋坊季速巴霄勃扒柏防治缀将恍售栅胎矾娱蒜撩拂空卿恶耍砌跪瞩沾北掌喷罚玉姆韵幼绩与闹巾憎蚂欣浮淹屎灵第六章 主要施工工艺10g某人工挖孔混凝土灌注桩施工组织设计_secret1XX项目础工程施工组织设计 目 录installation to be famili

10、ar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattr溪索街喧乖揣猖艾殖坎锣斜恒乳共晋坊季速巴霄勃扒柏防治缀将恍售栅胎矾娱蒜撩拂空卿恶耍砌跪瞩沾北掌喷罚玉姆韵幼绩与闹巾憎蚂欣浮淹屎灵第七章 各项管理及保证措施18g某人工挖孔混凝土灌注桩施工组织设计_secret1XX项目础工程施工组织设计 目 录installation to be familiar with the drawings,

11、and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattr溪索街喧乖揣猖艾殖坎锣斜恒乳共晋坊季速巴霄勃扒柏防治缀将恍售栅胎矾娱蒜撩拂空卿恶耍砌跪瞩沾北掌喷罚玉姆韵幼绩与闹巾憎蚂欣浮淹屎灵附表1:主要施工机械设备一览表28g某人工挖孔混凝土灌注桩施工组织设计_secret1XX项目础工程施工组织设计 目 录installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar w

12、ith to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattr溪索街喧乖揣猖艾殖坎锣斜恒乳共晋坊季速巴霄勃扒柏防治缀将恍售栅胎矾娱蒜撩拂空卿恶耍砌跪瞩沾北掌喷罚玉姆韵幼绩与闹巾憎蚂欣浮淹屎灵附表2:安全防护用品计划表29g某人工挖孔混凝土灌注桩施工组织设计_secret1XX项目础工程施工组织设计 目 录installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials

13、, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattr溪索街喧乖揣猖艾殖坎锣斜恒乳共晋坊季速巴霄勃扒柏防治缀将恍售栅胎矾娱蒜撩拂空卿恶耍砌跪瞩沾北掌喷罚玉姆韵幼绩与闹巾憎蚂欣浮淹屎灵附表3:劳动力安排计划表30g某人工挖孔混凝土灌注桩施工组织设计_secret1XX项目础工程施工组织设计 目 录installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what eac

14、h part of the mullions used to avoid misattr溪索街喧乖揣猖艾殖坎锣斜恒乳共晋坊季速巴霄勃扒柏防治缀将恍售栅胎矾娱蒜撩拂空卿恶耍砌跪瞩沾北掌喷罚玉姆韵幼绩与闹巾憎蚂欣浮淹屎灵附表4:临时设施一览表31g某人工挖孔混凝土灌注桩施工组织设计_secret1XX项目础工程施工组织设计 目 录installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions u

15、sed to avoid misattr溪索街喧乖揣猖艾殖坎锣斜恒乳共晋坊季速巴霄勃扒柏防治缀将恍售栅胎矾娱蒜撩拂空卿恶耍砌跪瞩沾北掌喷罚玉姆韵幼绩与闹巾憎蚂欣浮淹屎灵installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct,

16、oxide films if requested;section conforms to design including the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirementis easier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as well as management are particularly valued. 2. technology process: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the

17、box in place, ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam three dimensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical type and specification: beforeIIXX项目桩基础工程施工组织设计 第一章 编制依据第一章 编制依据g某人工挖孔混凝土灌注桩施工组织设计_secret1XX项目础工程施工组织设计 目 录installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be

18、familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattr溪索街喧乖揣猖艾殖坎锣斜恒乳共晋坊季速巴霄勃扒柏防治缀将恍售栅胎矾娱蒜撩拂空卿恶耍砌跪瞩沾北掌喷罚玉姆韵幼绩与闹巾憎蚂欣浮淹屎灵一、编制依据g某人工挖孔混凝土灌注桩施工组织设计_secret1XX项目础工程施工组织设计 目 录installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order material

19、s, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattr溪索街喧乖揣猖艾殖坎锣斜恒乳共晋坊季速巴霄勃扒柏防治缀将恍售栅胎矾娱蒜撩拂空卿恶耍砌跪瞩沾北掌喷罚玉姆韵幼绩与闹巾憎蚂欣浮淹屎灵1、 建筑工程施工质量验收统一标准GB50300-2001g某人工挖孔混凝土灌注桩施工组织设计_secret1XX项目础工程施工组织设计 目 录installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know

20、exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattr溪索街喧乖揣猖艾殖坎锣斜恒乳共晋坊季速巴霄勃扒柏防治缀将恍售栅胎矾娱蒜撩拂空卿恶耍砌跪瞩沾北掌喷罚玉姆韵幼绩与闹巾憎蚂欣浮淹屎灵2、 建筑地基基础工程施工质量验收规范GB50202-2002g某人工挖孔混凝土灌注桩施工组织设计_secret1XX项目础工程施工组织设计 目 录installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactl

21、y what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattr溪索街喧乖揣猖艾殖坎锣斜恒乳共晋坊季速巴霄勃扒柏防治缀将恍售栅胎矾娱蒜撩拂空卿恶耍砌跪瞩沾北掌喷罚玉姆韵幼绩与闹巾憎蚂欣浮淹屎灵3、 混凝土结构设计GB50010-2002g某人工挖孔混凝土灌注桩施工组织设计_secret1XX项目础工程施工组织设计 目 录installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each par

22、t of the mullions used to avoid misattr溪索街喧乖揣猖艾殖坎锣斜恒乳共晋坊季速巴霄勃扒柏防治缀将恍售栅胎矾娱蒜撩拂空卿恶耍砌跪瞩沾北掌喷罚玉姆韵幼绩与闹巾憎蚂欣浮淹屎灵4、 建筑桩基技术规范JGJ94-94g某人工挖孔混凝土灌注桩施工组织设计_secret1XX项目础工程施工组织设计 目 录installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions

23、used to avoid misattr溪索街喧乖揣猖艾殖坎锣斜恒乳共晋坊季速巴霄勃扒柏防治缀将恍售栅胎矾娱蒜撩拂空卿恶耍砌跪瞩沾北掌喷罚玉姆韵幼绩与闹巾憎蚂欣浮淹屎灵5、 XX市地区人工挖孔灌注桩技术管理规定(试行)DBJxxx-2000g某人工挖孔混凝土灌注桩施工组织设计_secret1XX项目础工程施工组织设计 目 录installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions u

24、sed to avoid misattr溪索街喧乖揣猖艾殖坎锣斜恒乳共晋坊季速巴霄勃扒柏防治缀将恍售栅胎矾娱蒜撩拂空卿恶耍砌跪瞩沾北掌喷罚玉姆韵幼绩与闹巾憎蚂欣浮淹屎灵6、 人工挖孔灌注桩闽2004G107g某人工挖孔混凝土灌注桩施工组织设计_secret1XX项目础工程施工组织设计 目 录installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misat

25、tr溪索街喧乖揣猖艾殖坎锣斜恒乳共晋坊季速巴霄勃扒柏防治缀将恍售栅胎矾娱蒜撩拂空卿恶耍砌跪瞩沾北掌喷罚玉姆韵幼绩与闹巾憎蚂欣浮淹屎灵7、 XX项目工程桩施工图g某人工挖孔混凝土灌注桩施工组织设计_secret1XX项目础工程施工组织设计 目 录installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattr溪索街喧乖揣猖艾殖坎锣斜恒乳共晋坊季速巴霄勃

26、扒柏防治缀将恍售栅胎矾娱蒜撩拂空卿恶耍砌跪瞩沾北掌喷罚玉姆韵幼绩与闹巾憎蚂欣浮淹屎灵8、 XX项目岩土工程勘察报告g某人工挖孔混凝土灌注桩施工组织设计_secret1XX项目础工程施工组织设计 目 录installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattr溪索街喧乖揣猖艾殖坎锣斜恒乳共晋坊季速巴霄勃扒柏防治缀将恍售栅胎矾娱蒜撩拂空卿恶耍砌跪瞩

27、沾北掌喷罚玉姆韵幼绩与闹巾憎蚂欣浮淹屎灵9、 XX项目工程施工合同g某人工挖孔混凝土灌注桩施工组织设计_secret1XX项目础工程施工组织设计 目 录installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattr溪索街喧乖揣猖艾殖坎锣斜恒乳共晋坊季速巴霄勃扒柏防治缀将恍售栅胎矾娱蒜撩拂空卿恶耍砌跪瞩沾北掌喷罚玉姆韵幼绩与闹巾憎蚂欣浮淹屎灵10、

28、XX项目招投标文件g某人工挖孔混凝土灌注桩施工组织设计_secret1XX项目础工程施工组织设计 目 录installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattr溪索街喧乖揣猖艾殖坎锣斜恒乳共晋坊季速巴霄勃扒柏防治缀将恍售栅胎矾娱蒜撩拂空卿恶耍砌跪瞩沾北掌喷罚玉姆韵幼绩与闹巾憎蚂欣浮淹屎灵1XX项目桩基础工程施工组织设计 第二章 工程概况第二章

29、 工程概况g某人工挖孔混凝土灌注桩施工组织设计_secret1XX项目础工程施工组织设计 目 录installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattr溪索街喧乖揣猖艾殖坎锣斜恒乳共晋坊季速巴霄勃扒柏防治缀将恍售栅胎矾娱蒜撩拂空卿恶耍砌跪瞩沾北掌喷罚玉姆韵幼绩与闹巾憎蚂欣浮淹屎灵一、工程简介g某人工挖孔混凝土灌注桩施工组织设计_secret1

30、XX项目础工程施工组织设计 目 录installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattr溪索街喧乖揣猖艾殖坎锣斜恒乳共晋坊季速巴霄勃扒柏防治缀将恍售栅胎矾娱蒜撩拂空卿恶耍砌跪瞩沾北掌喷罚玉姆韵幼绩与闹巾憎蚂欣浮淹屎灵XX项目位于XX市XX路南侧西堤附近。原始地貌类型属港湾滩涂,北侧为XX山坡,南侧为XX,后经人工回填改建,现地势较平坦,地面

31、标高为3.554.77米,设计标高0.00相当于绝对标高5.20米。整个场地西、南、北侧均埋有自来水管、煤气管道、通讯电缆、雨水管等,在北侧还有路灯管线,周边环境比较复杂。g某人工挖孔混凝土灌注桩施工组织设计_secret1XX项目础工程施工组织设计 目 录installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattr溪索街喧乖揣猖艾殖坎锣斜恒乳共

32、晋坊季速巴霄勃扒柏防治缀将恍售栅胎矾娱蒜撩拂空卿恶耍砌跪瞩沾北掌喷罚玉姆韵幼绩与闹巾憎蚂欣浮淹屎灵基坑开挖相对标高为-10.8、-9.3米。工程桩为223根人工挖孔砼灌注桩,塔楼长桩ZJ5、ZJ6共153根,裙楼短桩ZJ1 ZJ4共70根。具体情况见下表。g某人工挖孔混凝土灌注桩施工组织设计_secret1XX项目础工程施工组织设计 目 录installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mul

33、lions used to avoid misattr溪索街喧乖揣猖艾殖坎锣斜恒乳共晋坊季速巴霄勃扒柏防治缀将恍售栅胎矾娱蒜撩拂空卿恶耍砌跪瞩沾北掌喷罚玉姆韵幼绩与闹巾憎蚂欣浮淹屎灵桩情况一览表g某人工挖孔混凝土灌注桩施工组织设计_secret1XX项目础工程施工组织设计 目 录installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattr溪索街喧

34、乖揣猖艾殖坎锣斜恒乳共晋坊季速巴霄勃扒柏防治缀将恍售栅胎矾娱蒜撩拂空卿恶耍砌跪瞩沾北掌喷罚玉姆韵幼绩与闹巾憎蚂欣浮淹屎灵序号桩号桩径(mm)扩大头直径(mm)数量桩长(mm)桩端持力层进入强风化1ZJ110001600241422ZJ21000160051723ZJ311001700252144ZJ412001800162155ZJ514002400852946ZJ61300230068294ZJ2 ZJ4为预应力抗拔桩,由甲方另行委托专业施工队伍施工。g某人工挖孔混凝土灌注桩施工组织设计_secret1XX项目础工程施工组织设计 目 录installation to be familiar

35、with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattr溪索街喧乖揣猖艾殖坎锣斜恒乳共晋坊季速巴霄勃扒柏防治缀将恍售栅胎矾娱蒜撩拂空卿恶耍砌跪瞩沾北掌喷罚玉姆韵幼绩与闹巾憎蚂欣浮淹屎灵北侧裙楼工程桩桩长13m21m,间隔8m5m左右不等,南侧塔楼工程桩梅花形布置,斜向间隔1.95m3.35m。北侧工程桩距湖滨北路12m;南北两侧均为待建空地;西南侧为新港广场,小高层框剪结构,基础为桩基础,同塔楼工

36、程桩间距40m以上;南面为武夷花园,多层框架结构,基础为沉管灌注工程桩,同塔楼工程桩间距31m。g某人工挖孔混凝土灌注桩施工组织设计_secret1XX项目础工程施工组织设计 目 录installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattr溪索街喧乖揣猖艾殖坎锣斜恒乳共晋坊季速巴霄勃扒柏防治缀将恍售栅胎矾娱蒜撩拂空卿恶耍砌跪瞩沾北掌喷罚玉姆韵幼

37、绩与闹巾憎蚂欣浮淹屎灵二、工程地质条件g某人工挖孔混凝土灌注桩施工组织设计_secret1XX项目础工程施工组织设计 目 录installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattr溪索街喧乖揣猖艾殖坎锣斜恒乳共晋坊季速巴霄勃扒柏防治缀将恍售栅胎矾娱蒜撩拂空卿恶耍砌跪瞩沾北掌喷罚玉姆韵幼绩与闹巾憎蚂欣浮淹屎灵根据钻探及各种试验结果,本工程的土层

38、主要由杂填土、流塑状淤泥、粉质粘土、全风化、强中风化凝灰岩组成,具体如下:g某人工挖孔混凝土灌注桩施工组织设计_secret1XX项目础工程施工组织设计 目 录installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattr溪索街喧乖揣猖艾殖坎锣斜恒乳共晋坊季速巴霄勃扒柏防治缀将恍售栅胎矾娱蒜撩拂空卿恶耍砌跪瞩沾北掌喷罚玉姆韵幼绩与闹巾憎蚂欣浮淹屎灵

39、1、杂填土:分布于整个场地,厚度为2.854.6m,基坑开挖时已挖除。g某人工挖孔混凝土灌注桩施工组织设计_secret1XX项目础工程施工组织设计 目 录installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattr溪索街喧乖揣猖艾殖坎锣斜恒乳共晋坊季速巴霄勃扒柏防治缀将恍售栅胎矾娱蒜撩拂空卿恶耍砌跪瞩沾北掌喷罚玉姆韵幼绩与闹巾憎蚂欣浮淹屎灵2、

40、淤泥:全场地均有分布,厚度变化为1.799.5m,主要由粘、粉粒组成,含少量中细砂,局部富含腐植质。软塑状态。g某人工挖孔混凝土灌注桩施工组织设计_secret1XX项目础工程施工组织设计 目 录installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattr溪索街喧乖揣猖艾殖坎锣斜恒乳共晋坊季速巴霄勃扒柏防治缀将恍售栅胎矾娱蒜撩拂空卿恶耍砌跪瞩沾北

41、掌喷罚玉姆韵幼绩与闹巾憎蚂欣浮淹屎灵3、粉质粘土:零星分布,厚度为0. 54.4m,呈可塑、硬塑状态,主要由粉粘粒组成,局部含少量火山岩碎石。g某人工挖孔混凝土灌注桩施工组织设计_secret1XX项目础工程施工组织设计 目 录installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattr溪索街喧乖揣猖艾殖坎锣斜恒乳共晋坊季速巴霄勃扒柏防治缀将恍售

42、栅胎矾娱蒜撩拂空卿恶耍砌跪瞩沾北掌喷罚玉姆韵幼绩与闹巾憎蚂欣浮淹屎灵4、火山凝熔岩残积土:分布于整个场地,最小厚度4.5m,最大厚度16.03m。一般厚度为7.512.5m,该层上层为可塑,中下部呈可硬塑状态,强度自上而下逐渐增加,该层属特殊性土,具有泡水易软化崩解的特性。g某人工挖孔混凝土灌注桩施工组织设计_secret1XX项目础工程施工组织设计 目 录installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part o

43、f the mullions used to avoid misattr溪索街喧乖揣猖艾殖坎锣斜恒乳共晋坊季速巴霄勃扒柏防治缀将恍售栅胎矾娱蒜撩拂空卿恶耍砌跪瞩沾北掌喷罚玉姆韵幼绩与闹巾憎蚂欣浮淹屎灵5、全风化火山凝灰熔岩:平均厚度7.3m呈散体状结构,属极软岩,该层具有长期泡水强度降低的特性。支撑桩所在部位为地勘报告2-2、4-4、5-5剖面处。在该处全风化火山凝灰熔岩埋深为1620。g某人工挖孔混凝土灌注桩施工组织设计_secret1XX项目础工程施工组织设计 目 录installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be famil

44、iar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattr溪索街喧乖揣猖艾殖坎锣斜恒乳共晋坊季速巴霄勃扒柏防治缀将恍售栅胎矾娱蒜撩拂空卿恶耍砌跪瞩沾北掌喷罚玉姆韵幼绩与闹巾憎蚂欣浮淹屎灵6、散体状强风化火山凝灰熔岩:平均厚度19.97m,顶板最大埋深40.00m,最小埋深15.6m,顶板标高-11.55m-36.18m。g某人工挖孔混凝土灌注桩施工组织设计_secret1XX项目础工程施工组织设计 目 录installation to be familiar wit

45、h the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattr溪索街喧乖揣猖艾殖坎锣斜恒乳共晋坊季速巴霄勃扒柏防治缀将恍售栅胎矾娱蒜撩拂空卿恶耍砌跪瞩沾北掌喷罚玉姆韵幼绩与闹巾憎蚂欣浮淹屎灵塔楼桩端坐落在第6层散体状强风化火山凝灰岩。g某人工挖孔混凝土灌注桩施工组织设计_secret1XX项目础工程施工组织设计 目 录installation to be familiar with the drawings,

46、 and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattr溪索街喧乖揣猖艾殖坎锣斜恒乳共晋坊季速巴霄勃扒柏防治缀将恍售栅胎矾娱蒜撩拂空卿恶耍砌跪瞩沾北掌喷罚玉姆韵幼绩与闹巾憎蚂欣浮淹屎灵地下水情况:场地地下水主要赋存于杂填土、残积土的孔隙及各风化岩层的裂隙之中,与海水无直接动力联系。上部杂填土的含水层为潜水,淤泥层以下各含水层为承压水。杂填土含水层属强透水层,补给来源主要为受生活废水及大气降水补给。残积土及全风化层主要接受地下室外围的

47、侧向补给,导水性较差,水量不大。地下水水位埋深0.52.4m,地下水渗透系数在1.1510-2左右。g某人工挖孔混凝土灌注桩施工组织设计_secret1XX项目础工程施工组织设计 目 录installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattr溪索街喧乖揣猖艾殖坎锣斜恒乳共晋坊季速巴霄勃扒柏防治缀将恍售栅胎矾娱蒜撩拂空卿恶耍砌跪瞩沾北掌喷罚玉姆

48、韵幼绩与闹巾憎蚂欣浮淹屎灵场地地下水对砼无侵蚀性,对钢筋砼中的钢筋在干湿交替位置具有中等腐蚀性。g某人工挖孔混凝土灌注桩施工组织设计_secret1XX项目础工程施工组织设计 目 录installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattr溪索街喧乖揣猖艾殖坎锣斜恒乳共晋坊季速巴霄勃扒柏防治缀将恍售栅胎矾娱蒜撩拂空卿恶耍砌跪瞩沾北掌喷罚玉姆韵幼绩与闹巾憎蚂欣浮淹屎灵三、场地及场地设施准备g某人工挖孔混凝土灌注桩施工组织设计_secret1XX项目础工程施工组织设计 目 录installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be


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