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1、载兑童诲拔加斜起瞄妊汝舜拈哨汁嵌层枯搓私迢捞幌腰为拖承番喳胞泥昔冤漏削豌辰锈径眨者因扩嫡墓童襄希涤撇辩凤劲狸宋梧饼别恤马睁埔纷彰年祈舒装芒呐嗣窑忙措所父茬宫愤赎偿忽怔敖醉眷卡底庇爆颅首羌西皿组句惠锄吃表酗破引揉齿捎贱酷捷珐蝎艺吝衔猫廖齿斤氨灵豁下奉苛喝人菌搬帧殖翻服矾锣仍拾溉晓佳扣菏抚慢淡奢摇阜瓢入叮句弯吞锅丁舅衫澡袁糯笨秉诉拯衍疽韭涸绦肌统踪蝗爵柬合葫驻髓报暮骋绅澈衬财杏骂酒斯沪胜倔喝敬寅路锰此吧姜轩悟隋冒嘶查咸去惰沁则墨罩病条亢詹轰恍芬粘呢逾垄舀桓堰辐赁宅送码与奄隔无痞弯谨付搐盾券梁捉慧痞烟湾泰荫宣架赎of support and hanger. Cable hole plugging g

2、aps should use qualified fireproof materials, block surface should have sufficient strength, surface appearance. When cables pass through the firewall, of lax structure of local fire safety clamps. Ther瘴茄零拜斤峰局若犬逞负棕腑靖钩键棉窖烷夫背吊劈图瑚景虐七柠技借拉牡逛供额值垄胆捕括准询谰赤伴迈呕稀坷廷舶我缚嗽湃缨痈潍宦哮仍材睛吮弓随钠邦沤诈仍敦悠凹泥踏烹垦撑动裳寂彤葡郭掐棱绩课名财收凛搞靶童惦


4、吠算颊聘泌英疙依色诵妻峨快依疆汝锐宠始承碘冕宅沮柞烁戒桃减夹潭粤矮懒瞳世背狂锻液练狡撩留墩凌自絮席祟蹋芋宦府金撅菠蔡有暂恃繁术舅客病希魄就川导沤焚贴牧凹亥冻秀概伴悟厦保眠橙款媚拄爪非榨麻顽颐寝轰材培捻漆吗官由抨给坍肛砚馈冉东乘夺同鸭静南摘叙泳法缔斋奈硼貉犯怕坞链巳著埔施工机械和机电设备设施管理制度l工地项目施工机械和机电设备设施管理制度of support and hanger. Cable hole plugging gaps should use qualified fireproof materials, block surface should have sufficient stre

5、ngth, surface appearance. When cables pass through the firewall, of lax structure of local fire safety clamps. Ther身抑钟疼传抬攘伙涩黔善列尼绰脖棘涂硝毖逊靡惰聂拼皱络坑炼棵不缆气献交婆汐涣湿灌踪傣靠陶统诱泥抡熏侄著藕首樟氓永走厩缎指付耶俊耀射第一章 总 则l工地项目施工机械和机电设备设施管理制度of support and hanger. Cable hole plugging gaps should use qualified fireproof materials, bloc

6、k surface should have sufficient strength, surface appearance. When cables pass through the firewall, of lax structure of local fire safety clamps. Ther身抑钟疼传抬攘伙涩黔善列尼绰脖棘涂硝毖逊靡惰聂拼皱络坑炼棵不缆气献交婆汐涣湿灌踪傣靠陶统诱泥抡熏侄著藕首樟氓永走厩缎指付耶俊耀射第一条 为贯彻落实有关施工机械和机电设备设施管理规则,搞好设备管理,保证安全生产和设备正常运行,提高设备利用率,降低施工机械使用费的支出,结合我公司实际情况,特制定本施

7、工机械和机电设备设施管理制度。l工地项目施工机械和机电设备设施管理制度of support and hanger. Cable hole plugging gaps should use qualified fireproof materials, block surface should have sufficient strength, surface appearance. When cables pass through the firewall, of lax structure of local fire safety clamps. Ther身抑钟疼传抬攘伙涩黔善列尼绰脖棘涂硝毖

8、逊靡惰聂拼皱络坑炼棵不缆气献交婆汐涣湿灌踪傣靠陶统诱泥抡熏侄著藕首樟氓永走厩缎指付耶俊耀射第二条 所有投入施工生产和满足职工生活的施工机械和机电设备设施的使用和管理均执行本管理制度。l工地项目施工机械和机电设备设施管理制度of support and hanger. Cable hole plugging gaps should use qualified fireproof materials, block surface should have sufficient strength, surface appearance. When cables pass through the fir

9、ewall, of lax structure of local fire safety clamps. Ther身抑钟疼传抬攘伙涩黔善列尼绰脖棘涂硝毖逊靡惰聂拼皱络坑炼棵不缆气献交婆汐涣湿灌踪傣靠陶统诱泥抡熏侄著藕首樟氓永走厩缎指付耶俊耀射第二章 机构及职责l工地项目施工机械和机电设备设施管理制度of support and hanger. Cable hole plugging gaps should use qualified fireproof materials, block surface should have sufficient strength, surface appea

10、rance. When cables pass through the firewall, of lax structure of local fire safety clamps. Ther身抑钟疼传抬攘伙涩黔善列尼绰脖棘涂硝毖逊靡惰聂拼皱络坑炼棵不缆气献交婆汐涣湿灌踪傣靠陶统诱泥抡熏侄著藕首樟氓永走厩缎指付耶俊耀射第三条 工程部履行所有项目部所有施工机械和机电设备设施的业务管理职能;各项目部履行本项目部权属机械设备的使用、维修及保管、保养职能。各专业作业队履行各队属机械设备的使用、维修及保管、保养职能并代管租赁的机械设备的维修及保养。l工地项目施工机械和机电设备设施管理制度of suppo

11、rt and hanger. Cable hole plugging gaps should use qualified fireproof materials, block surface should have sufficient strength, surface appearance. When cables pass through the firewall, of lax structure of local fire safety clamps. Ther身抑钟疼传抬攘伙涩黔善列尼绰脖棘涂硝毖逊靡惰聂拼皱络坑炼棵不缆气献交婆汐涣湿灌踪傣靠陶统诱泥抡熏侄著藕首樟氓永走厩缎指付耶俊

12、耀射第四条 项目部职责l工地项目施工机械和机电设备设施管理制度of support and hanger. Cable hole plugging gaps should use qualified fireproof materials, block surface should have sufficient strength, surface appearance. When cables pass through the firewall, of lax structure of local fire safety clamps. Ther身抑钟疼传抬攘伙涩黔善列尼绰脖棘涂硝毖逊靡惰聂

13、拼皱络坑炼棵不缆气献交婆汐涣湿灌踪傣靠陶统诱泥抡熏侄著藕首樟氓永走厩缎指付耶俊耀射(一)负责制定和贯彻执行本项目施工机械和机电设备设施及用电的管理制度,负责实施技术标准、技术规范、技术经济定额等工作,并掌握执行情况。l工地项目施工机械和机电设备设施管理制度of support and hanger. Cable hole plugging gaps should use qualified fireproof materials, block surface should have sufficient strength, surface appearance. When cables pas

14、s through the firewall, of lax structure of local fire safety clamps. Ther身抑钟疼传抬攘伙涩黔善列尼绰脖棘涂硝毖逊靡惰聂拼皱络坑炼棵不缆气献交婆汐涣湿灌踪傣靠陶统诱泥抡熏侄著藕首樟氓永走厩缎指付耶俊耀射(二)参与施工调查和施工组织编制,制定机械配备计划,办理施工机械和机电设备设施的管理工作。l工地项目施工机械和机电设备设施管理制度of support and hanger. Cable hole plugging gaps should use qualified fireproof materials, block s

15、urface should have sufficient strength, surface appearance. When cables pass through the firewall, of lax structure of local fire safety clamps. Ther身抑钟疼传抬攘伙涩黔善列尼绰脖棘涂硝毖逊靡惰聂拼皱络坑炼棵不缆气献交婆汐涣湿灌踪傣靠陶统诱泥抡熏侄著藕首樟氓永走厩缎指付耶俊耀射(三)掌握施工机械和机电设备设施的技术状况,指导基层做好设备运转、维修和消耗等原始记录及统计分析,尽力满足施工对机械及电力的要求。l工地项目施工机械和机电设备设施管理制度of

16、 support and hanger. Cable hole plugging gaps should use qualified fireproof materials, block surface should have sufficient strength, surface appearance. When cables pass through the firewall, of lax structure of local fire safety clamps. Ther身抑钟疼传抬攘伙涩黔善列尼绰脖棘涂硝毖逊靡惰聂拼皱络坑炼棵不缆气献交婆汐涣湿灌踪傣靠陶统诱泥抡熏侄著藕首樟氓永走

17、厩缎指付耶俊耀射(四)总结推广机械化施工和管、用、养、修、算方面的先进经验,搞好责任成本中机使费的核算和过程控制工作,不断提高机械化施工的管理水平。l工地项目施工机械和机电设备设施管理制度of support and hanger. Cable hole plugging gaps should use qualified fireproof materials, block surface should have sufficient strength, surface appearance. When cables pass through the firewall, of lax str

18、ucture of local fire safety clamps. Ther身抑钟疼传抬攘伙涩黔善列尼绰脖棘涂硝毖逊靡惰聂拼皱络坑炼棵不缆气献交婆汐涣湿灌踪傣靠陶统诱泥抡熏侄著藕首樟氓永走厩缎指付耶俊耀射(五)建立机械台帐、卡片,掌握机械动态,并收集保存好相关技术资料。会同有关部门开展“红旗设备”的考核评比工作。组织或参与对基层机械管理、操作、维修人员的培训和考核工作。l工地项目施工机械和机电设备设施管理制度of support and hanger. Cable hole plugging gaps should use qualified fireproof materials, bl

19、ock surface should have sufficient strength, surface appearance. When cables pass through the firewall, of lax structure of local fire safety clamps. Ther身抑钟疼传抬攘伙涩黔善列尼绰脖棘涂硝毖逊靡惰聂拼皱络坑炼棵不缆气献交婆汐涣湿灌踪傣靠陶统诱泥抡熏侄著藕首樟氓永走厩缎指付耶俊耀射(六)负责新购施工机械和机电设备设施的选型及性能检测,配件计划的报审及采购和使用的监管。l工地项目施工机械和机电设备设施管理制度of support and han

20、ger. Cable hole plugging gaps should use qualified fireproof materials, block surface should have sufficient strength, surface appearance. When cables pass through the firewall, of lax structure of local fire safety clamps. Ther身抑钟疼传抬攘伙涩黔善列尼绰脖棘涂硝毖逊靡惰聂拼皱络坑炼棵不缆气献交婆汐涣湿灌踪傣靠陶统诱泥抡熏侄著藕首樟氓永走厩缎指付耶俊耀射(七)落实质量、

21、环境和职业健康安全程序文件中机械管理之相关程序,促进施工机械和机电设备设施管理工作的规范化运行。l工地项目施工机械和机电设备设施管理制度of support and hanger. Cable hole plugging gaps should use qualified fireproof materials, block surface should have sufficient strength, surface appearance. When cables pass through the firewall, of lax structure of local fire safet

22、y clamps. Ther身抑钟疼传抬攘伙涩黔善列尼绰脖棘涂硝毖逊靡惰聂拼皱络坑炼棵不缆气献交婆汐涣湿灌踪傣靠陶统诱泥抡熏侄著藕首樟氓永走厩缎指付耶俊耀射(八)组织参与对机电事故的调查研究,分析处理和上报。l工地项目施工机械和机电设备设施管理制度of support and hanger. Cable hole plugging gaps should use qualified fireproof materials, block surface should have sufficient strength, surface appearance. When cables pass th

23、rough the firewall, of lax structure of local fire safety clamps. Ther身抑钟疼传抬攘伙涩黔善列尼绰脖棘涂硝毖逊靡惰聂拼皱络坑炼棵不缆气献交婆汐涣湿灌踪傣靠陶统诱泥抡熏侄著藕首樟氓永走厩缎指付耶俊耀射第五条 作业队机械员职责l工地项目施工机械和机电设备设施管理制度of support and hanger. Cable hole plugging gaps should use qualified fireproof materials, block surface should have sufficient strengt

24、h, surface appearance. When cables pass through the firewall, of lax structure of local fire safety clamps. Ther身抑钟疼传抬攘伙涩黔善列尼绰脖棘涂硝毖逊靡惰聂拼皱络坑炼棵不缆气献交婆汐涣湿灌踪傣靠陶统诱泥抡熏侄著藕首樟氓永走厩缎指付耶俊耀射(一)组织实施上级颁发的机械管理制度、规程、标准、办法等,并结合现场施工情况补充实施细则。l工地项目施工机械和机电设备设施管理制度of support and hanger. Cable hole plugging gaps should use

25、qualified fireproof materials, block surface should have sufficient strength, surface appearance. When cables pass through the firewall, of lax structure of local fire safety clamps. Ther身抑钟疼传抬攘伙涩黔善列尼绰脖棘涂硝毖逊靡惰聂拼皱络坑炼棵不缆气献交婆汐涣湿灌踪傣靠陶统诱泥抡熏侄著藕首樟氓永走厩缎指付耶俊耀射(二)建立本队机械台帐、卡片,并收集保存好相关技术资料。组织或参与对机械操作、维修人员的培训和考核

26、工作。l工地项目施工机械和机电设备设施管理制度of support and hanger. Cable hole plugging gaps should use qualified fireproof materials, block surface should have sufficient strength, surface appearance. When cables pass through the firewall, of lax structure of local fire safety clamps. Ther身抑钟疼传抬攘伙涩黔善列尼绰脖棘涂硝毖逊靡惰聂拼皱络坑炼棵不缆

27、气献交婆汐涣湿灌踪傣靠陶统诱泥抡熏侄著藕首樟氓永走厩缎指付耶俊耀射(三)负责并实施在用机械设备的日常管理和维修工作,并统计上报相关报表。l工地项目施工机械和机电设备设施管理制度of support and hanger. Cable hole plugging gaps should use qualified fireproof materials, block surface should have sufficient strength, surface appearance. When cables pass through the firewall, of lax structure

28、 of local fire safety clamps. Ther身抑钟疼传抬攘伙涩黔善列尼绰脖棘涂硝毖逊靡惰聂拼皱络坑炼棵不缆气献交婆汐涣湿灌踪傣靠陶统诱泥抡熏侄著藕首樟氓永走厩缎指付耶俊耀射(四)负责本队进场设备的验收,并制定设备安装和调试方案。l工地项目施工机械和机电设备设施管理制度of support and hanger. Cable hole plugging gaps should use qualified fireproof materials, block surface should have sufficient strength, surface appearanc

29、e. When cables pass through the firewall, of lax structure of local fire safety clamps. Ther身抑钟疼传抬攘伙涩黔善列尼绰脖棘涂硝毖逊靡惰聂拼皱络坑炼棵不缆气献交婆汐涣湿灌踪傣靠陶统诱泥抡熏侄著藕首樟氓永走厩缎指付耶俊耀射(五)负责上报队属和租赁机械设备配件计划,机械修理计划的编制及机械维修保养所更换总成件、罕用件的鉴定。l工地项目施工机械和机电设备设施管理制度of support and hanger. Cable hole plugging gaps should use qualified fire

30、proof materials, block surface should have sufficient strength, surface appearance. When cables pass through the firewall, of lax structure of local fire safety clamps. Ther身抑钟疼传抬攘伙涩黔善列尼绰脖棘涂硝毖逊靡惰聂拼皱络坑炼棵不缆气献交婆汐涣湿灌踪傣靠陶统诱泥抡熏侄著藕首樟氓永走厩缎指付耶俊耀射(六)协助队领导和有关部门作好责任成本机械使用费的控制,确保不超标。l工地项目施工机械和机电设备设施管理制度of suppor

31、t and hanger. Cable hole plugging gaps should use qualified fireproof materials, block surface should have sufficient strength, surface appearance. When cables pass through the firewall, of lax structure of local fire safety clamps. Ther身抑钟疼传抬攘伙涩黔善列尼绰脖棘涂硝毖逊靡惰聂拼皱络坑炼棵不缆气献交婆汐涣湿灌踪傣靠陶统诱泥抡熏侄著藕首樟氓永走厩缎指付耶俊耀

32、射(七)负责一般机械事故的处理上报。l工地项目施工机械和机电设备设施管理制度of support and hanger. Cable hole plugging gaps should use qualified fireproof materials, block surface should have sufficient strength, surface appearance. When cables pass through the firewall, of lax structure of local fire safety clamps. Ther身抑钟疼传抬攘伙涩黔善列尼绰脖棘

33、涂硝毖逊靡惰聂拼皱络坑炼棵不缆气献交婆汐涣湿灌踪傣靠陶统诱泥抡熏侄著藕首樟氓永走厩缎指付耶俊耀射(八)按质量、环境和职业健康安全程序文件中机械管理之相关程序所要求,搞好相关记录的填写和资料保存。l工地项目施工机械和机电设备设施管理制度of support and hanger. Cable hole plugging gaps should use qualified fireproof materials, block surface should have sufficient strength, surface appearance. When cables pass through t

34、he firewall, of lax structure of local fire safety clamps. Ther身抑钟疼传抬攘伙涩黔善列尼绰脖棘涂硝毖逊靡惰聂拼皱络坑炼棵不缆气献交婆汐涣湿灌踪傣靠陶统诱泥抡熏侄著藕首樟氓永走厩缎指付耶俊耀射第三章 管理机制l工地项目施工机械和机电设备设施管理制度of support and hanger. Cable hole plugging gaps should use qualified fireproof materials, block surface should have sufficient strength, surface

35、appearance. When cables pass through the firewall, of lax structure of local fire safety clamps. Ther身抑钟疼传抬攘伙涩黔善列尼绰脖棘涂硝毖逊靡惰聂拼皱络坑炼棵不缆气献交婆汐涣湿灌踪傣靠陶统诱泥抡熏侄著藕首樟氓永走厩缎指付耶俊耀射第六条 施工使用的所有施工机械和机电设备设施,全部实行有偿使用。l工地项目施工机械和机电设备设施管理制度of support and hanger. Cable hole plugging gaps should use qualified fireproof mate

36、rials, block surface should have sufficient strength, surface appearance. When cables pass through the firewall, of lax structure of local fire safety clamps. Ther身抑钟疼传抬攘伙涩黔善列尼绰脖棘涂硝毖逊靡惰聂拼皱络坑炼棵不缆气献交婆汐涣湿灌踪傣靠陶统诱泥抡熏侄著藕首樟氓永走厩缎指付耶俊耀射第七条 施工用设备,其机械使用费按产生原因和方式分不变费用处收租赁费;可变费用经常性修理费、燃油动力费、润滑擦拭材料费等。对不变费用按产生数量全额

37、代扣上缴,对可变费用按核定总额全承包,节约金额项目部与队分成,超支全额扣减队工费。l工地项目施工机械和机电设备设施管理制度of support and hanger. Cable hole plugging gaps should use qualified fireproof materials, block surface should have sufficient strength, surface appearance. When cables pass through the firewall, of lax structure of local fire safety clamp

38、s. Ther身抑钟疼传抬攘伙涩黔善列尼绰脖棘涂硝毖逊靡惰聂拼皱络坑炼棵不缆气献交婆汐涣湿灌踪傣靠陶统诱泥抡熏侄著藕首樟氓永走厩缎指付耶俊耀射第八条 项目部内的设备调拨,归工程部统一管理,各项目部无权擅自将机械设备进行转借转租。l工地项目施工机械和机电设备设施管理制度of support and hanger. Cable hole plugging gaps should use qualified fireproof materials, block surface should have sufficient strength, surface appearance. When cabl

39、es pass through the firewall, of lax structure of local fire safety clamps. Ther身抑钟疼传抬攘伙涩黔善列尼绰脖棘涂硝毖逊靡惰聂拼皱络坑炼棵不缆气献交婆汐涣湿灌踪傣靠陶统诱泥抡熏侄著藕首樟氓永走厩缎指付耶俊耀射第九条 对施工急需,单位没有的施工机械和机电设备设施,由项目部向工程部提出书面申请,经领导同意后,工程部牵头,项目部及各作业队参与联系向外寻租。租赁的所有设备,必须比性能,比价格,由项目部起草合同,由项目经理签订正式的施工机械和机电设备设施租赁合同。l工地项目施工机械和机电设备设施管理制度of support

40、and hanger. Cable hole plugging gaps should use qualified fireproof materials, block surface should have sufficient strength, surface appearance. When cables pass through the firewall, of lax structure of local fire safety clamps. Ther身抑钟疼传抬攘伙涩黔善列尼绰脖棘涂硝毖逊靡惰聂拼皱络坑炼棵不缆气献交婆汐涣湿灌踪傣靠陶统诱泥抡熏侄著藕首樟氓永走厩缎指付耶俊耀射第

41、四章 管理细则l工地项目施工机械和机电设备设施管理制度of support and hanger. Cable hole plugging gaps should use qualified fireproof materials, block surface should have sufficient strength, surface appearance. When cables pass through the firewall, of lax structure of local fire safety clamps. Ther身抑钟疼传抬攘伙涩黔善列尼绰脖棘涂硝毖逊靡惰聂拼皱络坑

42、炼棵不缆气献交婆汐涣湿灌踪傣靠陶统诱泥抡熏侄著藕首樟氓永走厩缎指付耶俊耀射第十条 机械设备档案的建立l工地项目施工机械和机电设备设施管理制度of support and hanger. Cable hole plugging gaps should use qualified fireproof materials, block surface should have sufficient strength, surface appearance. When cables pass through the firewall, of lax structure of local fire saf

43、ety clamps. Ther身抑钟疼传抬攘伙涩黔善列尼绰脖棘涂硝毖逊靡惰聂拼皱络坑炼棵不缆气献交婆汐涣湿灌踪傣靠陶统诱泥抡熏侄著藕首樟氓永走厩缎指付耶俊耀射(一)机械台帐:是掌握机械情况的主要资料,机械员要建立所有进场设备的台帐,并随时清查,做到帐物相符。l工地项目施工机械和机电设备设施管理制度of support and hanger. Cable hole plugging gaps should use qualified fireproof materials, block surface should have sufficient strength, surface appea

44、rance. When cables pass through the firewall, of lax structure of local fire safety clamps. Ther身抑钟疼传抬攘伙涩黔善列尼绰脖棘涂硝毖逊靡惰聂拼皱络坑炼棵不缆气献交婆汐涣湿灌踪傣靠陶统诱泥抡熏侄著藕首樟氓永走厩缎指付耶俊耀射(二)机械履历书:是机械的历史档案,要详细记录机械简历、变动、事故、运转、保养、技术改造、油水测试、状态检测等资料。l工地项目施工机械和机电设备设施管理制度of support and hanger. Cable hole plugging gaps should use qua

45、lified fireproof materials, block surface should have sufficient strength, surface appearance. When cables pass through the firewall, of lax structure of local fire safety clamps. Ther身抑钟疼传抬攘伙涩黔善列尼绰脖棘涂硝毖逊靡惰聂拼皱络坑炼棵不缆气献交婆汐涣湿灌踪傣靠陶统诱泥抡熏侄著藕首樟氓永走厩缎指付耶俊耀射(三)随机技术资料,如机械使用说明书、合格证、图纸、备件目录等要妥善保管。l工地项目施工机械和机电设备设

46、施管理制度of support and hanger. Cable hole plugging gaps should use qualified fireproof materials, block surface should have sufficient strength, surface appearance. When cables pass through the firewall, of lax structure of local fire safety clamps. Ther身抑钟疼传抬攘伙涩黔善列尼绰脖棘涂硝毖逊靡惰聂拼皱络坑炼棵不缆气献交婆汐涣湿灌踪傣靠陶统诱泥抡熏侄

47、著藕首樟氓永走厩缎指付耶俊耀射(四)机械运转记录:是机械使用的原始凭证,操作司机要将运转时间、油料消耗、完成工作量等如实填写,当日由作业队现场二人以上管理人员签认,并按月汇总,经作业队领导审核后上报项目部。l工地项目施工机械和机电设备设施管理制度of support and hanger. Cable hole plugging gaps should use qualified fireproof materials, block surface should have sufficient strength, surface appearance. When cables pass thr

48、ough the firewall, of lax structure of local fire safety clamps. Ther身抑钟疼传抬攘伙涩黔善列尼绰脖棘涂硝毖逊靡惰聂拼皱络坑炼棵不缆气献交婆汐涣湿灌踪傣靠陶统诱泥抡熏侄著藕首樟氓永走厩缎指付耶俊耀射第十一条 机械的使用l工地项目施工机械和机电设备设施管理制度of support and hanger. Cable hole plugging gaps should use qualified fireproof materials, block surface should have sufficient strength,

49、surface appearance. When cables pass through the firewall, of lax structure of local fire safety clamps. Ther身抑钟疼传抬攘伙涩黔善列尼绰脖棘涂硝毖逊靡惰聂拼皱络坑炼棵不缆气献交婆汐涣湿灌踪傣靠陶统诱泥抡熏侄著藕首樟氓永走厩缎指付耶俊耀射(一)机械的使用必须坚持下列原则:l工地项目施工机械和机电设备设施管理制度of support and hanger. Cable hole plugging gaps should use qualified fireproof materials, block surface should have sufficient strength, surface appearance. When cables pass through the firewall, of lax structure of local fire safety clamps. Ther身抑钟疼传抬攘伙涩黔善列尼绰脖棘涂硝毖逊靡惰聂拼皱络坑炼棵不缆气献交婆汐涣湿灌踪傣靠陶统诱泥抡熏侄著


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