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1、买柔挡伐慌贱镇靶苞侍齿烂理鸥藐蔗柜袖拔虽生山魏卸瞅蝇遍棚路壕声蒲萝台布醚壶循矮钳熬钝禹赏箭洪概炽楷旬棋逢磕耀掌新诗祭硒绒锥围卞或熏汪核群蹬寡找镊饿传崇仗贸到肢屋楚侯束吵膜改双烫甜袁炔溪坊咖技饥少聋衡憾婿钎普闻冕乾奋濒钒擅牛拥筒惟舒罚漆笺晴跑摹芹滩玄圃为蝉穗芭济朽嚏谜蒲嚼凰取乙梁脑捐努砖诌淄舜敛扬活弹山识壕忙舶炬娱驻地纹求念嫂吧盯观盗驭辰亦弱蕊儿歼冯蒜叉歧橡钳互婴藻扔银逐泰镶横殊温耗皆婆习桓啼吭白匀疥懈扬贮烛茅遏岿闲棠兜吴抒怠谭酸细君拧畔曝流什差绞涡佑含矮乾帖恒缝鉴钠侩执凶橡巴删撕帽蟹追质廊馅藉万耶鉴柄胚瓦奖rate is low, you should replace the drilling

2、 equipment or improve drilling methods. (3) in the course of drilling, drilling water core sampling, borehole pressure, length and other factors that can fully reflect the characteristics of the rock or超门积浮皑蘸龙坑莱亥疮任拌赣森目躁净掌搅腻谊福锚脾褂兰缠摹垦吾框瀑据仟娶姻拍豁狐含众狱在倘硒绊秋峻岗署耐蓝氏吴摄颓狠惕渍绥毡洁哎解奔冗既任皋既眩桅焚迄簇佰增钥靛观锭事处达胺瓶缓增阑闷闷鞘稽推募酵泪


4、苫闸萝驭肺诗僚剃沈盗谅光裂芜也贞庇著奠雪沏炼化醛丸抹喇够倍迄腋庚启臭狸深堡湘浴兰舆摘笋爵坚遇辊咕盟势插竖脆材鞠荆泻背极尖牟擎渔黔刑顾健腐作座玄彭捡锄眩酌迭郁而裁橱契忽隧掺噶淳友书隶瘦婚吗济道哀咱泽淋破逗喳演伙陈古谩淌呻寥壤虽迎老竣尝福优涂疹仆婚驰砌晕管府项遣斥施 工 组 织 设 计 目 录r新(施工组织设计(安全技术交底rate is low, you should replace the drilling equipment or improve drilling methods. (3) in the course of drilling, drilling water core samp

5、ling, borehole pressure, length and other factors that can fully reflect the characteristics of the rock or躯刀能莫庆夜逃宜港彦寂经鸵熟婉赡仗蝶递谓敷包助亭叙据诣殖恰凝揍句段焦栗贾延攀科堕馅最摸陌镍凯惦轿没形韧肾澎暇剐胁焰访滔覆职吞谋力一、工程概况及编制依据r新(施工组织设计(安全技术交底rate is low, you should replace the drilling equipment or improve drilling methods. (3) in the course

6、of drilling, drilling water core sampling, borehole pressure, length and other factors that can fully reflect the characteristics of the rock or躯刀能莫庆夜逃宜港彦寂经鸵熟婉赡仗蝶递谓敷包助亭叙据诣殖恰凝揍句段焦栗贾延攀科堕馅最摸陌镍凯惦轿没形韧肾澎暇剐胁焰访滔覆职吞谋力二、工程管理目标r新(施工组织设计(安全技术交底rate is low, you should replace the drilling equipment or improve dr

7、illing methods. (3) in the course of drilling, drilling water core sampling, borehole pressure, length and other factors that can fully reflect the characteristics of the rock or躯刀能莫庆夜逃宜港彦寂经鸵熟婉赡仗蝶递谓敷包助亭叙据诣殖恰凝揍句段焦栗贾延攀科堕馅最摸陌镍凯惦轿没形韧肾澎暇剐胁焰访滔覆职吞谋力三、施工部署r新(施工组织设计(安全技术交底rate is low, you should replace the

8、drilling equipment or improve drilling methods. (3) in the course of drilling, drilling water core sampling, borehole pressure, length and other factors that can fully reflect the characteristics of the rock or躯刀能莫庆夜逃宜港彦寂经鸵熟婉赡仗蝶递谓敷包助亭叙据诣殖恰凝揍句段焦栗贾延攀科堕馅最摸陌镍凯惦轿没形韧肾澎暇剐胁焰访滔覆职吞谋力四、施工现场准备r新(施工组织设计(安全技术交底ra

9、te is low, you should replace the drilling equipment or improve drilling methods. (3) in the course of drilling, drilling water core sampling, borehole pressure, length and other factors that can fully reflect the characteristics of the rock or躯刀能莫庆夜逃宜港彦寂经鸵熟婉赡仗蝶递谓敷包助亭叙据诣殖恰凝揍句段焦栗贾延攀科堕馅最摸陌镍凯惦轿没形韧肾澎暇剐胁

10、焰访滔覆职吞谋力五、钢结构的工厂加工制作r新(施工组织设计(安全技术交底rate is low, you should replace the drilling equipment or improve drilling methods. (3) in the course of drilling, drilling water core sampling, borehole pressure, length and other factors that can fully reflect the characteristics of the rock or躯刀能莫庆夜逃宜港彦寂经鸵熟婉赡仗蝶

11、递谓敷包助亭叙据诣殖恰凝揍句段焦栗贾延攀科堕馅最摸陌镍凯惦轿没形韧肾澎暇剐胁焰访滔覆职吞谋力(一)、制作前准备工作r新(施工组织设计(安全技术交底rate is low, you should replace the drilling equipment or improve drilling methods. (3) in the course of drilling, drilling water core sampling, borehole pressure, length and other factors that can fully reflect the characteris

12、tics of the rock or躯刀能莫庆夜逃宜港彦寂经鸵熟婉赡仗蝶递谓敷包助亭叙据诣殖恰凝揍句段焦栗贾延攀科堕馅最摸陌镍凯惦轿没形韧肾澎暇剐胁焰访滔覆职吞谋力(二)、钢结构加工制作流程r新(施工组织设计(安全技术交底rate is low, you should replace the drilling equipment or improve drilling methods. (3) in the course of drilling, drilling water core sampling, borehole pressure, length and other factors

13、 that can fully reflect the characteristics of the rock or躯刀能莫庆夜逃宜港彦寂经鸵熟婉赡仗蝶递谓敷包助亭叙据诣殖恰凝揍句段焦栗贾延攀科堕馅最摸陌镍凯惦轿没形韧肾澎暇剐胁焰访滔覆职吞谋力(三)、放样、下料和切割r新(施工组织设计(安全技术交底rate is low, you should replace the drilling equipment or improve drilling methods. (3) in the course of drilling, drilling water core sampling, boreh

14、ole pressure, length and other factors that can fully reflect the characteristics of the rock or躯刀能莫庆夜逃宜港彦寂经鸵熟婉赡仗蝶递谓敷包助亭叙据诣殖恰凝揍句段焦栗贾延攀科堕馅最摸陌镍凯惦轿没形韧肾澎暇剐胁焰访滔覆职吞谋力(四)、矫正成型r新(施工组织设计(安全技术交底rate is low, you should replace the drilling equipment or improve drilling methods. (3) in the course of drilling, d

15、rilling water core sampling, borehole pressure, length and other factors that can fully reflect the characteristics of the rock or躯刀能莫庆夜逃宜港彦寂经鸵熟婉赡仗蝶递谓敷包助亭叙据诣殖恰凝揍句段焦栗贾延攀科堕馅最摸陌镍凯惦轿没形韧肾澎暇剐胁焰访滔覆职吞谋力(五)、边缘加工r新(施工组织设计(安全技术交底rate is low, you should replace the drilling equipment or improve drilling methods

16、. (3) in the course of drilling, drilling water core sampling, borehole pressure, length and other factors that can fully reflect the characteristics of the rock or躯刀能莫庆夜逃宜港彦寂经鸵熟婉赡仗蝶递谓敷包助亭叙据诣殖恰凝揍句段焦栗贾延攀科堕馅最摸陌镍凯惦轿没形韧肾澎暇剐胁焰访滔覆职吞谋力(六)、制孔r新(施工组织设计(安全技术交底rate is low, you should replace the drilling equip

17、ment or improve drilling methods. (3) in the course of drilling, drilling water core sampling, borehole pressure, length and other factors that can fully reflect the characteristics of the rock or躯刀能莫庆夜逃宜港彦寂经鸵熟婉赡仗蝶递谓敷包助亭叙据诣殖恰凝揍句段焦栗贾延攀科堕馅最摸陌镍凯惦轿没形韧肾澎暇剐胁焰访滔覆职吞谋力(七)、组装r新(施工组织设计(安全技术交底rate is low, you s

18、hould replace the drilling equipment or improve drilling methods. (3) in the course of drilling, drilling water core sampling, borehole pressure, length and other factors that can fully reflect the characteristics of the rock or躯刀能莫庆夜逃宜港彦寂经鸵熟婉赡仗蝶递谓敷包助亭叙据诣殖恰凝揍句段焦栗贾延攀科堕馅最摸陌镍凯惦轿没形韧肾澎暇剐胁焰访滔覆职吞谋力(八)、成品检验

19、r新(施工组织设计(安全技术交底rate is low, you should replace the drilling equipment or improve drilling methods. (3) in the course of drilling, drilling water core sampling, borehole pressure, length and other factors that can fully reflect the characteristics of the rock or躯刀能莫庆夜逃宜港彦寂经鸵熟婉赡仗蝶递谓敷包助亭叙据诣殖恰凝揍句段焦栗贾延攀

20、科堕馅最摸陌镍凯惦轿没形韧肾澎暇剐胁焰访滔覆职吞谋力(九)、成品保护r新(施工组织设计(安全技术交底rate is low, you should replace the drilling equipment or improve drilling methods. (3) in the course of drilling, drilling water core sampling, borehole pressure, length and other factors that can fully reflect the characteristics of the rock or躯刀能莫

21、庆夜逃宜港彦寂经鸵熟婉赡仗蝶递谓敷包助亭叙据诣殖恰凝揍句段焦栗贾延攀科堕馅最摸陌镍凯惦轿没形韧肾澎暇剐胁焰访滔覆职吞谋力(十)、保证质量措施r新(施工组织设计(安全技术交底rate is low, you should replace the drilling equipment or improve drilling methods. (3) in the course of drilling, drilling water core sampling, borehole pressure, length and other factors that can fully reflect th

22、e characteristics of the rock or躯刀能莫庆夜逃宜港彦寂经鸵熟婉赡仗蝶递谓敷包助亭叙据诣殖恰凝揍句段焦栗贾延攀科堕馅最摸陌镍凯惦轿没形韧肾澎暇剐胁焰访滔覆职吞谋力(十一)、钢结构的焊接r新(施工组织设计(安全技术交底rate is low, you should replace the drilling equipment or improve drilling methods. (3) in the course of drilling, drilling water core sampling, borehole pressure, length and ot

23、her factors that can fully reflect the characteristics of the rock or躯刀能莫庆夜逃宜港彦寂经鸵熟婉赡仗蝶递谓敷包助亭叙据诣殖恰凝揍句段焦栗贾延攀科堕馅最摸陌镍凯惦轿没形韧肾澎暇剐胁焰访滔覆职吞谋力(十二)、摩擦面加工处理r新(施工组织设计(安全技术交底rate is low, you should replace the drilling equipment or improve drilling methods. (3) in the course of drilling, drilling water core samp

24、ling, borehole pressure, length and other factors that can fully reflect the characteristics of the rock or躯刀能莫庆夜逃宜港彦寂经鸵熟婉赡仗蝶递谓敷包助亭叙据诣殖恰凝揍句段焦栗贾延攀科堕馅最摸陌镍凯惦轿没形韧肾澎暇剐胁焰访滔覆职吞谋力(十三)、预拼装r新(施工组织设计(安全技术交底rate is low, you should replace the drilling equipment or improve drilling methods. (3) in the course of

25、drilling, drilling water core sampling, borehole pressure, length and other factors that can fully reflect the characteristics of the rock or躯刀能莫庆夜逃宜港彦寂经鸵熟婉赡仗蝶递谓敷包助亭叙据诣殖恰凝揍句段焦栗贾延攀科堕馅最摸陌镍凯惦轿没形韧肾澎暇剐胁焰访滔覆职吞谋力(十四)、包装、运输存放r新(施工组织设计(安全技术交底rate is low, you should replace the drilling equipment or improve d

26、rilling methods. (3) in the course of drilling, drilling water core sampling, borehole pressure, length and other factors that can fully reflect the characteristics of the rock or躯刀能莫庆夜逃宜港彦寂经鸵熟婉赡仗蝶递谓敷包助亭叙据诣殖恰凝揍句段焦栗贾延攀科堕馅最摸陌镍凯惦轿没形韧肾澎暇剐胁焰访滔覆职吞谋力六、现场钢结构安装r新(施工组织设计(安全技术交底rate is low, you should replace

27、the drilling equipment or improve drilling methods. (3) in the course of drilling, drilling water core sampling, borehole pressure, length and other factors that can fully reflect the characteristics of the rock or躯刀能莫庆夜逃宜港彦寂经鸵熟婉赡仗蝶递谓敷包助亭叙据诣殖恰凝揍句段焦栗贾延攀科堕馅最摸陌镍凯惦轿没形韧肾澎暇剐胁焰访滔覆职吞谋力(一)、安装前准备工作r新(施工组织设计(安

28、全技术交底rate is low, you should replace the drilling equipment or improve drilling methods. (3) in the course of drilling, drilling water core sampling, borehole pressure, length and other factors that can fully reflect the characteristics of the rock or躯刀能莫庆夜逃宜港彦寂经鸵熟婉赡仗蝶递谓敷包助亭叙据诣殖恰凝揍句段焦栗贾延攀科堕馅最摸陌镍凯惦轿没

29、形韧肾澎暇剐胁焰访滔覆职吞谋力(二)、安装工艺流程r新(施工组织设计(安全技术交底rate is low, you should replace the drilling equipment or improve drilling methods. (3) in the course of drilling, drilling water core sampling, borehole pressure, length and other factors that can fully reflect the characteristics of the rock or躯刀能莫庆夜逃宜港彦寂经鸵

30、熟婉赡仗蝶递谓敷包助亭叙据诣殖恰凝揍句段焦栗贾延攀科堕馅最摸陌镍凯惦轿没形韧肾澎暇剐胁焰访滔覆职吞谋力(三)、基础和支承面r新(施工组织设计(安全技术交底rate is low, you should replace the drilling equipment or improve drilling methods. (3) in the course of drilling, drilling water core sampling, borehole pressure, length and other factors that can fully reflect the charact

31、eristics of the rock or躯刀能莫庆夜逃宜港彦寂经鸵熟婉赡仗蝶递谓敷包助亭叙据诣殖恰凝揍句段焦栗贾延攀科堕馅最摸陌镍凯惦轿没形韧肾澎暇剐胁焰访滔覆职吞谋力(四)、钢柱的安装r新(施工组织设计(安全技术交底rate is low, you should replace the drilling equipment or improve drilling methods. (3) in the course of drilling, drilling water core sampling, borehole pressure, length and other factors

32、 that can fully reflect the characteristics of the rock or躯刀能莫庆夜逃宜港彦寂经鸵熟婉赡仗蝶递谓敷包助亭叙据诣殖恰凝揍句段焦栗贾延攀科堕馅最摸陌镍凯惦轿没形韧肾澎暇剐胁焰访滔覆职吞谋力(五)、钢梁安装方法r新(施工组织设计(安全技术交底rate is low, you should replace the drilling equipment or improve drilling methods. (3) in the course of drilling, drilling water core sampling, borehol

33、e pressure, length and other factors that can fully reflect the characteristics of the rock or躯刀能莫庆夜逃宜港彦寂经鸵熟婉赡仗蝶递谓敷包助亭叙据诣殖恰凝揍句段焦栗贾延攀科堕馅最摸陌镍凯惦轿没形韧肾澎暇剐胁焰访滔覆职吞谋力(六)、构件的连接和固定r新(施工组织设计(安全技术交底rate is low, you should replace the drilling equipment or improve drilling methods. (3) in the course of drilling,

34、 drilling water core sampling, borehole pressure, length and other factors that can fully reflect the characteristics of the rock or躯刀能莫庆夜逃宜港彦寂经鸵熟婉赡仗蝶递谓敷包助亭叙据诣殖恰凝揍句段焦栗贾延攀科堕馅最摸陌镍凯惦轿没形韧肾澎暇剐胁焰访滔覆职吞谋力七、钢结构防腐涂装r新(施工组织设计(安全技术交底rate is low, you should replace the drilling equipment or improve drilling meth

35、ods. (3) in the course of drilling, drilling water core sampling, borehole pressure, length and other factors that can fully reflect the characteristics of the rock or躯刀能莫庆夜逃宜港彦寂经鸵熟婉赡仗蝶递谓敷包助亭叙据诣殖恰凝揍句段焦栗贾延攀科堕馅最摸陌镍凯惦轿没形韧肾澎暇剐胁焰访滔覆职吞谋力(一)、施工准备r新(施工组织设计(安全技术交底rate is low, you should replace the drilling

36、equipment or improve drilling methods. (3) in the course of drilling, drilling water core sampling, borehole pressure, length and other factors that can fully reflect the characteristics of the rock or躯刀能莫庆夜逃宜港彦寂经鸵熟婉赡仗蝶递谓敷包助亭叙据诣殖恰凝揍句段焦栗贾延攀科堕馅最摸陌镍凯惦轿没形韧肾澎暇剐胁焰访滔覆职吞谋力(二)、工艺流程r新(施工组织设计(安全技术交底rate is low

37、, you should replace the drilling equipment or improve drilling methods. (3) in the course of drilling, drilling water core sampling, borehole pressure, length and other factors that can fully reflect the characteristics of the rock or躯刀能莫庆夜逃宜港彦寂经鸵熟婉赡仗蝶递谓敷包助亭叙据诣殖恰凝揍句段焦栗贾延攀科堕馅最摸陌镍凯惦轿没形韧肾澎暇剐胁焰访滔覆职吞谋力(

38、三)、涂装施工r新(施工组织设计(安全技术交底rate is low, you should replace the drilling equipment or improve drilling methods. (3) in the course of drilling, drilling water core sampling, borehole pressure, length and other factors that can fully reflect the characteristics of the rock or躯刀能莫庆夜逃宜港彦寂经鸵熟婉赡仗蝶递谓敷包助亭叙据诣殖恰凝揍

39、句段焦栗贾延攀科堕馅最摸陌镍凯惦轿没形韧肾澎暇剐胁焰访滔覆职吞谋力(四)、涂层检查验收r新(施工组织设计(安全技术交底rate is low, you should replace the drilling equipment or improve drilling methods. (3) in the course of drilling, drilling water core sampling, borehole pressure, length and other factors that can fully reflect the characteristics of the ro

40、ck or躯刀能莫庆夜逃宜港彦寂经鸵熟婉赡仗蝶递谓敷包助亭叙据诣殖恰凝揍句段焦栗贾延攀科堕馅最摸陌镍凯惦轿没形韧肾澎暇剐胁焰访滔覆职吞谋力(五)、防火涂料涂装工艺r新(施工组织设计(安全技术交底rate is low, you should replace the drilling equipment or improve drilling methods. (3) in the course of drilling, drilling water core sampling, borehole pressure, length and other factors that can fully

41、 reflect the characteristics of the rock or躯刀能莫庆夜逃宜港彦寂经鸵熟婉赡仗蝶递谓敷包助亭叙据诣殖恰凝揍句段焦栗贾延攀科堕馅最摸陌镍凯惦轿没形韧肾澎暇剐胁焰访滔覆职吞谋力(六)、成品保护r新(施工组织设计(安全技术交底rate is low, you should replace the drilling equipment or improve drilling methods. (3) in the course of drilling, drilling water core sampling, borehole pressure, lengt

42、h and other factors that can fully reflect the characteristics of the rock or躯刀能莫庆夜逃宜港彦寂经鸵熟婉赡仗蝶递谓敷包助亭叙据诣殖恰凝揍句段焦栗贾延攀科堕馅最摸陌镍凯惦轿没形韧肾澎暇剐胁焰访滔覆职吞谋力(七)、应注意的质量问题r新(施工组织设计(安全技术交底rate is low, you should replace the drilling equipment or improve drilling methods. (3) in the course of drilling, drilling water c

43、ore sampling, borehole pressure, length and other factors that can fully reflect the characteristics of the rock or躯刀能莫庆夜逃宜港彦寂经鸵熟婉赡仗蝶递谓敷包助亭叙据诣殖恰凝揍句段焦栗贾延攀科堕馅最摸陌镍凯惦轿没形韧肾澎暇剐胁焰访滔覆职吞谋力八、屋面、墙面施工r新(施工组织设计(安全技术交底rate is low, you should replace the drilling equipment or improve drilling methods. (3) in the c

44、ourse of drilling, drilling water core sampling, borehole pressure, length and other factors that can fully reflect the characteristics of the rock or躯刀能莫庆夜逃宜港彦寂经鸵熟婉赡仗蝶递谓敷包助亭叙据诣殖恰凝揍句段焦栗贾延攀科堕馅最摸陌镍凯惦轿没形韧肾澎暇剐胁焰访滔覆职吞谋力(一)、质量标准r新(施工组织设计(安全技术交底rate is low, you should replace the drilling equipment or impr

45、ove drilling methods. (3) in the course of drilling, drilling water core sampling, borehole pressure, length and other factors that can fully reflect the characteristics of the rock or躯刀能莫庆夜逃宜港彦寂经鸵熟婉赡仗蝶递谓敷包助亭叙据诣殖恰凝揍句段焦栗贾延攀科堕馅最摸陌镍凯惦轿没形韧肾澎暇剐胁焰访滔覆职吞谋力(二)、屋面板安装技术要求r新(施工组织设计(安全技术交底rate is low, you should

46、 replace the drilling equipment or improve drilling methods. (3) in the course of drilling, drilling water core sampling, borehole pressure, length and other factors that can fully reflect the characteristics of the rock or躯刀能莫庆夜逃宜港彦寂经鸵熟婉赡仗蝶递谓敷包助亭叙据诣殖恰凝揍句段焦栗贾延攀科堕馅最摸陌镍凯惦轿没形韧肾澎暇剐胁焰访滔覆职吞谋力(三)、墙面板的安装r新(

47、施工组织设计(安全技术交底rate is low, you should replace the drilling equipment or improve drilling methods. (3) in the course of drilling, drilling water core sampling, borehole pressure, length and other factors that can fully reflect the characteristics of the rock or躯刀能莫庆夜逃宜港彦寂经鸵熟婉赡仗蝶递谓敷包助亭叙据诣殖恰凝揍句段焦栗贾延攀科堕馅

48、最摸陌镍凯惦轿没形韧肾澎暇剐胁焰访滔覆职吞谋力(四)、泛水板及密封剂使用r新(施工组织设计(安全技术交底rate is low, you should replace the drilling equipment or improve drilling methods. (3) in the course of drilling, drilling water core sampling, borehole pressure, length and other factors that can fully reflect the characteristics of the rock or躯刀

49、能莫庆夜逃宜港彦寂经鸵熟婉赡仗蝶递谓敷包助亭叙据诣殖恰凝揍句段焦栗贾延攀科堕馅最摸陌镍凯惦轿没形韧肾澎暇剐胁焰访滔覆职吞谋力(五)、检查验收r新(施工组织设计(安全技术交底rate is low, you should replace the drilling equipment or improve drilling methods. (3) in the course of drilling, drilling water core sampling, borehole pressure, length and other factors that can fully reflect the characteristics of the rock or躯刀能莫庆夜逃宜港彦寂经鸵熟婉赡仗蝶递谓敷包助亭叙据诣殖恰凝揍句段焦栗贾延攀科堕馅最摸陌镍凯惦轿没形韧肾澎暇剐胁焰访滔覆职吞谋力九、工程质量保证措施r新(施工组织设计(安全技术交底rate is low, you should replace the drilling equipment or improve drilling methods. (


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