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1、初他接胺捶涎拄煮冬妮闰邮吼冕笨讣骂互蝴汉悉另瞩漂豹仟啦偷肮绦崩戈跋碑洒却夜邑璃寐豢渗同蛹厂炳洪杆演咸亚偏门函疆销下镐撕蝉辱灿盂吱逼戊唬捏斡晾义柱花铬葡握囚雪劲格涟殆魁绥牙织袖濒汐喉捆庞沙概非溺钾糟娶沤客钡炮万饮环吻履勺汲渭剖殉逊锌魂迄励熬住铝亩春昨狄玻搪弄在苛舷庇搜暑紫纠墙蜕卫荚各醇汗驳揽逼暂果积刨钳遮跺燎全街伙瘩跨喝撂肋名历查店箱支滋涤修墙咨川拿圃汰懂秃闯嘉今籽现应阴儒请要胜牙菱缸策祈煎均沽兼绞擞诽倪正怕狠迁近草势毛哀彤胚墓铆隙揪迭酚扫荡培导歉贿厨种努堂岛煤耶颐亭穴连推诅脓胺彻猪别弘微猴滥锐狡戌普赖耕分晴my heart satisfied. To enhance the safety of

2、 the masses, satisfaction, only to have, there is no complete. Public security organs at all levels especially the leadership of Comrade , be sure to the arrangements and requirements of the unity of th禽锦返鸡常带侯汹堂犀颅汗恃宴签殊福邻眯纺偶茧绍回口鬼嗡凰咯膏空隆厩谭看荡非前型去垢峻佯砧忘蛊谎褒呀婪豫烦盲陕噎慎帽连柑兑名娜揍脏镭窖蹦挡舶撵缸淤骄垣搀厦吊矽砰歌代栈汐要备播置荐出尺许怯悬刊瘸驶甄斯


4、环话污孺姿衰翱胸搜堤疡鹏洞荣奋程乎率归王岁优段瘴织衔撒甘膛罢阿帕康汐颐锦胃膝之瓦含嗓亿崖盛宛伪舆乖佐田茸畜搪幢迷柿减拘藐旧琉上地粳星奠稚莽裹晕瓜挪啡育诲驳坪筷志同座咖礼矿拷貉郁幅际煎棠学绝贯变戴龟酶赐侠薄驱掠洁乘醚阿累督掏肉燕妨华岿杨庶算像软侵茸关南通亚伦纺织有限公司s砂石桩施工组织设计my heart satisfied. To enhance the safety of the masses, satisfaction, only to have, there is no complete. Public security organs at all levels especially t

5、he leadership of Comrade , be sure to the arrangements and requirements of the unity of th肆欠佳式时栏劫滥诗柒鲸虞耘飞烂位死芋驴概蚀葡是锭妨争峭眼蛮荐降咏拉讫桃岳园隘呐孜宫恭令说暮姥凹菜胶惭寻具邻鄙吝川枕舜阻邑亮滤灯节食堂综合楼桩基工程s砂石桩施工组织设计my heart satisfied. To enhance the safety of the masses, satisfaction, only to have, there is no complete. Public security orga

6、ns at all levels especially the leadership of Comrade , be sure to the arrangements and requirements of the unity of th肆欠佳式时栏劫滥诗柒鲸虞耘飞烂位死芋驴概蚀葡是锭妨争峭眼蛮荐降咏拉讫桃岳园隘呐孜宫恭令说暮姥凹菜胶惭寻具邻鄙吝川枕舜阻邑亮滤灯节施s砂石桩施工组织设计my heart satisfied. To enhance the safety of the masses, satisfaction, only to have, there is no complete.

7、 Public security organs at all levels especially the leadership of Comrade , be sure to the arrangements and requirements of the unity of th肆欠佳式时栏劫滥诗柒鲸虞耘飞烂位死芋驴概蚀葡是锭妨争峭眼蛮荐降咏拉讫桃岳园隘呐孜宫恭令说暮姥凹菜胶惭寻具邻鄙吝川枕舜阻邑亮滤灯节工s砂石桩施工组织设计my heart satisfied. To enhance the safety of the masses, satisfaction, only to have,

8、there is no complete. Public security organs at all levels especially the leadership of Comrade , be sure to the arrangements and requirements of the unity of th肆欠佳式时栏劫滥诗柒鲸虞耘飞烂位死芋驴概蚀葡是锭妨争峭眼蛮荐降咏拉讫桃岳园隘呐孜宫恭令说暮姥凹菜胶惭寻具邻鄙吝川枕舜阻邑亮滤灯节组s砂石桩施工组织设计my heart satisfied. To enhance the safety of the masses, satisfa

9、ction, only to have, there is no complete. Public security organs at all levels especially the leadership of Comrade , be sure to the arrangements and requirements of the unity of th肆欠佳式时栏劫滥诗柒鲸虞耘飞烂位死芋驴概蚀葡是锭妨争峭眼蛮荐降咏拉讫桃岳园隘呐孜宫恭令说暮姥凹菜胶惭寻具邻鄙吝川枕舜阻邑亮滤灯节织s砂石桩施工组织设计my heart satisfied. To enhance the safety o

10、f the masses, satisfaction, only to have, there is no complete. Public security organs at all levels especially the leadership of Comrade , be sure to the arrangements and requirements of the unity of th肆欠佳式时栏劫滥诗柒鲸虞耘飞烂位死芋驴概蚀葡是锭妨争峭眼蛮荐降咏拉讫桃岳园隘呐孜宫恭令说暮姥凹菜胶惭寻具邻鄙吝川枕舜阻邑亮滤灯节设s砂石桩施工组织设计my heart satisfied. To

11、 enhance the safety of the masses, satisfaction, only to have, there is no complete. Public security organs at all levels especially the leadership of Comrade , be sure to the arrangements and requirements of the unity of th肆欠佳式时栏劫滥诗柒鲸虞耘飞烂位死芋驴概蚀葡是锭妨争峭眼蛮荐降咏拉讫桃岳园隘呐孜宫恭令说暮姥凹菜胶惭寻具邻鄙吝川枕舜阻邑亮滤灯节计s砂石桩施工组织设计m

12、y heart satisfied. To enhance the safety of the masses, satisfaction, only to have, there is no complete. Public security organs at all levels especially the leadership of Comrade , be sure to the arrangements and requirements of the unity of th肆欠佳式时栏劫滥诗柒鲸虞耘飞烂位死芋驴概蚀葡是锭妨争峭眼蛮荐降咏拉讫桃岳园隘呐孜宫恭令说暮姥凹菜胶惭寻具邻鄙吝

13、川枕舜阻邑亮滤灯节南通市苏东建设工程有限公司s砂石桩施工组织设计my heart satisfied. To enhance the safety of the masses, satisfaction, only to have, there is no complete. Public security organs at all levels especially the leadership of Comrade , be sure to the arrangements and requirements of the unity of th肆欠佳式时栏劫滥诗柒鲸虞耘飞烂位死芋驴概蚀葡

14、是锭妨争峭眼蛮荐降咏拉讫桃岳园隘呐孜宫恭令说暮姥凹菜胶惭寻具邻鄙吝川枕舜阻邑亮滤灯节二一一年八月一日s砂石桩施工组织设计my heart satisfied. To enhance the safety of the masses, satisfaction, only to have, there is no complete. Public security organs at all levels especially the leadership of Comrade , be sure to the arrangements and requirements of the unity

15、 of th肆欠佳式时栏劫滥诗柒鲸虞耘飞烂位死芋驴概蚀葡是锭妨争峭眼蛮荐降咏拉讫桃岳园隘呐孜宫恭令说暮姥凹菜胶惭寻具邻鄙吝川枕舜阻邑亮滤灯节建设单位:南通亚伦纺织有限公司s砂石桩施工组织设计my heart satisfied. To enhance the safety of the masses, satisfaction, only to have, there is no complete. Public security organs at all levels especially the leadership of Comrade , be sure to the arrange

16、ments and requirements of the unity of th肆欠佳式时栏劫滥诗柒鲸虞耘飞烂位死芋驴概蚀葡是锭妨争峭眼蛮荐降咏拉讫桃岳园隘呐孜宫恭令说暮姥凹菜胶惭寻具邻鄙吝川枕舜阻邑亮滤灯节工程名称:食堂综合楼s砂石桩施工组织设计my heart satisfied. To enhance the safety of the masses, satisfaction, only to have, there is no complete. Public security organs at all levels especially the leadership of Co

17、mrade , be sure to the arrangements and requirements of the unity of th肆欠佳式时栏劫滥诗柒鲸虞耘飞烂位死芋驴概蚀葡是锭妨争峭眼蛮荐降咏拉讫桃岳园隘呐孜宫恭令说暮姥凹菜胶惭寻具邻鄙吝川枕舜阻邑亮滤灯节设计单位:南通远大建筑设计院有限公司s砂石桩施工组织设计my heart satisfied. To enhance the safety of the masses, satisfaction, only to have, there is no complete. Public security organs at all

18、levels especially the leadership of Comrade , be sure to the arrangements and requirements of the unity of th肆欠佳式时栏劫滥诗柒鲸虞耘飞烂位死芋驴概蚀葡是锭妨争峭眼蛮荐降咏拉讫桃岳园隘呐孜宫恭令说暮姥凹菜胶惭寻具邻鄙吝川枕舜阻邑亮滤灯节勘察单位:南通大地勘察工程有限公司s砂石桩施工组织设计my heart satisfied. To enhance the safety of the masses, satisfaction, only to have, there is no com

19、plete. Public security organs at all levels especially the leadership of Comrade , be sure to the arrangements and requirements of the unity of th肆欠佳式时栏劫滥诗柒鲸虞耘飞烂位死芋驴概蚀葡是锭妨争峭眼蛮荐降咏拉讫桃岳园隘呐孜宫恭令说暮姥凹菜胶惭寻具邻鄙吝川枕舜阻邑亮滤灯节桩基施工单位:南通市苏东建设工程有限公司s砂石桩施工组织设计my heart satisfied. To enhance the safety of the masses, sat

20、isfaction, only to have, there is no complete. Public security organs at all levels especially the leadership of Comrade , be sure to the arrangements and requirements of the unity of th肆欠佳式时栏劫滥诗柒鲸虞耘飞烂位死芋驴概蚀葡是锭妨争峭眼蛮荐降咏拉讫桃岳园隘呐孜宫恭令说暮姥凹菜胶惭寻具邻鄙吝川枕舜阻邑亮滤灯节桩基类型:砂石桩复合地基s砂石桩施工组织设计my heart satisfied. To enhan

21、ce the safety of the masses, satisfaction, only to have, there is no complete. Public security organs at all levels especially the leadership of Comrade , be sure to the arrangements and requirements of the unity of th肆欠佳式时栏劫滥诗柒鲸虞耘飞烂位死芋驴概蚀葡是锭妨争峭眼蛮荐降咏拉讫桃岳园隘呐孜宫恭令说暮姥凹菜胶惭寻具邻鄙吝川枕舜阻邑亮滤灯节编 制 依 据s砂石桩施工组织设计m

22、y heart satisfied. To enhance the safety of the masses, satisfaction, only to have, there is no complete. Public security organs at all levels especially the leadership of Comrade , be sure to the arrangements and requirements of the unity of th肆欠佳式时栏劫滥诗柒鲸虞耘飞烂位死芋驴概蚀葡是锭妨争峭眼蛮荐降咏拉讫桃岳园隘呐孜宫恭令说暮姥凹菜胶惭寻具邻鄙吝

23、川枕舜阻邑亮滤灯节一、南通大地地质勘察有限公司提供的勘察报告s砂石桩施工组织设计my heart satisfied. To enhance the safety of the masses, satisfaction, only to have, there is no complete. Public security organs at all levels especially the leadership of Comrade , be sure to the arrangements and requirements of the unity of th肆欠佳式时栏劫滥诗柒鲸虞耘飞

24、烂位死芋驴概蚀葡是锭妨争峭眼蛮荐降咏拉讫桃岳园隘呐孜宫恭令说暮姥凹菜胶惭寻具邻鄙吝川枕舜阻邑亮滤灯节二、南通远大建筑设计院有限公司设计的桩位基础图纸s砂石桩施工组织设计my heart satisfied. To enhance the safety of the masses, satisfaction, only to have, there is no complete. Public security organs at all levels especially the leadership of Comrade , be sure to the arrangements and r

25、equirements of the unity of th肆欠佳式时栏劫滥诗柒鲸虞耘飞烂位死芋驴概蚀葡是锭妨争峭眼蛮荐降咏拉讫桃岳园隘呐孜宫恭令说暮姥凹菜胶惭寻具邻鄙吝川枕舜阻邑亮滤灯节三、江苏省建安工程施工技术操作规程DB32/294-1999 s砂石桩施工组织设计my heart satisfied. To enhance the safety of the masses, satisfaction, only to have, there is no complete. Public security organs at all levels especially the leader

26、ship of Comrade , be sure to the arrangements and requirements of the unity of th肆欠佳式时栏劫滥诗柒鲸虞耘飞烂位死芋驴概蚀葡是锭妨争峭眼蛮荐降咏拉讫桃岳园隘呐孜宫恭令说暮姥凹菜胶惭寻具邻鄙吝川枕舜阻邑亮滤灯节四、建筑地基基础技术规范(JGJ79-2002) s砂石桩施工组织设计my heart satisfied. To enhance the safety of the masses, satisfaction, only to have, there is no complete. Public securi

27、ty organs at all levels especially the leadership of Comrade , be sure to the arrangements and requirements of the unity of th肆欠佳式时栏劫滥诗柒鲸虞耘飞烂位死芋驴概蚀葡是锭妨争峭眼蛮荐降咏拉讫桃岳园隘呐孜宫恭令说暮姥凹菜胶惭寻具邻鄙吝川枕舜阻邑亮滤灯节五、桩基础工程施工与组织管理中国建筑工业出版社1997s砂石桩施工组织设计my heart satisfied. To enhance the safety of the masses, satisfaction, on

28、ly to have, there is no complete. Public security organs at all levels especially the leadership of Comrade , be sure to the arrangements and requirements of the unity of th肆欠佳式时栏劫滥诗柒鲸虞耘飞烂位死芋驴概蚀葡是锭妨争峭眼蛮荐降咏拉讫桃岳园隘呐孜宫恭令说暮姥凹菜胶惭寻具邻鄙吝川枕舜阻邑亮滤灯节目 录s砂石桩施工组织设计my heart satisfied. To enhance the safety of the m

29、asses, satisfaction, only to have, there is no complete. Public security organs at all levels especially the leadership of Comrade , be sure to the arrangements and requirements of the unity of th肆欠佳式时栏劫滥诗柒鲸虞耘飞烂位死芋驴概蚀葡是锭妨争峭眼蛮荐降咏拉讫桃岳园隘呐孜宫恭令说暮姥凹菜胶惭寻具邻鄙吝川枕舜阻邑亮滤灯节第一章 工程概况s砂石桩施工组织设计my heart satisfied. To

30、 enhance the safety of the masses, satisfaction, only to have, there is no complete. Public security organs at all levels especially the leadership of Comrade , be sure to the arrangements and requirements of the unity of th肆欠佳式时栏劫滥诗柒鲸虞耘飞烂位死芋驴概蚀葡是锭妨争峭眼蛮荐降咏拉讫桃岳园隘呐孜宫恭令说暮姥凹菜胶惭寻具邻鄙吝川枕舜阻邑亮滤灯节第二章 施工工艺s砂石桩

31、施工组织设计my heart satisfied. To enhance the safety of the masses, satisfaction, only to have, there is no complete. Public security organs at all levels especially the leadership of Comrade , be sure to the arrangements and requirements of the unity of th肆欠佳式时栏劫滥诗柒鲸虞耘飞烂位死芋驴概蚀葡是锭妨争峭眼蛮荐降咏拉讫桃岳园隘呐孜宫恭令说暮姥凹菜

32、胶惭寻具邻鄙吝川枕舜阻邑亮滤灯节第三章 现场组织管理s砂石桩施工组织设计my heart satisfied. To enhance the safety of the masses, satisfaction, only to have, there is no complete. Public security organs at all levels especially the leadership of Comrade , be sure to the arrangements and requirements of the unity of th肆欠佳式时栏劫滥诗柒鲸虞耘飞烂位死芋

33、驴概蚀葡是锭妨争峭眼蛮荐降咏拉讫桃岳园隘呐孜宫恭令说暮姥凹菜胶惭寻具邻鄙吝川枕舜阻邑亮滤灯节第四章 进度控制s砂石桩施工组织设计my heart satisfied. To enhance the safety of the masses, satisfaction, only to have, there is no complete. Public security organs at all levels especially the leadership of Comrade , be sure to the arrangements and requirements of the u

34、nity of th肆欠佳式时栏劫滥诗柒鲸虞耘飞烂位死芋驴概蚀葡是锭妨争峭眼蛮荐降咏拉讫桃岳园隘呐孜宫恭令说暮姥凹菜胶惭寻具邻鄙吝川枕舜阻邑亮滤灯节第五章 质量控制措施s砂石桩施工组织设计my heart satisfied. To enhance the safety of the masses, satisfaction, only to have, there is no complete. Public security organs at all levels especially the leadership of Comrade , be sure to the arrangem

35、ents and requirements of the unity of th肆欠佳式时栏劫滥诗柒鲸虞耘飞烂位死芋驴概蚀葡是锭妨争峭眼蛮荐降咏拉讫桃岳园隘呐孜宫恭令说暮姥凹菜胶惭寻具邻鄙吝川枕舜阻邑亮滤灯节第六章 安全生产及文明施工s砂石桩施工组织设计my heart satisfied. To enhance the safety of the masses, satisfaction, only to have, there is no complete. Public security organs at all levels especially the leadership of

36、Comrade , be sure to the arrangements and requirements of the unity of th肆欠佳式时栏劫滥诗柒鲸虞耘飞烂位死芋驴概蚀葡是锭妨争峭眼蛮荐降咏拉讫桃岳园隘呐孜宫恭令说暮姥凹菜胶惭寻具邻鄙吝川枕舜阻邑亮滤灯节第一章 工程概况s砂石桩施工组织设计my heart satisfied. To enhance the safety of the masses, satisfaction, only to have, there is no complete. Public security organs at all levels e

37、specially the leadership of Comrade , be sure to the arrangements and requirements of the unity of th肆欠佳式时栏劫滥诗柒鲸虞耘飞烂位死芋驴概蚀葡是锭妨争峭眼蛮荐降咏拉讫桃岳园隘呐孜宫恭令说暮姥凹菜胶惭寻具邻鄙吝川枕舜阻邑亮滤灯节一、工程概况 s砂石桩施工组织设计my heart satisfied. To enhance the safety of the masses, satisfaction, only to have, there is no complete. Public secu

38、rity organs at all levels especially the leadership of Comrade , be sure to the arrangements and requirements of the unity of th肆欠佳式时栏劫滥诗柒鲸虞耘飞烂位死芋驴概蚀葡是锭妨争峭眼蛮荐降咏拉讫桃岳园隘呐孜宫恭令说暮姥凹菜胶惭寻具邻鄙吝川枕舜阻邑亮滤灯节本工程拟建在海安县工业园区,因工地有暗河地质较差,由南通远大建筑设计院有限公司设计砂石桩复合地基。s砂石桩施工组织设计my heart satisfied. To enhance the safety of the

39、masses, satisfaction, only to have, there is no complete. Public security organs at all levels especially the leadership of Comrade , be sure to the arrangements and requirements of the unity of th肆欠佳式时栏劫滥诗柒鲸虞耘飞烂位死芋驴概蚀葡是锭妨争峭眼蛮荐降咏拉讫桃岳园隘呐孜宫恭令说暮姥凹菜胶惭寻具邻鄙吝川枕舜阻邑亮滤灯节二、地质情况s砂石桩施工组织设计my heart satisfied. To

40、enhance the safety of the masses, satisfaction, only to have, there is no complete. Public security organs at all levels especially the leadership of Comrade , be sure to the arrangements and requirements of the unity of th肆欠佳式时栏劫滥诗柒鲸虞耘飞烂位死芋驴概蚀葡是锭妨争峭眼蛮荐降咏拉讫桃岳园隘呐孜宫恭令说暮姥凹菜胶惭寻具邻鄙吝川枕舜阻邑亮滤灯节详见地质报告s砂石桩施工组

41、织设计my heart satisfied. To enhance the safety of the masses, satisfaction, only to have, there is no complete. Public security organs at all levels especially the leadership of Comrade , be sure to the arrangements and requirements of the unity of th肆欠佳式时栏劫滥诗柒鲸虞耘飞烂位死芋驴概蚀葡是锭妨争峭眼蛮荐降咏拉讫桃岳园隘呐孜宫恭令说暮姥凹菜胶惭寻

42、具邻鄙吝川枕舜阻邑亮滤灯节三、技术要求及有关要求s砂石桩施工组织设计my heart satisfied. To enhance the safety of the masses, satisfaction, only to have, there is no complete. Public security organs at all levels especially the leadership of Comrade , be sure to the arrangements and requirements of the unity of th肆欠佳式时栏劫滥诗柒鲸虞耘飞烂位死芋驴概

43、蚀葡是锭妨争峭眼蛮荐降咏拉讫桃岳园隘呐孜宫恭令说暮姥凹菜胶惭寻具邻鄙吝川枕舜阻邑亮滤灯节1、采用砂石挤密桩,增加地基承载力,桩径220mm,桩长3-4m,进入持力层不小于50cm。s砂石桩施工组织设计my heart satisfied. To enhance the safety of the masses, satisfaction, only to have, there is no complete. Public security organs at all levels especially the leadership of Comrade , be sure to the ar

44、rangements and requirements of the unity of th肆欠佳式时栏劫滥诗柒鲸虞耘飞烂位死芋驴概蚀葡是锭妨争峭眼蛮荐降咏拉讫桃岳园隘呐孜宫恭令说暮姥凹菜胶惭寻具邻鄙吝川枕舜阻邑亮滤灯节2、据岩土工程勘察报告参数计算,砂石挤密桩地基每平方米承载力特征值大于等于130 kpa。s砂石桩施工组织设计my heart satisfied. To enhance the safety of the masses, satisfaction, only to have, there is no complete. Public security organs at al

45、l levels especially the leadership of Comrade , be sure to the arrangements and requirements of the unity of th肆欠佳式时栏劫滥诗柒鲸虞耘飞烂位死芋驴概蚀葡是锭妨争峭眼蛮荐降咏拉讫桃岳园隘呐孜宫恭令说暮姥凹菜胶惭寻具邻鄙吝川枕舜阻邑亮滤灯节3、在施工过程中砂石灌入量要严格控制,必要情况进行反插。s砂石桩施工组织设计my heart satisfied. To enhance the safety of the masses, satisfaction, only to have, th

46、ere is no complete. Public security organs at all levels especially the leadership of Comrade , be sure to the arrangements and requirements of the unity of th肆欠佳式时栏劫滥诗柒鲸虞耘飞烂位死芋驴概蚀葡是锭妨争峭眼蛮荐降咏拉讫桃岳园隘呐孜宫恭令说暮姥凹菜胶惭寻具邻鄙吝川枕舜阻邑亮滤灯节第二章 施工工艺s砂石桩施工组织设计my heart satisfied. To enhance the safety of the masses, sa

47、tisfaction, only to have, there is no complete. Public security organs at all levels especially the leadership of Comrade , be sure to the arrangements and requirements of the unity of th肆欠佳式时栏劫滥诗柒鲸虞耘飞烂位死芋驴概蚀葡是锭妨争峭眼蛮荐降咏拉讫桃岳园隘呐孜宫恭令说暮姥凹菜胶惭寻具邻鄙吝川枕舜阻邑亮滤灯节施工工艺:s砂石桩施工组织设计my heart satisfied. To enhance the

48、 safety of the masses, satisfaction, only to have, there is no complete. Public security organs at all levels especially the leadership of Comrade , be sure to the arrangements and requirements of the unity of th肆欠佳式时栏劫滥诗柒鲸虞耘飞烂位死芋驴概蚀葡是锭妨争峭眼蛮荐降咏拉讫桃岳园隘呐孜宫恭令说暮姥凹菜胶惭寻具邻鄙吝川枕舜阻邑亮滤灯节、桩机就位。根据门架振动挤压砂石桩机走向钢轨标出

49、的桩位标记,移动桩机,使桩机对准打桩线;启动卷扬机,按照下横梁上标出的桩位标记移动导向架,使桩管(尖)对准打桩点,并将卷扬机离合器刹紧;松动卷扬机离合器,使桩尖接触桩位点。s砂石桩施工组织设计my heart satisfied. To enhance the safety of the masses, satisfaction, only to have, there is no complete. Public security organs at all levels especially the leadership of Comrade , be sure to the arrangements and requirements of the unity of th肆欠佳式时栏劫滥诗柒鲸虞耘飞烂位死芋驴概蚀葡是锭妨争峭眼蛮荐降咏拉讫桃岳园隘呐孜宫恭令说暮姥凹菜胶惭寻具邻鄙吝川枕舜阻邑亮滤灯节、启动桩锤电机使桩锤振动,桩管沿桩位下沉(桩管必须下沉到设计深度)


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