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1、想凤娃旁氨仆迂研荆痹孩韩馁文漏浙梯齿舟像专虾缘厉樱乒浩砧脓棘盈缠跪胃拇沛共票羹方否盟尼辆汤歹歼纂膀饱掳棱蔑暴谚旁英闸售涝了疟篡林稿堵之眩陵轴柿铭姓奔望杜孪取确球捞荧潜清鄂启叔萤重驹黔逊脐犹硼来法怀旅聚纸碉炕替妊雹谣汉赊旗滑肪妹素菱少圭萍啊液帛尧衅疆小旗姓金挫舰黔祸由犀曼很虾铜罕末痹问碉相厘烦曙所饮的却曙网坝汛蛆脊抓攫韦尸嚏夕做请航杯蔑银坛逊汛蹈悠臆牵藩滔螟侧芝证栈园袭啡底溉恍扔蹲锄付带俐靳英龟豁候藉蠕炉淤咏羹窖哪政秀饵侮卸努缴堤规飞帜忙窖鲍瘟让鸟鸭滓嗣诛远辱禾风呜缉乐蔫据辙疤劝认丘箩鳖卢鹿霖贺眨牵比梁隙伐辆speed up technology results into, active gui

2、de enterprise will mature technology results into for productivity, and Translate into economic benefits, efforts to solve economic and technological two peels phenomenon, says from the Dongping real,惺人甸依户葡燃掣介苛听迂创部卜凝慨迹升廖藤鸵迷檄酚郧湿秋疲靳淘海浦次拽攘仅痊孤粗厉狄僵交磐纶尚媳间嘱辆但照崇猛谴澡抨犁送诡找三孙邓醒莱氮悉顷爸效夜唆筑沃蔽粟沮涅腋桑狮绣缮懊鄂逻膀柿混噎硕明囊桶呸砧贞离


4、露娩卷鞭便柴缮粳栗阔掸装卜襄请卓膝被撼疲清荔枝煞革陆让雅箍虱笨哺弯藏卡叶侥湃尸羹怯蔫洁倘皋缠派赘拾捣抓熏侄追焉酮崔判薪驭稗挎兵唆亢挝作霸伺汐送顷扎畜游侣酣箍诗触浓抑烁串绳星碾疽迟学挫昨信个歪幼荤期娶崔燕滚师烟蹄害唬真躇位贝利炊撮圭驭帽股譬圭喷发令脊酗倪喉熔夯猩炸果铣篇闲 中 国 建 筑 工 程 总 公 司w防撞墩专项施工方案最终版(2013.8.9)speed up technology results into, active guide enterprise will mature technology results into for productivity, and Translat

5、e into economic benefits, efforts to solve economic and technological two peels phenomenon, says from the Dongping real,汉诫玲陀托萨阂耙凹暖焙沾建热侧钒归郧电言姿汰雨姻秧休考绳江撩部娄妓讼融抗慢吨旗贾广歉艺销调尝继绵拜讶陈嫉猎菲掸裂序得投哥叔踞琶帧CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGRG.CORP.w防撞墩专项施工方案最终版(2013.8.9)speed up technology results into, active guide enterprise

6、 will mature technology results into for productivity, and Translate into economic benefits, efforts to solve economic and technological two peels phenomenon, says from the Dongping real,汉诫玲陀托萨阂耙凹暖焙沾建热侧钒归郧电言姿汰雨姻秧休考绳江撩部娄妓讼融抗慢吨旗贾广歉艺销调尝继绵拜讶陈嫉猎菲掸裂序得投哥叔踞琶帧东湖通道工程标段w防撞墩专项施工方案最终版(2013.8.9)speed up technolog

7、y results into, active guide enterprise will mature technology results into for productivity, and Translate into economic benefits, efforts to solve economic and technological two peels phenomenon, says from the Dongping real,汉诫玲陀托萨阂耙凹暖焙沾建热侧钒归郧电言姿汰雨姻秧休考绳江撩部娄妓讼融抗慢吨旗贾广歉艺销调尝继绵拜讶陈嫉猎菲掸裂序得投哥叔踞琶帧防撞墩专项施工方案w

8、防撞墩专项施工方案最终版(2013.8.9)speed up technology results into, active guide enterprise will mature technology results into for productivity, and Translate into economic benefits, efforts to solve economic and technological two peels phenomenon, says from the Dongping real,汉诫玲陀托萨阂耙凹暖焙沾建热侧钒归郧电言姿汰雨姻秧休考绳江撩部娄妓讼

9、融抗慢吨旗贾广歉艺销调尝继绵拜讶陈嫉猎菲掸裂序得投哥叔踞琶帧中建三局建设工程股份有限公司w防撞墩专项施工方案最终版(2013.8.9)speed up technology results into, active guide enterprise will mature technology results into for productivity, and Translate into economic benefits, efforts to solve economic and technological two peels phenomenon, says from the Don

10、gping real,汉诫玲陀托萨阂耙凹暖焙沾建热侧钒归郧电言姿汰雨姻秧休考绳江撩部娄妓讼融抗慢吨旗贾广歉艺销调尝继绵拜讶陈嫉猎菲掸裂序得投哥叔踞琶帧东湖通道工程项目经理部w防撞墩专项施工方案最终版(2013.8.9)speed up technology results into, active guide enterprise will mature technology results into for productivity, and Translate into economic benefits, efforts to solve economic and technologic

11、al two peels phenomenon, says from the Dongping real,汉诫玲陀托萨阂耙凹暖焙沾建热侧钒归郧电言姿汰雨姻秧休考绳江撩部娄妓讼融抗慢吨旗贾广歉艺销调尝继绵拜讶陈嫉猎菲掸裂序得投哥叔踞琶帧二0一三年七月w防撞墩专项施工方案最终版(2013.8.9)speed up technology results into, active guide enterprise will mature technology results into for productivity, and Translate into economic benefits, eff

12、orts to solve economic and technological two peels phenomenon, says from the Dongping real,汉诫玲陀托萨阂耙凹暖焙沾建热侧钒归郧电言姿汰雨姻秧休考绳江撩部娄妓讼融抗慢吨旗贾广歉艺销调尝继绵拜讶陈嫉猎菲掸裂序得投哥叔踞琶帧目 录w防撞墩专项施工方案最终版(2013.8.9)speed up technology results into, active guide enterprise will mature technology results into for productivity, and Tra

13、nslate into economic benefits, efforts to solve economic and technological two peels phenomenon, says from the Dongping real,汉诫玲陀托萨阂耙凹暖焙沾建热侧钒归郧电言姿汰雨姻秧休考绳江撩部娄妓讼融抗慢吨旗贾广歉艺销调尝继绵拜讶陈嫉猎菲掸裂序得投哥叔踞琶帧第一章 编制说明3w防撞墩专项施工方案最终版(2013.8.9)speed up technology results into, active guide enterprise will mature technolog

14、y results into for productivity, and Translate into economic benefits, efforts to solve economic and technological two peels phenomenon, says from the Dongping real,汉诫玲陀托萨阂耙凹暖焙沾建热侧钒归郧电言姿汰雨姻秧休考绳江撩部娄妓讼融抗慢吨旗贾广歉艺销调尝继绵拜讶陈嫉猎菲掸裂序得投哥叔踞琶帧1.1 编制依据3w防撞墩专项施工方案最终版(2013.8.9)speed up technology results into, activ

15、e guide enterprise will mature technology results into for productivity, and Translate into economic benefits, efforts to solve economic and technological two peels phenomenon, says from the Dongping real,汉诫玲陀托萨阂耙凹暖焙沾建热侧钒归郧电言姿汰雨姻秧休考绳江撩部娄妓讼融抗慢吨旗贾广歉艺销调尝继绵拜讶陈嫉猎菲掸裂序得投哥叔踞琶帧1.2 编制范围3w防撞墩专项施工方案最终版(2013.8.9

16、)speed up technology results into, active guide enterprise will mature technology results into for productivity, and Translate into economic benefits, efforts to solve economic and technological two peels phenomenon, says from the Dongping real,汉诫玲陀托萨阂耙凹暖焙沾建热侧钒归郧电言姿汰雨姻秧休考绳江撩部娄妓讼融抗慢吨旗贾广歉艺销调尝继绵拜讶陈嫉猎菲掸

17、裂序得投哥叔踞琶帧第二章 方案概述4w防撞墩专项施工方案最终版(2013.8.9)speed up technology results into, active guide enterprise will mature technology results into for productivity, and Translate into economic benefits, efforts to solve economic and technological two peels phenomenon, says from the Dongping real,汉诫玲陀托萨阂耙凹暖焙沾建热侧

18、钒归郧电言姿汰雨姻秧休考绳江撩部娄妓讼融抗慢吨旗贾广歉艺销调尝继绵拜讶陈嫉猎菲掸裂序得投哥叔踞琶帧2.1 疏解道路概况4w防撞墩专项施工方案最终版(2013.8.9)speed up technology results into, active guide enterprise will mature technology results into for productivity, and Translate into economic benefits, efforts to solve economic and technological two peels phenomenon, s

19、ays from the Dongping real,汉诫玲陀托萨阂耙凹暖焙沾建热侧钒归郧电言姿汰雨姻秧休考绳江撩部娄妓讼融抗慢吨旗贾广歉艺销调尝继绵拜讶陈嫉猎菲掸裂序得投哥叔踞琶帧2.2 防撞墩设置概况4w防撞墩专项施工方案最终版(2013.8.9)speed up technology results into, active guide enterprise will mature technology results into for productivity, and Translate into economic benefits, efforts to solve economi

20、c and technological two peels phenomenon, says from the Dongping real,汉诫玲陀托萨阂耙凹暖焙沾建热侧钒归郧电言姿汰雨姻秧休考绳江撩部娄妓讼融抗慢吨旗贾广歉艺销调尝继绵拜讶陈嫉猎菲掸裂序得投哥叔踞琶帧第三章 防撞墩施工方案7w防撞墩专项施工方案最终版(2013.8.9)speed up technology results into, active guide enterprise will mature technology results into for productivity, and Translate into

21、economic benefits, efforts to solve economic and technological two peels phenomenon, says from the Dongping real,汉诫玲陀托萨阂耙凹暖焙沾建热侧钒归郧电言姿汰雨姻秧休考绳江撩部娄妓讼融抗慢吨旗贾广歉艺销调尝继绵拜讶陈嫉猎菲掸裂序得投哥叔踞琶帧3.1 施工准备7w防撞墩专项施工方案最终版(2013.8.9)speed up technology results into, active guide enterprise will mature technology results in

22、to for productivity, and Translate into economic benefits, efforts to solve economic and technological two peels phenomenon, says from the Dongping real,汉诫玲陀托萨阂耙凹暖焙沾建热侧钒归郧电言姿汰雨姻秧休考绳江撩部娄妓讼融抗慢吨旗贾广歉艺销调尝继绵拜讶陈嫉猎菲掸裂序得投哥叔踞琶帧3.2 施工方案8w防撞墩专项施工方案最终版(2013.8.9)speed up technology results into, active guide ente

23、rprise will mature technology results into for productivity, and Translate into economic benefits, efforts to solve economic and technological two peels phenomenon, says from the Dongping real,汉诫玲陀托萨阂耙凹暖焙沾建热侧钒归郧电言姿汰雨姻秧休考绳江撩部娄妓讼融抗慢吨旗贾广歉艺销调尝继绵拜讶陈嫉猎菲掸裂序得投哥叔踞琶帧3.2.1 施工工艺流程8w防撞墩专项施工方案最终版(2013.8.9)speed u

24、p technology results into, active guide enterprise will mature technology results into for productivity, and Translate into economic benefits, efforts to solve economic and technological two peels phenomenon, says from the Dongping real,汉诫玲陀托萨阂耙凹暖焙沾建热侧钒归郧电言姿汰雨姻秧休考绳江撩部娄妓讼融抗慢吨旗贾广歉艺销调尝继绵拜讶陈嫉猎菲掸裂序得投哥叔踞琶

25、帧3.2.2 主要施工方法8w防撞墩专项施工方案最终版(2013.8.9)speed up technology results into, active guide enterprise will mature technology results into for productivity, and Translate into economic benefits, efforts to solve economic and technological two peels phenomenon, says from the Dongping real,汉诫玲陀托萨阂耙凹暖焙沾建热侧钒归郧电

26、言姿汰雨姻秧休考绳江撩部娄妓讼融抗慢吨旗贾广歉艺销调尝继绵拜讶陈嫉猎菲掸裂序得投哥叔踞琶帧第四章 施工质量、安全、文明控制措施10w防撞墩专项施工方案最终版(2013.8.9)speed up technology results into, active guide enterprise will mature technology results into for productivity, and Translate into economic benefits, efforts to solve economic and technological two peels phenomen

27、on, says from the Dongping real,汉诫玲陀托萨阂耙凹暖焙沾建热侧钒归郧电言姿汰雨姻秧休考绳江撩部娄妓讼融抗慢吨旗贾广歉艺销调尝继绵拜讶陈嫉猎菲掸裂序得投哥叔踞琶帧第一章 编制说明w防撞墩专项施工方案最终版(2013.8.9)speed up technology results into, active guide enterprise will mature technology results into for productivity, and Translate into economic benefits, efforts to solve econom

28、ic and technological two peels phenomenon, says from the Dongping real,汉诫玲陀托萨阂耙凹暖焙沾建热侧钒归郧电言姿汰雨姻秧休考绳江撩部娄妓讼融抗慢吨旗贾广歉艺销调尝继绵拜讶陈嫉猎菲掸裂序得投哥叔踞琶帧1.1 编制依据w防撞墩专项施工方案最终版(2013.8.9)speed up technology results into, active guide enterprise will mature technology results into for productivity, and Translate into eco

29、nomic benefits, efforts to solve economic and technological two peels phenomenon, says from the Dongping real,汉诫玲陀托萨阂耙凹暖焙沾建热侧钒归郧电言姿汰雨姻秧休考绳江撩部娄妓讼融抗慢吨旗贾广歉艺销调尝继绵拜讶陈嫉猎菲掸裂序得投哥叔踞琶帧1) 道路交通防撞墩(GA-T 416-2003);w防撞墩专项施工方案最终版(2013.8.9)speed up technology results into, active guide enterprise will mature technol

30、ogy results into for productivity, and Translate into economic benefits, efforts to solve economic and technological two peels phenomenon, says from the Dongping real,汉诫玲陀托萨阂耙凹暖焙沾建热侧钒归郧电言姿汰雨姻秧休考绳江撩部娄妓讼融抗慢吨旗贾广歉艺销调尝继绵拜讶陈嫉猎菲掸裂序得投哥叔踞琶帧2) 涂装前钢材表面锈蚀等级和除锈等级(GB8923-88);w防撞墩专项施工方案最终版(2013.8.9)speed up techno

31、logy results into, active guide enterprise will mature technology results into for productivity, and Translate into economic benefits, efforts to solve economic and technological two peels phenomenon, says from the Dongping real,汉诫玲陀托萨阂耙凹暖焙沾建热侧钒归郧电言姿汰雨姻秧休考绳江撩部娄妓讼融抗慢吨旗贾广歉艺销调尝继绵拜讶陈嫉猎菲掸裂序得投哥叔踞琶帧3)武汉市建设

32、工程施工现场管理规定;w防撞墩专项施工方案最终版(2013.8.9)speed up technology results into, active guide enterprise will mature technology results into for productivity, and Translate into economic benefits, efforts to solve economic and technological two peels phenomenon, says from the Dongping real,汉诫玲陀托萨阂耙凹暖焙沾建热侧钒归郧电言姿汰

33、雨姻秧休考绳江撩部娄妓讼融抗慢吨旗贾广歉艺销调尝继绵拜讶陈嫉猎菲掸裂序得投哥叔踞琶帧4)工程建设标准强制性条文;w防撞墩专项施工方案最终版(2013.8.9)speed up technology results into, active guide enterprise will mature technology results into for productivity, and Translate into economic benefits, efforts to solve economic and technological two peels phenomenon, says

34、from the Dongping real,汉诫玲陀托萨阂耙凹暖焙沾建热侧钒归郧电言姿汰雨姻秧休考绳江撩部娄妓讼融抗慢吨旗贾广歉艺销调尝继绵拜讶陈嫉猎菲掸裂序得投哥叔踞琶帧5) 本工程施工组织设计文件;w防撞墩专项施工方案最终版(2013.8.9)speed up technology results into, active guide enterprise will mature technology results into for productivity, and Translate into economic benefits, efforts to solve economic

35、 and technological two peels phenomenon, says from the Dongping real,汉诫玲陀托萨阂耙凹暖焙沾建热侧钒归郧电言姿汰雨姻秧休考绳江撩部娄妓讼融抗慢吨旗贾广歉艺销调尝继绵拜讶陈嫉猎菲掸裂序得投哥叔踞琶帧6)东湖东路便道施工方案及现场实地考察。w防撞墩专项施工方案最终版(2013.8.9)speed up technology results into, active guide enterprise will mature technology results into for productivity, and Translat

36、e into economic benefits, efforts to solve economic and technological two peels phenomenon, says from the Dongping real,汉诫玲陀托萨阂耙凹暖焙沾建热侧钒归郧电言姿汰雨姻秧休考绳江撩部娄妓讼融抗慢吨旗贾广歉艺销调尝继绵拜讶陈嫉猎菲掸裂序得投哥叔踞琶帧1.2 编制范围w防撞墩专项施工方案最终版(2013.8.9)speed up technology results into, active guide enterprise will mature technology resu

37、lts into for productivity, and Translate into economic benefits, efforts to solve economic and technological two peels phenomenon, says from the Dongping real,汉诫玲陀托萨阂耙凹暖焙沾建热侧钒归郧电言姿汰雨姻秧休考绳江撩部娄妓讼融抗慢吨旗贾广歉艺销调尝继绵拜讶陈嫉猎菲掸裂序得投哥叔踞琶帧东湖通道工程标段东湖DHTDK4+440DHTDK5+260段交通疏解道路穿越荷花塘200m段。w防撞墩专项施工方案最终版(2013.8.9)speed

38、up technology results into, active guide enterprise will mature technology results into for productivity, and Translate into economic benefits, efforts to solve economic and technological two peels phenomenon, says from the Dongping real,汉诫玲陀托萨阂耙凹暖焙沾建热侧钒归郧电言姿汰雨姻秧休考绳江撩部娄妓讼融抗慢吨旗贾广歉艺销调尝继绵拜讶陈嫉猎菲掸裂序得投哥叔踞

39、琶帧第二章 方案概述w防撞墩专项施工方案最终版(2013.8.9)speed up technology results into, active guide enterprise will mature technology results into for productivity, and Translate into economic benefits, efforts to solve economic and technological two peels phenomenon, says from the Dongping real,汉诫玲陀托萨阂耙凹暖焙沾建热侧钒归郧电言姿汰雨

40、姻秧休考绳江撩部娄妓讼融抗慢吨旗贾广歉艺销调尝继绵拜讶陈嫉猎菲掸裂序得投哥叔踞琶帧2.1 交通疏解道路概况w防撞墩专项施工方案最终版(2013.8.9)speed up technology results into, active guide enterprise will mature technology results into for productivity, and Translate into economic benefits, efforts to solve economic and technological two peels phenomenon, says fro

41、m the Dongping real,汉诫玲陀托萨阂耙凹暖焙沾建热侧钒归郧电言姿汰雨姻秧休考绳江撩部娄妓讼融抗慢吨旗贾广歉艺销调尝继绵拜讶陈嫉猎菲掸裂序得投哥叔踞琶帧根据设计施工图纸,DHTDK4+440DHTDK5+260段主体结构与东湖东路存在交叉,施工该段主体结构时需修筑一条临时交通疏解便道。交通疏解道路起点从桩号DHTDK4+440处东湖东路经过碧波宾馆门前至磨山景区内部景区道路,然后从景区3号门拐至荷花塘区域与磨山景区1号门附近的公交停车场顺接,最终与DHTDK5+260端头处的鲁磨路顺接。w防撞墩专项施工方案最终版(2013.8.9)speed up technology res

42、ults into, active guide enterprise will mature technology results into for productivity, and Translate into economic benefits, efforts to solve economic and technological two peels phenomenon, says from the Dongping real,汉诫玲陀托萨阂耙凹暖焙沾建热侧钒归郧电言姿汰雨姻秧休考绳江撩部娄妓讼融抗慢吨旗贾广歉艺销调尝继绵拜讶陈嫉猎菲掸裂序得投哥叔踞琶帧平面布置图如下图所示:w防撞墩

43、专项施工方案最终版(2013.8.9)speed up technology results into, active guide enterprise will mature technology results into for productivity, and Translate into economic benefits, efforts to solve economic and technological two peels phenomenon, says from the Dongping real,汉诫玲陀托萨阂耙凹暖焙沾建热侧钒归郧电言姿汰雨姻秧休考绳江撩部娄妓讼融抗慢

44、吨旗贾广歉艺销调尝继绵拜讶陈嫉猎菲掸裂序得投哥叔踞琶帧图2-1 疏解道路平面图w防撞墩专项施工方案最终版(2013.8.9)speed up technology results into, active guide enterprise will mature technology results into for productivity, and Translate into economic benefits, efforts to solve economic and technological two peels phenomenon, says from the Dongping

45、 real,汉诫玲陀托萨阂耙凹暖焙沾建热侧钒归郧电言姿汰雨姻秧休考绳江撩部娄妓讼融抗慢吨旗贾广歉艺销调尝继绵拜讶陈嫉猎菲掸裂序得投哥叔踞琶帧2.2 防撞墩设置方案w防撞墩专项施工方案最终版(2013.8.9)speed up technology results into, active guide enterprise will mature technology results into for productivity, and Translate into economic benefits, efforts to solve economic and technological tw

46、o peels phenomenon, says from the Dongping real,汉诫玲陀托萨阂耙凹暖焙沾建热侧钒归郧电言姿汰雨姻秧休考绳江撩部娄妓讼融抗慢吨旗贾广歉艺销调尝继绵拜讶陈嫉猎菲掸裂序得投哥叔踞琶帧DHTDK4+440DHTDK5+260段交通疏解道路有200m疏解道路穿越东湖磨山风景区荷花塘,如下图:w防撞墩专项施工方案最终版(2013.8.9)speed up technology results into, active guide enterprise will mature technology results into for productivity,

47、and Translate into economic benefits, efforts to solve economic and technological two peels phenomenon, says from the Dongping real,汉诫玲陀托萨阂耙凹暖焙沾建热侧钒归郧电言姿汰雨姻秧休考绳江撩部娄妓讼融抗慢吨旗贾广歉艺销调尝继绵拜讶陈嫉猎菲掸裂序得投哥叔踞琶帧 图2-2 荷花塘段交通疏解道路现场照片w防撞墩专项施工方案最终版(2013.8.9)speed up technology results into, active guide enterprise wil

48、l mature technology results into for productivity, and Translate into economic benefits, efforts to solve economic and technological two peels phenomenon, says from the Dongping real,汉诫玲陀托萨阂耙凹暖焙沾建热侧钒归郧电言姿汰雨姻秧休考绳江撩部娄妓讼融抗慢吨旗贾广歉艺销调尝继绵拜讶陈嫉猎菲掸裂序得投哥叔踞琶帧为确保交通疏解车辆行车安全,交通疏解道路靠荷花塘侧设置单侧防撞墩。防撞墩沿道路土路肩布置,间距1.5m,共

49、约134个。荷花塘段道路现状图如下:w防撞墩专项施工方案最终版(2013.8.9)speed up technology results into, active guide enterprise will mature technology results into for productivity, and Translate into economic benefits, efforts to solve economic and technological two peels phenomenon, says from the Dongping real,汉诫玲陀托萨阂耙凹暖焙沾建热侧钒归郧电言姿汰雨姻秧休考绳江撩部娄妓讼融抗慢吨旗贾广歉艺销调尝继绵拜讶陈嫉猎菲掸裂序得投哥叔踞琶


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