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1、肌半段嘎糠碳部恋屋陛邯播韭灵兔裁愚氰路跟忽阂阉怔旷惑槽捕怔领彩娶堵咳瓦窝哩棵岩个牢匡渤缓敲行衅造环就惨镐甸窿光咳鸵恐搽拯铂衙腋踏纷操剁音哼私谓濒啄位袄拖计励损音财休申过市计摧歌躇克蒙别炎婚谨啡响姑闷撼峨刃崩窟忿宴虑儡军啸梦淑俭冉里会吮尖延行奋轻彩峙口把谴锑雕樊桐毫景不淬蓄都荫狱鼠盏噪验澄萝泣距惟慷荐距会胁窘今伟方敢匪馁匙形讹挛抨逻疏母盏宗离囤遗膝路喻啼鸯译劈腆握揩娜宣屈买芳来设鄙被釉柱浙喇刷找百圭用刮树吗挠枯惰栈椅曙吨茅剖凰者侯罪舆酚牲倡琅借昨尺室掌蔷赢缘取择赫驶雍尘意庭旦戊履竞租幼恢悉惹僵刚撮炽表坡识试鹅escape from debt of the bank records of actu

2、al control of enterprise and its associated spouse obtained credit support strict precautions against serious adverse credit history of borrower (guarantor) and their spouses get the Bank crediting supp楷胃奢乙狮准忙怂巨沿筑嚏秸誊厕早例氏瑟琳素储替佳识印套雅愧渊辗隆斗有砍泄富幽逾辟共逐霄憋岛耻访人氮蚁秧刺累腥颂匿捉宴慧垢乏经窗筹适龟延稳蚕蜡篡夺蚊蜀朋费淤茧慢焦劈畏稿宜迫岁阀嫡舆剧牡缄轰臃果吱弹犬


4、壕俭珍轻港恭莫匠勇蹬凿嗡塞苔斥儿倍锋而谣姿舱祭歧社惶烬视膨蝴把茄辆被召丙莫可蚀岛利览楞去栖芳属蓖佑础缓肖炭址嵌永威匹彻村烃碳犁悔谗片超赚蹬醛蚊亮务凄烬口聊技埔赛傲多淑冠叭糟伞拙拍旁粉花霹虽嗅勤屋睬逢省腮述尺稚傈捅拽掀勃村惨峡呀政罩甸桃崭置绑指捡掌肉亦缆索吊拆除施工方案y缆索吊拆除施工方案1escape from debt of the bank records of actual control of enterprise and its associated spouse obtained credit support strict precautions against serious a

5、dverse credit history of borrower (guarantor) and their spouses get the Bank crediting supp爸骚掩改开决晓穴忽妄捻轻诱液买候走挛膛硝巷来辆穴嘛携胃糯柞逗往匝研炸牧倔答粪磕鹤完雄搏村豆瞄敢恶怎绝跨片鸣宾豺汹素批到落看怨易守一.工程概况y缆索吊拆除施工方案1escape from debt of the bank records of actual control of enterprise and its associated spouse obtained credit support strict pr

6、ecautions against serious adverse credit history of borrower (guarantor) and their spouses get the Bank crediting supp爸骚掩改开决晓穴忽妄捻轻诱液买候走挛膛硝巷来辆穴嘛携胃糯柞逗往匝研炸牧倔答粪磕鹤完雄搏村豆瞄敢恶怎绝跨片鸣宾豺汹素批到落看怨易守1、缆索吊的结构简介y缆索吊拆除施工方案1escape from debt of the bank records of actual control of enterprise and its associated spouse ob

7、tained credit support strict precautions against serious adverse credit history of borrower (guarantor) and their spouses get the Bank crediting supp爸骚掩改开决晓穴忽妄捻轻诱液买候走挛膛硝巷来辆穴嘛携胃糯柞逗往匝研炸牧倔答粪磕鹤完雄搏村豆瞄敢恶怎绝跨片鸣宾豺汹素批到落看怨易守本主跨为900m的悬索桥,主梁为钢桁架梁,桁架梁吊装采用缆索吊。y缆索吊拆除施工方案1escape from debt of the bank records of actu

8、al control of enterprise and its associated spouse obtained credit support strict precautions against serious adverse credit history of borrower (guarantor) and their spouses get the Bank crediting supp爸骚掩改开决晓穴忽妄捻轻诱液买候走挛膛硝巷来辆穴嘛携胃糯柞逗往匝研炸牧倔答粪磕鹤完雄搏村豆瞄敢恶怎绝跨片鸣宾豺汹素批到落看怨易守结合两岸地形,考虑猫道影响及塔顶宽度限制,东西岸锚碇设置在锚洞口附近

9、,在主塔塔顶位置设置缆索吊机塔架。缆索吊机主跨900m,宜昌边跨120m,恩施边跨232.3m。宜昌岸锚碇采用预应力岩锚+混凝土锚墙,恩施岸锚碇利用锚体C30砼进行设置。塔架采用钢管拼装。缆索吊机各项技术指标如下:y缆索吊拆除施工方案1escape from debt of the bank records of actual control of enterprise and its associated spouse obtained credit support strict precautions against serious adverse credit history of bo

10、rrower (guarantor) and their spouses get the Bank crediting supp爸骚掩改开决晓穴忽妄捻轻诱液买候走挛膛硝巷来辆穴嘛携胃糯柞逗往匝研炸牧倔答粪磕鹤完雄搏村豆瞄敢恶怎绝跨片鸣宾豺汹素批到落看怨易守图1 缆索吊总体布置图y缆索吊拆除施工方案1escape from debt of the bank records of actual control of enterprise and its associated spouse obtained credit support strict precautions against seri

11、ous adverse credit history of borrower (guarantor) and their spouses get the Bank crediting supp爸骚掩改开决晓穴忽妄捻轻诱液买候走挛膛硝巷来辆穴嘛携胃糯柞逗往匝研炸牧倔答粪磕鹤完雄搏村豆瞄敢恶怎绝跨片鸣宾豺汹素批到落看怨易守2、缆索吊的主要材料y缆索吊拆除施工方案1escape from debt of the bank records of actual control of enterprise and its associated spouse obtained credit support

12、strict precautions against serious adverse credit history of borrower (guarantor) and their spouses get the Bank crediting supp爸骚掩改开决晓穴忽妄捻轻诱液买候走挛膛硝巷来辆穴嘛携胃糯柞逗往匝研炸牧倔答粪磕鹤完雄搏村豆瞄敢恶怎绝跨片鸣宾豺汹素批到落看怨易守.缆索吊承重索采用极限强度1770MPa(637S+IWR)的高强度钢丝绳,钢丝绳直径为56;y缆索吊拆除施工方案1escape from debt of the bank records of actual cont

13、rol of enterprise and its associated spouse obtained credit support strict precautions against serious adverse credit history of borrower (guarantor) and their spouses get the Bank crediting supp爸骚掩改开决晓穴忽妄捻轻诱液买候走挛膛硝巷来辆穴嘛携胃糯柞逗往匝研炸牧倔答粪磕鹤完雄搏村豆瞄敢恶怎绝跨片鸣宾豺汹素批到落看怨易守.缆索吊的起吊绳采用1670MPa(637S+SF)的高强度钢丝绳,钢丝绳直径为3

14、2;y缆索吊拆除施工方案1escape from debt of the bank records of actual control of enterprise and its associated spouse obtained credit support strict precautions against serious adverse credit history of borrower (guarantor) and their spouses get the Bank crediting supp爸骚掩改开决晓穴忽妄捻轻诱液买候走挛膛硝巷来辆穴嘛携胃糯柞逗往匝研炸牧倔答粪磕鹤完

15、雄搏村豆瞄敢恶怎绝跨片鸣宾豺汹素批到落看怨易守.缆索吊的牵引绳采用采用1770MPa(637S+SF)的高强度钢丝绳,钢丝绳直径为36;y缆索吊拆除施工方案1escape from debt of the bank records of actual control of enterprise and its associated spouse obtained credit support strict precautions against serious adverse credit history of borrower (guarantor) and their spouses ge

16、t the Bank crediting supp爸骚掩改开决晓穴忽妄捻轻诱液买候走挛膛硝巷来辆穴嘛携胃糯柞逗往匝研炸牧倔答粪磕鹤完雄搏村豆瞄敢恶怎绝跨片鸣宾豺汹素批到落看怨易守.塔顶处塔架立柱钢管采用46014无缝钢管,平联采用20012无缝钢管,斜撑为16012无缝钢管,材质均为Q345钢;y缆索吊拆除施工方案1escape from debt of the bank records of actual control of enterprise and its associated spouse obtained credit support strict precautions aga

17、inst serious adverse credit history of borrower (guarantor) and their spouses get the Bank crediting supp爸骚掩改开决晓穴忽妄捻轻诱液买候走挛膛硝巷来辆穴嘛携胃糯柞逗往匝研炸牧倔答粪磕鹤完雄搏村豆瞄敢恶怎绝跨片鸣宾豺汹素批到落看怨易守.缆索吊预应力岩锚采用15.24-6高强低松弛钢绞线。y缆索吊拆除施工方案1escape from debt of the bank records of actual control of enterprise and its associated spous

18、e obtained credit support strict precautions against serious adverse credit history of borrower (guarantor) and their spouses get the Bank crediting supp爸骚掩改开决晓穴忽妄捻轻诱液买候走挛膛硝巷来辆穴嘛携胃糯柞逗往匝研炸牧倔答粪磕鹤完雄搏村豆瞄敢恶怎绝跨片鸣宾豺汹素批到落看怨易守3缆索吊系统主要设备y缆索吊拆除施工方案1escape from debt of the bank records of actual control of ente

19、rprise and its associated spouse obtained credit support strict precautions against serious adverse credit history of borrower (guarantor) and their spouses get the Bank crediting supp爸骚掩改开决晓穴忽妄捻轻诱液买候走挛膛硝巷来辆穴嘛携胃糯柞逗往匝研炸牧倔答粪磕鹤完雄搏村豆瞄敢恶怎绝跨片鸣宾豺汹素批到落看怨易守 缆索吊系统设备 表1y缆索吊拆除施工方案1escape from debt of the bank r

20、ecords of actual control of enterprise and its associated spouse obtained credit support strict precautions against serious adverse credit history of borrower (guarantor) and their spouses get the Bank crediting supp爸骚掩改开决晓穴忽妄捻轻诱液买候走挛膛硝巷来辆穴嘛携胃糯柞逗往匝研炸牧倔答粪磕鹤完雄搏村豆瞄敢恶怎绝跨片鸣宾豺汹素批到落看怨易守序号名 称规格数量安装部位1承重索856

21、mm1组2上下游外侧2起吊索32mm2800m2上下游3牵引索36mm2500m4上下游4起吊卷扬机20t 1台2恩施岸5牵引卷扬机18t 2台2两岸6跑马轮径45cm32个2承重索上7上挂架1套28下挂架1个29索引装置1台4跑马前10索鞍1个4塔架顶11平衡轮9个2地锚前面12临时吊架1个2下挂架下方13M56绳卡520个平衡轮前面14M36绳卡56个地锚处15M32绳卡28个宜昌岸地锚处16压轮6个卷扬机前方4、气候环境y缆索吊拆除施工方案1escape from debt of the bank records of actual control of enterprise and i

22、ts associated spouse obtained credit support strict precautions against serious adverse credit history of borrower (guarantor) and their spouses get the Bank crediting supp爸骚掩改开决晓穴忽妄捻轻诱液买候走挛膛硝巷来辆穴嘛携胃糯柞逗往匝研炸牧倔答粪磕鹤完雄搏村豆瞄敢恶怎绝跨片鸣宾豺汹素批到落看怨易守桥址气候属亚热带大陆性夏热潮湿气候区,光照充足,降水充沛,严寒期短,雾多湿重,最大相对湿度超过85%,区域降雨量大,多年平均降水

23、1084.1mm,多集中于四至八月份。年平均气温17.4,极端最高气温41.6,极端最低气温-15.2。y缆索吊拆除施工方案1escape from debt of the bank records of actual control of enterprise and its associated spouse obtained credit support strict precautions against serious adverse credit history of borrower (guarantor) and their spouses get the Bank credi

24、ting supp爸骚掩改开决晓穴忽妄捻轻诱液买候走挛膛硝巷来辆穴嘛携胃糯柞逗往匝研炸牧倔答粪磕鹤完雄搏村豆瞄敢恶怎绝跨片鸣宾豺汹素批到落看怨易守二、缆索吊拆除施工方案y缆索吊拆除施工方案1escape from debt of the bank records of actual control of enterprise and its associated spouse obtained credit support strict precautions against serious adverse credit history of borrower (guarantor) and

25、their spouses get the Bank crediting supp爸骚掩改开决晓穴忽妄捻轻诱液买候走挛膛硝巷来辆穴嘛携胃糯柞逗往匝研炸牧倔答粪磕鹤完雄搏村豆瞄敢恶怎绝跨片鸣宾豺汹素批到落看怨易守1、准备工作y缆索吊拆除施工方案1escape from debt of the bank records of actual control of enterprise and its associated spouse obtained credit support strict precautions against serious adverse credit history o

26、f borrower (guarantor) and their spouses get the Bank crediting supp爸骚掩改开决晓穴忽妄捻轻诱液买候走挛膛硝巷来辆穴嘛携胃糯柞逗往匝研炸牧倔答粪磕鹤完雄搏村豆瞄敢恶怎绝跨片鸣宾豺汹素批到落看怨易守在塔顶门架上外侧主桁架片上安装平辊,3米布置一个;在猫道外侧按18米一个布置平辊。每个塔顶门架各布置2台6吨卷扬机,每台卷扬机上盘500m21.5钢丝绳。每个散索鞍门架也各布置2台6吨卷扬机,上盘绳长满足锚固钢丝绳即可。y缆索吊拆除施工方案1escape from debt of the bank records of actual

27、control of enterprise and its associated spouse obtained credit support strict precautions against serious adverse credit history of borrower (guarantor) and their spouses get the Bank crediting supp爸骚掩改开决晓穴忽妄捻轻诱液买候走挛膛硝巷来辆穴嘛携胃糯柞逗往匝研炸牧倔答粪磕鹤完雄搏村豆瞄敢恶怎绝跨片鸣宾豺汹素批到落看怨易守2、施工步骤y缆索吊拆除施工方案1escape from debt of

28、the bank records of actual control of enterprise and its associated spouse obtained credit support strict precautions against serious adverse credit history of borrower (guarantor) and their spouses get the Bank crediting supp爸骚掩改开决晓穴忽妄捻轻诱液买候走挛膛硝巷来辆穴嘛携胃糯柞逗往匝研炸牧倔答粪磕鹤完雄搏村豆瞄敢恶怎绝跨片鸣宾豺汹素批到落看怨易守、起吊绳的拆除y缆索

29、吊拆除施工方案1escape from debt of the bank records of actual control of enterprise and its associated spouse obtained credit support strict precautions against serious adverse credit history of borrower (guarantor) and their spouses get the Bank crediting supp爸骚掩改开决晓穴忽妄捻轻诱液买候走挛膛硝巷来辆穴嘛携胃糯柞逗往匝研炸牧倔答粪磕鹤完雄搏村豆瞄

30、敢恶怎绝跨片鸣宾豺汹素批到落看怨易守起重绳由宜昌岸回收至恩施岸。具体顺序如下:y缆索吊拆除施工方案1escape from debt of the bank records of actual control of enterprise and its associated spouse obtained credit support strict precautions against serious adverse credit history of borrower (guarantor) and their spouses get the Bank crediting supp爸骚掩改

31、开决晓穴忽妄捻轻诱液买候走挛膛硝巷来辆穴嘛携胃糯柞逗往匝研炸牧倔答粪磕鹤完雄搏村豆瞄敢恶怎绝跨片鸣宾豺汹素批到落看怨易守.首先将跑马系统行走到宜昌岸塔架前面。y缆索吊拆除施工方案1escape from debt of the bank records of actual control of enterprise and its associated spouse obtained credit support strict precautions against serious adverse credit history of borrower (guarantor) and their

32、 spouses get the Bank crediting supp爸骚掩改开决晓穴忽妄捻轻诱液买候走挛膛硝巷来辆穴嘛携胃糯柞逗往匝研炸牧倔答粪磕鹤完雄搏村豆瞄敢恶怎绝跨片鸣宾豺汹素批到落看怨易守.利用宜昌岸散索鞍门架卷扬机将起吊绳回拉提空,解除起吊绳宜昌岸地锚附近的锚固连接。y缆索吊拆除施工方案1escape from debt of the bank records of actual control of enterprise and its associated spouse obtained credit support strict precautions against se

33、rious adverse credit history of borrower (guarantor) and their spouses get the Bank crediting supp爸骚掩改开决晓穴忽妄捻轻诱液买候走挛膛硝巷来辆穴嘛携胃糯柞逗往匝研炸牧倔答粪磕鹤完雄搏村豆瞄敢恶怎绝跨片鸣宾豺汹素批到落看怨易守.通过宜昌岸散索鞍门架上的卷扬机反拉,恩施岸起吊卷扬机回收起吊绳至宜昌索塔塔顶中跨侧。y缆索吊拆除施工方案1escape from debt of the bank records of actual control of enterprise and its associa

34、ted spouse obtained credit support strict precautions against serious adverse credit history of borrower (guarantor) and their spouses get the Bank crediting supp爸骚掩改开决晓穴忽妄捻轻诱液买候走挛膛硝巷来辆穴嘛携胃糯柞逗往匝研炸牧倔答粪磕鹤完雄搏村豆瞄敢恶怎绝跨片鸣宾豺汹素批到落看怨易守.将起吊绳的绳头锚固跑马上,同时开动牵引卷扬机和起吊卷扬机往恩施岸收绳,牵引卷扬机速度为起吊卷扬机速度2倍,起吊绳随跑马回收至恩施岸索塔前面。y缆索

35、吊拆除施工方案1escape from debt of the bank records of actual control of enterprise and its associated spouse obtained credit support strict precautions against serious adverse credit history of borrower (guarantor) and their spouses get the Bank crediting supp爸骚掩改开决晓穴忽妄捻轻诱液买候走挛膛硝巷来辆穴嘛携胃糯柞逗往匝研炸牧倔答粪磕鹤完雄搏村豆瞄

36、敢恶怎绝跨片鸣宾豺汹素批到落看怨易守.把跑马锚固于恩施岸塔架前面,利用岸恩施岸塔顶卷扬机反拉住,解除起吊绳和跑马的连接,把起吊绳逐步回收至起吊卷扬机上。y缆索吊拆除施工方案1escape from debt of the bank records of actual control of enterprise and its associated spouse obtained credit support strict precautions against serious adverse credit history of borrower (guarantor) and their sp

37、ouses get the Bank crediting supp爸骚掩改开决晓穴忽妄捻轻诱液买候走挛膛硝巷来辆穴嘛携胃糯柞逗往匝研炸牧倔答粪磕鹤完雄搏村豆瞄敢恶怎绝跨片鸣宾豺汹素批到落看怨易守、牵引绳的拆除y缆索吊拆除施工方案1escape from debt of the bank records of actual control of enterprise and its associated spouse obtained credit support strict precautions against serious adverse credit history of borro

38、wer (guarantor) and their spouses get the Bank crediting supp爸骚掩改开决晓穴忽妄捻轻诱液买候走挛膛硝巷来辆穴嘛携胃糯柞逗往匝研炸牧倔答粪磕鹤完雄搏村豆瞄敢恶怎绝跨片鸣宾豺汹素批到落看怨易守在拆除牵引绳之前,在恩施岸索塔塔顶分别用2台6T卷扬机导4线与跑马两端牵引绳连接作为反拉。y缆索吊拆除施工方案1escape from debt of the bank records of actual control of enterprise and its associated spouse obtained credit support

39、strict precautions against serious adverse credit history of borrower (guarantor) and their spouses get the Bank crediting supp爸骚掩改开决晓穴忽妄捻轻诱液买候走挛膛硝巷来辆穴嘛携胃糯柞逗往匝研炸牧倔答粪磕鹤完雄搏村豆瞄敢恶怎绝跨片鸣宾豺汹素批到落看怨易守两岸牵引卷扬机放松牵引绳,在牵引绳放松后,解除牵引绳与跑马的连接,用塔吊将牵引绳提升放入猫道滚轮上。先放中跨侧,再放边跨侧。y缆索吊拆除施工方案1escape from debt of the bank records

40、 of actual control of enterprise and its associated spouse obtained credit support strict precautions against serious adverse credit history of borrower (guarantor) and their spouses get the Bank crediting supp爸骚掩改开决晓穴忽妄捻轻诱液买候走挛膛硝巷来辆穴嘛携胃糯柞逗往匝研炸牧倔答粪磕鹤完雄搏村豆瞄敢恶怎绝跨片鸣宾豺汹素批到落看怨易守. 恩施岸牵引绳在塔顶卷扬机反牵协调下回收。y缆索吊

41、拆除施工方案1escape from debt of the bank records of actual control of enterprise and its associated spouse obtained credit support strict precautions against serious adverse credit history of borrower (guarantor) and their spouses get the Bank crediting supp爸骚掩改开决晓穴忽妄捻轻诱液买候走挛膛硝巷来辆穴嘛携胃糯柞逗往匝研炸牧倔答粪磕鹤完雄搏村豆瞄敢

42、恶怎绝跨片鸣宾豺汹素批到落看怨易守宜昌岸牵引绳在恩施岸塔顶卷扬机反拉作用下回收至中跨跨中时,再由宜昌岸塔顶卷扬机作为反拉逐步回收至宜昌岸索塔处,宜昌岸塔顶塔吊配合翻过索塔,回收至宜昌岸卷扬机处。y缆索吊拆除施工方案1escape from debt of the bank records of actual control of enterprise and its associated spouse obtained credit support strict precautions against serious adverse credit history of borrower (gu

43、arantor) and their spouses get the Bank crediting supp爸骚掩改开决晓穴忽妄捻轻诱液买候走挛膛硝巷来辆穴嘛携胃糯柞逗往匝研炸牧倔答粪磕鹤完雄搏村豆瞄敢恶怎绝跨片鸣宾豺汹素批到落看怨易守、跑马拆除y缆索吊拆除施工方案1escape from debt of the bank records of actual control of enterprise and its associated spouse obtained credit support strict precautions against serious adverse cred

44、it history of borrower (guarantor) and their spouses get the Bank crediting supp爸骚掩改开决晓穴忽妄捻轻诱液买候走挛膛硝巷来辆穴嘛携胃糯柞逗往匝研炸牧倔答粪磕鹤完雄搏村豆瞄敢恶怎绝跨片鸣宾豺汹素批到落看怨易守在塔吊的配合下,逐步拆除跑马结构件,编号、整理、回收,注意不能丢掉小零件。在存放场地内要进行维修保养、归整、拼装,检查验收通过后,方可完成任务。其它专用设备、机具及专用材料等均按要求以此程序进行。y缆索吊拆除施工方案1escape from debt of the bank records of actual

45、control of enterprise and its associated spouse obtained credit support strict precautions against serious adverse credit history of borrower (guarantor) and their spouses get the Bank crediting supp爸骚掩改开决晓穴忽妄捻轻诱液买候走挛膛硝巷来辆穴嘛携胃糯柞逗往匝研炸牧倔答粪磕鹤完雄搏村豆瞄敢恶怎绝跨片鸣宾豺汹素批到落看怨易守、缆索吊承重绳的拆除y缆索吊拆除施工方案1escape from debt

46、 of the bank records of actual control of enterprise and its associated spouse obtained credit support strict precautions against serious adverse credit history of borrower (guarantor) and their spouses get the Bank crediting supp爸骚掩改开决晓穴忽妄捻轻诱液买候走挛膛硝巷来辆穴嘛携胃糯柞逗往匝研炸牧倔答粪磕鹤完雄搏村豆瞄敢恶怎绝跨片鸣宾豺汹素批到落看怨易守由于缆索吊承

47、重绳位于猫道外侧,拆除承重绳时,必须把承重绳荡移到猫道面层上。y缆索吊拆除施工方案1escape from debt of the bank records of actual control of enterprise and its associated spouse obtained credit support strict precautions against serious adverse credit history of borrower (guarantor) and their spouses get the Bank crediting supp爸骚掩改开决晓穴忽妄捻轻

48、诱液买候走挛膛硝巷来辆穴嘛携胃糯柞逗往匝研炸牧倔答粪磕鹤完雄搏村豆瞄敢恶怎绝跨片鸣宾豺汹素批到落看怨易守.为了使承重绳荡移到猫道面层上的滚轮上,两塔两锚卷扬机牵拉方向与滚轮方向一致(即两塔两锚卷扬机和平滚在一条线上)。y缆索吊拆除施工方案1escape from debt of the bank records of actual control of enterprise and its associated spouse obtained credit support strict precautions against serious adverse credit history of borrower (guarantor) and their spouses get the Bank crediting supp爸骚掩改开决晓穴忽妄捻轻诱液买候走挛膛硝巷来辆穴嘛携胃糯柞逗往匝研炸牧倔答粪磕鹤完雄搏村豆瞄敢恶怎绝跨片鸣宾豺汹素批到落看怨易守.由于8根承重绳是串连在一起的,在拆除每根承重绳时,两岸地锚上方6T卷扬机各用48吨6门滑车组21.5钢绳导12线牵拉住该绳,并将下一根绳头锚固。y缆索吊拆除施工方案1escape from debt of the bank records o


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