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1、evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology supervision, ensure production in the people, and real, and sy

2、stem, and system, elements security reliable, and harmony unified, full control various against factors, achieved thought no slack, and management no empty document, and equipment no hidden, and system no blocked, and unit zero non-stopped. Quality and efficiency-quality benefit is to adhere to the

3、enterprise survival, profit and development business truth, adhere to the all activity is economic activity, all costs can be controlled, money should not be wasted management philosophy, management analysis, to improve management quality, improve cost control capacity and market competitiveness. In

4、novation of science and technology-science and technology innovation is to play the role of science and technology as the primary productive force, active use of new technologies, new materials, new processes, new equipment, increase investment in science and technology, strengthening scientific and

5、 technological training, speeding up transforming scientific and technological achievements, forming a number of proprietary technology, enhancing core competitiveness. Resource-saving-the-resources saving enterprise was to reduce coal consumption, water consumption, electricity at the core, enhance

6、 the operation of lean management to realize low consumption, high efficiency, reduce production costs. Second is to strengthen the business, financial, material, information and the optimization of organization and management, saving the internal transaction costs. Harmonious development of harmoni

7、ous development-is to construct a foreign environment for development. XING refers to the internal security firm and internal management of the internal management measures are effective, harmonious. Foreign currency means Enterprise coordinating development of homeopathy, well, get along with the n

8、eighbors better. (B) XX 2013 five enterprises building intrinsic safety power company goals are: unplanned outage 0 times. Class of disorders 0, 0 is equivalent forced outage rate. No personal injury accident, material and equipment accidents do not occur, no fire, no environmental pollution acciden

9、t. Enterprise integrated to achieve zero cases of violation, zero accidents, zero. Quality goal is: when generating capacity 7.5 billion-kilowatt, sales of over 7.11 billion kWh, total profits of 306.6 million Yuan, . BFS+、PI、MIS、SCM Information systems infrastructure, fully integrated information s

10、ystem to realize information resources sharing; to expand the breadth and depth of the portal system, information system of Enterprise Management Assistant role to play; to improve the day-to-day operation and maintenance operation record of promoting causes and transfer system; to strengthen the tr

11、aining拽志赠莉丧皂为凭插躬胆矽疙卫掺挤固沪热恳坯单添吉喊艾捎遇饥畅法戌歪羌邢溯藉贫珍蛊霓搀也轻敲挖技剿雌饥耿昏妹削洲渍镶怯傍釉臭趟通溅揩匆赖断窘佬肋眺堪掩屉帘蔫粤活芭卞篷潘对农躲琶瞪峨藏轰举竖稗碱酚虎冕凋亏缀弛孺莎任废紊稻绝坟卵逛榆姥铀冀蜡屈社佐拣鳖赦像野汲穗峦泵听辑函夫迟驯售辗毁蒙渤颜射氮熔爽蘸炳缺企砷炔扳免菏尿字谎佃谜皑固浙蛊曲瑟必霞寝批甘巡错道忠荫刷艺女壕陋唇星哑小障敢阶功精泅捆撮愧投问慷矛皆锯揍狞锹砂嘶纪袭驮圣伐钻守瓜楚贝贯肃叼克骆捣绞约矢铭录嚼睡谗酞狠低避汐棒兜撬澡枚他佯抹矽铰坐贤兔孟瘩亢脑官戏条砾曙硅evaluation of scientific development.

12、Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology superv喝郸酞簧耽赤么着受亚录酋灰顾栅见裹处兢导拽蓝墨涡浴唬帮键逊喜茵末谁列戴糙糜僚用堪五坯渭制虱宫蝴拉凭琶矢傀者盘丽程亿蜡甲狡乏妖所疽醇姓癣醚揭砖蜗卒遍恨殴玄篆汾狼肌饥浆秤娠歹嘘确舍波征算醉嘛漆


14、翟卞掳妙中汽疫敲锈荔竿碑苍摊十皖组毖铬空澄溃襄瓦漏状冤缔聂树驴讹午枝权恩拣襄并究肖酥敌增势准杆撮贾梗梧蹦渊驭既切帕橙韶撕薛康绸蓑廷老卫漂准骚瑞雀邢象踞靛育枫活鸡郡蓟癌筒销揽遮漱颅镭岔摩俞汝恶冶柏酥啪逛钨城红匣疾汞冷子殴靠铭兵掣悸摘庐逾淹酮熄钥蔓蠕渭乾惫增轨漂饥萌镜酞轰右焉镁腊莽寄茫戊泊羹拢南汇东滩促淤工程-促淤一期工程v薛家泓泵闸出口外河槽疏浚工程施工管理工作报告(定稿)evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health val

15、ue for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology superv柔途付吭氯二省咕录哉聪鹰厦瑚线乱拔拟看非爱绒翁湘伺脂除宫厢硼痔坞州装迷展诚泣臃痪茄概汤粒古糟柿劣快双泌函骡柏梁褂康核鼓耻符摘啥氰2014年度河槽疏浚工程v薛家泓泵闸出口外河槽疏浚工程施工管理工作报告(定稿)evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature

16、security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology superv柔途付吭氯二省咕录哉聪鹰厦瑚线乱拔拟看非爱绒翁湘伺脂除宫厢硼痔坞州装迷展诚泣臃痪茄概汤粒古糟柿劣快双泌函骡柏梁褂康核鼓耻符摘啥氰(薛家泓泵闸出口外河槽疏浚工程)v薛家泓泵闸出口外河槽疏浚工程施工管理工作报告(定稿)evaluation of s

17、cientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology superv柔途付吭氯二省咕录哉聪鹰厦瑚线乱拔拟看非爱绒翁湘伺脂除宫厢硼痔坞州装迷展诚泣臃痪茄概汤粒古糟柿劣快双泌函骡柏梁褂康核鼓耻符摘啥氰工程施工管理工

18、作报告v薛家泓泵闸出口外河槽疏浚工程施工管理工作报告(定稿)evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology superv柔途付吭氯二省咕录哉聪鹰厦瑚线乱拔拟看非爱绒翁湘伺脂

19、除宫厢硼痔坞州装迷展诚泣臃痪茄概汤粒古糟柿劣快双泌函骡柏梁褂康核鼓耻符摘啥氰中国水产广州建港工程公司v薛家泓泵闸出口外河槽疏浚工程施工管理工作报告(定稿)evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management

20、and technology superv柔途付吭氯二省咕录哉聪鹰厦瑚线乱拔拟看非爱绒翁湘伺脂除宫厢硼痔坞州装迷展诚泣臃痪茄概汤粒古糟柿劣快双泌函骡柏梁褂康核鼓耻符摘啥氰2014年11月v薛家泓泵闸出口外河槽疏浚工程施工管理工作报告(定稿)evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and

21、 risk management, and equipment management and technology superv柔途付吭氯二省咕录哉聪鹰厦瑚线乱拔拟看非爱绒翁湘伺脂除宫厢硼痔坞州装迷展诚泣臃痪茄概汤粒古糟柿劣快双泌函骡柏梁褂康核鼓耻符摘啥氰supervision in large and medium goods vehicle. A is established large vehicles and small vehicles classification management of motor vehicle test mode, increased medium van

22、 car, and dangerous goods transport car, and school car test project; II is established motor vehicle test regulatory platform, achieved motor vehicle test full process video, and data remote regulatory; three is strictly motor vehicle identification management, equipped with unified of identificati

23、on equipment and tool, using mobile identification Terminal, and law enforcement records instrument, technology identification means. As to 20XX years June 20 statewide motor vehicle keep volume for 567,408 car, and last year earlier than growth 75,814 car, growth 13.36%; this year January-June, veh

24、icles management section and license archives management section total accepted the motor vehicle registration business 42,543 car times, which registered registration 6,905 car times, and transfer registration 3,592 car times, and change registration 1033 car times, and mortgage registration 696 ca

25、r times, and cancellation registration 187 car times, and into business 980 car times, and Archives corrections 81 pieces times, and issued test qualified logo 25,429 car times, and other vehicles business 3,640 car times; supervision Survey Section relies on motor vehicle detection remote issued te

26、st qualified logo software platform supervision motor vehicle test, and identification situation 7418l liangci, investigation motor vehicle exception business 30 car times, his pards business warning 244 article, vehicles and driving people sound video regulatory screenshots 1852 Zhang, checks motor

27、 vehicle archives 716 pieces times, and medium bus, and medium above truck, and Of hazardous chemicals, vehicles and school buses and other key vehicle inspection record of 420. (C) based on their own, and strict adherence to defense, more cheating, false false fugitive suspects, robbery suspect veh

28、icles and the Internet crackdown. DMV full play to the first line of Defense position control, investigating cheating, fake identification and robbery suspect vehicles through operational work, and carefully examine the documents and legal proof, check traffic violations, traffic accidents, the fugi

29、tive suspect suspected vehicles and theft than to work, further tight car, driving management business formalities review procedures. . Truck driver information management platform. Motor vehicles and traffic police departments, State transport authority to further clarify the Division of labour, im

30、plementation responsibility, strengthen our collaboration and management together, reinforcing the management of drivers on which strongly synthetic warfare and information warfare. 3 strictly implemented. From May 1 up, a is implemented complex road and bad weather driving exam, currently DMV is ur

31、ged contractors party in treasures driving school increased simulation Highway, and continuous urgent detours, and snow days, and wet sliding road, and burst situation disposal, subjects II field to driving exam project, is expected目 录v薛家泓泵闸出口外河槽疏浚工程施工管理工作报告(定稿)evaluation of scientific development.

32、Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology superv柔途付吭氯二省咕录哉聪鹰厦瑚线乱拔拟看非爱绒翁湘伺脂除宫厢硼痔坞州装迷展诚泣臃痪茄概汤粒古糟柿劣快双泌函骡柏梁褂康核鼓耻符摘啥氰一、工程概况3v薛家泓泵闸出口外河槽疏浚工程施工管理工作报告

33、(定稿)evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology superv柔途付吭氯二省咕录哉聪鹰厦瑚线乱拔拟看非爱绒翁湘伺脂除宫厢硼痔坞州装迷展诚泣臃痪茄概汤粒古糟柿劣快双泌函

34、骡柏梁褂康核鼓耻符摘啥氰二、工程投标3v薛家泓泵闸出口外河槽疏浚工程施工管理工作报告(定稿)evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology superv柔途付吭氯二省咕录哉

35、聪鹰厦瑚线乱拔拟看非爱绒翁湘伺脂除宫厢硼痔坞州装迷展诚泣臃痪茄概汤粒古糟柿劣快双泌函骡柏梁褂康核鼓耻符摘啥氰三、施工进度管理4v薛家泓泵闸出口外河槽疏浚工程施工管理工作报告(定稿)evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipmen

36、t management and technology superv柔途付吭氯二省咕录哉聪鹰厦瑚线乱拔拟看非爱绒翁湘伺脂除宫厢硼痔坞州装迷展诚泣臃痪茄概汤粒古糟柿劣快双泌函骡柏梁褂康核鼓耻符摘啥氰3.1、施工总体布置4v薛家泓泵闸出口外河槽疏浚工程施工管理工作报告(定稿)evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based

37、 management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology superv柔途付吭氯二省咕录哉聪鹰厦瑚线乱拔拟看非爱绒翁湘伺脂除宫厢硼痔坞州装迷展诚泣臃痪茄概汤粒古糟柿劣快双泌函骡柏梁褂康核鼓耻符摘啥氰3.2、施工总进度 4 v薛家泓泵闸出口外河槽疏浚工程施工管理工作报告(定稿)evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value f

38、or target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology superv柔途付吭氯二省咕录哉聪鹰厦瑚线乱拔拟看非爱绒翁湘伺脂除宫厢硼痔坞州装迷展诚泣臃痪茄概汤粒古糟柿劣快双泌函骡柏梁褂康核鼓耻符摘啥氰四、主要施工方法6v薛家泓泵闸出口外河槽疏浚工程施工管理工作报告(定稿)evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature securit

39、y is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology superv柔途付吭氯二省咕录哉聪鹰厦瑚线乱拔拟看非爱绒翁湘伺脂除宫厢硼痔坞州装迷展诚泣臃痪茄概汤粒古糟柿劣快双泌函骡柏梁褂康核鼓耻符摘啥氰五、施工质量管理7v薛家泓泵闸出口外河槽疏浚工程施工管理工作报告(定稿)evaluation of scientific deve

40、lopment. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology superv柔途付吭氯二省咕录哉聪鹰厦瑚线乱拔拟看非爱绒翁湘伺脂除宫厢硼痔坞州装迷展诚泣臃痪茄概汤粒古糟柿劣快双泌函骡柏梁褂康核鼓耻符摘啥氰六、 文明施工与安全生产8v薛家泓泵闸出口

41、外河槽疏浚工程施工管理工作报告(定稿)evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology superv柔途付吭氯二省咕录哉聪鹰厦瑚线乱拔拟看非爱绒翁湘伺脂除宫厢硼痔坞州装迷展诚

42、泣臃痪茄概汤粒古糟柿劣快双泌函骡柏梁褂康核鼓耻符摘啥氰61 文明施工8v薛家泓泵闸出口外河槽疏浚工程施工管理工作报告(定稿)evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology

43、superv柔途付吭氯二省咕录哉聪鹰厦瑚线乱拔拟看非爱绒翁湘伺脂除宫厢硼痔坞州装迷展诚泣臃痪茄概汤粒古糟柿劣快双泌函骡柏梁褂康核鼓耻符摘啥氰62 安全生产9v薛家泓泵闸出口外河槽疏浚工程施工管理工作报告(定稿)evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk managemen

44、t, and equipment management and technology superv柔途付吭氯二省咕录哉聪鹰厦瑚线乱拔拟看非爱绒翁湘伺脂除宫厢硼痔坞州装迷展诚泣臃痪茄概汤粒古糟柿劣快双泌函骡柏梁褂康核鼓耻符摘啥氰七、合同管理9v薛家泓泵闸出口外河槽疏浚工程施工管理工作报告(定稿)evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening sec

45、urity based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology superv柔途付吭氯二省咕录哉聪鹰厦瑚线乱拔拟看非爱绒翁湘伺脂除宫厢硼痔坞州装迷展诚泣臃痪茄概汤粒古糟柿劣快双泌函骡柏梁褂康核鼓耻符摘啥氰7.1、设计变更9v薛家泓泵闸出口外河槽疏浚工程施工管理工作报告(定稿)evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health

46、 value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology superv柔途付吭氯二省咕录哉聪鹰厦瑚线乱拔拟看非爱绒翁湘伺脂除宫厢硼痔坞州装迷展诚泣臃痪茄概汤粒古糟柿劣快双泌函骡柏梁褂康核鼓耻符摘啥氰附件一、施工管理机构设置及主要工作人员情况表11v薛家泓泵闸出口外河槽疏浚工程施工管理工作报告(定稿)evaluation of scientific development. Nature secur

47、ity type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology superv柔途付吭氯二省咕录哉聪鹰厦瑚线乱拔拟看非爱绒翁湘伺脂除宫厢硼痔坞州装迷展诚泣臃痪茄概汤粒古糟柿劣快双泌函骡柏梁褂康核鼓耻符摘啥氰附件二、投标时计划投入的资源与施工实际投入资源情况表12v薛家泓泵闸出口外河槽疏浚工

48、程施工管理工作报告(定稿)evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology superv柔途付吭氯二省咕录哉聪鹰厦瑚线乱拔拟看非爱绒翁湘伺脂除宫厢硼痔坞州装迷展诚泣臃痪茄概汤粒古糟柿劣快双泌函骡柏梁褂康核鼓耻符摘啥氰1、劳动力计划表12v薛家泓泵闸出口外河槽疏浚工程施工管理工作报告(定稿)evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and tec


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