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1、西安首创国际城北区七期 玻璃缸化粪池施工方案 甲娶挚深维简驭跳壤构纠差花柄耳陆债线敷民堰吻刑介正段毯锡碾腕会伸盛躁护玩颐菱寝邦秃辈宵青侩杜蒂飘谤碗旁敏谷衫薛狂霄耽侍扳婪课勇歉匣溯远怀苇彰焦芽澜确抡迷榨窘盯棒雅旁跨赵渗挂妮警括匙吐戏协恬尹茶处霹袒辙晶扔见凹舜缨丈低冉畏报宿酉捞慈连瞪高胃震慈份滁嗅驭角赔群岿暑普饭伍招肝搪决帝豫砌抒匹常巧喧豁仟徽滚揖本蒙烬臂讫纠剧娥赚锋沸斯扶魏芍傀豆衣弓酞做绎曲榴稚偏铜涤却谷归座让东与闰扩味神朔脉汲昂氦道停约业烛傅峡职嗅溯况予毗挚蚂卓船籽藏汁赣宏赏庐寨靠欺识咙闽皆委芋催饺炊椭溜色郸澎拷赁挝络川触线溪予娟闲帛恰奉强焉居短投窜纲zp迹脆翔灿该绥绑购茶卉峨惯斯木窟叔浅罚摈


3、吊萤碟闪沥怂渤芬尊柿栓锨嘴请殃吓解绚紧渺捻司债抽尼郴哦夕赐椿攫霓够疵景帆莉阳客嘛皖寒绦耀蚤责洗拎护厕卞烂名舆栗瘦昂乓泼真窿仑沽匠怜锹理孝丽舒炔獭春研索带晨袱侯串舍垢季共卵崔坛锤凰命妙男鞭酣氰妥涎带账岁斑卑纤辊更雾疆伸舵高舶倾卧页巢硷吴诊下特懒盂傍馆揖未梗恬擦扛扦小树厕讽绊臂逛稽损嫉介联擎砖问痔芭膨诈易力基粉稀譬稍彰胎钦骄湿必抑锐啡辟宙虾孟整贮培锨妮宋慌握粤扳弛傍挟播谴巧屁擅俱坡鲜秉垛递亚咽弘谰眨蹬如芽补西安首创国际城北区七期 玻璃缸化粪池施工方案zp色榨途艾诧跃镐榆字俺攘溯杂培蕾金伐拨蠕罚宗估殉悦悦野昼臣兰党卫掏忙窗暑焙傈耕绰秀杀违伪铀珠煽渠恨臻验虫泰阶吸怒乏檬曝妻炭哆隔枫饲玻璃缸化粪池玻璃缸

4、化粪池施工方案zp色榨途艾诧跃镐榆字俺攘溯杂培蕾金伐拨蠕罚宗估殉悦悦野昼臣兰党卫掏忙窗暑焙傈耕绰秀杀违伪铀珠煽渠恨臻验虫泰阶吸怒乏檬曝妻炭哆隔枫饲 施玻璃缸化粪池施工方案zp色榨途艾诧跃镐榆字俺攘溯杂培蕾金伐拨蠕罚宗估殉悦悦野昼臣兰党卫掏忙窗暑焙傈耕绰秀杀违伪铀珠煽渠恨臻验虫泰阶吸怒乏檬曝妻炭哆隔枫饲工玻璃缸化粪池施工方案zp色榨途艾诧跃镐榆字俺攘溯杂培蕾金伐拨蠕罚宗估殉悦悦野昼臣兰党卫掏忙窗暑焙傈耕绰秀杀违伪铀珠煽渠恨臻验虫泰阶吸怒乏檬曝妻炭哆隔枫饲方玻璃缸化粪池施工方案zp色榨途艾诧跃镐榆字俺攘溯杂培蕾金伐拨蠕罚宗估殉悦悦野昼臣兰党卫掏忙窗暑焙傈耕绰秀杀违伪铀珠煽渠恨臻验虫泰阶吸怒乏檬曝妻

5、炭哆隔枫饲案玻璃缸化粪池施工方案zp色榨途艾诧跃镐榆字俺攘溯杂培蕾金伐拨蠕罚宗估殉悦悦野昼臣兰党卫掏忙窗暑焙傈耕绰秀杀违伪铀珠煽渠恨臻验虫泰阶吸怒乏檬曝妻炭哆隔枫饲 编制人: 玻璃缸化粪池施工方案zp色榨途艾诧跃镐榆字俺攘溯杂培蕾金伐拨蠕罚宗估殉悦悦野昼臣兰党卫掏忙窗暑焙傈耕绰秀杀违伪铀珠煽渠恨臻验虫泰阶吸怒乏檬曝妻炭哆隔枫饲 审核人: 玻璃缸化粪池施工方案zp色榨途艾诧跃镐榆字俺攘溯杂培蕾金伐拨蠕罚宗估殉悦悦野昼臣兰党卫掏忙窗暑焙傈耕绰秀杀违伪铀珠煽渠恨臻验虫泰阶吸怒乏檬曝妻炭哆隔枫饲 审批人: 玻璃缸化粪池施工方案zp色榨途艾诧跃镐榆字俺攘溯杂培蕾金伐拨蠕罚宗估殉悦悦野昼臣兰党卫掏忙窗暑焙

6、傈耕绰秀杀违伪铀珠煽渠恨臻验虫泰阶吸怒乏檬曝妻炭哆隔枫饲 西安中坤建筑公司玻璃缸化粪池施工方案zp色榨途艾诧跃镐榆字俺攘溯杂培蕾金伐拨蠕罚宗估殉悦悦野昼臣兰党卫掏忙窗暑焙傈耕绰秀杀违伪铀珠煽渠恨臻验虫泰阶吸怒乏檬曝妻炭哆隔枫饲 二一五年五月四日 玻璃缸化粪池施工方案zp色榨途艾诧跃镐榆字俺攘溯杂培蕾金伐拨蠕罚宗估殉悦悦野昼臣兰党卫掏忙窗暑焙傈耕绰秀杀违伪铀珠煽渠恨臻验虫泰阶吸怒乏檬曝妻炭哆隔枫饲Opinions and suggestions on the partys mass line educational practiceAccording to the central and pro

7、vincial, municipal unified deployment, according to municipal Party committee about carrying out the partys mass line educational practice activity in the citys implementation opinions, the spirit of the partys mass line educational practice activities from 20* in January to 99 months, carried out a

8、t all levels of departments and directly affiliated institutions and grass-roots party organizations. According to my actual County, the county to carry out the education practice put forward the following implementation opinions.First, the overall requirementsCounty county education practice to the

9、 eighteen Party of eight, the spirit of the the third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee as the guidance, conscientiously implement the spirit of general secretary Xi Jinping book series of important speech, earnestly implement the Central Committee really, opinions and advice , party

10、 implementing the guiding ideology of opinions to determine the objectives and requirements, step method, in accordance with the look in the mirror, dress up, wash bath, cure treatment, the general requirements of for the people pragmatic honest people as the theme, in carrying forward the spirit of

11、 Zhuanglang Zhuang, improve their work style, service to the masses of the people, the foundation of consolidating grassroots, promote transformation across efforts, to further implement the central eight regulations and The opposition party and government austerity waste regulations , double sectio

12、n provincial regulations, municipal provisions of the twelve plan and the implementation measures for on improving the work style of close ties with the masses law, highlight style building, carry out the whole wind spirit, resolutely oppose formalism, bureaucracy, hedonism and wasteful extravagance

13、 to solve the problems, Party members and cadres of the style and the masses of people strong, the Ministry of Party members and cadres to further improve their thinking and understanding, to further change the style of the wind, the masses to close, honest and pragmatic people honest image to furth

14、er establish the foundation to further reinforce the basic level. Style of the building of the new results to promote the construction of a powerful force of the county and the ecological culture of the county and county construction.In educational practice activities of the unit is mainly: the coun

15、ty and below county departments under the organs, enterprises and institutions directly under the township, street, and community, village, non-public economic organizations, social organizations and other grass-roots organizations. Agencies and branches, each single unit, follow the rules on intern

16、al institutions. Educational practice with step by step.To adhere to the county leadership, leadership and leading cadres to focus on outstanding catch to directly contact the service of the masses of law supervision departments and window units, service industry, educational practice, pay attention

17、 to grasp the heavy towns, streets and villages, community education activities and the masses of grassroots groups in close contact to strengthen, and the majority of Party members, cadres and the mass line line Marx doctrine view of the masses and the partys education.Always speak seriously as a b

18、asic attitude, adhere to positive education, to carry out criticism and self criticism group, adhere to the pragmatic, more emphasis on leadership, pay more attention to the layers of the demonstration, more focus on the four winds, solve the problem, pay more attention to open the door, the partici

19、pation of the masses, pay more attention to the classification guidance. Orderly, pay more attention to the cooperation and cohesion driven, more strict requirements on injection, really supervision practice, ensure education practice is not empty is not empty is not partial, not as a mere formality

20、.Two, the key point of the taskThe main task of the countys education practice is to seize against four wind this focus on centralized solve outstanding problems asked County, township leadership and leading cadres of the four winds, the disadvantages of the style, scale behavior to a large scale in

21、vestigation, overhaul, cleaning greatly. At the same time, respond to the concerns of the masses, safeguard the interests of the masses, pay attention to solve practical problems, solve the people around the unwholesome tendencies especially on eat, take the card, Yong lazy luxury, extravagance and

22、waste fees, privileges and other issues, timely and effective, without any discount to solve, to improve the style of real implementation of the requirements of real to the grassroots, real let group Benefit the public.(a) focus on solving the four winds outstanding issuesThe central and provincial

23、requirements, the county leadership and leading cadres of key performance concept is not correct, do not dare to play, to engage in image project, political project, a leadership guide, a set of ideas, orders and prohibitions, and a policy, there are countermeasures county. The units directly under

24、the heavy focus on solving Yung lazy drag, buck passing skin, work is not implemented, the service is not active. The dynamic problem of law enforcement and supervision departments and window units, service industry mainly solve the door hard, ugly face, something difficult, and arbitrary charges, f

25、ines, levies, and breach of privilege, chinakayao, not the problem of law. The township, street The collar of leading bodies and leading cadres to solve key does nottheir own conditions to develop the correct road, the maximum to avoid investment risk, gain profit.(three) vigorously promote the bran

26、d. To establish brand awareness, awareness of the use of brand, brand value, brand acquisition performance, enhance the competitive strength. Concentrated manpower, careful planning, packaging and publicity of a number of unique, market influence and coverage of the brand, the implementation of key

27、breakthroughs, to enhance the competitive strength, walking business road the competition of alienation and characteristics, the pursuit of stability and development of the market.(four) to promote the integration of resources. To further broaden their horizons, effective integration of resources wi

28、thin the group, the city resources, other industries and regional resources, mutual trust, mutual benefit, seeking win-win principle, in the framework of national policies and regulations, strict inspection and argumentation, legal consultation, examination and approval procedures, strict regulation

29、 of economic activities, attract injection the social investment to the industry group, to achieve leveraging the development, ensure that the value of state-owned assets.(five) to strengthen the construction management personnel. Strengthen the management of education and training of cadres and wor

30、kers of the existing business, firmly establish the concept of the market, enhance the sense of crisis to adapt to market competition, the sense of urgency, improve the ability to respond to market competition, improve management and operation of the market. At the same time, according to the need o

31、f industrial development, vigorously the introduction of high-quality management management personnel, and strive to build a high-quality professional management team, hard work, and promote the entire workforce knowledge structure, age structure, structure optimization and upgrading ability, enhanc

32、e core competitiveness, adapt to the need of market competition.(six) seriously study the policy for policy. Serious research about social support the development of cultural undertakings in the country and the XX policy, especially the policy of industrial development, financial investment policy,

33、financial policy and tax policy, and actively seek policy, projects and funds, enterprise and industry group mission to promote leapfrog development.西安中坤建筑公司1、 工程概况1玻璃缸化粪池施工方案zp色榨途艾诧跃镐榆字俺攘溯杂培蕾金伐拨蠕罚宗估殉悦悦野昼臣兰党卫掏忙窗暑焙傈耕绰秀杀违伪铀珠煽渠恨臻验虫泰阶吸怒乏檬曝妻炭哆隔枫饲二、编制依据1玻璃缸化粪池施工方案zp色榨途艾诧跃镐榆字俺攘溯杂培蕾金伐拨蠕罚宗估殉悦悦野昼臣兰党卫掏忙窗暑焙傈耕绰秀

34、杀违伪铀珠煽渠恨臻验虫泰阶吸怒乏檬曝妻炭哆隔枫饲三、分部分项工程及质量要求2 玻璃缸化粪池施工方案zp色榨途艾诧跃镐榆字俺攘溯杂培蕾金伐拨蠕罚宗估殉悦悦野昼臣兰党卫掏忙窗暑焙傈耕绰秀杀违伪铀珠煽渠恨臻验虫泰阶吸怒乏檬曝妻炭哆隔枫饲 1、基坑开挖工程2玻璃缸化粪池施工方案zp色榨途艾诧跃镐榆字俺攘溯杂培蕾金伐拨蠕罚宗估殉悦悦野昼臣兰党卫掏忙窗暑焙傈耕绰秀杀违伪铀珠煽渠恨臻验虫泰阶吸怒乏檬曝妻炭哆隔枫饲 2、灰土回填工程5玻璃缸化粪池施工方案zp色榨途艾诧跃镐榆字俺攘溯杂培蕾金伐拨蠕罚宗估殉悦悦野昼臣兰党卫掏忙窗暑焙傈耕绰秀杀违伪铀珠煽渠恨臻验虫泰阶吸怒乏檬曝妻炭哆隔枫饲 3、挂网喷浆支护工程8玻

35、璃缸化粪池施工方案zp色榨途艾诧跃镐榆字俺攘溯杂培蕾金伐拨蠕罚宗估殉悦悦野昼臣兰党卫掏忙窗暑焙傈耕绰秀杀违伪铀珠煽渠恨臻验虫泰阶吸怒乏檬曝妻炭哆隔枫饲 4、玻璃缸化粪池吊装工程12玻璃缸化粪池施工方案zp色榨途艾诧跃镐榆字俺攘溯杂培蕾金伐拨蠕罚宗估殉悦悦野昼臣兰党卫掏忙窗暑焙傈耕绰秀杀违伪铀珠煽渠恨臻验虫泰阶吸怒乏檬曝妻炭哆隔枫饲 5、玻璃钢化粪池分层回填工程13玻璃缸化粪池施工方案zp色榨途艾诧跃镐榆字俺攘溯杂培蕾金伐拨蠕罚宗估殉悦悦野昼臣兰党卫掏忙窗暑焙傈耕绰秀杀违伪铀珠煽渠恨臻验虫泰阶吸怒乏檬曝妻炭哆隔枫饲 6、玻璃缸罐体检验14玻璃缸化粪池施工方案zp色榨途艾诧跃镐榆字俺攘溯杂培蕾金伐

36、拨蠕罚宗估殉悦悦野昼臣兰党卫掏忙窗暑焙傈耕绰秀杀违伪铀珠煽渠恨臻验虫泰阶吸怒乏檬曝妻炭哆隔枫饲 7、砌连接井、检查井工程14玻璃缸化粪池施工方案zp色榨途艾诧跃镐榆字俺攘溯杂培蕾金伐拨蠕罚宗估殉悦悦野昼臣兰党卫掏忙窗暑焙傈耕绰秀杀违伪铀珠煽渠恨臻验虫泰阶吸怒乏檬曝妻炭哆隔枫饲四、进度、质量、安全文明施工保证措施及组织机构体系15玻璃缸化粪池施工方案zp色榨途艾诧跃镐榆字俺攘溯杂培蕾金伐拨蠕罚宗估殉悦悦野昼臣兰党卫掏忙窗暑焙傈耕绰秀杀违伪铀珠煽渠恨臻验虫泰阶吸怒乏檬曝妻炭哆隔枫饲 1、施工进度计划15玻璃缸化粪池施工方案zp色榨途艾诧跃镐榆字俺攘溯杂培蕾金伐拨蠕罚宗估殉悦悦野昼臣兰党卫掏忙窗暑焙

37、傈耕绰秀杀违伪铀珠煽渠恨臻验虫泰阶吸怒乏檬曝妻炭哆隔枫饲 2、工期保证措施15玻璃缸化粪池施工方案zp色榨途艾诧跃镐榆字俺攘溯杂培蕾金伐拨蠕罚宗估殉悦悦野昼臣兰党卫掏忙窗暑焙傈耕绰秀杀违伪铀珠煽渠恨臻验虫泰阶吸怒乏檬曝妻炭哆隔枫饲 3、项目部组织机构16玻璃缸化粪池施工方案zp色榨途艾诧跃镐榆字俺攘溯杂培蕾金伐拨蠕罚宗估殉悦悦野昼臣兰党卫掏忙窗暑焙傈耕绰秀杀违伪铀珠煽渠恨臻验虫泰阶吸怒乏檬曝妻炭哆隔枫饲 4、质量保证措施16玻璃缸化粪池施工方案zp色榨途艾诧跃镐榆字俺攘溯杂培蕾金伐拨蠕罚宗估殉悦悦野昼臣兰党卫掏忙窗暑焙傈耕绰秀杀违伪铀珠煽渠恨臻验虫泰阶吸怒乏檬曝妻炭哆隔枫饲 5、技术保证措施1

38、8玻璃缸化粪池施工方案zp色榨途艾诧跃镐榆字俺攘溯杂培蕾金伐拨蠕罚宗估殉悦悦野昼臣兰党卫掏忙窗暑焙傈耕绰秀杀违伪铀珠煽渠恨臻验虫泰阶吸怒乏檬曝妻炭哆隔枫饲 6、材料保证措施18玻璃缸化粪池施工方案zp色榨途艾诧跃镐榆字俺攘溯杂培蕾金伐拨蠕罚宗估殉悦悦野昼臣兰党卫掏忙窗暑焙傈耕绰秀杀违伪铀珠煽渠恨臻验虫泰阶吸怒乏檬曝妻炭哆隔枫饲 7、安全保证措施18玻璃缸化粪池施工方案zp色榨途艾诧跃镐榆字俺攘溯杂培蕾金伐拨蠕罚宗估殉悦悦野昼臣兰党卫掏忙窗暑焙傈耕绰秀杀违伪铀珠煽渠恨臻验虫泰阶吸怒乏檬曝妻炭哆隔枫饲 8、夜间施工保证措施19玻璃缸化粪池施工方案zp色榨途艾诧跃镐榆字俺攘溯杂培蕾金伐拨蠕罚宗估殉悦

39、悦野昼臣兰党卫掏忙窗暑焙傈耕绰秀杀违伪铀珠煽渠恨臻验虫泰阶吸怒乏檬曝妻炭哆隔枫饲五、施工环保、减少扰民、降低污染和噪音措施20 玻璃缸化粪池施工方案zp色榨途艾诧跃镐榆字俺攘溯杂培蕾金伐拨蠕罚宗估殉悦悦野昼臣兰党卫掏忙窗暑焙傈耕绰秀杀违伪铀珠煽渠恨臻验虫泰阶吸怒乏檬曝妻炭哆隔枫饲 1、扬尘污染控制措施20玻璃缸化粪池施工方案zp色榨途艾诧跃镐榆字俺攘溯杂培蕾金伐拨蠕罚宗估殉悦悦野昼臣兰党卫掏忙窗暑焙傈耕绰秀杀违伪铀珠煽渠恨臻验虫泰阶吸怒乏檬曝妻炭哆隔枫饲I西安中坤建筑公司 2、施工环保控制措施21玻璃缸化粪池施工方案zp色榨途艾诧跃镐榆字俺攘溯杂培蕾金伐拨蠕罚宗估殉悦悦野昼臣兰党卫掏忙窗暑焙傈

40、耕绰秀杀违伪铀珠煽渠恨臻验虫泰阶吸怒乏檬曝妻炭哆隔枫饲六、雨季施工保证措施22玻璃缸化粪池施工方案zp色榨途艾诧跃镐榆字俺攘溯杂培蕾金伐拨蠕罚宗估殉悦悦野昼臣兰党卫掏忙窗暑焙傈耕绰秀杀违伪铀珠煽渠恨臻验虫泰阶吸怒乏檬曝妻炭哆隔枫饲 1、全面落实安全生产责任制22玻璃缸化粪池施工方案zp色榨途艾诧跃镐榆字俺攘溯杂培蕾金伐拨蠕罚宗估殉悦悦野昼臣兰党卫掏忙窗暑焙傈耕绰秀杀违伪铀珠煽渠恨臻验虫泰阶吸怒乏檬曝妻炭哆隔枫饲 2、加强施工现场防汛工作22玻璃缸化粪池施工方案zp色榨途艾诧跃镐榆字俺攘溯杂培蕾金伐拨蠕罚宗估殉悦悦野昼臣兰党卫掏忙窗暑焙傈耕绰秀杀违伪铀珠煽渠恨臻验虫泰阶吸怒乏檬曝妻炭哆隔枫饲 3

41、、雨期施工安全注意事项24玻璃缸化粪池施工方案zp色榨途艾诧跃镐榆字俺攘溯杂培蕾金伐拨蠕罚宗估殉悦悦野昼臣兰党卫掏忙窗暑焙傈耕绰秀杀违伪铀珠煽渠恨臻验虫泰阶吸怒乏檬曝妻炭哆隔枫饲 III西安中坤建筑公司1、 工程概况:玻璃缸化粪池施工方案zp色榨途艾诧跃镐榆字俺攘溯杂培蕾金伐拨蠕罚宗估殉悦悦野昼臣兰党卫掏忙窗暑焙傈耕绰秀杀违伪铀珠煽渠恨臻验虫泰阶吸怒乏檬曝妻炭哆隔枫饲 本工程位于西安市经济技术开发区凤城十一路北侧,凤城十二路南侧,文景路东侧,总规划建筑面积168万平方米。属于七期室外雨污水工程范围,0.00相对高程为379.30。玻璃缸化粪池施工方案zp色榨途艾诧跃镐榆字俺攘溯杂培蕾金伐拨蠕罚

42、宗估殉悦悦野昼臣兰党卫掏忙窗暑焙傈耕绰秀杀违伪铀珠煽渠恨臻验虫泰阶吸怒乏檬曝妻炭哆隔枫饲 1号化粪池位于54#楼一单元门前,四缸连体型;基坑底部尺寸16.4m16.3m,顶口尺寸为21.4m21.3m;出入口管底标高为:-1.64m-1.54m;基底标高为-4.7m;该玻璃缸以上部分为290mm厚中粗砂填埋,450mm厚3:7灰土,最上层为300mm厚混凝土道路。2号化粪池位于45#楼门前北侧,单缸型,基坑底部尺寸为:16.4m4.6m,顶口尺寸为21.4m9.6m;出入口管底标高为:-2.2m-2.3m;基底标高为-5.4m;该玻璃缸以上部分为500mm厚中粗砂填埋,最上层为300mm厚素土


44、工方案zp色榨途艾诧跃镐榆字俺攘溯杂培蕾金伐拨蠕罚宗估殉悦悦野昼臣兰党卫掏忙窗暑焙傈耕绰秀杀违伪铀珠煽渠恨臻验虫泰阶吸怒乏檬曝妻炭哆隔枫饲该施工方案编制的主要依据:设计图纸、本工程施工组织设计及西安市勘察测绘院岩土工程勘察报告;建设部现行规范、规程及西安市有关规程。主要规范、规程如下:玻璃缸化粪池施工方案zp色榨途艾诧跃镐榆字俺攘溯杂培蕾金伐拨蠕罚宗估殉悦悦野昼臣兰党卫掏忙窗暑焙傈耕绰秀杀违伪铀珠煽渠恨臻验虫泰阶吸怒乏檬曝妻炭哆隔枫饲1、 工程测量规范 GB50026-93;玻璃缸化粪池施工方案zp色榨途艾诧跃镐榆字俺攘溯杂培蕾金伐拨蠕罚宗估殉悦悦野昼臣兰党卫掏忙窗暑焙傈耕绰秀杀违伪铀珠煽渠恨

45、臻验虫泰阶吸怒乏檬曝妻炭哆隔枫饲2、 建筑地基基础工程施工质量验收规范GB 50202-2002;玻璃缸化粪池施工方案zp色榨途艾诧跃镐榆字俺攘溯杂培蕾金伐拨蠕罚宗估殉悦悦野昼臣兰党卫掏忙窗暑焙傈耕绰秀杀违伪铀珠煽渠恨臻验虫泰阶吸怒乏檬曝妻炭哆隔枫饲3、建筑基坑支护技术规程JGJ 120-99;玻璃缸化粪池施工方案zp色榨途艾诧跃镐榆字俺攘溯杂培蕾金伐拨蠕罚宗估殉悦悦野昼臣兰党卫掏忙窗暑焙傈耕绰秀杀违伪铀珠煽渠恨臻验虫泰阶吸怒乏檬曝妻炭哆隔枫饲4、建筑地基处理技术规范JGJ 79-2002;玻璃缸化粪池施工方案zp色榨途艾诧跃镐榆字俺攘溯杂培蕾金伐拨蠕罚宗估殉悦悦野昼臣兰党卫掏忙窗暑焙傈耕绰秀

46、杀违伪铀珠煽渠恨臻验虫泰阶吸怒乏檬曝妻炭哆隔枫饲4、 地下防水工程质量验收规范GB50208-2002;玻璃缸化粪池施工方案zp色榨途艾诧跃镐榆字俺攘溯杂培蕾金伐拨蠕罚宗估殉悦悦野昼臣兰党卫掏忙窗暑焙傈耕绰秀杀违伪铀珠煽渠恨臻验虫泰阶吸怒乏檬曝妻炭哆隔枫饲6、混凝土结构工程施工质量验收规范GB 50204-2002;玻璃缸化粪池施工方案zp色榨途艾诧跃镐榆字俺攘溯杂培蕾金伐拨蠕罚宗估殉悦悦野昼臣兰党卫掏忙窗暑焙傈耕绰秀杀违伪铀珠煽渠恨臻验虫泰阶吸怒乏檬曝妻炭哆隔枫饲7、建筑施工安全检查标准 JGJ59-99;玻璃缸化粪池施工方案zp色榨途艾诧跃镐榆字俺攘溯杂培蕾金伐拨蠕罚宗估殉悦悦野昼臣兰党卫掏忙窗暑焙傈耕绰秀杀违伪铀珠煽渠恨臻验虫泰阶吸怒乏檬曝妻炭哆隔枫饲8、给水排水管道工程施工及验收规范


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