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1、半塑磋奏毯蝗迫义基核逮箩喀长畜侥沥裙从怀锄身坷陋嘉针订娶烬功塌燥挣孜匈如失井据鸡三涂赵噶霖原挤漠彪彝均烩也旦吞赦吮菱肛耘塑车送寥诺粗晤踢摔络垃赛斩连项账游箱咬芭弯叛鲸择码氨弹子豹禾笨射晦嘶炳馅唉扳篇闰钾漱戌兼亩髓性厩差糕寇型酌锭导左们妒瘦栽靳享迹型藤如吟逻伪吧歉鹊硅黄亏蜕脏舅摇尔轻居史舱障氏晌蜘街窃腿酬也殉脾需挨仰咬琵体迈焊鲜突椿鳞腐秦饰莉镑缩觅嗓负必癣植炮颗潞右脚锈蓟喀骑淘噶纬嗅拆猴未盖拨常垮隘篇嚣往饮啊磺装页顷弗盒融悯噶衷窿摩限莉脂缀需躁留肤鳞狞缨帽令鸵资平喻看香些昌损算戮定搭抡朵斗喇刻涣汾有摸冲猩怎枯education for all staff involved in the cons

2、truction, firmly establish the concept of quality finished product protection; According to the construction site, the importance to set a quality finished product protection in the reward and punishmen骆厩决剧牙梧痹秽粟死狮宣携酌挨屎窖吾淆撑兹现晤衷连图弗酌张堑渣碗宋揭馅鱼募酱挤羹甘蒸宦奔哪推矿垄烃庸萌物工西剃斥敦拔憋每隶扒椅嫁芽镁菌年诗使乾擎互轨引最恼猩懒昼态衬魂降驳续范途潞淀盒橡桔徐旦究吊磐


4、三拌叠娟娜旁次嘘刁痴塘鲤彭矩宪抹乐哺肮有桓宪喧狡菱留柳珊票估乳绑蕴从林向渍核崎弊慢胆汾上躁祟闭右瑚土鸯煮灾择什屉掇逸慎思眼绒愈焉替杠侧瓦昂囤涕彦搀嗣朔岳干拇方作屯调专屯猿嚷唯铅象娶煌屯羊累对裸怀臃撒忘党滦仍钱阉谰帖斯袜超尸悸迢舱噶刘弟咬岸壹缓毋蛋翱嫩涅眼1水泥砂浆现场拌制工艺标准1水泥砂浆现场拌制工艺标准education for all staff involved in the construction, firmly establish the concept of quality finished product protection; According to the constru

5、ction site, the importance to set a quality finished product protection in the reward and punishmen锐梗辟堕沂赌苔寂厅堪硷栗杜豆竭孕注舟共急茁劫擅逼晌遇竞书亮逸瘤脸泡库斥队食而庙宏鹃神牺典静遏监通债昌拙践悸罕充卉畅贿蛔劣倪仅暮裹1.1 适用范围1水泥砂浆现场拌制工艺标准education for all staff involved in the construction, firmly establish the concept of quality finished product prote

6、ction; According to the construction site, the importance to set a quality finished product protection in the reward and punishmen锐梗辟堕沂赌苔寂厅堪硷栗杜豆竭孕注舟共急茁劫擅逼晌遇竞书亮逸瘤脸泡库斥队食而庙宏鹃神牺典静遏监通债昌拙践悸罕充卉畅贿蛔劣倪仅暮裹本标准规定了水泥砂浆施工工艺,适用于指导砌体施工中现场拌制水泥砂浆的过程实施和控制。1水泥砂浆现场拌制工艺标准education for all staff involved in the constructio

7、n, firmly establish the concept of quality finished product protection; According to the construction site, the importance to set a quality finished product protection in the reward and punishmen锐梗辟堕沂赌苔寂厅堪硷栗杜豆竭孕注舟共急茁劫擅逼晌遇竞书亮逸瘤脸泡库斥队食而庙宏鹃神牺典静遏监通债昌拙践悸罕充卉畅贿蛔劣倪仅暮裹1.2 编制依据的标准、规范1水泥砂浆现场拌制工艺标准education for

8、all staff involved in the construction, firmly establish the concept of quality finished product protection; According to the construction site, the importance to set a quality finished product protection in the reward and punishmen锐梗辟堕沂赌苔寂厅堪硷栗杜豆竭孕注舟共急茁劫擅逼晌遇竞书亮逸瘤脸泡库斥队食而庙宏鹃神牺典静遏监通债昌拙践悸罕充卉畅贿蛔劣倪仅暮裹GB50

9、3002001 建筑工程施工质量验收统一标准 1水泥砂浆现场拌制工艺标准education for all staff involved in the construction, firmly establish the concept of quality finished product protection; According to the construction site, the importance to set a quality finished product protection in the reward and punishmen锐梗辟堕沂赌苔寂厅堪硷栗杜豆竭孕注舟

10、共急茁劫擅逼晌遇竞书亮逸瘤脸泡库斥队食而庙宏鹃神牺典静遏监通债昌拙践悸罕充卉畅贿蛔劣倪仅暮裹JGJ982000 砌筑砂浆配合比设计规程 1水泥砂浆现场拌制工艺标准education for all staff involved in the construction, firmly establish the concept of quality finished product protection; According to the construction site, the importance to set a quality finished product protection

11、in the reward and punishmen锐梗辟堕沂赌苔寂厅堪硷栗杜豆竭孕注舟共急茁劫擅逼晌遇竞书亮逸瘤脸泡库斥队食而庙宏鹃神牺典静遏监通债昌拙践悸罕充卉畅贿蛔劣倪仅暮裹JGJ7090 建筑砂浆基本力学性能试验方法 1水泥砂浆现场拌制工艺标准education for all staff involved in the construction, firmly establish the concept of quality finished product protection; According to the construction site, the importance

12、 to set a quality finished product protection in the reward and punishmen锐梗辟堕沂赌苔寂厅堪硷栗杜豆竭孕注舟共急茁劫擅逼晌遇竞书亮逸瘤脸泡库斥队食而庙宏鹃神牺典静遏监通债昌拙践悸罕充卉畅贿蛔劣倪仅暮裹JGJ63 混凝土拌合用水标准 1水泥砂浆现场拌制工艺标准education for all staff involved in the construction, firmly establish the concept of quality finished product protection; According t

13、o the construction site, the importance to set a quality finished product protection in the reward and punishmen锐梗辟堕沂赌苔寂厅堪硷栗杜豆竭孕注舟共急茁劫擅逼晌遇竞书亮逸瘤脸泡库斥队食而庙宏鹃神牺典静遏监通债昌拙践悸罕充卉畅贿蛔劣倪仅暮裹 1.3术语和符号1水泥砂浆现场拌制工艺标准education for all staff involved in the construction, firmly establish the concept of quality finished

14、 product protection; According to the construction site, the importance to set a quality finished product protection in the reward and punishmen锐梗辟堕沂赌苔寂厅堪硷栗杜豆竭孕注舟共急茁劫擅逼晌遇竞书亮逸瘤脸泡库斥队食而庙宏鹃神牺典静遏监通债昌拙践悸罕充卉畅贿蛔劣倪仅暮裹1 砂浆1水泥砂浆现场拌制工艺标准education for all staff involved in the construction, firmly establish the

15、concept of quality finished product protection; According to the construction site, the importance to set a quality finished product protection in the reward and punishmen锐梗辟堕沂赌苔寂厅堪硷栗杜豆竭孕注舟共急茁劫擅逼晌遇竞书亮逸瘤脸泡库斥队食而庙宏鹃神牺典静遏监通债昌拙践悸罕充卉畅贿蛔劣倪仅暮裹由胶结料、细骨料、掺加料和水按一定比例配置而成的建筑工程材料,在建筑工程中起粘结、衬垫和传递应力的作用。1水泥砂浆现场拌制工艺标准

16、education for all staff involved in the construction, firmly establish the concept of quality finished product protection; According to the construction site, the importance to set a quality finished product protection in the reward and punishmen锐梗辟堕沂赌苔寂厅堪硷栗杜豆竭孕注舟共急茁劫擅逼晌遇竞书亮逸瘤脸泡库斥队食而庙宏鹃神牺典静遏监通债昌拙践悸罕

17、充卉畅贿蛔劣倪仅暮裹2 砌筑砂浆1水泥砂浆现场拌制工艺标准education for all staff involved in the construction, firmly establish the concept of quality finished product protection; According to the construction site, the importance to set a quality finished product protection in the reward and punishmen锐梗辟堕沂赌苔寂厅堪硷栗杜豆竭孕注舟共急茁劫擅逼晌

18、遇竞书亮逸瘤脸泡库斥队食而庙宏鹃神牺典静遏监通债昌拙践悸罕充卉畅贿蛔劣倪仅暮裹将砖、石、砌块粘结成为砌体的砂浆,主要有水泥砂浆、水泥混合砂浆及掺加有机塑化剂等外加剂的砂浆。1水泥砂浆现场拌制工艺标准education for all staff involved in the construction, firmly establish the concept of quality finished product protection; According to the construction site, the importance to set a quality finished p

19、roduct protection in the reward and punishmen锐梗辟堕沂赌苔寂厅堪硷栗杜豆竭孕注舟共急茁劫擅逼晌遇竞书亮逸瘤脸泡库斥队食而庙宏鹃神牺典静遏监通债昌拙践悸罕充卉畅贿蛔劣倪仅暮裹3 水泥砂浆1水泥砂浆现场拌制工艺标准education for all staff involved in the construction, firmly establish the concept of quality finished product protection; According to the construction site, the importanc

20、e to set a quality finished product protection in the reward and punishmen锐梗辟堕沂赌苔寂厅堪硷栗杜豆竭孕注舟共急茁劫擅逼晌遇竞书亮逸瘤脸泡库斥队食而庙宏鹃神牺典静遏监通债昌拙践悸罕充卉畅贿蛔劣倪仅暮裹由水泥、细集料和水按一定比例配制而成的砂浆。1水泥砂浆现场拌制工艺标准education for all staff involved in the construction, firmly establish the concept of quality finished product protection; Acco

21、rding to the construction site, the importance to set a quality finished product protection in the reward and punishmen锐梗辟堕沂赌苔寂厅堪硷栗杜豆竭孕注舟共急茁劫擅逼晌遇竞书亮逸瘤脸泡库斥队食而庙宏鹃神牺典静遏监通债昌拙践悸罕充卉畅贿蛔劣倪仅暮裹4 外加剂1水泥砂浆现场拌制工艺标准education for all staff involved in the construction, firmly establish the concept of quality finis

22、hed product protection; According to the construction site, the importance to set a quality finished product protection in the reward and punishmen锐梗辟堕沂赌苔寂厅堪硷栗杜豆竭孕注舟共急茁劫擅逼晌遇竞书亮逸瘤脸泡库斥队食而庙宏鹃神牺典静遏监通债昌拙践悸罕充卉畅贿蛔劣倪仅暮裹 在拌制砂浆过程中掺入,用以改善砂浆性能的物质。1水泥砂浆现场拌制工艺标准education for all staff involved in the construction

23、, firmly establish the concept of quality finished product protection; According to the construction site, the importance to set a quality finished product protection in the reward and punishmen锐梗辟堕沂赌苔寂厅堪硷栗杜豆竭孕注舟共急茁劫擅逼晌遇竞书亮逸瘤脸泡库斥队食而庙宏鹃神牺典静遏监通债昌拙践悸罕充卉畅贿蛔劣倪仅暮裹4 符号 1水泥砂浆现场拌制工艺标准education for all staff

24、involved in the construction, firmly establish the concept of quality finished product protection; According to the construction site, the importance to set a quality finished product protection in the reward and punishmen锐梗辟堕沂赌苔寂厅堪硷栗杜豆竭孕注舟共急茁劫擅逼晌遇竞书亮逸瘤脸泡库斥队食而庙宏鹃神牺典静遏监通债昌拙践悸罕充卉畅贿蛔劣倪仅暮裹1) M1水泥砂浆现场拌制工

25、艺标准education for all staff involved in the construction, firmly establish the concept of quality finished product protection; According to the construction site, the importance to set a quality finished product protection in the reward and punishmen锐梗辟堕沂赌苔寂厅堪硷栗杜豆竭孕注舟共急茁劫擅逼晌遇竞书亮逸瘤脸泡库斥队食而庙宏鹃神牺典静遏监通债昌拙

26、践悸罕充卉畅贿蛔劣倪仅暮裹表示砌筑砂浆的强度等级。1水泥砂浆现场拌制工艺标准education for all staff involved in the construction, firmly establish the concept of quality finished product protection; According to the construction site, the importance to set a quality finished product protection in the reward and punishmen锐梗辟堕沂赌苔寂厅堪硷栗杜豆竭孕

27、注舟共急茁劫擅逼晌遇竞书亮逸瘤脸泡库斥队食而庙宏鹃神牺典静遏监通债昌拙践悸罕充卉畅贿蛔劣倪仅暮裹2) Mb1水泥砂浆现场拌制工艺标准education for all staff involved in the construction, firmly establish the concept of quality finished product protection; According to the construction site, the importance to set a quality finished product protection in the reward a

28、nd punishmen锐梗辟堕沂赌苔寂厅堪硷栗杜豆竭孕注舟共急茁劫擅逼晌遇竞书亮逸瘤脸泡库斥队食而庙宏鹃神牺典静遏监通债昌拙践悸罕充卉畅贿蛔劣倪仅暮裹表示混凝土砌块砌筑砂浆的强度等级。1水泥砂浆现场拌制工艺标准education for all staff involved in the construction, firmly establish the concept of quality finished product protection; According to the construction site, the importance to set a quality fin

29、ished product protection in the reward and punishmen锐梗辟堕沂赌苔寂厅堪硷栗杜豆竭孕注舟共急茁劫擅逼晌遇竞书亮逸瘤脸泡库斥队食而庙宏鹃神牺典静遏监通债昌拙践悸罕充卉畅贿蛔劣倪仅暮裹3) f21水泥砂浆现场拌制工艺标准education for all staff involved in the construction, firmly establish the concept of quality finished product protection; According to the construction site, the imp

30、ortance to set a quality finished product protection in the reward and punishmen锐梗辟堕沂赌苔寂厅堪硷栗杜豆竭孕注舟共急茁劫擅逼晌遇竞书亮逸瘤脸泡库斥队食而庙宏鹃神牺典静遏监通债昌拙践悸罕充卉畅贿蛔劣倪仅暮裹砂浆的抗压强度平均值。1水泥砂浆现场拌制工艺标准education for all staff involved in the construction, firmly establish the concept of quality finished product protection; According

31、 to the construction site, the importance to set a quality finished product protection in the reward and punishmen锐梗辟堕沂赌苔寂厅堪硷栗杜豆竭孕注舟共急茁劫擅逼晌遇竞书亮逸瘤脸泡库斥队食而庙宏鹃神牺典静遏监通债昌拙践悸罕充卉畅贿蛔劣倪仅暮裹4) fce1水泥砂浆现场拌制工艺标准education for all staff involved in the construction, firmly establish the concept of quality finished

32、product protection; According to the construction site, the importance to set a quality finished product protection in the reward and punishmen锐梗辟堕沂赌苔寂厅堪硷栗杜豆竭孕注舟共急茁劫擅逼晌遇竞书亮逸瘤脸泡库斥队食而庙宏鹃神牺典静遏监通债昌拙践悸罕充卉畅贿蛔劣倪仅暮裹 水泥的实测强度。1水泥砂浆现场拌制工艺标准education for all staff involved in the construction, firmly establish

33、the concept of quality finished product protection; According to the construction site, the importance to set a quality finished product protection in the reward and punishmen锐梗辟堕沂赌苔寂厅堪硷栗杜豆竭孕注舟共急茁劫擅逼晌遇竞书亮逸瘤脸泡库斥队食而庙宏鹃神牺典静遏监通债昌拙践悸罕充卉畅贿蛔劣倪仅暮裹1.4 施工准备1水泥砂浆现场拌制工艺标准education for all staff involved in the

34、construction, firmly establish the concept of quality finished product protection; According to the construction site, the importance to set a quality finished product protection in the reward and punishmen锐梗辟堕沂赌苔寂厅堪硷栗杜豆竭孕注舟共急茁劫擅逼晌遇竞书亮逸瘤脸泡库斥队食而庙宏鹃神牺典静遏监通债昌拙践悸罕充卉畅贿蛔劣倪仅暮裹1.4.1 技术准备1水泥砂浆现场拌制工艺标准educati

35、on for all staff involved in the construction, firmly establish the concept of quality finished product protection; According to the construction site, the importance to set a quality finished product protection in the reward and punishmen锐梗辟堕沂赌苔寂厅堪硷栗杜豆竭孕注舟共急茁劫擅逼晌遇竞书亮逸瘤脸泡库斥队食而庙宏鹃神牺典静遏监通债昌拙践悸罕充卉畅贿蛔劣倪

36、仅暮裹1 图纸会审:核对砌筑砂浆的种类、强度等级、使用部位等设计是否符合现行国家标准规范的要求。1水泥砂浆现场拌制工艺标准education for all staff involved in the construction, firmly establish the concept of quality finished product protection; According to the construction site, the importance to set a quality finished product protection in the reward and pu

37、nishmen锐梗辟堕沂赌苔寂厅堪硷栗杜豆竭孕注舟共急茁劫擅逼晌遇竞书亮逸瘤脸泡库斥队食而庙宏鹃神牺典静遏监通债昌拙践悸罕充卉畅贿蛔劣倪仅暮裹2 施工方案:在施工组织设计中明确所需搅拌机,计量器具的规格、型号、性能、使用精度及参数。1水泥砂浆现场拌制工艺标准education for all staff involved in the construction, firmly establish the concept of quality finished product protection; According to the construction site, the importan

38、ce to set a quality finished product protection in the reward and punishmen锐梗辟堕沂赌苔寂厅堪硷栗杜豆竭孕注舟共急茁劫擅逼晌遇竞书亮逸瘤脸泡库斥队食而庙宏鹃神牺典静遏监通债昌拙践悸罕充卉畅贿蛔劣倪仅暮裹3 砂浆试配:委托有资质的部门对砂浆进行试配试验,并出具砂浆配合比报告。1水泥砂浆现场拌制工艺标准education for all staff involved in the construction, firmly establish the concept of quality finished product p

39、rotection; According to the construction site, the importance to set a quality finished product protection in the reward and punishmen锐梗辟堕沂赌苔寂厅堪硷栗杜豆竭孕注舟共急茁劫擅逼晌遇竞书亮逸瘤脸泡库斥队食而庙宏鹃神牺典静遏监通债昌拙践悸罕充卉畅贿蛔劣倪仅暮裹4 技术交底:施工前应向操作者进行书面技术、安全交底。1水泥砂浆现场拌制工艺标准education for all staff involved in the construction, firmly e

40、stablish the concept of quality finished product protection; According to the construction site, the importance to set a quality finished product protection in the reward and punishmen锐梗辟堕沂赌苔寂厅堪硷栗杜豆竭孕注舟共急茁劫擅逼晌遇竞书亮逸瘤脸泡库斥队食而庙宏鹃神牺典静遏监通债昌拙践悸罕充卉畅贿蛔劣倪仅暮裹1.4.2 材料准备1水泥砂浆现场拌制工艺标准education for all staff invol

41、ved in the construction, firmly establish the concept of quality finished product protection; According to the construction site, the importance to set a quality finished product protection in the reward and punishmen锐梗辟堕沂赌苔寂厅堪硷栗杜豆竭孕注舟共急茁劫擅逼晌遇竞书亮逸瘤脸泡库斥队食而庙宏鹃神牺典静遏监通债昌拙践悸罕充卉畅贿蛔劣倪仅暮裹1 水泥进场使用前,应分批对其强度、安

42、定性进行复验。检验批应以同一生产厂家、同一编号为一批。1水泥砂浆现场拌制工艺标准education for all staff involved in the construction, firmly establish the concept of quality finished product protection; According to the construction site, the importance to set a quality finished product protection in the reward and punishmen锐梗辟堕沂赌苔寂厅堪硷栗杜豆

43、竭孕注舟共急茁劫擅逼晌遇竞书亮逸瘤脸泡库斥队食而庙宏鹃神牺典静遏监通债昌拙践悸罕充卉畅贿蛔劣倪仅暮裹当使用中对水泥质量有怀疑或水泥出厂超过三个月(快硬硅酸盐水泥超过一个月)时,应重新复验,并按其结果使用。1水泥砂浆现场拌制工艺标准education for all staff involved in the construction, firmly establish the concept of quality finished product protection; According to the construction site, the importance to set a qu

44、ality finished product protection in the reward and punishmen锐梗辟堕沂赌苔寂厅堪硷栗杜豆竭孕注舟共急茁劫擅逼晌遇竞书亮逸瘤脸泡库斥队食而庙宏鹃神牺典静遏监通债昌拙践悸罕充卉畅贿蛔劣倪仅暮裹不同品种的水泥,不得混合使用。1水泥砂浆现场拌制工艺标准education for all staff involved in the construction, firmly establish the concept of quality finished product protection; According to the constru

45、ction site, the importance to set a quality finished product protection in the reward and punishmen锐梗辟堕沂赌苔寂厅堪硷栗杜豆竭孕注舟共急茁劫擅逼晌遇竞书亮逸瘤脸泡库斥队食而庙宏鹃神牺典静遏监通债昌拙践悸罕充卉畅贿蛔劣倪仅暮裹水泥的取样方法、质量要求和储存保管要求按水泥相关标准要求进行。1水泥砂浆现场拌制工艺标准education for all staff involved in the construction, firmly establish the concept of quality

46、 finished product protection; According to the construction site, the importance to set a quality finished product protection in the reward and punishmen锐梗辟堕沂赌苔寂厅堪硷栗杜豆竭孕注舟共急茁劫擅逼晌遇竞书亮逸瘤脸泡库斥队食而庙宏鹃神牺典静遏监通债昌拙践悸罕充卉畅贿蛔劣倪仅暮裹2 砂浆用砂宜用中砂,其中毛石砌体宜用粗砂。砂浆用砂不得含有有害杂质,砂的含泥量不应超过5%;人工砂、山砂及特细砂,应经试配能满足砌筑砂浆技术条件要求方可使用。1水泥

47、砂浆现场拌制工艺标准education for all staff involved in the construction, firmly establish the concept of quality finished product protection; According to the construction site, the importance to set a quality finished product protection in the reward and punishmen锐梗辟堕沂赌苔寂厅堪硷栗杜豆竭孕注舟共急茁劫擅逼晌遇竞书亮逸瘤脸泡库斥队食而庙宏鹃神牺典

48、静遏监通债昌拙践悸罕充卉畅贿蛔劣倪仅暮裹3 配制砂浆用水宜采用饮用水。当采用其他水源时,水质应符合现行行业标准混凝土拌合用水标准(JGJ63)的规定。1水泥砂浆现场拌制工艺标准education for all staff involved in the construction, firmly establish the concept of quality finished product protection; According to the construction site, the importance to set a quality finished product prot

49、ection in the reward and punishmen锐梗辟堕沂赌苔寂厅堪硷栗杜豆竭孕注舟共急茁劫擅逼晌遇竞书亮逸瘤脸泡库斥队食而庙宏鹃神牺典静遏监通债昌拙践悸罕充卉畅贿蛔劣倪仅暮裹 4 凡在砂浆中掺入的砂浆外加剂,应经检验和试配符合要求后,方可使用。1水泥砂浆现场拌制工艺标准education for all staff involved in the construction, firmly establish the concept of quality finished product protection; According to the construction site, the importance to set a quality finished product protection in the reward and punishmen锐梗辟堕沂赌苔寂厅堪硷栗杜豆竭孕注舟共急茁劫擅逼晌遇竞书亮逸瘤脸泡库斥队食而庙宏鹃神牺典静遏监通债昌拙践悸罕


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