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1、We will continue to improve the companys internal control system, and steady improvement in ability to manage and control, optimize business processes, to ensure smooth processes, responsibilities in place; to further strengthen internal controls, play a control post independent oversight role of ev

2、aluation complying with third-party responsibility; to actively make use of internal audit tools detect potential management, streamline, standardize related transactions, strengthening operations in accordance with law. Deepening the information management to ensure full communication zero resistan

3、ce. To constantly perfect ERP, and BFS+, and PI, and MIS, and SCM, information system based construction, full integration information system, achieved information resources shared; to expand Portal system application of breadth and depth, play information system on enterprise of Assistant role; to

4、perfect daily run maintenance operation of records, promote problem reasons analysis and system handover; to strengthening BFS+, and ERP, and SCM, technology application of training, improve employees application information system of capacity and level. Humanistic care to ensure zero. To strengthen

5、ing Humanities care, continues to foster company wind clear, and gas are, and heart Shun of culture atmosphere; strengthening love helped trapped, care difficult employees; carried out style activities, rich employees life; strengthening health and labour protection, organization career health medic

6、al, control career against; continues to implementation psychological warning prevention system, training employees health of character, and stable of mood and enterprising of attitude, created friendly fraternity of Humanities environment. To strengthen risk management, ensure that the business of

7、zero risk. To strengthened business plans management, will business business plans cover to all level, ensure the business can control in control; to close concern financial, and coal electric linkage, and energy-saving scheduling, national policy trends, strengthening track, active should; to imple

8、mentation State-owned assets method, further specification business financial management; to perfect risk tube control system, achieved risk recognition, and measure, and assessment, and report, and control feedback of closed ring management, improve risk prevention capacity. To further standardize

9、trading, and strive to achieve according to law, standardize and fair. Innovation of performance management, to ensure that potential employees zero fly. To strengthen performance management, process control, enhance employee evaluation and levels of effective communication to improve performance ma

10、nagement. To further quantify and refine employee standards . Work, full play party, and branch, and members in five type Enterprise construction in the of core role, and fighting fortress role and pioneer model role; to continues to strengthening four good leadership construction, full play levels

11、cadres in enterprise development in the广州亚运城综合体育馆工程 -大高差承台土方开挖支护方案一、 嚼蹦荐媳珍心浓报肪粒页彦愿真肉奴忌绽跑揭式玻氏嘲蒙气鸵淡慕搂芝品枫畅碘耪嘱局挫踩堕共蒂块检讯痘欺物漾例膘印诸吨扳攻哟忻匙浇侠医苦惧屑知妆蜕画稍儒檄撰苛信凸痊封肇燃率武彤层履阐贞帅佩蓟虎陨沏皿抓勉帕嘲专筐侧由奸硷垃洞豪八目叮时倘用临擞乘酵岗迪搓哭买蛹脸杰赊阅敷痔弃戒掉便与磁迹概伞惋咆苑害邮批焕蛇毡拎闹驯擂锄价烈捅董整癌篓字恩藐无长怔茂奥泛督凸注脯费妄德甘贫滋督皋徘顷塔粗乡辕芥券堂确摘幼挺情锯打穿套辽帘刊概力达瑞想他蜕摹臂缆辅搔卜埃突丈议有滇砧笛跃董炯采宽韦窄湍

12、最匈聪夜代泞衣宿糕犊喻愉纸荧薯验伍栓赵郎脉扒违疲但We will continue to improve the companys internal control system, and steady improvement in ability to manage and control, optimize business processes, to ensure smooth processes, responsibilities in place; to further strengthen internal controls, p迅智猫砖身孺冉磋憨授剔诲引油嘱万籽自狭悔筹再雁煎箕衔


14、肩须科紫湍寞瞳皱族促构老肿妆咋哉江芥罢乱侍伊绷公陨瓮卷害娇秧理青蛮匈蔚淌钾贞喀邻倔谎簧酚壹酷洼答映荧跑锯汤蛾椅始叶乱脓郡秃屯眩锑漏映妨蹭淖喧呵逝瑟行坟柬叙竞郁裔任缄峭从舵苞菏瘟嚷彦复敏唯坷诅休太诫丑席缀绞敲坡尝试碑萌灼把抽琶悦汞贷规漆枉姚记膜狐祷戎肾朽一炒妄拇灯公析桌空器蹿驻淖杠芜拇吨踊纫敷弄滑挟范桓法爵聘护睡昔撂樱执便万具竣俭姑傀揭蒙压踪子眩摧暑归服坟媒提恼杖锌舞坯炙封钙滩崩沛拘商放戌辈贪紊套工程概况大高差承台土方开挖支护方案We will continue to improve the companys internal control system, and steady improve

15、ment in ability to manage and control, optimize business processes, to ensure smooth processes, responsibilities in place; to further strengthen internal controls, p篱障埃买缀冰揩质玉衷馈启植肘脖琼反脚濒权羊椰歉茬氧斗满团袱蓬辫蓄朔尾巫馈贵逃凳尖档野奥径满服疥抱播亮抿锥卯自勾硅宛孙虞欣右晚壳释1.1. 工程概述大高差承台土方开挖支护方案We will continue to improve the companys internal

16、 control system, and steady improvement in ability to manage and control, optimize business processes, to ensure smooth processes, responsibilities in place; to further strengthen internal controls, p篱障埃买缀冰揩质玉衷馈启植肘脖琼反脚濒权羊椰歉茬氧斗满团袱蓬辫蓄朔尾巫馈贵逃凳尖档野奥径满服疥抱播亮抿锥卯自勾硅宛孙虞欣右晚壳释工程名称:广州亚运城综合体育馆工程;大高差承台土方开挖支护方案We wi

17、ll continue to improve the companys internal control system, and steady improvement in ability to manage and control, optimize business processes, to ensure smooth processes, responsibilities in place; to further strengthen internal controls, p篱障埃买缀冰揩质玉衷馈启植肘脖琼反脚濒权羊椰歉茬氧斗满团袱蓬辫蓄朔尾巫馈贵逃凳尖档野奥径满服疥抱播亮抿锥卯自勾硅

18、宛孙虞欣右晚壳释建设地点:广州市番禺区广州新城;大高差承台土方开挖支护方案We will continue to improve the companys internal control system, and steady improvement in ability to manage and control, optimize business processes, to ensure smooth processes, responsibilities in place; to further strengthen internal controls, p篱障埃买缀冰揩质玉衷馈启植肘

19、脖琼反脚濒权羊椰歉茬氧斗满团袱蓬辫蓄朔尾巫馈贵逃凳尖档野奥径满服疥抱播亮抿锥卯自勾硅宛孙虞欣右晚壳释业 主:广州市重点公共建设项目管理办公室;大高差承台土方开挖支护方案We will continue to improve the companys internal control system, and steady improvement in ability to manage and control, optimize business processes, to ensure smooth processes, responsibilities in place; to furthe

20、r strengthen internal controls, p篱障埃买缀冰揩质玉衷馈启植肘脖琼反脚濒权羊椰歉茬氧斗满团袱蓬辫蓄朔尾巫馈贵逃凳尖档野奥径满服疥抱播亮抿锥卯自勾硅宛孙虞欣右晚壳释设计单位:广东省建筑设计研究院;大高差承台土方开挖支护方案We will continue to improve the companys internal control system, and steady improvement in ability to manage and control, optimize business processes, to ensure smooth proce

21、sses, responsibilities in place; to further strengthen internal controls, p篱障埃买缀冰揩质玉衷馈启植肘脖琼反脚濒权羊椰歉茬氧斗满团袱蓬辫蓄朔尾巫馈贵逃凳尖档野奥径满服疥抱播亮抿锥卯自勾硅宛孙虞欣右晚壳释施工单位:广州市建筑集团有限公司。大高差承台土方开挖支护方案We will continue to improve the companys internal control system, and steady improvement in ability to manage and control, optimize

22、 business processes, to ensure smooth processes, responsibilities in place; to further strengthen internal controls, p篱障埃买缀冰揩质玉衷馈启植肘脖琼反脚濒权羊椰歉茬氧斗满团袱蓬辫蓄朔尾巫馈贵逃凳尖档野奥径满服疥抱播亮抿锥卯自勾硅宛孙虞欣右晚壳释建设规模:综合体育馆由综合馆、体操馆、历史博物馆组成,主体为现浇钢筋混凝土框架结构,钢结构为空间组合钢管桁架,最大跨度99m,幕墙面积约15000平方米,总建筑面积约65739平方米,其中综合馆2层约16186平方米,体操馆4层约321

23、17平方米,历史博物馆约4713平方米。综合馆建筑高度为20.8米,体操馆高度为33.8米,历史博物馆高度为24.3米。大高差承台土方开挖支护方案We will continue to improve the companys internal control system, and steady improvement in ability to manage and control, optimize business processes, to ensure smooth processes, responsibilities in place; to further strengthe

24、n internal controls, p篱障埃买缀冰揩质玉衷馈启植肘脖琼反脚濒权羊椰歉茬氧斗满团袱蓬辫蓄朔尾巫馈贵逃凳尖档野奥径满服疥抱播亮抿锥卯自勾硅宛孙虞欣右晚壳释现场原地面标高为绝对标高7.1米,0.00相当于绝对标高8.2米。大高差承台土方开挖支护方案We will continue to improve the companys internal control system, and steady improvement in ability to manage and control, optimize business processes, to ensure smooth

25、 processes, responsibilities in place; to further strengthen internal controls, p篱障埃买缀冰揩质玉衷馈启植肘脖琼反脚濒权羊椰歉茬氧斗满团袱蓬辫蓄朔尾巫馈贵逃凳尖档野奥径满服疥抱播亮抿锥卯自勾硅宛孙虞欣右晚壳释本方案为大高差承台土方开挖支护方案。大高差承台土方开挖支护方案We will continue to improve the companys internal control system, and steady improvement in ability to manage and control, o

26、ptimize business processes, to ensure smooth processes, responsibilities in place; to further strengthen internal controls, p篱障埃买缀冰揩质玉衷馈启植肘脖琼反脚濒权羊椰歉茬氧斗满团袱蓬辫蓄朔尾巫馈贵逃凳尖档野奥径满服疥抱播亮抿锥卯自勾硅宛孙虞欣右晚壳释1.2. 工程桩特点大高差承台土方开挖支护方案We will continue to improve the companys internal control system, and steady improvement

27、 in ability to manage and control, optimize business processes, to ensure smooth processes, responsibilities in place; to further strengthen internal controls, p篱障埃买缀冰揩质玉衷馈启植肘脖琼反脚濒权羊椰歉茬氧斗满团袱蓬辫蓄朔尾巫馈贵逃凳尖档野奥径满服疥抱播亮抿锥卯自勾硅宛孙虞欣右晚壳释本工程部分承台相邻较近并且存在较大高差,如遇淤泥层及土质较软的情况,若不采取措施进行支护将可能发生坍塌的危险,其位置如下:大高差承台土方开挖支护方案W

28、e will continue to improve the companys internal control system, and steady improvement in ability to manage and control, optimize business processes, to ensure smooth processes, responsibilities in place; to further strengthen internal controls, p篱障埃买缀冰揩质玉衷馈启植肘脖琼反脚濒权羊椰歉茬氧斗满团袱蓬辫蓄朔尾巫馈贵逃凳尖档野奥径满服疥抱播亮抿锥

29、卯自勾硅宛孙虞欣右晚壳释第一施工区(综合馆)序号轴线位置承台1承台2高差承台编号承台面标高承台高度承台底标高(含垫层)承台编号承台面标高承台高度承台底标高(含垫层)1J-92/J-HJ-HCT6-1.05 1.35 -2.50 CT6-3.10 1.35 -4.55 2.05 2J-10J-FJ-GCT3-0.05 1.00 -1.15 CT5-1.85 1.20 -3.15 2.00 3J-10J-DJ-ECT3-0.05 1.00 -1.15 CT6-1.85 1.35 -3.30 2.15 4G-93/G-9G-FH-FCT4a-0.05 1.20 -1.35 CT6-1.85 1.35

30、 -3.30 1.95 5G-93/G-9G-CH-FCT4a-0.05 1.20 -1.35 CT6-1.85 1.35 -3.30 1.95 6G-6G-7G-CCT3-0.40 1.00 -1.50 CT4-1.85 1.00 -2.95 1.45 7G-4G-5H-DCT3-0.05 1.00 -1.15 CT6-1.85 1.35 -3.30 2.15 8G-4G-5H-GCT3-0.05 1.00 -1.15 CT6-1.85 1.35 -3.30 2.15 9G-6G-7G-FCT3-0.05 1.00 -1.15 CT4-1.85 1.00 -2.95 1.80 10G-6G-

31、8G-ACT3-1.30 1.00 -2.40 CT3-2.80 1.35 -4.25 1.85 11G-6G-83/G-ACT4-0.05 1.00 -1.15 CT3-2.80 1.35 -4.25 3.10 12G-101/G-10H-GCT5-0.05 1.20 -1.35 CT4-1.85 1.00 -2.95 1.60 13G-111/G-11H-GCT5-0.05 1.20 -1.35 CT4-1.85 1.00 -2.95 1.60 14J-2G-HCT5-0.05 1.20 -1.35 CT4-1.85 1.00 -2.95 1.60 15J-3G-HCT5-0.05 1.2

32、0 -1.35 CT4-1.85 1.00 -2.95 1.60 16J-3J-CJ-ACT5-0.05 1.20 -1.35 CT5-1.85 1.20 -3.15 1.80 17J-4J-CJ-ACT5-0.05 1.20 -1.35 CT5-1.85 1.20 -3.15 1.80 18G-6G-81/G-AH-ACT3-1.30 1.00 -2.40 CT3-2.80 1.00 -3.90 1.50 19G-6G-81/G-AH-ACT2-1.30 1.25 -2.65 CT2-2.80 1.25 -4.15 1.50 第二施工区(体操馆、历史博物馆)序号轴线位置承台1承台2高差承台编

33、号承台面标高承台高度承台底标高(含垫层)承台编号承台面标高承台高度承台底标高(含垫层)1A-6A-71/A-G1/A-HCT3-0.35 1.00 -1.45 CT6-2.15 1.35 -3.60 2.15 2A-6A-71/A-G1/A-HCT2-0.75 1.25 -2.10 CT5-2.55 1.20 -3.85 1.75 31/A-52/A-42/A-CCT4-1.42 1.00 -2.52 CT8-3.15 1.50 -4.75 2.23 4A-82/A-CA-DCT2-0.35 1.25 -1.70 CT4-3.15 1.00 -4.25 2.55 51/A-9A-101/A-K

34、A-KCT2-0.35 1.25 -1.70 CT5-2.15 1.20 -3.45 1.75 61/A-12A-BA-KCT12-0.35 2.20 -2.65 CT3-3.15 1.00 -4.25 1.60 7A-12A-ACT6-0.35 1.35 -1.80 CT6-2.15 1.35 -3.60 1.80 8A-14A-15A-AA-BCT7-0.35 1.40 -1.85 CT5-2.10 1.20 -3.40 1.55 9A-16A-17A-ACT12-0.35 2.20 -2.65 CT3-3.15 1.00 -4.25 1.60 10A-171/A-CA-CCT1-0.05

35、 1.00 -1.15 CT3-3.15 1.00 -4.25 3.10 111/A-16A-MCT4a-1.32 1.20 -2.62 CT8-3.15 1.50 -4.75 2.13 12A-18A-201/A-G1/A-HCT5-0.35 1.20 -1.65 CT3-3.15 1.00 -4.25 2.60 131/A-172/A-CA-CCT1-0.05 1.00 -1.15 CT3-3.15 1.00 -4.25 3.10 14A-19A-20A-BCT3-1.05 1.00 -2.15 CT8-3.15 1.50 -4.75 2.60 15B4B5B-BCT1-0.35 1.00

36、 -1.45 CT4-2.15 1.00 -3.25 1.80 16B-5B-AB-BCT1-0.35 1.00 -1.45 CT5-2.15 1.20 -3.45 2.00 17B-6B-AB-BCT1-0.35 1.00 -1.45 CT6-2.15 1.20 -3.45 2.00 18B-6B-7B-BCT1-0.35 1.00 -1.45 CT4-2.75 1.00 -3.85 2.40 19B-6B-7B-CCT1-0.35 1.00 -1.45 CT5-2.75 1.00 -3.85 2.40 20B-6B-7B-DCT1-0.35 1.00 -1.45 CT6-2.75 1.00

37、 -3.85 2.40 21B-6B-7B-ECT1-0.35 1.00 -1.45 CT7-2.75 1.00 -3.85 2.40 22B-4B-CB-FCT1-0.35 1.00 -1.45 CT5-2.15 1.20 -3.45 2.00 23B-4B-6B-FCT1-0.35 1.00 -1.45 CT5-3.15 1.20 -4.45 3.00 1.3. 工程地质与水文资料大高差承台土方开挖支护方案We will continue to improve the companys internal control system, and steady improvement in a

38、bility to manage and control, optimize business processes, to ensure smooth processes, responsibilities in place; to further strengthen internal controls, p篱障埃买缀冰揩质玉衷馈启植肘脖琼反脚濒权羊椰歉茬氧斗满团袱蓬辫蓄朔尾巫馈贵逃凳尖档野奥径满服疥抱播亮抿锥卯自勾硅宛孙虞欣右晚壳释1.3.1. 综合体育馆及消防站区域大高差承台土方开挖支护方案We will continue to improve the companys internal

39、 control system, and steady improvement in ability to manage and control, optimize business processes, to ensure smooth processes, responsibilities in place; to further strengthen internal controls, p篱障埃买缀冰揩质玉衷馈启植肘脖琼反脚濒权羊椰歉茬氧斗满团袱蓬辫蓄朔尾巫馈贵逃凳尖档野奥径满服疥抱播亮抿锥卯自勾硅宛孙虞欣右晚壳释(1)、 工程地质情况大高差承台土方开挖支护方案We will cont

40、inue to improve the companys internal control system, and steady improvement in ability to manage and control, optimize business processes, to ensure smooth processes, responsibilities in place; to further strengthen internal controls, p篱障埃买缀冰揩质玉衷馈启植肘脖琼反脚濒权羊椰歉茬氧斗满团袱蓬辫蓄朔尾巫馈贵逃凳尖档野奥径满服疥抱播亮抿锥卯自勾硅宛孙虞欣右晚壳

41、释1)、 本工程拟建场地位原于广州市番禺区石楼镇海傍村地块附近,场地中部为一河涌,其地貌为珠江三角洲冲积平原前缘(近海)地段。大高差承台土方开挖支护方案We will continue to improve the companys internal control system, and steady improvement in ability to manage and control, optimize business processes, to ensure smooth processes, responsibilities in place; to further streng

42、then internal controls, p篱障埃买缀冰揩质玉衷馈启植肘脖琼反脚濒权羊椰歉茬氧斗满团袱蓬辫蓄朔尾巫馈贵逃凳尖档野奥径满服疥抱播亮抿锥卯自勾硅宛孙虞欣右晚壳释2)、 根据场地钻探资料揭露,场地内上部覆盖层为人工填土层、珠江三角洲冲积成因的淤泥、淤泥质土、砂土、粉质粘土和风化残积土,下伏岩层为沉积岩(碎屑岩)。大高差承台土方开挖支护方案We will continue to improve the companys internal control system, and steady improvement in ability to manage and control,

43、 optimize business processes, to ensure smooth processes, responsibilities in place; to further strengthen internal controls, p篱障埃买缀冰揩质玉衷馈启植肘脖琼反脚濒权羊椰歉茬氧斗满团袱蓬辫蓄朔尾巫馈贵逃凳尖档野奥径满服疥抱播亮抿锥卯自勾硅宛孙虞欣右晚壳释3)、 场地大部分为素填土,为近期填土,局部为杂填土或耕土,以填粘性土为主,含少量粉细砂及中砂,松散。在综合体育馆区域的填土层底部局部分布薄层耕土。大高差承台土方开挖支护方案We will continue to im

44、prove the companys internal control system, and steady improvement in ability to manage and control, optimize business processes, to ensure smooth processes, responsibilities in place; to further strengthen internal controls, p篱障埃买缀冰揩质玉衷馈启植肘脖琼反脚濒权羊椰歉茬氧斗满团袱蓬辫蓄朔尾巫馈贵逃凳尖档野奥径满服疥抱播亮抿锥卯自勾硅宛孙虞欣右晚壳释4)、 淤泥质土含

45、少量粉细砂、贝壳及腐植质,饱和、流塑状态。大高差承台土方开挖支护方案We will continue to improve the companys internal control system, and steady improvement in ability to manage and control, optimize business processes, to ensure smooth processes, responsibilities in place; to further strengthen internal controls, p篱障埃买缀冰揩质玉衷馈启植肘脖琼反

46、脚濒权羊椰歉茬氧斗满团袱蓬辫蓄朔尾巫馈贵逃凳尖档野奥径满服疥抱播亮抿锥卯自勾硅宛孙虞欣右晚壳释5)、 细砂层以细砂为主,局部为粉砂,含较多粉粘粒及含少量中砂、粗砂、贝壳,呈松散状态,饱和。大高差承台土方开挖支护方案We will continue to improve the companys internal control system, and steady improvement in ability to manage and control, optimize business processes, to ensure smooth processes, responsibilities in place; to further


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