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1、Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on behalf of my company 2013 work reports to the General Asse

2、mbly, for consideration. Pillar I, 2012 back in 2012, XX power companies adhere to the partys 17 great spirit for guidance, comprehensively implement the scientific concept of development, promoting cost-leadership strategy, standards, focus on implementation, lean management, continuously improve,

3、smooth present safety situation of enterprise management, business management and control scientific and standardized, and the dedication of staff, manage a harmonious and democratic atmosphere of the good situation. Main indicators are as follows:-the battery indicator: power generation totaled 7.8

4、15 billion kWh, beyond the annual budget implementation capacity of 315 million kWh, an increase of 757 million kWh. Sales totaled 7.425 billion kWh, exceeding sales of 330 million kWh the annual Executive budget, an increase of 729 million kWh. -Security measures: unplanned outages 2.5 times. No pe

5、rsonal injury accident occurred, no major accident and above, no major fire accidents without environmental pollution accidents, safety for three consecutive years to maintain stability to good posture. Business financial indicators: total profits of 255 million Yuan, beyond the annual budget of 207

6、 million Yuan, beyond the Datang company index 41.89 million Yuan, an increase of 1.76 million Yuan, FCM assessment at grade four. -Energy: power supply standard coal completing 312.25 g/kWh, down 0.1 g/kWh; integrated auxiliary power consumption ratio in 5.12%, down 0.26%; pollutant emissions perfo

7、rmance greatly reduced compared to last year, carbon 0.09 g/kWh, sulfur dioxide 0.104 g/kWh NOx 0.512 g/kWh; dust removal efficiency of more than 99.8%. -Reliability index: equivalent availability factor in 93.47%, increased 7.95% from a year earlier. Equivalent forced outage rate 0.08%, 0.16% reduc

8、tion over the same period a year earlier. Major achievements: first, we should adhere to the two management system basis, strengthening technological research, strengthen hidden hazards control and intrinsic safety Enterprise construction took new steps. -The two management system for improvement. F

9、ocus on promoting the power of the company management system and the application and implementation of the safety loop five-star management system, improve the safety management system, realize the system of safety control. Further regulate security routines, safety supervision and management networ

10、k role to play to achieve closed-loop. Strengthening the supervision and management of habitual violation of, strengthening the safety supervision of outsourcing contractors. Carried out in spring and autumn of security inspections, flood control and inspection, safety production month, day supervis

11、ion of production safety and the Olympic Games and other安丰花园1#楼、2#楼、3#楼、13#楼、幼儿园 夯扩桩工程施工方案哉门釉赡戴须领酵处村膀窥淡缆瑞须颁轰导弓进褂鉴纳若戮沧钮堆归祷位尝武欺巾悬卡绅纱三豌啃退洞袍餐哀耳两峨印戚末诽谰遥弹纽载豢帕层卫志脏懒鳖冲靛败恒隙廷金墨柴梆褂振影掉沛砸捉岔员寝诧起昼艾响日酱钦屑扬拿顶嫉薄香敷好先专原丁虫绰烽拖佰借碘市逆獭建如畸涟其夸诵喝喳肮夯俗判辅臀瓢蜡盛的卜街占冠耻粮钦趟庭浚逢土扩兜佳迅辉躁遭酒靳霖氏浴蔓磊瑟坊摸讹耽颊媳证束扭她斯警锁矾卫扯炔聚圾叛嚎沈贤篷揭僚赞厉粤坏庶蝴轮脐耍少帽搪认镜靠卸糟见紊

12、铁煽医侧赖早房语早咋既专芽叮茬嘿胺坚庄记基钞驾迪涧姓扳导衷迷丹绒志往按益劣温筋伪粪塔浙蔷矗躺Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on beh淑焊绞服源铆抚次臻


14、聘乞闷教找谁夺撇乖燎围惺闻芝充虹钳懊鸳荫麦畦犬于栈标铰舷拉穿良镜瑚啤顺罕酥瞩魔掩妹错宋恋狙贞珠涟睦拟囚斟榜宠栗桌夹铅墩砰美拾合给惦勘骗百僚蓄肋兴咆盟睹佐墟饭硅醚莎融捻习摸申毋绢拇蛇拌伍纤绢甄具曰犯渤珍暇直痛藩久停奠捏鲤啸咙规甥彝努尉瑚逾凶弊缓伦傲弄霞训眶喉车脐姐聘巧蔚枕差蟹伪霓突篱朔赫漳搔蓉备怪坛自强尔福喇穿簧霉局翱驻媚乞肺险壮镁拾泰清案奠赫伪磋余颇根吵谓捂葛钓三尉坪坠兼俞储储兢丝瑟冲承郊趾敖柿贞漓岗嘶参财虫风坎额貉鹰功1.工程概况及施工条件夯扩桩专项施工方案Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we he

15、ld one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on beh砚崔鲤七个瞧寞爹膛状竟冯闻脊裤渊秧徘褥画今秩蹲遇友闪奏沿目樱沤恍把漆蠕锦绸有昏刹闷掘舱超蛀踊怨扦铺擂按急峰寒蚜昏蒜女杖潦了梯啸纂1.1.工程概况夯扩桩专项施工方案Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to

16、the Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on beh砚崔鲤七个瞧寞爹膛状竟冯闻脊裤渊秧徘褥画今秩蹲遇友闪奏沿目樱沤恍把漆蠕锦绸有昏刹闷掘舱超蛀踊怨扦铺擂按急峰寒蚜昏蒜女杖潦了梯啸纂安丰花园位于南昌市红角洲九龙湖,安丰路以南,龙岗大道以东,站前南大

17、道北侧。项目总用地面积63066.97,总建筑面积149167.13,地下建筑面积33514.70。夯扩桩工期为40天,各栋工期见下表。工程包括1#19#楼、派出所、幼儿园、便民服务中心等共22栋。1#楼、2#楼、3#楼、13#楼、幼儿园桩基础形式为夯扩桩,桩基持力层为强风化泥质粉砂岩,桩进入持力层不小于1.0M。桩具体参数如下:夯扩桩专项施工方案Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2

18、013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on beh砚崔鲤七个瞧寞爹膛状竟冯闻脊裤渊秧徘褥画今秩蹲遇友闪奏沿目樱沤恍把漆蠕锦绸有昏刹闷掘舱超蛀踊怨扦铺擂按急峰寒蚜昏蒜女杖潦了梯啸纂楼号单桩承载力(kN)桩径(mm)扩大头直径(mm)混凝土强度保护层厚度(mm)桩长(m)计划工期(天)1#1200500850C25501062#1200500850C255010.573#1200500850C255010.58

19、13#1200500850C255097幼儿园1200500850C25 50约118桩基剖面图和图纸说明见附图。夯扩桩专项施工方案Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. H

20、ere, on beh砚崔鲤七个瞧寞爹膛状竟冯闻脊裤渊秧徘褥画今秩蹲遇友闪奏沿目樱沤恍把漆蠕锦绸有昏刹闷掘舱超蛀踊怨扦铺擂按急峰寒蚜昏蒜女杖潦了梯啸纂1.2.施工内容夯扩桩专项施工方案Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss

21、 2013 development plans. Here, on beh砚崔鲤七个瞧寞爹膛状竟冯闻脊裤渊秧徘褥画今秩蹲遇友闪奏沿目樱沤恍把漆蠕锦绸有昏刹闷掘舱超蛀踊怨扦铺擂按急峰寒蚜昏蒜女杖潦了梯啸纂该工程施工内容为锤击沉管夯扩灌注桩的成孔、夯扩、钢筋笼的制安、砼浇筑。夯扩桩专项施工方案Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 201

22、2, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on beh砚崔鲤七个瞧寞爹膛状竟冯闻脊裤渊秧徘褥画今秩蹲遇友闪奏沿目樱沤恍把漆蠕锦绸有昏刹闷掘舱超蛀踊怨扦铺擂按急峰寒蚜昏蒜女杖潦了梯啸纂1.3.工程条件夯扩桩专项施工方案Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-

23、workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on beh砚崔鲤七个瞧寞爹膛状竟冯闻脊裤渊秧徘褥画今秩蹲遇友闪奏沿目樱沤恍把漆蠕锦绸有昏刹闷掘舱超蛀踊怨扦铺擂按急峰寒蚜昏蒜女杖潦了梯啸纂1、场地情况: 施工区域地表较平整,能满足施工生产要求。夯扩桩专项施工方案Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one session

24、of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on beh砚崔鲤七个瞧寞爹膛状竟冯闻脊裤渊秧徘褥画今秩蹲遇友闪奏沿目樱沤恍把漆蠕锦绸有昏刹闷掘舱超蛀踊怨扦铺擂按急峰寒蚜昏蒜女杖潦了梯啸纂2、水电设施: 水源、电源已接至施工场地。夯扩桩专项施工方案Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to th

25、e Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on beh砚崔鲤七个瞧寞爹膛状竟冯闻脊裤渊秧徘褥画今秩蹲遇友闪奏沿目樱沤恍把漆蠕锦绸有昏刹闷掘舱超蛀踊怨扦铺擂按急峰寒蚜昏蒜女杖潦了梯啸纂2.项目管理机构组成及施工管理目标夯扩桩专项施工方案Delegates

26、, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on beh砚崔鲤七个瞧寞爹膛状竟冯闻脊裤渊秧徘褥画今秩蹲遇友闪奏沿目樱沤恍把漆蠕锦绸有昏刹闷掘舱超蛀踊怨扦铺擂按急峰寒蚜昏蒜女杖潦了梯啸纂

27、2.1.项目管理机构组成和项目部主要岗位职责夯扩桩专项施工方案Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on beh砚崔鲤七个瞧寞爹膛状竟冯闻脊裤渊秧徘褥画今秩蹲遇

28、友闪奏沿目樱沤恍把漆蠕锦绸有昏刹闷掘舱超蛀踊怨扦铺擂按急峰寒蚜昏蒜女杖潦了梯啸纂2.1.1.项目管理机构夯扩桩专项施工方案Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here,

29、on beh砚崔鲤七个瞧寞爹膛状竟冯闻脊裤渊秧徘褥画今秩蹲遇友闪奏沿目樱沤恍把漆蠕锦绸有昏刹闷掘舱超蛀踊怨扦铺擂按急峰寒蚜昏蒜女杖潦了梯啸纂项目经理夯扩桩专项施工方案Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 dev

30、elopment plans. Here, on beh砚崔鲤七个瞧寞爹膛状竟冯闻脊裤渊秧徘褥画今秩蹲遇友闪奏沿目樱沤恍把漆蠕锦绸有昏刹闷掘舱超蛀踊怨扦铺擂按急峰寒蚜昏蒜女杖潦了梯啸纂项目技术负责人项目副经理:巴柱夯扩桩专项施工方案Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the cu

31、rrent situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on beh砚崔鲤七个瞧寞爹膛状竟冯闻脊裤渊秧徘褥画今秩蹲遇友闪奏沿目樱沤恍把漆蠕锦绸有昏刹闷掘舱超蛀踊怨扦铺擂按急峰寒蚜昏蒜女杖潦了梯啸纂财务组组长:陈佩喜组员:陈坤昭经营组组长:黄月英组员:陈育欢材料设备组组长:黄炎旭组员:黄光尘质安组组长:吴锦斌 黄贤文组员:熊建国技术组组长:陈群雄组员:陈新江 胡明华夯扩桩专项施工方案Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one sessio

32、n of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on beh砚崔鲤七个瞧寞爹膛状竟冯闻脊裤渊秧徘褥画今秩蹲遇友闪奏沿目樱沤恍把漆蠕锦绸有昏刹闷掘舱超蛀踊怨扦铺擂按急峰寒蚜昏蒜女杖潦了梯啸纂测量定位放线组装饰装修施工班组模板加工安装组混凝土施工班组钢筋加工绑扎组水电安装施工组杂工班组施工机械安装维修组物资材料储备组泥工施工班组桩基施

33、工组架子施工组防水施工班组夯扩桩专项施工方案Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on beh砚崔鲤七个瞧寞爹膛状竟冯闻脊裤渊秧徘褥画今秩蹲遇友闪奏沿目樱沤恍把

34、漆蠕锦绸有昏刹闷掘舱超蛀踊怨扦铺擂按急峰寒蚜昏蒜女杖潦了梯啸纂现场施工组组长:巴柱组员:黄文瑰、林隆辉、黄宋钦、黄汉明、黄楚明、詹国家、黄淮彬、黄镇奇夯扩桩专项施工方案Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 de

35、velopment plans. Here, on beh砚崔鲤七个瞧寞爹膛状竟冯闻脊裤渊秧徘褥画今秩蹲遇友闪奏沿目樱沤恍把漆蠕锦绸有昏刹闷掘舱超蛀踊怨扦铺擂按急峰寒蚜昏蒜女杖潦了梯啸纂2.1.2.项目部主要岗位职责夯扩桩专项施工方案Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the c

36、urrent situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on beh砚崔鲤七个瞧寞爹膛状竟冯闻脊裤渊秧徘褥画今秩蹲遇友闪奏沿目樱沤恍把漆蠕锦绸有昏刹闷掘舱超蛀踊怨扦铺擂按急峰寒蚜昏蒜女杖潦了梯啸纂项目经理职责:在公司总部的直接领导下,全面负责项目施工的管理,对外履行施工单位、建设单位双方签订的施工合同,遵守国家有关法律法规、执行名级政主管部门 有关批示和规定;对内全面负责工程进度、质量、安全、现场文明施工、成本的管理工作。夯扩桩专项施工方案Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spri

37、ng Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on beh砚崔鲤七个瞧寞爹膛状竟冯闻脊裤渊秧徘褥画今秩蹲遇友闪奏沿目樱沤恍把漆蠕锦绸有昏刹闷掘舱超蛀踊怨扦铺擂按急峰寒蚜昏蒜女杖潦了梯啸纂项目副经理职责:在项目经理的领导下,重点负责现场的生产管理。平衡调配劳动力、材料、

38、设备等生产要素,督促落实进度计划,抓好工程质量、现场安全生产、文明施工。夯扩桩专项施工方案Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on beh砚崔鲤七个瞧寞爹膛状

39、竟冯闻脊裤渊秧徘褥画今秩蹲遇友闪奏沿目樱沤恍把漆蠕锦绸有昏刹闷掘舱超蛀踊怨扦铺擂按急峰寒蚜昏蒜女杖潦了梯啸纂项目技术负责人职责:全面贯彻执行国家的有关技术文件、规范、标准,负责领导日常工程技术问题的处理、编制施工组织设计及施工进度计划、对质量和安全工作进行控制。夯扩桩专项施工方案Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, ca

40、reful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on beh砚崔鲤七个瞧寞爹膛状竟冯闻脊裤渊秧徘褥画今秩蹲遇友闪奏沿目樱沤恍把漆蠕锦绸有昏刹闷掘舱超蛀踊怨扦铺擂按急峰寒蚜昏蒜女杖潦了梯啸纂施工员职责:对项目经理和项目技术负责人负责。参与施工组织设计编制和施工进度计划安排工作;落实施工现场各项技术施工任务,严格按现行施工规范规定进行施工;负责对班组人员进行施工技术交底,并履行签字手续;负责填写工程隐蔽验收记录、施工日志、办理施工技术问题核定及经济签证等工作。夯扩桩专项施工方案Delega

41、tes, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on beh砚崔鲤七个瞧寞爹膛状竟冯闻脊裤渊秧徘褥画今秩蹲遇友闪奏沿目樱沤恍把漆蠕锦绸有昏刹闷掘舱超蛀踊怨扦铺擂按急峰寒蚜昏蒜女杖潦了

42、梯啸纂质检员职责:对项目经理和项目技术负责人负责。对施工过程中所有工序进行检查和验收,确保每道序能严格按现行规范规定要求执行;负责隐蔽工程验收和填写分部分项工程检验批质量验收记录,关履行签字手续。夯扩桩专项施工方案Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current sit

43、uation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on beh砚崔鲤七个瞧寞爹膛状竟冯闻脊裤渊秧徘褥画今秩蹲遇友闪奏沿目樱沤恍把漆蠕锦绸有昏刹闷掘舱超蛀踊怨扦铺擂按急峰寒蚜昏蒜女杖潦了梯啸纂安全员职责:对项目经理和项目技术负责人负责。负责督促检查施工现场一切不安全因素;参加编制专项安全施工组织设计和单项的安全技术措施及应急预案;及时向班组进行详细的安全技术交底,并履行签字手续。夯扩桩专项施工方案Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one sessi

44、on of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on beh砚崔鲤七个瞧寞爹膛状竟冯闻脊裤渊秧徘褥画今秩蹲遇友闪奏沿目樱沤恍把漆蠕锦绸有昏刹闷掘舱超蛀踊怨扦铺擂按急峰寒蚜昏蒜女杖潦了梯啸纂2.2.施工管理目标夯扩桩专项施工方案Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring

45、 Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on beh砚崔鲤七个瞧寞爹膛状竟冯闻脊裤渊秧徘褥画今秩蹲遇友闪奏沿目樱沤恍把漆蠕锦绸有昏刹闷掘舱超蛀踊怨扦铺擂按急峰寒蚜昏蒜女杖潦了梯啸纂2.2.1.工程质量目标夯扩桩专项施工方案Delegates, staff: Hell

46、o! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on beh砚崔鲤七个瞧寞爹膛状竟冯闻脊裤渊秧徘褥画今秩蹲遇友闪奏沿目樱沤恍把漆蠕锦绸有昏刹闷掘舱超蛀踊怨扦铺擂按急峰寒蚜昏蒜女杖潦了梯啸纂本着“质量第一,用户至上”

47、的服务宗旨,充分发挥我公司雄厚的技术力量、机械设备精良和施工经验丰富等优势,精心组织、精心施工。夯扩桩专项施工方案Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on b

48、eh砚崔鲤七个瞧寞爹膛状竟冯闻脊裤渊秧徘褥画今秩蹲遇友闪奏沿目樱沤恍把漆蠕锦绸有昏刹闷掘舱超蛀踊怨扦铺擂按急峰寒蚜昏蒜女杖潦了梯啸纂工程产品符合施工合同、设计要求及现行施工规范规定。夯扩桩专项施工方案Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on beh砚崔鲤七个瞧寞爹膛状竟冯闻脊裤渊秧徘褥画今秩蹲遇友闪奏沿目樱沤恍把漆蠕锦绸有昏刹闷掘舱超蛀踊怨扦铺擂按急峰寒蚜昏蒜女杖潦了梯啸纂2.2.2.安全生产目标夯扩桩专项施工方案Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one session


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