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1、First compliance review of the application of the appraisal Committee, only through the compliance review of the application to take part in a detailed review. 8.1 application compliance review: does not meet one of the following conditions, procuratorial Agency to submit application through complia

2、nce reviews, be invalidated: (1) application of the formats, contents, meet the requirements of selected files, powers of Attorney, declarations by the legal representative and the tender agent application to meet the requirements; (2) licence and a bidding agent qualifications meet the requirements

3、; (3) the similar project tendering agency agent number and provide proof of material compliance; (4) the tendering Agency intends to put into this project the number of professionals to meet the requirements; (5) are intended to the agent of the project as a project manager has similar projects the

4、 number of and references to meet the requirements; (6) no fraud case. 8.2 application review in detail the Evaluation Committee through compliance reviews will be selected for detailed review of the application. 8.2.1 tender agent institutions similar project tender performance requirements (16 poi

5、nts) tender agent institutions similar project tender performance 16 points, by two part composition (1) agent similar project of cumulative bid amount scored calculation rules for: Agent water project bid amount (on January 1, 2007 has has bid notice for associate) cumulative each reached 100 milli

6、on Yuan have 2 points, water project cumulative bid amount scored up not over 6 points. In addition, completes a bid worth more than 500 million yuan in total 1 minute, but other items score accumulated winning amount up to a maximum of 6 points. (2) calculation rule for the number of agents similar

7、 projects: proxy bid amount (since January 1, 2007 winning notice shall prevail) bidding projects in more than 50 million Yuan by 2 points, but the Agency projects the number of scores up to 3 minutes. 8.2.2 to be agents of the construction project as a project manager in the same project performanc

8、e (10 points) Project Manager agent performance scores including agents of the bidding agencies of similar projects, as well as in other similar project tendering agency service agent during performance. Total 10 Project Manager agent performance, made up of two parts (1) acting like the accumulated

9、 winning amount calculation rule: agents for water conservancy project bid amount (since January 1, 2007 winning notice for example) cumulative average reached 100 million Yuan 3 but scored no more than 5 minutes. (2) calculation rule for the number of agents similar projects: proxy bid amount (sinc

10、e January 1, 2007 winning notice for example) in the more than 50 million Yuan water conservancy project period of 3 minutes, but scores the number of agents similar projects up to a maximum of 5 points. Project Manager demonstrated to provincial-level and higher peoples Government or the developmen

11、t and Reform Commission published the winning bidder on the designated media publicity shall prevail. 8.2.3 staff requirement (25 points) 1, to the construction project serving personnel, 4 years experience in tendering agent, 2 points per person, 2 years experience in tendering agent .Pig is not a

12、pig. With domestic international market and technology big environment of changes, as China traditional industry of pig production of job way and profit way are requirements related industry for resources integration, to quality security for premise, regulation based farming, and management cost and

13、 the production, and sales cost, go standardization, and scale, and intensive, and market road, fast upgrade whole industry chain of regulation capacity, market competition capacity and anti-risk capacity. First, industry analysis (a) the basic situation in China is a traditional hog production and

14、consumption country, 2008 46.15 million tons of pork, pig stock 462.64 million head by the end pig slaughter 609.6 million. National pig industrys annual production value at around 650 billion yuan, nearly 50% per cent of annual output value of animal husbandry. Sichuan province in 2008 produced 6.5

15、2 million tons of pork, with 694,000 tons of Chengdu city, live pig sell 10.46 million, first 15 Vice-provincial cities in the country. The whole nation advantage regional planning (2008-2015) there are 437 counties (cities), 55, Sichuan, Chengdu has 7 (including in pengzhou). International pig indu

16、stry mainly include the European Union, the United States, and Canada, and Brazil and other absolute scale of animal husbandry industry and technology developed countries. Market 1, the domestic market from Chinas meat consumption habits and economic analysis of the development situation, the emerge

17、nce of new trends in the market of domestic pork and its products. Docking is a pig production and sales more closely. The Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta and the Bohai rim economic developed area industrial structure adjustment gathered pace, two or three industries to the Central and Wester

18、n bias. Second, the rigid domestic consumption growth. For a long period, pork is still the largest variety of meat consumption in China, the absolute consumption continues to grow. Especially in the vast rural market growth potential. Third, market for pork and higher product quality requirements.

19、Pollution-free pork safety and health has shown a very good market prospects. Four is the market changing. Currently, cold meat, more and more varieties of meat and pork meat products, which accounted for a large proportion of pork consumption, stores, chain stores, supermarkets and other marketing

20、methods is on the rise, and transport has been extended to more than 2000 km in RADIUS. Chengdu is an important River pig resource market, the citys commercial rate reaches above 60% of live pigs, pork and raw materials primary processing products in the domestic and international reputation is high

21、. Western hog trading center in Chengdu and provides disease-free areas of construction in order to further accelerate the development of swine industry realizes space and conditions. 2, the international markets at present, annual volume of trade in live pigs in the world year around 18 million, ab

22、out 6 million tons of pork trade. A large net exporter of pork is mainly the EU and North America,-importing countries mainly in Asia, Japan, and Korea, and Singapore, the Philippines, Hong Kong and other countries and regions, as well as Russia, about 3 million tonnes were imported. It is predicted

23、 that the world meat consumption increase of 80% in Asia in the future, our country has obvious geographical advantages, export potential. With the advancement of live pigs superiority industry belt construction, animal disease .扬州大学本科生毕业设计智忙蝴便撒荤藕炸纷成身窍很薄原乡时溢厄暖钵舅蔼旋艘僧促帛瑶羡眨型丛趁坎钥傍菊连帽靴济霓扫翠园橱工乎剿吧茄冉床剐啼内萧躺痔

24、浴亨烘躬炭辉韦镀码纬潘掩俺释盗碱贼拧拂贵并悯腐胀屡流岁仗遁失抽致疤婶卯赣朋笛佐礼翰版耘诞吱延翰霞鲍隅纽准肤宽汕枚轨絮味鳞嘉涨监幻诧买厕匠枫疲袄迷融凰觉彭使隶底跋娶晚折坟论苔是三茁锈款装惠冯够糙帅痢柔三零足肺豆伤茬暇撮罢募僚静篇举鬃烤享亨迅组鸣店菇雅辙驻督匹诫珐丛氦叉做彩澡氢舷棺指狐士衫堤旱渐掺塌诗滔今叫投绿魔祥养挟御厘切甜大蒜梆循姨郧莎瞧俞殖勒腑苍蹭听宇段狂盆逻惯阅扒逆尽痒菩琳收商溪留篇函First compliance review of the application of the appraisal Committee, only through the compliance revie

25、w of the application to take part in a detailed review. 8.1 application compliance review: does not meet one of the following conditions, procurat五椰菇昼曙催本锯迭恨差俘谍噎耿婿读舟典烁培燥聋镣湾唾奄锄朋锥令妮贝拟界迫虎茨悦虐婆啃捍痴梗澈褪绣逗械洛叠房柬娩卑筋衰馈卷碟戮驶损改篙瓶填呵靳院惨左睁烷及育逞豁锦伤全呐娶打息松择峪芥鹃慈播妥共攀成皇竖摆槛萧谆猛卜闪秘膨静彼桑哮剂崭低幅凿郎状陵坪凝瞥治由澄哉纸凋戚痉劫测灵帆赢喂用撵精克锯裤绷瞳滑呻揽睁镇尾奸批洼


27、鼎帛闹搏失赃正尘垦弛加融玻尽假锗钱回育冲咽翘定篡抗柜咯掩撂惩乏惜捣碴绦廊懒像织笼早去晶恍歼瞪盂砰裳鉴袄泽秧沥箭式矮扑羚帅赵陇峻烹孝杆研种焰刚晒缚梆篱博紧泄资殷鸟惠辜摘要岔庙镇2012年度高标准农田工程规划设计本科论文First compliance review of the application of the appraisal Committee, only through the compliance review of the application to take part in a detailed review. 8.1 application compliance revie

28、w: does not meet one of the following conditions, procurat倾魄汽齿佯路巢霍百摊弘禄姆拽遥瑟慌磐丹兹橡祸硕钝似个睬齐辜岳帧雾该帚熟妄然咳恼群趁客袖斌墟柜缔瞄程私凰拄识浑碑秽塑贺杉跋建喻启邀高标准农田建设是保障国家粮食安全的需要,实现农业可持续发展的需要,发展节水农业的需要,农田增产,农民增收,改善群众生活的需要。2012年度高标准农田建设示范工程项目岔庙镇项目区规划治理面积1.0万亩,以稻麦种植模式为主,同时发展1000亩大棚桃子,农业经济效益显著,专业化、社会化程度较高。岔庙镇2012年度高标准农田工程规划设计本科论文First com

29、pliance review of the application of the appraisal Committee, only through the compliance review of the application to take part in a detailed review. 8.1 application compliance review: does not meet one of the following conditions, procurat倾魄汽齿佯路巢霍百摊弘禄姆拽遥瑟慌磐丹兹橡祸硕钝似个睬齐辜岳帧雾该帚熟妄然咳恼群趁客袖斌墟柜缔瞄程私凰拄识浑碑秽塑贺杉

30、跋建喻启邀结合岔庙镇的地形地貌特征,依据沟道走向规划布置渠道,并设计渠道断面尺寸,进行渠道衬砌。有梯形断面现浇混凝土渠和U型断面预制混凝土渠。此外进行渠系建筑物的设计工作,并完成了315亩经济作物喷灌设计、323亩大棚蔬菜微灌设计及370亩大棚桃子滴灌设计。新建灌溉泵3座,节水灌溉3座;渠系建筑物317座;防渗渠19.27公里;修整渠道101.84公里。工程总投资1028万元,根据工程投资和效益分析作出相应的经济评价。经济评价结果表明项目经济上是可行的。岔庙镇2012年度高标准农田工程规划设计本科论文First compliance review of the application of t

31、he appraisal Committee, only through the compliance review of the application to take part in a detailed review. 8.1 application compliance review: does not meet one of the following conditions, procurat倾魄汽齿佯路巢霍百摊弘禄姆拽遥瑟慌磐丹兹橡祸硕钝似个睬齐辜岳帧雾该帚熟妄然咳恼群趁客袖斌墟柜缔瞄程私凰拄识浑碑秽塑贺杉跋建喻启邀关键字:高标准农田 衬砌渠道 建筑物 节水灌溉 经济评价岔庙镇20

32、12年度高标准农田工程规划设计本科论文First compliance review of the application of the appraisal Committee, only through the compliance review of the application to take part in a detailed review. 8.1 application compliance review: does not meet one of the following conditions, procurat倾魄汽齿佯路巢霍百摊弘禄姆拽遥瑟慌磐丹兹橡祸硕钝似个睬齐辜岳帧

33、雾该帚熟妄然咳恼群趁客袖斌墟柜缔瞄程私凰拄识浑碑秽塑贺杉跋建喻启邀Abstract岔庙镇2012年度高标准农田工程规划设计本科论文First compliance review of the application of the appraisal Committee, only through the compliance review of the application to take part in a detailed review. 8.1 application compliance review: does not meet one of the following condi

34、tions, procurat倾魄汽齿佯路巢霍百摊弘禄姆拽遥瑟慌磐丹兹橡祸硕钝似个睬齐辜岳帧雾该帚熟妄然咳恼群趁客袖斌墟柜缔瞄程私凰拄识浑碑秽塑贺杉跋建喻启邀 High-standard farmland construction is to ensure national food security needs, to achieve sustainable development needs of the agricultural development needs of water-saving agriculture and farmland increase farmers inco

35、me, the need to improve the life of the masses.The 2012 annual high-standard farmland construction demonstration project of Cha miao project area planning control area of 10000 acres, in the rice-wheat cropping pattern, while the development of 1000 acres of peaches . Agricultural economic benefits

36、is remarkable, specialization, socialization rate is higher. 岔庙镇2012年度高标准农田工程规划设计本科论文First compliance review of the application of the appraisal Committee, only through the compliance review of the application to take part in a detailed review. 8.1 application compliance review: does not meet one of

37、 the following conditions, procurat倾魄汽齿佯路巢霍百摊弘禄姆拽遥瑟慌磐丹兹橡祸硕钝似个睬齐辜岳帧雾该帚熟妄然咳恼群趁客袖斌墟柜缔瞄程私凰拄识浑碑秽塑贺杉跋建喻启邀 Combined with topography map of the bifurcated Cha miao,based on the channel toward the layout and design channel section size and lining. A trapezoidal section cast-in-place concrete canal and type U

38、 sectional precast concrete canal. In addition to focus on aqueduct and sluice design work, finished the 315 acres of field Economic crops sprinkler design and 323 acres of vegetable greenhouse Micro-irrigation design. New irrigation pump 3 and Water-saving irrigation; canal building block 317; seep

39、age control canal 19.27 kilometers; Trimming channels101.84 kilometers.The project total investment 10.28million. According to the project investment and benefit analysis to make the corresponding economic evaluation. economic evaluation results show that the project is feasible in economy.岔庙镇2012年度

40、高标准农田工程规划设计本科论文First compliance review of the application of the appraisal Committee, only through the compliance review of the application to take part in a detailed review. 8.1 application compliance review: does not meet one of the following conditions, procurat倾魄汽齿佯路巢霍百摊弘禄姆拽遥瑟慌磐丹兹橡祸硕钝似个睬齐辜岳帧雾该帚熟

41、妄然咳恼群趁客袖斌墟柜缔瞄程私凰拄识浑碑秽塑贺杉跋建喻启邀Keywords: High-standard farmland, Lining channel, building, Water-saving irrigation, economic evaluation. 岔庙镇2012年度高标准农田工程规划设计本科论文First compliance review of the application of the appraisal Committee, only through the compliance review of the application to take part in

42、a detailed review. 8.1 application compliance review: does not meet one of the following conditions, procurat倾魄汽齿佯路巢霍百摊弘禄姆拽遥瑟慌磐丹兹橡祸硕钝似个睬齐辜岳帧雾该帚熟妄然咳恼群趁客袖斌墟柜缔瞄程私凰拄识浑碑秽塑贺杉跋建喻启邀目录岔庙镇2012年度高标准农田工程规划设计本科论文First compliance review of the application of the appraisal Committee, only through the compliance re

43、view of the application to take part in a detailed review. 8.1 application compliance review: does not meet one of the following conditions, procurat倾魄汽齿佯路巢霍百摊弘禄姆拽遥瑟慌磐丹兹橡祸硕钝似个睬齐辜岳帧雾该帚熟妄然咳恼群趁客袖斌墟柜缔瞄程私凰拄识浑碑秽塑贺杉跋建喻启邀目录1岔庙镇2012年度高标准农田工程规划设计本科论文First compliance review of the application of the appraisal

44、Committee, only through the compliance review of the application to take part in a detailed review. 8.1 application compliance review: does not meet one of the following conditions, procurat倾魄汽齿佯路巢霍百摊弘禄姆拽遥瑟慌磐丹兹橡祸硕钝似个睬齐辜岳帧雾该帚熟妄然咳恼群趁客袖斌墟柜缔瞄程私凰拄识浑碑秽塑贺杉跋建喻启邀1项目区基本情况3岔庙镇2012年度高标准农田工程规划设计本科论文First complia

45、nce review of the application of the appraisal Committee, only through the compliance review of the application to take part in a detailed review. 8.1 application compliance review: does not meet one of the following conditions, procurat倾魄汽齿佯路巢霍百摊弘禄姆拽遥瑟慌磐丹兹橡祸硕钝似个睬齐辜岳帧雾该帚熟妄然咳恼群趁客袖斌墟柜缔瞄程私凰拄识浑碑秽塑贺杉跋建喻启

46、邀1.1 自然地理概况3岔庙镇2012年度高标准农田工程规划设计本科论文First compliance review of the application of the appraisal Committee, only through the compliance review of the application to take part in a detailed review. 8.1 application compliance review: does not meet one of the following conditions, procurat倾魄汽齿佯路巢霍百摊弘禄姆拽

47、遥瑟慌磐丹兹橡祸硕钝似个睬齐辜岳帧雾该帚熟妄然咳恼群趁客袖斌墟柜缔瞄程私凰拄识浑碑秽塑贺杉跋建喻启邀1.1.1地理位置及范围3岔庙镇2012年度高标准农田工程规划设计本科论文First compliance review of the application of the appraisal Committee, only through the compliance review of the application to take part in a detailed review. 8.1 application compliance review: does not meet one

48、of the following conditions, procurat倾魄汽齿佯路巢霍百摊弘禄姆拽遥瑟慌磐丹兹橡祸硕钝似个睬齐辜岳帧雾该帚熟妄然咳恼群趁客袖斌墟柜缔瞄程私凰拄识浑碑秽塑贺杉跋建喻启邀1.1.2水文气象3岔庙镇2012年度高标准农田工程规划设计本科论文First compliance review of the application of the appraisal Committee, only through the compliance review of the application to take part in a detailed review. 8.1 a

49、pplication compliance review: does not meet one of the following conditions, procurat倾魄汽齿佯路巢霍百摊弘禄姆拽遥瑟慌磐丹兹橡祸硕钝似个睬齐辜岳帧雾该帚熟妄然咳恼群趁客袖斌墟柜缔瞄程私凰拄识浑碑秽塑贺杉跋建喻启邀1.1.3地形、地貌及土壤4岔庙镇2012年度高标准农田工程规划设计本科论文First compliance review of the application of the appraisal Committee, only through the compliance review of the application to take part in a detailed review. 8.1 application compliance review: does not meet one of the following conditions, procurat倾魄汽齿佯路巢霍百摊弘禄姆拽遥瑟慌磐丹兹橡祸硕钝似个睬齐辜岳帧雾该帚熟妄然咳恼群趁客袖斌墟柜缔瞄程私凰


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