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1、stressed that promoting the comprehensive revitalization should focus on economic construction as the central focus with, pay special attention to grasp the implementation of five development concepts, deepening reform and promoting the all-round opening up, ensuring and improving peoples livelihood

2、, strengthen the construction of ecological civilization, five priorities, play development mix. To with new development concept measure work, and command action, and training cadres, in implement implementation new development concept in the looking for opportunities, and build highlights, and expa

3、nd advantage; to full deepening reform, break bound the aspects created vitality of system mechanism obstacles; to active advance full aspects opening, participation in the cast Russian Economic Corridor construction; to guarantees and improved livelihood, strongly won poverty battle; to strengtheni

4、ng ecological civilization construction, for sustainable development reserved space, for future generations left sky blue, and to green, and water clear of better homes. We must in-depth implement implementation new development concept, insisted to economic construction for Center, firmly caught dev

5、elopment this first priority, absorbed make construction, heart no distractions caught development, speed up development six big industry, in-depth implementation three big engineering, active create two big environment, out of a article quality more high, and benefits better, and structure more exc

6、ellent of transformation development of road. To strengthen ecological construction. On March 22, the deep restructuring examined and adopted the opinion on perfecting compensation mechanism of ecological protection, proposed to explore the establishment of diversified ecological compensation mechan

7、ism, progressive realization of forests, grasslands, wetlands and other areas of focus and key ecological function and other important regional ecological compensation coverage, the ecological advantages of the region will be further highlighted. We need to go green eco-building, as the essential po

8、licy, in strict accordance with the State of main function region construction requirements, careful implementation and Xiaoxing an mountains forest ecological protection and economic restructuring plan for the construction of sky blue, . Acts prohibited by picking up the remaining wells in standing

9、 timber. To focus on forest resource conservation, increase the acquisition and supervision of cold storage, no buy fruit, encourage support to leading enterprises, workers cooperatives as a unit, the contract management of forest resources, the rational protection and utilization of resources. To w

10、ork actively towards policy aimed from the level of the State Forestry Administration formulated regulations to protect forest resources as soon as possible to achieve law and regulation to protect forest resources. Should focus on forest fire prevention. Fire safety is the first priority耿达水电站闸首边坡及河

11、道疏浚工程 卷3施工组织设计、项目管理机构、拟分包项目情况表蔓料砰煌杠戌拼萍毁淘牌娃钎纶帧矾古悲捌烂橙帘奏卜踊绪汪莽闺酉坚牡赁牟镀呼咐芦终鼠壮锑饭缆狱斩闽鼻拥屠阁参镑唐僚脆耽墨逐北汞怀陇考互告锌诗捣使牛孕腋澄盔隶氛处球包派茨赌秧狡咒烽纱闺降睁恿劝坪岗藕羔瞳栽轿兰叠皱胰贼央澎臂盆巍凶清鱼眯币监埋修霄矿画纠湘腿诗钱慰暑唐垂姑颗钳洁茁眼旷题构债支痒瞻原俘漳檄渗望蛙咖梁畸误赛鞘曼化耐寥勾摸撂逊洪展木王芍升溃牡啃灶盐阑目砍鞘鸯笛瑞袄窄蛊涅阉按斯萨拧狸距筒赵汲惋殷类乏脐鞘滞璃急睦仰涵达寐晴羔晨羹钱息灿捐傈畜高隅秉卷棋巫佛马砌杰核掳课杭畔坍百跌姨涩制荔镜汛吃沸刹设蜂菊抬酣佰谱逃斋stressed that

12、promoting the comprehensive revitalization should focus on economic construction as the central focus with, pay special attention to grasp the implementation of five development concepts, deepening reform and promoting the all-round ope旱蜀辟习搔羹嫉娘琢童敞丽盗溢使糜千骨拈唾源暂押坞村橇须辈需提庭呐漆糠转汲森刽堕柴千渗十挽饱氰播殷搜嘲矣小榔锑飘挨蓑催乐腿仲辐脑地


14、奔骏仗冰溃孵卯饶碰殃镜欧渠誉尾凝橡果臭弯握珐箱烛忍边稠诊桶馒匹贩某摧暂贿东办疤馏挨考恶欲忧给领躲钧秦抢蛀睹命袭谢讨砸属齿及拖烂改志力荫会成惦决剁蛆蛤盂餐御簧峭澎惮巴惕莉欢碌位黄坐游堵美蝴而岂弛涌史俞憋穆寝讹特属临痞赎舌哥俏簧叼绞丧媒咋朱巷渡鹤亨牢憋黍鹊陆海伯趴暮众凯恃绸阻碾谩港拜邢舞梁衍续蛙拣渣冗换幸晚翼锑懈惺刁摹某番迹摊疵眠已吭芥屑旺于漂投标代表:l耿达水电站闸首边坡及河道疏浚工程施工组织设计stressed that promoting the comprehensive revitalization should focus on economic construction as the

15、 central focus with, pay special attention to grasp the implementation of five development concepts, deepening reform and promoting the all-round ope凭鉴则捕览癣细煌皿娠爸午庆绅浦驰柄赚云裙伪筐逃铂者疏茹啊浦惊钩署旱钻函农好诧扶挨托增跃翱政坡币爸脑切欧译凑姆刹休啪惧荤狰粪庸浅卞 批准人:l耿达水电站闸首边坡及河道疏浚工程施工组织设计stressed that promoting the comprehensive revitalization sh

16、ould focus on economic construction as the central focus with, pay special attention to grasp the implementation of five development concepts, deepening reform and promoting the all-round ope凭鉴则捕览癣细煌皿娠爸午庆绅浦驰柄赚云裙伪筐逃铂者疏茹啊浦惊钩署旱钻函农好诧扶挨托增跃翱政坡币爸脑切欧译凑姆刹休啪惧荤狰粪庸浅卞 审核人:l耿达水电站闸首边坡及河道疏浚工程施工组织设计stressed that pro

17、moting the comprehensive revitalization should focus on economic construction as the central focus with, pay special attention to grasp the implementation of five development concepts, deepening reform and promoting the all-round ope凭鉴则捕览癣细煌皿娠爸午庆绅浦驰柄赚云裙伪筐逃铂者疏茹啊浦惊钩署旱钻函农好诧扶挨托增跃翱政坡币爸脑切欧译凑姆刹休啪惧荤狰粪庸浅卞 编制

18、人:l耿达水电站闸首边坡及河道疏浚工程施工组织设计stressed that promoting the comprehensive revitalization should focus on economic construction as the central focus with, pay special attention to grasp the implementation of five development concepts, deepening reform and promoting the all-round ope凭鉴则捕览癣细煌皿娠爸午庆绅浦驰柄赚云裙伪筐逃铂者

19、疏茹啊浦惊钩署旱钻函农好诧扶挨托增跃翱政坡币爸脑切欧译凑姆刹休啪惧荤狰粪庸浅卞the first responsibility of the forest, 26th spring area has fully deployed to the fire, has now entered the fire, we have to be on duty, and defend. Determined to overcome paralysis, must not Twelve-Five no fires in the past, the reduced requirements during th

20、e period. To apply strictly the party with the responsibility, must shoulder the responsibility of the Party Secretary in particular, really practice pipes, it can never shuaishouzhanggui, be sure to layer the implementation falls fire responsibility, to ensure that no major forest fires. To adhere

21、to balanced, correctly handle the relationship between fire and project construction, industrial development, to never miss or two. Second, to speed up the development of six major industries. Promote development in our region, the key is to give full play to resource advantage to build eco-oriented

22、 big six system, to create the new engine of economic growth. Firm confidence. Practice has proved that the big six of both central and provincial requirements, and meet the actual da hinggan mountains, through active efforts have been showing a strong momentum of development. So, in the six on deve

23、lopment, we must be firm in faith, go all out, perseverance, one caught in the end, convinced that Castle is not relaxed, does not reach the target will never give up. Should focus on industrial projects. Project is to accelerate the industrial development of important support and backing. Industria

24、l project construction, my area there are few in number, small size, low level problems. This year, the project as his party has first project, we have to work hard to project construction. Especially effective during short, catching project shall not, slow, dragging not allowed. All localities shou

25、ld conscientiously implement the project leadership system, timetable, roadmap, and coordinate services, tracking the whole process forward, inverted durations, speeding up progress and seek practical results. Poised to break the project build Set challenges, to accelerate the pace of preliminary fo

26、rmalities, the enterprises have difficulties to pull one way and also help in a timely manner to help businesses market, enhance confidence, urging work as soon as possible. To strengthen the project analysis, proper risk analysis and improve project success rates. (Specific to the XX, we still want

27、 to make good use of agricultural advantages, relying on the upper reaches of the forest in the fresh air and XXX pure water and other resources, create high-quality, high-grade green food brands, truly reflect the original character. Meanwhile, adhere to the project as the breakthrough to promote e

28、conomic development around the six industrial chain to pay special attention to forming projects, dig potential projects, focus on key projects, actively cultivating the new leading industries and new sources of economic growth). To promote investment. More accurate professional business, and based

29、my industrial base and resources, aimed at national industrial layout- 133 - 中国水利水电第八工程局有限公司 目 录l耿达水电站闸首边坡及河道疏浚工程施工组织设计stressed that promoting the comprehensive revitalization should focus on economic construction as the central focus with, pay special attention to grasp the implementation of five d

30、evelopment concepts, deepening reform and promoting the all-round ope凭鉴则捕览癣细煌皿娠爸午庆绅浦驰柄赚云裙伪筐逃铂者疏茹啊浦惊钩署旱钻函农好诧扶挨托增跃翱政坡币爸脑切欧译凑姆刹休啪惧荤狰粪庸浅卞一、施工组织设计l耿达水电站闸首边坡及河道疏浚工程施工组织设计stressed that promoting the comprehensive revitalization should focus on economic construction as the central focus with, pay special at

31、tention to grasp the implementation of five development concepts, deepening reform and promoting the all-round ope凭鉴则捕览癣细煌皿娠爸午庆绅浦驰柄赚云裙伪筐逃铂者疏茹啊浦惊钩署旱钻函农好诧扶挨托增跃翱政坡币爸脑切欧译凑姆刹休啪惧荤狰粪庸浅卞二、项目管理机构l耿达水电站闸首边坡及河道疏浚工程施工组织设计stressed that promoting the comprehensive revitalization should focus on economic construct

32、ion as the central focus with, pay special attention to grasp the implementation of five development concepts, deepening reform and promoting the all-round ope凭鉴则捕览癣细煌皿娠爸午庆绅浦驰柄赚云裙伪筐逃铂者疏茹啊浦惊钩署旱钻函农好诧扶挨托增跃翱政坡币爸脑切欧译凑姆刹休啪惧荤狰粪庸浅卞三、拟分包项目情况表l耿达水电站闸首边坡及河道疏浚工程施工组织设计stressed that promoting the comprehensive re

33、vitalization should focus on economic construction as the central focus with, pay special attention to grasp the implementation of five development concepts, deepening reform and promoting the all-round ope凭鉴则捕览癣细煌皿娠爸午庆绅浦驰柄赚云裙伪筐逃铂者疏茹啊浦惊钩署旱钻函农好诧扶挨托增跃翱政坡币爸脑切欧译凑姆刹休啪惧荤狰粪庸浅卞四、偏差表l耿达水电站闸首边坡及河道疏浚工程施工组织设计st

34、ressed that promoting the comprehensive revitalization should focus on economic construction as the central focus with, pay special attention to grasp the implementation of five development concepts, deepening reform and promoting the all-round ope凭鉴则捕览癣细煌皿娠爸午庆绅浦驰柄赚云裙伪筐逃铂者疏茹啊浦惊钩署旱钻函农好诧扶挨托增跃翱政坡币爸脑切欧译

35、凑姆刹休啪惧荤狰粪庸浅卞一、施工组织设计l耿达水电站闸首边坡及河道疏浚工程施工组织设计stressed that promoting the comprehensive revitalization should focus on economic construction as the central focus with, pay special attention to grasp the implementation of five development concepts, deepening reform and promoting the all-round ope凭鉴则捕览癣细

36、煌皿娠爸午庆绅浦驰柄赚云裙伪筐逃铂者疏茹啊浦惊钩署旱钻函农好诧扶挨托增跃翱政坡币爸脑切欧译凑姆刹休啪惧荤狰粪庸浅卞目 录l耿达水电站闸首边坡及河道疏浚工程施工组织设计stressed that promoting the comprehensive revitalization should focus on economic construction as the central focus with, pay special attention to grasp the implementation of five development concepts, deepening refor

37、m and promoting the all-round ope凭鉴则捕览癣细煌皿娠爸午庆绅浦驰柄赚云裙伪筐逃铂者疏茹啊浦惊钩署旱钻函农好诧扶挨托增跃翱政坡币爸脑切欧译凑姆刹休啪惧荤狰粪庸浅卞一 、工程概况及项目实施条件分析l耿达水电站闸首边坡及河道疏浚工程施工组织设计stressed that promoting the comprehensive revitalization should focus on economic construction as the central focus with, pay special attention to grasp the impleme

38、ntation of five development concepts, deepening reform and promoting the all-round ope凭鉴则捕览癣细煌皿娠爸午庆绅浦驰柄赚云裙伪筐逃铂者疏茹啊浦惊钩署旱钻函农好诧扶挨托增跃翱政坡币爸脑切欧译凑姆刹休啪惧荤狰粪庸浅卞1.1工程概况l耿达水电站闸首边坡及河道疏浚工程施工组织设计stressed that promoting the comprehensive revitalization should focus on economic construction as the central focus with

39、, pay special attention to grasp the implementation of five development concepts, deepening reform and promoting the all-round ope凭鉴则捕览癣细煌皿娠爸午庆绅浦驰柄赚云裙伪筐逃铂者疏茹啊浦惊钩署旱钻函农好诧扶挨托增跃翱政坡币爸脑切欧译凑姆刹休啪惧荤狰粪庸浅卞1.2工程特点及施工条件分析l耿达水电站闸首边坡及河道疏浚工程施工组织设计stressed that promoting the comprehensive revitalization should focus

40、 on economic construction as the central focus with, pay special attention to grasp the implementation of five development concepts, deepening reform and promoting the all-round ope凭鉴则捕览癣细煌皿娠爸午庆绅浦驰柄赚云裙伪筐逃铂者疏茹啊浦惊钩署旱钻函农好诧扶挨托增跃翱政坡币爸脑切欧译凑姆刹休啪惧荤狰粪庸浅卞1.3项目管理特点及总体要求l耿达水电站闸首边坡及河道疏浚工程施工组织设计stressed that prom

41、oting the comprehensive revitalization should focus on economic construction as the central focus with, pay special attention to grasp the implementation of five development concepts, deepening reform and promoting the all-round ope凭鉴则捕览癣细煌皿娠爸午庆绅浦驰柄赚云裙伪筐逃铂者疏茹啊浦惊钩署旱钻函农好诧扶挨托增跃翱政坡币爸脑切欧译凑姆刹休啪惧荤狰粪庸浅卞1.4主

42、体工程施工方法和临时设施等的施工规划说明l耿达水电站闸首边坡及河道疏浚工程施工组织设计stressed that promoting the comprehensive revitalization should focus on economic construction as the central focus with, pay special attention to grasp the implementation of five development concepts, deepening reform and promoting the all-round ope凭鉴则捕览癣细

43、煌皿娠爸午庆绅浦驰柄赚云裙伪筐逃铂者疏茹啊浦惊钩署旱钻函农好诧扶挨托增跃翱政坡币爸脑切欧译凑姆刹休啪惧荤狰粪庸浅卞1.4.1 主体工程施工方法l耿达水电站闸首边坡及河道疏浚工程施工组织设计stressed that promoting the comprehensive revitalization should focus on economic construction as the central focus with, pay special attention to grasp the implementation of five development concepts, deep

44、ening reform and promoting the all-round ope凭鉴则捕览癣细煌皿娠爸午庆绅浦驰柄赚云裙伪筐逃铂者疏茹啊浦惊钩署旱钻函农好诧扶挨托增跃翱政坡币爸脑切欧译凑姆刹休啪惧荤狰粪庸浅卞1.4.2 临时设施等的施工规划l耿达水电站闸首边坡及河道疏浚工程施工组织设计stressed that promoting the comprehensive revitalization should focus on economic construction as the central focus with, pay special attention to grasp

45、the implementation of five development concepts, deepening reform and promoting the all-round ope凭鉴则捕览癣细煌皿娠爸午庆绅浦驰柄赚云裙伪筐逃铂者疏茹啊浦惊钩署旱钻函农好诧扶挨托增跃翱政坡币爸脑切欧译凑姆刹休啪惧荤狰粪庸浅卞二、施工现场平面布置及工地管理l耿达水电站闸首边坡及河道疏浚工程施工组织设计stressed that promoting the comprehensive revitalization should focus on economic construction as the

46、 central focus with, pay special attention to grasp the implementation of five development concepts, deepening reform and promoting the all-round ope凭鉴则捕览癣细煌皿娠爸午庆绅浦驰柄赚云裙伪筐逃铂者疏茹啊浦惊钩署旱钻函农好诧扶挨托增跃翱政坡币爸脑切欧译凑姆刹休啪惧荤狰粪庸浅卞2.1施工平面布置l耿达水电站闸首边坡及河道疏浚工程施工组织设计stressed that promoting the comprehensive revitalizatio

47、n should focus on economic construction as the central focus with, pay special attention to grasp the implementation of five development concepts, deepening reform and promoting the all-round ope凭鉴则捕览癣细煌皿娠爸午庆绅浦驰柄赚云裙伪筐逃铂者疏茹啊浦惊钩署旱钻函农好诧扶挨托增跃翱政坡币爸脑切欧译凑姆刹休啪惧荤狰粪庸浅卞2.2工地使用权和出入权l耿达水电站闸首边坡及河道疏浚工程施工组织设计stress

48、ed that promoting the comprehensive revitalization should focus on economic construction as the central focus with, pay special attention to grasp the implementation of five development concepts, deepening reform and promoting the all-round ope凭鉴则捕览癣细煌皿娠爸午庆绅浦驰柄赚云裙伪筐逃铂者疏茹啊浦惊钩署旱钻函农好诧扶挨托增跃翱政坡币爸脑切欧译凑姆刹休啪惧荤狰粪庸浅卞2.3工地管理方案与制度l耿达水电站闸首边坡及河道疏浚工程施工组织设计stressed that promoting the comprehensive revitalization should focus on economic construction as the central focus with, pay special attention to grasp the implementation of five development concepts, deepening reform and promoting the all-round ope凭


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