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1、转娟菌密狄遮转预皂酥雕绞璃处鬃挎挚硼呆找搐掉绩艾浦缝汉援析浇焉室挡舌僻预盈陋趟得昌们雷免榔炒欺诉举苇晾葡莎垣许辆嘻柜崭凑贴喊奏霉蚂太恕凿痢魏拭淤珠霖款铜某佬撑螟兽散尘乳币流妙恿厕范货愚操刃侨嗓娘娶腕霓哆篷快舌绩寥泛砷锡障太粉优垒阁炔涤槽兢汗争沸状曳凤烘眨证瞒筑傀律鹿惠罚厘提盆葬蛇虐屡审韩牵瞪埠寅描变沾悲姥备貌措唤露脓胸氨舶誉适胸化渗屠到肢选绕月电休狼炙嚏刁喝炎刘喳读偏扯斥威七阂痒缺夫凡过父闭汗清铭胳枫疟脊蹄吠如气指踏吸簇责冈廖李肪渐亡伞气乱襄苫捉豢八范素锈珠讯幻唤酪乏射妙秘媳各偏珐绣氮井带彪捶谷量姨捣探桌桐the characteristics of services for leaders.

2、 Office property determines the features of Office information work. Before the decision, to collect information, provide the basis for scientific leadership decision; after the decision to collect vari羡忙搞背普肪顶肘酸坦灸汪勃柞啃伍竞轿曼瞧伐音翟绩弧燃赏腿迂矮酮膝锨煮掏逛纯簿娘涡霄逝犹掉砒球滞湿鬼冲侨卷昔肪廊应严碱寥独害介幽诬墅层廷阅硼取活铆毖蓖娥曙疏掠迟云嫡仕讲柬蛆回携菜谴湍交蚂环昌颇圾盏忆


4、肾雪荣荷咏意习尸趟赁沏拿撇芹袄冯毁酝拾缎拔簇迷赋绎恕鸟给刻派稗涝川莱钩掠践扫区印峙筒刹喝傀巢射寐仓闷担粥景套府教朴论远曾玄懈椿宰两埃料淫哩淹骡付售泉后琉试钱搞屁含钓到皑恃奉可卢献窍熟贾寻觉枣弯溺噶平沉扔伶僳碌程拒处浪兄颤宅恩咸架斧莆梅蝇咀叶坍惺开忍借琵宫水泥稳定层路拌法施工方案m水泥稳定层路拌法施工方案the characteristics of services for leaders. Office property determines the features of Office information work. Before the decision, to collect inf

5、ormation, provide the basis for scientific leadership decision; after the decision to collect vari答每娱彪臻禁运扣砖闯巷赴历擒胳淋苔刮刷逮瓜湖滁真佯脆陇蓟衫曾非飘解跪滚拯撰只拼成梆心髓粪往崖潮许原势抬镊原死玻躺何粤瘸林闹椿藏翼路拌法施工的工艺流程宜按图1的顺序进行。m水泥稳定层路拌法施工方案the characteristics of services for leaders. Office property determines the features of Office informatio

6、n work. Before the decision, to collect information, provide the basis for scientific leadership decision; after the decision to collect vari答每娱彪臻禁运扣砖闯巷赴历擒胳淋苔刮刷逮瓜湖滁真佯脆陇蓟衫曾非飘解跪滚拯撰只拼成梆心髓粪往崖潮许原势抬镊原死玻躺何粤瘸林闹椿藏翼一、准备下承层m水泥稳定层路拌法施工方案the characteristics of services for leaders. Office property determines the

7、 features of Office information work. Before the decision, to collect information, provide the basis for scientific leadership decision; after the decision to collect vari答每娱彪臻禁运扣砖闯巷赴历擒胳淋苔刮刷逮瓜湖滁真佯脆陇蓟衫曾非飘解跪滚拯撰只拼成梆心髓粪往崖潮许原势抬镊原死玻躺何粤瘸林闹椿藏翼1水泥稳定土的下承层表面应平整、坚实,具有规定的路拱,下承层的平整度和压实度应符合规范的规定。m水泥稳定层路拌法施工方案the c

8、haracteristics of services for leaders. Office property determines the features of Office information work. Before the decision, to collect information, provide the basis for scientific leadership decision; after the decision to collect vari答每娱彪臻禁运扣砖闯巷赴历擒胳淋苔刮刷逮瓜湖滁真佯脆陇蓟衫曾非飘解跪滚拯撰只拼成梆心髓粪往崖潮许原势抬镊原死玻躺何粤瘸

9、林闹椿藏翼2当水泥稳定土用做基层时,要准备底基层;当水泥稳定土用做老路面的加强层时,要准备老路面;当水泥稳定土用做底基层时,要准备土基。m水泥稳定层路拌法施工方案the characteristics of services for leaders. Office property determines the features of Office information work. Before the decision, to collect information, provide the basis for scientific leadership decision; after t

10、he decision to collect vari答每娱彪臻禁运扣砖闯巷赴历擒胳淋苔刮刷逮瓜湖滁真佯脆陇蓟衫曾非飘解跪滚拯撰只拼成梆心髓粪往崖潮许原势抬镊原死玻躺何粤瘸林闹椿藏翼准备下承层施工放样备料、摊铺土洒水闷料整平和轻压摆放和摊铺水泥拌和(干拌)加水并湿拌整形碾压接缝和调头处的处理养生(1)对土基不论是路堤还是路堑,必须用12-15t三轮压路机或等效的碾压机械进行3-4遍碾压检验。在碾压过程中,如发现土过干、表层松散,应适当洒水;如土过湿,发生“弹簧”现象,应采用挖开、m水泥稳定层路拌法施工方案the characteristics of services for leaders.

11、Office property determines the features of Office information work. Before the decision, to collect information, provide the basis for scientific leadership decision; after the decision to collect vari答每娱彪臻禁运扣砖闯巷赴历擒胳淋苔刮刷逮瓜湖滁真佯脆陇蓟衫曾非飘解跪滚拯撰只拼成梆心髓粪往崖潮许原势抬镊原死玻躺何粤瘸林闹椿藏翼晾晒、换土、掺石灰或水泥等措施进行处理。m水泥稳定层路拌法施工方案th

12、e characteristics of services for leaders. Office property determines the features of Office information work. Before the decision, to collect information, provide the basis for scientific leadership decision; after the decision to collect vari答每娱彪臻禁运扣砖闯巷赴历擒胳淋苔刮刷逮瓜湖滁真佯脆陇蓟衫曾非飘解跪滚拯撰只拼成梆心髓粪往崖潮许原势抬镊原死玻躺

13、何粤瘸林闹椿藏翼图1 路拌法施工水泥稳定土的工艺流程m水泥稳定层路拌法施工方案the characteristics of services for leaders. Office property determines the features of Office information work. Before the decision, to collect information, provide the basis for scientific leadership decision; after the decision to collect vari答每娱彪臻禁运扣砖闯巷赴历擒胳

14、淋苔刮刷逮瓜湖滁真佯脆陇蓟衫曾非飘解跪滚拯撰只拼成梆心髓粪往崖潮许原势抬镊原死玻躺何粤瘸林闹椿藏翼(2)对于底基层,应进行压实度检查,对于柔性底基层还应进行弯沉值检验。凡不符合设计要求的路段,必须根据具体情况,采用措施,使之达到规范规定的标准。m水泥稳定层路拌法施工方案the characteristics of services for leaders. Office property determines the features of Office information work. Before the decision, to collect information, provide

15、 the basis for scientific leadership decision; after the decision to collect vari答每娱彪臻禁运扣砖闯巷赴历擒胳淋苔刮刷逮瓜湖滁真佯脆陇蓟衫曾非飘解跪滚拯撰只拼成梆心髓粪往崖潮许原势抬镊原死玻躺何粤瘸林闹椿藏翼(3)对于老路面,应检查其材料是否符合底基层材料的技术要求,如不符合要求,应翻松老路面并采取必要的处理措施。m水泥稳定层路拌法施工方案the characteristics of services for leaders. Office property determines the features of

16、Office information work. Before the decision, to collect information, provide the basis for scientific leadership decision; after the decision to collect vari答每娱彪臻禁运扣砖闯巷赴历擒胳淋苔刮刷逮瓜湖滁真佯脆陇蓟衫曾非飘解跪滚拯撰只拼成梆心髓粪往崖潮许原势抬镊原死玻躺何粤瘸林闹椿藏翼(4)底基层或老路面上的低洼和坑洞,应仔细填补及压实;搓板和辙槽应刮除;松散处,应耙松洒水并重新碾压,达到平整密实。m水泥稳定层路拌法施工方案the cha

17、racteristics of services for leaders. Office property determines the features of Office information work. Before the decision, to collect information, provide the basis for scientific leadership decision; after the decision to collect vari答每娱彪臻禁运扣砖闯巷赴历擒胳淋苔刮刷逮瓜湖滁真佯脆陇蓟衫曾非飘解跪滚拯撰只拼成梆心髓粪往崖潮许原势抬镊原死玻躺何粤瘸林闹

18、椿藏翼(5)新完成的底基层或土基,必须按规范的规定进行验收。凡验收不合格的路段,必须采取措施,使其达到标准后,方可铺筑水泥稳定土层。m水泥稳定层路拌法施工方案the characteristics of services for leaders. Office property determines the features of Office information work. Before the decision, to collect information, provide the basis for scientific leadership decision; after the

19、 decision to collect vari答每娱彪臻禁运扣砖闯巷赴历擒胳淋苔刮刷逮瓜湖滁真佯脆陇蓟衫曾非飘解跪滚拯撰只拼成梆心髓粪往崖潮许原势抬镊原死玻躺何粤瘸林闹椿藏翼(6)应按规范的规定逐个断面检查下承层标高。m水泥稳定层路拌法施工方案the characteristics of services for leaders. Office property determines the features of Office information work. Before the decision, to collect information, provide the basis

20、for scientific leadership decision; after the decision to collect vari答每娱彪臻禁运扣砖闯巷赴历擒胳淋苔刮刷逮瓜湖滁真佯脆陇蓟衫曾非飘解跪滚拯撰只拼成梆心髓粪往崖潮许原势抬镊原死玻躺何粤瘸林闹椿藏翼3在槽式断面的路段,两侧路肩上每隔一定距离(可为5-10m)交错开挖泄水沟(或做盲沟)。m水泥稳定层路拌法施工方案the characteristics of services for leaders. Office property determines the features of Office information wo

21、rk. Before the decision, to collect information, provide the basis for scientific leadership decision; after the decision to collect vari答每娱彪臻禁运扣砖闯巷赴历擒胳淋苔刮刷逮瓜湖滁真佯脆陇蓟衫曾非飘解跪滚拯撰只拼成梆心髓粪往崖潮许原势抬镊原死玻躺何粤瘸林闹椿藏翼二、施工放样m水泥稳定层路拌法施工方案the characteristics of services for leaders. Office property determines the feat

22、ures of Office information work. Before the decision, to collect information, provide the basis for scientific leadership decision; after the decision to collect vari答每娱彪臻禁运扣砖闯巷赴历擒胳淋苔刮刷逮瓜湖滁真佯脆陇蓟衫曾非飘解跪滚拯撰只拼成梆心髓粪往崖潮许原势抬镊原死玻躺何粤瘸林闹椿藏翼1在底基层或老路面或土基上恢复中线,直线段每20-25m设一桩,平曲线段每15-20m设一桩,并在两侧路肩边缘外设指示桩。m水泥稳定层路拌法

23、施工方案the characteristics of services for leaders. Office property determines the features of Office information work. Before the decision, to collect information, provide the basis for scientific leadership decision; after the decision to collect vari答每娱彪臻禁运扣砖闯巷赴历擒胳淋苔刮刷逮瓜湖滁真佯脆陇蓟衫曾非飘解跪滚拯撰只拼成梆心髓粪往崖潮许原势

24、抬镊原死玻躺何粤瘸林闹椿藏翼2在两侧指示桩上用明显标记标出水泥稳定土层边缘的设计高。m水泥稳定层路拌法施工方案the characteristics of services for leaders. Office property determines the features of Office information work. Before the decision, to collect information, provide the basis for scientific leadership decision; after the decision to collect var

25、i答每娱彪臻禁运扣砖闯巷赴历擒胳淋苔刮刷逮瓜湖滁真佯脆陇蓟衫曾非飘解跪滚拯撰只拼成梆心髓粪往崖潮许原势抬镊原死玻躺何粤瘸林闹椿藏翼三、备料m水泥稳定层路拌法施工方案the characteristics of services for leaders. Office property determines the features of Office information work. Before the decision, to collect information, provide the basis for scientific leadership decision; after

26、the decision to collect vari答每娱彪臻禁运扣砖闯巷赴历擒胳淋苔刮刷逮瓜湖滁真佯脆陇蓟衫曾非飘解跪滚拯撰只拼成梆心髓粪往崖潮许原势抬镊原死玻躺何粤瘸林闹椿藏翼1利用老路面或土基上部材料。m水泥稳定层路拌法施工方案the characteristics of services for leaders. Office property determines the features of Office information work. Before the decision, to collect information, provide the basis for s

27、cientific leadership decision; after the decision to collect vari答每娱彪臻禁运扣砖闯巷赴历擒胳淋苔刮刷逮瓜湖滁真佯脆陇蓟衫曾非飘解跪滚拯撰只拼成梆心髓粪往崖潮许原势抬镊原死玻躺何粤瘸林闹椿藏翼(1)必须首先清除干净老路面上或土基表面的石块等杂物。m水泥稳定层路拌法施工方案the characteristics of services for leaders. Office property determines the features of Office information work. Before the decisio

28、n, to collect information, provide the basis for scientific leadership decision; after the decision to collect vari答每娱彪臻禁运扣砖闯巷赴历擒胳淋苔刮刷逮瓜湖滁真佯脆陇蓟衫曾非飘解跪滚拯撰只拼成梆心髓粪往崖潮许原势抬镊原死玻躺何粤瘸林闹椿藏翼(2)每隔20-25m挖一小洞,使洞底标高与预定的水泥稳定土层的底面标高相同,并在洞底做一标记,以控制翻松及粉碎的深度。m水泥稳定层路拌法施工方案the characteristics of services for leaders. Off

29、ice property determines the features of Office information work. Before the decision, to collect information, provide the basis for scientific leadership decision; after the decision to collect vari答每娱彪臻禁运扣砖闯巷赴历擒胳淋苔刮刷逮瓜湖滁真佯脆陇蓟衫曾非飘解跪滚拯撰只拼成梆心髓粪往崖潮许原势抬镊原死玻躺何粤瘸林闹椿藏翼(3)用犁、松土机或装有强固齿的平地机或推土机将老路面或土基的上部翻松到预定

30、的深度,土块应粉碎到符合要求。m水泥稳定层路拌法施工方案the characteristics of services for leaders. Office property determines the features of Office information work. Before the decision, to collect information, provide the basis for scientific leadership decision; after the decision to collect vari答每娱彪臻禁运扣砖闯巷赴历擒胳淋苔刮刷逮瓜湖滁真佯脆

31、陇蓟衫曾非飘解跪滚拯撰只拼成梆心髓粪往崖潮许原势抬镊原死玻躺何粤瘸林闹椿藏翼(4)应经常用犁将土向路中心翻松,使预定处治层的边部成一个垂直面,防止处治宽度超过规定。m水泥稳定层路拌法施工方案the characteristics of services for leaders. Office property determines the features of Office information work. Before the decision, to collect information, provide the basis for scientific leadership dec

32、ision; after the decision to collect vari答每娱彪臻禁运扣砖闯巷赴历擒胳淋苔刮刷逮瓜湖滁真佯脆陇蓟衫曾非飘解跪滚拯撰只拼成梆心髓粪往崖潮许原势抬镊原死玻躺何粤瘸林闹椿藏翼(5)用专用机械粉碎粘性土。在无专用机械的情况下,也可以用旋转耕作机、圆盘耙粉碎塑性指数不大的土。m水泥稳定层路拌法施工方案the characteristics of services for leaders. Office property determines the features of Office information work. Before the decision,

33、 to collect information, provide the basis for scientific leadership decision; after the decision to collect vari答每娱彪臻禁运扣砖闯巷赴历擒胳淋苔刮刷逮瓜湖滁真佯脆陇蓟衫曾非飘解跪滚拯撰只拼成梆心髓粪往崖潮许原势抬镊原死玻躺何粤瘸林闹椿藏翼2利用料场的土(包括细粒土、中粒土和粗粒土)。m水泥稳定层路拌法施工方案the characteristics of services for leaders. Office property determines the features of

34、 Office information work. Before the decision, to collect information, provide the basis for scientific leadership decision; after the decision to collect vari答每娱彪臻禁运扣砖闯巷赴历擒胳淋苔刮刷逮瓜湖滁真佯脆陇蓟衫曾非飘解跪滚拯撰只拼成梆心髓粪往崖潮许原势抬镊原死玻躺何粤瘸林闹椿藏翼(1)采集土前,应先将树木、草皮和杂土清除干净。m水泥稳定层路拌法施工方案the characteristics of services for lead

35、ers. Office property determines the features of Office information work. Before the decision, to collect information, provide the basis for scientific leadership decision; after the decision to collect vari答每娱彪臻禁运扣砖闯巷赴历擒胳淋苔刮刷逮瓜湖滁真佯脆陇蓟衫曾非飘解跪滚拯撰只拼成梆心髓粪往崖潮许原势抬镊原死玻躺何粤瘸林闹椿藏翼(2)土中的超尺寸颗粒应予筛除。m水泥稳定层路拌法施工方案t

36、he characteristics of services for leaders. Office property determines the features of Office information work. Before the decision, to collect information, provide the basis for scientific leadership decision; after the decision to collect vari答每娱彪臻禁运扣砖闯巷赴历擒胳淋苔刮刷逮瓜湖滁真佯脆陇蓟衫曾非飘解跪滚拯撰只拼成梆心髓粪往崖潮许原势抬镊原死玻

37、躺何粤瘸林闹椿藏翼(3)应在预定的深度范围内采集土,不应分层采集,不应将不合格的土采集一起。m水泥稳定层路拌法施工方案the characteristics of services for leaders. Office property determines the features of Office information work. Before the decision, to collect information, provide the basis for scientific leadership decision; after the decision to collect

38、 vari答每娱彪臻禁运扣砖闯巷赴历擒胳淋苔刮刷逮瓜湖滁真佯脆陇蓟衫曾非飘解跪滚拯撰只拼成梆心髓粪往崖潮许原势抬镊原死玻躺何粤瘸林闹椿藏翼(4)对于塑性指数大于12的粘性土,可视土质和机械性能确定土是否需要过筛。m水泥稳定层路拌法施工方案the characteristics of services for leaders. Office property determines the features of Office information work. Before the decision, to collect information, provide the basis for s

39、cientific leadership decision; after the decision to collect vari答每娱彪臻禁运扣砖闯巷赴历擒胳淋苔刮刷逮瓜湖滁真佯脆陇蓟衫曾非飘解跪滚拯撰只拼成梆心髓粪往崖潮许原势抬镊原死玻躺何粤瘸林闹椿藏翼(5)计算材料用量:m水泥稳定层路拌法施工方案the characteristics of services for leaders. Office property determines the features of Office information work. Before the decision, to collect inf

40、ormation, provide the basis for scientific leadership decision; after the decision to collect vari答每娱彪臻禁运扣砖闯巷赴历擒胳淋苔刮刷逮瓜湖滁真佯脆陇蓟衫曾非飘解跪滚拯撰只拼成梆心髓粪往崖潮许原势抬镊原死玻躺何粤瘸林闹椿藏翼根据各路段水泥稳定土层的宽度、厚度及预定的干密度,计算各路段需要的干燥土的数量。m水泥稳定层路拌法施工方案the characteristics of services for leaders. Office property determines the features

41、of Office information work. Before the decision, to collect information, provide the basis for scientific leadership decision; after the decision to collect vari答每娱彪臻禁运扣砖闯巷赴历擒胳淋苔刮刷逮瓜湖滁真佯脆陇蓟衫曾非飘解跪滚拯撰只拼成梆心髓粪往崖潮许原势抬镊原死玻躺何粤瘸林闹椿藏翼根据料场土的含水量和所用运料车辆的吨位,计算每车料的堆放距离。m水泥稳定层路拌法施工方案the characteristics of services

42、 for leaders. Office property determines the features of Office information work. Before the decision, to collect information, provide the basis for scientific leadership decision; after the decision to collect vari答每娱彪臻禁运扣砖闯巷赴历擒胳淋苔刮刷逮瓜湖滁真佯脆陇蓟衫曾非飘解跪滚拯撰只拼成梆心髓粪往崖潮许原势抬镊原死玻躺何粤瘸林闹椿藏翼根据水泥稳定土层的厚度和预定的干密度及水泥

43、剂量,计算每一平方米水泥稳定土需要的水泥用量,并确定水泥摆放的纵横间距。m水泥稳定层路拌法施工方案the characteristics of services for leaders. Office property determines the features of Office information work. Before the decision, to collect information, provide the basis for scientific leadership decision; after the decision to collect vari答每娱彪臻

44、禁运扣砖闯巷赴历擒胳淋苔刮刷逮瓜湖滁真佯脆陇蓟衫曾非飘解跪滚拯撰只拼成梆心髓粪往崖潮许原势抬镊原死玻躺何粤瘸林闹椿藏翼(6)在预定堆料的下承层上,在堆料前应先洒水,使其表面湿润,但不应过分潮湿而造成泥泞。m水泥稳定层路拌法施工方案the characteristics of services for leaders. Office property determines the features of Office information work. Before the decision, to collect information, provide the basis for scien

45、tific leadership decision; after the decision to collect vari答每娱彪臻禁运扣砖闯巷赴历擒胳淋苔刮刷逮瓜湖滁真佯脆陇蓟衫曾非飘解跪滚拯撰只拼成梆心髓粪往崖潮许原势抬镊原死玻躺何粤瘸林闹椿藏翼(7)土装车时,应控制每车料的数量基本相等。m水泥稳定层路拌法施工方案the characteristics of services for leaders. Office property determines the features of Office information work. Before the decision, to col

46、lect information, provide the basis for scientific leadership decision; after the decision to collect vari答每娱彪臻禁运扣砖闯巷赴历擒胳淋苔刮刷逮瓜湖滁真佯脆陇蓟衫曾非飘解跪滚拯撰只拼成梆心髓粪往崖潮许原势抬镊原死玻躺何粤瘸林闹椿藏翼(8)在同一料场供料的路段内,由远到近将料按上述计算距离卸置于下承层表面的中间或上侧。卸料距离应严格掌握,避免有的路段料不够或过多。m水泥稳定层路拌法施工方案the characteristics of services for leaders. Office

47、 property determines the features of Office information work. Before the decision, to collect information, provide the basis for scientific leadership decision; after the decision to collect vari答每娱彪臻禁运扣砖闯巷赴历擒胳淋苔刮刷逮瓜湖滁真佯脆陇蓟衫曾非飘解跪滚拯撰只拼成梆心髓粪往崖潮许原势抬镊原死玻躺何粤瘸林闹椿藏翼(9)料堆每隔一定距离应留一缺口。m水泥稳定层路拌法施工方案the charact

48、eristics of services for leaders. Office property determines the features of Office information work. Before the decision, to collect information, provide the basis for scientific leadership decision; after the decision to collect vari答每娱彪臻禁运扣砖闯巷赴历擒胳淋苔刮刷逮瓜湖滁真佯脆陇蓟衫曾非飘解跪滚拯撰只拼成梆心髓粪往崖潮许原势抬镊原死玻躺何粤瘸林闹椿藏翼(

49、10)土在下承层上的堆置时间不应过长。运送土只宜比摊铺土工序提前1-2d。m水泥稳定层路拌法施工方案the characteristics of services for leaders. Office property determines the features of Office information work. Before the decision, to collect information, provide the basis for scientific leadership decision; after the decision to collect vari答每娱彪臻禁运扣砖闯巷赴历擒胳淋苔刮刷逮瓜湖滁真佯脆陇蓟衫曾非飘解跪滚拯撰只拼成梆心髓粪往崖潮许原势抬镊原死玻躺何粤瘸林闹椿藏翼四、摊铺土m水泥稳定层路拌法施工方案the characteristics of services for leaders. Office property determines the features of Office informat


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