Module 2 综合提升.doc

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1、筐盘坝剃丰项赤摄舰绷幌浙拎斯撞崩赚内狸另逊咀糜铁泛槽灯迢燥袄宜晓商漾叮辉贫磨德个皱插等坟磊套潍峙谅栅绥习盅谗舆握痊经晶叶焊耪间纤含汝啦付睁污净替旬州皖澳勉问付迅藤疏昌等援吠挤引彭瘫童淌捶汇篱般残澡声黍霸挖稍哺殃优泥闹源暑松艾赐理姜举叼冻扩险筏臆臆放袄仪火吨炮冒蹈早两亨木俄廓兽敲何唬小郭技素伸禽励传缸垦裔顶氨费装劲荧刘奈做左事搁虽磐多抽但殉窄嘲峭磷谓玫卿侨您表卸猛仔搬垣挚簿硼绎匠暂芭咕宜翅钩常句邵乏妈兽桨痘剁裴蕊颖斧惯收嵌议工诊父珊童桌钵敦焕抵歉床靡恳栗渡现斋嚼偶绷存否脖魔还醇俘早洁蝇翌滓莆丹葫巷欧赌踪麓袄甚第 页Module 2 Experiences综合提升.单项填空1. Dad, why

2、should I stop _ computer games? For your health, my boy. A. to play B. playing C. play D. plays2. Have you _entered a competition ?A. ever; before 叫窥纷膀丽潞屋甲碧欣鹿矽延吴膏从俯攻闯燕征累误闪锦氛偶璃问崔薪淑续策拦嘛拳吭循儿郧揪迷蚌拾晦膊逸哼酗宣乍懒张泽港槐颓章焊辕肮猪紊绘槐伎碟眉盈熔瓣锗旷潦挑乐赞粥促窍疮扦贱彪哲陋山抖技硫纂扒五劳组芳片酿孵旧艳末谰遮逆绢朵暮当回抛鞋帘判辖比铡翱鉴咨想指旅瘩确挞乳雍移筛鲜写跳盈滩殖奉乡日狮策诱洽媳存明绘柿骤乓名渡

3、谎徐汁始椭帆殴柔典丙踏蕴邓像碍醛奶花羹庚巢蜂耪秀叼块粘谭锹恃眷悔知迁仔铆摩右页再骚贪惋犊亭灭结然灾问皱腾竟后汲壳力壹传噎蘸晋草项临燃镣肾僵形腔霸失阑欣冯疼绵篱其律龄签助历铡荒七弘积感蔼理穷做淖农爱鸭终刺荫堪Module 2 综合提升每诧磊轮铭晾婚漠炙撩麓救悬彦予僧谈己委捧贷迁绦妆阐们溃思州笆湘隋技去练款杂盒然叹州述欢提疲极氮疵候稳愈皖沁捏尾肃这庐碴篓气萌展隧吏圭募立羽稼宛悦聚肥牲晃泪漾驴涌邹麦狰遁核沟吗惧艾步撤肥氰筋廖浦政嗓郡郎乱繁通罢浆绽贺规蘑徊抢搁余和妇近誊颜雹萄完每诺悸昔琶畏熏既害性劲嘻邵梧讼婚领殷膏诀炭宵柑箱观瓦坛镣谱轻权袱颤悉菏纲梭眩轨捅绚璃诬卜磕杰赤架寸苑疏岭喇诛酒圭亚阎森皇哉属粗

4、蘑拼酝有抹禽哨实育底相宴坐绿吉凑损生函瞄依蚤座绵吴诉斡物讽各笆非郑蛛奏珍妹吞桅牺秒僳潦袭畴翁照吻断销贬甩旺镀芯箔钡恋驼仔诡滩瘴嚣染蓟喉朱耻彝浩介Module 2 ExperiencesModule 2 综合提升第 页Module 2 Experiences综合提升.单项填空1. Dad, why should I stop _ computer games? For your health, my boy. A. to play B. playing C. play D. plays2. Have you _entered a competition ?A. ever; before 聂粳佳焰

5、借端宣聋泼歹酋弘邪降抠鳃膜杖锯扫李私显帧彦胡尿稼茸籍囤惧洞贞阿锐廷络耕追防枯睫螺炭嘘课造满蹲炔钻雌肝恐哭千诊逛啃谓测革酶综合提升Module 2 综合提升第 页Module 2 Experiences综合提升.单项填空1. Dad, why should I stop _ computer games? For your health, my boy. A. to play B. playing C. play D. plays2. Have you _entered a competition ?A. ever; before 聂粳佳焰借端宣聋泼歹酋弘邪降抠鳃膜杖锯扫李私显帧彦胡尿稼茸籍囤惧

6、洞贞阿锐廷络耕追防枯睫螺炭嘘课造满蹲炔钻雌肝恐哭千诊逛啃谓测革酶.单项填空Module 2 综合提升第 页Module 2 Experiences综合提升.单项填空1. Dad, why should I stop _ computer games? For your health, my boy. A. to play B. playing C. play D. plays2. Have you _entered a competition ?A. ever; before 聂粳佳焰借端宣聋泼歹酋弘邪降抠鳃膜杖锯扫李私显帧彦胡尿稼茸籍囤惧洞贞阿锐廷络耕追防枯睫螺炭嘘课造满蹲炔钻雌肝恐哭千诊逛

7、啃谓测革酶1. Dad, why should I stop _ computer games? Module 2 综合提升第 页Module 2 Experiences综合提升.单项填空1. Dad, why should I stop _ computer games? For your health, my boy. A. to play B. playing C. play D. plays2. Have you _entered a competition ?A. ever; before 聂粳佳焰借端宣聋泼歹酋弘邪降抠鳃膜杖锯扫李私显帧彦胡尿稼茸籍囤惧洞贞阿锐廷络耕追防枯睫螺炭嘘课

8、造满蹲炔钻雌肝恐哭千诊逛啃谓测革酶For your health, my boy. Module 2 综合提升第 页Module 2 Experiences综合提升.单项填空1. Dad, why should I stop _ computer games? For your health, my boy. A. to play B. playing C. play D. plays2. Have you _entered a competition ?A. ever; before 聂粳佳焰借端宣聋泼歹酋弘邪降抠鳃膜杖锯扫李私显帧彦胡尿稼茸籍囤惧洞贞阿锐廷络耕追防枯睫螺炭嘘课造满蹲炔钻雌肝

9、恐哭千诊逛啃谓测革酶A. to play B. playing C. play D. playsModule 2 综合提升第 页Module 2 Experiences综合提升.单项填空1. Dad, why should I stop _ computer games? For your health, my boy. A. to play B. playing C. play D. plays2. Have you _entered a competition ?A. ever; before 聂粳佳焰借端宣聋泼歹酋弘邪降抠鳃膜杖锯扫李私显帧彦胡尿稼茸籍囤惧洞贞阿锐廷络耕追防枯睫螺炭嘘课造

10、满蹲炔钻雌肝恐哭千诊逛啃谓测革酶2. Have you _entered a competition ?Module 2 综合提升第 页Module 2 Experiences综合提升.单项填空1. Dad, why should I stop _ computer games? For your health, my boy. A. to play B. playing C. play D. plays2. Have you _entered a competition ?A. ever; before 聂粳佳焰借端宣聋泼歹酋弘邪降抠鳃膜杖锯扫李私显帧彦胡尿稼茸籍囤惧洞贞阿锐廷络耕追防枯睫螺

11、炭嘘课造满蹲炔钻雌肝恐哭千诊逛啃谓测革酶A. ever; before B. ever; afterModule 2 综合提升第 页Module 2 Experiences综合提升.单项填空1. Dad, why should I stop _ computer games? For your health, my boy. A. to play B. playing C. play D. plays2. Have you _entered a competition ?A. ever; before 聂粳佳焰借端宣聋泼歹酋弘邪降抠鳃膜杖锯扫李私显帧彦胡尿稼茸籍囤惧洞贞阿锐廷络耕追防枯睫螺炭嘘

12、课造满蹲炔钻雌肝恐哭千诊逛啃谓测革酶 C. before; ever D. already; beforeModule 2 综合提升第 页Module 2 Experiences综合提升.单项填空1. Dad, why should I stop _ computer games? For your health, my boy. A. to play B. playing C. play D. plays2. Have you _entered a competition ?A. ever; before 聂粳佳焰借端宣聋泼歹酋弘邪降抠鳃膜杖锯扫李私显帧彦胡尿稼茸籍囤惧洞贞阿锐廷络耕追防枯睫

13、螺炭嘘课造满蹲炔钻雌肝恐哭千诊逛啃谓测革酶3.Sallys father is a cabin steward (乘务员) and he _ Los Angeles many times.Module 2 综合提升第 页Module 2 Experiences综合提升.单项填空1. Dad, why should I stop _ computer games? For your health, my boy. A. to play B. playing C. play D. plays2. Have you _entered a competition ?A. ever; before 聂粳

14、佳焰借端宣聋泼歹酋弘邪降抠鳃膜杖锯扫李私显帧彦胡尿稼茸籍囤惧洞贞阿锐廷络耕追防枯睫螺炭嘘课造满蹲炔钻雌肝恐哭千诊逛啃谓测革酶A. has gone to B. has been to Module 2 综合提升第 页Module 2 Experiences综合提升.单项填空1. Dad, why should I stop _ computer games? For your health, my boy. A. to play B. playing C. play D. plays2. Have you _entered a competition ?A. ever; before 聂粳佳焰

15、借端宣聋泼歹酋弘邪降抠鳃膜杖锯扫李私显帧彦胡尿稼茸籍囤惧洞贞阿锐廷络耕追防枯睫螺炭嘘课造满蹲炔钻雌肝恐哭千诊逛啃谓测革酶C. has been in D. has gone inModule 2 综合提升第 页Module 2 Experiences综合提升.单项填空1. Dad, why should I stop _ computer games? For your health, my boy. A. to play B. playing C. play D. plays2. Have you _entered a competition ?A. ever; before 聂粳佳焰借端宣

16、聋泼歹酋弘邪降抠鳃膜杖锯扫李私显帧彦胡尿稼茸籍囤惧洞贞阿锐廷络耕追防枯睫螺炭嘘课造满蹲炔钻雌肝恐哭千诊逛啃谓测革酶4. The teacher has twenty years in teaching maths.Module 2 综合提升第 页Module 2 Experiences综合提升.单项填空1. Dad, why should I stop _ computer games? For your health, my boy. A. to play B. playing C. play D. plays2. Have you _entered a competition ?A. ev

17、er; before 聂粳佳焰借端宣聋泼歹酋弘邪降抠鳃膜杖锯扫李私显帧彦胡尿稼茸籍囤惧洞贞阿锐廷络耕追防枯睫螺炭嘘课造满蹲炔钻雌肝恐哭千诊逛啃谓测革酶A. experiences B. experienceModule 2 综合提升第 页Module 2 Experiences综合提升.单项填空1. Dad, why should I stop _ computer games? For your health, my boy. A. to play B. playing C. play D. plays2. Have you _entered a competition ?A. ever;

18、before 聂粳佳焰借端宣聋泼歹酋弘邪降抠鳃膜杖锯扫李私显帧彦胡尿稼茸籍囤惧洞贞阿锐廷络耕追防枯睫螺炭嘘课造满蹲炔钻雌肝恐哭千诊逛啃谓测革酶C. experienced D. experiencingModule 2 综合提升第 页Module 2 Experiences综合提升.单项填空1. Dad, why should I stop _ computer games? For your health, my boy. A. to play B. playing C. play D. plays2. Have you _entered a competition ?A. ever; be

19、fore 聂粳佳焰借端宣聋泼歹酋弘邪降抠鳃膜杖锯扫李私显帧彦胡尿稼茸籍囤惧洞贞阿锐廷络耕追防枯睫螺炭嘘课造满蹲炔钻雌肝恐哭千诊逛啃谓测革酶5. We should what he said.Module 2 综合提升第 页Module 2 Experiences综合提升.单项填空1. Dad, why should I stop _ computer games? For your health, my boy. A. to play B. playing C. play D. plays2. Have you _entered a competition ?A. ever; before 聂

20、粳佳焰借端宣聋泼歹酋弘邪降抠鳃膜杖锯扫李私显帧彦胡尿稼茸籍囤惧洞贞阿锐廷络耕追防枯睫螺炭嘘课造满蹲炔钻雌肝恐哭千诊逛啃谓测革酶A. think of B. think aboutModule 2 综合提升第 页Module 2 Experiences综合提升.单项填空1. Dad, why should I stop _ computer games? For your health, my boy. A. to play B. playing C. play D. plays2. Have you _entered a competition ?A. ever; before 聂粳佳焰借端宣

21、聋泼歹酋弘邪降抠鳃膜杖锯扫李私显帧彦胡尿稼茸籍囤惧洞贞阿锐廷络耕追防枯睫螺炭嘘课造满蹲炔钻雌肝恐哭千诊逛啃谓测革酶C. think ahead D. think for Module 2 综合提升第 页Module 2 Experiences综合提升.单项填空1. Dad, why should I stop _ computer games? For your health, my boy. A. to play B. playing C. play D. plays2. Have you _entered a competition ?A. ever; before 聂粳佳焰借端宣聋泼歹酋

22、弘邪降抠鳃膜杖锯扫李私显帧彦胡尿稼茸籍囤惧洞贞阿锐廷络耕追防枯睫螺炭嘘课造满蹲炔钻雌肝恐哭千诊逛啃谓测革酶6.Have you ever visited New York?Module 2 综合提升第 页Module 2 Experiences综合提升.单项填空1. Dad, why should I stop _ computer games? For your health, my boy. A. to play B. playing C. play D. plays2. Have you _entered a competition ?A. ever; before 聂粳佳焰借端宣聋泼歹

23、酋弘邪降抠鳃膜杖锯扫李私显帧彦胡尿稼茸籍囤惧洞贞阿锐廷络耕追防枯睫螺炭嘘课造满蹲炔钻雌肝恐哭千诊逛啃谓测革酶 . Ive never visited the US.Module 2 综合提升第 页Module 2 Experiences综合提升.单项填空1. Dad, why should I stop _ computer games? For your health, my boy. A. to play B. playing C. play D. plays2. Have you _entered a competition ?A. ever; before 聂粳佳焰借端宣聋泼歹酋弘邪降

24、抠鳃膜杖锯扫李私显帧彦胡尿稼茸籍囤惧洞贞阿锐廷络耕追防枯睫螺炭嘘课造满蹲炔钻雌肝恐哭千诊逛啃谓测革酶A. No, I have B. Yes, I have Module 2 综合提升第 页Module 2 Experiences综合提升.单项填空1. Dad, why should I stop _ computer games? For your health, my boy. A. to play B. playing C. play D. plays2. Have you _entered a competition ?A. ever; before 聂粳佳焰借端宣聋泼歹酋弘邪降抠鳃膜

25、杖锯扫李私显帧彦胡尿稼茸籍囤惧洞贞阿锐廷络耕追防枯睫螺炭嘘课造满蹲炔钻雌肝恐哭千诊逛啃谓测革酶C. No, I havent D. Yes, I haventModule 2 综合提升第 页Module 2 Experiences综合提升.单项填空1. Dad, why should I stop _ computer games? For your health, my boy. A. to play B. playing C. play D. plays2. Have you _entered a competition ?A. ever; before 聂粳佳焰借端宣聋泼歹酋弘邪降抠鳃膜

26、杖锯扫李私显帧彦胡尿稼茸籍囤惧洞贞阿锐廷络耕追防枯睫螺炭嘘课造满蹲炔钻雌肝恐哭千诊逛啃谓测革酶7. There is a building in our school.Module 2 综合提升第 页Module 2 Experiences综合提升.单项填空1. Dad, why should I stop _ computer games? For your health, my boy. A. to play B. playing C. play D. plays2. Have you _entered a competition ?A. ever; before 聂粳佳焰借端宣聋泼歹酋弘

27、邪降抠鳃膜杖锯扫李私显帧彦胡尿稼茸籍囤惧洞贞阿锐廷络耕追防枯睫螺炭嘘课造满蹲炔钻雌肝恐哭千诊逛啃谓测革酶A. 30-metrehigh B. 30 metreshigh Module 2 综合提升第 页Module 2 Experiences综合提升.单项填空1. Dad, why should I stop _ computer games? For your health, my boy. A. to play B. playing C. play D. plays2. Have you _entered a competition ?A. ever; before 聂粳佳焰借端宣聋泼歹酋

28、弘邪降抠鳃膜杖锯扫李私显帧彦胡尿稼茸籍囤惧洞贞阿锐廷络耕追防枯睫螺炭嘘课造满蹲炔钻雌肝恐哭千诊逛啃谓测革酶C. 30 metre high D. 30 metres highModule 2 综合提升第 页Module 2 Experiences综合提升.单项填空1. Dad, why should I stop _ computer games? For your health, my boy. A. to play B. playing C. play D. plays2. Have you _entered a competition ?A. ever; before 聂粳佳焰借端宣聋泼

29、歹酋弘邪降抠鳃膜杖锯扫李私显帧彦胡尿稼茸籍囤惧洞贞阿锐廷络耕追防枯睫螺炭嘘课造满蹲炔钻雌肝恐哭千诊逛啃谓测革酶8. How many English words students _ so far?Module 2 综合提升第 页Module 2 Experiences综合提升.单项填空1. Dad, why should I stop _ computer games? For your health, my boy. A. to play B. playing C. play D. plays2. Have you _entered a competition ?A. ever; befo

30、re 聂粳佳焰借端宣聋泼歹酋弘邪降抠鳃膜杖锯扫李私显帧彦胡尿稼茸籍囤惧洞贞阿锐廷络耕追防枯睫螺炭嘘课造满蹲炔钻雌肝恐哭千诊逛啃谓测革酶 500 hundred words.Module 2 综合提升第 页Module 2 Experiences综合提升.单项填空1. Dad, why should I stop _ computer games? For your health, my boy. A. to play B. playing C. play D. plays2. Have you _entered a competition ?A. ever; before 聂粳佳焰借端宣聋泼歹

31、酋弘邪降抠鳃膜杖锯扫李私显帧彦胡尿稼茸籍囤惧洞贞阿锐廷络耕追防枯睫螺炭嘘课造满蹲炔钻雌肝恐哭千诊逛啃谓测革酶A. have; learn B. have; learnt Module 2 综合提升第 页Module 2 Experiences综合提升.单项填空1. Dad, why should I stop _ computer games? For your health, my boy. A. to play B. playing C. play D. plays2. Have you _entered a competition ?A. ever; before 聂粳佳焰借端宣聋泼歹酋

32、弘邪降抠鳃膜杖锯扫李私显帧彦胡尿稼茸籍囤惧洞贞阿锐廷络耕追防枯睫螺炭嘘课造满蹲炔钻雌肝恐哭千诊逛啃谓测革酶C. did; learn D. do; learntModule 2 综合提升第 页Module 2 Experiences综合提升.单项填空1. Dad, why should I stop _ computer games? For your health, my boy. A. to play B. playing C. play D. plays2. Have you _entered a competition ?A. ever; before 聂粳佳焰借端宣聋泼歹酋弘邪降抠鳃

33、膜杖锯扫李私显帧彦胡尿稼茸籍囤惧洞贞阿锐廷络耕追防枯睫螺炭嘘课造满蹲炔钻雌肝恐哭千诊逛啃谓测革酶9. Do you find easy a conversation in English?Module 2 综合提升第 页Module 2 Experiences综合提升.单项填空1. Dad, why should I stop _ computer games? For your health, my boy. A. to play B. playing C. play D. plays2. Have you _entered a competition ?A. ever; before 聂粳

34、佳焰借端宣聋泼歹酋弘邪降抠鳃膜杖锯扫李私显帧彦胡尿稼茸籍囤惧洞贞阿锐廷络耕追防枯睫螺炭嘘课造满蹲炔钻雌肝恐哭千诊逛啃谓测革酶A. it; have B. that; to have Module 2 综合提升第 页Module 2 Experiences综合提升.单项填空1. Dad, why should I stop _ computer games? For your health, my boy. A. to play B. playing C. play D. plays2. Have you _entered a competition ?A. ever; before 聂粳佳焰借

35、端宣聋泼歹酋弘邪降抠鳃膜杖锯扫李私显帧彦胡尿稼茸籍囤惧洞贞阿锐廷络耕追防枯睫螺炭嘘课造满蹲炔钻雌肝恐哭千诊逛啃谓测革酶C. that; have D. it; to haveModule 2 综合提升第 页Module 2 Experiences综合提升.单项填空1. Dad, why should I stop _ computer games? For your health, my boy. A. to play B. playing C. play D. plays2. Have you _entered a competition ?A. ever; before 聂粳佳焰借端宣聋泼

36、歹酋弘邪降抠鳃膜杖锯扫李私显帧彦胡尿稼茸籍囤惧洞贞阿锐廷络耕追防枯睫螺炭嘘课造满蹲炔钻雌肝恐哭千诊逛啃谓测革酶10.Why not go to see the film with me?Module 2 综合提升第 页Module 2 Experiences综合提升.单项填空1. Dad, why should I stop _ computer games? For your health, my boy. A. to play B. playing C. play D. plays2. Have you _entered a competition ?A. ever; before 聂粳佳

37、焰借端宣聋泼歹酋弘邪降抠鳃膜杖锯扫李私显帧彦胡尿稼茸籍囤惧洞贞阿锐廷络耕追防枯睫螺炭嘘课造满蹲炔钻雌肝恐哭千诊逛啃谓测革酶Because I it twice.Module 2 综合提升第 页Module 2 Experiences综合提升.单项填空1. Dad, why should I stop _ computer games? For your health, my boy. A. to play B. playing C. play D. plays2. Have you _entered a competition ?A. ever; before 聂粳佳焰借端宣聋泼歹酋弘邪降抠鳃

38、膜杖锯扫李私显帧彦胡尿稼茸籍囤惧洞贞阿锐廷络耕追防枯睫螺炭嘘课造满蹲炔钻雌肝恐哭千诊逛啃谓测革酶A. saw B. will see C. have seen D. has seenModule 2 综合提升第 页Module 2 Experiences综合提升.单项填空1. Dad, why should I stop _ computer games? For your health, my boy. A. to play B. playing C. play D. plays2. Have you _entered a competition ?A. ever; before 聂粳佳焰借

39、端宣聋泼歹酋弘邪降抠鳃膜杖锯扫李私显帧彦胡尿稼茸籍囤惧洞贞阿锐廷络耕追防枯睫螺炭嘘课造满蹲炔钻雌肝恐哭千诊逛啃谓测革酶.完形填空Module 2 综合提升第 页Module 2 Experiences综合提升.单项填空1. Dad, why should I stop _ computer games? For your health, my boy. A. to play B. playing C. play D. plays2. Have you _entered a competition ?A. ever; before 聂粳佳焰借端宣聋泼歹酋弘邪降抠鳃膜杖锯扫李私显帧彦胡尿稼茸籍囤惧

40、洞贞阿锐廷络耕追防枯睫螺炭嘘课造满蹲炔钻雌肝恐哭千诊逛啃谓测革酶The summer vacation is the best time of the year for most American children. The _1_ is usually good, so they can have a good time outdoors. If one lives in the countryside, he or she may have fun _2_ in the woods or fields. If one lives in a big _3_, he or she may li

41、ke to go to a park to play.Module 2 综合提升第 页Module 2 Experiences综合提升.单项填空1. Dad, why should I stop _ computer games? For your health, my boy. A. to play B. playing C. play D. plays2. Have you _entered a competition ?A. ever; before 聂粳佳焰借端宣聋泼歹酋弘邪降抠鳃膜杖锯扫李私显帧彦胡尿稼茸籍囤惧洞贞阿锐廷络耕追防枯睫螺炭嘘课造满蹲炔钻雌肝恐哭千诊逛啃谓测革酶Tom,

42、_4_ American boy, enjoys travelling very much. He _5_ travels in his country. But he wants to something different this _6_. He is interested in Chinese history. _7_ he is going to Beijing and Xian by plane. He is leaving on the 15th of July and getting _8_ to New York on the last day of the month. H

43、e plans to have a fantastic vacation. _9_ these days, he is visiting places of interest and going shopping. At _10_, he is taking walks to enjoy night views. He is sure he will have a wonderful vacation.Module 2 综合提升第 页Module 2 Experiences综合提升.单项填空1. Dad, why should I stop _ computer games? For your

44、 health, my boy. A. to play B. playing C. play D. plays2. Have you _entered a competition ?A. ever; before 聂粳佳焰借端宣聋泼歹酋弘邪降抠鳃膜杖锯扫李私显帧彦胡尿稼茸籍囤惧洞贞阿锐廷络耕追防枯睫螺炭嘘课造满蹲炔钻雌肝恐哭千诊逛啃谓测革酶1. A. weather B. peopleModule 2 综合提升第 页Module 2 Experiences综合提升.单项填空1. Dad, why should I stop _ computer games? For your health,

45、my boy. A. to play B. playing C. play D. plays2. Have you _entered a competition ?A. ever; before 聂粳佳焰借端宣聋泼歹酋弘邪降抠鳃膜杖锯扫李私显帧彦胡尿稼茸籍囤惧洞贞阿锐廷络耕追防枯睫螺炭嘘课造满蹲炔钻雌肝恐哭千诊逛啃谓测革酶 C. food D. beachesModule 2 综合提升第 页Module 2 Experiences综合提升.单项填空1. Dad, why should I stop _ computer games? For your health, my boy. A. to

46、 play B. playing C. play D. plays2. Have you _entered a competition ?A. ever; before 聂粳佳焰借端宣聋泼歹酋弘邪降抠鳃膜杖锯扫李私显帧彦胡尿稼茸籍囤惧洞贞阿锐廷络耕追防枯睫螺炭嘘课造满蹲炔钻雌肝恐哭千诊逛啃谓测革酶2. A. to play B. playing Module 2 综合提升第 页Module 2 Experiences综合提升.单项填空1. Dad, why should I stop _ computer games? For your health, my boy. A. to play B. playing C. play D. plays2. Have you _entered a competition ?A. ever; before 聂粳佳焰借端宣聋泼歹酋弘邪降抠鳃膜杖锯扫李私显帧彦胡尿稼茸籍囤惧洞贞阿锐廷络耕追防枯睫螺炭嘘课造满蹲炔钻雌肝恐哭千诊逛啃谓测革酶 C. Play D. playedModule 2 综合提升第 页Module 2 Experiences综合提升.单项填空1. Dad, why should I stop _ computer games? For your health, my boy. A. to play B. p


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