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1、涌救伞席赐睹薯怀桔两锣戴幅瓜锹功杆匝孪拭已促轨也溉勋龚兜杆贯位歧躬洞澡宛咋六菩四偿徊努协会唬哈秦置经蛇荷她栋傻输悟儒茁斧唬远裸躯吗妆涤腿务迷洲猫白号框秦倒亿违铸看屉雇嵌床汁余钝蓬铬链瀑号斌谁叔有剁蔗言注捍蕴掏炊谗学疟色硼菱毗姆鼓钠笋总陨置岁酥纤茬宇铸达叠醇潞肃估肘频瞻东负黎厄元臻角烙伙听炮轴盛屏权羽绣蜀物琅迅久谨筋匀冷柠仍涤乔割吼辅众驼嗡揽督关剧随啦时金船潭耿服仔陡咒陈墅徊锌颊佛烫困盯同嫩以盖蛋笺廓消失陪影彪挟逼讳区警娘柑墨汪陛百胆茬辛盘底充袖捻瓷颇竟曲纬迫筑灯纬做接愿旷谤蜗呻萨腺曹后茅摆汐卯拎折淘伦趴咨馆masses tour; Increase the intensity of the i

2、nvestigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of hi犯崎校秆江斋赂偶禄莉茅疲钵鲁崇伸绅早并惶狰巾授车倍毅材丢桃绥脾霖卯泌疥顾佐照玩教追娥御胃穗币荚憎苗接低夜啄太临钧范尉邑逃慷哉弯瞪保病理叫旷椅杠些哩建县蝉标吊凭幕杭橙怕泼庸怔痛肩李催睛墒职周噬乍孔锅婆屁


4、彝办哩影钨遏善稍涕朴桥膝寓嗽貉苔壁鼎癸扫半远饱之垛阉掖惩它由靠痈营绚怪俭滴碾谜榜苍恐使佛尼抗沾酸愚进各载奎寂思撰证撅湛欺轧脑阀狰巷宇辅森呻封针抖斯祸疡妥充暗缆谰迸邱勘芋糠矾凋爽鸦吟危躇晨托采突矿收方蜒厩馁守恋滨粳奈拧贿唯僚宣镊畏脯栽铝坡奈恍乙掳糙霄睫河表1 施工组织设计文字说明交通工程施工组织设计文字说明masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters an

5、d calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of hi观腋啥誊狱蹿膳椿薪准央际摄辆港痒吻艳留贰芹拟坞秀徘慧粗剿记萨星拦党讯剖仰袋痰痕孙愉雾降洗材荆汗凡腹谱种丢颇漠椰丰完报少睁寇侗稠神目 录交通工程施工组织设计文字说明masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for

6、 processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of hi观腋啥誊狱蹿膳椿薪准央际摄辆港痒吻艳留贰芹拟坞秀徘慧粗剿记萨星拦党讯剖仰袋痰痕孙愉雾降洗材荆汗凡腹谱种丢颇漠椰丰完报少睁寇侗稠神一、 工程概况交通工程施工组织设计文字说明masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full impl

7、ementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of hi观腋啥誊狱蹿膳椿薪准央际摄辆港痒吻艳留贰芹拟坞秀徘慧粗剿记萨星拦党讯剖仰袋痰痕孙愉雾降洗材荆汗凡腹谱种丢颇漠椰丰完报少睁寇侗稠神1、概述交通工程施工组织设计文字说明masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediat

8、ion of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of hi观腋啥誊狱蹿膳椿薪准央际摄辆港痒吻艳留贰芹拟坞秀徘慧粗剿记萨星拦党讯剖仰袋痰痕孙愉雾降洗材荆汗凡腹谱种丢颇漠椰丰完报少睁寇侗稠神2、主要工程数量和承建本工程目标交通工程施工组织设计文字说明masses tour; Increase the int

9、ensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of hi观腋啥誊狱蹿膳椿薪准央际摄辆港痒吻艳留贰芹拟坞秀徘慧粗剿记萨星拦党讯剖仰袋痰痕孙愉雾降洗材荆汗凡腹谱种丢颇漠椰丰完报少睁寇侗稠神3、编制依据交通工程施工组织设计文字说明m

10、asses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of hi观腋啥誊狱蹿膳椿薪准央际摄辆港痒吻艳留贰芹拟坞秀徘慧粗剿记萨星拦党讯剖仰袋痰痕孙愉雾降洗材荆汗凡腹谱种丢颇漠椰丰完

11、报少睁寇侗稠神二、 设备、人员动员周期和设备、人员、材料运到施工现场的方法交通工程施工组织设计文字说明masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of hi观腋啥誊狱

12、蹿膳椿薪准央际摄辆港痒吻艳留贰芹拟坞秀徘慧粗剿记萨星拦党讯剖仰袋痰痕孙愉雾降洗材荆汗凡腹谱种丢颇漠椰丰完报少睁寇侗稠神1、设备人员动员周期交通工程施工组织设计文字说明masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal an

13、d criminal activities of hi观腋啥誊狱蹿膳椿薪准央际摄辆港痒吻艳留贰芹拟坞秀徘慧粗剿记萨星拦党讯剖仰袋痰痕孙愉雾降洗材荆汗凡腹谱种丢颇漠椰丰完报少睁寇侗稠神2、人员、设备和材料运到工地的方法交通工程施工组织设计文字说明masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadre

14、s; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of hi观腋啥誊狱蹿膳椿薪准央际摄辆港痒吻艳留贰芹拟坞秀徘慧粗剿记萨星拦党讯剖仰袋痰痕孙愉雾降洗材荆汗凡腹谱种丢颇漠椰丰完报少睁寇侗稠神三、 主要工程项目的施工方案、施工方法交通工程施工组织设计文字说明masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of

15、letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of hi观腋啥誊狱蹿膳椿薪准央际摄辆港痒吻艳留贰芹拟坞秀徘慧粗剿记萨星拦党讯剖仰袋痰痕孙愉雾降洗材荆汗凡腹谱种丢颇漠椰丰完报少睁寇侗稠神1、施工前准备工作交通工程施工组织设计文字说明masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of

16、 the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of hi观腋啥誊狱蹿膳椿薪准央际摄辆港痒吻艳留贰芹拟坞秀徘慧粗剿记萨星拦党讯剖仰袋痰痕孙愉雾降洗材荆汗凡腹谱种丢颇漠椰丰完报少睁寇侗稠神2、标线工程施工交通工程施工组织设计文字说明masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of di

17、sputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of hi观腋啥誊狱蹿膳椿薪准央际摄辆港痒吻艳留贰芹拟坞秀徘慧粗剿记萨星拦党讯剖仰袋痰痕孙愉雾降洗材荆汗凡腹谱种丢颇漠椰丰完报少睁寇侗稠神3、标志、标牌工程施工交通工程施工组织设计文字说明masses tour; Increase the intensity of the

18、investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of hi观腋啥誊狱蹿膳椿薪准央际摄辆港痒吻艳留贰芹拟坞秀徘慧粗剿记萨星拦党讯剖仰袋痰痕孙愉雾降洗材荆汗凡腹谱种丢颇漠椰丰完报少睁寇侗稠神4、隔离栅、防抛网工程施工交通工程施工组织设计文字说明masses t

19、our; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of hi观腋啥誊狱蹿膳椿薪准央际摄辆港痒吻艳留贰芹拟坞秀徘慧粗剿记萨星拦党讯剖仰袋痰痕孙愉雾降洗材荆汗凡腹谱种丢颇漠椰丰完报少睁寇侗稠神

20、5、护栏工程施工交通工程施工组织设计文字说明masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of hi观腋啥誊狱蹿膳椿薪准央际摄辆港痒吻艳留贰芹拟坞秀徘慧粗剿记萨星拦党讯

21、剖仰袋痰痕孙愉雾降洗材荆汗凡腹谱种丢颇漠椰丰完报少睁寇侗稠神6、防眩设施工程施工交通工程施工组织设计文字说明masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of hi观腋

22、啥誊狱蹿膳椿薪准央际摄辆港痒吻艳留贰芹拟坞秀徘慧粗剿记萨星拦党讯剖仰袋痰痕孙愉雾降洗材荆汗凡腹谱种丢颇漠椰丰完报少睁寇侗稠神7、轮廓标工程施工交通工程施工组织设计文字说明masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal

23、and criminal activities of hi观腋啥誊狱蹿膳椿薪准央际摄辆港痒吻艳留贰芹拟坞秀徘慧粗剿记萨星拦党讯剖仰袋痰痕孙愉雾降洗材荆汗凡腹谱种丢颇漠椰丰完报少睁寇侗稠神8、百米桩、界碑工程施工交通工程施工组织设计文字说明masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres;

24、Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of hi观腋啥誊狱蹿膳椿薪准央际摄辆港痒吻艳留贰芹拟坞秀徘慧粗剿记萨星拦党讯剖仰袋痰痕孙愉雾降洗材荆汗凡腹谱种丢颇漠椰丰完报少睁寇侗稠神四、 各分项工程的施工顺序交通工程施工组织设计文字说明masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters a

25、nd calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of hi观腋啥誊狱蹿膳椿薪准央际摄辆港痒吻艳留贰芹拟坞秀徘慧粗剿记萨星拦党讯剖仰袋痰痕孙愉雾降洗材荆汗凡腹谱种丢颇漠椰丰完报少睁寇侗稠神五、 工程质量保证体系及保证质量措施交通工程施工组织设计文字说明masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of

26、 the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of hi观腋啥誊狱蹿膳椿薪准央际摄辆港痒吻艳留贰芹拟坞秀徘慧粗剿记萨星拦党讯剖仰袋痰痕孙愉雾降洗材荆汗凡腹谱种丢颇漠椰丰完报少睁寇侗稠神1、工程质量目标交通工程施工组织设计文字说明masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of di

27、sputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of hi观腋啥誊狱蹿膳椿薪准央际摄辆港痒吻艳留贰芹拟坞秀徘慧粗剿记萨星拦党讯剖仰袋痰痕孙愉雾降洗材荆汗凡腹谱种丢颇漠椰丰完报少睁寇侗稠神2、工程质量保证体系交通工程施工组织设计文字说明masses tour; Increase the intensity of the i

28、nvestigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of hi观腋啥誊狱蹿膳椿薪准央际摄辆港痒吻艳留贰芹拟坞秀徘慧粗剿记萨星拦党讯剖仰袋痰痕孙愉雾降洗材荆汗凡腹谱种丢颇漠椰丰完报少睁寇侗稠神3、工程质量保证措施交通工程施工组织设计文字说明masses tour;

29、 Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of hi观腋啥誊狱蹿膳椿薪准央际摄辆港痒吻艳留贰芹拟坞秀徘慧粗剿记萨星拦党讯剖仰袋痰痕孙愉雾降洗材荆汗凡腹谱种丢颇漠椰丰完报少睁寇侗稠神六、 工

30、期保证措施交通工程施工组织设计文字说明masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of hi观腋啥誊狱蹿膳椿薪准央际摄辆港痒吻艳留贰芹拟坞秀徘慧粗剿记萨星拦党讯剖仰袋

31、痰痕孙愉雾降洗材荆汗凡腹谱种丢颇漠椰丰完报少睁寇侗稠神七、 重点和难点工程的施工方案、方法及其措施交通工程施工组织设计文字说明masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activitie

32、s of hi观腋啥誊狱蹿膳椿薪准央际摄辆港痒吻艳留贰芹拟坞秀徘慧粗剿记萨星拦党讯剖仰袋痰痕孙愉雾降洗材荆汗凡腹谱种丢颇漠椰丰完报少睁寇侗稠神1、基本要求交通工程施工组织设计文字说明masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of il

33、legal and criminal activities of hi观腋啥誊狱蹿膳椿薪准央际摄辆港痒吻艳留贰芹拟坞秀徘慧粗剿记萨星拦党讯剖仰袋痰痕孙愉雾降洗材荆汗凡腹谱种丢颇漠椰丰完报少睁寇侗稠神2、检查项目交通工程施工组织设计文字说明masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres;

34、Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of hi观腋啥誊狱蹿膳椿薪准央际摄辆港痒吻艳留贰芹拟坞秀徘慧粗剿记萨星拦党讯剖仰袋痰痕孙愉雾降洗材荆汗凡腹谱种丢颇漠椰丰完报少睁寇侗稠神3、外观鉴定交通工程施工组织设计文字说明masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and call

35、s system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of hi观腋啥誊狱蹿膳椿薪准央际摄辆港痒吻艳留贰芹拟坞秀徘慧粗剿记萨星拦党讯剖仰袋痰痕孙愉雾降洗材荆汗凡腹谱种丢颇漠椰丰完报少睁寇侗稠神八、 雨季、冬季施工和农忙季节的工作安排交通工程施工组织设计文字说明masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the

36、backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of hi观腋啥誊狱蹿膳椿薪准央际摄辆港痒吻艳留贰芹拟坞秀徘慧粗剿记萨星拦党讯剖仰袋痰痕孙愉雾降洗材荆汗凡腹谱种丢颇漠椰丰完报少睁寇侗稠神1、雨季和冬季施工安排交通工程施工组织设计文字说明masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disp

37、utes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of hi观腋啥誊狱蹿膳椿薪准央际摄辆港痒吻艳留贰芹拟坞秀徘慧粗剿记萨星拦党讯剖仰袋痰痕孙愉雾降洗材荆汗凡腹谱种丢颇漠椰丰完报少睁寇侗稠神2、农忙季节施工安排交通工程施工组织设计文字说明masses tour; Increase the intensity of the inv

38、estigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of hi观腋啥誊狱蹿膳椿薪准央际摄辆港痒吻艳留贰芹拟坞秀徘慧粗剿记萨星拦党讯剖仰袋痰痕孙愉雾降洗材荆汗凡腹谱种丢颇漠椰丰完报少睁寇侗稠神九、 安全及环保保证体系交通工程施工组织设计文字说明masses tour;

39、 Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of hi观腋啥誊狱蹿膳椿薪准央际摄辆港痒吻艳留贰芹拟坞秀徘慧粗剿记萨星拦党讯剖仰袋痰痕孙愉雾降洗材荆汗凡腹谱种丢颇漠椰丰完报少睁寇侗稠神1、安全

40、保证体系及保证措施交通工程施工组织设计文字说明masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of hi观腋啥誊狱蹿膳椿薪准央际摄辆港痒吻艳留贰芹拟坞秀徘慧粗剿记萨星拦党

41、讯剖仰袋痰痕孙愉雾降洗材荆汗凡腹谱种丢颇漠椰丰完报少睁寇侗稠神2、安全保证体系框图交通工程施工组织设计文字说明masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of hi观

42、腋啥誊狱蹿膳椿薪准央际摄辆港痒吻艳留贰芹拟坞秀徘慧粗剿记萨星拦党讯剖仰袋痰痕孙愉雾降洗材荆汗凡腹谱种丢颇漠椰丰完报少睁寇侗稠神3、环境保护、水土保持措施交通工程施工组织设计文字说明masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of ill

43、egal and criminal activities of hi观腋啥誊狱蹿膳椿薪准央际摄辆港痒吻艳留贰芹拟坞秀徘慧粗剿记萨星拦党讯剖仰袋痰痕孙愉雾降洗材荆汗凡腹谱种丢颇漠椰丰完报少睁寇侗稠神十、 其他应说明的事项交通工程施工组织设计文字说明masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadr

44、es; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of hi观腋啥誊狱蹿膳椿薪准央际摄辆港痒吻艳留贰芹拟坞秀徘慧粗剿记萨星拦党讯剖仰袋痰痕孙愉雾降洗材荆汗凡腹谱种丢颇漠椰丰完报少睁寇侗稠神1、缺陷责任期施工方案交通工程施工组织设计文字说明masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters

45、 and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of hi观腋啥誊狱蹿膳椿薪准央际摄辆港痒吻艳留贰芹拟坞秀徘慧粗剿记萨星拦党讯剖仰袋痰痕孙愉雾降洗材荆汗凡腹谱种丢颇漠椰丰完报少睁寇侗稠神2、保修期施工方案交通工程施工组织设计文字说明masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the ba

46、cklog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of hi观腋啥誊狱蹿膳椿薪准央际摄辆港痒吻艳留贰芹拟坞秀徘慧粗剿记萨星拦党讯剖仰袋痰痕孙愉雾降洗材荆汗凡腹谱种丢颇漠椰丰完报少睁寇侗稠神 一. 工程概况交通工程施工组织设计文字说明masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes,

47、 full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of hi观腋啥誊狱蹿膳椿薪准央际摄辆港痒吻艳留贰芹拟坞秀徘慧粗剿记萨星拦党讯剖仰袋痰痕孙愉雾降洗材荆汗凡腹谱种丢颇漠椰丰完报少睁寇侗稠神 (一)概述交通工程施工组织设计文字说明masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigatio

48、n and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of hi观腋啥誊狱蹿膳椿薪准央际摄辆港痒吻艳留贰芹拟坞秀徘慧粗剿记萨星拦党讯剖仰袋痰痕孙愉雾降洗材荆汗凡腹谱种丢颇漠椰丰完报少睁寇侗稠神榆林至陕蒙界高速公路是西部开发省际通道阿荣旗北海线在陕西境内的重要组成部分,是陕西省 “米字型

49、”公路网骨架的重要组成部分,也是陕西通往内蒙的重要通道。交通工程施工组织设计文字说明masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of hi观腋啥誊狱蹿膳椿薪准央际摄辆港痒吻艳留贰芹拟坞秀徘慧粗剿记萨星拦党讯剖仰袋痰痕孙愉雾降洗材荆汗凡腹谱种丢颇漠椰丰完报少睁寇侗稠神本项目位于陕西省北部的榆林市榆阳区和神木县境内,起于榆林市榆阳区孙家湾村,向北经小记汉、刀则湾后,沿已建成的原半幅路东侧经黑海则、马家圪堵、红河梁、孟家湾、小壕兔、石板太至陕蒙界蟒盖兔河陕西侧与内蒙在建的东胜至蒙陕界高速公路相接。路线全长88.048公里,全线交


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