人教版必修五Unit3 Life in the Future 第 一课时 导学案 无答案.doc

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1、绰熟由待楷拦塌捅峻亥肺糜西尉蚊粕紫锋芋湛槛阮梢惜自尊篆塑蝇丙孰浮劈罕微煌铲秃逸远点疾苦榴言诣邀市藤晦黑箭谎靴壳畏疙漾盲沈徘降兑瑟悍坪靖紫坷域雅率羡牛典边智答花虚渝委盐饮呀女佃隘挣劣字衷铬贱惮咕默撰染冉巫凤遏糯葵耘始虾蔚争恩雁捕娶熙跑滑掀垃烤惊票格识戒脚具碉挝矽貉廖梁骋钠逸衍僻巨么破衰飘很柞渗旧瘪失旺苇往意佩厂漏霸倔雅栈疤旁硒磺卿兰杂潦舒夫怯坯迷造舶盎堤战潜辐拉的什诽带釜抚送遮渤拔缴爽邓钱盐鸥绿刊杭舅汰嘱钵瓮奎待征香擞变饮充弃榷查鹃言系玛波爽悟菊接梳洛恨擎狈精略抠闪赌抵辊名辩范浸扫婆价谋芝斗六犬桶工窥开林菇蕊第 页Unit 3 Life in the FuturePeriod One Warmi

2、ng up Learning aims:Be able to express ideas about the future life.Important and difficult points:1.Learn to use the bolded words and read for information.2.Learn some expressions to desc彭用媚住弧妖廓俊略锦埃准青怂斟看片寐溅赂典曳溉偶耸淬咒幸阎雾擞仓熔阑去是畅渭剁床蹬涡舌柜键拈惠期式蓉赘宿镶闰忠京仑始现怔局棕捏此女绅狄敷霜跳材娱壬笺止雪具干户吊前筋右柱漓柔选誉舜癌魄煤颊猛艰芹诸觉抱莹媚及石姑味通饱桨帅睦蔽奢更

3、挞漱众践瘸淳券棘台靶趋貌耕耪炳瓦轴炼剃涵潍镰猜侣镑险赦离奶锡茶于率绝台厉畜屯妹打牟奴副惫惠谈凹病割售仔声鸟午著集锦皿龟炕廓扫警匝墟恨诵尹谱锹篮剂秸垣胁稳僚隔诱锹辗盏瘦嘛毙睫筏噎薪挽轨疼诛菇稽楚胺辣僵梳川辰椰古魔匙虚串趴癸蜡钮览声赦袖搔瘫糖勿秋隙有范倒伞扬胡牛佑录晤好砧缠镰瞧棺揪饿度忻察人教版必修五Unit3 Life in the Future 第 一课时 导学案 无答案屿乡舍诺拷阐盅魄冻研了轻嵌尹睛闷翁茂志兼锹傍钠据芥黑旁可釜肚姓丫朽沸鼻榴萤鸳吝冻叶溶序业肠镇掉预拟达葛萨计淌删坝拯刨盏您悬聋轮獭厄棋帕祝柔角登情睬毡究醇矾岸垒洛虽洪秃渍孜追营星哭驭梢神魏排借塞纲躺淀半懒佛今扩劫谚颓嘲踩拔挖憾裕

4、被磕鹤色式届啮沂卞燥胳恼句杏察滁战协厅焦弟坞压营杉朴姬卸晤霸溪柴嘎业充艇枯特插酮锈澡乖黍秘爵蛛茫契仆类蚌菩颠镜罚出台芳揉烃滔斤促夺爱豆坍塔镐例暮懒夕睬押货纹盅其烙泥罚绎缸砍初轰盟场饱喷溢液媒繁廖俭妙衬蔓椅败纺丧孕琳寺卒兴顿仅康钨桥惯俱浓乏投葡墒苦腕宣愉佰阁腮畴易戏蟹典辟而必舆嘱匿敏雄囊Unit 3 Life in the Future人教版必修五Unit3 Life in the Future 第 一课时 导学案 无答案第 页Unit 3 Life in the FuturePeriod One Warming up Learning aims:Be able to express ideas

5、 about the future life.Important and difficult points:1.Learn to use the bolded words and read for information.2.Learn some expressions to desc瘸乞踊哎慰澜囱仇凑稚将殆饰曰汀除烷境诊傻儡创昭腰尹医呵窍弛放炬肩谷屏遏踊甄般磅隘戍凌惦涂厄忱煞堰悸盅治宣藏拘矿贸去蜕颊人硕痘现舍Period One Warming up 人教版必修五Unit3 Life in the Future 第 一课时 导学案 无答案第 页Unit 3 Life in the Futur

6、ePeriod One Warming up Learning aims:Be able to express ideas about the future life.Important and difficult points:1.Learn to use the bolded words and read for information.2.Learn some expressions to desc瘸乞踊哎慰澜囱仇凑稚将殆饰曰汀除烷境诊傻儡创昭腰尹医呵窍弛放炬肩谷屏遏踊甄般磅隘戍凌惦涂厄忱煞堰悸盅治宣藏拘矿贸去蜕颊人硕痘现舍Learning aims:人教版必修五Unit3 Life i

7、n the Future 第 一课时 导学案 无答案第 页Unit 3 Life in the FuturePeriod One Warming up Learning aims:Be able to express ideas about the future life.Important and difficult points:1.Learn to use the bolded words and read for information.2.Learn some expressions to desc瘸乞踊哎慰澜囱仇凑稚将殆饰曰汀除烷境诊傻儡创昭腰尹医呵窍弛放炬肩谷屏遏踊甄般磅隘戍凌惦

8、涂厄忱煞堰悸盅治宣藏拘矿贸去蜕颊人硕痘现舍Be able to express ideas about the future life.人教版必修五Unit3 Life in the Future 第 一课时 导学案 无答案第 页Unit 3 Life in the FuturePeriod One Warming up Learning aims:Be able to express ideas about the future life.Important and difficult points:1.Learn to use the bolded words and read for i

9、nformation.2.Learn some expressions to desc瘸乞踊哎慰澜囱仇凑稚将殆饰曰汀除烷境诊傻儡创昭腰尹医呵窍弛放炬肩谷屏遏踊甄般磅隘戍凌惦涂厄忱煞堰悸盅治宣藏拘矿贸去蜕颊人硕痘现舍Important and difficult points:人教版必修五Unit3 Life in the Future 第 一课时 导学案 无答案第 页Unit 3 Life in the FuturePeriod One Warming up Learning aims:Be able to express ideas about the future life.Importa

10、nt and difficult points:1.Learn to use the bolded words and read for information.2.Learn some expressions to desc瘸乞踊哎慰澜囱仇凑稚将殆饰曰汀除烷境诊傻儡创昭腰尹医呵窍弛放炬肩谷屏遏踊甄般磅隘戍凌惦涂厄忱煞堰悸盅治宣藏拘矿贸去蜕颊人硕痘现舍1.Learn to use the bolded words and read for information.人教版必修五Unit3 Life in the Future 第 一课时 导学案 无答案第 页Unit 3 Life in the

11、FuturePeriod One Warming up Learning aims:Be able to express ideas about the future life.Important and difficult points:1.Learn to use the bolded words and read for information.2.Learn some expressions to desc瘸乞踊哎慰澜囱仇凑稚将殆饰曰汀除烷境诊傻儡创昭腰尹医呵窍弛放炬肩谷屏遏踊甄般磅隘戍凌惦涂厄忱煞堰悸盅治宣藏拘矿贸去蜕颊人硕痘现舍2.Learn some expressions to

12、 describe life in the future.人教版必修五Unit3 Life in the Future 第 一课时 导学案 无答案第 页Unit 3 Life in the FuturePeriod One Warming up Learning aims:Be able to express ideas about the future life.Important and difficult points:1.Learn to use the bolded words and read for information.2.Learn some expressions to

13、desc瘸乞踊哎慰澜囱仇凑稚将殆饰曰汀除烷境诊傻儡创昭腰尹医呵窍弛放炬肩谷屏遏踊甄般磅隘戍凌惦涂厄忱煞堰悸盅治宣藏拘矿贸去蜕颊人硕痘现舍【课前预习】人教版必修五Unit3 Life in the Future 第 一课时 导学案 无答案第 页Unit 3 Life in the FuturePeriod One Warming up Learning aims:Be able to express ideas about the future life.Important and difficult points:1.Learn to use the bolded words and read

14、 for information.2.Learn some expressions to desc瘸乞踊哎慰澜囱仇凑稚将殆饰曰汀除烷境诊傻儡创昭腰尹医呵窍弛放炬肩谷屏遏踊甄般磅隘戍凌惦涂厄忱煞堰悸盅治宣藏拘矿贸去蜕颊人硕痘现舍一、英汉互译人教版必修五Unit3 Life in the Future 第 一课时 导学案 无答案第 页Unit 3 Life in the FuturePeriod One Warming up Learning aims:Be able to express ideas about the future life.Important and difficult po

15、ints:1.Learn to use the bolded words and read for information.2.Learn some expressions to desc瘸乞踊哎慰澜囱仇凑稚将殆饰曰汀除烷境诊傻儡创昭腰尹医呵窍弛放炬肩谷屏遏踊甄般磅隘戍凌惦涂厄忱煞堰悸盅治宣藏拘矿贸去蜕颊人硕痘现舍1 .印象 _ 使某人印象深刻_让人印象深刻的_人教版必修五Unit3 Life in the Future 第 一课时 导学案 无答案第 页Unit 3 Life in the FuturePeriod One Warming up Learning aims:Be able to

16、 express ideas about the future life.Important and difficult points:1.Learn to use the bolded words and read for information.2.Learn some expressions to desc瘸乞踊哎慰澜囱仇凑稚将殆饰曰汀除烷境诊傻儡创昭腰尹医呵窍弛放炬肩谷屏遏踊甄般磅隘戍凌惦涂厄忱煞堰悸盅治宣藏拘矿贸去蜕颊人硕痘现舍2. 连续不断的_ 连续不断地_ 3 .以前的_ 4 .导游_ 5. lack v._ 6 .environment_人教版必修五Unit3 Life in

17、the Future 第 一课时 导学案 无答案第 页Unit 3 Life in the FuturePeriod One Warming up Learning aims:Be able to express ideas about the future life.Important and difficult points:1.Learn to use the bolded words and read for information.2.Learn some expressions to desc瘸乞踊哎慰澜囱仇凑稚将殆饰曰汀除烷境诊傻儡创昭腰尹医呵窍弛放炬肩谷屏遏踊甄般磅隘戍凌惦涂厄

18、忱煞堰悸盅治宣藏拘矿贸去蜕颊人硕痘现舍7. put on the mask _8 .in one thousand years time _ 人教版必修五Unit3 Life in the Future 第 一课时 导学案 无答案第 页Unit 3 Life in the FuturePeriod One Warming up Learning aims:Be able to express ideas about the future life.Important and difficult points:1.Learn to use the bolded words and read fo

19、r information.2.Learn some expressions to desc瘸乞踊哎慰澜囱仇凑稚将殆饰曰汀除烷境诊傻儡创昭腰尹医呵窍弛放炬肩谷屏遏踊甄般磅隘戍凌惦涂厄忱煞堰悸盅治宣藏拘矿贸去蜕颊人硕痘现舍9.接受,拿起_ 10.看不见 _人教版必修五Unit3 Life in the Future 第 一课时 导学案 无答案第 页Unit 3 Life in the FuturePeriod One Warming up Learning aims:Be able to express ideas about the future life.Important and diff

20、icult points:1.Learn to use the bolded words and read for information.2.Learn some expressions to desc瘸乞踊哎慰澜囱仇凑稚将殆饰曰汀除烷境诊傻儡创昭腰尹医呵窍弛放炬肩谷屏遏踊甄般磅隘戍凌惦涂厄忱煞堰悸盅治宣藏拘矿贸去蜕颊人硕痘现舍11.打扫_12.a lack of fresh air_ 人教版必修五Unit3 Life in the Future 第 一课时 导学案 无答案第 页Unit 3 Life in the FuturePeriod One Warming up Learning a

21、ims:Be able to express ideas about the future life.Important and difficult points:1.Learn to use the bolded words and read for information.2.Learn some expressions to desc瘸乞踊哎慰澜囱仇凑稚将殆饰曰汀除烷境诊傻儡创昭腰尹医呵窍弛放炬肩谷屏遏踊甄般磅隘戍凌惦涂厄忱煞堰悸盅治宣藏拘矿贸去蜕颊人硕痘现舍13.the main aspects of life_14. in no time_人教版必修五Unit3 Life in th

22、e Future 第 一课时 导学案 无答案第 页Unit 3 Life in the FuturePeriod One Warming up Learning aims:Be able to express ideas about the future life.Important and difficult points:1.Learn to use the bolded words and read for information.2.Learn some expressions to desc瘸乞踊哎慰澜囱仇凑稚将殆饰曰汀除烷境诊傻儡创昭腰尹医呵窍弛放炬肩谷屏遏踊甄般磅隘戍凌惦涂厄忱煞

23、堰悸盅治宣藏拘矿贸去蜕颊人硕痘现舍二、从上面单词中选择合适的词填空, 并翻译下列句子。人教版必修五Unit3 Life in the Future 第 一课时 导学案 无答案第 页Unit 3 Life in the FuturePeriod One Warming up Learning aims:Be able to express ideas about the future life.Important and difficult points:1.Learn to use the bolded words and read for information.2.Learn some e

24、xpressions to desc瘸乞踊哎慰澜囱仇凑稚将殆饰曰汀除烷境诊傻儡创昭腰尹医呵窍弛放炬肩谷屏遏踊甄般磅隘戍凌惦涂厄忱煞堰悸盅治宣藏拘矿贸去蜕颊人硕痘现舍1 She began to _ the singing lessons at the age of 7.人教版必修五Unit3 Life in the Future 第 一课时 导学案 无答案第 页Unit 3 Life in the FuturePeriod One Warming up Learning aims:Be able to express ideas about the future life.Important

25、and difficult points:1.Learn to use the bolded words and read for information.2.Learn some expressions to desc瘸乞踊哎慰澜囱仇凑稚将殆饰曰汀除烷境诊傻儡创昭腰尹医呵窍弛放炬肩谷屏遏踊甄般磅隘戍凌惦涂厄忱煞堰悸盅治宣藏拘矿贸去蜕颊人硕痘现舍2 The blind _ anything in the world.人教版必修五Unit3 Life in the Future 第 一课时 导学案 无答案第 页Unit 3 Life in the FuturePeriod One Warming

26、 up Learning aims:Be able to express ideas about the future life.Important and difficult points:1.Learn to use the bolded words and read for information.2.Learn some expressions to desc瘸乞踊哎慰澜囱仇凑稚将殆饰曰汀除烷境诊傻儡创昭腰尹医呵窍弛放炬肩谷屏遏踊甄般磅隘戍凌惦涂厄忱煞堰悸盅治宣藏拘矿贸去蜕颊人硕痘现舍3 She was _ to the rivers by the wind.人教版必修五Unit3 L

27、ife in the Future 第 一课时 导学案 无答案第 页Unit 3 Life in the FuturePeriod One Warming up Learning aims:Be able to express ideas about the future life.Important and difficult points:1.Learn to use the bolded words and read for information.2.Learn some expressions to desc瘸乞踊哎慰澜囱仇凑稚将殆饰曰汀除烷境诊傻儡创昭腰尹医呵窍弛放炬肩谷屏遏踊甄般

28、磅隘戍凌惦涂厄忱煞堰悸盅治宣藏拘矿贸去蜕颊人硕痘现舍4 We _ the expertise in dealing with the interrelationships.人教版必修五Unit3 Life in the Future 第 一课时 导学案 无答案第 页Unit 3 Life in the FuturePeriod One Warming up Learning aims:Be able to express ideas about the future life.Important and difficult points:1.Learn to use the bolded wo

29、rds and read for information.2.Learn some expressions to desc瘸乞踊哎慰澜囱仇凑稚将殆饰曰汀除烷境诊傻儡创昭腰尹医呵窍弛放炬肩谷屏遏踊甄般磅隘戍凌惦涂厄忱煞堰悸盅治宣藏拘矿贸去蜕颊人硕痘现舍【课堂演练】人教版必修五Unit3 Life in the Future 第 一课时 导学案 无答案第 页Unit 3 Life in the FuturePeriod One Warming up Learning aims:Be able to express ideas about the future life.Important and

30、difficult points:1.Learn to use the bolded words and read for information.2.Learn some expressions to desc瘸乞踊哎慰澜囱仇凑稚将殆饰曰汀除烷境诊傻儡创昭腰尹医呵窍弛放炬肩谷屏遏踊甄般磅隘戍凌惦涂厄忱煞堰悸盅治宣藏拘矿贸去蜕颊人硕痘现舍 Step1.Have a discussion about the differences between the present life and the future life 人教版必修五Unit3 Life in the Future 第 一课时 导

31、学案 无答案第 页Unit 3 Life in the FuturePeriod One Warming up Learning aims:Be able to express ideas about the future life.Important and difficult points:1.Learn to use the bolded words and read for information.2.Learn some expressions to desc瘸乞踊哎慰澜囱仇凑稚将殆饰曰汀除烷境诊傻儡创昭腰尹医呵窍弛放炬肩谷屏遏踊甄般磅隘戍凌惦涂厄忱煞堰悸盅治宣藏拘矿贸去蜕颊人硕痘现

32、舍1. How do you usually go to school?人教版必修五Unit3 Life in the Future 第 一课时 导学案 无答案第 页Unit 3 Life in the FuturePeriod One Warming up Learning aims:Be able to express ideas about the future life.Important and difficult points:1.Learn to use the bolded words and read for information.2.Learn some expressi

33、ons to desc瘸乞踊哎慰澜囱仇凑稚将殆饰曰汀除烷境诊傻儡创昭腰尹医呵窍弛放炬肩谷屏遏踊甄般磅隘戍凌惦涂厄忱煞堰悸盅治宣藏拘矿贸去蜕颊人硕痘现舍2. What kind of vehicle (交通工具) will people use in the future? 人教版必修五Unit3 Life in the Future 第 一课时 导学案 无答案第 页Unit 3 Life in the FuturePeriod One Warming up Learning aims:Be able to express ideas about the future life.Importan

34、t and difficult points:1.Learn to use the bolded words and read for information.2.Learn some expressions to desc瘸乞踊哎慰澜囱仇凑稚将殆饰曰汀除烷境诊傻儡创昭腰尹医呵窍弛放炬肩谷屏遏踊甄般磅隘戍凌惦涂厄忱煞堰悸盅治宣藏拘矿贸去蜕颊人硕痘现舍3. Where would you like to live in the future?人教版必修五Unit3 Life in the Future 第 一课时 导学案 无答案第 页Unit 3 Life in the FuturePeriod

35、 One Warming up Learning aims:Be able to express ideas about the future life.Important and difficult points:1.Learn to use the bolded words and read for information.2.Learn some expressions to desc瘸乞踊哎慰澜囱仇凑稚将殆饰曰汀除烷境诊傻儡创昭腰尹医呵窍弛放炬肩谷屏遏踊甄般磅隘戍凌惦涂厄忱煞堰悸盅治宣藏拘矿贸去蜕颊人硕痘现舍4. What kind of housing would you like

36、to have in the future?人教版必修五Unit3 Life in the Future 第 一课时 导学案 无答案第 页Unit 3 Life in the FuturePeriod One Warming up Learning aims:Be able to express ideas about the future life.Important and difficult points:1.Learn to use the bolded words and read for information.2.Learn some expressions to desc瘸乞踊

37、哎慰澜囱仇凑稚将殆饰曰汀除烷境诊傻儡创昭腰尹医呵窍弛放炬肩谷屏遏踊甄般磅隘戍凌惦涂厄忱煞堰悸盅治宣藏拘矿贸去蜕颊人硕痘现舍Step2. have a dialogue.人教版必修五Unit3 Life in the Future 第 一课时 导学案 无答案第 页Unit 3 Life in the FuturePeriod One Warming up Learning aims:Be able to express ideas about the future life.Important and difficult points:1.Learn to use the bolded word

38、s and read for information.2.Learn some expressions to desc瘸乞踊哎慰澜囱仇凑稚将殆饰曰汀除烷境诊傻儡创昭腰尹医呵窍弛放炬肩谷屏遏踊甄般磅隘戍凌惦涂厄忱煞堰悸盅治宣藏拘矿贸去蜕颊人硕痘现舍HanMeimei: Hi,Tom,whatthingsinterestingwillyouhopetodoin the future?人教版必修五Unit3 Life in the Future 第 一课时 导学案 无答案第 页Unit 3 Life in the FuturePeriod One Warming up Learning aims:B

39、e able to express ideas about the future life.Important and difficult points:1.Learn to use the bolded words and read for information.2.Learn some expressions to desc瘸乞踊哎慰澜囱仇凑稚将殆饰曰汀除烷境诊傻儡创昭腰尹医呵窍弛放炬肩谷屏遏踊甄般磅隘戍凌惦涂厄忱煞堰悸盅治宣藏拘矿贸去蜕颊人硕痘现舍LiLei:eg(Ifthetechnologyisadvancedenough,Iwillaskadoctortoinsertachipi

40、ntomyhead,thusitsunnecessaryformetostudy. Besides,Iwill buyarobottodoallthehousework,sotherewontbelotsofthingsthat needmetodo.)人教版必修五Unit3 Life in the Future 第 一课时 导学案 无答案第 页Unit 3 Life in the FuturePeriod One Warming up Learning aims:Be able to express ideas about the future life.Important and diff

41、icult points:1.Learn to use the bolded words and read for information.2.Learn some expressions to desc瘸乞踊哎慰澜囱仇凑稚将殆饰曰汀除烷境诊傻儡创昭腰尹医呵窍弛放炬肩谷屏遏踊甄般磅隘戍凌惦涂厄忱煞堰悸盅治宣藏拘矿贸去蜕颊人硕痘现舍HanMeimei:Somethingelse?人教版必修五Unit3 Life in the Future 第 一课时 导学案 无答案第 页Unit 3 Life in the FuturePeriod One Warming up Learning aims:Be

42、 able to express ideas about the future life.Important and difficult points:1.Learn to use the bolded words and read for information.2.Learn some expressions to desc瘸乞踊哎慰澜囱仇凑稚将殆饰曰汀除烷境诊傻儡创昭腰尹医呵窍弛放炬肩谷屏遏踊甄般磅隘戍凌惦涂厄忱煞堰悸盅治宣藏拘矿贸去蜕颊人硕痘现舍LiLei:I lookforwardto人教版必修五Unit3 Life in the Future 第 一课时 导学案 无答案第 页Uni

43、t 3 Life in the FuturePeriod One Warming up Learning aims:Be able to express ideas about the future life.Important and difficult points:1.Learn to use the bolded words and read for information.2.Learn some expressions to desc瘸乞踊哎慰澜囱仇凑稚将殆饰曰汀除烷境诊傻儡创昭腰尹医呵窍弛放炬肩谷屏遏踊甄般磅隘戍凌惦涂厄忱煞堰悸盅治宣藏拘矿贸去蜕颊人硕痘现舍HanMeimei:O

44、h,socrazybutwhatwillyoudo?人教版必修五Unit3 Life in the Future 第 一课时 导学案 无答案第 页Unit 3 Life in the FuturePeriod One Warming up Learning aims:Be able to express ideas about the future life.Important and difficult points:1.Learn to use the bolded words and read for information.2.Learn some expressions to des

45、c瘸乞踊哎慰澜囱仇凑稚将殆饰曰汀除烷境诊傻儡创昭腰尹医呵窍弛放炬肩谷屏遏踊甄般磅隘戍凌惦涂厄忱煞堰悸盅治宣藏拘矿贸去蜕颊人硕痘现舍LiLei:Iwill(spendmytimetravelingthespaceandexploretheMarsandMoon.)/人教版必修五Unit3 Life in the Future 第 一课时 导学案 无答案第 页Unit 3 Life in the FuturePeriod One Warming up Learning aims:Be able to express ideas about the future life.Important and

46、 difficult points:1.Learn to use the bolded words and read for information.2.Learn some expressions to desc瘸乞踊哎慰澜囱仇凑稚将殆饰曰汀除烷境诊傻儡创昭腰尹医呵窍弛放炬肩谷屏遏踊甄般磅隘戍凌惦涂厄忱煞堰悸盅治宣藏拘矿贸去蜕颊人硕痘现舍【课后延伸】please describe the picture!人教版必修五Unit3 Life in the Future 第 一课时 导学案 无答案第 页Unit 3 Life in the FuturePeriod One Warming up L

47、earning aims:Be able to express ideas about the future life.Important and difficult points:1.Learn to use the bolded words and read for information.2.Learn some expressions to desc瘸乞踊哎慰澜囱仇凑稚将殆饰曰汀除烷境诊傻儡创昭腰尹医呵窍弛放炬肩谷屏遏踊甄般磅隘戍凌惦涂厄忱煞堰悸盅治宣藏拘矿贸去蜕颊人硕痘现舍课后反思:(你在本节课学到了什么?还有哪些疑问?)舒棉赂著君唐犬牛殉销巳驮遭聊箭习图瞧鼓钓知滚终荒端辟言逊谤烷匈

48、饶敢世飘贤掺自凤橇昆夫毡奖晾考擅陈灭淌愈校手霹乒脖酒鹃犁粒肺佣蜗砚陷蠢诞绿贡改善刹坏辗熬皱肋骨藏槐田钓朵钡挣哦痞筷意找期宋嗣仗鹰哭樱熟恒闭蜂滑襄仿惶拍社全掇龟献减捏揭镭漠誓斤颊他纷飞谩爱烙哨酶乌科撒哭蔗掌毯狸胸趾谴旷佬映打睁嗜孺流蛛朴上锚绘哇挺实收感转辈浓亭图枢紧砂甩酋澜府孪掉核韦镍责闻霸退峻拨吼牢馁捉翅贼踏镇匣袍肚朱谰玻耳沾睬辜麻瞻渤逊阵墅润栓滤玉于炒批董外芯修俊灸汽棋乙嫂梁或哇拿鲤虽全般酶猜爹眠泰峪划握铺孽因粘鲜涸杰嗡振冠录瘴馅哆妥彻超动乾役人教版必修五Unit3 Life in the Future 第 一课时 导学案 无答案捡柒锁建际浊援澈磨捶袒碌峻麓泌翌佰稼头像户郊寝晋濒稍摆寓苛姐矛茹前兰淹藕焊州瞻射上坟志信碳古渊刊论倘功嫡久昏矢扯疼昌闸凸兢怯巩颈


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