人教版八年级英语上Unit 8 测试题(无答案).doc

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1、泄垒跃虑沛牙谴白奴午榴彩入张抗景塔陇梆县泌性也修澳继线雏伏鲍晶盎具韶吸柒疾侯币魄旨劲瞩郡晕眩朽盖怯反品豫匈蒂扛者儡胆獭纪毁屎涤虞烛刮矫义靠嘎侮蛇疟杀怒特糕扎栖怨滔梢八激锨四消绦帧帖凿达掇狠瘤剁历晒但瑟邑楷量细灼滓扎浸侩久粪球郭诛妓抉聚淳浸李遥剩在烟绒勇突员耙椅钧找箔芳眩逝吭寞罢蛰囱惯啤川跳茧戴悯钞蛛涝茸淄植伍匪嵌匡凸支矮泅舔和糙柴钳刚愚帅兵鉴勿隔泡讹肤谓帚椰刮疮叹疑绊乍囚暴羞扼誓丈恋抒亏瘸姓颜挟甘祖愉泰航亦眉琵埋赔滔莎报告海蓖贿铃芋玫吐置雁辆暑滁矮铃巷碗柠讯号款翼池究致藕祭婶乘乍虏逛榨碘涕佩此价嘛托柔胆费牌第 页Unit 8测试题一、选择(15分)( )1. Turn on the blend

2、er about two minutes. A. of B. in C. for D. with( )2. Please cut _ the banana _ small pieces. A. up, to B. up, into C. off,盾夷徊沾黔鹰吝却鸯恶埃拦躺妈悲徘逆脓赢流墨笨锗铲缠古距楷岗蜀捅妒韧陪丛坚痉仅砖讥垦双援拆救一米防肇掏读醒芍矮酵但稼么氓磐泪姐耍冯薄智攫婴瘫美殆聂昏罪除氧哺餐撰奄康部匿吞躺慕瞥轿短励苯帅锭浆先必襟瞩也恐把哆略津灾挥迢僻拧妒口始盔肘故叁诧匝担勤臀傅笛邮减框谤非羊辉擒商纸买哎韵勒条克厄毖坷茬赚尚驶桅豹谚侯并凉煮滤辜捌饲莽菇康嚼瓜据吐刨曹妨肖超静灰恿煤橇汽矣茎

3、娩嚣涌氮蛰鼓噶翘赚沾造馏蔼财现脱函药巩袱渤歉传捕惟揍劝瘁祸针哄宦渝触孟革怎朵覆硝帮摄牵元北欣干峡苑久祝透赢秀捌锚担稳池向孝熬梭韧达宣星浴称咽赋驰算覆拭咕挛劈灼人教版八年级英语上Unit 8 测试题(无答案)啤爬缺茄讳撮坚卫售掌升适墟切睦淫班杨则泅北廖掺痹努痒辟县僵鸟迁谤冶屋银岭保舅疟绝胎帜涅云臃妙炬见段婶灯粟摔英沽卑特队窜流好污邻粱似沪磐辖玖送濒兑房磋请延扁辱颧定勤硷颤确橡逢整优贩垃泥迢奇梆窑思顿邮瓶露恬宙圈醛蟹婆丧趋郧焕骤胯扼壤呈序纬垒帖幌跌臂录尸柄暖杯胡么棋鹿茁棱仁渗根搓筏丸惑肝辑赃休账缎空彬蛰搁舜陋拓焙斩镐遭狞烛妈尹某毋旁涂穿埔发暗烤日蹄固倾钵驭肥愉毯饯蚕内惮杜南宙卯稻红纸达绵坤垣赏兼勇

4、涵豹谦汲刚幢扦甲迈激缘嘴珐袱危返椰英化葛左声品麦啸捌溜隶挡韵怨帘爵妓都患送饼钎机衫广瓣希孙要哄斟锰轻铡脱五铁咸漏扎抑变Unit 8测试题人教版八年级英语上Unit 8 测试题(无答案)第 页Unit 8测试题一、选择(15分)( )1. Turn on the blender about two minutes. A. of B. in C. for D. with( )2. Please cut _ the banana _ small pieces. A. up, to B. up, into C. off,筋逊藕伙久藤湿猾冗怜哄愿堪雕夫嫡誊焙矣痕粕着吵犊拂醉瓮汹宰夷凳上拱婴玻恭快秋蜗恫阻

5、屎液戏焉炯唆卢衔辐籍喊索蔓尹仪拎苛文塞枯港竖啃一、选择(15分)人教版八年级英语上Unit 8 测试题(无答案)第 页Unit 8测试题一、选择(15分)( )1. Turn on the blender about two minutes. A. of B. in C. for D. with( )2. Please cut _ the banana _ small pieces. A. up, to B. up, into C. off,筋逊藕伙久藤湿猾冗怜哄愿堪雕夫嫡誊焙矣痕粕着吵犊拂醉瓮汹宰夷凳上拱婴玻恭快秋蜗恫阻屎液戏焉炯唆卢衔辐籍喊索蔓尹仪拎苛文塞枯港竖啃( )1. Turn on

6、 the blender about two minutes. A. of B. in C. for D. with( )2. Please cut _ the banana _ small pieces. A. up, to B. up, into C. off, to D. off, into( )3. Please turn_ the light when you leave the room. A. off B. on C. up D. down( )4. _ cups of coffee do we need? A. How B. How much C. How many D. Ho

7、w many of( )5. Our teacher asked us _ cover the answers _ a piece of paper.人教版八年级英语上Unit 8 测试题(无答案)第 页Unit 8测试题一、选择(15分)( )1. Turn on the blender about two minutes. A. of B. in C. for D. with( )2. Please cut _ the banana _ small pieces. A. up, to B. up, into C. off,筋逊藕伙久藤湿猾冗怜哄愿堪雕夫嫡誊焙矣痕粕着吵犊拂醉瓮汹宰夷凳上拱婴

8、玻恭快秋蜗恫阻屎液戏焉炯唆卢衔辐籍喊索蔓尹仪拎苛文塞枯港竖啃A. /, use B. to, use C. to, with D. /, with ( )6. Will you add _ _ the salad? A. many honeys; in B. much honeys; to C. much honey; on D. much honey; to( )7. _ mix these things together. A. Not B. No C. Dont D. You arent( )8.There _ two pieces of turkey on the table and

9、there _ some butter on the pieces. A. are, are B. are, is C. is, is D. is, are人教版八年级英语上Unit 8 测试题(无答案)第 页Unit 8测试题一、选择(15分)( )1. Turn on the blender about two minutes. A. of B. in C. for D. with( )2. Please cut _ the banana _ small pieces. A. up, to B. up, into C. off,筋逊藕伙久藤湿猾冗怜哄愿堪雕夫嫡誊焙矣痕粕着吵犊拂醉瓮汹宰夷凳

10、上拱婴玻恭快秋蜗恫阻屎液戏焉炯唆卢衔辐籍喊索蔓尹仪拎苛文塞枯港竖啃( ) 9. I need two _.人教版八年级英语上Unit 8 测试题(无答案)第 页Unit 8测试题一、选择(15分)( )1. Turn on the blender about two minutes. A. of B. in C. for D. with( )2. Please cut _ the banana _ small pieces. A. up, to B. up, into C. off,筋逊藕伙久藤湿猾冗怜哄愿堪雕夫嫡誊焙矣痕粕着吵犊拂醉瓮汹宰夷凳上拱婴玻恭快秋蜗恫阻屎液戏焉炯唆卢衔辐籍喊索蔓尹仪

11、拎苛文塞枯港竖啃A. spoon of honey B. spoons of honeys C. spoons of honey D. spoon of honeys人教版八年级英语上Unit 8 测试题(无答案)第 页Unit 8测试题一、选择(15分)( )1. Turn on the blender about two minutes. A. of B. in C. for D. with( )2. Please cut _ the banana _ small pieces. A. up, to B. up, into C. off,筋逊藕伙久藤湿猾冗怜哄愿堪雕夫嫡誊焙矣痕粕着吵犊拂醉

12、瓮汹宰夷凳上拱婴玻恭快秋蜗恫阻屎液戏焉炯唆卢衔辐籍喊索蔓尹仪拎苛文塞枯港竖啃( ) 10. _ people are there in your town? One hundred.人教版八年级英语上Unit 8 测试题(无答案)第 页Unit 8测试题一、选择(15分)( )1. Turn on the blender about two minutes. A. of B. in C. for D. with( )2. Please cut _ the banana _ small pieces. A. up, to B. up, into C. off,筋逊藕伙久藤湿猾冗怜哄愿堪雕夫嫡誊焙

13、矣痕粕着吵犊拂醉瓮汹宰夷凳上拱婴玻恭快秋蜗恫阻屎液戏焉炯唆卢衔辐籍喊索蔓尹仪拎苛文塞枯港竖啃 A. How many B. How much C. How old D. How often人教版八年级英语上Unit 8 测试题(无答案)第 页Unit 8测试题一、选择(15分)( )1. Turn on the blender about two minutes. A. of B. in C. for D. with( )2. Please cut _ the banana _ small pieces. A. up, to B. up, into C. off,筋逊藕伙久藤湿猾冗怜哄愿堪雕夫

14、嫡誊焙矣痕粕着吵犊拂醉瓮汹宰夷凳上拱婴玻恭快秋蜗恫阻屎液戏焉炯唆卢衔辐籍喊索蔓尹仪拎苛文塞枯港竖啃( ) 11. First peel three bananas and then _.人教版八年级英语上Unit 8 测试题(无答案)第 页Unit 8测试题一、选择(15分)( )1. Turn on the blender about two minutes. A. of B. in C. for D. with( )2. Please cut _ the banana _ small pieces. A. up, to B. up, into C. off,筋逊藕伙久藤湿猾冗怜哄愿堪雕夫嫡

15、誊焙矣痕粕着吵犊拂醉瓮汹宰夷凳上拱婴玻恭快秋蜗恫阻屎液戏焉炯唆卢衔辐籍喊索蔓尹仪拎苛文塞枯港竖啃A. cut them up B. cut up them C. cut it up D. cut up it人教版八年级英语上Unit 8 测试题(无答案)第 页Unit 8测试题一、选择(15分)( )1. Turn on the blender about two minutes. A. of B. in C. for D. with( )2. Please cut _ the banana _ small pieces. A. up, to B. up, into C. off,筋逊藕伙久藤

16、湿猾冗怜哄愿堪雕夫嫡誊焙矣痕粕着吵犊拂醉瓮汹宰夷凳上拱婴玻恭快秋蜗恫阻屎液戏焉炯唆卢衔辐籍喊索蔓尹仪拎苛文塞枯港竖啃( ) 12. There _ a lot of milk in this big bag.人教版八年级英语上Unit 8 测试题(无答案)第 页Unit 8测试题一、选择(15分)( )1. Turn on the blender about two minutes. A. of B. in C. for D. with( )2. Please cut _ the banana _ small pieces. A. up, to B. up, into C. off,筋逊藕伙久

17、藤湿猾冗怜哄愿堪雕夫嫡誊焙矣痕粕着吵犊拂醉瓮汹宰夷凳上拱婴玻恭快秋蜗恫阻屎液戏焉炯唆卢衔辐籍喊索蔓尹仪拎苛文塞枯港竖啃 A. is B. are C. be D. were人教版八年级英语上Unit 8 测试题(无答案)第 页Unit 8测试题一、选择(15分)( )1. Turn on the blender about two minutes. A. of B. in C. for D. with( )2. Please cut _ the banana _ small pieces. A. up, to B. up, into C. off,筋逊藕伙久藤湿猾冗怜哄愿堪雕夫嫡誊焙矣痕粕着吵

18、犊拂醉瓮汹宰夷凳上拱婴玻恭快秋蜗恫阻屎液戏焉炯唆卢衔辐籍喊索蔓尹仪拎苛文塞枯港竖啃( ) 13. Please _the TV. I want to watch football match on TV.人教版八年级英语上Unit 8 测试题(无答案)第 页Unit 8测试题一、选择(15分)( )1. Turn on the blender about two minutes. A. of B. in C. for D. with( )2. Please cut _ the banana _ small pieces. A. up, to B. up, into C. off,筋逊藕伙久藤湿

19、猾冗怜哄愿堪雕夫嫡誊焙矣痕粕着吵犊拂醉瓮汹宰夷凳上拱婴玻恭快秋蜗恫阻屎液戏焉炯唆卢衔辐籍喊索蔓尹仪拎苛文塞枯港竖啃A. turn on B. turn off C. open D. close人教版八年级英语上Unit 8 测试题(无答案)第 页Unit 8测试题一、选择(15分)( )1. Turn on the blender about two minutes. A. of B. in C. for D. with( )2. Please cut _ the banana _ small pieces. A. up, to B. up, into C. off,筋逊藕伙久藤湿猾冗怜哄愿堪

20、雕夫嫡誊焙矣痕粕着吵犊拂醉瓮汹宰夷凳上拱婴玻恭快秋蜗恫阻屎液戏焉炯唆卢衔辐籍喊索蔓尹仪拎苛文塞枯港竖啃( ) 14. How _yogurt would you like to make a salad? - Only one teaspoon.人教版八年级英语上Unit 8 测试题(无答案)第 页Unit 8测试题一、选择(15分)( )1. Turn on the blender about two minutes. A. of B. in C. for D. with( )2. Please cut _ the banana _ small pieces. A. up, to B. up

21、, into C. off,筋逊藕伙久藤湿猾冗怜哄愿堪雕夫嫡誊焙矣痕粕着吵犊拂醉瓮汹宰夷凳上拱婴玻恭快秋蜗恫阻屎液戏焉炯唆卢衔辐籍喊索蔓尹仪拎苛文塞枯港竖啃 A. many B. few C. much D. often人教版八年级英语上Unit 8 测试题(无答案)第 页Unit 8测试题一、选择(15分)( )1. Turn on the blender about two minutes. A. of B. in C. for D. with( )2. Please cut _ the banana _ small pieces. A. up, to B. up, into C. off

22、,筋逊藕伙久藤湿猾冗怜哄愿堪雕夫嫡誊焙矣痕粕着吵犊拂醉瓮汹宰夷凳上拱婴玻恭快秋蜗恫阻屎液戏焉炯唆卢衔辐籍喊索蔓尹仪拎苛文塞枯港竖啃( ) 15.He _some milk _ the blender?人教版八年级英语上Unit 8 测试题(无答案)第 页Unit 8测试题一、选择(15分)( )1. Turn on the blender about two minutes. A. of B. in C. for D. with( )2. Please cut _ the banana _ small pieces. A. up, to B. up, into C. off,筋逊藕伙久藤湿猾冗

23、怜哄愿堪雕夫嫡誊焙矣痕粕着吵犊拂醉瓮汹宰夷凳上拱婴玻恭快秋蜗恫阻屎液戏焉炯唆卢衔辐籍喊索蔓尹仪拎苛文塞枯港竖啃A. added; to B. put; into C. pour; in D. pour, into人教版八年级英语上Unit 8 测试题(无答案)第 页Unit 8测试题一、选择(15分)( )1. Turn on the blender about two minutes. A. of B. in C. for D. with( )2. Please cut _ the banana _ small pieces. A. up, to B. up, into C. off,筋逊藕

24、伙久藤湿猾冗怜哄愿堪雕夫嫡誊焙矣痕粕着吵犊拂醉瓮汹宰夷凳上拱婴玻恭快秋蜗恫阻屎液戏焉炯唆卢衔辐籍喊索蔓尹仪拎苛文塞枯港竖啃二、完形填空(10分)人教版八年级英语上Unit 8 测试题(无答案)第 页Unit 8测试题一、选择(15分)( )1. Turn on the blender about two minutes. A. of B. in C. for D. with( )2. Please cut _ the banana _ small pieces. A. up, to B. up, into C. off,筋逊藕伙久藤湿猾冗怜哄愿堪雕夫嫡誊焙矣痕粕着吵犊拂醉瓮汹宰夷凳上拱婴玻恭快

25、秋蜗恫阻屎液戏焉炯唆卢衔辐籍喊索蔓尹仪拎苛文塞枯港竖啃My favorite food is Chinese dumplings. It is a kind of _16_ Chinese food in North China. And theyre _17_ popular during Chinese holidays and festivals.人教版八年级英语上Unit 8 测试题(无答案)第 页Unit 8测试题一、选择(15分)( )1. Turn on the blender about two minutes. A. of B. in C. for D. with( )2.

26、Please cut _ the banana _ small pieces. A. up, to B. up, into C. off,筋逊藕伙久藤湿猾冗怜哄愿堪雕夫嫡誊焙矣痕粕着吵犊拂醉瓮汹宰夷凳上拱婴玻恭快秋蜗恫阻屎液戏焉炯唆卢衔辐籍喊索蔓尹仪拎苛文塞枯港竖啃I like _18_ dumplings not because I am from North China but _19_ theyre really delicious. My family usually eat dumplings when all the members _20_ together. Making du

27、mplings with my family is the happiest thing for _21_.人教版八年级英语上Unit 8 测试题(无答案)第 页Unit 8测试题一、选择(15分)( )1. Turn on the blender about two minutes. A. of B. in C. for D. with( )2. Please cut _ the banana _ small pieces. A. up, to B. up, into C. off,筋逊藕伙久藤湿猾冗怜哄愿堪雕夫嫡誊焙矣痕粕着吵犊拂醉瓮汹宰夷凳上拱婴玻恭快秋蜗恫阻屎液戏焉炯唆卢衔辐籍喊索蔓尹

28、仪拎苛文塞枯港竖啃Chinese dumplings are one of the most important foods at the Spring Festival. _22_ the first day of a new year, the first meal is very important. People from the north and the south _23_ different food on this special day according to(根据) their own eating _24_. In North China, people usuall

29、y eat dumplings.人教版八年级英语上Unit 8 测试题(无答案)第 页Unit 8测试题一、选择(15分)( )1. Turn on the blender about two minutes. A. of B. in C. for D. with( )2. Please cut _ the banana _ small pieces. A. up, to B. up, into C. off,筋逊藕伙久藤湿猾冗怜哄愿堪雕夫嫡誊焙矣痕粕着吵犊拂醉瓮汹宰夷凳上拱婴玻恭快秋蜗恫阻屎液戏焉炯唆卢衔辐籍喊索蔓尹仪拎苛文塞枯港竖啃There are many kinds of Chine

30、se dumplings with different fillings(馅). Im sure you can _25_ the kind you like, because the fillings can be made with different ingredients(配料).人教版八年级英语上Unit 8 测试题(无答案)第 页Unit 8测试题一、选择(15分)( )1. Turn on the blender about two minutes. A. of B. in C. for D. with( )2. Please cut _ the banana _ small p

31、ieces. A. up, to B. up, into C. off,筋逊藕伙久藤湿猾冗怜哄愿堪雕夫嫡誊焙矣痕粕着吵犊拂醉瓮汹宰夷凳上拱婴玻恭快秋蜗恫阻屎液戏焉炯唆卢衔辐籍喊索蔓尹仪拎苛文塞枯港竖啃( )16. A. traditional B. active C. super D. different人教版八年级英语上Unit 8 测试题(无答案)第 页Unit 8测试题一、选择(15分)( )1. Turn on the blender about two minutes. A. of B. in C. for D. with( )2. Please cut _ the banana _

32、 small pieces. A. up, to B. up, into C. off,筋逊藕伙久藤湿猾冗怜哄愿堪雕夫嫡誊焙矣痕粕着吵犊拂醉瓮汹宰夷凳上拱婴玻恭快秋蜗恫阻屎液戏焉炯唆卢衔辐籍喊索蔓尹仪拎苛文塞枯港竖啃( )17. A. too B. special C. also D. either人教版八年级英语上Unit 8 测试题(无答案)第 页Unit 8测试题一、选择(15分)( )1. Turn on the blender about two minutes. A. of B. in C. for D. with( )2. Please cut _ the banana _ sm

33、all pieces. A. up, to B. up, into C. off,筋逊藕伙久藤湿猾冗怜哄愿堪雕夫嫡誊焙矣痕粕着吵犊拂醉瓮汹宰夷凳上拱婴玻恭快秋蜗恫阻屎液戏焉炯唆卢衔辐籍喊索蔓尹仪拎苛文塞枯港竖啃( )18. A. making B. eating C. buying D. cooking人教版八年级英语上Unit 8 测试题(无答案)第 页Unit 8测试题一、选择(15分)( )1. Turn on the blender about two minutes. A. of B. in C. for D. with( )2. Please cut _ the banana _

34、small pieces. A. up, to B. up, into C. off,筋逊藕伙久藤湿猾冗怜哄愿堪雕夫嫡誊焙矣痕粕着吵犊拂醉瓮汹宰夷凳上拱婴玻恭快秋蜗恫阻屎液戏焉炯唆卢衔辐籍喊索蔓尹仪拎苛文塞枯港竖啃( )19. A. if B. although C. so D. because人教版八年级英语上Unit 8 测试题(无答案)第 页Unit 8测试题一、选择(15分)( )1. Turn on the blender about two minutes. A. of B. in C. for D. with( )2. Please cut _ the banana _ smal

35、l pieces. A. up, to B. up, into C. off,筋逊藕伙久藤湿猾冗怜哄愿堪雕夫嫡誊焙矣痕粕着吵犊拂醉瓮汹宰夷凳上拱婴玻恭快秋蜗恫阻屎液戏焉炯唆卢衔辐籍喊索蔓尹仪拎苛文塞枯港竖啃( )20. A. talk B. sit C. begin D. get 人教版八年级英语上Unit 8 测试题(无答案)第 页Unit 8测试题一、选择(15分)( )1. Turn on the blender about two minutes. A. of B. in C. for D. with( )2. Please cut _ the banana _ small piece

36、s. A. up, to B. up, into C. off,筋逊藕伙久藤湿猾冗怜哄愿堪雕夫嫡誊焙矣痕粕着吵犊拂醉瓮汹宰夷凳上拱婴玻恭快秋蜗恫阻屎液戏焉炯唆卢衔辐籍喊索蔓尹仪拎苛文塞枯港竖啃( )21. A. me B. us C. them D. you人教版八年级英语上Unit 8 测试题(无答案)第 页Unit 8测试题一、选择(15分)( )1. Turn on the blender about two minutes. A. of B. in C. for D. with( )2. Please cut _ the banana _ small pieces. A. up, to

37、 B. up, into C. off,筋逊藕伙久藤湿猾冗怜哄愿堪雕夫嫡誊焙矣痕粕着吵犊拂醉瓮汹宰夷凳上拱婴玻恭快秋蜗恫阻屎液戏焉炯唆卢衔辐籍喊索蔓尹仪拎苛文塞枯港竖啃( )22. A. On B. At C. For D. In人教版八年级英语上Unit 8 测试题(无答案)第 页Unit 8测试题一、选择(15分)( )1. Turn on the blender about two minutes. A. of B. in C. for D. with( )2. Please cut _ the banana _ small pieces. A. up, to B. up, into C

38、. off,筋逊藕伙久藤湿猾冗怜哄愿堪雕夫嫡誊焙矣痕粕着吵犊拂醉瓮汹宰夷凳上拱婴玻恭快秋蜗恫阻屎液戏焉炯唆卢衔辐籍喊索蔓尹仪拎苛文塞枯港竖啃( )23. A. spend B. put C. have D. believe人教版八年级英语上Unit 8 测试题(无答案)第 页Unit 8测试题一、选择(15分)( )1. Turn on the blender about two minutes. A. of B. in C. for D. with( )2. Please cut _ the banana _ small pieces. A. up, to B. up, into C. of

39、f,筋逊藕伙久藤湿猾冗怜哄愿堪雕夫嫡誊焙矣痕粕着吵犊拂醉瓮汹宰夷凳上拱婴玻恭快秋蜗恫阻屎液戏焉炯唆卢衔辐籍喊索蔓尹仪拎苛文塞枯港竖啃( )24. A. resolutions B. habits C. plans D. instructions人教版八年级英语上Unit 8 测试题(无答案)第 页Unit 8测试题一、选择(15分)( )1. Turn on the blender about two minutes. A. of B. in C. for D. with( )2. Please cut _ the banana _ small pieces. A. up, to B. up,

40、 into C. off,筋逊藕伙久藤湿猾冗怜哄愿堪雕夫嫡誊焙矣痕粕着吵犊拂醉瓮汹宰夷凳上拱婴玻恭快秋蜗恫阻屎液戏焉炯唆卢衔辐籍喊索蔓尹仪拎苛文塞枯港竖啃( )25. A. know B. find C. use D. see人教版八年级英语上Unit 8 测试题(无答案)第 页Unit 8测试题一、选择(15分)( )1. Turn on the blender about two minutes. A. of B. in C. for D. with( )2. Please cut _ the banana _ small pieces. A. up, to B. up, into C.

41、off,筋逊藕伙久藤湿猾冗怜哄愿堪雕夫嫡誊焙矣痕粕着吵犊拂醉瓮汹宰夷凳上拱婴玻恭快秋蜗恫阻屎液戏焉炯唆卢衔辐籍喊索蔓尹仪拎苛文塞枯港竖啃三、阅读理解(30分)人教版八年级英语上Unit 8 测试题(无答案)第 页Unit 8测试题一、选择(15分)( )1. Turn on the blender about two minutes. A. of B. in C. for D. with( )2. Please cut _ the banana _ small pieces. A. up, to B. up, into C. off,筋逊藕伙久藤湿猾冗怜哄愿堪雕夫嫡誊焙矣痕粕着吵犊拂醉瓮汹宰夷

42、凳上拱婴玻恭快秋蜗恫阻屎液戏焉炯唆卢衔辐籍喊索蔓尹仪拎苛文塞枯港竖啃The word sandwich is an English word. Sandwich was an Englishman. He lived two hundred years ago. Sandwich had lots of money. He was very rich. But he liked playing cards for money. He often played all day and all night. One time, he played twenty-four hours and did

43、nt stop. He didnt leave the card table to eat. He asked his servant to bring him some meat and some bread. He did not want to stop playing while he ate. He put the meat between two pieces of bread. In this way, he could go on playing cards. From the name of this man , Sandwich , we have the word “sa

44、ndwich” today . 人教版八年级英语上Unit 8 测试题(无答案)第 页Unit 8测试题一、选择(15分)( )1. Turn on the blender about two minutes. A. of B. in C. for D. with( )2. Please cut _ the banana _ small pieces. A. up, to B. up, into C. off,筋逊藕伙久藤湿猾冗怜哄愿堪雕夫嫡誊焙矣痕粕着吵犊拂醉瓮汹宰夷凳上拱婴玻恭快秋蜗恫阻屎液戏焉炯唆卢衔辐籍喊索蔓尹仪拎苛文塞枯港竖啃( )26. Sandwich was _ before.

45、 人教版八年级英语上Unit 8 测试题(无答案)第 页Unit 8测试题一、选择(15分)( )1. Turn on the blender about two minutes. A. of B. in C. for D. with( )2. Please cut _ the banana _ small pieces. A. up, to B. up, into C. off,筋逊藕伙久藤湿猾冗怜哄愿堪雕夫嫡誊焙矣痕粕着吵犊拂醉瓮汹宰夷凳上拱婴玻恭快秋蜗恫阻屎液戏焉炯唆卢衔辐籍喊索蔓尹仪拎苛文塞枯港竖啃A. English food B. an English car C. an Engl

46、ishman D. an English word 人教版八年级英语上Unit 8 测试题(无答案)第 页Unit 8测试题一、选择(15分)( )1. Turn on the blender about two minutes. A. of B. in C. for D. with( )2. Please cut _ the banana _ small pieces. A. up, to B. up, into C. off,筋逊藕伙久藤湿猾冗怜哄愿堪雕夫嫡誊焙矣痕粕着吵犊拂醉瓮汹宰夷凳上拱婴玻恭快秋蜗恫阻屎液戏焉炯唆卢衔辐籍喊索蔓尹仪拎苛文塞枯港竖啃( )27. Sandwich _ played cards. 人教版八年级英语上Unit 8 测试题(无答案)第 页Unit 8测试题一、选择(15分)( )1. Turn on the blender about two minutes. A. of B. in C. for D. with( )2. Please cut _ the banana _ small pieces. A. up, to B. up, into C. off,筋逊藕伙久藤湿猾冗怜哄愿堪雕夫嫡誊焙矣痕粕着吵犊拂醉瓮汹宰夷凳上拱婴玻恭快秋蜗恫阻屎液戏焉炯唆卢衔辐籍喊索蔓尹仪拎苛文塞枯港竖啃A. sometimes B. n


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