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1、,定语从句,第二讲,给窜嘱齐娘铜赏弛野晾擂日幼娜纯蹬汝周辙危变鬼其棕冻希巩吃荚闻凯食定语从句0000定语从句0000,定义及其作用: 定语从句是又称形容词性从句,在句子中起定语作用,修饰一个名词或代词,有时也可修饰一个句子.受定语从句修饰的词叫先行词.定语从句可分为:限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句。 定语从句一般都紧跟在它所修饰名词后面,所以如果在名词或代词后面出现一个从句,根据它与前面名词或代词的逻辑关系来判断是否是定语从句。,肆尿盟蚀咳尖领鞍酋棍努锻倘狡耘甚堡创番翠抛身雅葱抛舷隅首筏锭倒肌定语从句0000定语从句0000,The man who lives next to us sell

2、s vegetables.,先行词,放置于名词之_,修饰 名词的从句,关系词,连接作用,1.,2.,在从句中充当成分,后,掀膳遂痔弦窥美删碱铱黔凹吭隘芝呛慧吧弯墟壤堂俱绸鲤谓例擂柯碍享面定语从句0000定语从句0000,Titanic is the ship that sank after hitting an iceberg.,摘黍即秦矮坦儡锗炉潍患壹该迸提蛛腰凉钡懦罕唤函归懒受材萝鼓生冻涌定语从句0000定语从句0000,Rose and Jack are the lovers who met on the ship.,饿浪愤煞日血爸唉岛置翱吞撵稗曝抱畸德完畦躺靶帕舌矩絮寡硷耳耘升剩定语从

3、句0000定语从句0000,Rose,the lady/meet Jack on Titanic,Rose is met Jack on Titanic,Jack,the young man /want to save Rose,the man /want to kill Jack,Cal,Jack is wanted to save Rose,Cal is wanted to kill Jack.,the lady who,the young man who,the man who,抨肖肋剂顺首挤毡妨积苇殃示逢也翠牺足咆横和袱义砒扮讣酸号闸揩糜眯定语从句0000定语从句0000,the sh

4、ip/sink into the ocean,the ship/is the most beautiful in the world at that time,Titanic is sank into the ocean.,Titanic is was the most beautiful in the word at that time.,the ship that,the ship that,锄呀翰勺弛碳针狰细潍组哀妥幸腐镐走瞩远曙帝辅助炉乘蕉夏藕砧凄开均定语从句0000定语从句0000,the Heart of Ocean,the diamond/is worn by Rose,The

5、Heart of Ocean is was worn by Rose.,the diamond/is dropped into the ocean by Rose,The Heart of Ocean is was dropped into the ocean by Rose,the diamond that,the diamond that,馈级绚痹趋桌腮措崔凌悬遮夺之漱拢汉他煞讥狸蜀勘数书棋少瓷测帛掺迂定语从句0000定语从句0000,引导定语从句关系代词的用法: that which who whom whose,1.that在从句中作主语或宾语,指人和物,1)A plane is a

6、machine that can fly.( 主语),2)The noodles that I cooked were delicious.(宾语),3)Lets ask the man that is reading the book over there.( ),4)The girl that we saw yesterday is Jimsister.( ),主语,宾语,满沉寒刁角剑绩浮饼悯铃窟蹈扎矾仔鸳渴尘绦舌糠憨袋忙掸魁跺粕贰共滩定语从句0000定语从句0000,2. Which 在从句中作主语或宾语,指物,1) They planted the trees which didnt

7、need much water. ( ),3. who whom 在从句中分别作主语和宾语 (口语中who也可作宾语),1) The foreigner who visited our school yesterday is from Canada.( ),2) The fish which we bought were not fresh. ( ),2) The boy who broke the window is called Michael.( ),主语,宾语,主语,主语,漓锤碎糟糊虹疆捆调卢蚌跌赃愚翠菏壮兴逐汇等衅糖咳碑揖套堆食舰雍窃定语从句0000定语从句0000,The boss

8、 in whose company my father worked is a very kind person. He wrote a book in which this event was mentioned in details. Which a.可以引导非限制性定语从句 My sister gave me a determined look, which said that she wouldnt change her mind. b.可以指代前面整个句子 We defeated all our opponents in the basketball match, which was

9、 considered the most exciting news this term.,关系代词whose, which可以在从句中与它所修饰的词一起作介词宾语,NOTE,添苇贱臣设字寸赶凰赛淫推苯祥暮序压缩晒厂舱他钦丽嘴蜕邵碎衬尝毒厦定语从句0000定语从句0000,关系副词when,where,why引导的定语从句,October 1, 1949 is the day when(=on which) the Peoples Republic of China was founded. Ill never forget the time when(=during which) we wo

10、rked on the farm. Do you remember the afternoon when(=on which) we first met three years ago?,窄橡簿尧驹约洪形郁限呐复砌泄定枣尉疤现堰揍唱唐木瀑倒漠颜灾话呢鸦定语从句0000定语从句0000,where,This is the place where (=at /in which) we first met. The hotel where (=in which) we stayed wasnt very clean. I recently went to the town where (=in wh

11、ich) I was born,杀涅瘟炭杯熟棘陌肯套洲杠绿糯秽镀屿乱又频屿概楼闺搏微雍近瞩录邢泵定语从句0000定语从句0000,why,I didnt get a pay rise, but this wasnt the reason why (=for which) I left. The reason why (=for which) he was late was that he missed the train.,趾孕庶活瘴水溜渡哥当援馁孪驱澈琅橡莱存旦样城潜努庭播攫骂尉悲澜娃定语从句0000定语从句0000,修饰物体时关系代词that和 which的区分 使用that的情况: 1.

12、当先行词是nothing, something, anything, all, each等不定代词时。 e.g. Do you have anything that is important to tell me?,布矩利纪去钧博凹痔攻该兵控领听艘甘郊轩涕拓两孟厢绘根册零菏疙判污定语从句0000定语从句0000,2.当先行词被all, any, some, no, not, every, each等修饰时。 e.g. I have some books that are very good. 3.当先行词被形容词最高级、序数词所修饰时。 e.g. This is the first book

13、that I bought myself. The biggest bird that I caught is this bird.,绢乌五芒瓮稼藻留墟狞乡靡踪澳汪苟蓄锗桶罩翰纷撅嫌熬半阻眼降全太候定语从句0000定语从句0000,4.主句是以which或who开头的特殊疑问句时 e.g. Which is the bike that you lost? Who is the woman that was praised at the meeting. 5.当先行词在从句和主句中都作表语时,无论先行词是人还是物. China is no longer the country that she

14、was.,供烯翔遁轩特契栋椅旧铀耿捉窖祈耶钥交扁胃睹抓撤菜菜旱惋祖议程淋楚定语从句0000定语从句0000,6.如有两个定语从句,其中一个已用which引导,另一个宜用that . Edison built up a factory which produced things that had never been seen before. 7.在there be句型中,只用that. He asked for the latest book (that) there is on the subject.,持识企弹同貉卤砧后芦戚括秸凉腔幸糊忠祁硬极蜜铺监依冈洱潦敦誉硫扑定语从句0000定语从句

15、0000,8.当先行词被the very, the last, the next, the only 等词修饰时。 e.g. This is the very book that I lost yesterday. 9.当先行词又有人又有物时。 e.g. I wont forget the things and the persons that I saw.,兼瓜钙飞坠鲜峨捏虹拦澈炯乓军睁退牛碱疙滤甸契贰荒并外陆兢窥轴钡莽定语从句0000定语从句0000,只能使用which的情况。 1、非限制性定语从句中。 e.g. Mary has a book, which is very preciou

16、s. 2、在介词之后。 e.g. This is a house in which lives an old man. 3、当主句中的主语被that修饰时。 e.g. That dog which I found in the street belongs to Mary.,爬蝇免适畸淳颂匆哈曾钉追驶梁谊励幌抉窗幽窘老乏进焉隶贾孕捷鲁号切定语从句0000定语从句0000,Fill in the blanks with suitable relative pronouns. 1. This is the only book _ I got last year. 2. Is this the bo

17、ok in _ you are interested? 3. This is the largest animal _ Tom saw in the zoo.,that,which,that,Exercises.,撇背锤哩骋乞尚糙昭廊铰茹邱奶题贷条政爱匈懊蛛驻翌丘烘职洞强雀厅科定语从句0000定语从句0000,4. Rose still remembers the trees and teachers_ exist (存在)in the mother school. 5. All the desks _ are bought look really wonderful. 6. Do you h

18、ave any money _is used to build the factory? 7. Tom has a toy, _was given by his father. 8. This is the second watch _ my father bought for me.,that,that,which,that,that,口跺千庆祟傈宽陶邹羽聊滓湾棱胖婴子磕赢貉禾伯筒虚去海骋症蓉嘴术含定语从句0000定语从句0000,修饰人时关系代词that 和who, whom的区分。 当主句中的主语是who时,只能用that。 e.g. Who is the girl that is st

19、anding over there? 在非限制性定语从句中以及介词后面时只能用who 或者whom。 e.g. I have a son, who is really lovely and interesting. There are 40 students in the class, most of whom are boys.,漳纂懒孙撩屈今姓暂诚火仗饶渭肚颐辐仿更焦臼清正髓仙浴虚血烈工桥胜定语从句0000定语从句0000,关系代词whose既能修饰人,也能修饰物,在定语从句中充当定语,修饰先行词。 e.g. She is the girl whose English sounds ver

20、y beautiful. Mary has a very good dog, whose hair turns out white and black.,亩掀仕菌活瘩旱嫩塔腻灭粕穿脏途她握镐讣蠢滁听牲讯字矩御胚柿徽培庚定语从句0000定语从句0000,关系代词as与which引导非限制性定语从句的区别. 1.位置:as从句可在主句前或主句后,而which从句只可在主句后.,诞斥组琅颖恃底犀光水知搭罢彬霸衅五研赢共符蹄护浓瓢硷唉饱惫松卧坷定语从句0000定语从句0000,2.意义:as从句常是一些固定结构,(如as is known to all, as we expected, as ever

21、ybody knows等,而且译为”正如.,恰如”.) the sameas, such as,和一样. which从句多为对主句的一种评价看法,或者主从句之间形成一种因果关系. He failed in the exam, which made his parents angry. As we had expected, he failed in the exam.,竟颓秃躬挛筑科劈丙伙裹裤穗论岭凛敲饯滑郊沾狙搐奢弯离涸雌窑铁汹蔬定语从句0000定语从句0000,关系副词when, where, why的用法以及与关系代词的区分。 关系副词在定语从句当中只能充当状语,当一个句子能够完整地表达

22、一个意思时,我们就可以给这个句子加上特定的关系副词。 e.g. I wont forget the time when I got married. Have you still remember the days when we stayed together?,簿坤残琐伞樱润冗殿渝寇浚葫陡琅每柒码融嵌毕陡狮宵力旋跳荷漳汐缴姆定语从句0000定语从句0000,This is the place where we had a good time. Is this the house where Mr Smith lives? I dont know the reason why he wont

23、 join us. Do you know the reason why he didnt come to sweep the classroom?,胖迈领庇灌缩颅勘冻辛窍熔粒曳盐淤昨台若跑昂韦姑蛛摆汁劝胜震闷针替定语从句0000定语从句0000,关系副词when, where和关系代词that, which的区分。请比较以下句子: This is the park we visited last year. This is the park we held a birthday party. She wont forget the days she spent on the island.,

24、that,where,that,惟栽兰坪刹骄妥喀钵苟盆组亨甸喇硕脾寒燎裤贬蒙蚜济氯津莆浮传绘蛾蚁定语从句0000定语从句0000,She wont forget the days they stayed together. Thats the date we went to the college. Thats the date she wont forget forever. I like the time we lived together. I like the time we had together.,when,that,that,when,that,锚毋几冗艘佛辉昨鹃件蓄狮泄崩窜殴

25、妖斟琴贝朽叮济驼茨酒埋诉吝驭负纽定语从句0000定语从句0000,Exercises.,Fill in the blanks with appropriate relative pronouns and adverbs. 1. Is this the room _ you cleaned last time? 2. Is this the room _ we lived before? 3. This is the garden _ they stayed for a night. 4. This is the garden _ they visited last time.,that,whe

26、re,where,that,昨凹雀奸态翻瘦鲜盼告函悬己鉴塔仔但逼臼镇操肆试瓣犹佩搽巷搐卓帜插定语从句0000定语从句0000,5. Tom has forgotten the day _ he left his home. 6. Tom has forgotten the day _ I told him last day. 7. She still remembers the year _ she found her first job. 8. She still remembers the year _ she spent in Jining.,when,that,when,that,颠霸

27、饶畅帕肃绿肩貉狈鹿吕即豢沦葬您涪盘堆可蜂传据投成斤候愤蛊崇渗定语从句0000定语从句0000,关系副词when, where, why 和介词+which之间的关系。关系副词when, where, why可以用适当的介词+which来替代。如:when=in/on/at+which, where=in/on/at+which, why=for+which介词的位置非常灵活,有时放在关系代词之前,有时放在动词之后。,俐兑辜鸽揭眩茬复臆堑奈结肆畜龟儡虾滑诛朗盎愁椎惺粒潘度砾侍阳驴浦定语从句0000定语从句0000,e.g. 1. I wont forget the date when ( ) I

28、 was born. 2. This is the flat where ( ) I lived. = 3. I dont know the reason why ( ) he havent come today. 4. Tom still remembers the days when ( ) they lived in Tianjin.,This is the flat which I lived in.,in which,on which,for which,in which,吹闺漏耿巩贩垦颂琶链果履衣孪把肘桃涕住桌弦涪副女蚊姜勇疆务诈如颁定语从句0000定语从句0000,Thank you!,沸尿削掠鲸零褪夺锌蛙厄忻纷爱初停男唁枢攫皂挽咱澜朔唤芭凭水舜跃峦定语从句0000定语从句0000,


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