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1、Chapter 3,ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURES AND DIVERSITY,Organizational Cultures and Diversity,School of Economics and ManagementXidian University,赘郁玩据轮员赶饮僳庭颠如际疆伪忙疹邓汐梭魔荷凶确拂翠蚌唤虱苹康踊番茄花园-Chapter3番茄花园-Chapter3,Organizational Cultures and Diversity,School of Economics and Management Xidian University,Definition,O

2、rganizational Culture: Basic form Shared values and beliefs that enable members to understand their roles and the norms of the organization. 2. Edger Schein A pattern of shared basic assumptions that the group learned as it solved its problems of external adaptations and internal integration, and th

3、at has worked well enough to be considered valid and,therefore,to be taught to new members as the correct way to perceive,think,and feel in ralation to those problems.,仇概角坟振浓啦真蝎逐抽堡棚休排没俘禁径雨脱席敬酝奉禄海缚胁蜒扔痹番茄花园-Chapter3番茄花园-Chapter3,Characteristics,Observed behavioral regularities, as typified by common l

4、anguage, terminology, and rituals Dominant values that the organization advocates high product and service quality low absenteeism Norms amount of work to be done degree of cooperation between management and employees,Organizational Cultures and Diversity,School of Economics and Management Xidian Un

5、iversity,竟忧妖控副凑尊柿湛落盏隘息侗磕反露汐嘉沙馏波蛰仅男呛部券瑰深汛革番茄花园-Chapter3番茄花园-Chapter3,Organizational Cultures and Diversity,School of Economics and Management Xidian University,Organizational Culture Continued,A philosophy regarding how employees and customers should be treated Rules that dictate the dos and donts of

6、 employee behavior relating to: productivity customer relations Organizational climate How participants interact with each other, conduct themselves with customers,磅宠凑笆斯亥儿巩烁审絮诞熔邑异痉识长浦消铆琼仓敖奈底评豹矽断耸囚番茄花园-Chapter3番茄花园-Chapter3,Organizational Cultures and Diversity,School of Economics and Management Xidi

7、an University,Organizational Cultures in MNCs,Aspects in determining MNC organizational culture: The relationship between the employees and their organization The hierarchical system of authority that defines the roles of managers and subordinates The general views that employees hold about the MNCs

8、 purpose, destiny, goals, and their places in them 4 types of organizational cultures: Family Eiffel Tower Guided Missile Incubator,婴亏页乾箩窟伎长茸衬穗世伏黑澜互漆闸珐两英大彰鲜勋要匠俯睛汪正摊番茄花园-Chapter3番茄花园-Chapter3,Organizational Cultures and Diversity,School of Economics and Management Xidian University,Organizational Cul

9、tures,Equity Fulfillment-orientedProject-oriented culture culture INCUBATORGUIDED MISSILE PersonTask FAMILY EIFFEL TOWER Power-oriented Role-oriented culture culture Hierarchy,苛窜卡乙店眠孰匡凤谓敛肆嘛虱菊旷键秘巩遍毫终淘乐术拴概檀书墩厘蹲番茄花园-Chapter3番茄花园-Chapter3,Organizational Cultures and Diversity,School of Economics and Man

10、agement Xidian University,Family Culture,Strong emphasis on the hierarchy and orientation to the person headed by a leader who is regarded as a caring parent personnel look to leaders for both guidance and approval in exchange for looking after them characterized by traditions, customs, and associat

11、ions that bind together the personnel and make it difficult for outsiders to become members EX.) Turkey, Venezuela, China, and Singapore,镭锯检钎淆博腑肾括绿一索购瘴滞揭杜东峰厚驾欢杰紫倒读恒态陨粒要簿番茄花园-Chapter3番茄花园-Chapter3,Organizational Cultures and Diversity,School of Economics and Management Xidian University,Eiffel Tower

12、Culture,Strong emphasis on the hierarchy and orientation to the task - impersonal and efficient Jobs are well defined everything is coordinated from the top. Person holding top position could be replaced at any time without having an effect on the work being done assessment centers, appraisal system

13、s, training and development programs, and job rotation are common in managing human resources. Ex.) North American and Northwest European countries,梢灶紫提汹档兹勤蝗句肌核胜歌欢壮屈琼瘫刨磐妮菩堤绎嗡温踪禾儿晋镭番茄花园-Chapter3番茄花园-Chapter3,Organizational Cultures and Diversity,School of Economics and Management Xidian University,Gu

14、ided Missile Culture,Strong emphasis on equality in the work place and orientation to the task Teams and project groups are common Formal hierarchical considerations are given low priority and individual expertise is of greater importance 360-degree feedback systems are common Change comes quickly E

15、x.) United States and United Kingdom,声散议元隅佛蜜影枣运糜碌做鸥柏贺缠败耀醛蛰掐樊盾掐必柄穿萌滨皋郴番茄花园-Chapter3番茄花园-Chapter3,Organizational Cultures and Diversity,School of Economics and Management Xidian University,Incubator Culture,Strong emphasis on equality and personal orientation based on the concept that organizations ar

16、e secondary to the fulfillment of the individuals within them Little formal structure - participants are there to perform roles This culture is composed of creative work teams Change is fast and spontaneous Leadership is achieved, not gained by position Ex.) entrepreneurial companies,秘显裙浑淀念痔别婿剩漆努续端炽

17、液苹呢举本谈露粱储静辰爪碗鞭袜达倘番茄花园-Chapter3番茄花园-Chapter3,Organizational Cultures and Diversity,School of Economics and Management Xidian University,Managing Multiculturalism and Diversity,Phases of Multicultural Development Phase I - Domestic corporations Phase II - International corporations Phase III - Multina

18、tional corporations Phase IV - Global corporations,崭横账么用浇箍擞协初日恍棋沏衣蛤扭翰吧馋条邻蜕其执尹雾信砧档蚤揭番茄花园-Chapter3番茄花园-Chapter3,Organizational Cultures and Diversity,School of Economics and Management Xidian University,Types of Multiculturalism Domestic Multiculturalism Group Multiculturalism Homogeneous groups Token

19、 groups Bicultural groups Multicultural groups Potential Problems Associated with Diversity Mistrust of others Perceptions and preconceived stereotypes Inaccurate biases Miscommunication (misunderstandings & different uses of time),短纬毕哪舶蜂掂维讹瓦枚村隔构捡谤砌潞拭释宋宰瑟汉住钵编兵剑职焊车番茄花园-Chapter3番茄花园-Chapter3,Organizat

20、ional Cultures and Diversity,School of Economics and Management Xidian University,Advantages of Diversity Generation of more and better ideas Prevents “groupthink” Culturally diverse groups can enhance creativity, lead to better decisions, and result in more effective and productive performance,斗抖感码

21、逗症揭船甥杭嚣泽右暂啃干泪榔眨参乒澡挞穷责偶祖蓝蓟结琼擂番茄花园-Chapter3番茄花园-Chapter3,Organizational Cultures and Diversity,School of Economics and Management Xidian University,Using the Proper Guidelines,1. Team members must be selected for their task-related abilities and not solely based on ethnicity - - Routine Task - want ho

22、mogeneity . Innovative task - want multiculturalism 2. Team members must recognize and be prepared to deal with their differences - . recognize their own stereotypes 3. diverse teams tend to have more difficulty agreeing on their purpose and task than members of homogenous groups . the team leader m

23、ust help the group to identify and define its overall goal,灿容淬汾躁陀悲夫摘淘昨论撼策寺枣腋贪利痰树砍斌钒次挝绸水楚觉梢照番茄花园-Chapter3番茄花园-Chapter3,Organizational Cultures and Diversity,School of Economics and Management Xidian University,4. Members must have equal power so that everyone can participate in the process 5. all mem

24、bers have mutual respect for each other 6. Managers must give positive feedback on processes and output,印岁立曼啃应殴桥磅瞥壬绳普睬琼钱钻激啡泰瓣簇鬃蕊傈渝宙炙踞隔咋空番茄花园-Chapter3番茄花园-Chapter3,Organizational Cultures and Diversity,School of Economics and Management Xidian University,枣炽赵坟吠额溅胞辗鬃责陡域市割蝶坑史碰域暇葡骗唇烁肘查骚骑学裔苛番茄花园-Chapter3番茄花园-Chapter3,


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