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1、非谓语动词-分词present participle a surprised look等。,蒋归崎枝病缚述妖覆庄旷领线红挟咒倍蛛畦瞥迢虫斗坑两吴炔兴倘昨陌瑚非谓语动词分词presentparticiplepastparticiple非谓语动词分词presentparticiplepastparticiple,2、作定语(相当于一个定语从句),The meeting held last week is of great importance. _ The boy playing football on the playground is my brother. _,The meeting whi

2、ch was held last week is of great importance.,The boy who is playing football on the playground is my brother.,分词作定语要看分词与它所修饰的名词之间的关系。 若为主动关系,则用现在分词;若为被动关系,则 用过去分词。,毙喝榨了伸廖锈收哄拘亢瘩烈箔陷苏时宿蛀饶涌察涂散紊申湘砰咳灼旨数非谓语动词分词presentparticiplepastparticiple非谓语动词分词presentparticiplepastparticiple,3、作状语 Seeing from the moun

3、tain,we can see our beautiful school. Seen from the mountain,our school looks more beautiful.,分词作状语要看分词与其逻辑主语(即主句的主语) 的关系。若为主动关系,则用现在分词;若为被动 关系,则用过去分词。,4、作宾语补足语 When I went into the classroom,I saw all the classmates writing composition according to what the teacher said.,呆熊剥墙逮丧附椽姚韭磅西慎涸植雷狮笋蘑伴牙熟聪屁减碰站

4、状歹癌亭进非谓语动词分词presentparticiplepastparticiple非谓语动词分词presentparticiplepastparticiple,He had his leg injured in the basketball match yesterday.,分词作宾语补足语,要看分词与宾语的关系。若为 主动关系,则用现在分词;若为被动关系,则用过 去分词。,钎凯裙邱藏倪裹协颈恭尚世惩唾镑膘揍甫橙楼坚依芯桩丑驼虾户喀碑毗噎非谓语动词分词presentparticiplepastparticiple非谓语动词分词presentparticiplepastparticiple,

5、非谓语动词-分词练习some exercises about participle,秽梨傈税漏庶多泪獭乱掠泽罚掠珊褒左骏柠募币讨希电衰机舒版我破漠挪非谓语动词分词presentparticiplepastparticiple非谓语动词分词presentparticiplepastparticiple,Exercise 1.我们对这件令人吃惊的事情感到非常吃惊。 we are _ at this _ thing. 2.你认识躺在树下的那位人吗? Do you know the person _. 3.我对鲁迅写的这本书非常感兴趣。 Im _ _in the book _ by Lu Xun. 4

6、.她站在那里等公共汽车。 _.,surprised,surprising,lying under the big tree,interested,written,She stood there waiting for the bus.,尺锥幻剁冒镍欣朝鱼沿抓挤蛰箕阔象坝毛滨驴佑孪恭陨狼撵基筏借驾潮侥非谓语动词分词presentparticiplepastparticiple非谓语动词分词presentparticiplepastparticiple,5.做了很多实验以后,他发现了一种新方法。 _,he discovered a new method. 6.与名片比较起来,电子字典要稍微大一点。

7、 _business card, the e-dictionary is a little bigger. 7.这些警察发现这个小偷把手伸进那位老太太的口袋,当场就把他抓住。 The police find the thief _ his hand into the old ladys pocket and catch him red-handed.,Having made a lot of experients,Compared with,putting,扣曰隐逮阂趟穷嘴甜掐三铅绞位琼光珐蹿弟粕谎砰规乱翁苑攘吻瘪杖癸朗非谓语动词分词presentparticiplepastparticipl

8、e非谓语动词分词presentparticiplepastparticiple,Fill the passage with proper form Our English teacher,Miss Wang is friendly with us, _ _from Hunan province.We are _ (interest) in her class, because her class is lively and _.(interest) Like many other teachers,she devotes herself to _(work) and spends most o

9、f the time _(stay) with students. _ _(consider) our poor English,she comes to our classroom almost every morning, _ (watch) over the students _ (read) English. She,coming,interested,interesting,working,staying,Considering,watching,reading,虎合棠泰涵泰另奄椎怒誉仇姐羌睡柑传么名心物滞舌侄傲窿己偶杖盯腥楷非谓语动词分词presentparticiplepastp

10、articiple非谓语动词分词presentparticiplepastparticiple,has a special way to deal with the students _ (sleep) in class. She will ask these students _ (answer) the questions _(give) by herself. She is busy with her job all the day._ (finish) all the work,she goes home to have a rest.But it is very late in the day.Miss Wang is _ a responsible teacher _all of us like her very much.,sleeping,to answer,given,Having finished,such,that,辗拙杰矗怜喀摆份吐豪痛讹撇沪想评榴徘溯悠蛊漂韵痪秆凰鼎夸钞萎溅管非谓语动词分词presentparticiplepastparticiple非谓语动词分词presentparticiplepastparticiple,


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