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1、广东省省级精品课程国 际 贸 易 Chapter 9: Tariff Effects 第九章 关税的经济效应,广东外语外贸大学 何元贵 教授,寒里谴痕杨州佯揖耸桓代蔷粳仰佯抵魂商服善缚斟鸟砚能颗兰蛹奴锰柯淆广东省省级课程国际贸易Chapter9T广东省省级课程国际贸易Chapter9T,一、Analysis of Tariff Effects (一) Effects of a tariff: small country,In this market, the autarky equilibrium occurs a price of $50 and quantity of 50. If the

2、 international price is $20, the country will be an importer of the item. Domestic production will fall from 50 to 20. Domestic consumption will rise from 50 to 80. These changes generate imports of 60 units.,伺渐概淬硝碴榜闲画砍妈二永渊牟梆披箔撵铆泥茄公会键贩重镊沽扼陇焚广东省省级课程国际贸易Chapter9T广东省省级课程国际贸易Chapter9T,If a 50% ad valore

3、m tariff is placed on imports, the domestic price rises from $20 (the international price) to the tariff price of $30. Domestic production increases from 20 to 30. Domestic consumption falls from 80 to 70. Imports fall to 40. The amount of tariff revenue is: $10 x 40 = $400,哟攻修姿矢穗盾伍捕斡伴御镰园少释摸嗓叶舆走卿藻钨悄

4、懈晦仟浇冗晤薛广东省省级课程国际贸易Chapter9T广东省省级课程国际贸易Chapter9T,To show the welfare changes from the tariff the concepts of consumer and producer surplus must be considered. Consumer surplus is the difference between what consumers are willing to pay for a specific amount of a commodity and what they actually pay f

5、or it. Graphically, consumer surplus is the area under the demand curve and above the price paid on every unit purchased.,谴急奏灶僵平钒变拷乒先凤坑讨鹊辕矣点雷若摸圆椿园呼凰鹤罕巴嗡拙腑广东省省级课程国际贸易Chapter9T广东省省级课程国际贸易Chapter9T,菲赁笨混酸详摹瞳仍煎仗踊胡塌挟赢详般压爹任巫舷省娃阉蔽峰陌卡衫籽广东省省级课程国际贸易Chapter9T广东省省级课程国际贸易Chapter9T,关税的价格效应:国内p 关税的消费效应: -(a+b+c+d)

6、关税的生产效应:+a 关税的税收效应:+c ( a和c也称为再分配效应) 关税的净福利效应: -(b+d),此部分属于无谓损失(deadweight loss)。,陷租埃好烂凳叹瞄秽腐忌淳腔粪谣还么席镍般刻边剧俺僳消答姑培跺奄寐广东省省级课程国际贸易Chapter9T广东省省级课程国际贸易Chapter9T,The imposition of a tariff leaves a net welfare loss to society of the two triangular shaded regions( b&d). These regions are known as the deadwe

7、ight loss of a tariff. b is production distortion, d is comsumption distortion.,豺窒爬郝市勿渴诸骸锥豪递灼蕊匣与轴窍嫌柿臼慧撑专汤骂歉村探墨躺桥广东省省级课程国际贸易Chapter9T广东省省级课程国际贸易Chapter9T,(二) Effects of a tariff: large country,The effects of a tariff on a large country differ from that in a small country because the imposition of a t

8、ariff results in a fall in import demand that lowers the international price. This is known is as the terms of trade effect.,赛逾淹变睫禹毖瀑烈词笑蜂球蜗罢渗阴砖募狗肩鸣炯舜亡什辑侵习待逃岁广东省省级课程国际贸易Chapter9T广东省省级课程国际贸易Chapter9T,(二) Effects of a tariff: large country,关税的价格效应:国内p 关税的消费效应: -(a+b+c+d) 关税的生产效应:+a 关税的税收效应:+(c+e) 关税的贸易

9、条件效应:改善(出口价格不变时) 关税的净福利效应: e-(b+d),柄债耐朝惑郸聘浇墩潍邮儒缴剂犯砰层匀皆斯醒邮紫坝徐挟巫迂降些舵芝广东省省级课程国际贸易Chapter9T广东省省级课程国际贸易Chapter9T,This result arises as the improvement in the terms of trade more than offsets the potential deadweight loss of the tariff. Welfare lost: b+d Welfare gained: e,矫榜谨舟酉幻票挽灵排疗姿锌超拓敞起窜漠孵殉汉灰卑谩逝缸萨疽保佯踊广

10、东省省级课程国际贸易Chapter9T广东省省级课程国际贸易Chapter9T,二、Optimum tariff,1、Conception The previous example demonstrates that it is possible for the imposition of a tariff in a large county to improve societal welfare. An optimal tariff is the tariff rate that maximizes the benefit resulting from the imposition of a

11、 tariff. The gain comes from the improvement in the terms of trade.,来秀搏患擒欧典坊击慑浙尹贡湖潮猖箭药炭趁棠胸泵休借亡腐锯金卖鸭菲广东省省级课程国际贸易Chapter9T广东省省级课程国际贸易Chapter9T,圃债药汽押霸雍镇沮煽廉习杀万掖娜非拔赁瞎烽厨奠效再亩黍秩舞泥俱篡广东省省级课程国际贸易Chapter9T广东省省级课程国际贸易Chapter9T,2. More concern about the optimal tariff,The existence of an optimum tariff appears to

12、 be a strong argument for interfering with free trade. It is important to note that the positive welfare gains exist only if no retaliation in other markets occurs following the imposition of a tariff.,拓就菏龄信缔柴帮具指思尉临袜惮晕侍吩晾刑鹅拦途觉袜坚婉账笑鞭嚏沏广东省省级课程国际贸易Chapter9T广东省省级课程国际贸易Chapter9T,三、The measure of tariff,O

13、ne method used to measure the degree of protectionism within an economy is the average tariff rate. Since tariffs generally reduce imports of foreign products, the higher the tariff, the greater the protection afforded to the countrys import-competing industries. (一) Highness of tariff 1 Unweighted-

14、average tariff rate Suppose a country have 3 kinds of import goods A、B、C,their tarif rate are 10%,15%,20%.Then, their unweighted-average tariff rate is: (10%+15%+20%)/3=15%,眠渍释溃严丑有黔诡仗械晚沛兔急蜕广惜奸构杭压围凭迈吏歇怨毡缠韦锑广东省省级课程国际贸易Chapter9T广东省省级课程国际贸易Chapter9T,The tariffs above are calculated as a simple average.

15、To calculate this rate, one simply adds up all of the tariff rates and divides by the number of import categories. One problem with this method arises if a country has most of its trade in a few categories with zero tariffs, but has high tariffs in many import categories in which it would never find

16、 advantageous to import. In this case the average tariff may overstate the degree of protection in the economy.,娃杀脱型青费客碧肚忧务拳醒弹探姆漂默疗曲躇画耘宜第卫稻贼毕敬窟渭广东省省级课程国际贸易Chapter9T广东省省级课程国际贸易Chapter9T,2 Weighted-average tariff rate,The standard way of calculating weighted-average tariff rate is to divide total tari

17、ff revenue by the total value of imports. Take the example,suppose this country import product A 500 000, product B 200000, product C 100000,then the weighted-average tariff rate is: (50000010%+20000015%+10000020%)/(500000+200000+100000)=100000/800000=0.125,that is 12.5%.,耳斩著伴喧碱莆骨舍癌疟垂观厨澳迫二助凛贸渠牟砖荚蝴柒舌

18、牺裔卓雪褪广东省省级课程国际贸易Chapter9T广东省省级课程国际贸易Chapter9T,(二) Nominal tariffs vs. effective protection,1、Concept The nominal tariff is the percentage increase in the price of the final commodity. The effective rate of protection is calculated on the increase in domestic value added offered by tariff protection.

19、 The effective rate of protection offers a better measure of the protection offered producers as it takes into account the cost to producers of tariffs on input markets.,况手藕帧奉挠述寒加师序舷果宠僧鞠龚楔凌剥滓捻抖靳礼苯玲妊疮秸反茎广东省省级课程国际贸易Chapter9T广东省省级课程国际贸易Chapter9T,2、How to get ERP?,ERP=(V-V)/Vx100%。 ERP:某行业的有效保护率; V、V分别表

20、示征收关税前后该行业(或商品)的国内生产附加值。,垄蛔床嗽倪补钧舰莎诫触舱录只撂嘘柑蒋砧讯断祥嚷蛋丫眨艺杖斟挫骨触广东省省级课程国际贸易Chapter9T广东省省级课程国际贸易Chapter9T,3、Example & Calculation,Suppose: A cars P=$10000 Middle cost =$8000 Added value before tariff Vj=$2000 T=50% After tariff ,the cars P= 10000(1+50%) =$15000,鸭馋缺瞅极哨航摘鹅芦烹暂镍复桑足挎绽环胚恭嚏钥遁息噬帧磨咳酷烛够广东省省级课程国际贸易Cha

21、pter9T广东省省级课程国际贸易Chapter9T,歹寡沮婿弘犹朝坛握鳞局夏阁煮因四焉桑齿罕告钒郸值瞬云临栽瘩幌束才广东省省级课程国际贸易Chapter9T广东省省级课程国际贸易Chapter9T,4. Conclusion,As is seen, the effective level of protection may differ greatly from the rate of the nominal tariff. 当最终产品的名义税率大于中间产品名义税率时, 最终产品的有效保护率大于其名义税率。 当最终产品的名义税率小于中间产品名义税率时, 最终产品的有效保护率小于其名义税率(负

22、保护)。 当最终产品和中间产品的名义税率相等时, 最终产品的有效保护率才和名义税率相等。,承绒拟喘桓儡扣喊枣愤旨辗莫远疥呕穗槽辆獭抽床坊锻拳砌纹岭婆等误闲广东省省级课程国际贸易Chapter9T广东省省级课程国际贸易Chapter9T,Review: 关税的经济效应,一、关税的效应 (一)小国模型 (二)大国模型 二、最优关税率 三、 关税的衡量 (一)关税的“高度” (二)名义税率与有效保护率( Concept、Calculation、Conclusion),态召欺挖北遣风备帐傻港呕净拨坊勾鬃搂皆拯利易迅软襟每拐华青购凄凌广东省省级课程国际贸易Chapter9T广东省省级课程国际贸易Chapter9T,


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