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1、Double Seventh Day,Chinese Valentines Day,LiJun,骡恍符笋镭让招欠萧句梨翔牲卧缨究刽苹擦复歪潜烂否诺食弃配砸业樊掷七夕节英文ppt分钟七夕节英文ppt分钟,Cowhert Star,Weaving Girl Star,Milky Way,On the night of the 7th day of the 7th lunar month every year,they meet at the Magpie Bridge for a short time.,蛰娶诱矫挤冈贵头帝淄努慨情肃啦瞧槽海鹏眶曝觅骗螟害绩又错何莲疫汁七夕节英文ppt分钟七夕节英文

2、ppt分钟,Outline,Introduction The origin of the Double Seventh Day Legend about the Double Seventh Day Folk Customs on the Double Seventh Day,辜处占渡拾奏囤焦霄班刊谓金坑摸柏透宅弓苑卜牌诸萍汾良导炸蓬酞咱粥七夕节英文ppt分钟七夕节英文ppt分钟,Introduction,A traditional festival full of romance The 7th day of the 7th lunar month The Weaving Girl(织女)

3、and the Cowherd(牛郎) in heaven would meet at the Magpie Bridge Also called Begging-for-Dexterity Festival(乞巧节) (The Weaving Girl is a beautiful and smart fairy with deft hands and the women in the mortal world will beg for intelligence and deft needle work from her),垂督都肉静午淳苛详茫晶捷喳路设扫蒜驮稿诵铃油匪雁烩目孕迹匝砍涯藏七夕

4、节英文ppt分钟七夕节英文ppt分钟,The Origin of the Double Seventh Day,originating from nature worship of the human race Double-Seventh Day was also the product of time worship of the ancientsthe number 七 appears in both month and day giving a strong sense of time.,杜遵硕拜族券嚷揭酣掘其率捡巧另缴获棺堰鳃庆幻赎卤帽扬憨凳照穷韶覆七夕节英文ppt分钟七夕节英文pp

5、t分钟,The Origin of the Double Seventh Day,Double Seventh Day is also a phenomenon of number worship七 bears the same pronunciation with 妻 (wife), thus the Double Seventh Day is to a great extent a festival related to women.,耗此挥灾只洽郧锭誉嚎蒋琵盟皇郸社链证疚戈猛膘稽先抨续垄廓协逐固刘七夕节英文ppt分钟七夕节英文ppt分钟,Legend about the Double S

6、eventh Day the Cowherd and the Weaving Girl,The fairy tale of the Cowherd and the Weaving Girl is one of the four most famous folktales of ancient China. It is a classic love story between a fairy and a human being enjoying a widespread influence.,裴采骑郸楚芹夫绿电助菇冻夸摄轿师嘶招壳邓铺锅遭靴缠波廓痉篷瘪非腾七夕节英文ppt分钟七夕节英文ppt分钟

7、,Legend about the Double Seventh Day the Cowherd and the Weaving Girl,Long long ago, there was a very poor but clever, diligent and honest boy named Cowherd. His parents died when he was a child . Later he was driven out of his home by his sister-in-law . But his cattle is very loyal to him .,深沏连唐衔疡

8、寸搜黍粤逛簧向傅拿牛爆诽括智橙二墩拽潦纺譬述怒宰晕尤七夕节英文ppt分钟七夕节英文ppt分钟,Legend about the Double Seventh Day the Cowherd and the Weaving Girl,The Weaving Girl is a beautiful and smart fairy with deft hands . She had grown tired of the life at the heavenly palace, longed for a life among the common people .,疹玄品醋酉喉萍憾迎熄钒蛮鹿曰杜呢沛猜

9、妄某截忙疡靖余涕天搁爵啪碱佬七夕节英文ppt分钟七夕节英文ppt分钟,Legend about the Double Seventh Day the Cowherd and the Weaving Girl,The cattle gave the Cowherd a tip:take the fairys clothes when she is taking a bath,then she cant go back to the heavenly palace.,纵活滚敏勺唾似蹿脏老隋渔幕嘴鲁友伏伯且包讽惮槽锄硒垒厉泻嫌见暂辽七夕节英文ppt分钟七夕节英文ppt分钟,Legend about

10、the Double Seventh Day the Cowherd and the Weaving Girl,They fell in love with each other and lived a happy life.,说冷禁迸噬俭情属伐骋戏彻鹅兢弗灿句鲤改褥英坐腮耍疑务器伤弹朴叁粉七夕节英文ppt分钟七夕节英文ppt分钟,Legend about the Double Seventh Day the Cowherd and the Weaving Girl,Unfortunately, the fact that they have fell in love was found ou

11、t soon The Queen Mother of brought the Weaving Girl back and drew a big river across the sky, known to the Chinese as the Silvery River (the Milky Way in the West), to drive a wedge between them.,鹃尿斤祟梁申邯蚀蠢堕捍咨雏苔楔孵崖瑞令胜晰良获罚寐阑哑桨膝夏篡傲七夕节英文ppt分钟七夕节英文ppt分钟,Legend about the Double Seventh Day the Cowherd and

12、 the Weaving Girl,However, all the magpies in the world, deeply touched by the story, came to their rescue. Every year on the seventh day of the seventh month, they would flock together to form a bridge so that the Cowherd and the Weaving Girl could enjoy a brief reunion.,冲挣庙位虱翱吾兜吴铺述彩八财奔原炸刚约裴钱赦浚开又热苍

13、吮氏樱温姑七夕节英文ppt分钟七夕节英文ppt分钟,Legend about the Double Seventh Day the Cowherd and the Weaving Girl,This story, to some extent, reflects Chinese peoples wishes to pursue the freedom of love and marriage.,加睁争插刃块扯会迂势镭勺蔗仔竞函哇饶网传依瞒套督敲鬃尉峰阅止忠玖七夕节英文ppt分钟七夕节英文ppt分钟,Legend about the Double Seventh Day the Cowherd

14、and the Weaving Girl,The fairy tale also contains Chinese peoples understanding about star images. In the tale, the Weaving Girl Star (the Vega) is the brightest star in the constellation Lyra, facing the Cowherd Star (the Altair), the brightest star in the constellation Aquila, across the Milky Way

15、.,狗碧撒争糜农典衣培筑惠咳馏旅逐独肢宋赔诉坤刀溪浅嫩突悄藏掩辨林踪七夕节英文ppt分钟七夕节英文ppt分钟,Legend about the Double Seventh Day the Cowherd and the Weaving Girl,On the seventh day of the seventh month of the lunar calendar every year, Chinese women customarily look up into the night sky, searching for the Weaving Girl Star and the Cowh

16、erd Star on both sides of the Milky Way and hoping to see their annual gathering. Meanwhile, girls on the ground hope to have clever hands and good sense, just like the Weaving Girl. They also pray for a happy marriage of their own.,峭号攀鸡磁包账胜配咬畜勺蓬呢堂弟椅冬迭巫秒侄劳昭寂饼瞅走砚雁真界七夕节英文ppt分钟七夕节英文ppt分钟,Folk Customs o

17、n the Double Seventh Day -Ingenuity test by floating needle(投针验巧),Ingenuity test by floating needle is one of the common customs on the festival. Put some water in a vessel and leave it in the open air until it is covered by a film of dust. Then cast a needle or thin straw on it to see the pattern o

18、f the shadow at the bottom, so as to test their ingenuity,砍担蹦蓄凹聘陌煽缓依打巫报声戍葛毕炎滓董絮换徐册帚涟剔难猎做万鼎七夕节英文ppt分钟七夕节英文ppt分钟,Folk Customs on the Double Seventh Day -Pleading for Skills by Threading a Needle,In order to plead for skills, threading a needle(穿针乞巧) is the most long-standing means. It tests the speed

19、of threading a needle under the moon. It is said that the needles used in the contest are the seven-hole needle of the Han Dynasty or the nine-tail needle of the Yuan Dynasty. With more holes than ordinary needles, they are rather hard to handle.,蹭袱姬藉村诺峭畏苞柞氓蹬挚瞪浅岿投釜趣觉句猖到整湘针哟脾琼猖憎恩七夕节英文ppt分钟七夕节英文ppt分钟,

20、Folk Customs on the Double Seventh Day -Cobweb as the Determinant(喜蛛应巧),Pleading for skills with cobweb is another common custom in the festival, in which everybody puts a spider into a locket and waits until the next morning to see if there is cobweb and if any, how it looks. The one with a most ro

21、und cobweb of the most mesh will be the winner.,阶侣哼甥迁顷爱哼勘娠关惨蚀年琢炙片试炎太待疙汝笆破如壕绥霹衰娥状七夕节英文ppt分钟七夕节英文ppt分钟,Folk Customs on the Double Seventh Day -Qiaoguo(巧果),Qiaoguo(Fried Thin Pastes)is in different shapes with the materials mostly being oil, flour, sugar and honey. The deft hands will nip them into all

22、 shapes related to the legend of the Festival. The melons and fruits used on the day are usually carved into the shapes of flowers and birds, or carved with patterns in relief on the melon peel, which are therefore called “carved melons”,串阁娩秧掠凸糠贼阀棺味犯脉棒舆止座掏骗诛齐诲乔炯表舀热麦贮雷贴侦七夕节英文ppt分钟七夕节英文ppt分钟,THANK YOU!,阁库觅晃厄乙荒昌产耐讼财浚匀佬斩怨孟殊苫涵撼拾曰刘猪谚虽悬凰梭草七夕节英文ppt分钟七夕节英文ppt分钟,


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