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1、环球英语网校 雅思口语高分直播互动班 7月24日雅思口语预测补丁 剑桥国际考试委员会 IGCSE HOBBY; TRAVEL; MOVIE; TV PROGRAMMER Travelling? Before travel: Gather information? The benefits from travelling 1. Explore new places- Whenever we travel, we discover new places. This is one benefit that is going to stay with you every time you travel

2、. When traveling, find things that interest you and you will be able to have a good time on your vacation or other trip that you are on. When you discover new places, you gain more experiences. 2. Health and Wellness- Some travels are relaxing. This is a benefit of travel is to your health. Being he

3、althy by reducing our stress levels is solved when we travel and stay at a nice day spa. You are completely relaxed and you can help your body in many ways. Each and every one of us needs to have a time of relaxation to recycle the need of health and wellness. 3. Learn a new culture- With learning a

4、bout the new discoveries from visiting places you have never been, you learn a new culture. The benefits of travel are always visible when you learn a new culture. The way people live and their traditions are sometimes weird for a lot of people but it is fun to know. Dont be afraid of learning a new

5、 culture and dive right into it all. Traveling is supposed to be a time of fun and adventure. With every new experience, you gain a new adventure to put into your books. When you go on vacation, the best thing about it all is bragging about the fun you had. Taking a lot of pictures helps your rememb

6、er the vacation and the many benefits of travel. There are always going to be people who are going to disagree and tell you differently. But remember to always know that when you travel, it is an adventure waiting to happen. That is always fun for everyone! 环球英语网校课堂 咨询电话:400-600-0310 敌 反 蜂 纹 秒 法 桂 摸

7、 辱 跑 翰 喳 摧 敝 骚 打 承 俯 俐 撼 斋 倘 看 爷 扔 息 扳 愈 榷 秤 食 稳 李 宁 雅 思 预 测 补 丁 李 宁 雅 思 预 测 补 丁 Page 13 实打实的题目:颜色 Colour? White is the total expression of light as the sum of all colours. It represents purity and innocence. Green is the colour most commonly connected with nature and ecology. Yellow is the colour o

8、f the energy of the sun. Orange is the colour of opportunity.Used for fire magic, justice, the law, happiness, luxury, spirituality, energy, hospitality, strength, authority, luck, adaptability, motivation, harmony and general attraction.It symbolises the Lord and the High Priest. Pink is the colour

9、 we most often connect with romance. 世 租 善 栖 美 水 挛 器 硝 摘 韩 夷 裙 贸 藻 溺 窘 艇 腑 亩 职 泥 版 毛 拾 伍 罐 嫡 泌 疵 阅 惕 李 宁 雅 思 预 测 补 丁 李 宁 雅 思 预 测 补 丁 Page 14 放弃庸俗,回归学术 Take pictures? 1: collection of moments and impressions 2: a way of telling a story 3: record the very best moments 4: Enjoyment, excitement to share

10、 something that nobody has seen 环球英语网校课堂 喧 习 托 梯 夸 旦 潜 框 夏 喷 昼 免 恫 秦 爱 甲 羚 姚 志 景 连 恳 摩 纸 构 且 腰 效 俩 罢 袁 煞 李 宁 雅 思 预 测 补 丁 李 宁 雅 思 预 测 补 丁 Page 15 高分雅思口语答案分析 Mobile phones are very popular in China, why do you think this is so? When did you get your mobile phone? Do you ever switch off your mobile pho

11、ne? Mobile phones are popular everywhere and among all ages because they are so useful in that they enable you to send and receive messages or talk to someone from wherever you may be, no matter how remote the place. They are also a personal safety item that can be used to summon help if needed. I h

12、ave had my mobile phone for about 6 yearsI have had my mobile phone for about 6 years(语法)(语法), but , despite its many features, I only use it for voice contact or text messages and occasionally to take a picture if I do not have my camera with me. I tend to switch off the phone when I go to bed and

13、leave it to charge up its battery. I do this because the people who know me would always ring to my home landline. If I were away from home, Id leave it on all the time. 环球英语网校课堂 咨询电话:400-600-0310 勒 娠 季 酝 懊 伙 近 藩 讣 捐 齐 屯 针 锐 柬 豪 冒 代 喇 左 浆 耐 他 掏 增 聚 误 粟 斜 友 胎 恫 李 宁 雅 思 预 测 补 丁 李 宁 雅 思 预 测 补 丁 Page 16

14、 高分雅思口语答案分析 What qualities are needed to be a good parent? Good parents need to be patient and understanding. They need to remember what they did when they were the same age as their children and use that knowledge to guide their children through the same difficult times. They need to be seen to be

15、fair and trust their children ,unless the children have proved to be untrustworthy. They have to be ready to allow their children to make mistakes and be there for them when they do so. Good parents will always assure their children that they are loved whatever they do, even if they are being punish

16、ed for what they have done wrong. Example is better than precept. 身教重于言教。 环球英语网校课堂 咨询电话:400-600-0310 贷 讲 讯 帅 忌 朗 汗 淆 箔 峙 萝 欺 眯 捣 和 讣 掷 句 梢 舌 富 伎 路 街 觉 林 酬 臀 夸 汤 乘 酗 李 宁 雅 思 预 测 补 丁 李 宁 雅 思 预 测 补 丁 Page 17 环球英语网校官方 n微博: n微信:huanqiuIELTS_xiaobai n网络课堂: n咨询电话:400-600-0310 脯 螟 莹 驹 暮 侗 挤 斗 吨 衣 拜 繁 润 荐 屑 情 挛 蠢 吻 始 碰 差 仍 懂 铺 芬 撬 兄 站 舰 问 痰 李 宁 雅 思 预 测 补 丁 李 宁 雅 思 预 测 补 丁


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