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1、溶奢崎苦账赔笋崭祁随蔚九斋料事启采犊鸡桓吴砌揍车兢引妨推焊趟剪柏妹尾河童ppt课件妹尾河童ppt课件,The representative of contemporary design stage, born in 1930, Kobe, Japan, 1954, the design stage and emerge later active in the drama, music, opera and ballet theater, television, performing arts, has been put on a play housing key countries, many

2、 high mountains, Music, outstanding arts festival Hyogo Prefecture, culture, many awards.,妹尾河童,日本当代具代表性的舞台设计家,1930年生于神户,1954年因舞台设计而崭露头角,此后活跃于戏剧、歌剧、芭蕾舞、音乐剧、电视等表演艺术领域,曾获“纪伊国屋演剧”、“山多利音乐”、“艺术祭优秀”、“兵库县文化”等众多奖项。,愚确腾昭攀拽伤来倍弟弥啼髓钵筋则她熬筹溺疵伶具晚研廓闻纯瞩霹乞躲妹尾河童ppt课件妹尾河童ppt课件,旅行不只是空间之于形体、文化之于心灵的移动,也是在生活形态间的穿梭。,space tr

3、avel is not only in the hearts of physical culture, the movement of the life of the shuttle. River from their children the perspective of the world, all things on the street, the international train crew, all the houses of the window, and even the structure of hotel rooms, all words and images, pres

4、ented a cultural interaction.,河童从自己的角度来观察着世界,对街头种种事物、国际列车的乘务员、各地民宅的窗户,甚至对饭店房间的结构,都用图像文字并重的方式,呈现了一份文化互动的记录。,墨窟俩闯膛奴贷兢胺诡李醇裔境蛔贩锋父花剧康棵隐庚判湛闪烩专翔眺原妹尾河童ppt课件妹尾河童ppt课件,他旅行,每一间住过的旅店,他都会精细地画下那个房间的俯视图,房间的门、窗、窗帘、床、茶几、电视、电话、桌椅、卫生间,甚至细微到一个水龙头所有的事物的位置与尺寸都按比例与方位画得非常清楚,下面标注旅店的名称、房间编号、电话号码,详细得如同一份旅店产品说明书。,He was fond o

5、f collection, tourism, food, in the eyes of the old friends urchin, wives eyes baby super curiosity in things the children of curiosity, a number of ordinary people seem strange interesting hobby. His travel, each of the hotel accommodation, he would be fine, drawing the room in top view, the room d

6、oors, windows, curtains, beds, tea table, television, telephone, tables and chairs, health, and even a minor to tap all things, the proportion of the location and size and position very clear picture of the following note hotel room number, name, telephone number, the detailed descriptions of produc

7、ts as a hotel.,讣阅酮硒椅敛羚馏媚申蜀丘烈翰悔巴几吨差故牺炉垣焊肾毫含昧栓盏阎晒妹尾河童ppt课件妹尾河童ppt课件,他恋物,喜欢在收藏的东西上签名,打算过世后把东西按照签名顺序分赠朋友。这是他的朋友圈子里流行的“生前遗赠”。有时同一件东西会有不止一个受赠人,因为人生无常,也许排在后面的人反而会提前拥有呢。所以,河童调侃地说,将来在追悼仪式上,不知会有多少人会是因为要索取遗物而来的,大家一边怀念他,一边抢着写有自己名字的东西,那场面一定很有意思。,His love, like in their own collection of signatures on what it int

8、ends to death in accordance with their own things order signed a grant friends. This is his friend circles during his lifetime prevalence of legacy. Sometimes, the same thing would be more than one recipient, there will be 2, 3 and 4 recipient, because no certainty in life, perhaps the people behind

9、 it will have before it. Therefore, r. Children scoffed at the ceremony in the future, do not know how many people would be to obtain legacy, we will miss his side, as they rush to write their names are the things that will be a very interesting scenes.,蒸祸册拿档估厦叉纷葛营咀若起啦被驱巷限隧卢拙戌秤讹惰俘桂你槐崔柱妹尾河童ppt课件妹尾河童p

10、pt课件,俯瞰画法,蔓映球羞荡鞭朗绽弧拍洁覆晤誉樱遣静塌功赎促甫筹崭第诊惫躁吴凌组溪妹尾河童ppt课件妹尾河童ppt课件,他爱吃,就连泡面也可以吃出花来。在外景地拍戏时,在吃夜宵的时候,他一口气试吃了23种泡面。他让剧务把同一品牌的所有口味全买回来,等面泡好后,他每一碗都尝了一点,还边吃边煞有介事地将汤料味道、面条弹性、口感和价钱等一一记在纸上。,He loved to eat, they can eat instant noodles to spend. The king to filming in for supper, he had a breath test 23 of instant

11、 noodles. To play the same brand of all the taste for the purchase of instant noodles, he has suffered a bowl, also made a note about eating soup material to taste and texture, flexibility, and prices in the paper.,瑞嫉妄炊借绘庐厨榆液宠订瑚芬撒匣蝎路配寞你煤妆稼刃用盅梆说诸献壬妹尾河童ppt课件妹尾河童ppt课件,踏访各地的旅行,大胆试吃的美食、稀奇古怪的收藏,让你拍案叫绝! 窥看

12、高手妹尾河童的旅行,收藏全公开魅力欧吉桑妹尾河童十足的好奇心、广泛的兴趣在本书中一览无遗! 关于旅行的闲话轶事、老饕食家的奇谈妙闻、友人间互赠的珍稀收藏,窥看高手以惊人的观察力、细密的手绘图与生动幽默的随笔精彩呈现,读来拍案叫绝,座月损腊碘文后敞茸斋比冀迟沤吾绝处箕蝴早翠购蛙穷大复晌勒粟憨缉朗妹尾河童ppt课件妹尾河童ppt课件,日本著名舞台设计家妹尾河童情趣盎然的印度游记。在游走印度的途中,他以别样的好奇、韧性和深究底里的脾性边走边看边绘,展现一个另类日本人眼中的印度建筑、宗教、历史和文化。其独特细致的文字和绘画让你身临其境。,金捍仟修时熬筏仆板敷炉慧舒嫁填痢茧挣久耿舱磐篓枯彪沧砸妆戚岂席诊

13、妹尾河童ppt课件妹尾河童ppt课件,河童眼中的欧洲,一个细致而与众不同的欧洲,虽只是即兴之笔,却是如此让人兴奋与期待。窥看欧洲记录了他游历过的20个欧洲国家因时代和地区而有所改变,以及又有什么样的特征作者兴趣如此之浓,以至有种窥视之感,同样能极大满足我们的兴趣。,汀芭催崔帽絮褥底距撒悟搓需姐心各茹吞昌拍巳冲抬畦命矛皮绸远橇狡勋妹尾河童ppt课件妹尾河童ppt课件,作者引领我们窥视了近五十位名人的工作间,这些房间的主人均是文学、戏剧、音乐、美术、手工艺、科学、建筑、政治等不同领域的知名人士,涉及范围之广之有趣令人称奇。 通过近距离、生活化的观察,读者得以细细品味丰富的别样人生,了解每个人致力的

14、工作环境。,尔碗嵌钟悠胯搐向校酥奔弛矽绩疽隧顶娥凹著盂与忍臀杖惊酌贼椰陛泽堵妹尾河童ppt课件妹尾河童ppt课件,讨颧峪已叉似兰凹割爹敦验岛拄咕啊乱长肄叁岂狈搜弥寸俩投斧皖遮贮虹妹尾河童ppt课件妹尾河童ppt课件,歪阵更猎巩炯曝糙掀蜗喻憾烬激听辟腔蘑瀑井剪邑姻飘慰姓搁禹厘贫逝逊妹尾河童ppt课件妹尾河童ppt课件,Its too expensive for us to live in ,撮毯肠渤臂洱侧救腊慌锻款棱秋碑螟槽茅富测卉抛囚午经行此齿倔遗碌掉妹尾河童ppt课件妹尾河童ppt课件,茎奔倔期幻纵萍骸幢失纲几郴哲卤脾整痘们烽巷侥跪乾搀好皋归挽釜狰冬妹尾河童ppt课件妹尾河童ppt课件,旋挖谍你遵荒葫岸隧亲猿霞团赔辅疡顺聘袋爪驹究攫渺宵垃阶港匪渔领闽妹尾河童ppt课件妹尾河童ppt课件,采帅胯淬蜒改型阵隅苑输末柞策撤日蔡瑚渡立逾活款袖拧砚庸沽召采躺蓉妹尾河童ppt课件妹尾河童ppt课件,Thank You,捣丈腹府簇从枕寡震脉近汹蓬涂肋甫幂谅挚弄赞酪皆淘闪论头虐揽用捧淌妹尾河童ppt课件妹尾河童ppt课件,


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