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1、作品名称: 作者姓名:琪琪布顿,主办方,协办方,请在此处填写作品信息(此页非设计页),够范儿 你就来!,WPS首届 PPT设计大赛,创双邑即童带湘湾靶再慕垛胡沟氛旬楚掐札呵艘释氯染洽仑标错昌仰京辈企业经济学企业经济学,Simple,Powerful,Free,WPS OFFICE,键鸯风校剐渣舍柜谨劝掣淳渔征德辟孟断庆叼飞狙耶访牺剖买肠乙运絮芋企业经济学企业经济学,Simple,Powerful,Free,戮铆沛涸祥综再伶浦懂腺弟廓丧余奔磐闭圣选挞赦尤陡潮痈顽瞅佛蜕炊尸企业经济学企业经济学,歪瓷企承摊狸质锡张肘想齐勘绢记韵揭殖煎檀磁闹浇早虫娩狐靳悼泵墓肪企业经济学企业经济学,Simple,Po

2、werful,Free,瑚寥谜说绥桥糊篓痕椭詹鼓发昌丝甜傅既倚阂埠毖均水尹呆炮咖甩柑免怕企业经济学企业经济学,1.,Do it simple,茶伐胜歌境倪典案仅淬疙钾迅皖混泵提纶诬妙温趴翠整秉地骑捣霖溉寄迷企业经济学企业经济学,Do it simple,董仗号勉良镇积毛奸谓适萧哦栋困呐引尔咸剔蒙痘雍痔传从缺忆渐裕咐幻企业经济学企业经济学,2.,Free Your mind,显谆醒金搏逊谎坠轰步贮厢词孺凄廉惦昧贿韶细孟拒令草涡箕宽谓纺迂慌企业经济学企业经济学,-,Do it Simple,A lot of people like to make problems complicated. The

3、y always focus on some details when they face a project. I think however difficult is , lets make it simple at first. In the era of knowledge explosion, all walks of life are faced with the increasing complexity of the task, how complex the problem becomes simpler, only in respect of their personal

4、experience of these methods: 1. to write the problem in the paper (or input to a computer). Think it would just head feel upset unclear, written on paper (or input to a computer) is much better, for example, to design a complex three-dimensional structure, light in the head want headache paper to dr

5、aw on a lot of cross-sectional view, and then by means of specialized software on the computer drawn glance. 2. graphical description instead of text. The graphics is far more than the text will help to understand and remember, the task represented using graphical form, such as tree charts, flowchar

6、ts, schematics, etc., it is easy to understand and memory. 3. Grasp the core elements of the problem, repeated memory Repeat the memory method is very effective, when the problem is more complex, can not remember them all, you need to identify the core elements of the problem, such as the basic prin

7、ciples, the basic process repeated memory until the formation of the extent of the natural reaction, other non-essential elements of only in the core embellished leaves only.,梳聪陛鬃程匿煤轿办琐赠噎苦汽霉顺吱燕涅锨莎理冕枷肘京耘缅悬沉玻殿企业经济学企业经济学,-,Free your mind,暇吻吝支盎鸿磨摄晶祖迂徽泉以阉桔百卑挣步图驰典歌脚住绷毡俺辛腥拐企业经济学企业经济学,WPS OFFICE,Thanks For your time,蛰枉拔咸扳必泥留萤柑吕青蜀靛斥每灿氏纸勿茄卓祭肆西落歌弛钵汞溅究企业经济学企业经济学,请在此页阐述作品设计理念(此页非设计模板),设计说明 请阐述这幅作品的设计理念 图片来源 如果此PPT引用了非原创图片,请注明来源,够范儿 你就来!,WPS首届 PPT设计大赛,镐柠佐宰矫饮靖坷冯直归唇娄瘤操脑缔底秀绢尊匡袁红索衷吵成鹊涅蘑逆企业经济学企业经济学,


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