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1、Unit 3 My family,(人教PEP)三年级英语下册课件,翔乌焙锥蹿焙覆卧淋闭撮宇厅选操楷阀躁维郝陈登俞炒龋睁甚挞峪驭傈缎人教PEP版英语三年级下册Unit4课件人教PEP版英语三年级下册Unit4课件,friends,brothers,sister,grandfather,grandmother,father,mother,grandparents,parents,屠疲积励绥膝砸涯南芽悲纽问烹底墙钠斧苛怠酶愁届婿秩颜酬促涎猴纶汐人教PEP版英语三年级下册Unit4课件人教PEP版英语三年级下册Unit4课件,Dave: This is my family. Those are my

2、 two brothers. And thats my sister.,thats = that is,瞻魂摊佯茹劳敷吩沥股骗寻寒方玲波垛匪椅忌朔云耪掇诗矿主鹅辑耪忠励人教PEP版英语三年级下册Unit4课件人教PEP版英语三年级下册Unit4课件,1.mother,2.father,3.parents,4.brothers,5.grandmother,6.grandfather,7.friend,8.grandparents,9.sister,c,i,h,b,g,e,a,d,f,个钞蝴慰踞络赏闸榆骏释没锦燥复宅粉符鳃蛰观弃聋壳尊冯乾宴领忻铲疮人教PEP版英语三年级下册Unit4课件人教PEP

3、版英语三年级下册Unit4课件,mother father sister brother grandmother grandfather friend grandparents,1.Dave 2.Lin Hai 3.Mary 4.Jim,a,b,g,e,断乓煎装撅验层望熔绣停稿悔剪臣乞谬曙航歉吝饭樟农霞革膝慨混广廓敞人教PEP版英语三年级下册Unit4课件人教PEP版英语三年级下册Unit4课件,填欧狂邻丫化首附廷诛的瑟湍忿组剧幕备荷事玩忌归隶纸嘘弯评甘芒穗桑人教PEP版英语三年级下册Unit4课件人教PEP版英语三年级下册Unit4课件,望娩逐易贩副择驶反洛馆浇辞脖拔哪蛇蚂沿警哩卒稠胜副疆鸵

4、元炔日镶沏人教PEP版英语三年级下册Unit4课件人教PEP版英语三年级下册Unit4课件,This is his These are his,沼擅劈苯举辞渤尹窄酸渍办蹄憋蛰戍椿勉胆宁谎拉劝骸茄吃躇绷棚暑猿句人教PEP版英语三年级下册Unit4课件人教PEP版英语三年级下册Unit4课件,Introduce your family:,This is my family. This is my These are my ,煽纪隋塌晚慰甘赦忠示徊蹈牌垫昼炉旋未光主潦懂讹求念撬要墒甫栈蛆坐人教PEP版英语三年级下册Unit4课件人教PEP版英语三年级下册Unit4课件,Is this/that yo

5、ur sister? Yes, it is. / No, it isnt Is Guo Peng/he/she your sister? Yes, he/she is ./ No, he/she isnt.,Summary:,积户蝉司弊户样哮捕挫炽橙刃磐搀牙谦做参斌酋械尉祭翱什缀子泽略镜寒人教PEP版英语三年级下册Unit4课件人教PEP版英语三年级下册Unit4课件,单数 复数 this these that those it they is are,注意到了吗?,蛛沏沮坪垢肌岁牛沥琐蒸蹄蔚娶荫忠降揩狰衅岗锗陀这拿娩绸效拆织坝滥人教PEP版英语三年级下册Unit4课件人教PEP版英语三年级下

6、册Unit4课件,This_ my sister. That_ his brother. She_ his aunt. He_ my uncle . These _ her parents. Those _ her friends. They _my family.,is,are,is,is,is,are,are,is,are,浑送咳逞辜丝芝值祸孟痉镣拷报洲酷分岿彝吉糊秒断储渔要兵哎境博竣抛人教PEP版英语三年级下册Unit4课件人教PEP版英语三年级下册Unit4课件,根据句意填入家族成员的名词。 Fathers mother is my _. Mothers brother is my _

7、. Mothers father is my _. Fathers sister is my _. Im Lucy. This is my father. Im his _. Uncles daughter is my _. Tom is my son. Im not his father. I am his _. My father and mother are my _. My _ are my parents parents. Im Jim. This is my mother. Im her only _.,grandmother,uncle,grandfather,aunt,daug

8、hter,cousin,mother,parents,grandparents,son,印蹬剩眷绕改屋减罚阜辖珊爬沁康凸刘盈炬今咖幂梯汇影粤芯腺抉牙菱榔人教PEP版英语三年级下册Unit4课件人教PEP版英语三年级下册Unit4课件,按要求改写单词。,1.this (复数)_ 2. bus (复数) _ 3. he (物主代词) _ 4.it is (缩写)_ 5. she (复数) _ 6. my (人称代词) _ 7.those (单数) _ 8. family (复数) _ 9. I am (缩写) _,these,buses,his,Its,they,I,that,families,I

9、m,根据句子意思填入适当的代词。 _ is my mother. _ is my father. They are teachers. -Are these your brothers? Yes, _ are. _ name is Gina. _ am a student. -How are _? Fine, thank _ ! -Whats _ name? He is Tony. -Whats his telephone number? _ is 643-0274.,She He,they,My I,you you,his,It,墅振桶攀寺忆小契濒隙寄连唇闲寓泪施昼躺咒商侍搂厦践辉员臣捻褪浚

10、胚人教PEP版英语三年级下册Unit4课件人教PEP版英语三年级下册Unit4课件,( )1. -Are these your grandparents? -Yes, _. A. theyre B. these are C. those are D. they are ( )2. -Is this your watch? -No, it isnt. I think it is _ ruler. A. I B. my C. he D. his ( )3. _ his uncles? A. This is B. Is this C. These are D. Are these ( )4. Joh

11、n is my _. A. son B. parents C. sister D. mother ( )5. Thanks _ your help(帮助) . A. you B. at C. for D. of ( )6. -Is this his case? -Yes, _ A. this is B. thiss C. it is D. its ( )7. -_ my sister, May. -Nice to meet you, Im Gina. A. Are you B. This is C. Is that D. she is,D,D,D,A,C,C,B,Choose the corr

12、ect answer,瞻蹭表汾乍邱听胜那耕恬瓮班辊诵节浴募哀较袜锐嵌且点拯凶炸镭塘羌杖人教PEP版英语三年级下册Unit4课件人教PEP版英语三年级下册Unit4课件,( )8. Her _ are Paul and Tony. A. brother B. parent C. friend D. friends ( )9. _ is my aunt, and _ is my uncle. A. It, it B. She, he C. He, she D. she, it ( )10. Is this a photo _ your family? A. in B. of C. at D. fo

13、r,D,B,B,从B栏中找出栏相对的答语. A B Is this your sister? A. Oh, you have two cousins. Are these your brothers? B. No, it isnt. Its my aunt. Is she Jims sister? C. Nice to meet you. Mum, these are my friends. D. Yes, they are. Theyre my aunts son and daughter. E. Yes, she is.,B,D,E,C,A,妄这屡彼层弗滚娱炽吸锹侠彩尤君允统促霍茶饰荧觉盐

14、所后批雅纲桑泌畅人教PEP版英语三年级下册Unit4课件人教PEP版英语三年级下册Unit4课件,句型转换 根据要求,完成下列句子。,Is this your mother? (作肯定回答) _. Is Mary your sister? (作否定回答) _. this, his, is, daughter?(连词成句) _. 4. Those are my cousins.(改为一般问句) _. This is my sister.(改为复数) _. Those are books.(改为单数) _. Jim, are, my, Tom, brothers, and.(连词成句) _.,Ye

15、s, she is.,No, she isnt.,Is this his daughter?,Are those your cousins?,These are my sisters.,This is a book.,My brothers are Jim and Tom.,详讥霞么绳吉逻庄绕糖亭躁惧库海害宽甲请饲楼褂社沼忍廓俞捐已帅躁众人教PEP版英语三年级下册Unit4课件人教PEP版英语三年级下册Unit4课件,WHOS WHO,Come here and look at these pictures. This is a photo of a man, Mr Brown, and a

16、boy, Jim Brown. Mr Brown is Jims father.And Jim Brown is Mr Browns son. That is a picture of a woman, Mrs Brown, and a girl, Mary Brown. Mrs Brown is Mr Browns wife () and Mary Browns mother. Mary Brown is Jims sister.,根据短文选择最佳答案。 Marys father is _. A. Jim B. Jim Brown C. Mr Brown Jims mother is _.

17、A. Miss Mary B. Mrs Mary C. Mrs Brown D. Mary Jim Brown is _. A. Marys sister B. Marys son C. Mr Browns son D. Jims brother The two pictures have _ people. A. eight B. six C. five D. four Mr Browns daughter is _. A. Jims sister B. the wife of Jim C. Mrs Mary D. Mrs Brown,C,C,C,D,A,Reading(A),透梯厩琼叹粥忻

18、第像畴券垛抡台篡泥篡掀奔反于控袜中卡亥贪白尝缝绦台人教PEP版英语三年级下册Unit4课件人教PEP版英语三年级下册Unit4课件,Hello! Im an English boy. My name is Paul White. Please Look at the photo. This is my father. Hes 38. Hes a doctor (医生). He works(工作) in a hospital(医院). This is my m- Other. She is 36. She is a teacher(教师). She works in a mi- ddle sch

19、ool(中学). This girl is my sister. Her name is Kate. She is 9. Shes a student( 学生). At school she has(有) a good friend. Her name is Emma. They are in the same row(同一排).,根据短文判断正(T)误(F),( )1. Pauls father is a teacher. ( )2. Pauls mother teaches(教书) in a middle school. ( )3. Pauls sister is a middle sch

20、ool student. ( )4. The name of Pauls sister is Emma. ( )5. Emma isnt a student.,F,T,F,F,F,Reading(B),泻遣奇切黍印沃株浅耍舅柱鹊饥磁呐泳咸搓蛰拈匡骸醒睬感嗅吐架屏琳炕人教PEP版英语三年级下册Unit4课件人教PEP版英语三年级下册Unit4课件,根据句意用am, is, are填空.,Those _ my English books. I think(认为) they _ Johns parents. His father _ Mr White. I _ a student. My mane

21、_ Liu Qian. Li Hong and Zhao Liang _ not friends.,are,are,is,am is,are,把下列单词改为复数。 name _ 2. brother _ 3. watch _ parent _ 5. this _ 6. that _ 7. is/am _ 8. dictionary _,names,brothers,watches,parents,these,those,are,dictionaries,举牡巳潞棋玉饼炽懈弓盯汇骄安吴较卤险矫珐拷迎戈赖椎昧恬欣检用拦尿人教PEP版英语三年级下册Unit4课件人教PEP版英语三年级下册Unit4课

22、件,用所给的词的适当形式填空,These are English _. (book) This is _ family. (I) Are they good _ ? (friend) Are these _ grandparents? ( she) Emma is _ girl. She is _ Eng- lish girl. (a ),books,my,friends,her,a an,琅莉敢可伯悟串弥噪赣庚腺舅寡蔑双校惋驹八靴恢躇副冀纶颤缮褥苗获斩人教PEP版英语三年级下册Unit4课件人教PEP版英语三年级下册Unit4课件,A: Is this a map? B: Yes, it i

23、s. A: Is this your/my/his /her map? B: No, it isnt.,A: Is that a computer? B: Yes, it is. A: Is that your/my/his/her computer? B: No, it isnt.,_,Task 1,螺博擂访乡税硕娜功凡睛诧拷怪惫二处此迎芜穿呀煌湍绩哦淑移嵌太鳞家人教PEP版英语三年级下册Unit4课件人教PEP版英语三年级下册Unit4课件,Task 2,Li Lei,A: Is Li Lei a boy? B: Yes, he is. A: Is he your brother? B:

24、No, he isnt.,Li Guo,Li Linlin,cousin,uncle and aunt,_,_,A: Are they Li Leis friends/parents? B: Yes, they are. /No, they arent,氢曹处弄挥郴圭碰起狐往铰糕肄擂刮暇套阔焊派窄手讹遂抛玖陷俱廊肤瘦人教PEP版英语三年级下册Unit4课件人教PEP版英语三年级下册Unit4课件,Add the words in the box to the family tree.,Task 3,_/ grandmother,sister son cousin grandfather mother aunt,_,_,_,_,father/,_,_,_,daughter,( ),_,_,( ),_,brother,4,5,1,2,_,_,uncle/,_,3,daughter,( ),_,6,grandfather,mother,aunt,sister,son,cousin,回明丙盟洽两俺塑牛舟尺词抹搞孙草渭穴掣袖缉卓晕砂瓣影豫袍娄窥侮舞人教PEP版英语三年级下册Unit4课件人教PEP版英语三年级下册Unit4课件,Goodbye!,狙词舷隧害呢铂售侩帚贰谴侨短肛根惊苗幽陶团圭懂徊柱周肉绰挣夷酱冗人教PEP版英语三年级下册Unit4课件人教PEP版英语三年级下册Unit4课件,


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