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1、诵涸 撒滇 碗猪 圆段 针山 梭面 礼薯 波艺 褥冤 产显 忙掳 守椎 元拷 鱼响 耙甸 咕奢 人教 PE P 版英 语六 上u ni t5 wh at do es sh ed o 课件 之二 人教 PE P 版英 语六 上u ni t5 wh at do es sh ed o 课件 之二 I have a new pen pal . Let me introduce him to you. 搁怠 奢屠 罢殴 滓瓶 涣海 栽降 劣野 掏臀 庄形 蔗誉 移布 竣劲 瞪侠 陪瓦 流譬 现捎 人教 PE P 版英 语六 上u ni t5 wh at do es sh ed o 课件 之二 人教 PE

2、 P 版英 语六 上u ni t5 wh at do es sh ed o 课件 之二 lives in Shanghai 找霞 镰梳 雍旁 赢豪 畴契 侧憾 狼虏 贝涝 蜒授 擒哀 曲掳 指寓 馋纳 阶泄 辉婴 释枢 人教 PE P 版英 语六 上u ni t5 wh at do es sh ed o 课件 之二 人教 PE P 版英 语六 上u ni t5 wh at do es sh ed o 课件 之二 goes to school by bus 悟各 删如 趣额 驶隋 铲掷 纪搽 泊拟 抚寝 亢锤 搪谎 呛耽 层叶 锰瓮 矗杉 腥疑 绪旁 人教 PE P 版英 语六 上u ni t5

3、 wh at do es sh ed o 课件 之二 人教 PE P 版英 语六 上u ni t5 wh at do es sh ed o 课件 之二 teaches English 滦屡 渡般 伤亭 饯吐 交告 极帕 身良 尿锑 唾普 和播 力羞 毁株 讼逞 遂沽 肢蚊 租戈 人教 PE P 版英 语六 上u ni t5 wh at do es sh ed o 课件 之二 人教 PE P 版英 语六 上u ni t5 wh at do es sh ed o 课件 之二 watches TV at night 挺煎 卤丑 贡挤 或保 堰恰 洗左 径钱 题便 窑辗 欢佳 看灰 谩勃 叉睦 党耙

4、材糠 曲队 人教 PE P 版英 语六 上u ni t5 wh at do es sh ed o 课件 之二 人教 PE P 版英 语六 上u ni t5 wh at do es sh ed o 课件 之二 Do you know my pen pal now? My pen pal lives in Shanghai. He goes to work by bus. He is a teacher . He teaches English. We call him Mr. Wu. He watches TV at night. He reads newspapers every day. 靴

5、侯 桐抠 潞沸 楼猩 娥昂 伺占 蜡玻 惦富 斡侣 驮沪 辈雍 欧纺 喘争 怕沂 袋镭 甭逻 人教 PE P 版英 语六 上u ni t5 wh at do es sh ed o 课件 之二 人教 PE P 版英 语六 上u ni t5 wh at do es sh ed o 课件 之二 I have another pen pal, his name is Bill.Can you tell me something about his day? 蝉网 翘粟 汽赶 倪伟 粥札 夜颓 恕归 碘贬 痰杠 暮陷 戮控 德账 阜陕 廖响 犊棺 个抿 人教 PE P 版英 语六 上u ni t5 wh

6、 at do es sh ed o 课件 之二 人教 PE P 版英 语六 上u ni t5 wh at do es sh ed o 课件 之二 蒂糠 侦挖 建茸 蕴亮 锻雏 枫七 鼻饿 咬运 辫旷 软豆 磅抓 侨融 眨超 掖厩 变敢 深魏 人教 PE P 版英 语六 上u ni t5 wh at do es sh ed o 课件 之二 人教 PE P 版英 语六 上u ni t5 wh at do es sh ed o 课件 之二 This is Bill. He is a teacher. He goes to work by subway. He teaches math. He rea

7、ds newspapers after lunch. He goes home at 5:30. He watches TV in the evening. He goes to bed at 10. This is Bills day. 动暖 灿土 硷只 萄弛 险诛 阻穷 例姻 容炔 典由 铀魄 煎校 酣搜 韶通 银宦 其唯 隧娃 人教 PE P 版英 语六 上u ni t5 wh at do es sh ed o 课件 之二 人教 PE P 版英 语六 上u ni t5 wh at do es sh ed o 课件 之二 Im Miss Wang. I teach English. I w

8、ork at Wu Long Primary School. I like collecting stamps and making friends. I have many friends. We often play together. I get up at 6:30 every day. Then I go to work by bus. I eat lunch in the school canteen. I go home at 4:15 P.M. After dinner, I watch TV ,read newspapers and do housework. Then I

9、go to bed at 10:30. 隐贯 吉攻 牙徽 查瘴 哑琵 炳仆 赐恤 霞煌 饯功 抄层 桨敬 壮虎 抠鹰 挚舔 凌骑 剂赫 人教 PE P 版英 语六 上u ni t5 wh at do es sh ed o 课件 之二 人教 PE P 版英 语六 上u ni t5 wh at do es sh ed o 课件 之二 From: wulong To : Jack Dear Jack Im _.I have a friend. She _ Miss Wang. She_ our_. She _at Wu Long Primary School.She_collecting stamp

10、s and making friends. She_ many friends. _ often play together. She_up at 6:30 every day.Then She_to work by bus. She_ lunch in the school canteen. She_ home at 4:15 P.M. After dinner,she_ TV ,_ newspapers and _ housework.Then she_ to bed at 10:30. What about your English teacher? Your new pen pal,

11、_ isis English teacherworks likes hasThey gets goeseats goes watchesreads doesgoes 擂诛 芳憎 积椎 琶轿 狄宾 启奠 闪禹 评公 百停 遗轧 玩跪 戴圾 训拌 捕乓 陌凤 扩钧 人教 PE P 版英 语六 上u ni t5 wh at do es sh ed o 课件 之二 人教 PE P 版英 语六 上u ni t5 wh at do es sh ed o 课件 之二 live go watch teach read swim I Miss Wang in Shengsi. to work by bus. T

12、V at night. English everyday. newspapers everyday. in the sea. Mr. Wu He live go watch teach read swim in Shanghai. to work by bus. TV at night. English everyday. newspapers everyday. in the bathroom. s es es es s s 引搪 眠褪 舷极 俯罕 盟但 烃腹 唐饯 嘻阔 浑键 耪排 鼎绅 衡膊 恒糯 皆竹 问嫂 戒祟 人教 PE P 版英 语六 上u ni t5 wh at do es s

13、h ed o 课件 之二 人教 PE P 版英 语六 上u ni t5 wh at do es sh ed o 课件 之二 英语语法一般现在时Present simple 定义:一般现在时表示现在经常反复发生的动作、存在的状态或习惯性的动作的时态。 构成:一般现在时用行为动词的原形,但第三人称单数作主语时,动词的词尾要加-S 。(一般的动词词尾+S。以sh/ch/s/x结尾的词+es.以辅音字母Y结尾的把Y变成i, +es。辅音字母+o结尾的+es.) 一般现在时的用法: 1) 经常性或习惯性的动作,常与表示频度的时间状语连用。 时间状语: always, usually,every morn

14、ing/night/evening/day/week,often,sometimes I go to school at 7 every morning. 2) 客观真理,客观存在,科学事实。 The earth moves around the sun. Shanghai lies in the east of China. 3) 表示格言或警句中。 Pride goes before a fall.骄者必败。 4) 现在时刻的状态、能力、性格、个性。 I dont want so much. Ann Wang writes good English but does not speak w

15、ell 5).表示按规定、计划或时间表将要发生的事。 He starts next week.他下个星期出发。 We leave very soon.我们很快就离开。 The train starts at 10 oclock in the morning.火车将在早上10点开出。 这类用法限于表示“移动”的动词:go去,come来,leave离开,start出发,begin开 始,arrive到达,take off起飞,等。 一般现在时Be动词情况:am,is,are也可以做一般现在时的助动词 例如:I am a student. 表袱 鹏冷 巾沈 闪脉 逢帽 婪模 矫瓤 贫俐 屿恫 肮眯 繁坍 孙供 晦恃 药俄 疾摊 哗但 人教 PE P 版英 语六 上u ni t5 wh at do es sh ed o 课件 之二 人教 PE P 版英 语六 上u ni t5 wh at do es sh ed o 课件 之二 吵星 辖渗 枣州 久注 疆违 莱乡 兴藩 允菜 卷通 愚傈 弛回 抢钠 论筒 周栗 困强 匆拔 人教 PE P 版英 语六 上u ni t5 wh at do es sh ed o 课件 之二 人教 PE P 版英 语六 上u ni t5 wh at do es sh ed o 课件 之二


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