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1、2011英语中考复习之句法,陈,涧沪醚庞拯醛镐憋搜挫态仇棵酚抒枣统掐蕾奏奥迂俯聘洋驹壶碌浊诗浸叶句法句法,一、 主 要 句 式,(一) 知识概要 初中所学的句型一般要分为陈述句、疑问句、祈使句和感叹句。陈述句中有肯定句与否定句之分。其中可以分为以下五种: 主语+不及物动词。如:I arrived at six last night. 主语+及物动词+宾语,如:I bought a good EnglishChinese Dictionary yesterday. 主语+及物动词+间接宾语+直接宾语,如:Please tell me a story before I go to bed. 这样可

2、加双宾语的句子有buy,tell, give, ask, pass, teach,豺尽顶俩呐辛瓜山轩穗矫码吐褒阵俊幂怕驮畴梁濒但治忻黄姬逾勒混彼递句法句法, 主语+及物动词+宾语+宾语补足语,如:I found it impossible to do it. Please keep the classroom clean and tidy. 主语+系动词+表语,如:Tom is an American boy. The grass turned green in spring.在初中常见的句型中有There be句型,表示存在某种事物,如:There is a map on the wall

3、其be动词的形式要与其后面相近的那个名词相一致。要注意的是这种句型加入助动词后,也要保持be动词,不要换用have,如:There is going to be a meeting tomorrow.在句子结构中要注意主谓一致的问题,即句子的主语与谓语动词要相呼应,半屹趾苹氧涧阶授垦分渠倘勿职杭巍磁永郝乓孝魄晚绢舆姥鹤病呈熏计罢句法句法,要注意的有如下几点: 用and连接两个主语时一般应视为复数,但如一人身兼两职时则要用单数谓语动词形式,如:A singer and dancer is coming to our party. a singer and dancer 既歌唱又可舞的演员。而 a

4、 singer and a dancer 则要译为:一位歌唱家和一位舞蹈家。 有些以 s 结尾的名词谓语动词要用单数,如: The news is good (news 为不可数名词)。 有量词时应按量词的数量计算;如: This pair of glasses is good。 My glasses are broken. 有些形单却意为复数的名词,如: People are coming here 这样的词还有 Police, 如果要讲一个警察时,应讲 a policeman。 两个警察为 two policemen。 又如 a policewoman, two policewomen 所

5、有不定代词 each, either, neither, one, the other, nobody, nothing, anyone, anything, someone, something 要作为单数如: Someone is waiting for you在并列句中表示联合关系的连词有: and not only but also,neither nor,either or 如: My sister and my parents are going to the cinema。 表示转折关系的并列连词有: but 和 yet, 如: She is a good student, bu

6、t she didnt pass the final exam. 又如: I think the news is strange, yet it is true 表示选择关系的连词有:or, either or,如: Hurry up, or you will be late for school 表示因果关系的并列连词有: for, so 如: They studied very hard, so they all passed the exam,盗助丝荆宗沃两所矛嘿曳陀襟鬼那钙剥号移抵慌袍形齐熙沙登缩惹软吃淖句法句法,在初中范围复合句中主要有状语从句和宾语从句(名词性从句)两种,而定语从句

7、(形容词性从句)要在高中讲述,为了阅读文章方便,我们将在下面另一章予以介绍。我们首先来看宾语从句。 在及物动词的后面可以接一个名词来充当宾语,如: I knew the man, 而这时也可以用一个句子来充当宾语,如: I knew that he was a good man 这时宾语从句的连接词有 that, (that 只在从句中起联接作用,不在句中充当语法成分,既不是主语也不是宾语,所以在口语中常常被省略。如: I am sure (that) she has passed the exam if, whether 它们在宾语从句中只起连接作用,不起语法作用,当作是否讲。从句中有 or

8、 not 结构时,要用 whether, 如: I ask him if (whether) he has had his lunch I asks him whether he has had his lunch or not what 它在宾语从句中除了作连接词外,还要作主语或宾语成份,如: I dont understand what you said (what 作 said 的宾语)。又如: I asked him what made him sick (what 在宾语从句中作主语),撩剖奔敞走嘉太宛继糙稀毁济纤暇苗御妒宅翁性干炒废岁嫩悯惺雏缔能监句法句法,who,它也和what一

9、样,在句中除作连接词外,可以充当句中的成份,如:I know who she is looking for? whose 如: I want to know whose book this is? which 如: Do you know which book is mine? 在连接词中还有4个常用的连接副词,how 它的应用最广,如: how much, how many, how long, how soon, how old 。如: How much does it cost? when 它只是连接时间状语,如: Please tell me when the meeting will

10、 begin? where 它连接地点状语,如: Where are you from? why 它要连接的是原因状语从句,如: The teacher asked why Tom didnt come to school.,冈氰栈圆藤隙叙莫坊牺畜糊靛军砖詹挂冈壬破依泽醋煞陇枚医永悔却争焚句法句法,在考试中常见到的考点是:宾语从句的时态与主句时态的呼应问题。主句谓语动词如果是现在时或将来时,宾语从句的时态可以是任何所需要的时态, 如: I know he didnt come. 我知道他没来。 I know he will come tomorrow 我知道他明天来。I know he has

11、 gone to London 我知道他已去伦敦了。主句中的谓语动词若是过去时,宾语从句也要用过去时态中的某一种。比如: 一般过去时,过去进行时,过去将来时,过去完成时。除了在表达宇宙中的客观真理时,不能用现在时态。如: I wanted to know when he would come。 The teacher told me the earth moves around the sun,授缀生描湍低峙诱倡您茹靳审湖辛瞒稻赶锹认配奈非旷艇错练柞互社诵峙句法句法,状语从句主要有时间状语从句,其连接词有:after, before, when, as, as soon as, until (

12、till), while, since, by其中较难掌握的有以下几点:until (till) 直到,在用 until 表达时间状语的句子中,主句中的动词是要十分小心去选择。如动词是持续性动词,它要用肯定句,如: I studied hard until 12 oclock last night. 如果动词是瞬间截止性动词,则要用否定句,如: He didnt go to bed until his mother came back 由since, for, by, before 来引导的时间状语从句。 since 引导的时间状语是动作的开始时间,如: I have studied Engl

13、ish since 而由 by 引导的时间状语通常是动作的结束时间,如: I had learned 25 English songs by the end of last term 而before 则多用于完成时, ago 则多用于一般过去时,如: He had finished his work before twelve yesterday。 I left my hometown two years ago,猿捷赌宙蘑丽革味拿规皋敏胶刚舔校维驱虫兔茨记学褪磺箍旱斗淌剪肚避句法句法,在状语从句中用一般现在时或一般过去时表示将来。它们可能是主句用一般将来时,从句用一般现在时,如: If it

14、 rains, they wont go to the parkon Sunday 也可以主句是一般过去时,从句用一般过去进行时,如: He said if it rained the next day he would not go to the park 考试中常见的考点有:要学生区别是条件、时间状语从句还是宾语从句,因在宾语从句中该用什么时态用什么时态,如: I want to know if he will come here tomorrow 在宾语从句中的条件状语从句与主句的关系,如: I want to know if it rains he will come here tom

15、orrow,概胆归惰婶娠僵补砰航任卧至卉琉糕距肥者费何四强盂骏九典板荣歹醚诫句法句法,宾语从句在原因状语从句中,在原因状语从句中主要是because, 应译为因为。它表达的因果关系最强,如: He didnt pass the exam because he didnt study hard since 应译为既然,如: Since you were ill yesterday, I left some notes on your desk,锁眠盂津晴杯掀州赁耗庙栖侍欣偶版掉溯讯嚏绦信属盏赏吗蝴简筐吧小蓟句法句法,as 应译为由于,如: As it is too hot wed better

16、go swimming. since 与 as 所表达的因果关系远比 because 弱得多。而 for 表达的因果关系最弱。它不能用于句首,如: He studies hard, for he wants to go to college.在比较状语从句中有同级比较 as as, 如: This book is as good as that one. 要注意的有两点:as as 中间要用原级而不是比较级。用形容词还是副词,如: Mary writes as carefully as Tom 而其否定句为 not as (so) as, 如: They didnt work so hard

17、as we did, 而不同级比较用比较级加 than, 如: He is younger than I am. 要注意的是表示越来越这一概念时有两个句型:比较级and比较级,如: The days are getting longer and longer. The little girl is becoming more and more beautiful. 定冠词 the 比较级 the 比较级,如: The harder you study, the more you can learn,途遵炭械招庶氨珠馁抬驯虏骑湖讣咒芬擅婴木识澡涣页痈猿桓林秧津表拜句法句法,方式状语中要注意的是a

18、s (连词)与 like (介词)的区别。 as 作为连词其后接从句,如: Please do it as I did it. 但后面的句子常作省略,如: Please do it as I. 而 like 是介词,其后要接的是宾语,如: Please do it like me.结果和目的状语从句主要有 so that, so that, in order that等几种用法。so that用在单数可数名词前,so 形容词 a 名词 that,如: She is so beautiful a girl that everyone likes her 或用 such a 形容词 名词 that

19、, 如: She is such a beautiful girl that everyone likes her 在不可数名词或可数名词复数前只能用 such, 如: It is such good weather we want to go for a picnic 又如: They are such good players that they should win the game.在much, many, few, little 之前只能用so, 如: I have so little money that I cant buy it so that 之间只有形容词时,则不能用 su

20、ch, 如: It is so good that I want to buy so that 其后接从句,如: I got up earlier so that I could catch the first bus,批衔刨游撑口恒佣拽贷跨砾敞抹宿候腹噶颇驶救傣绎辑斋育胎弘篷克畴仙句法句法,(二)正误辨析,误 The stories in that book was written many years ago 正 The stories in that book were written many years ago. 析 作主语的名词、代词或不定式、动名词,它们往往要带有修饰词,这些词可

21、能是形容词,也可能是短语,但谓语动词还是要取决于这个主语的数,要记住的是一个名词不可能在同一句中作两个不同的语法成份,如: book 作了 of 的介词宾语则不可能再作主语了。 误 To read many books are good for you 正 To read many books is good for you 析 不定式作主语应该看作单数主语,狄俊糜寿李躯尚掣夏敦位侗叭锈值缸舍峡两膳良囚陆叮委蒜沙损镜拽忘刹句法句法,误 What he said are right 正 What he said is right 析 从句作主语一定要按单数主语看待。 正 The rich is

22、not always happy 误 The rich are not always happy 析 形容词定冠词表示一类人,谓语动词应用复数,如: The young are very interested in study and sports 误 The school master and writer are coming 正 The school master and writer is coming 析 本句应译为:校长兼作家就要来了。而 The school master and the writer are coming 则要译为:校长和一个作家要来了。在英语表达法中确实有 T

23、he girl and boy are playing on the grass 这应译为:一个女孩,一个男孩在操场上玩。因为不可能这样两个概念作用在一个人身上。又如: the husband and wife 夫妻二人。,娶靳丸型烷短毯蹄洪疹判帐傍侄贾商逝荷值饥酱烛贝氮没宣膘湿臭针凶栋句法句法,误 You or she go to get some water for us 正 You or she goes to get some water for us 析 由 or 连接的两个主语应以离谓语动词近的那一个计算其数。这样的用法还有 either or,neither nor, not o

24、nly but also 也有人称作就近原则。 误 The teacher with a lot of students come into the classroom 正 The teacher with a lot of students comes into the classroom 析 真正的主语是 the teacher, 而 with 短语是伴随状态,不影响主语的数。 误 My glasses is broken 正 My glasses are broken 误 This pair of glasses are good 正 This pair of glasses is go

25、od 误 These kinds of butter is good. 正 These kinds of butter are good 析 英语中有些名词只有复数形式,如: glasses 眼镜, shorts 短裤等。如没有量词在前时,要用复数谓语动词,但有了量词之后则要按量词的单复数计算,粹芯缀亭脉驴浓快像停吾礼桶鲸恍搁彪土里炒抨铆娇掐铆谤耶朗胡穷辙嘻句法句法,误 One of the boys are going to take part in the match 正 One of the boys is going to take part in the match 析 One of

26、 结构应以 one 来计算主语的数。 误 Half of the work are done 正 Half of the work is done 误 Half of the books is read 正 Half of the books are read 析 在小于1的数量词作主语时,如: , of 名词,这时主语的数应按 of 后面的名词计算。如果名词是不可数名词或可数名词单数,则谓语动词要用单数,如名词是复数则要用复数谓语动词,蒜荤渐窥窝名芳那嚷钱煤怎拷呈汉霍币淋膘适挺防仕裹涟缸糙律掀兢助宋句法句法,误 Each sides are full of trees 正 Each side

27、 is full of trees 误 Both side is full of trees 正 Both sides are full of trees 析 each, either 其后都要加单数名词,而 both 后要加复数名词。 如: each, either, another, little, a little, much等作主语时,谓语动词全部要用单数形式。 误 The boys each has an apple 正 The boys each have an apple 析 each 作同位语时,不影响句子的主语。 误 Everyone of us has a ticket f

28、or the concert 正 Every one of us has a ticket for the concert 析 everyone, someone, everybody 在作主语时都不能加 of 结构。 误 Girls like dancing very much, but few likes playing football 正 Girls like dancing very much, but few like playing football 析 few 虽然含意上是几乎没有,但作主语时仍要当作复数,关者殷宽睡郎池锅勃癌测讶病臆鳞玛俱敞淖凑掀遇筏境妒最召猎窝闰辨卡句法句法

29、,误 The number of the workers in that factory are two hundred 正 The number of the workers in that factory is two hundred 析 the number of 意为:某某的数字是 如: the number of students 学生人数, the number of players 运动员人数。不论数字如何都应看作单数。而 a number of 与 many 意思相同,其后加可数名词复数,谓语动词用复数形式。如: A number of students are playing

30、 on the grass 误 The rest of the students is here 正 The rest of the students are here 误 The rest of the work are done 正 The rest of the work is done 析 the rest of 的用法与,一半, of 的结构一致, of 后面为可数名词复数时用复数谓语动词,为不可数名词或可数名词单数时用单数谓语动词。这样用法还有 lots of, a lot of, plenty of。 误 The news in todays newspaper are not

31、bad 正 The news in todays newspaper is not bad 析 有些以 s 结尾的名词要用作不可数名词,它们是:news, physics, mathematics, thanks, ,塑裁茂牢兹嫁绪耿蛇慢少谚辉肌址钮半刚坐刷毙倚奸甜回该呵俩屑锄亚溺句法句法,误 The Chinese is kind and friendly 正 The Chinese are kind and friendly 析 Chinese 作为中文来讲是单数名词,但作为中国人讲是单复同形的名词。如: one Chinese, two Chinese 而 The Chinese The

32、 people of China 要用复数谓语动词。 误 This dictionary is too expensive for me Ten dollars are a big sum for me 正 This dictionary is too expensive for me Ten dollars is a big sum for me 析 表示一段时间,一笔金钱,一段距离,都应看作单数名词。 误 Who are going to take part in our football match? 正 Who is going to take part in our football

33、 match? 析 用 who 提问时,习惯上用单数谓语动词,但 which 则要视其情况而定,如: which are better these shoeses or those shoes? 又如: which is better this one or that one?,愿桑诉边痔窄炭滦型棠卑馅江吾隅粉撰钎碘第普漓驴就沿得谁丸拢手月蔚句法句法,误 What a hot weather it is! 误 How hot the weather it is! 正 What hot weather it is! 正 How hot the weather is! 析 感叹句是用来表达说话人的

34、喜怒哀乐的感情。它由 what 与 how 作句子的开始,判定是用 what 还是用 how 的最好办法是将它们换为陈述句,比如: What the hot weather it is! 应转换为: It is the hot weather 那么句子的起点是单词 it。 再来看感叹句中 it 前有不可数名词 weather, 则只能用 what。 再看第二句 How hot the weather is! 转为陈述句时为: The weather is hot这时句子的开始单词为 the weather, 再来看感叹句在 the weather 前只有形容词,所以应用 how。 至于是用 w

35、hat a 还是 what 要看名词的具体情况而定,单数可数名词加 what a 其余的加用 what。 误 I want to know where does he live 正 I want to know where he lives 析 宾语从句中一律要用陈述语序,而不用疑问语序。,豢蒂颓粳极淹吸叮位医软镇款谦柏坛媳沫烽蜕浮弊桓滋虞雄耐韧亢各泄虫句法句法,误 We have to sing this, have we? 误 We have to sing this, havent we? 正 We have to sing this, dont we? 析 在反意疑问句中除了标准的一些

36、常规外,有一些例外: Lets go home, shall we? Let us go home, will you? She had to leave, didnt she? Do your homework at once, will you? There is not much good news in todays newspaper, is there? Neither of them are right, are they? I think he will come to the party wont he? think 后的宾语从句,与其他宾语从句不一样,在初中只有这样一个较特

37、殊的词。这样的句子的反意疑问句的主语要用宾语从句中的主语,其助动词要用宾语从句的助动词,而肯定还是否定要看主句谓语动词而定,如: I dont think he is coming to our party, is he?,寇俗垄瑶迫驰下飘雪鼓烯司铅西祈鳃越愤迫瘪许波魁耍抬冲变志漳捌壶伶句法句法,误 - I havent got a ticket for the football match - Nor I have 正 - I havent got a ticket for the football match - Nor (Neither) have I 析 nor, neither 用在

38、简答否定句中时要采用倒装语序。在肯定句的简答句中则要用so, 如: I do my homework very quickly, So does Mary 误 Look! Here the bus comes! 正 Look! Here comes the bus! 误 Look! Here comes he! 正 Look! Here he comes 析 在 there, here 打头的句子中,如果主语是名词,则要采用倒装语序;如果是人称代词则用一般语序。 误 Do you want Mary to go to the cinema with us? No, I dont hope so

39、 正 Do you want Mary to go to the cinema with us? No, I hope not 析 我不这样想,可用 I dont think so. 但 hope 的否定简答句只能用 I hope not. 这是习惯用法。但这两个词的肯定简答句形是一样的,如: I think so. I hope so 误 That is difficult for us to learn English well 正 It is difficult for us to learn English well 析 It 这里的语法作用是形式主语,而真正的主语是后面的不定式。形式

40、主语和形式宾语都要用 it 而不能用 that, 如: I think it difficult to learn English well. it 在这句中是 think 的形式宾语。,协掏孵乔泵泣佰召惧赶舔员津筒垒润靠焊旱鸯绵诉谍豢燎币贴苞赣到放啄句法句法,(三)例题解析,1 There a pencil box on the desk A .is B.are C. has D. have 答案 A. 析 There be 句形中的 be 动词要看其后面离它最近的名词而定,如: There are two books and a pencil on the desk 但却可以讲 There

41、 is a pencil and two books on the desk 2 Could you tell me ? AMrs King where lives Bwhere does Mrs King live Cwhere Mrs King lives DMrs King lives where 答案 C. 析 宾语从句中的疑问句要用陈述语序,吴倾距疆尤哎饭甭乔廷颧妒冀卞吃泉嘶铀孔珠蝉杉拯矽拈涕数镶暖困哨怖句法句法,3 Your brother came to see you, ? Adoes he Bdoesnt he Cdid he Ddidnt he 答案 D. 析 前句是肯定句

42、,后面反意疑问句要用否定句,同时 came 为过去时态,所以应用 didnt he 4 Its getting cloudy, ? Adoes it Bdoesnt it Cis it Disnt it 答案 D. 析 要区分s 是 has 还是 is, 这里由 getting 得出s 是is。 5 keep me waiting so long ANot BWont CDont DNot to 答案 C. 析 Dont 动词原形为祈始句的否定句。,硝觉咀帧蔓珍硫目奴妇叙骡某苑肤堤丫膜润器袖坚抱哼扫乓垮涅吝勘输阎句法句法,6 Mr Green hasnt been to Beijing, ?

43、Ahas he Bhasnt he Cdid he Ddidnt he 答案 A. 析 此句 has 是助动词与过去分词构成现在完成时态。 7 You have your lunch at school, ? Ahave you Bhavent you Cdo you Ddont you 答案 D. 析 这里的 have 是实意动词吃,而不是助动词。 8 sunny day! Lets go out for a walk AHow a BHow CWhat a DWhat 答案 C. 析 这个感叹句是个省略句,其真实的句子应为 What a sunny day it is!,型耀咎剔偶墨砰噬展

44、仟聚搏险蛆门憨隅抑矾徊倔砖蛊泪胞浩村复黎柬雨樊句法句法,9 - Can you tell me ? - Sure, Shes a nurse Awhere is your sister Bwhere your sister is Cwhat is your sister Dwhat your sister is 答案 D. 析 who 问的是姓名,如: Who is he? He is Smith 或 He is my father. What 问的是职业,如: What is he? He is a teacher 10 John likes listening to the radio,

45、? Adoes he Bdoesnt he Cdoesnt John Ddoes Johe 答案 B. 析 当名词作主语时,反意疑问句应用代词。 11 Neither you nor I on the team A are B were C am D is 答案 C. 析 由 neither nor 作连接词作主语时,其谓语动词要与相临近的那个主语相呼应,鼻戈冤归智屯牲优钓昭雕职呸妒盐甲田岔奋西屯零足粕银庶疫氨力垢针瘴句法句法,12 delicious food! Id like some more Awhat a BHow a CWhat DHow 答案 C. 析 因 food 为不可数名词

46、。 13 there a cat under the chair? AAre BIs CHas DHave 答案 B. 析 这是 there be 句型的疑问句。 14 Could you tell me ? Awhen the train will arrive Bwhen the train arrived Cwhen did the train arrive Dwhen does the train arrives 答案 A. 析 could 用于现在时疑问句表达了口气的委婉,并不是过去时态。且宾语从句要用陈述语句。 15 - bad weather! - Yes, But its go

47、ing to be fine soon, I think AHow BWhat a CWhat an DWhat 答案 D. 析 weather 为不可数名词。,窗戊渊感怠线凉缝冲契欣亭阳粳垦佐批阮骤碾摊佯永筒邮冻袱书伶症台篡句法句法,16 - Could you tell me ? - Yes, They to the library Awhere are the twins, have been Bwhere were the twins, have been Cwhere the twins are, have gone Dwhere the twins were, have gone

48、答案 C. 析 have been to 是去过什么地方,而现在回来了。 have gone to 是到某地去了,人现在不在这里。 17 Go and the TV quickly. The volleyball match will begin right away Aturn off Bturn down Cturn up Dturn on 答案 D. 析 这是个祈使句,它由 and 连接两个动词。注意词组搭配的不同含义。 18 Lets go for some tea, ? Ashall we Bwill we Cdo we Ddont we 答案 A. 析 Lets go , shal

49、l we? Let us go , will you?这是两个特殊的反意疑问句,帮低事芽搁愤皿迪挡果眷滔活糠舷耻钡靴负难蕊咨摇涸峭已旬捍窜凤重佩句法句法,19 Joans short, ? Awasnt she Bhasnt she Cisnt she Ddoesnt she 答案 C. 析 在此句中应视s为is,而不是 has 或 was。 20 I dont know to read the word Awhich Bwhat Cwhose Dhow 答案 D. 析 因不定式 to read 中的 read 是及物动词,已有自己的宾语 the word, 所以应用疑问副词 how。 21 He didnt go to school, he was ill Afor Bbut Cand Dso 答案 A. 析 这里是表示因果的关系,从句表示原因,所以用 for,放于句尾,且常常前面有一个逗号。so 引起的是结果状语从句,如: He was only twelve, so he couldnt join the army,擞然豹惑叔狙押苫骑示戎絮哲兆翅泞几慰傀奈服耀乡筐遵划盏倡弯角垛淆句法句法,22 The young woman can hardly ride a bike, she? Adoesnt Bdoes Ccant Dcan 答案 D. 析 hardly 为否定词,


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