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1、译林3B U7单元测试卷U7 on the farmName: _ (满分:100分) Score: _听力部分:30分一、听录音,选出你所听到的内容。(5分)( )1. A. how B. now C. cow( )2. A. pig B. big C. bag( )3. A. pear B. here C. there( )4. A. this B. these C. those( )5. A. for B. time C. farm二、听录音,判断所听内容与图片是否一致,相符的用表示,不相符的用表示。(8分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )三、听录音,选择

2、应答句。(8分)( )1. A. Theyre pens. B. Its a pen. ( )2. A. No. They are ducks. B. No. They are chickens.( )3. A. Its orange. B. Its an orange. .( )4. A. Its time for dinner. B. Its time for breakfast.( )5. A. Its a duck. B. They are ducks. ( )6. A. Its nine. B. Im nine. ( )7. A. Its on the tree. B. Its un

3、der the tree. ( )8. A. Yes. Its a cow. B. No. Its a cow. 四、听录音,将相应的图片连线。(4分) 五、听录音,填入所缺单词。(一空一词) (5分)1. Welcome _ my _.2. What are _? _ pencils.3. _ _ a cake? No, its a _.4. Are _ red _?5. _this? Hes my _.笔试部分:70分一、找出下列单词的同类。(10分)( )1.these A.ten B.this C.they( )2.cow A.open B.pencil C.chicken( )3.o

4、range A.pear B.close C.English( )4.who A.what B.wow C.welcome( )5.farm A.apple B.library C.pig二、英汉互译。(10分)1.在农场上 _2.在树下_3.那些红苹果_4.这只梨_5.两头奶牛_ 6.一只橙色的包_7.那只鸡_8.这些鸭子_9. Welcome to _ 10.hurry up_三、选择。( 12分)( ) 1. Look _ my jacket. A. in B. for C. at( ) 2. Its time _ drink. A. for B. to C. is( ) 3. Is t

5、his _? No. Thats my sister, Tina, A. your B. you C. my( ) 4. _these ducks? No, _ chickens. A. Is; its B. Is; theyre C. Are; theyre( ) 5. What are those _ the tree? They are apples. A. on B. in C. at( ) 6. _ are they? Theyre over there. A. What B. Where C. Who( ) 7. What color is the pen? Its _ orang

6、e.A. an B. a C. /( ) 8. _ is your sister? Shes eleven. A. Where B. What C.How old( ) 9. Those are _ red _. A. a; apple B. /; apple C. /; apples( ) 10. What _ that? _ a ruler. A. are; Theyre B. is; Thats C. is; Its( ) 11. _ this? _my mother. A. Whats; Hes B. Whos; Hes C. Whos; Shes( )12. What are _ o

7、ver there? A. those B. that C. these四、根据情景选答句。(6分)( )1.你第一次见到Helen,你很高兴,你会说:A.Hello,Helen. B.Goodmorning,Helen.C.Nicetomeetyou,Helen.( )2.你想知道远处的那些东西是什么,你会说:A.Whatsthat?B.Whatarethese?C.Whatarethose?( )3.你去农场玩,农民伯伯会对你说:A.Thisismyfarm. B.Welcometomyfarm.C.Whattimeisit?( )4.你想问这些是不是苹果,你会说:A.Aretheseap

8、ples?B.Arethoseapples?C.Aretheseapples?( )5.你想告诉别人那些是奶牛的时候,你会说:A.Theyrecows.B.Thesearecows.C.Thosearecows.( )6.你想知道现在几点钟了,你会说:A.Whattimeisit?B.Howoldareyou?C.Itstimeforbreakfast.五、选择合适的疑问词完成下列句子(5分)What, what time, what colour, how old, where1、 is your cap? Its an orange.2、 is it? Its three oclock.3

9、、 is your sister? Shes twelve.4、 are these? Theyre cakes.5、 _is the cow? Its on the farm.六、情景匹配。(7分)( )1.Aretheseapples?A.No,itisnt.( )2.Whatarethose?B.Yes,theyareapples.( )3.Nicetomeetyou.C.Thankyou.( )4.Welcometothefarm.D.Imtwelve.( )5.Arethosepears?E.Theyreducks.( )6.Isthatapig? F.Nice to meet yo

10、u, too.( )7.Howoldareyou?G.No,they arent.七、连词成句。(10分)1、 those, are, too, apples (?)_2、 to, farm, welcome, my (.)_3、 is, a, it, duck (?)_4、 are, those, oranges (.)_5、English , is , book, my, that (.)_八、阅读理解。(10分)Mike: Welcome to my home(家). Tom: Thank you! Whats that on the wall(墙?)Mike: Its a pictur

11、e. Tom: Whos this? Is this you?Mike: Yes. Tom: What are those behide the door?Mike: Oh, theyre toy cars. They are my birthday presents(礼物). Look at the box. Guess(猜)! Whats in it? Tom: Is it a toy dog?Mike: No, it isnt. Tom: Is it a robot?Mike: Yes, it is. Tom: Oh, its four oclock. Its time to go home(回家). Goodbye!Mike: Bye!判断下列句子是否与短文意思相符,相符的用表示,不相符的用表示。(5分)( )1. The boy in the picture is Tom. ( )2. The toy cars are behind the door.( )3. Theres(有) a robot in the box. ( )4. Its five oclock.( )5. Its time for dinner.


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