Module 7 Unit 1 He spend about 21 hours in space.doc

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《Module 7 Unit 1 He spend about 21 hours in space.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Module 7 Unit 1 He spend about 21 hours in space.doc(4页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Module 7 Unit 1 He spend about 21 hours in space.【教材分析】语言功能:叙述过去已经发生的事情语言结构:含有过去时形式的陈述句.教学目标:a.语言知识目标:He spent about 21hours in space. Shenzhou V flew into space.Vocabulary: spend, excited, video, proud, somedayb.语言技能目标:运用语言知识谈论过去的活动。c.情感态度目标:培养学生积极参与合作学习的意识。教学重、难点:重点:理解运用含有过去时形式的陈述句。难点:fly, spend,

2、can, come 的过去式形式及读音。【学生分析】对于过去时的认识和理解,学生在本课之前的学习活动中已经早有涉及,学生能够基本把握一般过去时的概念及含义。但是对于不规则动词的变化及运用还比较陌生。通过本课教学意图使学生对一般过去时的形式和用法有一个全面的了解,并能够尝试运用陈述句叙述过去的活动。【设计理念】在中小学英语教学中应采用任务型教学法,培养学生的实践和创新能力,就必须把学生的生活实际和兴趣作为教学的出发点和落脚点。因此为为学生创设生动、鲜活自然的语言环境,让学生积极主动建构语言知识及语言运用方式,激发学生的二次创造,是英语任务教学法的精髓。在本模块教学中,把语言知识的复习贯穿于任务型

3、的活动中,促使学生积极运用语言。【教学准备】录音机、单词卡片若干、教学挂图、PPT【教学流程】一 Warm-up(热身活动)利用课前制作的模型,师生对话T:Guess who made it.S:Lily? Lili made it.简单地会话可以引出过去时的语境,让学生自然的进入过去时的学习状态。T:What about this one? 课件中展示神州5号的图片,引出本课内容,实现自然过度。二 Presentation(介绍新语言项目)The information about Shenzhou from the students.让学生展示自己查找的资料,并与同学分享,在学习课文之前,

4、初步了解课文背景,有利于更好的学习课文。接着教师问: What does our text tell us? 引发学生的学习欲望。三New teaching(课文教学)1、T: Listen and get some information from it. What have you heard?S:- 每个同学都有所得,哪怕是一个单词也好,培养他们的自信心,成就感。2、T: Read it by yourselves with the questions and then talk with your groups.Such as:When did it fly into space?Ho

5、w long did he spend in space?带着问题再读课文,在初步了解的基础上阅读,培养学生的阅读能力,及方法。3、Ask and answer. Know the general idea. 通过对基本问题的回答,文章中的一些较难的语句得以理解,由不懂到懂,由好的同学带后进的同学,培养团队精神。4、Listen and find all the verbs in the past tense.通过听音,找到过去式,在培养听力能力的同时,学生又会了解动词过去式的语音特点,并以此避免单纯的语法讲解。Give out the original verbs.给好的学生充分展示自己的空

6、间,由他们代替老师,成为学习的对象,变换角色,吸引注意力。比赛:Show the students cards of the words, make them say the original ones quickly.One by one, the group who are all right is the winner.将单纯的练习转变成游戏的形式,调动每一个学生参与活动的积极性。四 Practice(练习 )1、 完成课堂活动用书练习1:注意纠正答案中的句式等语法错误。2、Game: make interesting sentences with the words given by

7、themselves.1st: a name of a person2nd: a verb in the past tense3rd: a place you like4th; a time you dislikeFor example: Sam flew in the sea last Sunday.(联系实际,将所学知识与学生自己密切联系起来,增加趣味性,教师鼓励学生在运用教材中提供的词句基础上灵活运用语言。)3、 完成课堂活动用书练习3、4、5.五 Production(任务完成)T:What did you see from the vidoe? 请学生看有关神州五号记录片。S:Som

8、e sentenses about the text.将所看到的和学到的容为一体,真正的学以致用。六 Summary and homework(小结与作业)Tell your parents about Shenzhou V.变向的要求学生将所学的课文复述出来,使学生降低对作业,对背诵课文的厌恶感,并使课堂活动延伸到课外,让学生在充分自由的空间里感受到成功的喜悦。book 12 M7U1 He spent about 21 hours in space 一、warm up 1. Greeting: How are you today? Whats the weather like today?

9、 What was the weather like yesterday? What did you do? 2. Say the passtence as quickly as you can. 二、Presentation 1. Show a picture about spaceship, let students guess Whats the name of it? Everyone in China was excited. Teach: excited 2. who was inside? let students know about Yang Liwei. Teach : p

10、roud 三、New lesson 1.Lets watch and answer: q1: How many hours did Yang Liwei spend? q2: When did ShenzhouV flew into space? 2.Enjoy some pictures watch carefully :When did they fly into space? Then fill in the blanks. When did they fly into space? In November 1999,Shenzhou I flew into space. _ ,Shen

11、zhou II flew into space. In March 2002 ,Shenzhou III flew into space. _ ,Shenzhou IV flew into space. In October 2003,Shenzhou V flew into space. _ ,Shenzhou VI flew into space. In September 2008, Shenzhou VII flew into space. 3. Please listen part 1 and part 2. Then choose the right answers. Yang L

12、iwei was _ first man in space. A. Chinas B. Americas C. Russias Everyone in China was very _. angry B. sad C. excited Yang Liwei is from_. A. Liaoning B. Shandong C.Hubei 4. Please open your book 26. Read part 2 by yourself then fill in the blanks. When he was a little boy, he _ _ go into space. He

13、_ very _ at school. And then his dream _ _. 5.Show some pictures then fill in the blanks. Fei Junlong and Nei Haisheng _go into space. Then his dream_. He_ about _hours in space. 6. Please read part 3 and part 4 the judge. ( ) 1. Yang Liwei made a video. ( ) 2. Everyone couldnt see him in space on T

14、V. ( ) 3. His first words in space were “I feel good.” 7. Read and Guess Who is he? 8. Listen and repeat 四、Practice 1.AB26 P1 2. Fill in the blanks. In October 2003, Shenzhou V into space. Yang Liwei was . He was Chinas first man in . He _ about hours in space. Everyone in China was very and now Yang Liwei is very .When he was a little boy, he to go into space. He _ very hard at school. And then his dream . His first words in space , “I feel good”. His son _ his father in space and he was _ of him. 五、consolidation Write about your dream on your paper.


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