pep三上单元题 Unit Five Let27s eat.doc

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1、Unit Five Lets eat! Part A听力部分1、 听音,选出你所听到的内容,并把答案代号写在题前括号内。每个小题内容读两遍。( B )1. A. Pp B. Tt C. Ss( A )2. A. bread B. red C. leg( B )3. A. nose B. juice C. pencil( C )4. A. bag B. pig C. egg( A )5. A. milk B. mouth C. monkey二、听音排序,根据你所听到的内容给下列图片排顺序,并把答案代号写在题前括号内。每个小题内容读两遍。 ( 3 ) ( 1 ) ( 2 ) ( 4 )3、 听问句

2、,选答语,并把答案代号写在题前括号内。每个小题内容读两遍。( A )1. A. Here you are. B. I have some juice. C. Nice to meet you.( B )2. A. Goodbye! B. Thanks. C. Im hungry.( C )3. A. Have some milk. B. Great! C. Have some bread.( C )4. A. Id like an egg, please. B. Here you are. C. Its an egg.笔试部分基础知识巩固四、先将下列字母的大小写连线,然后按字母表的顺序写在四线

3、三格内。 Q S R T O P p q o s r t五、选出每组中不同类的一项。( C )1. A. milk B. juice C. bread ( A )2. A. egg B. monkey C. duck ( C )3. A. bread B. egg C. panda ( B )4. A. eye B. egg C. ear( B )5. A. pen B. milk C. crayon六、根据单词选择合适的图片,并把答案代号写在题前括号内。( A )1. milk ( D )2. egg ( B )3. bread ( C )4. juiceA. B. C. D. 七、图文连线

4、。Have an egg.Drink some milk.Eat some bread.Have some juice.四、下面方框里的单词迷路了,你能根据它们的首字母把它们送回家吗?1. on 2. pig 3. rice 4. six 5. tiger 6. ten 7. Sarah 8. red 9. pen 10. orange 11.queen 12. quiet Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt能力拓展提升八、单项选择。将合适的答案代号写在题前括号内。( A )1. _ some bread. A. Have B. Drink C. Id( B )2. - Id like som

5、e juice, please. - _ A. Thank you. B. Here you are. C. Cool. I like it.( C )3. Id like _ eggs. A. a B. an C. some( C )4. - Have some bread. - _ A. Here you are. B. Id like some bread. C. Thank you,( B )5. _ some milk. A. Eat B. Drink C. Thanks九、英汉连线。将左边的英语句子和其右边的汉语意思连线。Id like some juice,please.Here

6、 you are.Have some bread.Im hungry.Drink some milk.Eat some eggs.喝些牛奶。我想要些果汁。给你。吃些面包。吃些鸡蛋。.我饿了。十、补全对话。将合适的句子的字母序号写在横线上。A. Its an egg. B. Thank you. C. Have some bread. D. Here you are!1. Tom: Id like some bread, please. Sam: _D_2. Lily: Whats that? Tom: _A_3. Sarah: Mum. Im hungry. Mum: _C_4. Tom: H

7、ave some eggs. Sam: _B_十一、连词成句,把单词序号写在每小题下的横线上。1. like some Id juice .2. you Here are .3. hungry Im .4. Have bread some .5. milk some Drink 十二、给下列句子排序,组成一段对话,并把序号写在每句前的括号内。( 4 ) Thanks.( 2 ) Here you are.( 1 ) Id like some juice, please.( 3 ) Have some bread, too.十三、情景交际。选择合适的句子,并把答案代号填在题前括号内。( B )1

8、. 下午放学回家,你饿了,应对妈妈说: A. Im fine. B. Im hungry. C. Hi, Mom.( A )2. 请别人吃面包时,可以说: A. Have some bread. B. Have some juice. C. Have some eggs.( B )3. 如果你想喝果汁,你应该说: A .Have some juice. B.Id like some juice. C. I like juice.( A )4. 爸爸让你把果汁递过去,你说: A. Here you are. B. Thank you. C. Id like some juice.( C )5.

9、小美到胡图图家做客时,胡图图用果汁招待小美,他应说: A. Id like some juice. B. I like juice. C. Have some juice.开心智慧乐园Feeding the baby 喂宝宝。Oh!Is it too hot? Im sorry. 喔!太烫了吗?对不起!Lets blow on it. 来吹一吹。OK! Here you go. 好了,可以吃了。Yummy! Yummy! Eat more! 好吃喔!多吃一点。Unit Five Lets eat! Part B听力部分1、 听单词,选出你所听到的单词,并把答案代号写在题前括号内。每个小题内容读

10、两遍。( C )1. A. ruler B. white C. water( B )2. A. cat B. cake C. book( A )3. A. fish B. face C. juice( C )4. A. red B. nose C. rice( B )5. A. bag B. egg C. leg二、听音排序,根据你所听到的内容给下列图片排顺序,并把答案代号写在题前括号内。每个小题内容读两遍。 ( 4 ) ( 1 ) ( 3 ) ( 2 )3、 听句子,选出你所听到的句子,并将答案代号写在题前括号内。每个小题内容读两遍。( B )1. A. Can I have some br

11、ead, please? B. Can I have some water, please? C. Id like some water.( C )2. A. Have some eggs. B. Im hungry. C. Here you are.( A )3. A. Thank you. B. Very well, thanks. C. Im hungry.( B )4. A. How are you? B. Youre welcome. C. Lets go to school.( C )5. A. Drink some water. B. Eat some fish. C. Cut

12、the cake.笔试部分基础知识巩固四、选出下列每小题单词中不同类的一项,并把答案代号写在题前括号内。( C )1. A. cake B. egg C. pig( A )2. A. bread B. cat C. duck( C )3. A. water B. juice C. rice( A )4. A. egg B. cat C. rice( C )5. A. fish B. rice C. orange五、看图,从下列方框中选择正确的单词,并把单词序号写在题前括号内。A. water B. juice C. rice D. cake E. bread F. fish G. milk H

13、. eggs( A )1. ( E )2. ( C )3. ( F )4. ( B )5. ( H )6. ( G )7. ( D )8. 六、读出下列方框内的单词,并数一数这些单词有几个是相同的。milk juice rice fish rice cake egg fish cake bread cake fish water juice watermilk _1_ juice _2_ rice _2_ fish _3_ cake _3_egg _1_ bread _1_ water _2_七、判断下列句子与图片是否一致,一致的在句子前括号内画“ ”,不一致的画“ ”。( )1. Id li

14、ke some rice.( )2. Have some bread.( )3. Can I have some fish, please?( )4. Cut the cake.( )5. Can I have some water, please?八、从下列方框中给图片选出相应的句子,并把答案代号写在对应图片下的括号内。A. Have some juice. B. Drink some water. C. Eat some bread.D. Cut the cake. E. Eat some rice. F. Eat some fish. ( B ) ( A ) ( C ) ( E ) (

15、D ) ( F )能力拓展提升十、单项选择。选择合适的答案,并把答案代号写在题前括号内。( A )1. - Id like some juice. - _ A. Here you are. B. Thank you. C. Youre welcome.( B )2. - Have some milk. - _ A. Here you are. B. Thank you. C. Oh, me too.( B )3. - Thank you. - _ A. Thank you. B. Youre welcome. C. Goodbye.( A )4. _ some milk. A. Drink B

16、. Eat C. Cut( C )5. - Can I have some water, please? - _ A. Have some bread. B. Thank you. C. Here you are.( A )6. - Here you are. - _ A. Thanks. B. OK! C. Cool! I like it.十二、在方框内为下列英语句子选择恰当的汉语意思,并把答案代号写在题前括号内。A. 给你。B. 请给我些蛋糕好吗?C. 不用谢。D. 谢谢。E. 吃些鱼。( B )1. Can I have some cake, please?( D )2. Thank y

17、ou.( A )3. Here you are.( C )4. Youre welcome.( E )5. Eat some fish.十三、按照句子的正确语序,给下列单词重新排列顺序,把代号写在横线上。1. some I water Can have ?2. you Here are .3. rice some Eat .4. welcome Youre .5.Have milk some ?十四、给下列句子排序,排成一段对话。请把序号写在每个句子前的括号内。( 3 ) - Thank you.( 4 ) - Youre welcome.( 2 ) - Here you are.( 1 )

18、- Can I have some water, please?十五、情景交际。选择合适的答案,并把答案代号写在题前括号内。( A )1. 当你口渴时,你说: A. Can I have some water ? B. Can I have some bread? C. Here you are.( C )2. 当你把东西递给别人时,你应该说: A. You are welcome. B. Thank you. C. Here you are.( B )3. 当别人请你喝牛奶时,你应该对他说: A. Have some milk. B. Thank you. C. Eat some fish.

19、( B )4. 如果你想要一些面包,你应该怎么说: A. Have some bread. B. Id like some bread. C. Its bread.( C )5. 今天是你的生日,该切蛋糕了,你应该如何表达? A. Drink some water. B. Eat some rice. C. Cut the cake.开心智慧乐园回答Thank you.的几种方式1. Youre welcome./ Not at all. 不客气。2. Its my pleasure./ My pleasure./ Its a pleasure. 乐意效劳。3. Thats all right./ Thats OK. 不用谢。4. Dont mention it. 别客气。5. No problem./ No worries. 没什么。6. Dont be silly./ Dont be daft. 别犯傻了,算不了什么。学以致用,希望同学们在今后的学习和生活中好好应用哦。


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