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1、Unit 6KATE MCKENNA: January 28th! We can t make that deadline. 凯特麦凯纳:1月28日! 我们不可能做到。 DON BRADLEY: Yes, we can. It s difficult but it s possible. 堂布拉德利:不,我们可以做到。虽然有难度,但还是有可能的。 KATE MCKENNA: I don t know. We re launching The Mad Monkey on January 26th. 凯特麦凯纳:我不确定。我们1月26日要推出Mad Monkey。 DON BRADLEY: We

2、can re-schedule the launch of Mad Monkey, can t we? 堂布拉德利:我们可以重新确定推出Mad Monkey的时间,对吧? KATE MCKENNA: I ll have to talk to the distributors as soon as possible. 凯特麦凯纳:我要尽快和销售商说一下。 DON BRADLEY: When can you go and see them? 堂布拉德利:你什么时候可以去见他们? KATE MCKENNA: I ll have to take the first flight I can. 凯特麦凯

3、纳:我必须搭乘能赶上的头班飞机。 MR. SAKAI: The presentation was very interesting. 酒井先生:演示很有趣。 CLIVE HARRIS: Thank you. 克莱夫哈里斯:谢谢。 MR. SAKAI: There are exciting possibilities for both our companies. 酒井先生:我们两家公司都有令人心动的希望。 CLIVE HARRIS: Yes, I think so. 克莱夫哈里斯:是的,我是这样看的。 We have a lot to discuss, don t we? 我们有很多东西要讨论

4、,对吧? MR. SAKAI: Yes, we do. 酒井先生:是的,确实。 I would like to stay an extra day if that is possible. 如有可能,我想多待一天。 CLIVE HARRIS: I would be delighted. 克莱夫哈里斯:我太高兴了。 We can arrange everything. 我们可以安排一切事宜。 What is your itinerary? 你的行程是怎样的? MR. SAKAI: I am scheduled to fly to Frankfurt tomorrow morning at sev

5、en. 酒井先生:我原定是明早飞法兰克福的班机。 Would it be possible to find out if there is an afternoon flight? 有可能查一下有没有下午的航班? CLIVE HARRIS: Of course. I ll do that now. 克莱夫哈里斯:当然可以。我现在就查。 CLIVE HARRIS: Jenny, we need to check flights to Frankfurt for Sakai-san. 克莱夫哈里斯:詹妮,我们要为酒井先生查一下去法兰克福的航班 PHIL WATSON: So that s exce

6、llent. We agree on the design. 菲尔沃森:这样就太好了。我们就设计取得了一致。 I think those colours will work well together and the lettering looks good. 我认为这两种颜色会搭配的很好,而那些文字看上去很不错。 EDWARD GREEN: I think Don will be very happy with this but I ll confirm by fax tomorrow morning. 爱德华格林:我想堂会对此很满意的,但我明天下午还是传真给他确认一下。 PHIL WATS

7、ON: And when is your deadline? 菲尔沃森:你的最后期限是什么时候? EDWARD GREEN: Everything must be ready for the launch on February 15th. 爱德华格林:2月15日的发售一定要做好一切准备。 KATE MCKENNA: January 28th! We can t make that deadline. 凯特麦凯纳:1月28日! 我们不可能做到。 DON BRADLEY: Yes, we can. It s difficult but it s possible. 堂布拉德利:不,我们可以做到。

8、虽然有难度,但还是有可能的。 KATE MCKENNA: I don t know. We re launching The Mad Monkey on January 26th. 凯特麦凯纳:我不确定。我们1月26日要推出Mad Monkey。 DON BRADLEY: We can re-schedule the launch of Mad Monkey, can t we? 堂布拉德利:我们可以重新确定推出Mad Monkey的时间,对吧? KATE MCKENNA: I ll have to talk to the distributors as soon as possible. 凯

9、特麦凯纳:我要尽快和销售商说一下。 DON BRADLEY: When can you go and see them? 堂布拉德利:你什么时候可以去见他们? KATE MCKENNA: I ll have to take the first flight I can. 凯特麦凯纳:我必须搭乘能赶上的头班飞机。 MR. SAKAI: The presentation was very interesting. 酒井先生:演示很有趣。 CLIVE HARRIS: Thank you. 克莱夫哈里斯:谢谢。 MR. SAKAI: There are exciting possibilities f

10、or both our companies. 酒井先生:我们两家公司都有令人心动的希望。 CLIVE HARRIS: Yes, I think so. 克莱夫哈里斯:是的,我是这样看的。 We have a lot to discuss, don t we? 我们有很多东西要讨论,对吧? MR. SAKAI: Yes, we do. 酒井先生:是的,确实。 I would like to stay an extra day if that is possible. 如有可能,我想多待一天。 CLIVE HARRIS: I would be delighted. 克莱夫哈里斯:我太高兴了。 We

11、 can arrange everything. 我们可以安排一切事宜。 What is your itinerary? 你的行程是怎样的? MR. SAKAI: I am scheduled to fly to Frankfurt tomorrow morning at seven. 酒井先生:我原定是明早飞法兰克福的班机。 Would it be possible to find out if there is an afternoon flight? 有可能查一下有没有下午的航班? CLIVE HARRIS: Of course. I ll do that now. 克莱夫哈里斯:当然可

12、以。我现在就查。 CLIVE HARRIS: Jenny, we need to check flights to Frankfurt for Sakai-san. 克莱夫哈里斯:詹妮,我们要为酒井先生查一下去法兰克福的航班 PHIL WATSON: So that s excellent. We agree on the design. 菲尔沃森:这样就太好了。我们就设计取得了一致。 I think those colours will work well together and the lettering looks good. 我认为这两种颜色会搭配的很好,而那些文字看上去很不错。 E

13、DWARD GREEN: I think Don will be very happy with this but I ll confirm by fax tomorrow morning. 爱德华格林:我想堂会对此很满意的,但我明天下午还是传真给他确认一下。 PHIL WATSON: And when is your deadline? 菲尔沃森:你的最后期限是什么时候? EDWARD GREEN: Everything must be ready for the launch on February 15th. 爱德华格林:2月15日的发售一定要做好一切准备。 JENNY ROSS: Is

14、 there an earlier flight? 詹妮罗斯:有没有早点的航班? .No, I really want a direct flight.Okay, I ll hang on. 不,我想要直航的好的,我不会挂断。 KATE MCKENNA: Sorry Jenny. 凯特麦凯纳:对不起,詹妮。 Could you find out the times of flights to Atlanta and reserve me a seat? 你能查一下去亚特兰大的航班并帮我订张票吗? Business class. Non smoking. 商务仓。非吸烟区。 Returning

15、the day after tomorrow.Thanks. 后天返回。谢谢。 I m going home to pack a bag. 我要回家收拾包裹。 I ll phone you in half an hour. 我半小时后再给你电话。 CLIVE HARRIS: Have you stayed in Frankfurt before? 克莱夫哈里斯:你之前有没有在法兰克福待过? MR. SAKAI: Oh yes, many times. 酒井先生:待过,好多次了。 JENNY ROSS: Clive.Sakai-san. Can I just have a word? 詹妮罗斯:

16、克莱夫 酒井先生。我能讲句话吗? MR. SAKAI: Of course. 酒井先生:当然。 JENNY ROSS: It s about your travel plans. 詹妮罗斯:是有关您的旅行计划。 MR. SAKAI: Ah, thank you. 酒井先生:啊, 谢谢。 JENNY ROSS: We have arranged everything for you. 詹妮罗斯:我们已经为您安排好了一切。 You leave London at 14.55 tomorrow. 您可以明天14;55分离开伦敦。 Latest check in time is 13.55 at Te

17、rminal Two. 最迟办理登机手续的时间是13:55,登机口是2号。 You have been upgraded to First Class at no extra charge. 您已免费升级到等仓。 MR. SAKAI: That is very kind. Do you know what time I arrive in Frankfurt? 酒井先生:你们太好了。你知道我到达法兰克福的时间吗? JENNY ROSS: You arrive at Frankfurt at 17.30 local time 詹妮罗斯:您到达法兰克福的时间是当地时间17:30, and we h

18、ave also arranged for a car to take you to your seven o clock meeting. 我们也为您安排了车接您去7点钟会议的会场 Your flight back to Japan is on Saturday at twenty with a stop over in Dubai at the airline s expense. 您回日本的航班是在周六的20点钟,飞机中途停迪拜,费用由航空公司出。 You need to re-confirm that leg of your journey forty-eight hours befo

19、re you travel. 您要在出行前48小时再确认一下行程。 MR. SAKAI: Thank you very much, Jenny. 酒井先生:非常感谢, 詹妮。 JENNY ROSS: My pleasure, Sakai-san. 詹妮罗斯:乐意之至, 酒井先生。 MR. SAKAI: I hope to return your hospitality when you come to Japan next month. 酒井先生:我希望下个月你们来日本时,我可以回馈你们的热情好客。 DON BRADLEY: Derek? 堂布拉德利:德里克? DEREK JONES: Uh

20、huh. 德里克琼斯:哼!, 哈! DON BRADLEY: Can I ask you a quick question? 堂布拉德利:我能问你一个问题吗? DEREK JONES: Fire away. 德里克琼斯:说吧。 DON BRADLEY: Can you make this January 28th deadline? 堂布拉德利:你能在1月28日前完成吗? DEREK JONES: Who knows? 德里克琼斯:谁知道啊? It s difficult to say because there is a lot of work to do. 很难说,有太多的工作要做。 DO

21、N BRADLEY: Well, it s getting late. 堂布拉德利:时间不早了。 I m going home. We ll talk tomorrow. 我要回家了。我们明天谈。 See you in the morning. 明天早上见。 DEREK JONES: Good night. 德里克琼斯:晚上好。 How can I help you? 可以为您效劳吗? KATE MCKENNA: I d like to hire a car. 凯特麦凯纳:我要租辆车。 CAR HIRE CLERK: For how long? 车辆租赁人员:用多久? KATE MCKENNA

22、: Just for twenty-four hours. 凯特麦凯纳:就24小时。 CAR HIRE CLERK: Which category of car would you like, madam? 车辆租赁人员:夫人,你要哪种车? KATE MCKENNA: I d like the standard four door saloon. 凯特麦凯纳:就要标准的四门轿车好了。 CAR HIRE CLERK: That s fine. 车辆租赁人员:好。 That price includes full collision waiver and unlimited mileage. 这个价格包括全额免碰撞保险服务,并且不限里程。 How are you paying? 您怎样付款? KATE MCKENNA: I have a corporate charge card. 凯特麦凯纳:我有公司赊帐卡。 CAR HIRE CLERK: That s fine, and may I see your driver s license, please? 车辆租赁人员:可以, 可以看一下您的驾驶证吗?


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