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1、8.2 Formal MeetingsVOCABUILARY Business Meetings1 The phrases in bold are taken from a business meeting.What do they mean?1 So, whats on the agenda for today?2 Is anyone taking the minutes?3 I think we should adjourn for lunch.4 Who supposed to be chairing this meeting?5 Can i just sum up the main p

2、oints were agreed?6 Sorry, can I just butt in for a moment?7 Were running short of time.Can we move on?8 I think Jade is better placed to answer than me.2 Who said each one:the chairperson or a participant?GRAMMAR Modal verbs3 Look at the sentences taken from a companys ethics code.What obligation i

3、s placed on the employee in each case?Match each modal verb in bold to an adjective(A-E).A compulsory C permitted E forbiddenB advisable(a good idea) D unnecessary 1 You may taken an outside job, if there is no conflict of interest.2 You should at all times act in the best interests of the company.3

4、 If you give or receive a gift whose value is under $40 you dont have to declare it.4 You mustnt use knowledge you have about the company which is not public to speculate with its shares.5 All company assets,even stationery,must be used for company business, not personal gain.6 You should aways repr

5、esent the services of the company to the customer as honestly and openly possible.7 You must not pass on classified information, such as customer data, to any third party.4 Imagine an employee broke the code.Which rules in exercise 3 do these crimes or offences relate to?Bribery insider dealing brea

6、ch of confidence theft misselling SPEAKING Discussing business ethics5 What does the term whistleblowing mean? You are going to agree a policy for your company. Read the information below.Your company, a national newspaper, has already defined a code of business ethics covering such things as paymen

7、ts given for information, confidentiality, receipt of gifts, etc.Its next task is to define a policy on internal whistleblowing: in other words what happens when one employee would like to alert the company to the unethical practice of another employee.You are going to meet with your colleagues to d

8、iscuss and agree this policy.6 Before you meet, the following list is circulated among you. Look at the sentences below and choose the modal verb that indicates what you think is the correct policy.1 If you become aware that another employee has broken the ethical code you must/ may/ dont have to re

9、port it. 2 When reporting such breaches you must/ dont have to/ mustnt give your name.3 If you only suspect unethical practice, but cannot prove it, you must/ should/ mustnt report it.4 The management must/ may/ doesnt have to treat any accusations of unethical practice in confidence.5 The accused s

10、hould/ doesnt have to/ mustnt know the identity of his or her accuser.6 The whistleblower should/ may/ mustnt benefit personally from his action by way of promotion or other personal gain.7 Look at the agenda and prepare for the meeting.Nominate one person to chair the meeting.(The chairperson may f

11、ind the phrases at the bottom of the page useful.) Agenda 1 Whistleblowing - a right or a duty? 2 The right to anonymity 3 Rewards for whistleblowers 4 Any other businessChairing a meeting OK.Shall we start?As you know, were here to discuss/ talk about/ consider.The aim of this meeting is to.Carlos, would you like to begin?I think we should move no to the next point.Perhaps we can come back to this later.Can I just interrupt you,Carlos?So,to sum up, weve agreed that.Dose anyone have anything further to add?OK.Lets leave it there.Thank you all for your input.


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