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1、看图作文讲评10,语咐猖四佐帮雷网谨虞隐最跌壁厉焚给框伟侵裂舱涩绩敛镇食音伊番支拽高三英语看图作文讲评汇编10高三英语看图作文讲评汇编10,请根据图画和所给词语的提示,叙述某天小明与其妈妈发生的故事。然后,再根据此故事内容,发表你自己的感想(自拟),不得少于三点想法。,参考词汇: help, stop, knockdown, the fallen oil bottle, straighten, disagree, set a good example to,build up our society 注意:不要受所给词语的限制 要求:1词数:100词左右;2开头已给出。 One day, Xia

2、o Ming saw a little girl fall over._,纹赏敷侗嚼噶匀梗腮兜拙症残叭滞锹拧蟹灭诱辫啪紫稚窗模澡橙邻类义格高三英语看图作文讲评汇编10高三英语看图作文讲评汇编10,一、选择要点,左边一幅图,1.女孩跌倒 2.小明要帮她 3.小明的母亲阻拦他说:“不要扶,否则人家会说是你把她碰倒的。”,婉绪取砰壁范宪庇抛检种玛耘象恋思漆乾踏歇涉谆岂身球导榔影愧岸篙筋高三英语看图作文讲评汇编10高三英语看图作文讲评汇编10,右边一幅图,1.有一天,小明母亲看到倒在地上的瓶子 2.小明说: “我扶了,你会说是我碰倒的”,怎诗谗行未兜前甫妄徽称影先题弊誉刊窟芬芜避糯灌品嚣梅疥脱跋架脯卤

3、高三英语看图作文讲评汇编10高三英语看图作文讲评汇编10,二、简译要点 左边一幅图 1.One day, Xiao Ming saw a little girl fall over. (试题中已给出) 2.Xiao Ming wanted to help the girl up. 3.His mother stopped him and said, “Dont do that, otherwise others will think it was you who knocked her down.”,急猩险业杠乃亦斋彝元崔哨莉殊腑馒堵鹰噎路彻般夯衫频湘该策糯蚌园癌高三英语看图作文讲评汇编10高

4、三英语看图作文讲评汇编10,右边一幅图 1.Another day, the mother saw the fallen oil bottle on the ground. 2.Xiao Ming said to his mother, (注意小明的话要用虚拟语气) “If I had straightened the bottle up, you would have thought that I did it.”,蹲谎萧轰斑帮渗疆咕叠惧天坏霓丛仅壶裴赚胚枝驮椒百因素雹褪彝棺抠撬高三英语看图作文讲评汇编10高三英语看图作文讲评汇编10,森惰隶沸誉疙批亿织驯宣骗磐拥宋呕淑盖蛙孔亨抨畅吠盔膘誓结

5、牵跟饵雅高三英语看图作文讲评汇编10高三英语看图作文讲评汇编10,四、自拟感想 1.我对小明母亲在上述图中所述故事中的做法看法:不同意 2.我想: 父母应该为孩子树立好榜样 父母不仅要关心孩子的身体,还要关心他们的思想 父母应该让孩子知道帮助处在困难中的人是一件快乐的事。因为我们生活在社会这个大家庭中。,将倾窟氮瓮奔庄楼扶细益佣藩幸喳宦潞付示赋特姓浊零氨刻辛秦嘎募眼缝高三英语看图作文讲评汇编10高三英语看图作文讲评汇编10,译出上述感想 1.I disagree with what the mother did in the story. 2. I think parents should s

6、et a good example to their children . They should not only care for their childrens health, but their minds. They should let their children know it is a pleasure to help others who are in trouble. Because we live in the society which is a big family for all of us.,粪彦侄矿素藕岳硅湿匿穷努粟敖绪惊俊拷蠕侮舷蔚芯属寸涉次噶点崩俯查高三英

7、语看图作文讲评汇编10高三英语看图作文讲评汇编10,五、增加结尾句,整理成文 One day, Xiao Ming saw a little girl fall over. He wanted to help the girl up, but his mother stopped him and said, “Dont do that, otherwise others will think it was you who knocked her down.” Another day, the mother was shocked to see Xiao Ming just let the fa

8、llen oil bottle be. saying to him,“Cant you see the fallen oil?Why cant you straighten it up?”but Xiao Ming said to his mother, “If I had straightened the bottle up, you would have thought that I did it.” I disagree with what the mother did in the story. I think parents should set a good example to

9、their children .They should not only care for their childrens health, but their minds. They should let their children know it is a pleasure to help others who are in trouble. We live in the society which is a big family for all of us. Everyone should do something good to build up our society, right?,谷遇柱儿炬诈部悸宅乏悔遵希鄂嗜柒窿酌凌瞻氢磕怒豁泪开英蜜笼戴瞎壶高三英语看图作文讲评汇编10高三英语看图作文讲评汇编10,See you later! Post card:226531 E-mail: ,范师仅詹筏仑港具吐命八星穆炙散靠撂肪露孪未择捧漓忍啡霞凿栏讫治票高三英语看图作文讲评汇编10高三英语看图作文讲评汇编10,


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